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Joshua Levy

A starving painter every other day, a punk rocker the rest. Sundays are days where he sleeps.

0 · 259 views · located in Bay City

a character in “Our Future”, as played by akai-pyon


Joshua Levy

Josh, Joshie. He's usually called Joshua.




Appearing almost feminine, Joshua has high cheek bones and soft, pale skin. His hair is black and barely grazes his chin. A smoker, Joshua also possesses a light tattoo on his left shoulder. Standing at 5'10", Joshua looks at least 5'11" simply because of his skinniness. Accentuated by the fact that Joshua is mostly all bone and no meat, he prefers not to step on the scale to find out exactly how underweight he is. He's not exactly strong either, and many believe that he is capable of snapping in half at any given moment.

Nonetheless, his dark eyes are usually cheerful and he mostly has a smile on his lips - depending on what day it is, of course.

M, W, F
A painter and what not on these particular days, Joshua tends to be rather more reclusive, although more insane than, say, on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. He tends to be more withdrawn, often spending most of his time thinking and picturing. These days, he ends up with paint splattered in his hair and an old white T-shirt draped over his lean shoulders. A paintbrush is never far from site, and it is almost always a guarantee that Joshua will be far more blunt on these days. He tends to ask questions easier, talk to strangers, and well, might just have a shorter fuse. Nonetheless, Joshua still manages to keep his signature charm.

These days are always days where Joshua usually doesn't put up with much bullcrap. He likes to get straight to the point, and seems far less amused.

T, Th, S
On these days, Joshua is simply a punk rocker. Someone with no shame and no sense of fear, he's willing to do anything these three days. He teaches himself how to play the guitar here and does a lot of random gigs at bars or on the street. He's a lot friendlier these days and a lot more patient. He also tends to listen to jokes and offer them up himself. If people mention his artistic side, or if people let on that the day is drawing to a close, Joshua will hit them over the head. He's rather more violent on these days, but, what is there to do about it?

Always the rebel, Joshua encourages rule breaking on these three days, often found riding his motorbike through the city, a guitar strapped to his back and an amp resting on the rack of the bike.

- Starbucks coffee, especially during holiday season
- Coffee cake
- Cider doughnuts
- Munchkins (especially the chocolate glazed ones)
- Chocolate in general (especially dark)
- Painting (usually food or people)
- Playing his guitar (on certain days)
- His canvas and easel (on certain days)

- Not having his Sundays to sleep
- Being woken up from a good nap
- Waking up in general (some days)
- People (some days)
- Bad jokes (some days)
- Warm beer (all the time)
- Having too much ice in his soda at a restaurant (....yeah....)
- His paint brush (some days)

There's really nothing much to Joshua's past. Well, except...there is this one bit.

You see, in high school, Joshua was the strange kid that nobody usually talked to. He went to high school in a city rather far away from his current location in Bay City. There, the kids often teased him because Joshua was afflicted with a sort of disability that required the use of thick glass lenses perched on the bridge of his nose. As well, metal wires had invaded his mouth, taking over his lips and his tongue, his teeth, forcing him to speak with a lithp and spit on everybody he tried to talk to.

But his parents, being as wealthy as they were, managed to pay for the operation that successfully removed the pesky little metal invaders. The thick lenses were removed as well, to be replaced by slender silicone slips that rested directly on his eyes. Joshua found these things almost strange. Nonetheless, when he went to college, he found that he didn't even need those slips. Upon stepping foot in Bay City, and in the hotel in which he now resides, Joshua discovered he could become someone new.

However, he couldn't decide between 'starving artist' or 'punk rocker'. Despite those two being so different, Joshua decided to be both.

And that is why, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you can knock on Joshua's door and be greeted by a paint splattered, rather bad-tempered Joshua, and on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, it is Joshua that comes knocking on your door.

The rule that is unspoken and is twenty feet high? Why, simply, do. not. bother. him. on. Sundays.

That will be all.

So begins...

Joshua Levy's Story
