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Derek Pierce

The villainous hero

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a character in “Our Lord Protectors”, originally authored by tigerz, as played by RolePlayGateway


Derek Pierce


Relax darling


Derek Pierce

Appears About



Team Delta



Derek is very much cunning, deceitful, manipulative and just an over all villainous type of guy. It's quite surprising that he could even have a soft side that really only Dani sees and maybe someone special in the future that can somehow tolerate him.

Most of the time Derek will more often than not remind someone of that typical school bully. He enjoys inducing pain on someone for no real reason and gets a kick out of deceiving someone into doing something that could get them hurt. Despite his villainous mannerism, Derek has a way with words and the way he presents himself that can somehow manipulate someone into believing what he says and following him. Derek has sophisticated way to him when he talks that makes him seem more intellectual than he actually is.

Now even though Derek would love to see his own teammates in pain by his hand, he will go out of his way for them(mostly because of Dani). He will defend a teammate in need and help them in a fight. Even though Derek would love to be the villain for the sake of hurting someone, he will always be a hero at the end of the day.






-Things that don't go according to plan




Weapon Proficiency
Enhanced Combat

Side Effects

-May only be able to use any kind of weapon from a specific sub-group.
-Can only learn to wield a weapon perfectly one at a time


Derek is completely vulnerable to an attack when learning to master a new weapon and could be harmed significantly(or even killed) more so during this time.


Feelings About The Team
Relations With Other Teams

So begins...

Derek Pierce's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Pierce Character Portrait: Damien Rodgers Character Portrait: Liliah Rae Character Portrait: Iska Alexandra Sverzhenskii Character Portrait: Freya 'Fire' Mackenzie Character Portrait: Danielle Pierce
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"Alpha, Delta, Omega. You are on call today. I repeat you are on call."

Damien sighed when he had heard Orgia on the intercom. Orgia was a robotic trainer the scientists had created to get the teams together most of their days. But, today wasn't most of their days. Today was the last stand. Him and his team had a lot to do, and this might even be the last mission they'll every have before the shutdown. Shutdown meaning that once the mission was over, all of the teams would be shutdown until they are needed again. Which wasn't in his interest at the moment. He actually enjoyed living in this crappy world, he didn't ant to die -or get shutdown- again.

Rolling over for a second or two before deciding to get up, he really enjoyed being a leader; even if it was for a limited time. Everyone stayed in the same place, they were basically family in the lab. Though there has been drama somewhat Damien could still say, he is living a normal life. Despite the fact that he can lift things and speak to people in his head. Hopefully, he could get through the call without saying anything smart to any of the scientists. He actually wanted to hurt the scientists because, he knew that they were the ones to start all of this. Damien can't remember a thing of the past because, of them. All he knows is that he has to stop the machines from making more hybrids or the world would end without any doubt.

"Good morning, Damien."

Looking up at the intercom system as he began walking down the hallway. "Good morning, Orgia." He looked forward once again and turned a corner. Walking into the meeting room, there was one small table for the leaders, and in the center of the room was a larger table, where the rest of the teams members sat. The scientist will be working on the progress of them all, they wanted to concentrate on the glitches and the faults. Damien -being so full of himself- didn't think he had any faults but it always turns out that he did, and that really bothered the leader.

Seeing that some of the scientist have already been there quite some time, he decided to get himself situated. Damien was quite surprised that he was one of the ones to be early he would usually procrastinate until after the meeting had started and then come. Though, Orgia might keep pestering him until he actually had gotten up and went. But, other than being early, Damien was very excited to start the meeting, even if it was his last.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Pierce Character Portrait: Damien Rodgers Character Portrait: Liliah Rae Character Portrait: Iska Alexandra Sverzhenskii Character Portrait: Freya 'Fire' Mackenzie Character Portrait: Danielle Pierce
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tigerz


"Alpha, Delta, Omega. You are on call today. I repeat you are on call."

Alex made no hesitation getting out of bed. It was very uncommon for Alex to ever really get any sleep so she had no real reason for staying in bed. As soon as Alex's bare feet hit the cold floor, she began her daily routine. She searched through the few amount of clothes she had before deciding on an outfit and left it out on her bed as she grabbed her wide toothed comb and ran it through her dark hair. Alex preferred using a comb over a brush because it damaged her hair less and made it have less static. Once she finished brushing, her dark brown hair fell into curls at the end.

Alex brushed her teeth and washed her face in the near by bathroom before returning to her room to change. She din't really mind the lab or the rooms they were given. They were much better than the apartment she lived in with her family in Russia. Alex shook her head trying to forget her past before she threw on the outfit for today. It consisted of Memphis May Fire tee shirt with the sleeves cut off, a red flannel shirt a size too big, and loose fitting jeans with holes on the knees that had to be held up with a belt. Alex then went to a small box that she kept under bed and opened it. Inside were various Swiss army knives, a small leatherman multi-tool, and parts for different contraptions she was working on. Alex couldn't decide on which knife to bring and decided to grab the biggest one she owned, the Victorinox SwissChamp as well as the remaining parts in her box. She stuffed them all in her deep pockets before leaving her room for the progress meeting.

"Good morning, Iska."

Alex stopped in her tracks and clenched her fists. As she was doing so, the lights began to flicker viciously. "I told you never to call me that, Orgia."There was a slight Russian accent in her voice, much better than the thick one she had at the beginning of their training. Alex hated being called by her first. She never really explained entirely why, just that it reminded her of her horrible past. Alex could hear Orgia try to speak but most of it came out as static noise. Alex took a deep breath as the lights returned to their normal state and Orgia gave her an apology. Alex knew this would be one of the flaws brought up during today's meeting. Alex knew all of her glitches and flaws already. She always made a mental note of them after her training exercises.

Alex was not surprised to find she was one of the first to arrive with two other scientists. She sat at her respective seat at the large table in the center and sprawled the parts for her new contraption all over her desk area before grabbing her Swiss army knife. For ten minutes Alex sat their intensively creating a small cart with a simple motor on it. All the motor needed to start was a small shock. Alex placed her finger close to the motor and sent a small electrical shock to it. Just as she had wanted, it started and the cart began riding along the table.

Alex looked around the room to find that more team members and leaders were arriving and was surprised to see that Damien Rodgers had arrived early. She was so used to him coming in late after the meetings had started. "Hello, Damien." She nodded at him before returning her gaze to the cart for a couple more minutes. Eventually Alex grew bored and decided to watch the door way to see who else would walk through.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Pierce Character Portrait: Iska Alexandra Sverzhenskii Character Portrait: Danielle Pierce Character Portrait: Riley McCormick
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0.00 INK

#, as written by tigerz


"Alpha, Delta, Omega. You are on call today. I repeat you are on call."

Danielle let out a loud groan after she had been awoken from her pleasant dream. "Thank you so much for that, Orgia." Danielle said this with as much sarcasm as possible before lift off her sheets and walking to the bathroom. She had taken a shower the night before and decided to just wash her face and brush her teeth. When she finished, Danielle went to her close to decide on what to wear today. Normally she would wear a dress or skirt of some sort with the highest heels she could manage to walk in. Danielle decided that today would be more of a laid back day and grabbed a Queen tee shirt, some black skinny jeans, a leather jacket, and a pair of old navy colored Chuck Taylor's.

"Good morning, Danielle."

"Good morning, Orgia." Danielle responded mimicking Orgia's robotic voice. Danielle loved the ability she was given because of all of the uses she had for it. Manipulating sound using her voice was so much fun. Of course it wasn't entirely seen as a physical enhancement to the other teem members. Dani would normally just roll her eyes at them and explain how her ability required her to use her vocal chords so it was in fact a physical enhancement to one of her muscles.

Danielle stopped at her twin brothers room and was not surprised to find him still asleep. Normally she would wake him up and wait for him to get ready. Dani figured that he'd get up eventually before the meeting started this time. Danielle walked over to Derek's bed and shook him a little. "Time to get up loser." She waited until he moved around a bit before leaving the room.

Dani walked into the meeting room and found that most of the people were already seated. The first person she saw was Alex, the youngest of them all. Danielle was surprised for the most part that she was chosen as an Alpha being as she is so young. Though there was no denying how smart and crafty she was. Danielle grinned as she watched Alex play around with a little cart she just made. Danielle then looked around the room and saw her leader, Riley. Dani thought it was a bit weird that she was younger than the rest of the Delta members. "Hey Chief." Danielle said to Riley with a lazy smile before taking a seat. She looked over at Alex and tapped her hand on the table to get her attention. "So what crazy new invention have you come up with this time?"