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Lena Geveron

"Yes I'm an angel pilot, do you expect anything else?"

0 · 1,379 views · located in Tymere

a character in “Operation Snowfall”, as played by Mineczka


Appearance- Image

Name: Lena Geveron
Age: 19
Sex: Sure why not?
Gender: Female

Appearance: (picture works best)
Armor: look at appearance (if this is okay)
Head: the headset allows Lena to contact the others.
Chest: A special type of piloting gear that allows flexibility but protect the wearer stopping a small caliber round (.22mm, .9mm, etc. etc.) without killing the pilot (Leaves a hell of a bruise though!) it also prevents the pilot from dying (for a bit) from extreme weather (IF this all is okay)
Legs: Same as chest armor

Personality- Lena is kinda quiet unless spoken to, or given Caffeine then she's a bit more talkative, she cares for her allies even if she doesn't show it. She's decisive and calculative when in combat and will bark orders if needed because of her view from the top of her Mecha Silver Wing. She generally dislikes combat especially if its pointless to the point of walking out of the battlefield. Although being decisive she is clumsy and does rush things at times. She shows compassion for the war to stop and would like to stop fights by any means necessary. Lena seems confident but she doubts herself a lot and breaks down if given a situation where she thinks she can't be of any use. (More to be added later)

Sexual Orientation: Straight (For now! Tee Hee!)
Likes: 1-5
+Mecha (Especially her Mecha)
+Caffeine (Addicted.)
+Her sword (touch it and be destroyed!)

Dislikes: 1-5
-Spiders (Kill on sight with largest weapon possible)
-Pointless fighting
-War in general
-Any adversary
-People whom fight weaker opponents

Equipment- Pilot Suit.
Weapons: A Winchester 30/30 in cockpit, and a Nice little Katana on her back (For that one person whom gets too close)
Other: Giant F**kin mecha.

Mecha- Image (if this is okay)

Story: Lena grew up in Eastport*, a small town in Maine that seemed safe due to how isolated it was and the militia protected it. Until recently it was ravaged and nearly obliterated by the Rensen she managed to escape with gifts from her now deceased family. For a few years she was in hiding until Red 3 broke out and started the Reds. She pondered joining the Reds as they were beaten almost to a pulp. She decided not to, until, they took the capital city. At that point she knew, she would pilot a mecha for the Reds for her town and family.

Theme (because why not!): Burn My Dread, Persona 3
*This is an actual Island-city. Just pointing out.

So begins...

Lena Geveron's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3 Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Apex-1
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The city bustled with the sounds of metal. Clanking, grinding, and scratching filled the street. Deep inside the city's bowls the sounds were muffled. The War Room, a room filled with maps of all of Rensen. Rensen trade routes, outposts, patrol schedules, and clocks of diffrent time-zones cover the walls. The analyzers, highest ranking officers, and the whole of the Angle Squad talked war. This went on for hours and hours, until 4 men in full light mech armor marched in the room. Red 3's personal guard.

"SOLDIERS! ATTENTION!" One shouted inside the suit. The entire room stood in attention as a tall woman talked through the door of the War Room. The room fell silent as they all realized it was no other than Red 3 herself.

"...At ease..." She muttered out as she walked to the center of the room and put her hands on the table. "Lady's and gentlemen. We have come to a crucial point in the war..." She stated as she walked around the room, looking over the maps and charts, along with the people in the room, men and women she had fought with. "We have taken, in the past 3 months, 103 Rensen supply caravans, and have seized almost 60 new mechs. As of now men, we are stronger than we have ever been..." From this, the room roared with cheer. But the celebration was short lived as she spoke again. "But... Rensen has developed a new weapon. Commander Tullias, you have the floor."

Slowly, an older man in his 50's stood in front of the room, and after a short introduction pulled up a hologram of soldier. But no normal soldier. What ever it was, it looked human, but didn't seem human. The body was to large, though it wasnt large enough to be a Super. "This, is what we are facing. Rensen scientists have bujild what ever this is, and plan to make more of them... Right now, this is the only one. But more soon more will be made. We know that this one has a reputation of being... Aggressive. We have to get to him, and kill him, before more of him can be made... We almost nothing about him. other than he is somewhere on the contenate. But for now, all squads are to report to there posts, and protect the city until we gather enough intel..."

For the next half hour, Tullis talked of other varius situations, but the idea of the soldier was the only one that stuck in the minds of the men. From here, the meeting was dismissed, and the room resumed its normal ruteins.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3
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Lena stood at attention as Red-3and general Tullis spoke and soon rushed off to her mecha to start her fight to back the opposing forces off as best she can due to her doubts of Silver Wing's repairs from a major malfunction in the controlling system. She climbed up the forty-five foot mecha which was conveniently crouched down for easier climbing. As Lena rose higher she then started to see what was going on, 'Fun, they are moving forward...' she thought as she got in the cockpit dropping herself into her seat, 'alright work now...' she thought once again as her mind raced from the anxiety of the battle. As the explosions grew closer she started the systems up one-by-one starting with the drive train, then the electric response controls, and finally the AI. She had planted the AI a few days before and hadn't tested it much and really didn't know what it would do. Quickly as the explosions grew close the mecha started up and stood. She activated the gravity pulse inside the mecha and it began to float. Lena put her arms and legs into the motion controls and began to run a quick check of the motions. Putting on her headset Lena spoke, "Angel unit 596, Silver Wing, Ready for launch" She said clearly as the tower responded with a clear to launch notice. and Lena was gone.

Lena stopped near the enemy front lines looked around the area to scout them and see where this new super soldier was so she could instantly destroy it on sight. She looked about and checked the scanners, nothing. Quickly she moved forward towards the enemy, prepared to face whatever came her way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Alley played with a pencil while General Tullias discussed things with the people in the war room. Alley listens to carefully while balancing the pencil between his mouth and nose with his arms crossed and back to the chair. After the discussion was done, Lena rushed out of the room.

"where is she rushing off to?" Alley though

Alley decided to ignore her and slowly got up, and walked out of the war room. There was nothing to do at the moment so he decided to see AIS. Usually at times like this, AIS is up at the top of the base. He took his time following the corridor, taking the elevator, and going up some stairs to the top of the base where AIS was standing, looking up to the grey sky. Seeing part of America through her satellite placed on the sky.

"whats up, AIS?" he said

AIS turned to look at Alley. Her expression did not change. Her face was as usually. No smile, expressionless.

"The condition seems to be normal" she answered and turned her head up towards the sky "no threats detected"

Alley walked to AIS's side. He slowly put his hands inside his vest's pocket and took out a small white lily flower and handed it to AIS.

"this is for you" he said while smiling.

AIS turned her head to look what Alley is holding. She stared at it for a while and gently took the flower.

"Thank you" she said but her face is still expressionless

She placed the flower on both palm and started to turn her head to the sky again, silent.

Alley smiled. AIS rarely accept gifts but she always accept if it were any kind flower. Alley wonders why she always keeps the flower with her until it withers. Alley watched AIS for a moment, turned, and started to walk heading to the garage where they put all the mecha's and other mobiles. On the way, Alley took out his cellphone and tried contacting Lena through her headset to ask where she was at and what was she doing. He waited for Lena to answer...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena was continuing into the enemy lines secretly as possible. With her active camouflage on she moved through, 'where is this thing?' she thought as it was interrupted by Alley contacting her wondering what she was doing, "I'm searching for something..." she muttered as she continued to move, "And stop using an unencrypted channel to talk to me, I could be traced..." Lena was irritated by Alley doing this. She had orders from Commander Hiyatus to search and destroy any hostile forces near. Lena turned the building seeing and enemy mecha standing there as if expecting her, 'Crap!' she thought as she dove back to the side as it opened fire on her with his mini-gun, 'Great... I've got a tank Mecha to deal with...' she thought as she looked at the extendible camera looking at it, 'well I cant shoot through the armor with my rifle, its not high powered, and Getting close will kill me... I'll need a shot in the weak point...' she thought as the mecha kept a suppressing fire on her, 'I'll go for the cockpit since its armor has been weakened there...' she thought as she positioned her mecha for a matrix jump across the area. As soon as she was ready her AI went up to assist her by telling her the angles and power she needed to use. Finally she jumped and fired three rounds straight at the mecha, the first two missed the intended target and the third hit but failed miserably, all it did was seem to piss off the driver whom stepped forward while continuously firing upon her. She decided to flee. and radioed to AIS, "AIS I need a satellite laser on my position, coordinates are 493 East and 24 North in the northeast sector. Its a tank Mecha" She ordered as she continued to flee.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Apex-1
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#, as written by Grahf



Then a roar of explosion. Steel screams as it rips like paper, sparks jump from suddenly exposed wires, munitions go off with several rapid bangs. What was a mech only moments before became a shattered and torn paperweight in the blink of an eye. Something had torn it in half. Perfectly divided down it's middle- from the squat boxy head to what would have been it's groin had it been a living creature, a split ran. For a moment it sat, sparking and smoking from the divide.....before a shift causes the whole thing to fall over.

A lone figure stands, wreathed in smoke, yet already enough detail revealed to show that THIS was the being on the secure footage. And it had just ripped a mech in half. But not with it's hands. A motion, one hand rising swiftly, causes the left half of the ruined mech to vibrate slightly...and lift from the ground a few inches. With a sweeping motion, as if casting aside a bit of paper, the arm moves...and the hunk of metal is flung away. The armored being commands an invisible force...

'Apex, return to base. We are detecting wireless communications and the activation of Sat weaponry. Enemy presence is evident.' the Vox Bead crackles in the being's ear, before resuming 'The test was successful, but you need to return.'

"Sorry, Control...Coms seem to be fuzzy. Didn't get that last order..moving on." the beast replies, switching off the Vox Bead. So, there was prey about? How interesting. The armored figure steps out of the wreckage, one hand reaching down to unholster it's sidearm. Hunting season had come early. Command would long as he brought home a few scalps. With a chuckle Apex actiivates an active tracking program, seeking to triangulate the source of the wireless brodcasts...someone wasn't using encrypted channels. They would pay for that.

An arrow forms on the HUD, pointing in the general direction the signal had originated from...the details would sharpen the closer he got.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Lauren (Laurence) Hallows Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena accepted Alley's call

"I'm searching for something.. And stop using an unencrypted channel to talk to me, I could be traced..." Lena said to Alley

"yeah yeah, alright.. keep your cool" he continued "it's not like we are the only ones using cellphone on earth.. "

suddenly the connection was cut off. Alley scratched the back of his head because of the sudden disconnection and started to continue his walk to the garage. Along the way he saw Lauren cleaning a sniper rifle in his room with the door opened. Alley stopped walking.

"Hei, Lauren" he called to Lauren from the outside the room
"you wanna check out those new Mechas in the garage?"


AIS was already observing Lena from the satellite when Lena request to laser a Tank Mecha on a given coordinate.

"request received" she said to Lena using their encrypted communication channel by her aeriel earpiece.

AIS satellite was outside of earth atmosphere. It started to glow bright red, turning its tip accurately pointing to the coordinate given on earth, and shoots a silent laser down, as fast as the speed of light. The laser hit the coordinates given and blasted through the Tank Mecha, sounding like thunder, leaving a giant hole in the middle of it. The tank has stopped moving and the engine fell silent but it is uncertain if the Tank Mecha pilot is dead or alive.

Suddenly a small airship fell down on the Tank Mecha, exploding, destroying both the airship and the Tank Mecha.

AIS started to observe carefully through the Satellite and saw a small furry blue thing like a koala bear on Lena's Mecha. AIS's satellite laser ready to fire if the blue thing is sure an enemy...

"should I inform RED 3 about your encounter with the enemy, Lena?" AIS asked Lena if information should be given to RED 3.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Lauren (Laurence) Hallows Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Apex-1 Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena nodded, "Yes, if there's one there's more..." she said as she saw a blue fur-ball wave hi at her, 'What the hell is that.' she thought as she pondered on what to do, Kill it, or help it. To her it seemed friendly, but, she couldn't tell. As Lena thought she heard explosions go on behind her, "Get in." she demanded opening the Cockpit letting him in, "Don't touch anything but your seat please, I'm in a fight..." Quickly Lena turned around seeing a powerful Rensen Mecha behind her by what she thought was through tracing, "Sunuva..." she muttered as she prepared for a flee due to her angel mecha's lighter armor, she immediately yelped, "Alley you bastard!" as she launched her angel into the air high enough that his tracer can't target her or radar she got an analysis in where she was, she was in the stratosphere of the earth. She continued to move towards home base to alert the others of the mecha she found with a rather odd look to it, especially the logo on it, it looked familiar, but Lena wasn't positive where she saw it though. She continued to fly.

Finally Lena returned back to the Reds HQ, she looked at the blue fur-ball, "If you want to join, talk to Red-3" she said as she got and walked up to AIS, "Thank you for you assistance" she said with a slight bow. She stood back up and went to find Alley. After about twenty minutes of searching she found him, and Laurence, "May I borrow him Lauren?" she asked as she put her arm around Alley's neck tightening a bit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Lauren (Laurence) Hallows Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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AIS saw that Lena took the blue furry thing and was already out of dangers way. The satellite was turned to observation mode. While still monitoring Lena through the satellite, AIS contacted RED 3.

"Calling RED 3" she tried contacting RED 3 through the encrypted channel.
"There was a Tank Mecha detected near 493 East and 24 North in the northeast sector" she continued "The Tank Mecha was destroyed by Satellite laser and a falling airship... Lena has taken a blue koala bear in her Mecha and currently on the way back to base"

After a while, AIS reached the takeoff area and saw Lena's mecha land. After the mecha landed, the blue koala bear jumped out and Lena started talking to it. Lena then walked to AIS.

"Thank you for you assistance" Lena said with a slight bow and walked away

Then the koala bear started to talk to AIS

"hello, do you know where I can find the leader of the Red's? Me wish to speak with her." The koala bear said with its ears flat against its head.

AIS eyed the being for a moment. Looking at its blue fur,2 pair of arms, big sharp teeth and weird eyes. The creature was incredibly rough looking but cute in its own way.

"May I know your name and what is your purpose of meeting Master RED 3?" she asked with an expressionless face


Alley and Laurence went to the garage together. The garage was lined with many kind of mecha and mobiles. Engineers was busy doing their work. Some were repairing and maintaining wellness of machinery while some were spraying paints, changing the color, painting new Red's logo on the machines and mechas.

Alley took his sweet time examining the types of mobiles that was available and a green jeep caught Alley's eye.


"wow this looks nice" Alley said what he was thinking and turned to Laurence
"it's in good condition.. No Rensen's or Red's logo" he continued "we could take it out and scout the area without Rensen knowing we're from Red"

Suddenly an arm clutches Alley's neck, tightening. Alley placed his hand on the arm wondering who it was and turned to look. It was Lena.

" "May I borrow him Lauren?" she said to Laurence

Other than Alley, Lena also called Laurence by the name of, Lauren.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3 Character Portrait: Alley Ishka
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Lena squeezed tighter on Alley's neck due to what he did, she backed up slowly with Alley in her choke-hold of death the further she went the tighter she got on his neck until they passed the corner and at that point Lena threw Alley against the wall and pinned him there, "Are you trying to kill me and everyone here?!" she questioned, "thanks to you I had to flee from my mission to protect myself and the others! You idiot!" she screamed as she released and stormed off in rage to prevent her from killing the poor male. Finally she walked up to where Red-3 was and gave a salute, "Lena returning from my scouting mission." she said fairly loud to make sure she is heard.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3 Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Alley was strangled by Lena and was thrown against a wall. It anger Alley but he tried to keep his cool and not let his blood boil too much.

"Are you trying to kill me and everyone here?!" she questioned, "thanks to you I had to flee from my mission to protect myself and the others! You idiot!" she screamed as she released and stormed off in rage

Alley was confused by the sudden blast of rage from Lena. He didn't know what Lena thought he did.

"what's your problem?" he asked while sustaining himself from yelling "what did I do?" he questioned but Lena was already gone.
"we'll settle this later" Alley went back to the garage to find Laurence.


AIS watched as Red 3 arrive in her craft called Grim. The craft landed, cooled down, and Red 3 walked out and toward AIS and 626.

"... Strange to say the least..." Red 3 said while looking at 626

626 climbed and clung to Red 3's shoulder with his tail waging "this tech is amazing" but quickly jumped off

"Ummm. Me no mean offence." 626 said

AIS just stood there watching 626 behavior but her eyes were more focused to 626's tail. AIS eyes squinted. AIS was feeling some kind of sensation watching 626 fluffy small tail waging and stared at it more. Her hands seemed to move on its own slowly towards the tail, shaking, trying to get hold of the tail.

"Lena returning from my scouting mission." Lena suddenly appeared


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3 Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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"At ease..." She stated with a nod looking over Lena. "Return to the War Room, ill debrief you there." (ILL MAKE A PLACE FOR THE WAR ROOM C:)

Again, she turned to look at the creature. Under the glass of her helmet both 626 and AIS could see she was smiling, something she never does, as it climbed onto her. With a soft laugh she watched him tumble to the ground, then slowly bend down to bow to the creature. "Welcome little one... I remember you from one of my dreams...Or maybe a creature that looked like you... But that was a long time ago..." Her voice started to trail off as she remembered her life in the prisons, but then blinked and returned to speaking normally.

"Welcome to Tymere. The capital city of the ROT (Rensen Occupied Territory), that now acts as our base. You don't have to humble your self to me, because here, no one is above anyone else. I am not a queen, i am not a even a leader. Im simply a soldier, and Im no more valuable than anyone you see here. These men follow me... That is all that separates us." Her words were soft but commanded a strong presence. Slowly she extended her hand out to the creature and shook its paw softly before speaking again; "Your welcome to stay here as long as you wish, until we find a position for you or you leave on your own causes. But for now, AIS will take care of you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Red 3 Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena relaxed and walked off to the war room looking back seeing Red-3 showing her soft side, she was surprised by the fact that Red-3 whom was a uptight person (More than Lena) towards the blue Furball, which AIS seemed interested in too being how she smiled watching it. She didn't care much for cute things but she felt different about this one being the others' reactions and the fact that it somehow got on Silver Wing, being how Silver Wing flies its more difficult to climb on it from the ground. She disregarded the thought as she entered the war room. 'Oh I feel she's not gonna be happy...' Lena thought as she leaned against the wall, 'being how I fled from the target she was talking about... Damnit...' Lena was upset by what she had to do because she didn't even scan the damn thing to know its armaments. Lena stood there and waited for Red-3.

The setting changes from Tymere to The War Room.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron
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Lena heard Red-3's broadcast through her headset as she waited in the war room, 'Good thing I'm already here...' she thought as she just took a seat in a random chair to wait for Red-3 and the others to arrive.

((Sorry for the short post, not much to work with... :/))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka
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Lena remembered Alley's message asking what he did wrong and put her head down resting on her hands, "Almost killed me... You idiot..." she muttered over the private com between her and the others within the base she although singled out Alley's com. She sat there and thought on what might have happened if Alley didn't call her, she might have gotten a ambush on both mecha that she fought and fled from, but the enemies caught wind of her little conversation with Alley and attacked. "Damnit... Why did I respond..." she questioned as she sat there in the war room with a few others flowing in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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It hasn't been long after AIS reached the War Room. She was standing beside the door, then Alley came in.

"did I miss anything?" he asked AIS

"no" AIS answered "Red 3 is not here yet"

"oh" Alley felt relieved

Then he saw Lena not far, resting her head on her hands.

"Almost killed me... You idiot..." A message to Alley came through Alley's comm

Alley was shocked hearing what Lena said. Lena did not notice Alley in the War Room yet. Alley walked to Lena and quickly sat on a chair beside her.

"What's this about me almost killed you?" He suddenly said to Lena.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka
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Lena noticed Alley sitting next to her and punched him immediately, "You calling me during my mission. I was traced by two mecha. If there were more I wouldn't be here." She screamed at Alley. She got up and stormed off again in rage and to keep her from drawing her katana and gauging his organs out. She reached her room where she shared with a friend named Kiira. Kiira is a engineer whom helped Lena develop Silver wing and basically relies on Lena to protect her since she has no fighting experience.

"Everything okay?" Kiira asked

"Yeah... Just Alley's irritating me..." Lena responded, "Again..."

Kiira giggled at Lena's remark, "he's a friendly guy, he's just like... A puppy"

Lena was confused by Kiira's remark, "A puppy?" she asked as she sat on her bed and took off her katana, "More like a lost dog and latches himself to everyone"

"Noo" Kiira laughed, "He's just trying to get you out of your shell with how he talks to you."

Lena had lain down at that point, "Well its not working." Lena replied as she took her headset off and relaxed, "He's just annoying me."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Maria Maxis Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena tried to punch at Alley but he moved his head sideways, fast enough to dodge the hit.

"what the fuck?!" he said, surprised

"You calling me during my mission. I was traced by two mecha. If there were more I wouldn't be here." She screamed at Alley, Lena got up and stormed off, leaving Alley to sit alone.

"what is wrong with her?!" Alley turned to a person near him, asking, confused.

Alley rests his back on the chair sighing and thought about the call that he made to Lena before. How could the call be traced? The call was short and it was encrypted... there must be something wrong...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a fast moving blue ball, rolled at him. When the ball was about to ram him, it moved to the side, out of the War Room.

"did anyone saw that?" surprised again

Alley had chased Blue to the garage and saw it hijack a vehicle. "wait!" he yelled to Blue but Blue was already taking off. "You'll get killed if you leave now! Anyone that tries to enter Tymere later will be treated as hostiles!" Alley tried to warn Blue but the vehicle had flew off.

Meanwhile AIS had taken over the terminal when Blue decided to go and leave. AIS remembered Red 3 telling Blue that it could fight for it's own cause so AIS decided to let it do what it want.

The 1st voice that was received by the terminal is unidentified but the second AIS recognize it is Maria. Red's double agent inside Rensen territory.

"Rensen plan on assaulting the city, I repeat, Rensen plan on assaulting the city. They are moving in to blast the city to oblivion. There is very little time, fight back or evacuate the innocent from the city!" Maria said through the terminal

"information received, Maria" AIS said to the terminal "This is AIS. We believe Red 3 has already gain the information about the coming assault. We are currently in the War Room, waiting for Red 3 to strategies and plan on what to do. In the meantime, the base is ready and armed to protect itself" Ais paused for a moment "do you need assistance in anything else, Maria?"

The setting changes from The War Room. to Tymere


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Lena had risen hearing the chatter on the com, "No..." she muttered as she got back in full gear, "Kiira, I'll be back." she ran as fast as she could to where AIS and Alley were, "I hear you have mecha problems." she said rather calmly for her being panicked about the mecha being so close to where they were, "Shall I get up there for an assist?" Lena sounded a little thrown off by the surprise of mecha, no, hostile mecha. She looked at where the fuzzball and some other person was, 'damn... I won't be able to get over there before contact...' she thought as she fled to her mecha, almost getting on her mecha in one jump. Immediately she booted Silver Wing up. She went to the elevator, "Angel unit 596, ready for launch to intercept hostile forces." she ordered in hopes she could get out there to help.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Evangeline Vincents Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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Alley saw a flying mecha launching from the base takeoff area and recognize it as Silver Wing, Lena's Angle Mecha.

"Lena!" Alley called Lena through the comm "The gun turrets are already active! careful!" Alley warned


As Blue tried to topple one of the hostile Mecha that tried to crush it, the hostile mecha flew back with it's jet thrusters and shot at Blue using it's equipped railgun while the other hostile Mecha planted it's feet on the ground and shot grappling hook at Evangeline's Wasp, trying to capture it.

The other hostile mecha that Blue thought was destroyed, threw the mobile that was on top of it, raised straight up to the sky and shot a rocket at Blue. When the rockets were a few feet away from Blue, a single line of laser from the sky shot through the rocket and it exploded. It was AIS's laser from the satellite.

"Careful, Blue. This is not like how we fought in the training area before. These are real bullets" AIS said to Blue through the comm

(you aren't destroying any mecha that easily, Alpha... Muahahaha evil laugh~!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lena Geveron Character Portrait: Evangeline Vincents Character Portrait: Alley Ishka Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Artificial Intelligence Satellite
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"Aaalright furb-- I mean Blue" Evangeline said,before activating the silent engines of her motorbike.
She could see the black walls of Tymere,when another call filled her helmet: this time the voice was clear,without buzz sounds

"I have been monitoring your movement from the satellite and it appears you have reached your target. But not very far away, there are 3 Rensen air type Mecha are heading your way, fast, from the sky. I calculate they will reach you in about a minute"

"Mh,that was fast for Rensen: I really worth three air mech? Anyway,roger that....We shall make a diversive"

The call continued:"I will do what I can using the laser from the satellite but I don't think it will be enough. You and your new friend will have to take care of yourselves... I have sent someone to disable some gun turrets on the west side of Tymere but some will still be activated. You will have to evade the shots from the activated one. I shall pass you to Alley"

"Mh,that was fast for Rensen: I really worth three air mech? Anyway,roger that....We shall make a diverse"
Evangeline said,before Another call,probably from Alley

"Blue!, you crazy dog!, AIS told me you are a new recruit and you are already taking vehicles from the Base without permission?! I'm at the right corner at the west side of Tymere. The door is already shut but I will open the gate for just a moment and disable the gun turrets when you get here... But only if there are no Rensen following you. So make sure"

Evangeline smiled: "Roger and thanks,Alley I guess.I suggest to don't blame fur....Blue: he did what he thought right."Sunday Strife" out".
As she closed the com,the Mechs appeared,at an impressive speed.
"Blue!" She said,looking at the little creature lifting the vehicle and throwing at the Mech.
She remained a little stunned,looking at the Mechs counter the attack.
Then she heard something,a metal thing clash and piece another: she looked at her back and noticed some hooks.
"Alright....evaluate available options..."
The Valkyrie entered in a concentration stance,planning a way to eliminate the Mechs.After a few minutes she was ready.
As the Mech dragged the Wasp Evangeline engaged her stealth and ran to the back,hoping to find an auxiliary control panel: Blue was doing the job,taking the attention of the Mech.
There,Evangeline found the cover: she utilized the DS Trinity Laser to cut away what separates her from the panel: her idea was to disable the Mech's security option,kill the pilot and take control of the Mech.
She cut away few strings and the mech started to move,probably to point the railgun toward Blue.
Evangeline saw few plans of these Air Mechs: the main revolution is that the piloting cabin is situated on the chest,instead of near the visual panels.
"Ah,Christ!" she said: she had to do complicate maneuvers to scare the pilot in front of the cabin.
She utilized the last battery of her Trinity to pierce the cabin.
If it wasn't for the few hits of the robotic hand Evangeline would have completed the piercing in few seconds: she swung her dagger with a precise movement,slitting the throat of the pilot and threw him away from the control cabin.
She checked for damage: apart some screens nothing serious. After this brawl she was going to deliver these "Precious treasures" to RED.
She was tired,yes she was: traveling,assassinating and disable an air mech,is tiring: another thing is that she had just ten minutes of pause from every action.
" does these things works...." Accidentally Evangeline caused a long ray of energy to surge from the Railgun,damaging a mech: by now the real Air mech pilot was about to arrive: she tuned to Tymere's channels and attempted to contact the lady before.

"It's Sunday Strife here! I'm on a Rensen mech,avoid to utilize satellite strike!" Evangeline said,looking at the Air mech to land: she learnt the basic of the basic to control that air mech,aiming and firing rays against them: she had some hard times to avoid their rays,but in the end they made,thanks to the combined fire.

[i]"Here is Agent Sunday Strife,I thank you for your efforts,I'm going to return a Rensen mech,to we're going to fight Fire with fire"

Evangeline said on the same channel.