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Abegail McHugh

0 · 778 views · located in Occupied Germany

a character in “Operation SS Metal Dragon”, as played by SkullsandSlippers


Profession:History Professor-visiting lecturer
Hair:Auburn, very wavy
Height: 5'5
Weight: 120 lbs


Abegail has a wicked temper. She is easy to laugh and smile but easy to anger. The term Irish temper surely fits Abby.
She often has to bite her tongue in order to keep herself out of trouble. She has smoothed out her accent but when she is angry is comes in thick and it is hard to understand her.

Abby loves history. Loves books and maps. Abby is particularily fond of conspiracy in history. From the plot to kill Caesar to the Templars she loves it all.

She enjoys scotch, although she indulges in private as it is seen as a man's drink. Abby loves bread and butter and thick stew.

Abby hates to be called Gail, prefering Abby as a nickname. However, she prefers Abegail.
Abegail hates wine, liver and onions and high heeled shoes (She prefers flats). Abby has no time or inclination for poetry or the over romanticization of history. There is no room for damsels and poetic love in history.

Respect from her coworkers is very important to her. She is considered young for a professor but she is good at what she does. Abegail has always done extensive research. It is the thing that got her noticed.


Abegail dresses in simple skirts and blouses, fitting a professor. She wears flats and is always in possession of a worn leather briefcase.

She carries notepads and various research textbooks in her briefcase. She lost her briefcase while chasing down the Blood Flag, a fact that upsets her quite a bit. She has since gotten a new one but she doesn't like it as much.

The Blood Flag.


Abegail is from Ireland.

She is the fourth of nine children. She has an older sister and two older brothers. She has two younger sisters, and three younger brothers with the last two being twins.

Her father was a doctor in their small town and her mother was a school teacher.

Her older brothers were very protective of Abegail and their younger sisters. This drove Abby crazy. Her younger brothers taunted her often, calling her Gully. This irked her to no end.

Abegail surrounded herself with books. She pushed aside the notion of marriage, prefering the comfort of books. Abby is of the belief that a husband would want her to give up her life as a historian for children and a home. Abby has no intention of that.

At her former university she did have a brief relationship with another professor. It was not serious and when he pushed for more she took a job offer overseas at Marshall College.

Abegail has worked here now for three years.

She was shot while chasing down the Blood Flag, died of the wound but now carries the flag with her to stay alive. If she is without it she will die. For whatever reason, and it is something Abegail does not question how or why. She has it on her at all times.

So begins...

Abegail McHugh's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh
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The two pronged forklift was positioned near the midsized 1940's DC-7, this 56 seat airliner had been converted to a simple cargo plane. The over-sized door which had been built for this purpose was wide open, allowing the forks of the 3 ton machine to slip into the aircraft with the greatest of ease.

Unfortunately, the crate which Abigail and Klaus sought after was merely one of several such items, Klaus would have to remove several crates before he could even get near the one containing the prize. As it turned out, the crate which they were after had been loaded into the cargo-hold last, and so Klaus was forced to remove every single create from the plane.

Little did Abigail know, this seemingly unfortunate snag in the proverbial carpet, had been arranged by Klaus' contact; the mysterious man who had meandered up to Abigail. Then next thing to catch Abigail off guard was the unexpected, yet all too familiar sound of gunfire.

With the gunfire came the well rehearsed surprise on the faces of Klaus and his German friend-It had all been pre-arranged to go down in this manner.

"I thought we had an hour!" Franklin screamed at the top of his lungs, although his words failed to break through the intense gunfire, they were clearly understood, as something had certainly gone wrong with Franklin's plan.

"At least we know who it was that had loaded the crate aboard the DC-7." Came words of obviously wisdom from the rather dull looking man to Abigail's left.

"Please Miss, we must board the plane. I shall take you and Franklin out of harms way. Please come with me." The black clad man shouted before running toward the DC-7.

"Franklin! never mind that, get aboard I'm flying you and the professor to safety."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh Character Portrait: Dr. Walter Rivers, Marshall college Character Portrait: Charlotte Bergmann
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Abegail was extremely confused. "Guns...but..." She looked around. She couldn't see anyone in particular or identify where the shots were coming from exactly.

She heard Franklin yell, sort of. His voice carried but the words were garbled under the heavy fire. Abegail ducked down and ran for the closest cover.

"What the hell is goin' on?" She screamed at Franklin, knowing he likely couldn't hear her.

Her eyes darted to the other man. He told her to come and ran towards the plane. Exasperated and scared, her hand still wrapped around her gun in her pocket she followed.

Thanking her sensible nature and her flat shoes, Abegail made it to the plane as Franklin was order in. Gritting her teeth, a quick look over her shoulder and she followed into the metal bird.

"Where are ye taking us now? Ye expect ta just fly this out of here?" She glanced from the "pilot" to where she had entered the plane. "Donna just sit there do somethin' before they shoot us full of holes!"

Abegail crouched by one of the remaining crates. "Franklin, I hope ta the saints ye have a plan."
The driver took Walter and Charlotte to the airport. Once there Charlotte stepped out, carried her bag and headed inside. She found the desk that she needed, procurred the waiting tickets and handed Walter's to him.

"Ready Dr Rivers?"

Charlotte smiled, linked her arm with Walter's and led him to the line up for their flight.

Once they had boarded and settled in Charlotte yawned. "The excitement has caught up to me. I do hope you do not mind if I doze a bit." She closed her eyes, not waiting for a response. Charlotte purposely let her head loll to the side, resting on Walter's shoulder.

Inwardly she smiled. No man had resisted her charms before and she would do whatever it took to keep Walter focused on only her and her mission.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh Character Portrait: Dr. Walter Rivers, Marshall college Character Portrait: Charlotte Bergmann
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Abigail was understandably concerned as to how they would get out of this latest sticky situation, she was no stranger to well laid plans turning to hairy problems without a moments warning. This time however things seemed particularly bleak, gazing out the small window Abigail could see a line of heavily armed men standing at the open face of the hanger.

Franklin looked out a window also, but he had very different reasons, he was concerned that people who he had hired to carry out this hoax might jeopardize its authenticity. Seeing that everything was fine Franklin turned his attentions to the far end of the hanger, it was closed off with no exit-He would make one.

"Did you set the charges!" Franklin called to the German man who had just settled himself in the pilots seat.

"I have Sir." The man replied, pulling the ignition device from his coat pocket, he pointed, pressed, and then released the switch.

"Go!" Franklin shouted just as the explosives ripped a sizable hole in the back of the hanger, the entire back portion of the hanger fell to the ground.

"Take off, now" Franklin called out in his best "Scared to hell" imitation.

The plane started off toward the additional opening provided by the explosives. For whatever reason the armed soldiers made no attempt to chase the plane down or even fire a single shot at the unarmed DC-7.


Walter didn't quite expect the blonds forwardness, in fact it was kind of a turn off, though perhaps more of a mixture between turn off and male-ego on the level of guilty pleasure. Not that he was fumbling before exceptionally beautiful woman, which she certainly was.

It was going to be a bit of flight, so Walter settled back and maintained their current.......seating stance, if you would.

Within a brief time a slight pain returning to his head, the residual effect of the bump to the head that he had suffered.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh Character Portrait: Dr. Walter Rivers, Marshall college Character Portrait: Charlotte Bergmann
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Her frowned deepened. Men stood, blocking the exit out. Abegail gripped the closest object, her knuckles turning white. Her mind whirled with plans. How to get off the plane, with the crate. How to avoid the all seemed so incredbily hopeless. "I wish you were hear Walter."

Franklin's voice turned her attention. “Charges?” She spoke out loud but both men were preocupied. Abegail's worry again went back to confusion. “Charges? Who sets charges for what we were supposed to be doing?” It made no sense to Abegail. “If we were taking the crate and then waiting it out why would you set charges? Unless....”

Her eyes narrowed and she watched both men very carefully. Her hand gripped the butt end of her gun. She was even more wary of them now. "What is going on and what have I gotten myself into?" In front of them explosions rocke the wall and it crumbled in debris and smoke. The plane rocked from the blast, Abegail waivered slightly on her feet.

The plane moved, the engine roaring as the man piloted it out through the newly blown open hole. Abegail held on tightly. Her eyes moved to Franklin. He seemed worried enough but..Abegail shook her head. There were questions in need of answers. They would wait until they were safely off the ground.

Her head turned back to look out the window at the armed men who had been aiming for them. “Something isn't right here.” Abegail had been in plenty of situations, plenty, that involved guns and soldiers and people trying to stop her from getting whatever it was the she was chasing down. She had never witnessed a group of armed men simply stand there as a plane took off. They didn't even try to stop them.

Her eyebrow raised as she stared at the backs of Franklin and his contact's heads. The plane was lifting off the ground now.

“That was a lucky getaway. Smart to set those charges. Almost like you knew..”

Her voice was calm and steady, her fingers around her gun though it remained in her pocket.
Charlotte 'woke' a short time later, giving a small sigh. She gently lifted her head from Walter's shoulder. Her eyes opened slowly, lashes fluttering in her mock stirring. She looked up at Walter, a slow realization coming to her eyes. Slowly, she moved her head from his shoulder.

“Oh my, Dr Rivers. I am sorry to have fallen asleep on you.”

Her pale cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Her fingers smoothed her hair as she sat back up. Her head tilted as she looked Walter over. “Are you alright? We will be landing soon enough to switch planes and then it is on to Bulgaria.”

Charlotte wondered if she had chosen the right man for this mission. She had been told that he was smart, quick, adventurous and industrious. She wondered if it was all still true.

Her hands folded neatly in her lap as she looked him over, a look of concern on her face.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh
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The DC-7 had successfully achieved flight and was now up in the blue, cloudless skies over Germany, they had escaped the onslaught of gunfire, non of the bullets seeming to have reached their targets, an unusual occurrence which spoke volumes to Abigail's suspicious.

As far as Klaus was concerned his plan had succeeded. Abigail certainly never gave the impression of someone who had figured out a great conspiracy, as they had been airborne for over an hour, without so much as a raised question from the scholar

-Things were going as planned!

Klaus suddenly dropped his phony British accent, turning to face Abigail, who could immediately see the change in the man, his expressions going from a good Ole' Chap, to that of a bloody Nazi.

"Well now, doktor McHugh." Quickly pulling out his own handgun from the side-pocket of his flight jacket.

"You have expressed your confusion as to the reasons for your presence in this adventure. It is simple really. I am double-crossing my associate, who as we speak is traveling with Walter.....No! We never had him as a prisoner, he was recovering from a blow on the head, we just took a few photos of him. He made a quick and full recovery after the incident, even feeling well enough to catch a flight with my colleague Charlotte Bergmann....A double agent like myself."

Klaus stood up, continuing to speak as he walked toward the back of the plane.

"They will find their own prize, Charlotte will turn on your friend, he will do away with her a secure his prize. Then we shall use you as ransom to get the item from him. Then, I shall possess two of the greatest weapons mankind will ever have the misfortune to see being put to use."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Klaus Raimund (double agent) Character Portrait: Abegail McHugh Character Portrait: Dr. Walter Rivers, Marshall college Character Portrait: Charlotte Bergmann
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Franklin turned to face her. She could tell there was something different about the man before he opened his mouth. Abegail's hand gripped her gun tighter. The moment the accent hit her ears Abegail sneered. She couldn't help it. He pulled the gun and she immediately took a step back.

Her eyes narrowed, her angry bubbling and in danger of bursting forth. “A double cross, Walter traveling with his associate, bump on the head...Charlotte.” Abegail remembered the name. The woman who mailed her the letter, called her home and who appeared at Walter's house. “Ye right arse ye dinna listen ta me at all.” She cursed Walter silently. She knew that woman was going to be trouble and to find out now that both she and Walter were set up and being used against each other made the Irishwoman steam.

Abegail barked a harsh laugh. “Ransom me? You think Walter is just going to hand you over whatever it is that they are going after for me?” Abegail stepped back again. “You think I am just going to let you hold me hostage? Let you ransom me or do you think I would let him give up something valuable for me?” She laughed again.

Her breath slipped out through her nose, “You are sadly mistaken Mr, whatever your name is. I will never let that happen.”

Abegail pulled her gun out of her pocket, aiming it at Franklin. “I am not some meek woman who will be pushed around and used.”

She watched him very carefully. Both had guns, both knew better than to shoot them in and aircraft but neither appeared willing to back down. “I will not help you set up Walter.”
Their plane began to descend.

Charlotte smiled, concern still clouding her face. “This is our layover Dr Rivers. Would you like a bite to eat? Perhaps a drink or something for your head?”

The plane touched down. The passenger's rocking with the less than smooth landing. Charlotte cursed in Russian under her breath. A slender hand pushed back a few loose blonde strands of her hair.

As the aircraft stopped Charlotte stood. “Well now, shall we?”

She smiled sweetly down at the still sitting Walter.