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Henry Bayside


0 · 452 views · located in Orchard Valley, Vermont

a character in “Orchard Valley”, as played by Juilii


"I don't know if I should be elated, terrified, or doubt your sanity."

Full Name: Henry Bayside
Nickname(s):Hänchen (chicken)

Role:Teenager 1
Sexual Orientation: Straight


Hair Color:Gold brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height:5' 10"
Weight:130 lbs


Scars: his hands are covered with them, though most were accidental.
Oddities: He can do a lot of nervous rambling whenever he's faced with social situations.
He's a bit socially awkward, so he tends to act a bit like a hermit. He can also be incredibly  jumpy,  even gullible, and have many moments where he handles the idiot ball with care. He is fairly oblivious, passive, and is often the first to make tactical retreats. His kindness tends to have a slightly awkward vibe, even with his parents. Him being non awkward is a rare sight to behold.
Hobbies:Anything he can put together, namely wood or metal crafts, but he's also capable of larger projects.
Habits:Needs to constantly do something with his hands
  • Crafting
  • Being indoors 
  • Food
  • Reading
  • Isolated scenic areas with little human disturbance
  • People (more  fear than hate )
  • Change 
  • Interacting with people
  • Roaches
  • Hypodermic  needles
  • (may add more)

History: Henry was always an odd person, with an amazing failure to grasp proper social skills due to learning them from television, so he was often very confused if the situation deviated from the situations presented on television. His parents probably could've taught him some things, but due to his quiet and introverted nature, instead of thinking something was off, thought he simply didn't need much attention, that he could handle himself, and he was probably really smart. Well, they weren't completely wrong, he had a bizarre interest in reading instruction manuals and understood them well enough that often times, many things were programmed differently, and in the end, just ignore the 5 year old fixing the television set, he does his own thing.

And so Henry had no friends. His social skills deteriorated, and he eventually withered away and died a hermit, returning as a zombie. His social skills remained unchanged.

All but the first sentence of the previous paragraph never happened. A clearly fabricated lie.

It might have happened if it weren't for his woodshop class in middle school. He found he was really good at that, as well as fellow classmates, whom he sort of befriended through their shared interest of woodcraft. Eventually he got so good at it that he actually participated in team contests and won some prizes, with his classmates serving as his social skills. By highschool, he could handle social situations with a wobbly ease, though his obliviousness can be quite a shock to people. He seems to have random bits of pop culture down, but otherwise, and might as well, be living under a rock. A rock with piles of wood. You know what he might as well have a beaver living in his dam, rarely leaving it, save for when he needs to go to the bathroom or eat or go to school or some random socializing event.

For someone who could build a computer if he wanted to by following instructions, and we'll as the desk and a swivel chair and a bookshelf if he felt that everything else wasn't enough, he could be an idiot. An awkward mess of an idiot who missed many subtle cues that girls could have an interest in him, even turning them down unknowingly through a combination of social anxiety and being an idiot. Hell, he even missed subtle insults from bullies, who eventually left him alone because he was too much of an idiot to handle- at first, when he figured out that he was being bullied, he figured playing up the idiot card would work, and it did. Though if the socially aware part of his brain were to get its gears turning smoothly instead of the occasional, rusted creak, he could probably be the jack of all trades.

He's still a jumpy introvert, who would rather not talk to random people, or even people he knows, and even when he does, it might not...come out right, so he would rather be alone, silently working on some project.

And then his parents told him they were going to move. Did he like the idea? No. Does he know why they have moved? Not yet. However, he thinks he could probably get used to a much smaller environment, besides, theres nothing terribly special about where they're moving to.

He's going to have a field day.

Face Claim:Colin ford


So begins...

Henry Bayside's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dana Chase Character Portrait: Dylan Chase Character Portrait: Belinda  Martinelli Character Portrait: Alastair Lockhart Character Portrait: Isobel Bennett Character Portrait: Perry Oewl
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0.00 INK


June 10th, 10:00 a.m.

The town of Orchard Valley was unusually awake at the moment, everyone bustling to prepare for the Summer Moon Festival that would start at noon. Shopkeepers and artists were setting up display booths, and restaurant owners had called in more help than usual to get ready for this day. Until six o'clock, tourists and townspeople would visit booths to learn about the latest in silver detection, magical aids, coconut water cocktails, and other supernatural crafts and inventions. At eight, everyone would gather in Plum Square, aptly named as it was plum in the center of Orchard Valley, for the dance. At mifnight, the dance would end, and tipsy townspeople would stumble on home while buzzed tourists would trip their way to their hotels. That's how it happened every year, and there was no indication that it would be different this year.

Nothing except the new family. They would be the first humans in attendance. But it was no matter. Everything would go on as it always had.


Ari Byron stretched his muscles from his place in the sun. He had fallen asleep on the window nook in the Owl Barn very soon after he had dragged himself down to the shop at six a.m. that morning to prepare for the festival. A lot of good that had done him. He jumped of the nook as a cat, which was his favorite animal to nap as, and landed on the ground as a human. Stretching again, he yawned hugely and started his way to the storeroom. He had no idea what Perry wanted for their booth this year, but it wouldn't hurt to see what new things they had and get a cup of coffee. Just as he was about to pass through the storeroom door, the back door's handle jiggled, and the door swung open.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Dana Chase Character Portrait: Dylan Chase Character Portrait: Belinda  Martinelli Character Portrait: Alastair Lockhart Character Portrait: Isobel Bennett
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0.00 INK

Dialogue Color: #3366CC

The scent of the first pot of fresh coffee in the morning always got Mason, no matter the fact that he owned a Cafe and he was the one making that first pot. Every day. He just couldn't get tired of it. Pouring himself a cup, he glanced out the door and watched as the townspeople bustled around trying to set up their booths for the Summer Moon Festival. His watch showed that it was just past 10:00 AM so that gave him another two hours to finish setting up.

He never understood why they made him put out a booth, all he does is make coffee and food. So by putting up a booth he's basically giving away his Cafe for free. One day he would say enough with this ridiculous festival; but it was a tradition, and people in this small town were all about traditions, so he said nothing. Instead, he did his duty and set up a booth, displaying the pastries and other small food items he offered accompanied by a large coffee dispenser.

Taking a sip of the coffee, he recoiled from the mug when the hot java scorched his tongue. "Hot!" Maybe that was enough coffee for right now; at least until it cooled off. Mason set his mug down and walked into the back, checking on the muffins and pastries he had slipped in the oven. After checking to see if they were done, he brought them out and arranged them nicely on different trays. Once he had lay the trays of food on a rolling cart and loaded the coffee dispenser on there as well, he walked outside to set up his dumb booth and joined in the hustle and bustle of the town.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Belinda  Martinelli Character Portrait: Isobel Bennett Character Portrait: Henry Bayside
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Juilii
Belinda did, however, look back, noting that they kept getting farther away. Only for a moment, as she began looking around as they went along. Oh, a lot has changed since I last passed many more people, even for this time of year... we're getting so far. I don't think I've ever wandered about the town. I've mostly walked through the forest. I wonder what the town looks like at night.

"I think everything will be new and different for me, Isobel," Belinda said softly.

They were having something. An event or something. Not that Henry cared.

They had been unpacking, and hadn't really left the new house, but now that everything was unpacked and neatly arranged in the house, Henry really couldn't figure out a new excuse to sit in the house. Especially with whatever the hell was going on outside. His dad was probably itching to go, if he hadnt already.

He reached for a key he had placed on his night stand, which he had found while he had been unpacking. It was probably silver, though it was pretty damn tarnished when he found it, but some soaking in baking soda was all it needed for polished glory. It had a rococo design, like those old timey keys. What where they called again? Skeleton keys? Was it supposed to open something?

As he ran a thread through the key, wondered why the owners had left it behind. Or why he barely knew anything of the owners. In fact he knew next to nothing of this place, they moved so suddenly.

Whatever. They would probably only stay a few months, it wasn't that great. This place.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Perry Oewl Character Portrait: Jared Bayside Character Portrait: Ari Byron Character Portrait: Henry Bayside
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sovryn

It was an early day at the shop for Perry. She doesn't even remember if she slept, but that's probably because she hadn't. She was up through most of the night knowing she had to do a booth yet no idea on what. She spent most of her time in the shop for a reason. It was her sanctuary, her happy place, her second home. Plus, she didn't need to speak to people most of the time if she was at her shop. It wasn't that she necessarily hated, well, everyone. It's just she had a little too much fun getting under peoples skin. It was amusing to bring something up and watch them squirm. Either way, she wasn't too excited to do this. She walked around the shop, placing books here, moving a few their, trying not to spill her tea. All the while Lucifer, her black cat with orange eyes, followed her around lazily, its eyes watching her like a young child watches his/her parent. Looking at the watch that hang from her wrist, Perry sighed. She might as well start getting some of the stuff from the back.

Going into the back room, Lucifer on her heels, she began grabbing all she could. Last year, she had quite a lot on the history and action of shape-shifting, using her friend as a short of example as he turned into a cat along side Lucifer, who had given the man-turned-cat a very exasperated look, not at all amused. This year, hearing about the new human family that had came to town, she thought in passing about how she could mess with them. She has never had the best experience with humans. They just don't understand, in her opinion. A cat-like smirk crossed her features and she looked down at her cat companion, a knowing look in its eye. Grabbing all she could on simple magic and illusions, she headed out of the room only to run into Ari, almost dropping the stuff in her arms. Lucifer let out a scared cry, darting around their ankles and out of site.

"Come to help?" Perry said, her voice flat as she walked around him, still holding all the books and supplies in her arms.

Hex Code: #5A8AD1


Breathe in, He thought to himself, taking in a deep breath. Breathe out, He let out the breath and smiled, opening his eyes to the black silk of the inside of his night-mask. Today was a big day with whatever it was type of celebration that this town was having. He sat up, stretching his body. Carefully, he removed his mask and sat it neatly on the nightstand, aligning it perfectly in front of the clock. His smile, now in a fake-like grin on his face, stayed as he intensely stared at the clock, waiting until it flicked a number then the alarm went off, to which he promptly stopped it then stood from his bed. He went about his morning duties and ended promptly on time before looking out the blinds of the front living room of the house, eyeing someone suspiciously that walked down the sidewalk.

Going into the kitchen, he poured himself some coffee, took a sip, spit it in the sink, poured the coffee out, then got himself a glass of water. And all in only a few minutes. Then he remembered he had a son. Smiling impossibly bigger, he went up the stares to his sons room, knocking a little tone onto the door before entering. "Hey, sport! How about you come with me to see what this little celebration is all about, hmm? Maybe you could, oh, I don't know, make some...friends?" His smile was cheesy, the way he spoke sounded scripted from some sitcom. The only time he seemed to show any real emotion was when he hesitated to say friends at the thought of his son interacting with such creatures.

Hex Code: #2F8059

((OOC: Sorry for taking so long to get this up. To be honest, I didn't even know it started until I got on and saw the notification today. #Embarrassed))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jared Bayside Character Portrait: Henry Bayside
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Juilii
Henry's gaze flicked up towards the door and his father's voice. "Hey, sport! How about you come with me to see what this little celebration is all about, hmm? Maybe you could, oh, I don't know, make some...friends?"

He returned his attention to the key. Maybe someone knew the previous owners and knew what the key opened.

Maybe he could try to be less weird than his dad today. His dad was probably the weirdest person in the area, with his uncanny, goofy expression that seemed to be his default. As far as he knew, his expression was normal...ish. he wondered why his dad was so loopy. Was this his future?

"Sure, I'll be out in a moment." Between having to introduce myself to the people here, and thinking about....THAT, I'd pick the former.