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Guy Ashton

A young photojournalist and all round average guy.

0 · 293 views · located in Bay City

a character in “Our Future”, as played by Mr D



Standing 5’9” with an average physique Guy is a young man with a messy mop of dark brown hair. He has soft and boyishly handsome features, with deep brown eyes. Despite his lack of lack of athletic ability and love of food, Guy manages to retain a relatively fit physique, primarily due to maintaining an active lifestyle. He can typically be seen in smart casual clothes that give him a laid back appearance.

Likes: Cats. Dogs. Any animal with less than six legs. Cooking. Arguing/debating. Martial arts. Photography. Food. Spending time with his friends. Art. Music. Sleeping. Movies. Video games. Writing. Swimming. Diving. Extreme Sports. Travelling. Meeting new people. Getting Drunk. Sweet things. Philosophy. Psychology. Walks. Getting lost in the crowd.

Dislikes: Insects. Being looked down on. Authority. Being told what to do. Being indebted to others. Failing others. Being called old. Physical exertion. The taste of alcohol. Hangovers. Being bored. Loose ends. Coincidences. Fate.

Other Notes:

Guy is an exceptional chef, having studied a number of different styles of cooking while travelling. His favourites are chinese style dishes and italian recipes.

His love of art and music has led him to take up a number of artistic pursuits such as painting, drawing and playing the guitar, all of which he is terrible at (He can play several songs, but only due to the fact that he has memorised them through rote repetition rather than any actual understanding of how to play).

Guy is something of a glutton, enjoying good (and often bad) food with relish. He has a big sweet tooth, often eating desserts and candy. His appetite is enormous and many restaurants in Bay City consider him a valued customer.

One of Guy’s major pass times is martial arts, and he has studied many systems during his travels, from several forms of Japanese Karate to Russian Systema and Capoeira. Though he considers himself barely average he is still more than able to defend himself.

For some odd reason despite his young age, Guy has developed a distinct hatred of being called old and will often brood over such comments for days at a time.

Guy is often mistaken for other people, having, in the words of his friend Sara 'one of those faces'.


Guy is defined by his laid back attitude and apparent unflappable calm. He is an outgoing and kind person who makes friends easily and often goes out of his way to help others, even to his own detriment. He has a way with words, preferring to talk his way out of situations and sees himself as a natural negotiator. A lover, rather than a fighter. As a result Guy is a fast talker and quick witted, able to think on his feet. He tries to act responsible and mature, often acting as the voice of reason and trying to mediate between conflicted parties. He is confident and self assured.

He often finds himself involved in absurd situations, sometimes by his own natural curiosity and desire to help, other times being (often literally) dragged into a situation by an acquaintance. However, despite his calm and collected nature he is often overwhelmed by these strange events, leading him to voice his dismay with a world weary sigh and burying his head in hand.

His natural curiosity is tempered by his skepticism and though he likes to think of himself as open minded, he remains wary of anything that he cannot confirm himself, often dismissing the idea of magic or other supernatural occurances as having some rational explanation.

Despite thinking of himself as responsible and mature, Guy can be prone to bouts of rashness and immaturity, and will rarely back down from a confrontation, be it verbal or physical. In fact, while soft spoken and polite to most people, he has a reputation as being something of a loud mouth when provoked. In addition Guy seems to have an issue with authority figures, often selectively ignoring them. He bemoans his lack of rebellion in his youth, believing he missed out on a vital part of growing up. Some of his friends believe that his current behaviour is his way of making up for it.

A self confessed ‘slacker’, many of Guy’s friends describe him as lazy, as in his own words he ‘hates hard work’, preferring to take the easy way out of a problem whenever he can and put as little effort into things as possible. He enjoys relaxing and taking naps, though he can quickly become bored and restless if there is nothing to occupy his mind or he feels more important things are to be done. Guy is perfectly comfortable in his own company, nevertheless he dislikes feeling isolated and prefers cities or large towns where he can, in his own words ’blend into the crowd’. He can often be found roaming the streets or lazing around in public parks, beaches or shopping malls. At night he enjoys taking walks around the city to calm himself.

He cares deeply for his siblings, being extremely overprotective of them. He feels responsible for their well being and happiness to the extent that he would sacrifice everything for them. This love for his family extends to his friends, all of whom he considers his ‘extended family’.


Guy is rarely seen without a camera of some sort, preferring his trusty Canon EOS 400D for work, however when not working he carries a small point and shoot compact for everyday use.

He also carries a number of lucky charms from his travelling days. This is more out of habit than superstition as he believes that if anything, they've made his luck worse.


Guy was born to a middle class family in England and grew up surrounded by the countryside. The eldest of the family, he grew up fast, believing he had to set an example for his younger siblings. He did what was expected of him, graduating from university with a degree in journalism. Following university he travelled the world for a time, working odd jobs and selling articles and photographs for extra money to fund his travels and volunteering in poorer communities. His time abroad shaped his outlook in many ways and he met a number of colourful individuals. However his travelling was brought to an abrupt halt when he was informed that his parents had died suddenly while he was away and he returned home to care for his younger siblings.

Shortly after returning to England he received a message from an old friend, suggesting he move to Bay City. Eager to make a new start he and his siblings made the decision to move, becoming Bay City’s newest residents. He now makes a living as a freelance photographer and part time teacher at the local high school, in addition to several other casual jobs at other local businesses.

So begins...

Guy Ashton's Story