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Yukito Iyazaki

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a character in “Our new life at Sakura Square”, originally authored by Pandora's Melancholy, as played by RolePlayGateway

So begins...

Yukito Iyazaki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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It was a long drive to Sakura Square, seeing as it was rather secluded compared to their own home. She never actually saw it in person before, but she knew of it. Nemui was doing everything in her power to keep her anxiety at bay as she sat in the back of the fancy limousine. She was propped against one of the doors, sitting sideways in her seat as she read yet another romance manga. This one was titled Moe Kare, and it was about a young girl named Hikaru Wakamiya who had her first kiss stolen by a perverted princely looking young man only to later on run into a guy who looks just like him, but is a completely different person entirely. Her heart was pounding as her eyes scanned the pages, a light blush sweeping over her features as she went. This was her guilty pleasure, which she normally kept hidden under lock and key, but she was open about it with Shiori and their mother. Ever since they were children, Shiori was always there for her, even though it wasn't always in a positive light.

Nemui wasn't alone on this trip, actually, she sat in the car only about a foot away from her older sister. She was technically facing Shiori, so clearly Nemui neglected to wear a seat belt. It was a bad habit, one her sister often scolded her for. Nemui had respect for her sister, despite the rumors around school that Shiori wasn't very smart, Nemui knew otherwise. Shiori used to be incredibly intelligent, just like her, she just gave up, mostly. Though Shiori would always study for her tests, Nemui's older sister often refused to even attempt the homework she was given.

Sure Shiori wasn't that book smart anymore, but her knowledge lied elsewhere. It didn't make her an imbecile, at least that was how Nemui saw it. Being a knowledge buff, Nemui felt she had the right to judge knowledge. Shiori's knowledge was family, hard work, and she was extraordinary when it came to helping others. As far as she was concerned, Nemui knew Shiori would make a wonderful Psychiatrist ..once she got past the Medicine and Chemistry classes.

Her golden orbs shifted and landed directly on her sister for the first time in the hour long drive, a worried expression on her face as she gazed upon her sibling. Shiori had been so quiet, she was beginning to worry about her. She flipped to the next page of her manga, sighing a bit, "Are you excited Onee-chan? You haven't said anything since we left home.." She spoke in a soft tone, looking at her sister inquisitively, only glancing down at the contents of her manga every now and then. Sure, Nemui was dying to know what would happened to Wakamiya Hikaru in this chapter, but she knew the story could wait. They'd drove the entire ride in silence and it was starting to bother her. Sure she was nervous, two new brothers she had never met? She didn't even know the lucky groom's name, or the names of her two new brothers-to-be! It was extremely overwhelming, and not to mention it would be the first time she'd ever shared a residence with boys. Though she quickly reprimanded herself. They aren't just boys, they are going to be my brothers, so how dangerous could it really be? The dilemma that caused Nemui to feel truly distressed was the fact that regardless of whether or not they got along, the four of them would be tied together by their parent's marriage. She tried to reassure herself that it would all turn out fine, because it wasn't like the boys would behave recklessly, they weren't allowed to be like other boys anymore. They were going to be family, so they had to suck it up, right? On the bright side, her mother did give her one hint. One of the boys had been in her class. In fact, according to her mother, he was in her class every year since they'd been enrolled in school. Curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't help but wonder if they ever spoke to each other before. Though as soon as the thought came, she dismissed it. She was practically a nobody, the only difference was that nobodies didn't get bullied. Unfortunately she existed enough for that service. As long as he wasn't one of her tormentors, she was certain she'd survive this new living arrangement.

"I think this might be a good thing. We always wanted a brother, now we have two. Lucky us, right?" She smiled brightly. She removed her glasses, sitting them down in her lap before bookmarking her page in Moe Kare. She closed the book, hoping to return to it once she was settled in her new home. She saw the top of the building before removing her glasses, they were very close to arrival. It was time to put her contacts in, before her new brothers saw her glasses. The last thing she wanted to happen was her new brothers to notice she was blind as a bat. She shuffled through the deep pockets of her coat before pulling out a small white box. She unclasped the container, placing each onto her eyes carefully. She hated the process, it was uncomfortable and made her eyes water.. but what if they decided to pick on her for her glasses too? Brothers weren't always nice.. at least from what she'd read in manga.

"Or are you worried about that huge exam coming up?" Nemui kept track of Shiori's exams religiously in order to help her older sister prepare. Shiori aided her so much everywhere else, she felt incredibly in debt to her sister. So once Nemui was old enough to realize her sister's bad habit of not doing her homework, she started helping her ace exams to keep her from getting kicked out of school. It was the least Nemui could do in return for all the years of protection. "You know I'll help you crunch. Orange juice, apples, we'll stay up all night if we have to. There's no way you'll get bad marks with our studying ritual." She replied sweetly, smiling after she'd arranged her contacts. Sakura Square was closing in on them now. It was a matter of seconds before they'd reach their new home and meet their new family for the first time, officially speaking. I wonder if they will like us..? She thought timidly, shifting her position in the seat back to the standard way, staring ahead at the road. She shuffled around in the seat nervously, definitely irritating the driver since her feet kept tapping against the base of his seat.

...And then they arrived at Sakura Square...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Shiori sat facing the front of the limousine, seat belt on, and a bored expression on her face as they continued on their journey to her new residence. She wasn't very enthusiastic, living with two boys would only be a hassle. She would have to constantly be on defense, constantly on the qui vive. Normally she only had to keep on her toes during school, doing her best to look out for Nemui, especially after the younger sibling almost died, but now she'd have to be alert at home too? It was really irritating, she wouldn't hesitate to cold-cock one of her brothers if they even THOUGHT about doing anything to Nemui. She released an exasperated sigh, dreading their impending arrival. I really wish we could just stay on the road forever, I don't want to stop.. I don't want more family..

She finally caved, pulling out her phone and dialing quickly. She needed to hear her mother's voice, plus she promised to call and tell her when they were almost to her fiance's land. She let out a short breath as she waited through the rings, honestly the real reason she called her mother was reassurance. She wanted her mother to be happy, but sometimes she just needed to be reminded when she had to suck it up and step up as the older sibling. She was only sixteen years old, she wasn't perfect. She still had selfish desires, she was still a teenage girl at the end of the day. She was vulnerable just like anyone else, she just didn't show it often, she couldn't afford to appear weak when she had to look after Nemui. Finally, she got her mother's voice mail, so she just chose to hang up. Her mother would call back later.

Her mind immediately turned to the school exams coming up, she had a lot of studying to do.. Thankfully she could study and keep track of her sister, but for some reason, she remained skeptical. Living this way, it seemed too easy. Families never merged as harmoniously as television portrayed, she had a bad feeling about this move, and she wished that she decided to continue living in her previous home with Nemui. Though it was a little late, Sakura Square was closing in on them, it was almost like every inch the car crept closer to their new home she began to slowly suffocate that much more. She knew she was breathing, she could feel her chest moving, but yet, she continued to feel breathless. It was paradoxical, she couldn't find another way to explain it, yet it didn't stop her from feeling it all the same.

"Are you excited Onee-chan? You haven't said anything since we left home.."

"A little. I'm just kind of nervous, don't worry about it, Nemu-chii." She lied, smiling to her sister and put her phone down, not even realizing she'd kept her phone to her ear all this time. Nemui didn't seem to notice it, so she didn't kick herself for it too much. After all, Nemui seemed just as nervous as she was, but far more positive about the experience.

"I think this might be a good thing. We always wanted a brother, now we have two. Lucky us, right? Or are you worried about that huge exam coming up?"

"Lucky? Yeah, maybe." She replied, forcing a smile for the younger girl. She loved this about Nemui, despite what she'd been through, the girl still tried to see the best in people.. Ever since middle school, Shiori was stuck in a rut. She always assumed that boys were out to hurt her, she didn't give any of them a chance. She tugged at the choker around her neck a bit, fingers brushing the heart shaped charm linked to it. Perhaps her outfit was a bit over the top, but she wanted to look her best. She didn't want to give them any reason to attack her appearance, in fact she spent hours deciding what to wear, "I guess I'm thinking about the tests.. I haven't studied much.."

"You know I'll help you crunch. Orange juice, apples, we'll stay up all night if we have to. There's no way you'll get bad marks with our studying ritual."

This brought a genuine smile to Shiori's face, Nemui wasn't as altruistic as the older sibling, but it was heartwarming to hear she wasn't the only one ready to pull their weight. It was their arrangement since they were younger, a promise between the sisters really. Although Shiori never expected anything in return for protecting Nemui, the younger girl really matured early. She was jealous of this, seeing as she was supposed to be the mature and responsible one. Responsible? That could define Nemui and Shiori, but when it came to maturity, well, Shiori drew the short straw. Her temper ruined any chance she had at coming across as a sagacious young adult.

...And then they arrived at Sakura Square...


The driver pulled in, after the gate opened up for the limo to enter, and she felt her whole body tense up. She wasn't as prepared as she thought. She began adjusting her clothes, tugging here, pulling there. When she looked up, she was amazed. In the yard, beside the driveway was several cherry blossom trees, but she shouldn't have been so surprised, it was probably the reason it was called Sakura Square. There was more pink trees than she could count. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The driver brought the car to a halt, stepping out and opened the door for her and Nemui. She unbuckled, sliding out and was on her feet for the first time in about an hour. Her legs were stiff, so she stretched out, smiling at the trees, "Finally here, come on Nemui.. We should probably ring the door bell.. Let's get our bags." She wasn't excited, because the ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach still remained, but she wanted to get settled in, they had school in the morning and she and Nemui both had work tomorrow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Image Image "Oh Iyazaki! Thank goodness! Could you catch him for me?" The neighbor across the street waved to were her dog ran off to his side of the street. "I am afraid we got a new dog and he won't stop trying to escape."

Naru said nothing as he looked at him, the dog was sitting right next to the back of his foot, looking up at him with that stupid doggy smile. "He's just wanting to play, that's all." Smiling at the dog, he picked him up and chuckled softly. Gosh he is so cute... Petting his head softly he noticed a car coming up into his yards gate and to a full stop right before their house door. They hadn't noticed he was standing there, which was a bit good, he wasn't fully prepared yet to meet anyone.

He had made it just in time back from school. Today was a long day, even though there was no school, Naru still had to go and help the headmaster with a few things here and there. He had just gotten back when he was about to text his brother, but he was stopped. Quickly he handed the dog back to the elder lady and patted it's head one last time.

"Thank you Thank you! I owe you."
He waved her off, pulling out his cell, he sent a quick text.

To: Yu-Bro
From: Naru
Subject: They Arrived
I think they are here Yu, you should get out here. Unless you aren't home again.

The driver turned once he noticed Naru now standing by the car at the same time he was pulling out his wallet. Paying the man and tipping him, the man walked off back to the car, waiting for the girls to move away so he could leave. Rude, the man needs an attitude adjustment. Wasn't like he had room to talk on the matter. He could be just as rude if he wanted to if he hadn't promised his old man that he would be on his best behavior.

"Hello. I'm Naru, did you guys have a safe trip?" He would have stumbled on his words once he noticed one of the girls right on the spot, but choose to ignore it and play things off dumbly. "Must have been a long ways. I'm not so sure if my father and his lady are back yet, so for now I suppose you have to put up with me. Unless Yu is home today."

Chuckling he pulled out his keys and walked up to the front door unlocking them, letting the doors open wide. "Need any help?' He looked over the girls, holding his prince smile as he did. They were cute and the fact that they were his new step sisters didn't mean a thing to him. Mainly because he had already dated one, and the other one looked like a cute little animal that he'd rather have as a pet than a sister.

His phone started to ring in his pocket. "Sorry, please excuse me." Picking up his phone he noticed it was his old man calling. Let me guess, they'll be late. "Hey, you going to be late?"

"Yeah sorry kiddo, we will see you when we get there, for now show them around." Naru wanted to badly to spit fired words at him, but inside he laughed softly and put up with it.

"Right see you soon, Father." What his words really meant...I am not your damn slave old man. With that he hung up and shrugged at the girls. "I suppose you have heard it. Sorry about it."

What a drag, not only is one of them my ex, but I have to waste my time with this? I was better off with the dog. Well, there was nothing he could do right now, other than what he was told. Hopefully Yu was here so he could put everything up to him, but for now nothing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Just on time, I need new toys to play with. Sisters? Please, don't assume too much. Didn't you know many died because they assume too much. I wouldn't want that for you... yet."


|| Current Location ✦ Studio 9 ||
|| [ [For Your Entertainment | Adam Lambert ] ||

"Good work today, Fuwa-san." This was the happy greeting of the photographer assigned to the popular pop idol, Ichigo Fuwa. It was not hard to capture magnificent photos as Fuwa is able to project at every angle and is never boring in his pictures. They were doing a cover shoot for his new album with its single reigning supreme at the Oricon chart. "Glad to be of service, Fujima-sensei! Just don't forget, what I said. Follow it and you'll be waking up with an aching bad tomorrow because of your wife in no time!" Fujima blushed because of what was implied and moreover receiving advice from a someone 20 years his junior. "Are you really sure about that?" The popular idol had a all-knowing smirk across his lips. "Wanna try it? I'll show you." Fujima blushed more and believed that the joke was getting a bit too far. "Fuwa-san! Seeing the reaction of Fujima, Ichigo can't help but laugh and then simply winked at his senior to ease the situation. "Just joking." Then, he popped a lollipop into his mouth and saw his keeper , as he calls it, was there to fetch him. "Well, my keeper is here. Later." He announced while waving at the staff at the studio before being approached by his manager.

"Good job, Ichigo-kun. Here." His iphone was presented to him as he took it. There were a few messages, but it was nothing he could care about at the moment. "So, where's my reward Haruko-chan?" He said with teasing with a slight tap of his lollipop to his lips. It was seductive, but there's a reason why he calls his manager, his keeper. "Try that again, when you're older, boy." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly not dissuaded at the very least, as he retorted with his playful tone. "I wonder... if you can still handle me during that time, Haruko-bachan..." Haruko heard that and she knew about her charge's smart mouth, but she could never get used to it. She was about to tell him off but Ichigo or better yet Yukito was already ahead of her. "Hurry up Haruko-chan, my new toys are arriving back at the house." That's right, she forgot, he was quite bossy and has no respect as well, especially when he's technically the younger one between the two of them. But, this is her work and really, she does have a soft spot for him. "All right already! Coming!"

They were soon in the car with Haruko being the driver and Yukito as the passenger. "I'll have to remind you that you have a guesting at Music Fair, then a rehearsal, and a music video shoot---" She was unable to continue as a lollipop was placed over her lips effectively silencing her due to surprise. The culprit, Yukito always present with that playful smirk of his as he spoke. "You talk too much Haruko-chan. It's probably why you're still single." He then removed the lollipop and licked it in a suggestive manner before looking through the window beside him. There was bit light red tinge across her cheek as she took a deep breath. She could already imagine what would happen when Yukito gets a bit older, a lot of girls will suffer heart attacks. But more importantly, she was a bit irritated about the pass of her being a single. Who's fault is that exactly? "Should I remind you who's responsible for having all my dates and boyfriends disappearing and obviously scared?"

Yukito simply looked at her at the corner of his eyes. "Probably because they found out about your taxidermy collection, Haruko-chan." Oh yes, he always has a way with his words which annoys her. "Listen here you--- She was silenced again with a slight beep from Yukito's phone and with him gesturing for quiet with a finger. He received a text from his Narukei. It seemed the toys have arrived. A dark glint was present on his eyes. "Pick up the pace, Haruko-chan." She noticed that glint and instantly felt sorry for the whatever or whoever was at the receiving end. She nodded and edged the gas pedal, but still within the speeding limit. They can't afford to get a ticket now, do they?

They soon arrived at what is more known as Sakura Square, her talent's house. "I'll see you tomorrow." Yukito didn't looked back and simply turned his back at her once he got out of the car while waving his hand. Haruko shook her head and simply sped off. Yukito on the other hand went to the front doors. He could still see that Narukei and two girls are present. This was going to be fun in more ways than one. He approached the group and announced his presence. "Glad, I didn't miss the chance to welcome our guests." He said with a bright smile on his face. By now, he should be familiar but because he's a popular face on all media options, along with the fact he is in the charts of hottest young stars. He then looked at the girls' luggage. "We can't have them carrying that when we're here don't we, Aniki?" He directed his words to Narukei as he grabbed hold of the nearest one to him which belonged to Nemui, not waiting for any response from the girls. "Come! Come! Let's all get along shall we?" he said as he entered the doors to the house where the four of them will be living together from now on, or at least attempt to.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Finally here, come on Nemui.. We should probably ring the door bell.. Let's get our bags."

"You're right, I'll get them out." She walked over to their luggage in the trunk, getting both bags out and wheeling them over to Shiori so she could take her bag. Not too long before that, a tall blonde boy about their age approached, and she was taken by surprise. He was at least ten inches taller than her. He was like a tower. She rarely ever felt so small. Was it natural to be that tall?

"Hello. I'm Naru, did you guys have a safe trip?"

Nemui nodded, looking to her older sister for reassurance. Suddenly the boy standing before her seemed familiar, but she couldn't think of where she'd met him before. It was irking her, but she pushed it aside. Maybe it would come to her later. Typically, Nemui had a great memory, but for some reason how she knew who Naru was, it was simply escaping her. He seemed relatively nice, so far at least. It was a little reassuring. She didn't really know what to say, until she realized that she never offered her name, "I-I'm Nemui.." She replied, mentally kicking herself for being so awkward. She hid her manga inside of her jacket, making sure Narukei wouldn't see it.

"Must have been a long ways. I'm not so sure if my father and his lady is back yet, so for now I suppose you have to put up with me. Unless Yu is home today."

"Yeah.. our mother didn't answer her phone earlier, so I guess they're really busy... " Nemui knew her mother wouldn't be at Sakura Square most of the time due to her busy career, so she assumed that their father would be the same way. Both parents were very prominent in society and had many responsibilities and social obligations. It would pretty much be the four of them living alone. Her mother typically only showed up for Holidays and important events.. She missed having a mom to be honest, but it couldn't be helped. Her mother loved her career, she wouldn't discourage it just because she missed her.

"Need any help?"

Nemui looked over to her sister, then down at her bag. Shortly after Narukei went to the doors and unlocked them She could very well carry her own bag, most of the boxes were already brought to her room before her arrival... So it wasn't a big deal. Though when she was about to answer him, he got a phone call. It was kind of inconvenient, but perhaps it was their parents? Maybe her mom and the father of these two boys would show up to clear up the awkward air around them?

"Sorry, please excuse me."

She took this moment to lean over and speak to her sister privately, covering her mouth with her hand so that Narukei wouldn't be able to read her lips, "Where have I seen him before?" She asked, keeping her voice lower than normal so that he wouldn't hear. Maybe Shiori would recognize him? Not to mention she felt more comfortable talking to her sister anyhow. She kept wondering if he'd recognize her as the nerdy glasses girl she was before now, especially since she remembered him. He wasn't one of her tormentors, so it was maddening to not be able to place where she knew him from, "Should we let him take our bags or carry them ourselves..?"

"Hey, you going to be late?"

It was depressing, she really hoped her mother would be present to help her get comfortable in this strange place. It was beautiful, but still, she'd never been here before, and now she was suddenly expected to live here? She wouldn't get a wink of sleep tonight. It looked like another long night of studying was head of her.

"Right see you soon, Father. I suppose you have heard it. Sorry about it."

"I-It's alright. I was just hoping to m-meet your father, and see our mother. It's been a while..." She said to Narukei, and was about to smile, until an all too familiar face crossed her gaze. This was catastrophic. Yukito was the most popular guy in school! He was a famous pop idol, if anyone at school realized they were living in the same house, they'd kill her. Plenty of girls would murder someone to get a chance to live with Yukito. Her eyes widened, and she simply stared in shock. Man, why me!?

"Glad, I didn't miss the chance to welcome our guests."

The smile was friendly enough, but she was on death row regardless. As soon as a single girl realized she lived here, her life would be over. The bullying would escalate to immeasurable levels. She really dreaded it. She wanted to hop back into the limo and go home, but the man drove off already. This was just great. She would die before she even got a chance to sign up for college, life was cruel. Hesitantly, she offered her name, doubting Yukito would remember her from class, "I-I'm Nemui Santioa... T-Thank you for the warm welcome."

"We can't have them carrying that when we're here don't we, Aniki?"

Suddenly Yukito scooped up her luggage, and Nemui's mouth opened to protest, but she slowly closed it, accepting defeat. It wouldn't do any good to argue this early in the game. If he wanted to carry her luggage, she'd let him. She looked over her shoulder, paranoid that fans of Yukito would be spying on the house. If they saw them living together things would be bad, but if they saw HIM carrying the luggage of a nobody like her, she wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"Come! Come! Let's all get along shall we?"

Nemui nodded skeptically, shuffling forward, tugging on Shiori's wrist, trying to get her to follow. Though Shiori seemed a bit off all day. It was weird, she couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with her older sibling. She followed behind Yukito quietly, not saying a single word. She never spoke to him in school, mostly because of her insecurity, but also do to the bullying. It would have only gotten worse if she tried to befriend someone as socially important as him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"You're right, I'll get them out."

She watched her sister get their luggage out of the limo, and noticed the driver's rudeness, but said nothing. Once her eyes landed on Narukei, her eyes narrowed and she tugged Nemui close to her. She remembered him quite well. Had her mother mentioned his name, she would have never agreed to move into Sakura Square. She was glaring daggers into his skull, but forced a warm smile on her face after she composed herself. This is going to be living hell... Why his father of all people? Well.. No one knew we dated, not even Nemui.. None of their classmates knew either. It was a secret, and now it was clawing away at her.

"Hello. I'm Naru, did you guys have a safe trip?"

"Safe enough." She replied in a neutral tone. She couldn't go off on him, it wasn't his fault that this happened, nor did she want Nemui to realize that she'd dated him before. She'd keep this secret if it was the last thing she ever did. It had been a long time since she'd seen him, she didn't have feelings for him. Not even one, she was sure of it, well, she was pretty sure. She wouldn't let herself feel anything for him, not again. Though she wasn't sure if she could live up to it, if he was the same as he was before. He was such a sweet guy back then, but he had a foul change for the worst. She hated him because he became a Casanova, he left her to flip from girl to girl. She felt like a joke for years, and she hasn't been truly confident in her appearance in years because of it. He chose to leave AFTER she fell for him, it wasn't fair, none of it... he didn't even say goodbye or tell her why he dropped her like last year's handbag.

"I'm Shiori Santioa, we were in the same class in seventh and eighth grade. I remember you." She replied as unemotionally as possible. She had to keep her cool in front of Nemui, so she couldn't be rude, but she wasn't going to force kindness towards him. She wasn't going to pretend to be okay with how he treated her, if anything, she'd treat him like a ghost in the attic. Staying away from him was the best way to avoiding having feelings for him again. He just had to be so damn gorgeous, didn't he? It was annoying as hell, she somewhat wished he was ugly, it would make it easier for her to completely hate him. She gave her sister a smile of assurance, knowing that the timid girl was having a rough time with the introductions. If her sister wasn't there, Shiori probably would have punched Narukei, regardless of if this situation wasn't his fault, she wasn't very logical.. Though she had to make this work, for her mother and sister's sake. She noticed Nemui hiding her manga, giggling a bit.

"Must have been a long ways. I'm not so sure if my father and his lady is back yet, so for now I suppose you have to put up with me. Unless Yu is home today."

Yu? Oh... Yukito, his younger brother. He talked a lot about him back then.. She nodded a bit, a true smile on her face this time. She didn't know the younger brother, so she held no resentment against the boy. In fact, he was quite popular at her school, "I can't wait to meet Yu-kun. I never got a chance in school where he is in Nemui's class." She really was looking forward to meeting the boy in person. She listened to his music a lot when she practiced dancing.

"Need any help?"

Then he immediately got a phone call. This gave her a chance to talk to her sister. She wasn't falling for this nice guy act, but Nemui on the other hand seemed to be getting along with Narukei rather well, her shy personality considered. She wouldn't stop her sister from befriending him, but she definitely felt the need to inform her younger sibling of his womanizing habits. Her sister was far to delicate to be caught up in something like that. She'd definitely kill him if he hurt Nemui like that, nothing, no one could stop her if that were to happen.

"Should we let him take our bags or carry them ourselves..?"

As if on clockwork, Nemui inquired on whether or not they should trust him with their luggage, "If he wants to carry your stuff, let him. He's just a pervert that doesn't settle down with one particular girl.." She whispered back to her sister, careful about her tone. She didn't want Narukei catching on, he might reveal their secret, and she'd have a lot of explaining to do. She lied so many times to Nemui about when her first kiss took place that the girl would be outraged to hear that Narukei was ACTUALLY Shiori's first kiss, not Hiroshi, who she also lied and said was her first boyfriend. She'd be caught up in so many lies that she was scared Nemui would never trust her again if she found out the truth.

"Right see you soon, Father. I suppose you have heard it. Sorry about it."

"I don't think they're coming, Mom mentioned something about late night dinner in Tokyo with Mr. Iyazaki." She stated matter-of-factly, proud that she obviously knew more about the arrangement at the moment. Though she tried to sound helpful, rather than smug. She didn't want life here to be any harder than it had to be, "Also, I don't need help, Nemui might though. Mine isn't that heavy, I got it. she responded with a small forced smile, not up to accepting help from her ex, at least not the first day she's seen him in somewhere over two years.

"Glad, I didn't miss the chance to welcome our guests. We can't have them carrying that when we're here don't we, Aniki?"

She put on a bright smile as soon as Yukito approached, "Nice to meet you, Yukito-kun~" She chimed in a happy tone. It was nice to meet him, she was a fan, but not a fanatic or anything... mostly she just liked his music, it was really catchy. Though she couldn't make out Nemui's expression. She thought that her sister would be happier to meet Yukito, but she just stood there frozen, up until Yukito relieved her of her bags.

"Come! Come! Let's all get along shall we?"

"Such a gentleman, I'm Shiori Santioa by the way, a junior this year. I know you hear this a lot, but I just wanted to say I love your music." She confessed, following Nemui and Yukito into the house, refusing herself the temptation of looking back at Narukei, she didn't want to put herself in more pain than she had to. The house was beautiful, and she giggled a bit. She was really excited to live here now. It was much better than the apartment her and Nemui shared before, "I hate to ask, but can you show Nemui to her room, Yukito-kun? She wanted to put her books away and I need her to have a head start so we can study.. I'll make it up to you, one free I owe you ticket?" she asked nervously, wondering if it even sounded compelling enough, besides, she trusted the girl more with Yukito than she did Narukei, and she wanted to have a private chat with the older brother, "I need to ask you something anyway, Narukei-san."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Image Image He chuckled at Nemu, she was so cute and sweet it was almost sickening, but none the less it was enjoyable. She reminded him of a Chipmunk in so many ways, it was hard for him not to laugh about it. He wanted to badly to pinch her cute little cheeks and ruffle up her hair, just to see a cute reaction from her, but he held himself back.

Naru smiled once he caught sight of his brother, he was always happy to see him coming, whether if the boy hated him or not, still he saw him as his brother and one that he loved fully. In fact, his brother is probably the only one who could get him out of fights. All he would have to do was call out his name and bam, it was like an off switch. But as soon as Yu mentioned to him helping with the bags, his mental anger kicked in hard and now it truly felt like his smiles were being forced.

Thankfully his ex decided to get her own bag, she was like a pissed off dog who wanted to rip his head off. Her dagger eyes were not hard to miss even for a second, in fact it made him a little happy to noticed that she remembered him. "I'll let her do it until she struggles. I don't want to make her uncomfortable, Yu. After all, they are new to us... Oh! Unless you know one of them? Man I wish we were told sooner about this, we could have prepared better for the two of you. I am so sorry."

He watched as they all walked inside, he took his keys and hit a remote button to close the front gate. Taking a moment to himself, soon after he went inside and closed the front door behind him when he heard that Shi wanted his attention. She's going to bark, I just know it, how troublesome, if only she was a good dog and didn't yap. "It's fine Yu, go ahead and show Ne-Chan her room." He smiled at her and patted her head softly. "Make sure you don't let him inside, boys shouldn't be in a lady's room and don't forget to lock your door when you sleep. People in his neighborhood can't be trusted. After all we do live with a pop star, his fans can be a little overwhelming at times." Bending down to her ear level he whispered softly. "Your manga is falling out of your coat darlin' Don't worry, I'll kept it a secret. I read them too, so let's keep this secret together." He touched his lips with his index finger as a 'sh' kind of way with a gentle wink towards her.

Taking a step back, he glanced over at Shi. "Are you sure you want to talk to me? Your room is next to your sister's." He looked at her questioning as he tilted his head a bit.

This was going to be tough, he knew right away just where she was going to go with this. She couldn't be mature for one second, the moment she got her all she has done was glare at him. So, his best chances were to throw something back at her. If this was how it was going to be, he was going to play this game with her. There was no way in hell he was going to let her win, his pride would be crushed.

"Oh right. Yu!" He called out to him just as Yu walked up the stairs to their rooms. "I'll need you to come to the store with me in a little while. So please don't leave today anywhere else." This was his way of say...If you make any plans, I'll be very pissed and we both know where this will go. Most likely once the girls were to sleep, he'd leave the house and find something to do in town that him and his brother both won't like. It was also his way of saying he needed Yu to babysit him so he wouldn't do something reckless.

It was always a pain, but today he really did need Yu here with him. He knew this wouldn't end well with talking to his ex, he was already mad as it was having to put up with everything. This would almost be his last straw right here and now. Last time it was his last straw and he almost got arrested. Okay, it was pretty bad though the guys started it with him first. It still was pretty badly ended. If Yu wasn't there Naru would have never calmed down.

Sometimes though, with all this, he knew deep down that, his fights and anger always did cause his brother problems. It was no wonder Yu disliked him, even if he hid it, Naru sort of just knew. A lot of the times, he wishes he could fix things, even himself, but he was so far into everything that he couldn't back away or break free of it. Right now, he was a bit lost and refused to ask directions of which way to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"We'll be playing a game. You don't want to? Let me remind you an important thing. I don't care about your wants and you have no choice in the matter, as if you can resist anyway. It's written all over your face. I already own you."

|| Current Location ✦ Sakura Square ||
|| [ Like it Loud | Myah Marie (Male Version) ] ||

Aren't they adorable things? It's doesn't refer to what they look like but more of what he sees them as. There is a hamster and a dog before him. Now, he would need to get some cages for those two to fit in doesn't he? His saccharine smile never faded and never revealed his inner thoughts. It was not that hard in his line of profession. He had learned not only by choice and by experience that it's very important to hide behind flawless masks. It also helps that he was very good at it which is not the same for Narukei whose smile was tearing at the seams with just a few words from him about the luggage. Isn't that interesting?

"Suit yourself, Aniki." Yukito answered back while shrugging his shoulder. "Know one of them?" He let his eyes study the faces of the two girls and shook his head. "Nope, they're just cuties, that's all." He said while looking at Nemui and Shiori with a gentle smile. Then, he glanced at Narukei with a thoughtful look. "How about you? Know anyone of them?" He didn't wait for an answer because, somehow, he could sense tension which was obviously circulating around Narukei and Inu-chan, a nickname he gave to Shiori. He couldn't wait to prey on that soon enough. He simply added to the apology at the end there. "We'll just have to make it up to them don't we Aniki?"

He then made sure that the bag in his hand is secured and then replied to the introductions being thrown his way. "Nice to meet you Nemui-chan." He started his smile never once failing him. "The name is Iyazaki Yukito, you can call me anything you want." He ended that statement with a playful wink before transferring his attention to the other girl who was older than him. "It's a pleasure to meet you and moreover for liking my music, Shiori-chan." He said with a bright smile and the quickly closed the gap between them. His free hand set aside a loose strand which was over her eye by placing it behind her ear. He then pulled away in an elegant manner as if it was an illusion that he was awfully closed to Shiori earlier. "Do continue to support me." He said with a smile.

Then, he was asked a favor once they were inside by Inu-chan. Pulling up the favor card so early in the game? Good. He'll milked that one later. But what interested him was the odd presence between Narukei and Shiori. But as always, he'll be keeping that to himself for now. "Sure, no problem with me. That's my intention anyway." He said cheerfully and glanced at Nemui who Narukei was warning about the boy and girl boundary and his so-called stalkerish fans. There was also that added whispering notion. What was that about? Curious thing, it seemed Narukei found a pet as well. Well, Nemui does look like a hamster and so he'll be calling her Hamtaro. Anyway, he retorted a bit to Narukei's words. "Don't be exagerrated Aniki. I wouldn't be living here anymore if the people in my neighborhood as you say can so easily get in here now." He then looked at Nemui with a kind smile. "I guess I'll show you to your room now, Nemui-chan."

That's all he said as he lead the way. He was already on the stairs when he looked back because Narukei called to him. He smiled sweetly at Narukei for he knew what was being asked of him exactly. If Haruko was his keeper in a sense, this was the same for him in regards to Narukei. He finds it troublesome but, not so much to completely dislike, because at the end of the day, he likes it, the feeling of being needed, even if it meant that Narukei spirals out of control. He was completely fine with it. "Alright. Don't miss me too much Aniki." He gave a playful wink before continuing to the hallways where the rooms are.

His attention then shifted to Nemui as he opened the door to her room. "Here's your room." He announced as he let her enter first. "My room is just opposite of yours, if you need anything, just come over and I'll teach you a lot of things. I do highly recommend it." He said with a flirtatious smile before breaking of into a carefree one. "Don't take it seriously. I'm just joking. We'll be a family after all." He then nodded his head towards the opposite door and then pointed at the door at the end of the hall. "Bathroom is over there." He then showed her the luggage. "Where do you want me to put this?" But after saying that, he stepped forward closing the distance between them. He actually cornered her to the nearby wall. His arm placed positioned over her head as he leaned more closely. His face terribly closed to hers as the gap between their lips is just a few centimeters. From this position, the sweet scent of strawberries could be smelled from his breath as he spoke. "Looking at you closely, you're familiar. Why is that?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Make sure you don't let him inside, boys shouldn't be in a lady's room and don't forget to lock your door when you sleep. People in his neighborhood can't be trusted. After all we do live with a pop star, his fans can be a little overwhelming at times."

In my room...? I'll try to keep him out, but if he wants in, is there anything I can really do to stop him without coming across as a rude sister? Besides, he's my brother.. I wouldn't do anything with him, nor would he want to with someone like me anyway. He can get whatever girl he wants..

"Don't be exaggerated Aniki. I wouldn't be living here anymore if the people in my neighborhood as you say can so easily get in here now. I guess I'll show you to your room now, Nemui-chan."

"Your manga is falling out of your coat darlin' Don't worry, I'll kept it a secret. I read them too, so let's keep this secret together."

At first her eyes widened and a light blush crept onto her face. One he saw her manga, and two he was touching her head. She was panicking, but soon found herself relieved when she found out that Narukei read them too. She nodded a bit readjusting the manga out of sight, nodding at Narukei gratefully "Arigato.." She would have offered to read them with him, but she remembered that Shiori said he was a massive pervert.. So she kept that thought to herself for now.

"Oh right. Yu! I'll need you to come to the store with me in a little while. So please don't leave today anywhere else."

"Alright. Don't miss me too much Aniki."

It fell quiet for what felt like forever as she followed Yukito, so she began a nervous conversation, saying the first thing that came to mind, "You two seem really close, that's nice.." She trailed off, trying to keep herself talking. She hadn't said much, and she wanted to come out of her shell, they were going to be family after all, "Me and Shi-chan always wanted a brother.. Now we're getting two of them.. I hope to get along well, Yukito-san. I look forward to getting to know you." She knew that it probably sounded insincere, but she meant every word. Since childhood the two wanted a brother, but their mom never remarried, until now.

"Here's your room. My room is just opposite of yours,"

"I'm grateful." She replied kindly as she stepped inside the room, amazed at how beautiful it is. She tilted her head as he mentioned his room was located directly across from hers. It was so close.. It made her a bit nervous to be honest.. Though she should have realized that they would be close when she saw the building. Despite the splendor of the home, it wasn't exceptionally large. It had four bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, living room, dining room, and laundry room.. However, the yard around the house was gigantic, and there was also the tall fence... She began to wonder if she would be allowed to get a dog to keep outside, if it was alright with the brothers, "I-I'll do my best to remember that.." She replied sheepishly.

"if you need anything, just come over and I'll teach you a lot of things. I do highly recommend it."

She blinked for a moment, completely oblivious to what his words implied towards her. She was puzzled. What is he talking about? Teach me what? She asked herself, trying to decipher the intentions behind his words, but she wasn't understanding it.

"Don't take it seriously. I'm just joking. We'll be a family after all. Bathroom is over there."

"..A-Arigato, Yukito-kun.." She replied gratefully, trying to memorize all of the doors. The last thing she wanted to do was walk in on Yukito or Narukei when she intended to take a bath. She was pretty sure she figured it out, still a little flustered by his teasing. She wasn't certain what he meant exactly, but now that he said that, she kind of got an idea of what he was joking about... It wasn't as bad as it could have been, at least he wasn't bullying her about her baggy clothes or height. She felt things were going fairly well, flirtatious jokes aside. She didn't realize just how wrong she was, but how could she though? Yukito was paid to be a good actor.

"Where do you want me to put this?"

"On the bed is fine, I plan to get unpacked right aw-" But her words were cut short, Yukito closed the gap between them, invading a generous ninety-five percent of her comfort zone at least. She backed up until she felt something hard meet her shoulder blades, which she presumed to be a wall and Moe Kare (a manga) consequently fell out of her jacket to the floor. She dared not move to grab it, because the slightest twitch would put her in a VERY awkward situation. If she moved, even a fraction of an inch, she'd lose her first kiss to her soon-to-be brother, and pop idol, Yukito Iyazaki. T-Too close! She could see his arm propped against the wall near her head, locking her in place. Her heart began beating faster and she could feel the blush spreading rapidly across her cheeks. She could only imagine how red her face had gotten from this, it was the closest she'd ever been to a boy, let alone a boy that also happened to be a celebrity. His lips were so close to her own that she could smell his breath, and judging by it, he ate something strawberry flavored recently. She assumed that her own smelled like chocolate, due to the Chocolate flavored pocky she ate during the car ride. She had a habit of munching on pocky whenever she read manga, keeping a box on her at all times. She just prayed to God hoping that her breath didn't smell bad.

"Looking at you closely, you're familiar. Why is that?"

She wanted to back up, to break eye contact, but she was frozen stiff. Now she understood what Narukei meant. Yukito was being a very different person compared to how he acted in class... He was being...very forward. She wasn't sure what his intentions were, but being this close in proximity made her feel...lightheaded. It was very embarrassing, "I-I.." She began, but words were coming out rather jumbled, she had to be careful, the centimeters between their faces made all the difference, "W-Well...Maybe it's because w-we're in the same class....? Somehow, we've been in the same one since kindergarten..." She found it hard to speak, somewhat stupefied by the small distance between them. She wasn't sure why he was doing this, but she had to put a stop to it before it got too out of hand. Any further and this would be a situation not suitable for siblings to acceptably participate, "...Y-Yukito-san.. don't you think this is a little too close for siblings..? W-We'll get in trouble..." She tried to reason with him as her wits returned to her, but honestly she wasn't so worried about getting in trouble, she was more worried about how red her face was, and how fast this scenario escalated.. She was afraid it would only go further if she didn't speak up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"It's a pleasure to meet you and moreover for liking my music, Shiori-chan. Do continue to support me."

She smiled as Yukito introduced himself, he was far more charming than she imagined. She couldn't believe that him and Narukei were related. Though immediately the gap closed between them for a few seconds, and a light blush formed on her face. This wasn't the first time she'd been close to a boy, but Yukito was cute, the younger brother of her ex, and she was a fan of his music. It made the situation still...rather embarrassing, but not too badly. Especially since he was just fixing her hair for her. She shook off her nerves, "Of course! Thank you for fixing my hair, Yukito-kun, I didn't notice." she smiled back, the pale blush fading soon after the space between them returned.

"Sure, no problem with me. That's my intention anyway."

"That's great, I owe you one. I really need to discuss things with Narukei-san, since we're technically in charge when our parents are away... What a bummer, right?" She frowned, not really liking it when she had to be the authority figure. Nemui was always the more serious and mature sibling, Shiori just wanted to have fun. Typically it was Nemui babysitting Shiori in these situations.. she just had to lie to get herself alone long enough to run her thoughts by Narukei in discreet peace.

"It's fine Yu, go ahead and show Ne-Chan her room. Make sure you don't let him inside, boys shouldn't be in a lady's room and don't forget to lock your door when you sleep. People in his neighborhood can't be trusted. After all we do live with a pop star, his fans can be a little overwhelming at times."

It was then and there she realized she wouldn't be getting much sleep. She wouldn't be able to rest knowing there was a possibility that someone could break into her younger sister's room, especially a raging fan. Not many young girls had the decency to understand a forced family situation. Lots of girls would be jealous of Nemui and Shiori, but not many would stand up to hotheaded, fist swinging Shiori, they'd take their frustrations out on the quiet, submissive Nemui. Instantly her eyes narrowed as she watched Narukei touch Nemui, but she just clenched her jaw and kept her thoughts to herself. He whispered in the younger girl's ear, and she could feel her blood boiling, but he moved away from her sister seconds before she'd reach her limit. Sure she was overprotective, but after she lost her father she grew paranoid. She was afraid of losing her mother and Nemui, and it got worse when her fears almost became a reality the day Nemui nearly died in the school pool. She was taken to the hospital and everything.. Ever since, Shiori was fiercely protected her anytime she could. She also noticed Nemui adjust her manga, her temper deflating. "Is that all it was? It better be.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me? Your room is next to your sister's."

"Perfectly, I just wanted to discuss dinner with you, and a few other things I'd rather keep private, don't worry. I don't bite, I promise." She never said anything about any other type of abuse... She didn't lie though, she wouldn't bite.. Honestly, her mouth wasn't going anywhere near him again. He already got her first kiss, she didn't want to think about how many he's had since then. If possible, aside from kicking his ass, she didn't plan on touching him period. By now he'd probably slept with at least half of Japan's teenaged girls between the ages of fifteen and nineteen.

"Oh right. Yu! I'll need you to come to the store with me in a little while. So please don't leave today anywhere else."

She waited for their younger siblings to make it up the stairs, and a good distance toward their rooms before she turned to look at Narukei, not holding back her hate filled glare at all now that she had no one to put on a show for. She immediately crossed her arms, looking him over, "I actually wanted to run a deal by you.. There is a lot I could say to you, but I'll save it, if we happen to strike a bargain." she hissed, gritting her teeth. She was using every fiber of her being to hold back her rage, to keep herself grounded, to not break his teeth out. She'd grown up quite a bit since they last encountered each other, she wasn't as naïve as she was when they dated. She knew exactly what kind of guy he was turning out to be, "I will pretend I barely know you, just as you seem to be doing, and gladly play the role I've been assigned as sister without a word, if you comply to my conditions." She began, then decided to announce her terms to him right off the bat. She didn't feel like prolonging this arrangement, honestly she wanted to just eat and begin studying for the test she and Narukei had to take in the morning, "If you promise to never enter Nemui's room when it's just the two of you, and vow to never touch her inappropriately, I'll let bygones be bygones and pretend you'll become just a guy from my class. If you refuse or I catch you breaking this deal, I will take the proof that we once dated that I have hidden and reveal it to our parents, thus me and Nemui will be forced to move out, and I still get to protect her from guys like you. She's been through enough hell, she doesn't need you leading her on and breaking her heart."

"I normally wouldn't care what you do, but Nemui is a sweet girl and has a lot going for her, she doesn't need the likes of you distracting her and ruining her GPA. You can do your thing with whomever you want, except for my sister. If you ruin her chances at her dream college, or dare hurt her like you've hurt so many other girls before, I'll kill you." Her tone was serious, but also very angry. She was trembling in her rage, obviously using a great deal of self restraint to keep her temper under wraps. She was still the hotheaded and brave young woman she became shortly after experiencing her first heartbreak, but she was somehow holding it together, albeit the thread keeping her from exploding was thin, but she still managed to keep control. It was progress at least, "She's spent her entire life trying to get into that school and I won't have you ruin that for her. It's the only positive thing she has going for her. I don't care if they find out I've lied, because at least she'll get to go to a good school and have a good future." She sat on the couch once she'd said her piece, waiting for Narukei to consider her offer. She knew Nemui would hate her for all the lies she'd told, but eventually she would get past it, time would heal those wounds. No amount of time could heal a broken high school GPA. She had to protect her sister from getting hurt, no matter what the cost was. She was willing to throw herself under the bus if it would help her sister achieve her goal. She didn't want to tell the secret, but she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she kept quiet and allowed Narukei to play with Nemui's heart. If Nemui lost her chances to go to her dream school because Shiori wanted to keep it hushed that she dated Narukei... she'd hate herself for the rest of her life. She couldn't allow her secret to destroy her younger sister's life like that, more so, she refused to let her sister's life get ruined by her own bad decisions, "I'll give you a minute or two to think on my offer. It's nothing personal, just being a good older sister." She let out a few slow calming breaths, attempting to keep her inner beast tamed, but it wasn't working very well. Finally she resorted to trying to convince herself she was calm. Keep it together, you got this, he's cornered... There is no way he can say no.. The only thing he can do is add his own terms to this bargain. He doesn't want anyone to know either.. It would ruin his reputation as a player.. A lot of girls would get mad at him..


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Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Image Image He only blinked, looking at her in surprise. He couldn't believe it, she actually did just as he thought she would. It was almost too funny. But there was no way he could get his word in, mainly because she was talking too damn fast. Surprisingly, he was able to keep up until she practically called him a 'Stupid Pedophile'. Maybe not word for word, but she implied it. Now he was fuming deep inside. He wanted to badly to get revenge for her words. So, once she was done talking he finally rubbed his head, taking the surprised look off his face. She's a fool...

"Forgive me, but, I'm not so sure where you are going with this. I really think you're mistaken me for someone else. I've never dated anyone. Everyone knows this, you could ask the whole school." He sighed softly and let a hurt look on his face as he placed his hand over his heart. I don't see why I would go into her room, right after I just warned you both. That doesn't make any sense."

Dropping his hand from his chest, he leaned against the sofa. We don't have a deal because I'm not a pedophile. Your sister is lovely, but she is just a kid. That's pretty low, even for you to think this over someone you have just met."

Pausing he looked down at the floor feeling 'depressed'. "And what's worse is, you just pretty much called me a moron who couldn't even help your sister. Didn't anyone tell you? I have a College level GPA. I fail to see how this makes me stupid in any way." Least this much wasn't a lie, he really wasn't all that stupid as she seems to see him as.

Taking a deep breath, he crossed his arms over his chest loosely, tilting his head to the side as he looked at her. "And what I really don't understand is, if I am this person you say I am to be, why would you want to blackmail me? Not only will it ruin your rep at home, but this whole town. Not to mention what they will say about your sister. Would they really want her to go to their school, knowing her sister dated your guy's new step brother? They'll disown her. That school is all about image. Most schools are. Why would you do that? Especially on something you aren't a 100% sure on? Oh so you have a picture of me. What girl doesn't? It could have been easily Photoshopped. This happens alot with my brother and myself. A girl who likes us always steals pictures and Photoshops them. It's a bit hard to handle but nothing we haven't fixed." He frowned a bit.

Standing up properly he bowed his head softly towards her. "Forgive me, that was rude, but so were you. All I heard was 'I lied and I don't care if I am expose, only you will be'. But did you ever think before you blurted out before you got proof, before you thought,...'Hey maybe I ain't the only one who can get into trouble.'

Shifting his weight a bit, letting his hip go to one side. "I get it, I have a little brother too that I like to protect, but at least I think things through before taking action and making myself look like a fool. Everything I do, everything I say, and everything I am, falls onto him, my father and now your mother. I hardly have the time to put up a 'Bad Boy' act. I'm not even sure if I could do that. Plus to top this threat of yours off, go ahead and tell, tell everyone and anyone. I am pretty sure they would believe me over you, even if you have a photo or more. After all my GPA is better and what's more is I don't have a bad side in me, no one has seen it. Oh but wait, apparently you say you have." He laughed awkwardly at the end of his sentence.

Walking up close to her, he looked down at her and then bent over to pick up her bags and luggage. I was rude, even if you threw the first fireball, still you are a girl. I shouldn't have said so much. It's fine if you can't forgive me just now, but I won't disrespect my brother, so I'll have to help you to your room and with your bags. Whether you hate it or not. I had to prove my point."

Taking her things he went up the stairs with or without her following or having to hear whatever else she had to say. He was fed up and right now all he saw was red. Not matter how much he wanted to bust, he couldn't. His Prince act would just have to hold out for a bit longer. Once he reached her room he left her bags at the door and opened it up for her. Without going in he, paused by Nemui's room.

Anything you want from the store Ne-Chan? I'll buy anything you like. Be spoiled by me today and every day after this. Oh also I was going to stop by the book store tomorrow, seeing as it's a great time to go, come with." He smiled gently at her, but never went into her room, just leaned against the door frame. Get out! Get out! Get out! You are going to snap. He yelled inside his head.


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Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"What are you thinking about, hmm? Something dirty? Something embarrassing? Me? Something you want to do with me? All of the above, isn't it? But, you're my onee-chan. So, don't fall hard, because I won't catch you, even if you beg for it."

|| Current Location ✦ Sakura Square ||
|| [ Circus | Britney Spears (Male Version) ] ||

Just like a hamster, that's how Yukito sees her all curled up in front of him with just a hint of intimacy. It's really interesting to watch people get uncomfortable when he manages to give them a taste of something seductive through his mannerisms. But, this is something more of a tool for him than a gesture meant to indicate attraction. Of course, she'll be ignorant about it as long as he wants her to. He won't be at the pedestal of where he is now in his career if he doesn't know how to play the game where people are just pawns dancing to his rhythm.

He could not help but have that pristine smile of his twisted ever so slightly with darker intent. His eyebrow rose as he managed to make sense of her jumbled words. Her nervousness and the redness of her face were all alluring for him, enough for him to play a bit more. "Is that so? Since kindergarten, huh..." He didn't move away as he caught the scent of chocolates coming from her. Good, it's quite sweet to the senses which enrapture him. "I must have bad eyes not noticing a cutie like you before, until now." He was well-aware how uncomfortable this must be for her. Her reactions were enough to relate that information for him and he relishes that.

As for trouble? There's no issue about that to him. Every day in his life is a cycle of trouble and mischief. It was nothing new for him and actually, he finds it entertaining how much of trouble he could get because of her. Would this little Hamtaro of his be worth it? He would like to know more. "Trouble...? Hmm..." He had a thoughtful look before leaning more closely. His lips awfully closed to the side of her lips as he spoke something not of that subject. "You ate something chocolaty didn't you?" He pointed out and then without further ado, his tongue graced the corner of her lips for a quick taste. "There was still some leftovers." He leveled his face before hers again with a bit of a distance. He has a smirk on his face. "Chocolate pocky, nice choice." He stated and then licked the corner of his lips for an implication of what he did.

He pulled back, giving her a room to breathe while the arm which was propped on the wall above her head slowly came down. His hands then touched the strands of her hair before his fingers settled with the tips of her hair, curling it playfully. "We're not siblings yet, Nemui-chan." He pointed out that fact before continuing on. "So having a face so red like a strawberry around me is fine." He then leaned forward again, this time his lips were placed near her ear. "So, do you really want to play family with me?" His voice had an edge of being raspy and sexy. He finally pulled away from her while releasing the strands of hair he was playing with. He then caught sight of the fallen manga on the floor. He grabbed hold of it and glanced at its cover nonchalantly, a typical shoujo manga. He then turned his back at her as he went to her bed. It was of course just to place the luggage he was still carrying.

"You're a romantic, huh..." He placed the manga covering his lips from sight but his eyes were enough to deliver the message of his rather coy mannerisms. "It seems you like these kind of things. Well, then." He placed the manga on top of her bag and had a bright smile on his face as if the actions he had done had never happened at all. "I'll make you heart beat so fast and your face always red." He noted at the end with a sing-song voice as he approached her once more. He took out a strawberry lollipop and began eating one in front of her. After a few seconds, he graced the sweet globe on her lips, making it count like an indirect kiss. He heard the voice of Narukei by the door which means, it was his cue to go. "Let's get along well, Onee-chan." He then popped the lollipop into his mouth and made his way to the door. But before, he could open it. He remembered something, looking over his shoulder; he had that pristine kind smile on his face.

"I almost forgot. Welcome to Sakura Square, you're new home." He then playful winked at her. "Catch you later." He finally left her alone by opening the door and from how he acted it was like everything he had done was just one big joke from the very beginning. No one can really tell when it comes to Yukito. But as far as he is concerned, he was going to have a great time playing with his Hamtaro. Well now, he would have to take care of Narukei who was basically standing in front of him. "Hey there Aniki." He greeted with his trademark smile. He was also certain that Narukei was thinking why he was inside Nemui's room when he had warned the girl not to allow him inside and all. But really, when did Yukito specifically did what was asked of him without a twist.

He closed the door behind him and then immediately closed the distance between him and Narukei. He took out the lollipop from his mouth and then placed his hands on Narukei's shoulder as he tiptoed and placed a light kiss on at the corner of his older brother's lips. Well, Narukei was indeed taller than him. "Shall we get going now, Aniki?" He whispered to Narukei with their lips barely grazing with each other. His eyes looked up to Narukei which held a certain understanding of what was probably going inside Narukei's head. To anyone, it was like a scene straight from a romantic movie or novel. But, the kiss was a charm which his mother back then would tell him to do to Narukei if he ever gets mad or angry. It calms Narukei and it is effective up-to-date. Yukito is rather intuitive and sensed his brother being on the edge than earlier.

Was it something about that Inu-chan? (Shiori) They just talked didn't they? He liked that, seeing Narukei riled up like this. He would get to that later, for now. "You better spoil me too, Aniki." He noted as he pulled away from Narukei without at least being embarrassed with what he did to his brother, as they were not kids anymore. "I might get jealous." He winked at Narukei and then turned his back at him. They should go, distance from the girls would be good for now, especially for Narukei apparently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Is that so? Since kindergarten, huh..."

She nodded, feeling almost breathless, seeing as he refused to pull away. Apparently she was right about him not noticing her, but at least he thought she was familiar.. most people in class didn't even know her name.. It was a step up, especially since he wasn't bullying her, or maybe he was? She wasn't sure what his intentions were here.. She couldn't tell if he was being genuine or working her up on purpose. The confusion was enough to drive anyone insane. She didn't want to be rude and reprimand him, but her head was spinning, she was panicking so badly. She didn't try to think from another perspective, because the only other example she had was Shiori, who would simply tell her to punch him in the face, which she didn't want to do...

"I must have bad eyes not noticing a cutie like you before, until now."

"E-Etto.. It's probably because I wore glasses up until this year..." she pointed to the desk, her red glasses bulky glasses laid out in plain sight. Putting her glasses down was the only thing she got to do before she was tricked into backing up into the wall. She was still blushing, especially after being called cute. Did he really think that? She was hesitant to believe it due to all the bullying she'd went through, but she accepted the compliment anyhow, "I appreciate the compliment, I'd return it...but you get that all the time... it wouldn't sound very genuine." she sighed, realizing that he probably was hit on by girls all the time, she didn't want to become a statistic, "You are a kind person, Yukito-san. It must be hard having strangers move into your home.. and I imagine the attention is a bit suffocating.."

"Trouble...? Hmm..."

She finally thought she'd gotten through to him, that he understood the severity of this situation, should someone see them like this, but it seemed her logic flew out the window, because he only edged closer. She held her breath at this, because even one breath could force an action she couldn't take back. She didn't want to lose her first kiss this way, not only because he'd be her brother, but also because they'd only officially met not even fifteen minutes ago.. She always found him attractive in school, that was undeniable, but she wasn't the fawning type... She felt ridiculous enough, why would she make a fool of herself by throwing her heart at him with no grounds to do so? Attractive as he might be, he was still her brother.

"You ate something chocolaty didn't you?"

She was about to speak, but was glad she didn't. He almost immediately licked at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes widened, and her whole body tensed up. His tongue was warm against her face, and she squirmed a bit to put space between his tongue and her mouth. It was her first obvious attempt to break contact.

"There was still some leftovers."

"Y-Yukito san!..I-I didn't notice.." She closed her eyes for a moment as she gasped out his name in complete and utter shock, trying to calm herself down as she continued explaining that she didn't realize she had a bit left on her mouth. If she didn't relax she would surely collapse at the rate things were going. When he finally put distance between their faces, she let out a sigh of relief. Her first kiss was still intact, that was good. Think of the positives... Though she was flustered, confused, and downright felt like passing out. She had so many questions, but her nerves wouldn't allow her to even ask. He'd acted similarly with Shiori, but it was far less harmful, he simply moved her hair out of her face.. yet he nearly kissed her without the bat of an eyelash... He was so calm about it, which made her that much more nervous.. She was so scared the entire time, what if he had kissed her? She didn't know what to do, or how to act... It would have made a mess of things, including the family. She wanted to tell him it was inappropriate, but she figured he was well aware.. He didn't seem to care whether or not their parents were about to marry, apparently as long as the two of them weren't blood related, it didn't pose a threat to his advances.

"Chocolate pocky, nice choice." He stated and then licked the corner of his lips for an implication of what he did.

She nodded her head, "I-I eat pocky when I read..." she replied back, finally opening her eyes, but immediately averted her gaze when he licked his own lips, it was too similar to the flirtatious violation less than a minute before. He gave her a little room to move, and she put her hand on her chest, and could feel her heart pounding against her fingers. It wasn't too long after she managed to slow her heartbeat that he began caressing her hair, content with toying around with the ends of it. She didn't mind this so much, but a lighter blush still remained on her cheeks.. This she could manage to live through.. but another moment like earlier and she'd surely have a mental breakdown. It was too much for timid, innocent Nemui to endure. It was too serious, too adult.. Which made her wonder.. because Yukito was a few months younger than her. Nemui's birthday just recently passed, his should be soon, but why was he so comfortable doing intimate things..? Why did he want to do something intimate with her, regardless of how small the gesture was? It was only a near kiss, yet it was more intimate than she'd ever been. She'd never been on a date, or even held a boy's hand, she wasn't Shiori... Shiori already dated two boys, and went on several dates.. Nemui wasn't brave enough for that.

"We're not siblings yet, Nemui-chan."

I'm not sure I am going to be comfortable with where this is going, based off how this has went so far.. Now I see what Narukei meant about locking the door and not letting Yukito inside...b-but...he seemed so nice... I didn't think he'd do something like this...

"So having a face so red like a strawberry around me is fine."

She brought her hands up to her cheeks, instantly embarrassed, feeling the need to explain herself, "N-no! I-it's not like that... I-I... I've just never had a boy that close to me before... I wasn't trying to... I-I mean... I'm not that kind of girl!" she squeaked in a distressed tone, obviously flustered and jumbled now that she thought this was her fault. She didn't mean to lead him on, is that what happened? She felt terrible now.. Her eyes were stormy, an intense mixture of confusion, embarrassment, and guilt on her face as she attempted to make heads or tails of this situation. She almost felt nauseous she was stressing herself so much. He's your brother, you've got to set things straight or mom will be so disappointed in you..

"So, do you really want to play family with me?"

"Play..?" she asked in a quiet tone. Her voice was slightly shaken, but that was understandable, considering all the teasing flirtations she'd endured thus far. H-he's your brother, your very sexy stepbrother, but still your brother Nemui... She reminded herself, she must have mentally chanted it a thousand times in a fraction of a minute.. His tone of voice sent chills down her spine. She felt weak in the knees, but she HAD to say something... She couldn't let things continue like this... or at least she had to TRY and bring a stop to this behavior.. but got distracted once he picked up her manga. Oh no!

"You're a romantic, huh... It seems you like these kind of things. Well, then. I'll make you heart beat so fast and your face always red. Let's get along well, Onee-chan."

Once again he looked quite mischievous as he spoke to her, and her eyes widened as he mentioned making her heart beat so quickly that her face would be perpetually red. It made her nervous, wondering just what that entailed. She felt dread in her stomach, but she had to speak. It was now or never, "O-our parents are already engaged... that has to mean something.. We cannot behave however we choose.. T-the world has rules..." She tried to reason with him one more time, her fingers shaking as she opted to sitting on the floor. She felt if she took a single step forward she'd fall flat on her face. Her legs were defying her, at the moment they felt like jello.

"I almost forgot. Welcome to Sakura Square, you're new home. Catch you later."

"Sayonara..." she stated, feeling a bit crazy. Everything that happened, did it truly take place? Or was she imagining it? She brushed it off as her imagination, even though she could still taste the strawberry flavor from the indirect kiss, it was easier to accept than the fact her new brother was flirting with her. She saw Narukei at the door, giving him a smile of defeat. She didn't manage to heed his warning.

"Anything you want from the store Ne-Chan? I'll buy anything you like. Be spoiled by me today and every day after this. Oh also I was going to stop by the book store tomorrow, seeing as it's a great time to go, come with."

"U-uhm.. I've got enough to read for tonight, I appreciate the offer...and I'd love to go with you, b-but I have work tomorrow evening at the comic book store until around 9 P.M... You can stop by if you want, I get a discount." She offered, feeling like she was brushing off her new older brother, but it was nothing but the truth. She worked on weekdays, getting off work around nine at night, but she was completely free Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Forgive me, but, I'm not so sure where you are going with this. I really think you're mistaken me for someone else. I've never dated anyone. Everyone knows this, you could ask the whole school." He sighed softly and let a hurt look on his face as he placed his hand over his heart. I don't see why I would go into her room, right after I just warned you both. That doesn't make any sense. We don't have a deal because I'm not a pedophile. Your sister is lovely, but she is just a kid. That's pretty low, even for you to think this over someone you have just met."

"Really? If she's just a child, then I suppose we won't have a problem, although she's only a year and a few months younger than we are. Her birthday just passed... This time next year she'd be sixteen." She chose to ignore the 'just met' part, mostly because it made her that much more eager to start beating his face in every time he pretended to not know who she was. She scooted away from him, too repulsed to be caught near him. This was an injustice, and he knew it.

"And what's worse is, you just pretty much called me a moron who couldn't even help your sister. Didn't anyone tell you? I have a College level GPA. I fail to see how this makes me stupid in any way."

"I wasn't even trying to attack your intelligence, you're taking that the wrong way! I'm saying you in general would be a distraction and hindrance to Nemui's focus on school if you break her heart. I cannot judge your academic capabilities, because I could care less." She replied, justifying her words. She never meant to imply he was an imbecile, that much she was uncertain of. They only dated briefly after all.

"And what I really don't understand is, if I am this person you say I am to be, why would you want to blackmail me? Not only will it ruin your rep at home, but this whole town. Not to mention what they will say about your sister. Would they really want her to go to their school, knowing her sister dated your guy's new step brother? They'll disown her. That school is all about image. Most schools are. Why would you do that? Especially on something you aren't a 100% sure on? Oh so you have a picture of me. What girl doesn't? It could have been easily Photoshopped. This happens alot with my brother and myself. A girl who likes us always steals pictures and Photoshops them. It's a bit hard to handle but nothing we haven't fixed."

"It's a simple process to hire a professional to decide whether an image has been photoshopped or not, or are you implying you know more than a man with a degree in photography? To be quite frank, I don't care whether you want to pretend you don't know me or not. All I know is, we know each other and if you don't quit pissing me off we could let the pictures do the talking. My mother can clearly afford to have them tested for accuracy and authenticity. You seem to aim to make me feel stupid, and I will agree that my GPA isn't the best, but you wouldn't be so angry if you weren't even a little scared." She retorted, not moving from the couch as she spoke, her anger was in her voice, and it got slightly louder, but she refused to speak so loud that it would travel upstairs, I know for a fact that I don't have you mixed up with someone else.." Then she got angry. He assumed he knew everything, but he didn't. Nemui couldn't be treated any worse than she already was, and did he really think she'd allow Nemui to go to school in this town after revealing such a horrible secret? They'd obviously switch schools to one in another city when she revealed something like that. She knew what it would do to her reputation, she didn't realize how negatively it would effect Nemui, but she honestly knew the girl would rather leave that school behind anyway, especially since a boy nearly drowned her, "Don't pretend like you know what Nemui goes through. Nemui was already almost killed at school, BEFORE your name's involvement. She and I both would be more than happy to transfer elsewhere."

"Forgive me, that was rude, but so were you. All I heard was 'I lied and I don't care if I am expose, only you will be'. But did you ever think before you blurted out before you got proof, before you thought,...'Hey maybe I ain't the only one who can get into trouble.'

"Honestly? No. I don't forgive you. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear. There is only one liar here, and that's you." she snapped, refusing to accept that she was the one who was wrong, she knew better. It was infuriating, and she'd had enough. She didn't want to spend a single minute longer in this house, regardless of how beautiful it was. He was worse than she remembered, "I will admit I didn't consider Nemui getting the blunt end, but I also wouldn't have taken that chance. I have plenty of work experience, we can live alone, we've done it before."

"I get it, I have a little brother too that I like to protect, but at least I think things through before taking action and making myself look like a fool. Everything I do, everything I say, and everything I am, falls onto him, my father and now your mother. I hardly have the time to put up a 'Bad Boy' act. I'm not even sure if I could do that. Plus to top this threat of yours off, go ahead and tell, tell everyone and anyone. I am pretty sure they would believe me over you, even if you have a photo or more. After all my GPA is better and what's more is I don't have a bad side in me, no one has seen it. Oh but wait, apparently you say you have."

Getting laughed at was the last straw, before she even caught herself, she slapped him across the face with instinctive speed, hard. If she wasn't allowed to kick his ass, she was leaving. "I apologize, violence shouldn't be the answer. I also apologize because you are right about one thing, you're not the guy I'm talking about. I don't remember you after all....but you used to be.." Then she decided to finally stoop to his level, whether the words actually hurt him or not, she didn't really care, they made her feel better "My mistake, I think the guy I knew died a long time ago." She stated, shaking her head at him, completely disgusted, questioning how she ever fell for a person as cruel as him, "The person standing before me is far worse than the guy I dated, and much more intolerable... Besides, good riddance, he broke up with me like a coward anyhow." She replied coldly, brown eyes glaring at him as she spoke, her body's trembling was getting worse, but she stayed strong. The good thing was, she wasn't about to cry, she had to commend herself on that, "Again, if mother had a scientist prove it's authenticity, which she would do the second you deny the photos, since that would be indirectly calling her child a liar, it would have factual proof that GPA's cannot cover up. I used to be stupid when I last met you, not so much now."

"I was rude, even if you threw the first fireball, still you are a girl. I shouldn't have said so much. It's fine if you can't forgive me just now, but I won't disrespect my brother, so I'll have to help you to your room and with your bags. Whether you hate it or not. I had to prove my point."

"Prove whatever you want, it doesn't matter in the end." She replied, already having something else in mind. She stood up, putting distance between the two of them, brushing her bangs into place, "I'm not spending a single night here. I cannot live with someone so vile." She spat, using the word vile because it was a word she'd gotten from Nemui, quite proud of herself for proper use of it. She'd stay at a motel before she stayed somewhere like this.

She watched him go to Nemui's room after dropping off her luggage. She followed behind by several feet, grabbing her bag, along with her laptop and wallet before approaching Nemui's door, knocking shortly after Yukito closed it, "Change of plans Nemu-chii, I'm spending the night at a friend's. Hope you don't mind, I guess I'll study there. I'll text you the address if you miss me and want to spend the night too. If you decide to stay here, lock your door before you go to bed, along with your window."

Without another word, Shiori walked away, down the stairs and pulled her phone out of her pocket, already searching for available motels. She lied about where she was going, mostly so no one would urge her to stay. She made it out the front door and was on the sidewalk in no time and began walking to the nearest one using google maps. I cannot live there knowing he's lying through his teeth. I won't be treated that way. I don't have to put up with it, I have a job and I can finance myself. I won't have him make me out to be a dumb liar. If that's what he wants, I just won't live there. She had her work outfit, school uniform, books, phone, wallet, and laptop. She'd do fine at the motel, at least she'd be able to eat a meal in peace.

About a thirty minutes later, Shiori found herself standing outside of a cheap looking motel, which was exactly what she wanted, it would be most affordable, despite being shady. She approached and began inquiring about prices, paying for the two days, she'd pay the rest as she went, if needed. It was a little alarming that they didn't ask for an ID, but she tried not to psyche herself out with explanations. She found her room, and thankfully the door's lock worked. She stepped inside, and although it wasn't as beautiful as the room she had back at Sakura Square, she didn't have to put up with her liar of an ex. Finally after she shut the door, she slid to the floor, punching the cheap, thin carpet repeatedly until her knuckles began to bleed. He'd made her so angry that she began to cry, ignoring the blood trickling down her hands. I really wish we never went. I wish I would have listened to Nemui and stayed at their previous home.. This is a disaster... I want to kill him.. but it wouldn't fix anything..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Shiori Santioa Character Portrait: Nemui Santioa Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Image He took the hit, but ignore it. He could have dodged it, but what was the point. He needed to finish what he was saying. no matter how much blabber was coming out of her mouth. She knew he was right, this was why she hit him and now she was trying to make excuses.

Anyways though if he'd say more to her, he might hit her back. As he was upstairs Ne-chan mentioned her work and her work hours. Even if Naru wasn't fully a good guy, there was no way he'd allow her to work at such late hours. Not in this neighborhood, not in anyone. He'd feel guilty knowing her hours and let her work if something bad did happen, he'd blame himself like he did when it came to his...mother. But before he could say anything at all. Shi spoke her peace, nearly moving him out of the way of the door.

Trying to calm himself he kept a straight face, showing no emotion to it. Crossing his arms over his chest he leaned in against the wall. That was when his brother walked up to him right after closing the door when Shi left, leaving Ne-chan to herself. Finally, when no one was there but his brother, his eyes turn to pure hate and if anyone saw they could have sworn there was a dark shadow covering his eyes as if he wanted to kill someone.

The second he felt his brother's hand on his shoulder, he bent over a little without thinking. It was as if his brother tugged on him without the tug part. He always did fall wake to his touch. It was probably because they were so close and yet not so close. Or maybe it was because his brother was someone he was use to, Naru still didn't understand it fully, not yet at least.

A kiss was placed on the side of his lips and he could already taste the sweetness of the lollipop that was once in his brother's mouth just a moment ago. Never had he liked sweets, he wondered sometimes if Yu did this on purpose. But whether it was on purpose or not, it'll always calm him for some odd reason.

"Hey..." Naru's voice was bleak, mainly because he still felt his stomach boiling in rage. Though it wasn't meant towards his brother one bit. Clearing his throat as he caught Yu by the elbow of his arm. "She slapped me." His eyebrows frowned and his teeth nearly gritted.

Quickly he walked down the stairs, taking his brother with him. He made sure he wasn't gripping him to hard by the elbow, but still never let go. "We need to hurry. I don't want Ne-Chan alone."

And for a quick moment, he kept his face composed until he was sure they were out of eyesight of people. He had let go of Yu's arm and slapped his hands hard against the brick wall in the alleyway. Tilting his head down as he tried to control himself. "So troublesome." It was all he could say, the rest he had to force himself to keep his voice down, so he couldn't bring it up. "Fuck!"

The more he tried to calm down the more he saw red. Resting his head against his arm that was now bent along the wall, his phone started to ring, it was a soft and gentle tune. The tune made his heart throb a bit and it seemed to have defused him. Mom...

Pulling out his phone quickly he breathed in softly, using a very gentle tone, almost like the song. "Is Everything Alright?"

"Narukei-chan. Yes, I just really wanted to hear your voice. I felt something was wrong." The sound of his mother's voice sent him to his knees as he turned to sit on his bottom, with his back to the brick wall and his head leaning up towards the now late sky.

His eyes grew softer, just like his expression, for s short while he had forgot about everything. "Yes, don't worry." Shaking his head a bit. "I'll stay over next week."

It was good his mother lived close by, though only Naru knew of this. As far as Yu was concerned or anyone else. He was staying with a guy or maybe even a girl. Even though he'll be staying at the hospital with her, he was glad that one of the nurses moved in a couch for him to sleep on. He didn't mind it so much, as long as he was willing to stay near her, it was fine even if he slept on the floor.

"Yes see you soon. I'll be waiting." And just like that the line was cut and there was nothing left but a disconnect sound at the other end.

Turning off his phone he put it back into his pocket. He felt like he was breaking and there was nothing anyone or even himself could do about it. Clicking his tongue he rubbed the back of his neck, dropping his head in between his knees. Sometimes he wished he could break and let it all out in one go, but nothing, nothing would come. He hated himself more for it. He was just so angry all the time, which made things worse.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"You look so vulnerable and weak. That's right go and fall into a thousand of pieces. I don't mind seeing you all ragged and tattered, because I will collect every piece of you. In the end, we are both endlessly broken and I will be right here."

|| Current Location ✦ Some Alleyway ||
|| [ Right Here | Ashes Remain ] ||

Scary. It would be the normal reaction of anyone seeing Narukei with that kind of expression. It was like one of those mafia bosses or villains screwed out of a hefty amount of money. But to Yukito, he wasn't feeling any fear when he looked at that face of Narukei. But, it wasn't the same for the others and he knew for a fact that Narukei didn't like anyone else seeing that face without the mask. That's why he did that little charm of his. Their relationship might be at best hanging at the edge of ambiguity, but at the very core, he still requires for Narukei to need him. From that, he felt a certain connection, an attachment, which he was not certain whether it's true or not. It was because he's in doubt that he developed a wall of obscurity towards the family who remained by his side which was mostly Narukei.

Enough of that, he was not here to analyze his own motivation and good enough, Narukei called out to him which effectively stopped his wandering mind. It seemed that Inu-chan did have fangs as Narukei declared he had been slapped. Now, what kind of talk would deliver something like that? "Charm didn't work? I did tell you. You were never much of a good liar, Aniki." He stated to Narukei indicating that his brother's mask or whatever he hoped to hide was not effective to cloud the mind of Inu-chan. Anyway, he let Narukei dragged him away from the house while saying they have to make it quick so that Hamtaro won't be alone for too long. Well, he wasn't the one who needed the space now isn't it?

Anyway, he remained quiet and followed Narukei until there was no more crowd or people ogling at them for the lamest reasons. Narukei released his arm and immediately connected that hand to a brick wall. Poor brick wall. That was actually the first thought which entered his head. Well, no one could blame him. This kind of episode was part of his life as Narukei's brother, though technically, they're just half-brothers. He was used to seeing Narukei like this that it wasn't new to him. In any case, it was clear that Inu-chan had a greater influence on Narukei for his brother to be like this. This indicated a past which he would be looking up to soon enough. These so-called sisters of his are becoming very interesting in his opinion. At some point, their lives intersected before and even now. That must be the meaning of the card he got earlier in the morning, the Upright Six of Cups. The plot thickens doesn't it?

His thoughts were interrupted with Narukei's phone ringing. He has no idea who was on the other line, but he knew one fact. It was a person deeply important to Narukei judging by how his brother responded and seemed to calm down. Narukei also did say he was going to stay over next week. That was something that had become a routine about him which Yukito did not find any wrong with or could possibly care about. Both of them may be brother, but there are things that the blood between them could not know or even link them together. They have their own lives at the end of the day.

But then again...

After the call, it seemed that Narukei's world got distorted again. It was Yukito's observation as his brother sat there with his back against the wall. Finally, he moved from his spot as he approached Narukei. He lowered himself to the ground, but wanted to be a bit taller than Narukei, so, he propped himself up with his knees. Then, his arms reached out to Narukei as his encircled it around the older male's neck and then embraced Narukei's head closely to his chest. It was such a gesture so gentle and yet so endearing as if Yukito won't allow anything to harm Narukei. He then placed his chin on top of Narukei's head and like a blossoming bloom at winter's end, Yukito's voice came out in a beautiful and comforting melody. A melody, he had learned from their father once upon a time. "Saita no no hana yo... Aa douka oshiete okure..."

That's right, he still cared, they're still brothers.

Once Yukito was done with the song sang so beautifully. It was not that hard to believe since Yukito was actually a Pop Idol which meant he is a singer, and a wonderful one. He ran his fingers through Narukei's hair in a soothing manner. "Ne, have you calmed down a bit?" Yukito started as he lifted his face and then looked at Narukei. It had been quite a long time since he had sang that song to Narukei. Something he used to do when Narukei would have nightmares. Odd, isn't it? It was his job to settle the nightmares of his older brother in the past. "We still have to go back home early, don't we?" He then released Narukei from his embrace and stood. But, he then held Narukei's hand into his. "I won't let go until you say it's fine." He then flashed him a warm smile. "Let's go and do some shopping, okay, Narukei?" He said with a cheerful tone, tugging on his brother's hand as if there was nothing wrong about themselves, the entire world.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Kichiyami Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Sakura had spent today just like any other, texting several guys, flirting non-stop. She left the house when she woke up that morning in hopes of finding a way to kill time, but had no luck for the past few hours. She got breakfast with a cute guy, but that was forever ago, now she was looking for something new to do, and no one was available to hang out, it was a bummer, really. Most of the guys in her contact list were busy with their family or girlfriends, which she understood, but at the moment she was feeling a bit bitter about it. Speaking of her phone, if someone were to get her phone, almost the entire male student body was logged into it. Though she was bored today, none of the guys she texted came up with anything interesting to fill her time. Her family wasn't close enough to do stuff together, in fact, most times they avoided each other all together because her father didn't approve of her behavior. She was close to her mother and grandpa, but they seldom felt like hanging out. She was walking down the street aimlessly, trying to figure out a way to keep herself busy and shoved her long black hair behind her ear as she paced. Today was just so dull, there was nothing to do because it was Sunday, and she was about to go insane from lack of activity. She was a busybody, she had to do something at all times, or else she felt life had no meaning. She almost turned around to go home, but noticed a familiar face in the distance. Yukito-kun! Thank God! I'm saved! She thought to herself enthusiastically, finally finding someone to busy her time for the rest of the day, at least until she had to go home...Well...Hopefully. She didn't think he'd say no, but there was a first time for everything, especially since he seemed to be with a friend. Sakura ran forward, her mood changed entirely now that she had something to look forward to. She had a skip in her step and she was very excited to see him, but was taken by surprise when she found Narukei was the other person with Yukito. She unconsciously paused a few feet from them, taking in the situation. Her eyes widened instantly, stupefied by his presence. It had been years since she last saw Narukei, seeing as visiting Sakura Square would have only brought back bad memories and awkward situations, besides Makoto wouldn't have liked her being there anyway, but now that that was over, she had free reign on where she went.

"Yuki-kun, Naru-kun! It's nice to see you guys! What are you two up to?" She inquired, tilting her head. She received a text, glancing at it, but immediately put her phone in sleep mode, ignoring the guy that was messaging her, he wasn't anything compared to these two after all. She looked to each of them, eyes wide, "Eh!? You're both taller than me now." She stated in surprise, seeing as she hadn't seen Narukei since eighth grade and Yukito seemed to have sprouted up over night. A pout formed on her features, but was quickly replaced with a smile and light laughter, "Mind if I accompany you? I'm so bored.." she whined with puppy dog eyes to both of the boys. It worked when they were kids, but she wasn't sure how effective it would prove now that they were all three a lot older. Four years did a lot to people. Sure she went to school with Yukito, but their grade difference and the fact she had a boyfriend pretty much made them strangers for the past four years. Please say you don't mind, I'm going to die of boredom! She thought to herself, batting her eyelashes, giving them the cutest look she could muster. She would do anything to avoid having to go home and stare at the ceiling right.

Then she finally addressed Yukito directly, "Congratulations on your last album, it's my favorite. All the junior class is talking about it." She complimented, happy that he finally got a job to suit his talents, and put good money in his pocket. She straightened out her light blue dress that matched her eye color, then looked over to Narukei, a warm smile on her face for the first time since he began dating Shiori, "Welcome back to school? You are returning to our school right?" she asked with curiosity. This year was becoming quite more interesting, and to beat it all, today was Sunday. Who would have thought the most boring day of the week would supply such a good plot twist? She was definitely looking forward to this school year now, she had a plan and everything. She would make one of the two Iyazaki boys her's if it was the last thing she did. She heard that their father was getting remarried, but didn't bring it up, it undoubtedly would bring up foul moods, especially since the lucky bride was neither of the boy's mothers. She didn't want to be the buzz kill of the group, they'd never allow her to come with them if she dampened the mood.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Kichiyami Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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A warmth washed over Naru's body as he felt his brother hunch over him for comfort. Slowly he started to sing a song that Naru hasn't heard in ages. It was almost odd hearing and it sort of brought back terrible memories. He'd only sing it in these situations or other bad situations.

"Say, Yu..." Naru twisted his fingers in his own hair and tilted his head to glance over at Yu, changing the subject. "Be honest with me..." He went along with his brothers tugs and rose to his feet, patting on the back of his pants.

But before he could continue with what he wanted to say. His brother wanted to still go shopping. "Hm, yeah sure." Rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away, still letting his brother keep a hold of his hand as they started to walk out of the alleyway.

A voice he was unsure of had called out to them. Without paying much attention and not thinking, Naru did what he had always done with Yu. He gripped his brother's hand tight and jerked him back into his chest. If this were a crazed fan, he would want to be able to protect his brother. Catching him, he stepped to the side of Yu's and still didn't let go of his hand. But once the girl had gotten closer, his grip on his brother faded and he looked at this person a bit surprised.

He knew right away who she was, not by just the eyes, but by everything, though the eyes helped too. It's just how could he ever forget his first love. She was his first in many things, but that's for another time.

She had commented on the brother's heights. Naru wasn't too sure on this, he had always been tall, but at the time, she was pretty tall herself. So I suppose he was considered short. Glancing over at Yu, quietly he was unsure of what to say about her accompanying them, so he left it to him to decide.

He acting puppy face would have got him, but he was a bit use to it by girls. Yet something made him want to agree though he held the urge back and ignore it as best he could. She didn't wait long for a reply before she was talking to Yu and his music. It was amazing music but did every girl have to bring it up? It's just music.

He sighed softly and gave his brother a gentle smile. Some odd reason having this girl here, it felt a bit like they were kids again. It was sort of a nice feeling. Even though, she just got here. Crossing his arms over his chest, he tilted his hip to the side, staring down at her as she now addressed him.

He watched her smiling face and all of a sudden, reality hit him. She and the brothers were no longer kids anymore. This wasn't a dream and she was much older now. They also haven't spoken in a long time, so what was up with this friendly front? In a way, he didn't like it much, but he didn't care either. It was odd.

I'm glad to see her, but... Something about her just felt, different and off. He's been around enough girls to know when he was being played or if they were fakes, so something was there, just what?

Ignoring her question and other things along with not wanting to answer a stupid question. He was after all still wearing the school's uniform. "Actually, Yu, we should hurry up and not leave the pet home alone too long. She isn't house trained yet."

Looking down at Sa, he smiled briefly at her as he walked passed her. "Nice to see you again..." He flashed a charming smile at her as he said her nickname from him when they were kids. "Sa'Sa-Chan." It was a nickname he had given her a long time ago, when he was a child, he couldn't quite get her name right, so over time he gave up and just called her Sa'Sa. One Sa stood for Sassy and the other stood for Sakura. Little Sassy Sakura. She'd always get mad at him for, not being able to say her name.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Kichiyami Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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"Isn't this interesting? The past is still an annoying stalker that won't let go. I don't mind really, because this is why it's very fun when it turns out that the stalker is actually the prey. Who's the prey? Aren't you dumb? Well, I'm looking at it right now."
|| Current Location ✦ Town Streets ||
|| [ D is for Dangerous | Allison Iraheta ] ||

Yukito knew for a fact that Narukei was going to ask him a question and it was something which required him to be honest. He can't do that right now especially when he has an idea what it could be about. At this very moment, he could never give Narukei a response that is completely true and somehow, he wasn't in the mood to give his older brother any kind of half-assed answers. The best scenario was to avoid it entirely and that's what he did with his usual cheery self by reminding them to go shopping. Well, they can't go back empty-handed, right? They already did say they were going to the store, so they better make that true at the very least even when Narukei simply wanted to be out of the house.

He was certain that the whole idea of having step-sisters and remarrying weren't the main deal for Narukei's temperament. The event today was simply an icing on the cake. There were many layers and at the very core of it all, he wasn't certain what it contains. But, he does have an idea that whatever it is, there's a connection to that phone call Narukei received earlier if his intuition and observation would be anything to go by and he hasn't failed yet in his assumptions. But, he had never once acted on assumption when it comes to Narukei. As much as possible, the relationship between them rarely crosses the boundary of what people normally should expect between brothers, though there are the occasional gestures labeled as a bit intimate. Their interaction in general remains vague especially among themselves.

Didn't Hamtaro (Nemui) said earlier that he and Narukei are really close? It made him wonder how that girl came to that conclusion? Because, if they were really close, he should know everything about his brother even the source of his inner dilemma and that also applies to Narukei. But, it wasn't like that at all. They kept each other at a distance and maintained a relationship which he would describe as of convenience. But one thing is for certain right now, he doesn't mind being with Narukei every time he is about to break. Anyway, their brother moment was interrupted by someone calling out to them. His initial reaction was to take a look and gave a big wave. Well, it's a trained reaction being a pop star and all. But, it was different when Narukei is present.

It was like having a bodyguard for free. He felt the grip on his hand tightened and he was pulled to his older brother's chest as he was a bit ahead. Narukei then stepped to his side as if he was some damsel-in-distress. Well, that's how it felt. But, the tension eased up when the identity of the one who called out them was a familiar one. The grip on his hand faded and he took noticed of Narukei's surprised expression as for him, he gave a bright smile. This person was none other than an old childhood friend and if his memory is correct, Narukei's puppy love as he would like to call it, Sakura Kichiyami.

They do go to the same school, but they are in different grades, activities, and social circles especially when he started into the entertainment world. He rarely goes to school nowadays since he's always at work. So, this would be the first time in a long time since he saw her, a familiar face is a familiar one. "Hi there Sakura-chan!"He greeted as he came out of Narukei's side. "We're playing hide-and-seek! But, it seems you found us, too bad." He noted with complete seriousness with noticeable disappointment on his face. Then, there was the comment about their height. Well, he was technically just an inch taller than her. But, he had been told that he'll still grow more in a few years. He's looking forward to that especially if he could be taller than Narukei. "That's a good thing, don't you think?" He went towards Sakura and then leaned closed enough to her face without warning as if he was about to kiss her especially with the look of his eyes with great focus and unyielding determination. But, he simply took hold of a cherry petal on her hair. "I can get to do this, now." He stated with a wink before releasing the petal to the passing wind.

She then asked if she could come along with them and seeing that Narukei has yet to respond, the decision was left up to him. The puppy dog face tends to work with Narukei and if he remembered, it was Sakura who taught him that expression and he had used it on Narukei on many occasions ever since then. But as she had implied with the height difference, they were not kids anymore. "There's a better way to get what you want Sakura-chan." He ran his fingers through her hair and then grabbed a few strands gently. A meaningful smile was upon his lips as his eyes were no longer of that innocence, but something mature. She did note about his album. "Thank you, continue supporting me, okay?" He stated and to make a point of his appreciation, he placed a kiss at the tips of her hair and released it afterwards.

Then, he looked over his shoulders towards Narukei who didn't answer the question directed at him. Instead, his older brother told him that they should get going since their pet isn't house-trained yet. His radiant smile returned to his face as if he was a child who was about to play with his favorite toy. "Okay, Aniki!" He answered happily as he followed after Narukei after he left a few words to Sakura. His steps having an extra skip to it as he passed Sakura but then turned around much like a dance step. "We'll see you at school tomorrow, Saku-neechan!" He waved at her while reverting to how he used to call her back in the days. There was a reason for that as he gave her a playful wink and then turned his back at her as he continued following Narukei back to Sakura Square.

This was a very eventful Sunday for him. It seemed life would be a bit more entertaining now. He took out another lollipop and placed it in his mouth. Yes, this was indeed an interesting day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakura Kichiyami Character Portrait: Narukei Iyazaki Character Portrait: Yukito Iyazaki
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Sakura felt pretty stupid once she realized he was in her school's male uniform, but in her defense, she was more surprised to see him than she was paying attention to his clothing. She didn't beat herself up about it, anyone with their history would have made the same mistake, or worse.

"Nice to see you again... Sa'Sa-Chan."

She blinked for a moment, wondering if she'd imagined it, seeing as he chose to ignore most of what she'd said to him, "You too, Naru-kun.. You'd think you'd know how to say Sakura by now, huh?" She teased him, not actually serious. She didn't like the nickname, but it was actually nice to hear for once... though that didn't stop her from pouting. She'd never once heard him call her Sakura.

"We're playing hide-and-seek! But, it seems you found us, too bad."

"Uhm...Gomenasai? You're bad at hiding then... You might want to practice..." She stated back in utter confusion, unsure of if Yukito was insinuating that she was unwelcome, or if he was actually playing a game with his brother. Though she felt they were all a little too old to play hide and seek...

"That's a good thing, don't you think?"

"Of course it is... You'd never get a girlfriend if you were shorter than me, no matter how cute the two of you are." She replied halfheartedly, not wanting to come on too strong with her flirtations, seeing as the two of them were together, but she couldn't defy her nature entirely.

"I can get to do this, now."

She felt a shift in her heartbeat, eyes scanning Yukito for a hint at his intentions, doubting he would kiss her right in front of his brother, especially since was the only person who knew about their backyard 'marriage' as kids aside from; Narukei, Narukei's parents, and her parents. Yukito wasn't present at the time, but her mother teased Sakura and Narukei about it all the time when she would visit in the past, so Yukito overheard the story quite a few times. She blinked as he pulled a cherry blossom from her hair, giving him a grateful smile, "Thank you, Yuki-kun. I wonder when that got there?" she giggled, not bothered by his approach, other than her eyes shifting around, attempting to decipher his intention. It takes more than that to make me blush, I'm not innocent either, Yukito-kun.. Though she was intrgued, seeing as she didn't expect him to be so forward, they could possibly have fun together, if they played the dance right... but her eyes shifted to Narukei shortly after, he was her original goal.. but playing around with Yuki could be fun, as long as he was willing to tango with her.

"There's a better way to get what you want Sakura-chan."

"I know, but I haven't seen Naru-kun in ages.. " She trailed off in a defeated tone, only to lean in towards Yukito and whisper something in his ear. He started it, it wasn't her fault he triggered the part of her mind that took residence in the gutter, "..Although you're taller than me...Some would argue that it would be inappropriate for me to use my other persuasive methods on you, considering our age difference, ne..?" she stated in a more mature, hushed tone than she'd used prior when she first approached the duo. Shiori made sure to whisper the last part to Yukito so Narukei couldn't hear

"Thank you, continue supporting me, okay?"

Her eyes widened a bit as he kissed her hair, but she didn't blush at the act. In fact, she simply giggled at the gesture and smiled brightly at him, "Of course. I was so happy when I found out you became an idol." She was genuine about that, Yukito always had talent, she was glad he got to share it with so many people.. He deserved something nice in his life, other than his connection with his brother, though she wasn't sure how well that was going these days... She assumed it was at least decent, considering they were out and about together.

"Actually, Yu, we should hurry up and not leave the pet home alone too long. She isn't house trained yet."

"Do you guys have a dog or something..?" Sakura asked in curiosity, tilting her head. She wondered what kind of animal these two very different boys would agree upon, and she could think of very few animals after both were considered. It brought another giggle out, and she wiped her eye a bit, "Fine, fine, you guys win. I guess I'll head home then.." She added, seeing as she wasn't welcomed to join them. She never overstayed her welcome. If she wasn't wanted, she was fine with leaving. She'd just have to find another way to occupy her night. She'd have to text some more of average, boring guys at school, but it beat studying.. It wasn't like she needed to anyway, most school work came natural. Listening in class was usually all Sakura required.

"Okay, Aniki!"

Apparently Yukito really liked their new pet, it was a bit heartwarming really, so she just watched the boys as they walked away. She'd have other opportunities to flirt with them, so she wasn't allowing herself to take this denial too personally, despite how much it already began to sting her pride. They were the only boys she'd ever met that ever told her no, it was annoying, but it was also what made her more interested. The other guys... She'd toss her contact list out the window if Narukei or Yukito asked her to... More likely for Narukei, considering their history.. but judging by his response to her, that's all they were...history...

"We'll see you at school tomorrow, Saku-neechan!"

She blinked a bit, tilting her head. Saku-neechan? He used to call me that... but.. Why now? Old times sake? She was baffled, but just sighed, a pout forming on her face seeing as she'd just gotten blown off, "You guys are so mean sometimes!" she called to them in the distance half playfully and half serious, shaking her head afterwards. As if her day wasn't going bad enough, she got turned down as well? UGH! She waved back, scurrying off, it was getting dark and she didn't want to be caught outside on her own. A lot of weirdos began wandering the streets after the streetlights came on, and that was already the case.

Thankfully she made it home safely with little more than a few cat calls, and she went straight to her room, collapsing on her bed in a state of depression. She felt as though she was barely noticed, especially by Narukei, at least Yukito-san treated her like a girl, he even flirted a little! She stared at her ceiling, letting out a sigh. Sundays suck...