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Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV

0 · 789 views · located in Cosmos

a character in “Out Among the Stars”, as played by Rainbow Unicorns



« War? You mean an excuse to kill. Truth be told, I doubt it was even the King's men who caused such problems. Believe it or not, he does have standerds. »

Warriors | Imagine Dragons

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Date Masamune ❘ Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Rainbow Unicorns
Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #C34A2C ❘ Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ tan

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___THE_ BASICS _OF__ MY__ EXISTANCE __ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
⌊ Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV, commonly addressed as Ster or Sal to close friends. Originally addressed as Sterling Salvador Asa.⌉

⌊ While the man seems quite peaceful, make no mistake in one thing: he'll end you quickly. He doesn't like to leave filth just walking around his kingdom, and has a personal preference to sterilize the surface of his kingdom with your blood if forced. ⌉

⌊ Twenty-nine ⌉

⌊ February 11th ⌉

⌊ Male ⌉

⌊ Aquriaus & his fellow Aquarians. ⌉

⌊ Fluid ⌉

⌊ First sister, second oldest; Astaroth A. Aquarius; 27; Very close ⌉
⌊ Second sister. third oldest; Lamia L. Aquarius; 26; Very close ⌉
⌊Third, middle child; Astarte D. Aquarius; 20; Very close ⌉
⌊ Fourth, middle child; Mara D. Aquarius; 20; Very close ⌉
⌊ Fifth sister, second youngest; Nina L. Aquarius; 18; Personally raised by Sterling ⌉
⌊ Sixth sister, Youngest; Rose K. Aquarius; 10; Personally raised by Sterling ⌉
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_||_⌊ 6'1" ⌉

_|__⌊ Dark brown ⌉
_||_⌊ 155 lbs ⌉

_⌊ A faded honey ⌉

Tattoo I: None ⌉
Reason: The Aquarians go quite outside of the tradition, or the common markings many kingdoms have. Honestly, they find marking themselves to prove royalty to be bland, or anything really. They much rather keep to simply being plain, as it's a sign the royalty are not above them, but along side them, especially in times of war. ⌉


⌊ Lost in a fight, the entire socket is simply empty, however due to his inability to actually keep it shut on his own for long periods of time, it's sewn shut to prevent infection, and covered with an eyepatch. It's been missing since he turned twenty-two. ⌉


No one can ever pinpoint the exactly amount of traits a single man can have, but sometimes, you simply don't need too. Sterling can be a number of things, but it all ends up depending on how he feels that day. Most of the time, he's beyond intelligent, sometimes almost too much for his own good, but he certainly doesn't seem to care. With knowledge such as his own, he's rarely ever bored, thinking of countless adventures, countless new things, and countless new cultural traditions. It almost seems like, if a day even went by without Sterling doing something entertaining, he'd probably end up dying. Drama queen or not, he swears that he would himself.

But, it's that sort of over-reaction, that sort of dramatic flare, that gives Sterling his never-ending humor. He seems to always have something to laugh about, something to make others laugh about. Be it a nice, all in good fun roosting, or a simple stupid activity he'll rope many into. He's not known for being predictable, and anything you think you know about him could be spun around into a completely different story is bound to happen every once and a while. He'll end up telling a story, and somehow during the process of telling it, he'd end up creating a whole different memory with the listener. Sometimes, something like this could end positively, or simply completely negatively, but it's all about what you make of it.

Of course, then we reach the part where, while Aquarius will be seen with multiple people of multiple genders, he seems too proud and prideful of his own independence to fully settle down. He can't fathom what it's like to depend on someone, to need them in the dead of the night or risk what it's like to be loved fully and unconditionally. It ends up posing questions, such as 'Am I even capable of truly loving an individual?'. Maybe he does know the answer, or maybe he doesn't, but it ends up always being the same:


That'd be saying he would be willing to give up his ability to rule, and, like most princes and princesses, he's a logical individual. It's not something surprising to find him resting outside, with some sort of word puzzle or riddle in hand and being thought out. He seems to find the joy in such simple things, such little trivial details, but he's known to even fight over the trivial things if comfortable enough. Being comfortable enough actually brings in yet another important fact many fail to grasp: He's not shy, he's simply an introvert. If he deems you important enough, you can bet you're going to get an overly loud man, who's sense of ego seems to be on the extreme side of the chart, but he'll be loyal to the end. His end, to be more specific.

He's like a dog, except more or less a dog in protecting what is his alone.


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___LIKE, LOVE, DISLIKE, DESPISE ⋙_ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀
Originality, it's something even someone like Sterling can appreciate. It's hard to be yourself, especially in this day and age, isn't it? Not to mention, there's that odd love for swords that seems to rage deeper than any other kingdom's. His armory, his militia, all full of what we considering 'oriental'. Swords, daggers, and god knows what else seems to be quite favorable. He even seems to enjoy calligraphy.
♥ White fur ♥ Cancer ♥ 'Traditional' clothing ♥ Medical practice & Sword practice ♥ Aries
Cancer, is indeed some sort of strange topic for the one-eyed prince. While he loves him, perhaps due to his undying loyalty to his chosen ruler, he hates him for being so... so... crazed, for the Queen. He has no room to judge the man's actions, but to love the Queen is to love that of having your flesh slowly peeled off by the teeth of a cannibal. It's almost as bad as when he misplaces his books, or anything he might need for the next few hours. It takes quite awhile to find anything, when you're half stup- blind.
Boring conceptsCowardiceMild climatesCorrecting his room

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Trained "solider", despite being within the moutains, the Aquarians are quite a force to face. They might not have a great naval, or anything of the sort, really, but their able to mix-and-match that in which make them stronger. Sterling, has personally seen to quite a few fights to observe and improve his own style. Before becoming a ruling leader, the member of the royals must go through the military successfully..
Emotional Lock-Up, Sterling is possibly one of the prime sterotypes of what people believe an Aquarius to be, emotionally distant and unable to express things with ease, anything more or less of a 'I like you' being neither impossible to fathom. You'll never be able to read his pokerface unless you know the man like the back of your hand.
Swordsmanship, every member of the family is, actually. Extremely well-versed, it makes them an especially big pain the the rear to deal with. Sterling has gone to his fair share of civil wars with his sisters, and he's known to be something of a beast on the field.
Domestic House...wife?, wipe that smug ass grin right of your face! Being the only man of age in his entire immediate family, but... He does know how to cook. Very well, actually. Not to mention sew. He was the one who taught each one of his sisters, of course. An exceptional housewife, really.
Half-blind, considering he's missing an eye, this must be easy to imagine. Standing on his blind-side could commonly be mistaken as 'disrespectful', or simply untrustworthy. It's irritating, sometimes, unless he trusts you a lot you.
Emotionally distant, it's hard for him to openly express what's on his mind, often preforming something completely opposite of what he wants. He, is almost like he's incapable with feeling romantic interest and still feeling comfort in life. Truly, while he does not have many he opens with, there's only one that he can understand a general feel of... But just maybe, she has yet to discover how lonely it truly is.
Extremist, he dislikes a person on the middle of the fence. Once he picks a side, he's known to go to extreme lengths. In fact, a majority of his people are. His sisters, all generals within the Aquarius militia, and people? All enlisted. If one must fall, the entire kingdom has decided to fall with them. It's been this way for seemingly... forever.
Being ignored, as his thoughts on matters are just as important as anyone else's, please don't assume otherwise. Ignoring him can guarantee a foot in the ass, and a sword down a throat.
Losing his other eye, he still sometimes feels like he has his other eye, yet when ever he goes to look, it's always the same. Darkness... To have that become his entire life, it's almost strong enough to break him.
The death of his sisters, with a majority being in the military, it's... not unreasonable. People die all the time, but it wouldn't make things any easier for the man to accept.
Love, it's a matter far from his mind, and one he hopes to never feel. To put himself into the hands of someone else? Unfathomable.


* THOUGHTS-ON-OTHERS *"Mm, not much to say, my friend."

King Constellation -"Cool guy. He's extremely relaxed, but yet another who seems to have fallen for the Queen spectacularly. It's a shame to watch these men fall to madness, but there's nothing I can do for them, or even myself at this point. ."

Queen Stars -"Precious woman, she feels nothing but duty and fate. Once upon a time, I dreamed I could help her. Now, I believe the only way to do that would be to... well, let's avoid such silly talk for now."

Aries -"We'd be amazing allies! Her army might not be the best. but damn she can kick some ass! Way to go, Aries! You could fight by me, any day. I'd love to trade secrets with her how to make the very finest of military weaponry.."

Taurus -"Her... tch. She's no warrior. Never has she been in a war. Luckily, for me, I was born able to hide even the slightly of lies. Consider it a gift from my 'god', as well."

Gemini -"Mute but wise, this woman is dedicated to her people. She's a good ruler, I suppose. Maybe the only smart one here to stay neutral."

Cancer -"Aha, perhaps, I shouldn't say much, least I fear death. He can come here anytime, Queen or not. I wouldn't mind sharing lodging with such a smart man. Truly, if only he could find a better woman."

Leo -"She claims to be strong, but she'd no doubt die quickly in this Kingdom if truly made to fight. Our battles never end. Our war, will continue until we are dead. She knows nothing of such a feat. To be strong, is to be weak enough to admit you are not almighty."

Virgo -"... For now, I'll leave this empty."

Libra -"Funny, but seemingly a drunkard. Yes, I like my drinks as well, but his extent is just... a little strange, maybe? Bad for his health."

Scorpio -"No doubt, he'll be the first casualty."

Sagittarius -"Never heard of him."

Capricorn -"He works hard, and he seems fairly concerned with the well-being of Virgo. Odd, as they remain on opposite sides, but it's none the less touching. She'd do best to stick to him."

Aquarius -"I'm pretty good, I suppose."

Pisces -"Ah, what a silly little thing. She should just let her other family rule for her."

Could go for either, however, he leans more towards only stepping in when things get too ridiculous. Until then, he'll be aiding either side as needed.. As for love? Well, it's a stupid notion. He's seemingly incapable of such a feeling, or never had anyone to challenge it.

So begins...

Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus
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Damn it! Biting his finger, perhaps he was too indifferent to 'Pollux' and it's people within. It simply eradicated the extra struggle to remain leadership over his own people, but... Sigh, he wanted to have at least shown Dream such a beautiful location. Surely, Sangre would of liked it as well. In the end, that was the main way it hit close to home for Sterling. In the end, had it not been for that small attachment for the city, it would of simply been left completely alone. Luckily, Astaroth has brought up how the Queen had sent troops and supplies. Sending them to Pollux, with a few of the other clans, the eternal unrest between the clans of Aquarius died down. No doubt everyone else was in an uproar about their beautiful Pollux, of course.

This was a clear sign they needed to remain united. A clear sign that, had it been worse, they could of been in deeper trouble then ever before. Astar, order a stricter military regiment. This is no time for slacking, by any means." He didn't raise a voice, nor did he bother to look up from his paperwork as he finally signed off on the last document and rose to his feet.

"You're right, I'll send word immediately. Brother?" Astaroth began, suddenly turning around before she reached the screen, sliding door. "Will you be sending the letter to our neutrals? I believe Princess Leo has sent everyone a letter about troops, and most if not all sides are beginning to call meetings..."

The one-eyed man blinked, turning around. Were they really? How... interesting. Well, that supposedly gave him no choice, did it? Now, he had three letters to write. One to the Queen, one to Princess Leo, and... damn it, it was more then three! He had to write to each neutral damn party.


Right, okay. This would be... fine.

First, he had to write something down for the general neutral invitation to a group meeting. It'd take place in the capital, Ai Haneul, considering it was a more secured city then the rest. With that done, next came a simple thank you note which didn't need much explaining to the Queen of Stars, and a 'Please refer to the letter attached to this one' for the Princess of Leo.

... So, that was a bit easier then he thought.

Depending on the outcome of this meeting, Sterling was already leaning heavily to the King's side after hearing a close friend had joined his guard, perhaps he'd be able to drag a few others over with him.

It was worth a shot, right?

Ah, this was beginning to seem like such a pain in the ass. By the time he was actually done, his eye had begun to twitch. Maybe it was time he took a break. Just who even sent those two letters in the first place? While, Sterling should of took their warnings seriously... It just... Well, clearly no one within the Land had that horrible of hand writing. Call him stupid, or even silly, but it just seemed too chicken scratchy. The Queen was too proper, and the King? Well, he had a good sense of writing.

This was was going to end up the destruction for many, and the salvation to none. Prince Sterling could only hope it was worth it.

It has come to my attention that we are all
currently being told to pick a side. Judging
by how we all have declared ourselves as
neutral parties in this war, I'd love to speak
to all of you, so I hope no one would mind an
official meeting between neutrals.

Please come as soon as possible, as rooms
will in fact be provided as you travel to the
capital. We will be providing a sign language
translator as well, in order to ensure a more
than perfect meeting.

I hope to see you all attend.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV
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Princess Zari Leo

Zari was helping out cleaning the piles of rocks that used to be the grand Colosseum. She could have left to it for others, but that was one of those things that separated her from the other rulers. If her people needed help, she wouldn't be afraid to dirty her hands - literally. The Leos were pretty small in number which made every pair of hand valuable. Besides Zari enjoyed heavy lift work, it was perfect strength training.

”Miss Leo! A letter for you!” A messenger shouted while running to her. ”Again? God damnit. I'm busy, can't you see” She sounded irritated but was curious of what it was. She was still waiting for someone to hire her. Zari took the letter and opened it. Surprisingly it was from the other side of the border, from Prince Aquarius. Zari furrowed her brows. This was interesting. A meeting with neutrals? He should know her reputation well enough to know she wasn't going to stay out of the war. So why to invite her for the meeting? Unless... Unless he was going to hire her. After all, she had promised a discount for those who could inform her about the threatener. But then again, knowing the reputation of his Kingdom why in earth he needs her protection? Or was it for the other neutrals? Zari didn't quite catch his motives. ”I'm going back to the castle, if there comes any problems, send someone to inform me.” She ordered and the messenger bowed. Zari took her claymore from the edge of the construction site and stretched. She wasn't going to use horses, they were too slow. Instead, she leaned forward and run.

It didn't take more than 20 minutes for her to get back to castle. She didn't even seem to be that exhausted as she stretched again and walked inside. ”Cayden! Sevi! Get yourselves ready! We're heading to Land of Snow!” her shout was echoing in the halls of her castle.

* * * * * * * *

Zari's arrival to the castle of Aquarius was something to see. She was wearing a black leather armor and hooded robe, and in her hand she hold claymore covered in blood. There were also two daggers hanging from her belt. She was sweating slightly, had bite marks on her left arm and was breathing heavily. Not that it wouldn't have been enough she was also covered in blood.

She leaned into castle walls steadying her breathing and ripped off a piece of her hood making a bandage of it for her arm. At least it would prevent the bleeding. She cleaned her sword and put it in the scabbard on her back. She had already told Cayden and Sevi to stay in the town. After all, Zari didn't wanted to give bad image of herself. She was fully armed and if she still had two warriors with her... She wasn't an idiot.

With that she entered the castle. The soldiers looked at her suspiciously but no one stopped her. Despite her currently rough look, they could tell she was Princess Leo and lead her to the meeting room. Surprisingly she was first one to arrive. ”Prince Aquarius.” Zari bowed. ”I apologize for my current look. I decided to run across the mountains to get here faster than it takes with horses but we were attacked by cougars. Not a big deal but slowed us down a bit. That's the reason I'm armed as well. Hopefully you don't mind, but I assure you I'm not going to cause any harm.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV
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She was covered in blood.

Sterling had to fight the urge to twitch as he looked at her swiftly, drawing his tea to his lips and drinking it rather slowly to listen to her explanation. Cougars? Well, that'd explain the nasty looking temporary cover of her arm's wound. "It's fine, Princess Leo. May we get your arm tended to? It's tricky when it comes to animals, you could still risk some sort of infection." Especially when it came to animals in the mountains. It was never a hundred percent if they had an illness, most able to still look like their in perfect condition. Regardless, it was her choice.

"Would you also rather have a bath? Our bathhouses are phenomenal, you know." Sterling began, before cutting his own sentence bluntly. This was the Princess of Leo, she'd no doubt prefer details straight to the point, wouldn't she? "Truth be told, I was a bit relieved when I first got your letter. It makes this entire fiasco so much easier to deal with. I'd like to hire you, Princess Leo." Sterling announced, his legs uncrossing as he stood on the head zabuton that surrounded the meeting table to bow towards the woman. "But, it wouldn't necessarily be just me. I'd like to hire you for another kingdom, but some sort of underlining alliance between us for now."

Believe it or not, Sterling was far from a 'kind' man.

"Not to mention, there's the pressing matter of sharing you an 'idea' of sorts about who the sender truly is." the Prince nodded, though it seemed to be more towards himself then her. Waving in a medic, who simply entered the room but stood as if waiting for the Princess's agreement to the treatment. "But, we might have to wait for the other two Princesses to arrive I suppose."

Depending on how this discussion of the Princess's services went, it could be a lot easier to find out exactly who send the letter, and if it was actually the King or Queen themselves. Regardless, Sterling suspected it could cost him quite a bit do actually put this plan into motion... He had discussed it earlier, with a few of his sisters, and they seemed to be the holders of a stable enough economy that could survive such a deal with the Leos.

He wasn't stupid enough to try and put his own Kingdom's finical stability into a whirling darkness.

His eye went back, trailing to her bloody exterior. He'd have to have someone else clean that, but for right now, he was in no sort of rush to see if it trailed with her. Or a rush, at all, period. He'd do whatever the Princess needed him too, as long as if it was within a decent reasoning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV
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Princess Zari Leo

She watched his reaction to her explanation of the amount of blood. She was surprised to see a warrior like him being.... nervous, worried? He definitely wasn't as calm as she was. ”Well thank you for your concern. I appreciate the help” Zari said politely. She wasn't really concerned about infections, but accepted the help not wanting to sound completely mannerless. She had been in so many fights, that a new injuries and scars didn't bother her anymore. She knew what would kill her and what not.

She waited as Prince talked observing him. The way Sterling spoke, made Zari sure that he really knew how to take care of business with her. After all she was here to do business, not chat. As she heard his suggestion Zari got curious. However the expression on her face didn't change. But Prince Aquarius had nailed to get her interest. ”Going straight to business? Perfect. This is the way to make deals. And this... fiasco, as you called it, if nothing else it has boosted the fight spirit of Leos. ” she spoke firmly.

Zari paused for some time, leaning her hand on the table, thinking what to answer to his suggestion. She would need to know more before accepting the offer just like that. Money was always money and even if she liked to take risks, she wouldn't put her whole nation in danger for something that was impossible. Even if the word impossible wasn't really in her vocabulary. ”Hiring me, eh? I never say no to a promising deal. However I wish to know more about the job you had in mind. Fighting in front line? Protecting other nations? How many men you need and for how long? It all determines the price.” She gave a soft smile but was grinning inside. This was her playground now. ”But yes we can wait.” she said while taking off the robe. She folded it placing it down on floor so it wouldn't mess his chairs. Zari also took her claymore from her back placing it on top of the hood. It was hard to sit with weapon between your back and chair.

As Sterling's medic arrived Zari sat down and let him take care of the wound. Despite the stinging feeling in her arm no expression changed in her face. She wasn't going to show signs of weakness to others. ”Oh and that hot bath sounds lovely in this snowy land. I have never been that fond of coldness. However that can wait after the meeting.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: The Queen of Stars Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus Character Portrait: Queen of Stars
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One Week After Declaration

About two hours after dawn Silvestra strode into her study to find all eight of her advisers, including her brothers arguing in the center of the large room. At her entrance the group of people before her fell into silence and Silvestra sighed and rolled her eyes. "Come now, for all of you to be here it must be important." Three of the people stepped forward and started talking at once and Silvestra sighed. Looking straight at Bevan, her eldest brother who was Captain of her Royal guard as well as her military adviser, she raised an eyebrow. "Bev, explain to me what is going on please." Everyone fell silent as her eldest brother stepped forward. "Of course, Princess" Silvestra winced at the title but didn't say anything. She preferred that those close to her dropped the formalities, especially Bevan and Riddock but knew they wouldn't in front of her other advisers. "A letter was discovered in your bedchambers this morning, addressed to you." Silvestra's expression changed to one of shock. For someone to have been able to get into her chambers to place the letter should have been impossible. She herself locked the door as she left every morning and the only others with keys were her ladies-in-waiting and her brothers. "Have you asked Freesia and Kareen about the letter?" Bevan nodded "Both said they had no knowledge of what the letter was or who put it there and they were just as startled to find it there as we were to hear about it."

Silvestra nodded. Kareen and Freesia had grown up in the palace, and befriended Silvestra when she was 12. She had enlisted them as her ladies-in-waiting at age 15, when her mother insisted she needed at least one and she trusted both unconditionally. After a moment of contemplation Silvestra sighed and held out a hand. "Give it here then, might as well read it." Before Bevan could protest Riddock had already walked over and handed her the letter.

"If the rulers wish for your kingdoms to survive, you will choose a side. The Just side. If not... Expect a catastrophe to occur in three days time. And not Just to your kingdom. All the kingdoms."

Silvestra's expression changed from exasperation to one of silent rage. Calmly she gave the letter back to Riddock to read aloud. As her brother did so Silvestra went over to her desk and paced behind it, crossing the space twice in the time it took him to read. After her finished there was only a moment of silence before her advisers started their argument anew, now concerned for the kingdom rather than the security breach. Silvestra continued to pace, stopping once she came to decision. Everyone fell silent under Silvestra's silent and steady stare. "I refuse to be bullied into choosing a side. We remain neutral until there is cause for us to become otherwise." Gregor, a nobleman and her advisor of Trade and Foreign Relations went to argue but she silenced him with a pointed look. "Threats will not be our cause to go to war. Actions will be taken when they are needed for the good of the people." The man frowned but nodded and Silvestra looked to Bevan. "Double the amount of guards on patrol in the castle and station two men outside the entrance of my rooms." Bevan nodded and left the room with a bow.

Riddock, knowing that Silvestra had things she needed to do ushered out everyone but Azella, Silvestra's spymaster. Azella was a woman of Scorpio origin looking to be in her early thirties with a willowy build and keen eyes. Silvestra had been around the woman her entire life, Azella having previously been Silvestra's Etiquette and Dance tutor. Being the youngest child of a high ranked Scorpio noble Azella had been being used as a diplomat between the new Scorpio prince and Taurus. With the upcoming war she had been retrieved from the country to aid in preparations. “What do you think of all this Lady Azella?” Silvestra looked to the dark-haired woman, knowing she would receive an honest opinion. “Well, I believe your actions in response to the letter were of good judgement. As to how the letter got into your room I’m afraid I have no more information than your brother did.” Silvestra sighed and nodded, finally pulling out her chair and having a seat at her desk. “May I speak freely your highness?” Silvestra looked up surprised. Azella had never been one to hold back her opinions, especially not when it came to her former student. “Of course. Always.” Silvestra said in earnest, watching Azella thoughtfully. “It is in my opinion that you should choose a side.” Silvestra waited for more but it didn’t come and Azella, looking satisfied spoke. “I’ll continue to search for information on the sender.” With a nod of the head Silvestra watched as the woman left the room her thoughts moving on to what the war would mean for the fall. Azella paused at the door and glanced back with narrowed eyes "Stop Slouching!" Silvestra jumped a bit in surprise and automatically sat up as the woman closed the door with a smile.

Three Days Later

Silvestra was woken a few minutes after dawn, as usual, by a quiet but firm tapping at the door to her bedchamber. Yawning Silvestra sat up, stretching as she did so. “Come in!” She called out with another yawn, rising from her bed and walking towards the door to her washroom. The door opened and two women entered, one a blonde who went straight towards the wardrobe and the other a brunette who carried a tray to the small desk near the window. “That smells wonderful. Have you two eaten yet?” Silvestra called out as she poured water from a pitcher into a basin. “Of course not, we always wait to eat with you. With all your work it’s the only time we get to spend together.” The brunette responded as she set the tray down and picked up the books scattered across the desk. “You stayed up late again didn’t you? You really should try to get more sleep…” Silvestra smiled and scrubbed her face with the cold water, any bit of leftover drowsiness gone. “Kareen I can’t very well put everything off just to get more sleep. I can’t even imagine how long I’d have to hear about it from Killian, let alone Bevan.” Emerging from the washroom Silvestra walked over to her desk right as the blonde emerged from the wardrobe, a bundle of clothes in her hands. Laughing Silvestra put her hands on her hips. "Freesia what the hell is all of that? You know I'm going to train after we eat." Freesia set the bundle down on Silvestra's bed with a huff. "Yes I have your training clothes here but afterwards you're changing." Silvestra laughed as Kareen pulled two more chairs up to the desk, pushing papers aside as the three of them sat down. Looking over as she set the papers aside Silvestra saw that on top of the pile was a letter addressed to her. Frowning Silvestra picked it up the letter. "Kareen did you put this here?" The brunette looked up and frowned at the letter. "No... Where did you find it?" Silvestra opened the letter silently, her face becoming emotionless at the sight of the words, written in the same odd handwriting as the threat three days ago.

"It seems you do not value your kingdoms as much as it seemed. Very well then. Have your punishment, bystander."

Slamming the letter onto the desk Silvestra stood. "Kareen i'm sorry but we'll have to skip breakfast. I need you to go and tell Bevan and Riddock to meet me in my study." Silvestra went to turn away but then stopped. "Also, make sure the rest of my advisors know to meet us there but after they wake up, let them rest." Kareen nodded and left the room while Freesia rose and went back to the bed. "Come on them Sylvie. Seems you won't be training afterall." SIlvestra rolled her eyes with a sigh before responding. "Don't sound too excited about the threat to the kingdom."

Fifteen minutes later Silvestra strode into her study to find Bevan, Azella, Riddock, and KIllian already in the room. At her appearance everyone let out a sigh of relief and Bevan frowned at her. ”What the hell Silver? What’s going on? Kareen came rushing to the barracks and said that you needed me to met you here and then went rushing off without another word.” Silvestra rolled her eyes as she walked across the room. ”Of course she did. We found another letter in my bedchamber.” Throwing the letter onto the desk Silvestra strode away to the window, looking out at the land below. Killian, Silvestra’s chancellor and advisor of Taurus affairs, stepped forward and picked up the letter and read it aloud. After a moments pause he set it back down. “Well as of ten minutes ago no tragedy has occurred in the kingdom Princess.” Silvestra frowned and remained silent. Bevan, seeing SIlvetra’s reflection, stepped forward. ”He’s right. Nothing has happened. I’m sure it’s just an empty threat.” Silvestra sighed and nodded. ”We’ll see.”
Hours later, not long after mid-day, a letter arrived from Demetrio explaining the events that had occurred. As the squire rushed into Silvestra’s study she, Bevan and Azella looked up from the reports the gaurds on patrol had givn earlier. ”Your Highness! A letter from High Priestess Nimue has arrived.” Silvestra rose meeting the squire halfway across the room. Opening the sealed letter Silvestra read over it, her eyes widening as she dropped the paper. ”Oh dear Amfridus…” Bevan jumped forward, grabbing the shocked Silvestra and Azella went to grab the letter. ”Dear Diviana… The Tierra Temple… It exploded. Nothing but rubble remains…” Bevan swore and yelled at Azella. ”Get that squire out of here and summon the rest of Silvestra’s council.” Silvestra, shaking her head, nodded. ”Do as he said, and start to gather people and supplies to aid the people in Demetrio.” Azella and the squire rushed out of the room and Silvestra looked over at her brother in silence.

In the Following Days

Silvestra sighed as she set down the paper in her hand. As of yesterday there were still twenty missing priestesses of Diviana missing and around fifty families had reported missing family members who were supposed to be in the temple. Search and rescue teams had been assembled but the massive temple and left an unimaginable amount of wreckage and there had been little progress. Just then Riddock came in, holding a letter and followed by Bevan. Silvestra looked up at her brothers frowning but hopeful. ”What is it? Is there a new report? Bevan shook his head and waved to Riddock and Silvestra chuckled. Riddock often made Bevan swear to be quiet till he was done speaking since Bevan had a tendancy to cut people off. Riddock sighed and rolled his eyes. ”Glad you think it’s funny. Anyways, The queen has sent supplies and an offer of help with search and rescue. Also, a letter from Princess Zari of Leo has arrived." Silvestra waved Riddock over and he handed her the letter. ”She’s looking for information on the person who caused the explosion. It seems that Leo was affected in some way too.” Shaking her head Silvestra pulled out a paper and quickly wrote a response.

Dear Princess Zari,
I am sorry to hear that tragedy has struck Leo. I hope there were no casualties to this incident. We have been searching non-stop for a clue as to who has sent these messages and committed these acts. As of yet we have found nothing to pertain to this person’s identity but the moment we find anything I will send word immediately. If there is anything I can do to help please let me know.
Princess Silvestra Taurus

Closing the letter and sealing it Silvestra handed it to Riddock. ”Send this to Leo at once and accept the queen’s help for search and rescue but return the resources. Our people's lives are more valuable than pride but I refuse to be in debt to either side during this war.” Riddock nodded and took the sealed letter before turning and walking out of the study. Silvestra looked over at Bevan. ”Make sure that the supplies are returned in full. And get me a report on the progress of the search and rescues please.” ”Okay Silver. I’ll get that report as soon as possible. Silvestra nodded as Bevan left, leaving Silvestra behind to continue to study the report.

A couple days later Silvestra was at a training session when a squire came with a letter from Prince Sterling. Finishing her exercise Silvestra set aside her sword and walked over to the young man. ”Do Bevan and Riddock know about this one yet?” The squire shook his head. No, Your Highness. ”Okay, please go fetch them and ask them to meet me here then. The boy nodded and ran off, leaving Silvestra to read the letter.
An two hours later Silvestra stood in her study with a few of her advisors. ”Princess you can’t just leave to go to Aquarius! Your kingdom needs you! We’re about to go to war!” Silvestra sighed and sat down at her desk, waiting for her brother to stop ranting. He had been arguing with her since he first found out about the letter. As he fell silent Azella cleared her throat. ”I believe the Princess should go but only with the proper precautions. A select few from the royal guard to escort her. Azella looked to Silvestra who nodded, the proposal seeming reasonable. Bevan went to protest but Riddock cut in. ”How about eight men and Bevan as well. That’s almost half the royal guard and then she has at least one of us there with her. Riddock gave Bevan a sharp look to keep him from arguing and Silvestra rose with a nod. ”Good it’s settled then. Bevan go and pack and pick your eight men. We leave two hours after dawn. And send message ahead of us. If we make good time we should get there in two days time.” Going to pack and then get some rest Silvestra left her study and headed towards her bedchambers, asking a maid along the way to summon Freesia and Kareen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Alexis Conall Aries Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Caesar Libra
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As the winds swept through in the forest, little is heard outside of the rush of the wind, and the forest seemed all but quiet. That is, also outside of what sounded like a pack of wolves, though, the sounds seem heavier than a normal pack of wolves, and upon a further analysis, it was a pack of Gemini Dire wolves, as they rushed forward along a path with their riders, towards the Aquarian capitol, leading was a rather large man on a wolf, his features were rather old, a gray beard could be seen from under his hood, judging by just his facial features, one could tell that he was middle-aged, his hood didn't fully cover his face, and one could see a full mustache with the beard, along with that there was a single scar across the left side of his face, before being covered by his beard. He looked back, as Elaine had called,

"Arturus. How far out are we?" the wind had blown through, those were the words that were heard as the man looked back, trusting his wolf, whom matched him with a grey fur coat over the wolf's body, though this one had a name, Herein, though the man responded, his gruff voice could easily be heard over anything else, he almost smiled while speaking,

"We're about an hour away, Kiddo." he said, while others would be yelled at by Elaine for even so much as calling Elaine in such a disrespectful manner, Arturus could get away with it simply for his age, skill, and he and Elaine have a close bond. After Lady Ikarii had died, Arturus had taken Elaine under his wing and more or less took the role as her guardian and personal shield, in memory of the woman he loved. Moving along, Arturus spoke again, this time with a little more serious tone, "Are you sure asking Aries was the best idea? I mean they've allied with the Queen and all."

"I did what I thought would be the best. Aries hosts a large military and a strong one at that. I understand your concern, but at the moment, we have to protect the people before anything. I've declared Neutral and asked for aid, since our Military, while good in Gemini, isn't in the same league as Aries." the wind replied in several fragments, Elaine knew that the winds here were messing with her control, which limited her. Though with that, it got silent again, and remained that way for the hour that they were running.

Upon arrival at Ai Haneul, Elaine nodded, looking at Arturus, whom walked with her as they entered the Asa House, her coat and hair covered by the snow which was kicked up mainly from the wolves as they ran. Though before Elaine and Arturus entered, in a more fatherly gesture, he brushed the snow off Elaine, and with a smile, he spoke, "Can't have our little Princess looking like she went and played in the snow, now can we?" as he said that, Elaine kinda pouted, though had fun building a snowman, the main reason why they're late being that Elaine literally stopped everything to play in the snow for a little bit, leaving behind three snowmen and several Snow Fairies in the snow, before moving out again. Brushing that thought aside, Elane gently walked in with a gust of wind flowing with her, with it, she spoke, gently,

"My apologies for our lateness. For, we were delayed by the snow. It is a pleasure ti see you again, Aquarius, and Leo."

Further into the south, wolves are heard here too, a smaller dispatchment moved through the tall grass of Libra's plains, following Flare, the falcon had circled overhead where the Arian camp was, and the wolves moved faster, with Minna on one of them, she looked back at another rider, he looked a lot like Arturus in face and body, though had the difference in he was much younger, and had no scar. As he looked at Mineczka she spoke, "Enick, bank off slightly to the right. Ensure that the Aries soldiers are safe, I don't want any of them getting hurt. If Librans are here, tell them we're here to meet a dispatchment we sent."

"Got it." Enick replied before his wolf moved slightly to the right. As Mineczka moved she crossed through the grass, though not to her surprise, her wolf leapt into the air, well over what Mineczka noticed were the Arian troops, as they landed she spotted Prince Caesar of Libra, This just got worse.... she thought as a bead of sweat rolled down her face, the five others outside of Enick had caught up with plenty of wolves, Mineczka nodded, looking at whom she guessed was the Arian commander, and Caesar, and spoke, her tone sounding official as she could in her exhaustion,

"I am Mineczka, Captain of the guard of Gemini. I am here to meet the Arian dispatchment to aid them to Gemini. I apologize for the lack of notice, Prince Caesar, we are doing all we can at the moment. And to whom I'll guess is the Arian captain, sent to aid Gemini, I have brought extra dire wolves for you, since, you must be exhausted." Mineczka nodded, looking at the other wolves whom were trained well. While the situation wasn't the best, it wasn't exactly the worse either, then again, this was involving another country after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus
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Sterling listened cautiously to the woman's words. Perhaps, she misheard him? It didn't matter, considering he'd be discussing such a plan with only the Princess of Leo. He had heard that Gemini had finally been spotted in his Kingdom a few moments after the doctor had left. "Well, we don't have long, but I want this plan of sorts, this deal, strictly between us. No other. Consider it an oath, or a blood deal until this flimsy excuse for a war is over." He started strongly, his left arm draping over his knee, sword balanced and slanted against the left cravis of his neck and his left foot.

"You see, like I said a few minutes ago, it is for another Kingdom. I'm afraid Aquarius will no longer be able to perform their duty to protect Virgo in order to go through with this Plan. If you'd allow this discussion to continue in private later, the general details are this, and I'll be damned if I don't give this a good expansion in private, but the gist is to protect the Princess and Kingdom, while we both spy within the sides we choose for additional details on whoever attacked our Kingdoms. If it's what I think it is, there's bound to be someone, somewhere that knows."

His voice fell, and there was few more moments before the Princess of Gemini and her escort entered the room. Beautiful as ever, it appeared he was in a room filling up with quite the attractive guests. Of course, he still respected them highly or lowly depending on skill and rulings. It was nice to be able to discuss things with almost everyone together... But there was still that darn Princess Taurus. Tch, it might end up being an entire day before they got anywhere in this meeting. No wonder they were so... boring from what he's heard.

"Princess Gemini, it's nice to see you. Please have a seat. Your companion as well." With him at the head of the table, and Zari to the left seat closest to him, there were about six more seats, just in case everyone had brought a companion. It was clear there wouldn't be that many empty spots besides the one next to Zari. Even if their back hurt, however, the floor cushions didn't provide the back support they'd unfortunately need. "If any of you need another seat, please let me know. Now, we're just missing the Princess of Taurus."

Now came the question of trying to start off a meeting that was still missing a participant. "Shall we start without her?"

Even if she did show, no more than one other person would be able to accompany her inside the Asa House. It was simply polite, anyway. The rest of them would be allowed and able to stay in one of the other notable locations of the capital under strict supervision.

They could trust the Leos, due to the small amount, but it were the Gemini people and all those who came with more then three that could trigger another Clan's rage.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Alexis Conall Aries Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Amalia Virgo Character Portrait: The Queen of Stars Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Tuliza Winden
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Princess Zari Leo

Zari listened as the Prince Aquarius spoke. She couldn't be noticing how he was holding his sword, close to him and in a position it would be relatively easy to draw out in case of attack. He clearly had prepared to everything. When he had finished she nodded sharply in understanding. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I have understood Princes Virgo has sided with Queen. And I agree with you that someone must know about the attacks and I have my own reasons to believe it's someone from Queen's side so this opportunity is a good way to find more information. But do not understand wrong, that's not a problem. I will make sure the deal will be taken care of properly and no one else will know about this." She looked straight at Sterling's eyes - or eye in this case - as she spoke to prove she wasn't hesitating or going to back off or betray him. She wasn't bothered by his missing eye in the slightest, she wasn't feeling sorry for him. The man had proven himself to Zari and everything else was irrelevant.

"However I must admit I'm surprised for your proposal. I haven't been aware of this contract of protection between you and Kingdom of Virgo you just referred to. And let me say this job you're offering is to my liking." She was speaking firmly but with a hint of excitement. For one it was sure to give her opportunity to slash a head or ten and for second getting information of the moron going against the Kingdoms and maybe having a chance to slash the head of the person. She then placed her right hand over her heart and bowed to him while sitting. Since she had already sat down she saw no point in standing up again. She wasn't doing from disrespect. It was just her style to act. Just like she preferred bowing instead of curtseys and armor over dresses. "The Leos are in your service." she said politely and respectful. The demeanor of the Prince Aquarius was telling her he was serious about doing business with her and as so was no hesitating to pay. That was why she was agreeing before the negotiation of the pay was done. "We will talk about pay and details later."

Just as she had said that Princess Gemini walked in. "Ah, Princess Gemini, pleasure to meet you." Zari bowed slightly. She bowed out of manners, but not really from respect like for Sterling. She admitted that Princess was a good leader but that was all she saw in her. And coming in with a companion would have made her roll her eyes but the manners she had been taught prevented her from doing it. She would also have preferred to continue the business with the Prince.

As Elaine sat down and Sterling asked to start with the meeting Zari leaned back on her chair. "I'd say yes." She didn't explain herself. Just answered straight to question.

Tuliza Winden
Current personality: ”Nature lover”

Tuliza was trying to keep herself together focusing her thoughts on Queen. She was surprised to hear Princess Virgo's kind words. Or at least Tuliza assumed she had meant them in kind way. It was a encouraging sentence in the atmosphere filled with dark and bloody plans. The thought of war was something she couldn't handle well and knowing that was exactly what was the subject in the room. She was hoping she had gone to find one of her cats before coming in and taken it with her so she could have had something nice to hold onto. As the Queen asked her to serve the berries Tuliza made another curtsy. "Of course my Queen." she said and turned towards Prince Cancer as he was the first one to ask for them.

That was a mistake. She froze in her place the basket shaking even more now. Despite she had seen Theon many times before facing his deep eyes staring at her was causing her memories to come back in her mind. In captivate, taken advantage by the bandits in every way possible, and getting hit daily if she made the slightest mistake, not even getting to eat every day. The pictures flashed in her mind one after another. She was breathing rapidly but knew she had to do her job and avoid getting panic attack. She took another careful step closer to him. "Come on now, you can do this. It's not like you hadn't seen him earlier." she was telling her in her mind. But then as she was offering the strawberries to him she made the mistake of looking in his eyes again and that's was when her mind broke down. In front of her was now standing the lead of the bandits, staring her with the golden eyes and in the background she barely heard Alexi's words. "guts to kill --- threatened --- I must kill him --- no hesitations --- obstacle in way"

Suddenly the tears filled her eyes as she was shaking hard and stumbled backwards falling on the floor the basket dropping down and the berries spreading all over the floor. "P-Please, don't hit me. I'm s-sorry. Please, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." she was repeating herself talking quietly and scared all while still watching Theon as she was crawling further away from him. Expect she wasn't seeing Theon or anyone else in the room. She was alone with a bandit leader that wouldn't hesitate to kill her and there was nothing she could protect herself with. Nothing but her begging words.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus
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At dawn the next day Silvestra left Iradena accompanied by her brother and his eight chosen soldiers. The journey leaving Taurus was pleasant as always though a bit fast paced, Silvestra anticipating the rest of their journey might take longer with the current conditions. During the beginning of the journey Silvestra questioned whether she should really be going to Aquarius but quickly shook of her doubts, knowing it was the right choice. It taking only a few hours to leave Taurus the rest of their day was spent traveling through Gemini. Much to Silvestra's surprise they were only stopped twice in Gemini, causing Silvestra to assume Princess Gemini had known they would pass through Gemini on their way. Despite their lack of interruptions Silvestra quickly grew sick of the journey as Bevan decided to use the time to lecture Silvestra about how bad of an idea it was to have left Taurus. While she knew he made a few good points Silvestra tried her best to block him out.

The second day of traveling started in Gemini but they soon reached the border and crossed into Aquarius, Silvestra taking in the scenery as it changed from grassy fields to the snowy terrain of aquarius. As they started their journey through the snow covered mountains and forests Silvestra was amazed. Despite it being spring it was as cold as Taurus mid-winter and there was much more snow, what Silvestra assumed was at least two feet.
At one point of their snowy forest trek Silvestra stopped and jumped off her horse, intending to walk in the snow for a bit, but sunk in waist deep, managing to have found a dip in the ground that had filled with snow. Stuck, Silvestra had to be pulled out by Bevan and a few of the laughing soldiers. Glaring, Silvestra remounted her horse, refusing to dismount again despite Bevan’s attempts to get her to.

Not having realized how much the snow would slow them down they had to stop at a Tsukiya village. Leaving, once again, at dawn they arrived at Ai Haneul mid-day. Stopping at an inn on the way to the residence of Prince Sterling, Silvestra paid for a handful of rooms for her men and, much to her brother's disbelief, insisted upon leaving five of the eight guards at the inn. Having to hear about it the entire way through the city Silvestra could feel her patience crumbling under her like an old bridge. Reaching the Asa residence, which was extremely beautiful her opinion, Silvestra's party was greeted in the courtyard by who Silvestra assumed was the steward. Speaking in the Aquarian language Silvestra greeted the man, thanked him for meeting them, and requested if her men could be brought somewhere to wait until the meeting was over. Surprised by her ability to speak his language the man nodded and got someone to bring them to the barracks. After a ten minute argument with her brother the three men left with two Aquarian soldiers, chatting amiably.

Once they were gone the steward offered to lead the way to the room where the Prince and other Princesses were meeting, assuring her that her horses and belongings would be taken care of. Looking down at herself she sighed at the dress she wore and rolled her eyes before nodding and thanking the man. Being intimate with her distaste of dresses Bevan had insisted she change at the inn and though she had picked the plainest of the dresses Silvestra had forgotten to supervise when Kareen packed her clothes and therefore even the plainest dress wasn’t as comfortable as her usual pants and blouse. Following the man she asked him questions about Aquarian culture and for tips on her pronunciation. Reaching the room he moved to open the door but she stopped him and asked him for a moment alone and he nodded and walked down the hall. Turning to Bevan Silvestra led him back to the end of the hall. “I want you to wait here while I speak with the others.” Bevan immediately started to argue. “Absolutely not! I will not let you be alone in there!” Turning away Silvestra shook her head and started back towards the room, trying to keep hold of her patience. “That wasn’t a request Bevan it was an order.” Following her Bevan reached out to grab her and Silvestra spun on him, not noticing they were so close to the door. “Bevan just shut the hell up and listen for once! I am going into that room alone and you will stay where I tell you! I am sick of you not following orders just because you are my brother! Go and wait at the end of the hall or go back to Taurus and make yourself useful!” Turning Silvestra noticed the door was right behind her and winced, hoping she wasn’t as loud as she thought she had been. Approaching the door Silvestra sighed and took a deep, calming breath before opening the door and walking into the room. Looking around she noticed Aquarius, Gemini , and Leo all in the room and smiled. “I am quite sorry for my lateness, the situation in Taurus is rather strenuous at the moment.” After a pause Silvestra closed the door behind her and then walked into the room, making sure to seem like incident in the hall had never happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Alexis Conall Aries Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Caesar Libra Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus
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Elaine bowed as she took her coat off, as to say "It's a pleasure" to both before sitting gently on the seat, moving her fragile wings gently, keeping her balance as she sat onto the floor cushion, though Arturus shook his head, smiling a little he responded to Sterling, "I appreciate the offer of sitting with the like of you all, but I'm no good in politics. I'll remain outside for y'all." he remarked with his gruff voice resounding through the room before he opened the door to exit. Though Elaine remained, looking rather calm in demeanor, she looked for said Sign Language translator so she wouldn't have to use her magic all the time, though as Princess Taurus was entering, Elaine bowed her head again, as a hello to the new entrant. Though Taurus wasn't exactly someone whom Elaine had constant contact with, she knew the princess of Taurus was an alright person, though Elaine took a breath as the wind swirled through, and a voice through it had spoken,

"It would seem Princess Taurus is here." the wind said whilst Elaine gave a gentle smile, noting that the meeting would begin soon.

Mineczka nodded, responding in a more respectful tone to Prince Libra, "Lady Elaine has deemed Gemini a neutral country. We have no quarrel with Libra. And our wolves are trained around Gemini's crop. They aren't going to damage the crop of Libra. Secondly, I had thought I had sent a messenger to request permission to transfer the Arians through your kingdom." she paused, with an annoyed sigh, Mineczka wasn't one whom liked when people didn't listen, "But it appears that said messenger had not come. And I apologize for the trespassing, and I'm sure Lady Elaine will send a more... Formal apology." Mineczka took a breath again before looking at Draco, her calm demeanor resonating through her troops and wolves, "As for you, Miss Draco, I've brought extra wolves, and if Prince Libra is kind enough, I can get you and your troops to Gemini much faster than you can on foot. The wolves are trained and adapted to new riders, so do not fret that you cannot ride them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Zari Leo Character Portrait: Sterling Salvador Aquarius XIV Character Portrait: Elaine Gemini Character Portrait: Princess Silvestra Taurus
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Princess Zari Leo

As Elaine's bodyguard left from the room Zari's expression did not change seemingly not paying any attention to it. However she had to admit it was a wise desicion was it Elaine's orders or the guard's own. It would make this discussion to stay inside the room and only between the rulers more likely.

Zari turned to look as she heard familiar sound behind the doors. She immediately understood what was going on as she gathered a few words from here and there. She had made business and deals with Princess Taurus in several occasions and had met Bevan almost every time despite if she had been there or if Silvestra had come to her Kingdom. Zari had never really appreciate that way of work, as often it seemed Bevan made the decision for his sister. She had always thought Silvestra was under his feet which definitely hadn't made Zari respect her highly. As Princess Taurus stepped in, Zari bowed to her again from manners. "Pleasure to see you again, Princess Taurus." Those with keen eyes might notice she bowed a little deeper to her than to Elaine mostly just because they had done business. In reality she was just waiting Bevan to burst into room after the Princess. At least he would make her tell every slightest detail to him later. In Zari's opinion either Bevan should leave Silvestra alone or Silvestra should give the throne to him. Now there was two rulers for one Kingdom and it wasn't working.

"May we start now?" she looked at Prince Sterling as waiting his agreement but not waiting his answer. It might have been rude from her but seeing as he was already ready to start the meeting without Taurus, she assumed he wouldn't be offended. She turned to look at the others. "I assume you all have got my letter, but let me do a quick recap. My main target right now is to find the moron who attacked to my Kingdom and according to my knowledge to yours as well. If any of you have information of these events or the person behind them I would appreciate if you're willing to share them. And as mentioned in my letter for those able to share pieces of information with me, no matter how small, I will keep my word and offer you a discount for my services in the upcoming war. And my services are pretty much limitless when it comes to war zone. I can offer my military for defense or offence as well as armory and weapons. And it's not limited to only one Kingdom, I can split my army for all those of you who wish to take this deal. " Her voice was formal, one of a business woman's. It wasn't anywhere near the slightly enthusiastic voice she had had with Sterling and she didn't give the slightest hint of their deal, telling her side of business like it would still be open - and for her it was. The pay and details were still open and as long as there wasn't black on white it would stay partly open.

"Oh and one more thing. Even if that person would happen to be someone close to you, I don't hesitate to kill them." She spoke perfectly calmly looking all three of them but there was a deeper meaning hidden behind her words. She wouldn't hesitate to kill even if it was one of the rulers sitting in the room with her.