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Alexis Davenport

"I'm not a fucking zombie....not entirely anyway..."

0 · 2,229 views · located in Parkwood

a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, as played by TheCrimsonLady




ImageImage{ FULL NAME }
Alexis Willow Haven Davenport

{ AGE }


Royal Fae

Half Fae/Half Wraith

[color=]WHAT DO YOU LOOK LIKE?[/color]

5'8, 130lbs

Haven is a startling unnatural beauty, with soft pale skin, deep black eyes, and long dark hair that she has in dreadlocks. Day to day, her style ranges from gothic, to gothic Lolita to...whatever she feels like wearing, In what she likes to call –I don’t give a fuck-style. She is underweight and a little too skinny but that is due to her mutation. As well as marks that glow red anytime she tries to use her Shadow Magic, it’s a seal to keep her from unlocking that power again.


Bisexual, though unaware

Alexander Davenport-Father
Erieda Davenport -Mother
and so on...

Haven is indifferent, stubborn, socially inept, and prone to violence, with a predisposition towards anger. Any emotion she feels, is often replaced by anger, whether it be sadness, fear, nervousness, regret or pain, she always swaps it for anger. It’s easier for her to handle that way. However, she has a strong sense of family and teamwork and will do anything to protect her team even though half of the time, she wants to hurt them herself. She is not so trusting, and is cynical to a fault. It takes her a great deal of time to trust people and even then that trust is limited.
That being said, she can be fun, and a great friend. Never far from a joke, or a witty remark she has a soft spot for misfits and will do what she can to help the for one. Though she feigns boredom and always acts disinterested.

{ [color=#]ABLILTIES[/color] }
Nether Manipulation-User can create, shape and manipulate Nether, the "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living, and the Dead. Nether is most known as the substance that makes up the Underworld, a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on. Nether is very similar to Aether “the Celestial Element” in that is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy. However, although it can partake in the nature of either substances, Nether is neither of these things.

Despite being often considered "Death-Force" Nether is more than the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts. It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul's connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the after life. It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased. Users of this power acknowledge that Nether exists in Elemental, Cosmic, and Spiritual forces. Nether exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur.

Like Aether, Nether is a Spiritual Element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense. The only way Nether can be seen is if it were mixed with an Element of the Physical Realm (Most often Darkness, Fire, or Earth).
+Nether Physiology- What she calls, Berserker, Where her body becomes consumed by nether energies, making her feral and dangerous.
Shadow Magic-can create and control wicked creatures, cast powerful eldritch spells and harness dark magical energies.
Necromancy }Limited{-
+Death Sense-Can sense the dead,
+Necrotelepathy –Can communicate with the dead

Healing Factor-The Ability to heal oneself.


Image { LIKES }
Loud Music
Her headphones
The Outside
The Rain
Fighting/Picking Fights
Her powers.
Gothic Anything
Writing Songs
Playing the Guitar and the Cello

Being without her headphones.
Being part Fae.
Overly happy people
Entering the Nether
Being called a Zombie.
Going Berserk

Her Berserker state

She can not lie

Ignoring people
Eating -she has an insatiable hunger. It is unknown way.-
Flipping people off.
Punching people out.


Image{ HISTORY }
Alexis did NOT survive her own birth and was pronounced still born, however strangely, she revived a day after.To Be Continued...


Dariya -Nookie- Stavrovich


You're So Creepy– Ghost Town

So begins...

Alexis Davenport's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida & Alec

Eida scoffed for what felt like the tenth time that morning, her hand instinctively reaching for the wet wipes she kept beside her mirror at all times. With a rather disgruntled expression, Eida wiped the makeup from her eyes and threw the wipe down in the bin, releasing a barely audible squeak of disapproval as she did so. It was, approximately, her tenth time trying to make it even on both eyes. Her crazy, irrational, perfectionist self had prevented her from simply 'going with it', as her brother called it. Speaking of her brother... Eida did a little twirl as she spun on her heel, eyes narrowing in on the limp form which lay lazily upon her bed. She scoffed, yet again, and threw the entire packet of wet wipes. They landed on his stomach, eliciting a winded grunt from the teen. His head lifted so that he could glance at her, before he released an audible sigh. "For the last time, I'm not doing it for you." She tilted her head to one side. "Okay, I'm not doing it for you again."

It was - at the very least - another twenty minutes before Eida was finally pleased enough with her appearance that she was able to leave the room. Alec trailed after her, cradling his arm with a flushed expression. Eida skipped down the hallway, her body practically twitching with barely-controlled glee. "Thanks for helping me out, bro!" she yipped as she made her way down the flight of stairs leading to the ground floor - or lobby - of the hotel. It was still incredibly early, all things considered, so when she threw herself into the kitchen for breakfast she wasn't entirely surprised that she found no one in there but herself and her quietly muttering brother. Alec made a straight line for the fridge, hissing as he lifted his arm to open the door. He pulled out some milk and threw it to his sister, who had already gotten the cereal. While she grabbed the bowels, he grabbed the spoons; they both set them down at the same time, and fought for the right to pour their cereal first, before doing so again with the milk mere moments later. This was a battle they faced almost every morning.

It wasn't until Alec tucked into his bowel that he realised they hadn't made a third for Alexis. He gave his sister a quick glance, which seemed to have sent the message well and clear. Eida scuttled off towards the door, swinging it open and swallowing a moment as if to brace her vocals for the onslaught they faced. "Alexis!" Eida called, hoping that the silence of the hotel would carry her vocals far enough. "You want a bowl of cereal? Or something?" Truth be told, she didn't even know what her Aunt happened to be doing at that time, but upon the checking of her watch she realised they had a little over half an hour to leave, so she didn't hurry. Gesturing to Alec, he used his back to keep the door propped open in case of a response, as Eida threw her spoon into her bowl eagerly.

Alexander and Scavenger

"I don't know why you're so nervous," muttered Scavenger as her pale optics followed the older man who appeared to be pacing the room breathlessly. "She'll most likely just be happy to see her husband again." Alex halted. Though his expression was one of unfathomable passivity, his eyes were dark and hard as they shifted towards her; they settled for a few moments before wandering aimlessly on. Alexander didn't bother to utter a response. Too involved in his own train of thought was he that actual words were something of an impossibility. Lips twitching with the urge to move, Alex grumbled something incoherent, and continued on about the room, from one corner to the next. Scavenger merely shook her head, and threw her arms out in the air with a grunt as she attempted to drag herself up off of the arm chair.

They were in Alex's apartment at that time. It was a nice little place, although the only furniture - excluding the bathroom and kitchen - in the place was a bed and a chair, both located in the living area. Alex had to move ever since Scavenger decided to pay him a visit and ended up barrelling through the portal, onto his bed. He did not seem pleased about that. He'd proceeded to throw the bed through the doorway out of the room the following morning, but not after throwing her about the place first. He was a strict one, that Alex. Scavenger's gaze travelled to the doorway, which barely qualified as such. Upon trying to fit the bed through, Alex had realised that it didn't fit, and decided it was easy just to create a gaping hole in his apartment as opposed to dismantling the bed and building it again. An amused grunt filled the silence.

"We should go," Alex finally spoke, causing Scavenger's head to swivel around, pale eyes fixating on his face. His face lacked emotion, but his eyes held a hurt that could not be described with words. Huffing, she nodded and stepped forward a little, extending her arm. Alex, with an increasing sense of hesitance, did the same; their hands met but Alex's grip was practically non-existent, leaving Scavenger to shift her hand and curl her fingers around his wrist instead. In an instant, they appeared behind the school.

Both making their way around to the front of the building, they parted ways to prevent rousing suspicion. As far as the citizens of Parkwood were concerned, Alex and Scavenger were complete strangers. Teacher and pupil. Nothing more, nothing less. While Alex continued on down the hallway, Scavenger turned right at the first corridor and started towards her first class of the day: Maths. Alex had a class to teach, anyhow. English Literature, if he remembered correctly. Thankfully, he was able to make it through the hallway without encountering any of his family. Upon discovering the location of his classroom, Alex entered and set his case down on the desk at the front, clearing his throat. None of them were present, but no doubt they would begin to flood in once the morning bell rang. He just hoped he wouldn't get any of his grandchildren.


Kellin's dark eyes focused finally, eyelids peeling themselves open to reveal... absolutely nothing. His personal quarters in the Wraith Realm were caked in complete darkness. Therefore, even when his sight became clear, he could see nothing but the subtle outlines of his furniture. Groaning loudly, he shifted so that he could prop his upper weight up with his arms, eyes continuing to peer into the gloom for a further minute before he even made the attempt to move from beneath the covers. Padding slowly over to the windowless hole in the side of the building he'd been calling home for the last three years. It was a dreary little castle-type foundation; the outer appearance suggested that one punch from a supernatural being and the entire structure would crumble instantly. Reflecting upon this, Kellin barely held in a sigh. How pathetic...

Kellin fought to turn his entire form around, pushing himself to walk towards the bedroom door. It swung open immediately, revealing a portly man in his late fifties, standing perfectly still with his head lowered. To either side of him stood a girl; pale-skinned, tall, plain-faced and shapeless. They, too, held their gaze to the ground, their hands clasped together in front of them. "Sir Davenport," the middle-aged man practically cooed, tipping his over-sized body forward. The action caused Kellin to move backwards, lest the man's balding head slap into his bare chest. He didn't think he could prevent the general awkwardness of such a situation from turning into anger. He really didn't want to have to kill this man; he was a fairly good servant, as far as they went. Annoying and jiggly as he was, he served Kellin well. "Don't call me that," the younger man replied, turning once more and padding into the centre of the room. "Come on in, Jerry. Upon command, Jerry did just that, the two younger girls trailing silently behind him, eyes still down on the floor. They were new, as far as Kellin knew, but he shrugged it off.

After about an hour had passed, Kellin had been fully washed and dressed. He wore a button-up and some jeans; his usual attire. Standing in the middle of his room once more, Kellin was left with nothing to do. He'd refused his grandfather's command to return to school, but he was not altogether denying that returning to Parkwood on the whole was necessary to their plans. Releasing a short huff, Kellin sat extended his arms and splayed his fingers out into the empty space before him. He squinted his eyes closed as a heavy concentration overcome him. A trick he'd learned ever since meeting Lexi was to pinpoint her exact location, and use it to travel through the Realms. Upon picking this up, he'd quickly tried it out on Alexander and Scavenger (even though neither of them got along too well). As a black space opened up in front of him, a mischievous grin slithered across Kellin's lips and pulled them back to reveal a set of white teeth. He hopped through.

Upon entering Mark's Mansion, the first person he took notice of was Lexi. He took this opportunity, with her back turned to him, to run up nearly silently and wrap his arms around her from behind, nuzzling her neck almost ravenously. "Miss me?" he teased.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Scavenger
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Alexis Davenport was in her large attic converted bedroom at the top of the hotel. She had musical recording instruments and things set up, and she herself was standing at a long microphone. She had wireless headphones pushing back her long black locks, though her right ear was left open so that she could hear herself. She began to sway as the music began toplay and she began to sing.

"I want to hold you to the sun
I want to be your faithful one
I want to show you all the beauty
You don't even know you hold
I'm hurting you for your own good
I'd die for you, you know I would
I'd give up all my wealth
To buy you back the soul you never sold...
she bellowed, her voice dark and haunting while the while she imagine her father, who disappeared years ago, leaving her with her grieving mother. A part of her never forgave him for that, she knew how much she loved Simon, and sure he and Simon never got on, he could have been there for them. Even now, her mother was hoping that he would return like it was said Symone returned.

"I want to mix our blood
And put it in the ground
So you can never leave
I want to earn your trust
Your faith, your heart
You'll never be deceived

Liar, liar, liar, liar
Liar, liar, liar, liar
Liar, liar, liar, liar
Liar, liar, liar, liar

She sang some more, keeping her eye on the recording equipment.
"I want to heal you pretty sweet
I'll throw rose petals at your feet
I'll spend eternity
Comparing all my poetry to yours
I want to see love through your eyes
You'll never have to compromise
I'd give up all my fame
To fight your demons and your bloody wars..."

IT was then that she heard her niece Eida call up and Alexis could have kicked her. "Alexis!" Alexis groaned, flung the headphones off before stopping the recording.

"You want a bowl of cereal? Or something?"

Alexis stomped down the stairs, her big boots thumping as she did so. Luckly her mother wasn't home, otherwise she would have be on her about that.

She walked into the kitchen with her hands on her hips. "Does it look like I want so damn cereal? You know I don't eat anything that didn't previously breath, besides, I was recording." She said in a huff, but that didn't stop her from going into the cupboard and looking for some of the beef jerky she had bought a few days ago. Alexis was an odd one, while she was both Fae and Wraith, she didn't act like either, Wraith's didn't need to eat, Fae or Dryads in her case, mostly ate fruits and veggies.
Alexis needed meat, the rarer the better most of the time and she needed food nearly all the time, she was never not hungry. Her uncle Tommy would tease her sometimes, telling her he'd rather cloth her then feed her. She couldn't be mad at that. Her mother spent a small fortune on food.

She found herself a glass for some juice, when a cold shiver when up her spine.

The glass slipped from her hand and shattered on the floor.


In a plum of black and purple smoke, Alexis was gone without another word.

She felt him, she knew she did. She was odd that way, well she was odd in many ways, but she could always feel her father. She felt him leave, and she felt him return.

She teleported herself to the place his presence was most powerful and she found herself in an apartment.

"The Fuck...?" she gasped as she looked around. He'd been there and had been for awhile, but he was gone now.

Getting anger, she waved a hand and a black and purple portal opened. The NetherRealm connected everything, life and death, and all of it's energies were connected and collected here. She could find him here.

She'd tried it once before, but he'd been too far away, in another dimension. Interdimensional travel through the nether was dangerous, because Alexis was like a magnet, Nether energies would grab a hold of her, try to corrupt her if she were careful, which is why she couldn't go searching for her dead brother, she could find him too if she was willing to risk it.

Since her father was on the same plan as she was, she wouldn't be in the Nether for too long. In fact, she only needed to basically peek her into it, looking around, and pinpoint his location, she could open a portal to where he was, and the tunnel between the two wouldn't be very long so that's exactly what she did.

She stepped through the portal where she found his energy and found herself in
"English Lit?" She mused aloud as she looked around, and there he was. He looked different but she knew it was him.

"Dad?" she swallowed before she noticed there was already someone in the classroom. She rolled her eyes closed. She just broke the biggest rule ever. Not that she was a stranger to that but still, she never revealed her powers to a normie before...though...this girl didn't seem all that normal to her.

"Fucking Hell...."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Scavenger
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Scavenger
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Scavenger
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eden
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Image Eden had woken up early that morning. Like a child she was excited for her first day of school...well college but same basic principle. Having woken up just before sunrise had left Eden if plenty of free time after she got ready and organized, well if you consider stuffing her textbooks and notepads into her shoulder bag organized. With all her free time Eden had started unpacking her belongings, her new apartment still bare excepted for her furnishing. It didn't have her own personal touch yet, the things that really made a home her home. Plugging her earbuds into her phone Eden put the small speakers in her ears and cracked the tunes, dancing around as she got to work. By the time she had to leave Eden had emptied out all the boxes and had laid everything out on the floor, all her dishes and kitchen supplies was put away and her bathroom stuff was also put away.

Checking her phone Eden saw the time and jumped up from her place on the floor while removing her earbuds and pausing her music. She then grabbed her bag, wallet and keys before leaving her apartment. She halted just outside her door, her hand shooting up to her chest where the cool crystal pendant symbolizing her birthright rested. Her fingers gripped the pendant tightly as she set a small pray to her deceased mother. Even now five thousand years later Eden still loved her mother and prayed to her everyday. Then with a deep sigh she started on her journey though it didn't take Eden long to walk to Parkwood College, the morning sun warm and bright reflected Eden's happy mood. Once she was on campuses Eden made her way to her first class since she already had her schedule. The English Lit classroom was practically empty except for a few people, a man and a dark haired girl. Child like excitement filled her at the chance to meet new people and maybe make friends.

"Good morning" Eden chirped happily. Even with her happy mood Eden could sense the somewhat dark aura these to gave off but she decided to ignore it, thinking maybe they were just having a lousy morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru

Eida & Alec

As Eida lifted the spoon into her mouth, the first thing she actually became aware of was the overwhelming sounds of her Aunt's boots crashing against the stairs; having been living with Alexis for as long as she could remember, Eida knew instantly that this was not a good sign. The lack of colour on her brother's face only confirmed it, really. They were both about to get one hell of a tongue-lashing. Alec practically threw his body out the doorway, only a second before Alexis entered the kitchen. Eida stood in complete silence as Alexis questioned her, before she shrugged her shoulders subtly, expression one of innocent fear. "Well... not now," she huffed, struggling to get the words out with a full mouth. Alec didn't bother contributing to the conversation. Instead, he turned and set the empty bowl into the sink, watching as his sister set her bowl down on the kitchen counter. It was a while before anyone said anything, but they both spun around to stare at Alexis when they heard the sound of glass shattering against the kitchen floor. In the next second she was gone, and the siblings were left stunned.

Another few moments passed by, with Eida making her way out of the kitchen just as an unfamiliar girl rang the bell in the lobby. Eida's eyes travelled to her almost immediately; she didn't recognise her from school. In this same second, one of Alec's friends entered and began to call for him. Eida lost interest pretty quickly, and instead turned towards the girl from before. Her grandmother wasn't around, and probably wouldn't come downstairs before this little encounter became awkward, so Eida simply stepped behind the counter. With her arms raised to rest her elbows on the wood, and her chin resting in her hands, Eida smiled. "How many I help you then, Miss..?" she asked, pausing. All the while, Alec had begun to walk towards his friend, a rather serious expression painted onto his features. He didn't bother sitting down beside her, but merely shot her a quick glance again. "We should go," he mumbled, temporarily distracted by the couple who came in, "before my weird ass family finds one more way to completely confuse and/or annoy me this morning." With that, Alec began to make his way towards the door, retrieving an umbrella from the holder to the side of it. He flicked the little tab once he was outside, and raised it above his head.


Alex's gaze was dragged upwards from his desk as a sudden burst of power became noticeable to him suddenly. Not only that, but it was located directly in front of him. It took a while for Alex's mind to register that he was seeing his daughter, Alex. She must have teleported, or some other method of travel, because otherwise he would've sensed her coming down the hall. But, at that moment, her transportation as the least of his concerns. His daughter, his actual daughter, was stood before him, staring at him. Alex was silent under her stare, until a look of realisation crossed her features and immediately his own gaze travelled to the girl sat in the room. She didn't seem to phased, as she went back to reading her book quietly and without much fuss.

Alex released an audible sigh, but didn't speak for a while, until... "You're probably waiting for an explanation," he murmured, as his hands busily worked to set out pieces of paper, textbooks and other such items which had been provided for him upon accepting the job. He glanced briefly at one of the books and snorted his amusement aloud. Othello, one of Shakespeare's great tragedies, and thoroughly unenjoyable to read. "I'm not going to go into details," he continued, pausing briefly to examine a piece of paper which he lifted to his face, before letting it drop to the desk, "but the last three years have been... interesting. I came to a realisation, it would seem, that this world is terribly divided... This world is a horrible place of war, of death and destruction. I think you'd be proud to know your old man is working to change that." He looked up then, an unsettling smile working its way across his lips. Every now and then, he would glance at the other girl, but she seemed to have placed some headphones in her ears, so Alex had no reason to hold back. Of course, there was another girl who had entered, but he could've sensed her power from a mile away. He ignored her greeting, too involved in his own conversation to bother replying.

"Anyhow," he started again, not giving Alexis the time to respond fully to the information which he'd admitted so willingly to her. Alexis was a special, special girl, and Alex needed her. Revealing every little detail right now would be a catastrophic error; she most likely wouldn't agree with him, and that would push them further apart. "I'll pop by the hotel today for a little visit, if you'd like... I do hope your mother hasn't missed me terribly." Alex had - by this point - finished setting his desk up, therefore allowing him to pay full attention to his daughter.


Kellin was forced to loosen the grip of his thick arms as he felt Lexi beginning to turn under his weight. It wasn't until she came to be facing towards him that his hands instinctively moved to her hips, dragging her body closer to his and holding it there as she spoke. His eyes, which had previously been trailing her lips, flickered up to meet her gaze. A rather playful smirk slipped across his lips, though his stare was serious and a heavy frown still weighed upon his brows; the combination made him look almost menacing. As Lexi leaned in to kiss him, Kellin was more than prepared for the onslaught that was due to come. So absorbed in this kiss was he that he barely took notice of the fact that she was pulling away until he felt her teeth nicking at his lower lip, drawing out a throaty growl.

She was probably feeling proud of herself for that little move. Kellin wanted her; of course he did. Who wouldn't? Kellin's eyes opened and trailed her features once more, though this time his expression was one of utter frustration. Instead of catching on her lips, like his gaze usually would, it instead travelled down to her neck. One of the hands located on her lip flashed towards her hair, allowing him to grab a fistful of it in his over-sized hand. Still staring at her neck, he yanked her hair back, revealing it to him, whilst all the while shuffling them backwards until they hit the nearest wall. And, instead of biting into her like he thought would've, he fought against the urge and simply began to trail kisses from her jaw to the endpoint of the neck. Rather aggressively, Kellin released Lexi's hair and used the hand on her hip to shove her to the side. "Damn it," he muttered, raising a hand to touch his lower lip, his smirk returning so suddenly that he surprised even himself.

Glancing about, he huffed. "Is Logan around?" he asked, still keeping his smirk.


Upon entering the classroom, Scavenger took notice of how boringly average the people around her were. Most of them weren't even supernatural, so she had no one to play with... However, she did manage to spot a few girls wandering about which caught her interest. Sitting on the desk, facing the front of the classroom, Scavenger playfully grabbed at a few of them that passed her by, eliciting a few stunned squeals. One or two of them moved instinctively to their boyfriend, who would give her a brief earful about boundaries before storming off again. Scavenger's only response was to laugh and shrug it off, before targeting the next girl with an even higher sense of eagerness than before. That was, until Scavenger's eyes caught sight of Ashley wandering through the doorway. With a devilish grin, Scavenger raised her arm and gestured as if to call her over.

"Well, look at you, attending college, being a good little girl," Scavenger cooed, mockingly. Upon closer inspection, Ashley didn't look too happy, but Scavenger was hoping to change that... Although, teasing her wasn't exactly the best way to go about doing it. "You okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eden
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It was quiet for a moment, the two of them just starting at each other before her father decided to speak. "You're probably waiting for an explanation," He said and Alexis laughed sardonically as he moved thing around on his desk, which only pissed Alexis off even further. "I'm not going to go into details," He began and Alexis just crossed her arms. "but the last three years have been... interesting. I came to a realisation, it would seem, that this world is terribly divided... This world is a horrible place of war, of death and destruction. I think you'd be proud to know your old man is working to change that." He said and grinned in a way that made her uncomfortable. She didn't know nor care what the hell he was talking about.

"Anyhow," He said, continuing . "I'll pop by the hotel today for a little visit, if you'd like... I do hope your mother hasn't missed me terribly."

Alexis gaped at him. "You're kidding right? Missed you?"She said, her head cocked in confusion, something she got from her mother. She looked at the girl the one with the book and the other that had just entered. " Yea, Get out." she told them both. The light haired one looked new and it was likely she didn't know who Alexis was, nor how dangerous her mood could be, but the other one did, and she got up and left without a word.

She turned back to her father. "She's been a fucking wreck, Dad. You left...after Slade died....You remember, the one that was born with Symone. Which seems to be the only one you fucking care about..." She said, turning away. "She goes to give grave everyday, that's where she is right now....hoping he'll come back, but he won't, we all know that, but since her fucking husband left, she had no one but me, to help her with her grief, and frankly I don't know how to help her....She needed you, I needed you and fucking bailed. But After three years, you'll 'pop' by later....Thanks for that." She said, feeling pressure behind her eyes. She'll be damned if she cried though. "Ya know even Symone came a few times, just to check on us, but not you..." She and turned her head toward him. "Fuck the world, The world doesn't even know you, it doesn't need you....We do, I do."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eden
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alex didn't quite know how to respond to Alexis' response, although he'd half expected her to be so incredulous about his passivity towards abandoning them those three years ago. Still, he remained completely silent as she told the blonde who had entered to leave. Scoffing a little, he gave a glance towards her, but said nothing in objection. He feared doing anything to the contrary would only worsen his daughter's mood, and that was something Alexander always tried to avoid. Often times he would think that her temper was even worse than his own, which was saying something. As, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Alexis turn back to him, and his eyes widened for less than a second before his brows lowered in a frown. He was trying his best to stay focused, but it was becoming a much more difficult task.

As Alexis continued on, Alex found himself becoming more and more confused. After Slade died, he repeated in his mind. After Slade died? That wasn't how he recalled the events at all. In his own mind, Slade had died one year after he'd disappeared. In actual fact, Slade had come looking for him after some time, furious, to see why Alex had abandoned his wife. It was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time; Slade has overheard a conversation which he really shouldn't have, and while Alex was entirely prepared to explain himself, Scavenger was not. She cut him down one night as he walked around in the forests surrounding the hotel, and taken his body for good measure. She'd claimed she'd done it for Alex, to preserve his secret, but he was furious. Not long after, before the body began to decompose, he ordered one of his best Necromancers to bring his son back; Alex had never been a fan of Slade, but at the end of the day they were family.

While he reflected upon these events, Alex barely noticed how his daughter prattled on. It was only when his eyes came into focus that he noticed the distressed expression she held on her face, and he could've sworn she was about to cry. But, no, that wasn't Alexis. She didn't cry; she got angry. Her finishing sentence was enough to curl Alex's fists into tight balls, but he immediately unclenched and shook his head slowly, eyes lowered. The world doesn't even know you, it doesn't need you... The words replayed in Alex's mind like a broken record. When he raised his head again, his eyes were dark and muted, as opposed to their usual stunning blue. He tried his best to push past it, but the words left his lips before he could stop them, though he managed to dull them down into a hollow mutter. He repeated them, once... twice... His eyes refocused and found Alexis', and it was upon this that he took a breath, before exhaling a soft, drawn-out sigh.

"Slade's not dead," he finally said, lowering himself down into his chair with hesitant, jittery movements. "Well... He is, but not entirely... You see, when I discovered that he was murdered, I was outraged. I... brought him back, from the dead. Or, a Necromancer did." He paused briefly. "It was explained to me that Slade would be able to walk around and act like he normally did, but for a long time he wouldn't be able to leave the Realm he'd been resurrected in, or even communicate with those from another Realm. He was, at the time, in the Wraith Realm." Alex leaned over his desk, pressing his hand to his forehead as another disgruntled sigh broke through his pursed lips. He shook his head some more, before glancing up. He lifted himself up almost immediately and walked around the desk until he was facing Alexis properly. "You must understand... I never meant to hurt anyone. Leaving was not my intention... It was not my choice," Alex continued, visibly shuddering upon the last few words, as if merely recalling the memory of the events which he endured was painful enough to side-track him. Regardless, he persisted on with strained, uneasy vocals. "I love you... I love your mother... And I'm here now. I'm..." He glanced about. "I'm here."


Alec held the umbrella above his head, huffing as he eyed the grey skies and rain which threatened to completely ruin his day, more so than his family already had. He waited until Amorie stepped through the door and joined him to start on forward. Craning his neck around to listen to her as she spoke, Alec snorted his amusement aloud, having almost forgotten what this girl did for a living. Being the Grim Reaper, he had once thought, must've been a pretty cool job, but after meeting and befriending Amorie, he was beginning to change his views on that. He'd heard often of her sleepless nights and awkward encounters, and he was not shy about admitting that he felt somewhat bad for her. But, at the end of the day, Amorie seemed like a cool girl. He flashed her a subtle smile, nodding. "Oh, yeah, sure thing. But, eh, not here... At yours?" he asked, but his smile quickly dropped as he noticed that she'd stopped, and he did so too. Turning around, he finally caught sight of what had halted his friend. A girl, around his age, stood in the rain... Was she... She was wearing a Gothic Lolita-styled dress. How odd.

When the unknown girl peeped a greeting, Alec offered her a distant, effortless smile which he would usually give to new people, a stark contrast to the playful grins and obnoxious smirks he would shoot at his closer friends. Saying nothing at first, his eyes trailed her outfit once more, and he cocked his head to one side in a way that suggested curiosity, though his eyes were cold and disinterested. "If you're looking for a place to stay, my sister's dealing with customers inside. But, regardless, you should get inside, lest you catch a cold... Why the hell did you leave the house in a dress on a day like this?" he continued on, keeping his vocals soft as possible, even though his question was rather intrusively forward. Extending his arm, he reached for her hand, aiming to pull her under the umbrella until she answered. He gave a quick glance to Amorie, almost as if apologising for the distraction on their journey to the school, before focusing once again on the girl.


Scavenger nodded absentmindedly at Ashley's response. Even though she didn't truly believe it, she was in no position to pester the girl. Despite being her superior in terms of Remei ranking, she had found it incredibly hard to give her orders, now and in the past. There was just something about this girl that caught Scavenger off guard every time she saw her. It was odd, and incredibly hard to put into words, but it was there and it was real, albeit slightly confusing. Running a hand through her black hair, she gave out a short huff.

Scavenger's eyes settled on Ashley's movements as she shifted to lean against the desk, which caused the short-haired girl to smirk slightly. "Because, my dear, we're Alex's eyes and ears around this place now," she replied, having leaned in and settled her voice into a hushed whisper. "Which, in a lot of ways, makes us the important ones." Scavenger leaned back after a few moments and gave a wink to the dark-skinned girl stood before her, eyes glinting with a mischievous playfulness that she held only for Ashley. Releasing an unintelligible sound, Scavenger positioned her hands behind her, allowing her to lean back a little; she finally allowed her eyes to wander away from Ashley's form, having spotted another girl walking through the door. This one, she thought, was interesting. Giving a playful growl as she passed by, Scavenger once again attempted to reach for the girl, and was not surprised to feel her hand being slapped away, though the girl did not look at all frightened or even shocked. Scavenger gave a laugh, while the girl took her seat only a few desks away.

"Gah, the girls here are usually so timid," she remarked with a sigh, shifting her gaze back to Ashley. "This sucks, though... I knew Alex was going to send you, but I wouldn't even have to be here if Kellin ever bothered to do his damn job properly." She absentmindedly flicked some rubber shavings from the small area of desk near her hand.


Each and every day, Slade began to feel sensations; whether it was a tingling in his fingertips or the prick of a blade against his skin, every single feeling gave him reason to believe that his Life Tree was healing his deceased form, and slowly returning him to life. Today, he knew, was a particularly special day for everyone. They'd all gone back to Parkwood. Being the naïve little creatures that they were, they had no real clue that Slade had quite recently recovered the ability to open portals. It was only today that he'd actually managed to stick a hand through without feeling like his skin was on fire and mere seconds away from blistered. Today, it felt normal... He was becoming normal again.

Staring at the portal before him, a grin broke out across his lips, brightening his features. It was an odd thing, smiling... He hadn't done so in such a long time that it felt a little unnatural. Part of him wondered whether he was even doing it right. Shifting his gaze right, he stared curiously into the mirror of his bedroom within the Wraith Realms main Castle. Yup... you look like a maniac right now, he thought, seemingly to himself. He relaxed his features, letting the unintentionally crazed grin drop from his lips. Before he knew what was happening, his legs were carrying his entire weight towards the portal. Only a few seconds later, he was being pulled through.

He felt the cold air of the human Realm hit him like a brick, and he tumbled backwards slightly. The portal by this point had closed, and so he was at no threat of being pulled back through. He could smell the rain lingering in the air, but he was in the forest so he was shielded from the moisture that threatened to dampen his hair and clothes. He could sense home. He knew he was near the hotel. Turning around, he spotted an all-too-familiar figure, sat down by what he quickly realised was his Life Tree. Figures the portal would've taken him straight here. But, that was the least of his worries. "Mom," he blurted, vocals cracking a little as if he was experiencing a strong flurry of emotions. Happiness, relief... sadness. She looked so broken, even from here. "Mommy," he repeated, his legs failing under him. He dropped to his knees.


Kellin's eyes were focused on Lexi as she spoke, his single-minded desire corrupting every single muscle of his body. Oddly, he reminded himself of a lion, crouching in the tall grass as it watches its prey. A predator, waiting for its dinner ever-so patiently. As she continued to speak, Kellin failed to grab onto the words, and so they did not register in his mind for the longest time. The only thing he took real notice of was the way she moved closer and trailed her finger down his chest, but moved away before she reached his waistband. He had half a mind to grab her there and then, but he had a feeling that she wanted to continue on playing her little games for a bit, so he patiently obliged. That was, until she turned to walk away, and Kellin heard himself growling, low and teasing, as he started to follow after her.

It was then that Logan's voice became audible to him, and he snapped his head around to shoot the lad a glare. Again, much like a lion who had been interrupted during its hunt, and almost cheated of his prey. But this lion was a persistent one, and so he immediately returned his focus to Lexi, a visible shiver running down his spine as her laugh filled the silence. This time, he didn't stop walking; he moved towards her with his usual Vamp-like quickness and grabbed her by the hips once more, but instead of pushing her to a wall like he thought he would have, he slid his hands around and down the back of her legs, gripping onto them as he lifted her up and positions them around his waist. He then immediately wrapped his thick arms around her waist and sent his lips crashing into hers, unsteadily climbing the stairs as he did so.

Part of him knew that Lexi wouldn't have minded the rough, forceful nature of his desires, but this entire deal was still new to him. He'd spent the larger majority of his teen life bedding ordinary mortal women, and so suddenly not having to hold back was strange. Part of him didn't want too hurt her too much, and other parts of him were animalistic and cruel in their intentions. As he reflected upon this, he quickly registered that they were moving down one of the hallways rather quickly, and he burst through a random door. It probably wasn't the room Lexi had initially suggested, but that mattered little to Kellin. Entering the room, he finally released his grip, pushing her by the hips off of himself and onto the bed. His eyes were cruel and lacked humanity as he stared down at the blonde, still growling.


Eida almost chuckled at the girl's awkward response as she finally offered up her name. Elena, she repeated, how lovely. As the girl's next question came, Eida simply nodded her head, choosing not to comment on her nervousness. "The only one for miles," she replied. Lifting her elbows off of the counter, she flipped open the book which sat - old and dusty - in front of her. When she found the page she was looking for, she reached for a pen from one of the pots, but didn't write anything just yet. As the girl spoke of her need for a place to stay, Eida lowered the pen to the book and scribbled Elena's name in one of the free spaces. As such, she completely missed the smile offered to her, and only glanced up once Elena continued on. "Ah, no worries. I don't judge," she said, though her words mixed with a gentle chuckle as a soft smile worked to lift the corners of her lips. "But, yeah, sure. You're welcome to stay here for as long as you need. And, uh, we can sort the payment out when you leave..." Eida continued on, though she quickly realised that the girl's focus had been placed elsewhere, so she simply turned to retrieve a key from one the hooks on the wall behind her. It was a small thing, golden, with the number '5' engraved into it.

When Elena asked for her name, Eida smiled brilliantly, setting the key down on the counter in front of the girl. "My name is Eida Iris," she replied, her tone cheery as she flopped backwards into the black computer chair. "My grandmother owns this hotel," she continued on, hands finding their place on her knees as she spoke. She thought briefly about her grandmother, Erieda, who was most likely sat near Simon's Life Tree, as she often did. Eida worried about her grandmother, in all honesty, but had gone with her a few times just to keep her company. Alexis took care of her, mostly, but Eida helped out when she was needed. This train of thought came across as an absentminded stare. It was only upon refocusing that something painfully obvious occurred to her, and it caused her to stand up again and peer curiously over the counter. "You didn't bring any luggage?" she asked, her tone suggesting that she was suddenly quite wary, though her expression remained passive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Eden
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ImageEden was a little shocked at the girl's rude response and didn't move as she watched another girl scurry out of the room. The girl sent off and dark angry aura but it didn't frighten Eden but by the looks of it the man and the girl really needed to talk things out. So with that thought in mind she left to give them privacy. 'Well looks like I'm not going to English Lit today, next class I guess' Eden thought to herself before sighing and walking to her next class.

Reaching the next class Eden saw there was more people here then her other class and a small smile lite up her face. A dark skinned woman and a short haired woman caught her eye as Eden saw the short haired one try to grab at a passing girl. But it was the dark skinned one that really grabbed Eden's attention. 'She's this generations Dragon Princess, how interesting' Eden thought, curious to see what she was like since Eden had only heard rumors of the current Royal family. With a smile she scrolled up to the two.

"Good morning, my names Eden and I'm new to town. Its a pleasure to meet you both" Eden said polity to the two women. She placed her bag and books on a nearby desk and sat down, hoping that the two of them won't mind if she sat by them. Eden slowly drifted into thought, reminding herself to both visit that hotel and drop some of her resumes off around town. Then afterwards she had to go grocery shopping, finish unpacking. Eden mentally groaned at the list of things she had to do. Just another boring day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport
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"Slade's not dead," Her father spoke, causing Alexis to whip around, glaring daggers at him. "Well... He is, but not entirely... You see, when I discovered that he was murdered, I was outraged. I... brought him back, from the dead. Or, a Necromancer did." He said and Alexis' expression softened. "It was explained to me that Slade would be able to walk around and act like he normally did, but for a long time he wouldn't be able to leave the Realm he'd been resurrected in, or even communicate with those from another Realm. He was, at the time, in the Wraith Realm." He said looking exhausted by the conversation and normally, Alexis would have felt a bit of sympathy, she always did when family was concern, when it was someone else, she'd tell them to go grab a tall glass of shut the fuck up but this time, she didn't feel much for her father, sympathy wise. He owed her an explanation. Alexis then watched as her father, seemingly confused about what he wanted to do at the moment and stood up, and walked around the table, approaching her. Alexis took a step back, absentmindedly. "You must understand... I never meant to hurt anyone. Leaving was not my intention... It was not my choice," He said and Alexis noticed something was odd in the way he said that. There was pain in it. Maybe he really didn't want to leave. "I love you... I love your mother... And I'm here now. I'm..." He paused as if he wanted to make sure that no one else was around. "I'm here."

Alexis felt hope bloom in her chest at those words. She wanted to believe them, but she couldn't. So maybe Slade wasn't dead, but why didn't he try to tell her Mother? He could have sent a message, a portal something to let her know that her son wasn't dead. And what about Alexis herself, why didn't he say goodbye when she left. She was 15 when he disappeared, she just woke up and he was gone and she waited...Alexis hated waiting, she was impatient that way, but she waited for him. She'd come home from school, asking if Dad was home, everyday for year until Slade died...or whatever happened to him. She wanted to believe him but she lost faith in him a long time ago.

"You're here now...but instead coming home, seeing me, or went to work." she said gesturing to the room. "I want to believe you....but you've lied to me before...and unlike you, I can't. I can't lie and say shit I don't mean...I mean, fuck....I waited for you...I bugged Mom, nearly everyday, asking if you back yet....She wouldn't let me use the Nether....I wanted to...but she forbade it...used that stupid Fae name spell...You left us alone...and I get say you didn want to...but then when you finally do come back, you don't come see us....Christ Dad, I missed you!.. so much it hurt...I didn't get to spend the time the Twins did with you, and maybe I'm not your favorite, like Sym...but still..." she stopped, she really hated being Fae, she always ended up saying how she really felt. "I mean...I know I'm freak and all, and have all this weird shit with my powers, and that I got from neither of you but still....It's like you don't care....Like I'm not even really your kid...." she muttered, wrapping her arms around herself some. She sniffed but didn't cry. She refused...she'd sooner pitch herself from the roof then to cry, especially in front of him. She wanted to at least appear strong like Sym.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


Kellin's growl hitched in his throat as he spotted Lexi's sudden movements; she was now crouching on all fours, moving closer. Before he could even register what was about to happen, a grin broke across his lips and revealed a set of sharp fangs, slowly elongating. He sensed the confidence in her movements almost immediately, if the stare she was giving him wasn't already indication enough. He fought every instinct and urge in his body which told him to reach for her, which was a rather difficult task considering the circumstances. But, regardless, he managed to retain some of his self control, even if the low growl had suddenly returned again and blended into Lexi's snarl; his chocolate eyes watched her every movement as she leaned closer and unzipped his jacket with her teeth. Kellin, now unable to fight against his urges, wrapped his arms around her upper torso, fingers digging into her back as she leaned backwards, pulling Kellin - whose lips were now hungrily seeking hers - with her as she went. The next few moments were ones which Kellin pushed to the side in his mind, though he was pretty sure that when he felt claws running down his chest, Lexi was wearing less clothes than before. Deciding not to pick over this, he pushed himself away and shimmied himself out of his jeans, before quickly returning to his previous place between her legs.

Before he'd even had time to prepare himself, Lexi was flipping him onto his back, causing a brief expression of shock to flicker over his features, but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared and was soon being replaced by one of eager desires. He felt his entire face becoming more and more flushed as she went on kissing down the length of his torso, and there was an audible, albeit incredibly short, whine of pure confusion when the kissing ceased and she leaned up again. The words which were spoken into his ear caused a shiver to run down his spine, and his body fell still as the implications of this finally settled in his mind. She's going to bite me... he thought over and over again. Believe it or not, he'd never let another person drink from him before; a little nibble every now and then, but never a proper bite. Make no mistake, Kellin would never have likened the situation to anything such a loss of virginity; the sole reason he was rigidly panicking was because Lexi was batshit crazy, it was painfully obvious. If she liked his Dryad blood, she'd tear his neck to all hell. That was something he'd like to avoid.

As a faint click became audible, Kellin had to crane his neck in order to be able to see who'd entered. When he realised it was only a made, he was not ashamed to admit that he was a little relieved, although the sudden lack of weight pressing down on him suggested that Lexi was not longer on top of him, and it was then that he glanced down to check for himself; when he saw nothing but empty space, he propped himself up and turned his entire weight around, his entire body going cold. In a mere second, Lexi had her jaw clamped around the woman's throat and, in one seemingly effortless movement, she ripped it straight out. The shock, much like before, was soon replaced with another sensation... He felt an odd tingle spreading over his entire body, originating in his throat. As his eyes spotted the blood, which was spewing all over Lexi's half-naked form, his eyes shifted a pale amber, and he soon found himself on all fours, a feral snarl sounding in his throat. He hadn't even acknowledged that Lexi was looking at him until he heard her voice, and he whipped his head towards her.

Urging himself forward, Kellin straightened himself up and left his weight fall from the bed, before he moved slowly towards the body lying on the ground and the woman still sat on top of it. Honestly, with the mix of emotions coursing through his body at that time, he didn't know which one to tackle first. Was he to feed first, and deal with Lexi later? She seemed to be suggesting it as she held her hand out for him; a gesture which he chose to ignore. He dropped to his knees and moved a hand towards the raw wound, catching some of the blood on his finger which he instinctively moved to his open mouth. His tongue flickered over it, and all of a sudden he was an entirely different person. His bloodlust had heightened to the point where every second he sat near the body without drinking was so utterly painfully. "You bitch..." he spoke, his voice coarse and evidently strained.

It wasn't until a few seconds after which that he lowered his gaping mouth to the deceased form lying below Lexi, and he clamped his jaw around it. It was messy. He didn't enjoy messy kills, but he was so unbelievably hungry at that point that he didn't really care. As he ripped into it a little more, he felt the blood gushing against his cheeks and neck, spilling down his torso when he moved to sit up. Mouth parted, slumped over and breathless, Kellin returned his gaze to Lexi, his expression void of all humour. Moving closer, he felt his right arm shifting to allow a hand to clamp around the back of her neck, holding her in place, whilst the other was running against her inner thigh. "You crazy, sexy bitch," he continued, moving his head towards her blood-soaked neck. His tongue, which was now making its way through parted lips, ran from the bottom of her neck all the way up to her chin, collecting as much blood on its journey as was possible, before he pressed his lips to hers once again. His tongue ran alone her bottom lip, almost as if asking permission to enter.

He wanted to move back towards the bed. He wanted to get to the main act. The thing he'd actually come here for. Not all of this crazy as fuck killing and bloodlust; although it was an added bonus, he felt as if this was going way too far and way too quickly. But, as he reflected upon this, he realised that he'd been asking for it when he initially pursued Lexi. At first she had been something of an enticing mystery to him; dangerous, sexy and able to show him a good time. But this... This was way beyond even Kellin's limitations. Still, he was here, and he might as well have stuck with it. Breaking away from the embrace, he nudged his head to one side, gesturing to the bed whilst still maintaining eye contact with the gorgeous blond in front of him.


As Slade felt his weight dropping to the forest floor, the first thing he became aware of was his mother's familiar voice shouting his name, and the shift in the air he felt as she rushed towards his collapsing form. Despite himself, Slade allowed a smile to fall upon his lips. Oh, how he'd missed his mother. Missed her voice, her smile, her motherly embrace. He knew Erieda had never asked to be a mother, and that it was all some horrible mistake having been impregnated by such a heartless monster, but all things considered Slade couldn't have asked for a better mother. All of this he'd had at least two years to reflect upon and fully appreciate. Sure, he'd been close to his mother in the past, but never before had he truly realised how much he was unable to cope without seeing her everyday. In seconds, he felt that all-too-familiar embrace around him, and he visibly relaxed under his mother's hold.

Overcome with such sudden emotion, Slade couldn't fight against the violent sob which shook his entire body and robbed him of any energy he'd retained after his fall. He extended his arms and wrapped them around his mother, moving willingly with her as she rocked him back and forth. "Mom," he whimpered, seemingly in response to her words and the kisses she would place on his forehead. As she pulled away from him, Slade had no choice but to loosen his grip, although he couldn't bring himself to maintain eye contact with her for more than a few seconds before he felt more tears stinging his eyes. He looked instead at the ground beside them, still sniffling. He leaned into her hand as she began to stroke his face, eyes peeling themselves open as she began to speak again.

"I'm here," he repeated, finally looking at her whilst nodding in confirmation. "I would've... If I could've, I'd have come home sooner... I would have let you know that I'm alive, but I-... I couldn't. Fucking Necromancy tricks stopped me from opening portals or communicating telepathically, y'know." He paused for a moment or two, as if to let the information settle in his mother's mind, before he continued on. "No one would take a message to you, either. Wraiths are always so bloody difficult to strike bargains with." Leaning into his mother's embrace once more, he was beginning to feel more and more like a little child as opposed to the thirty-eight year old man he actually was. But he didn't care. "I owe dad for bringing me back... Apparently he went totally ape-shit when he found out. I... I asked him to carry a message, but all he said was that certain circumstances prevented him from travelling to or communicating with you for a while..." He looked at his mother, tears brimming once more. "Gods... I've missed you so much," he quickly blurted, lifting a hand to brush his thumb across her jaw.


Alex took a step back as Alexis began on again, and he realised that it would be much more difficult to work his way around her than he'd originally thought. The less human side of him despised how children could be so difficult, with all their petty little emotions and constant need for compassionate, fatherly love. Whereas the more human side of him wanted nothing more than to take his little girl into his arms and ensure her that he was worthy of her trust and attention. But, either way he chose to go about doing it, he needed Alexis, and if that meant being the apologetic, caring and truly emotional father she seemed to be seeking, then that was how he would have to act until he'd got his claws officially hooked into her. And so, as she went on and on about how hard it was to wait for him, Alex had an expression of pure understanding and sympathy painting onto his expression; noticeable enough, but also sufficiently subtle so as not to appear mocking or fake. A flawless performance, if he did say so himself. He would promise himself, at the very least, a proud smirk when Alexis' back was turned. But, for now, his entire focus went into making his little act believable. It was then that a thought crossed his mind... Am I even paying attention?

When he refocused again, he managed only to catch the last few seconds of her rant, and almost immediately his expression dropped. Despite everything, those were as far from his true feelings as were entirely possible. Sure, his daughter was born different, but if anything he had always favoured her for it. She was a truly special girl in more ways than one, and she was his daughter. His very own child. A little annoying at times, but still a product of his own creation. And, as such, he felt an urgent need to deny every single word exiting her mouth in that moment. "Alexis, no," he spoke, keeping his vocals soft but with an obviously urgent sense of denial; a reflection of his true emotions, no doubt. "Quirky as you are, and always have been, you are my daughter without question. You may choose to deny that I am your father; I know I'm as far from one as a person could possibly be. I have made a lot of really shitty decisions in my life, and I know that. I spent my entire marriage to your mother trying to make up for all those horrible things. This is not something that I want, but it is something I must do." Part of him wanted to take a few steps forward, and to wrap his arms around Alexis in a way that was comforting but not to over-step his boundaries.

"I should have come back straight away," he suddenly blurted. "I just...." Alex looked up, an expression of pure frustration settling upon his features and furrowed brows as if even having to admit this was something entirely unfavourable in the most disgusting of ways. "There a lot of things I am not permitted to speak of which have prevented me from visiting Erieda, from even communicating with her..." he continued. "Now that I'm back in Parkwood... I guess I just got nervous. It's hard to think I could be... but..." Alex stopped for a moment. "Please, take me to her... I... cannot locate her. My thoughts are too..." Alex's voice trailed into a gentle but decidedly incoherent murmur of seemingly gibberish.


Scavenger released a laugh at Ashley's response to her words, like it was a complete surprise that Scavenger hadn't been on the initial 'school party bus' to the mortal Realm. She was Alex's second-in-command. Had Kellin not bailed on his duties to the Remei and to Alex, Scavenger would most likely have been sent to keep an eye on Erieda, Alexis or another of the more important targets for the boss' plans. Being sent to attend school in the hopes of picking out small pieces of gossip here and there as a job for the novices and soldiers. This was known. And yet, here Ashley was, acting like the logic and information had completely skipped over her. Regardless, Scavenger didn't point it out. To do so would've probably only worsened Ashley's mood, which Scavenger often found herself trying to avoid. "I would have visited," the short-haired girl offered as a response, a gentle smirk tugging at her full lips. "Maybe would'a grabbed you and pulled you into the nearest broom closet for a little fun," she continued, deciding to give a short laugh afterwards to signal that it was only a joke.

It was then that an unknown - which wasn't too much of a surprise considering Scavenger knew absolutely no one - strolled up to the two girls so casually that Scavenger was only slightly taken aback by her confidence. After a second, Scavenger's smirk spread into a grin which reached both ears, and she pushed herself upwards shortly afterwards; her hands instantly fell into her lap, and began tugging at some of the rips in her skinny jeans absentmindedly, whilst glancing up at her occasionally as she would speak. "Mm... Eden, such a lovely name," she dark-haired girl remarked. To say that the unfamiliar blonde had caught Scavenger's attention was an understatement. Aside from Ashley, Eden was the only girl who hadn't tried to flee from her eager grip; not that Scavenger would ever be so forward with Ashley, but still... She forced her smirk to soften into a genuine smile. She held out her hand briefly for a shake. "Pleasure's all mine," she urged, lowering her arm once more.

As much as Scavenger really wanted to continue her conversation with Ashley, she felt she could not be completely rude to those around her on her first day at the College, lest she get a bad reputation for it. If popularity was any concern to her, which she felt it should have been, then she would try her very best to get on people's good sides. Polite conversation, it seemed, was an effective way of going about this. And so, with a soft chuckle making its way through her parted lips, she casually leaned forward. "What brings you to Parkwood then, Eden?"


Alec stared down at the stammering girl with eyes that quickly softened, releasing his brows from the weight of a frown and giving him a rather gentle, understanding expression. He suddenly realised that maybe grabbing her and pulling her forward was a bit too extreme. He should've known, in all fairness. He should have taken one look at the quivering girl stood before him and thought, maybe I shouldn't physically assault this one by dragging her about the place. However, much like Alec's usual self, such thoughts hadn't even crossed his mind. His movements were through pure impulse as opposed to careful, thought-out and logical decisions. Such was his way of life. It couldn't be helped.

Even so, when the he noticed the girl's eyes fluttering as if she was about to collapse, a sudden feeling of regret washed over him like ice-cold water, and his eyes widened slightly as she toppled. Almost as if on cue, this was when Amorie decided to start paying attention, and did what Alec could not; she grabbed her, and pulled her forward. Alec visibly cursed as the girl's body came crashing towards his own, and as the umbrella was taken from his grip, he opened his arms in order to catch her, grunting with the effort it took to keep her off the ground. As Amorie spoke, Alec shot the blonde a harsh glare, as if to say, you'll pay for this. Awkwardly, Alec shifted his arms around a bit, still attempting to keep her from slipping out of his arms, but it was like trying to hold a glass of water with grease-covered hands. Every way he bent to keep her upright, she seemed to find another place to slip. After a while of incredibly awkward flailing and grabbing off places, Alec had managed to position one arm under her upper back and the other under her knees, hoisting her up properly.

"Man... I didn't ask for this bullshit. Not today, of all days," he muttered as he turned, almost laughing at the way the unknown girl's limbs flapped about limply with the sudden movement. He was grateful, at least, that Amorie was holding the umbrella over his head. He gestured to her, signalling that he would walk forward, and kicked the door open with his foot. Making his way casually past the two girls stood with his sister, Alec made his way upstairs, found an empty room, and asked rather bluntly for one of the wandering staff members to unlock the door for him. As he made his way inside, the man flicked on a switch, to which Alec replied with a murmured 'thank you'. He laid the girl's unconscious form on the bed, over the sheets, and stepped back. After giving her a quick glance over, he grumbled incoherently to himself and walked out, slamming the door behind himself with enough force to have the walls around it trembling.

When he was downstairs again, he grabbed Amorie's arm - albeit gently so as not to cause her any harm - and pulled her eagerly out of the hotel. He just wanted to get away from all the weird shit. Just for one morning. As he started on his way to the school, he gave the blonde a glance. "So, about that sleepover..." he started, smiling.


It didn't take a whole lot for Eida to realise that maybe she shouldn't have been so intrusive towards the girl. She was clearly nervous; for what reason, Eida had no clue, but it was not her place to pry. Instead of pushing the situation further, Eida simply nodded, avoiding eye contact as leaned against the desk, which was propped up against the counter. As Elena presented a pouch, Eida was about to shake her hands and tell her that it was not necessary to provide such things, but curiosity overwhelmed her then and so she just stared, mouth parted ever so slightly. "Your secret is safe with me," she peeped, her voice quiet but hopefully still audible from such a short distance away. She continued to watch quietly as Elena proceeded to pull random items out of her little pouch, and Eida was drawing closer and closer to the conclusion that she should stop the dark-haired girl; Eida was starting to feel slightly bad about not saying anything at first. When Elena pushed some cash across the counter, Eida repeated her nod, though this time it lasted for a second or two. "We're not very expensive," she explained, a little hesitantly. "That will float you for a few nights, actually, Eida continued to assure the girl, before she spoke again. Eida made a small, unintelligible sound as the girl's voice cut short, and she followed her gaze to the blonde who had just entered.

Upon finally registering who the girl actually was, Eida's eyebrows widened to the point where even she was surprised that her eyeballs didn't pop effortlessly from their sockets. "Emily!" she practically squealed, applying sufficient weight onto her arms to propel herself over the desk in a graceful leap. She landed without issue and ran barrelling to the tall blonde, wrapping her in a tight hug before she had any chance to protest against it. Not that Eida thought she would, but still. It was no secret that Eida and Emily had been friends for some time, and neither was it hidden that Eida held a deep, unyielding affection for the girl. Such was evident in her quickly-spreading grin and poorly controlled glee. She was so involved in her reunion with her friend that she hadn't even noticed her brother shimmying down the lobby and up the stairs with an unconscious girl held in his arms. Loosening her grip, Eida stepped back a little bit, hopping up and down on the spot rather subtly. "You're back," Eida blurted, almost rolling her eyes at her own statement of the obvious. "How-... I mean... why? How long are you staying?" God, how she hoped it was for a while.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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"Alexis, no," Her father spoke, his voice was soft, but her tone was stern. She turned only her head to him. "Quirky as you are, and always have been, you are my daughter without question. You may choose to deny that I am your father; I know I'm as far from one as a person could possibly be. I have made a lot of really shitty decisions in my life, and I know that. I spent my entire marriage to your mother trying to make up for all those horrible things. This is not something that I want, but it is something I must do." He said and Alexis merely rolled her eyes. Her father was sometimes way to literal, but she understood what he meant for the most part. He least a little. She took a deep breath and turned to him then, watching his face.

"I should have come back straight away,"he said suddenly, causing her to arch a single eyebrow.. "I just...." He paused, anger and disgust distorting his features for a moment. "There a lot of things I am not permitted to speak of which have prevented me from visiting Erieda, from even communicating with her..." He said and Alexis clicked her teeth, a habit she got from her mother. That was a shit excuse if she ever heard one but her father was always like that, she just took it for what it was. "Now that I'm back in Parkwood... I guess I just got nervous. It's hard to think I could be... but..." he said and she put a hand on her hip impatiently. "Please, take me to her... I... cannot locate her. My thoughts are too..."

That took her by surprise. She hadn't expected that, not at all. In fact, she expected some more excuses as to why he still couldn't see her mother, but no, he asked her to take him.

Alexis rubbed the back of her head, "O-okay...Yea...No problem." She said, visibly taken aback, which wasn't something that was done to Alexis easily. She only ever expected the worse in people and that's usual what she got, save for a few, and her father, with his track record, was not one of those few.

She moved forward, stopping a few inches from him, and reached for his hand. "Hold on." she said, and they were gone in a plume of black and purple smoke.

Traveling through the Nether with another person was twice as dangerous as it was, when it was just her. There was no king or queen here, only death and all of that negative energy. It was draw to life, and while Alexis was a magnet, other living people, violent people, like her father for instance would be considerably more attractive, The Nether energies followed death wherever it may come and her father might as well be the bloody Grim Reaper.

Luckily, they weren't in there long, in fact, her father would only see a glimpse of a nebula like realm, filled with black and purple swirling energies, and then they would be back in the land of the living.

The stood not far from the Lifetrees. Aleixs could see two figures in the distance. She couldn't tell who the one was but she knew one was her mother.

"After you." She said and gestured for him to go ahead, removing her hand from his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Syrid Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru

Slade & Alex

Slade couldn't help but laugh a little after his mother had finished speaking, having already murmured a 'yes' or 'no' wherever appropriate. She wasn't wrong; he'd often hate how she babied him and attempted to look after him. He now realised how ungrateful he was being, how he mistook her coddling for the stereotypes of parents he'd seen on TV and, as a result, mimicked the emotions and distance of their offspring. Silly, now that he thought about it. Giving her a warm smile, he nodded his head a little. "You can take care of me for as long as you'd like," he replied, returning her previous kiss to the forehead with another of his own. It was then that Slade became distracted by a disturbance in the air a little ways away from himself and his mother, and another one far behind that. As he craned his neck, he saw figured emerging from a portal, which was most obviously the cause of the shift, and it didn't take long for him to realise that it was his father, Alex, and his little sister.

Removing his arms from around his mother, Slade attempted to push himself up off the ground onto slightly trembling legs. Truth be told, the emotions of the reunion with his mother were still hitting him pretty hard, and he hadn't recovered his energy yet. But still, he gave a wave to Alexis, almost as if to call her over, before stretching his arms out. There was no one he missed in this world more than his mother, but his little sister was a close second. She was the special one, after all, and she made for some interesting company at the best of times. He flashed her a grin, although he could feel the tears returning to his eyes ever so slowly. Unlike Alexis and Symone, Slade was not opposed to crying. "Jeez," he said, "I can't even explain how much I've missed my little weirdo sister."

All the while, Alex was stood, frozen and completely motionless, as he finally caught sight of his wife. Now what the hell was he supposed to say to her? It was at this exact moment that he remembered why he'd gone to work, as opposed to coming straight 'home' to see his family. He knew that Erieda was a lot unlike Alexis with regards to her temper, but Alex was still expecting an earful an' a half from her, if not a good slap across the face. Of course, he deserved it. He knew he did, but that didn't make it any easier to prepare for. Saying nothing, he waited for his wife to say something, which she no doubt would.

Alex felt something then... Or, rather, someone... A chill passed over his spine suddenly, feeling as if he was being watched.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Syrid Davenport
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Alexis' eyes narrowed as the figures rose. Her mother and the other one. She saw that the figure was a man and he waved at her, then held his arms open wide.

No one did that to her, not if they knew what was good for them. Alexis was never one for physical contact, she hated being touched, hugged, all of it, so no one dared beckon her over, knowing it would only result badly for them, no one except her mother, her sister, and...
"Jeez, I can't even explain how much I've missed my little weirdo sister."He spoked and Alexis' eyes went wide.

"SLADE!" Alexis took off running, and leapt into her big brother's arms, knocking him to the ground. In retrospect she would have noticed how tired he looked but excitement over took her. He was alive, her father hadn't lied about that. He was right here, alive.

Alexis was closer to him then anyone. He was always around, her mother was, and she loved her, but her mother often looked at her like she were some sort of conundrum she had to figure out, and while she knew she loved her, and cared about her, it was Slade who actually knew her, she grew up with him around all the time. Symone was always in the demon, and she'd come back a lot but she treated her oddly, not poorly, just oddly. Slade didn't do that. Her father was...her father, but Slade...he was always there, and when he 'died'...Alexis nearly stopped feeling all together. It hurt, more than her father's leaving did.

She squeezed her eyes tight so not to cry but she could feel a tear drip down her cheek. She wouldn't cry for her father, hell she didn't even hug him, but Slade meant the world to her and with him back, everything just felt right.

She pulled back just enough to look at him and grinned. He was quite literally the only person in the world that could turn Alexis to whom most of the world was terrified of, to mush.

"Well it's about damn time, it's your turn to do the yard." she teased with a playful shove, and a sniff. "You made me cry, you ass." She said, her lip quivering a bit as she roughing wiped her face.


Erieda stood slowly, looking at the shade that was her husband, standing before her. A myriad of emotions coursed through her then. She didn't know if she wanted to kiss him or kill him as she approached him. She stood a few inches from him, far enough that they still had their personal space but enough that if she wanted, she could reach out and touch him, or slap him, whatever the case maybe.

She opened her mouth to speak, but too many words wanted flood out at once.

Their entire lives together pass through her mind. Their first kiss when they were both so young and confused. She was only a guardian then, she was meant to keep herself a secret, but it didn't happen that way, he was as stoic as ever, unsure of what he felt. He'd kissed her, a surprise to both of them, considering he was with someone else at the time. She remembered when she found that she was with child, they were both so lost, he'd made the mistake of saying he couldn't be a father, she thought she'd lost him.

Erieda looked him in the eyes. "You will never lose me. Not ever.," She told him softly. "No matter how hard things get, or how bad we fight, I'll be yours and you'll be mine. Forever and always". She said, her brown curled into a sad frown. "That's what you said to me, all those years ago, when we young, and afraid, and confused...I thought I'd lost you, you didn't want to be a father, you didn't think you could be...I was so afraid and confused that I ran, but you, you followed me, held me your arms and told me, that I'd never lose you, that you and I would have forever..."she said, shaking her head. "I held on to those words...I believed them...and so many times when it felt as if the world was falling around us, if I had you with me...I could be strong..." She said, her breath catching. "Even when you denied the children at first out of anger, after killing Symone....after everything we've been through together, Alexander, I held on to them....I used those words...." she said, fingering the ring she wore around her neck, that had once burned her skin when she tried to put it on.

"I needed you...but you left me, without a word, you were gone from me, I couldn't find you and by the Goddess did I try...his I know that you brought him back to me, and for that I am grateful but still...Alex, when I needed you then...I no longer had those words for strength because you weren't were gone from me....before then. Before his death, I still needed you and you were gone....tell me those words, the words that I've used in my darkest hours, tell me the weren't lies....tell me you meant them..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Syrid Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


Slade's eyes widened considerably as he saw the outline of his sister barrelling towards him at God only knows what speed, and he tried to bring his arms out in front of him to deflect the impact, but she'd already worked her way between them and slammed him to him with enough force to knock the breath from his chest almost suddenly. He was pushed backwards and the second in which he fell was the longest of his entire life, before he became aware of the twigs, stones and cold ground pressing into his back and the pressure of his sister's weight on him. Letting out a short, breathless chuckle, he wrapped his arms around her and held her for the longest time. When she finally pulled back, Slade let himself gaze at her, still wearing a gentle smile upon his lips. Upon hearing her words, this shifted into a grin, releasing a subtle grunt as he was shoved. "Easy, easy," he urged, using his weak limbs to prop himself up into a seated position. "And I'm pretty sure I've already suggested getting sheep for that bloody grass," he muttered, flicking bits of twig and dirt from his once clean clothes.

For as long as Alexis had been born, Slade always felt a strong connection to the girl. Part of him thought that, mostly in the first few years of her life, he'd used her to fill the gap that Sym created when she abandoned the Human Realm to deal with her own. To have gone from seeing his sister daily to not seeing her at all was an incredibly hard transition, but one which he coped with surprisingly well. He'd taken care of his sister, despite her weird habits; he accepted her for all of them. He often found he couldn't fault her for her temper. He even encouraged it, at times, rooting for her whenever she started off on someone who'd pissed her off. He found it amusement, but he was also a little proud.

Slade leaned forward and extended his arm to assist in wiping her tears, before he brushed a thumb over her cheek softly. "You know I'm never going to let you forget this, right?" he asked, his grin turning into a teasing smirk. Such was their relationship, or at least Slade's own way of trying to make light of the situation. "Not even slightly."

After pausing for a while, he cast his gaze over Erieda, who was now approaching Alex, before he turned his focus back to Alexis. As much as he wanted to make sure that his mother remained safe, Slade knew that they wouldn't be able to truly let their feelings out with Alexis and Slade gaping at them. Or, at least, Alex would most likely just shut up completely. His father had changed considerably over the years, but there was one thing which didn't - and never would - change; he loved Erieda. "I'm going to need you to help me up," he finally muttered, holding his trembling arms out to her. "You just knocked all of my strength out of me. But... We should give them some space, so that they can really talk... Besides, I haven't seen the hotel in years. I kinda miss it," he offered, more as a suggestion than anything else.


Alex watched in complete silence as Erieda walked over to him, and upon seeing her face growing clearer and clearer in the gloom of the forest, his expression softened to the point where he actually thought he was quivering... on the verge of tears. But, no, his tears had dried out long ago. He had nothing to offer her now. Not one little drop of sadness. When she began to speak, there was a familiarity to her words that he could not quite put a finger on. He knew, at the very least, that he'd heard them somewhere before, and part of him wondered if she was saying it in order to be sentimental. In any case, Alex found himself growing more and more confused, but kept this out of his expression. When it became clear to him that those words were ones which he'd spoken to her in the days of his not-so-young youth, when they were first together, Alex found himself staring aimlessly at the ground around his feet. Of course she would use them against me... I should've known.

He had said those things when he was foolish and inexperienced in love. Erieda was not his first girlfriend, but she was the first woman he'd fallen in love with, and he had done so in such an incredibly short amount of time that he'd left himself utterly confused. But, regardless of his confusion, he had always been sure that Erieda was special, that she was the woman he wanted to be with. He wanted her all to himself.

When she was finished, Alex dragged his gaze upwards, and hesitated a little, before the words came spewing from his lips. "Of course they were true," Alex insisted, fighting the urge to step forward. It was unlikely that Erieda would act aggressively towards him, as she'd always been too reasonable for that, but he still didn't know where his boundaries lay and so he was hesitant to try to become close to her. Whether she mistook that for a lack of care, he did not know, but in his mind it was always better to refuse such sudden urges than to move past a person's limits and abolish any of the remaining kindness they had in their heart. Taking a breath, he continued. "You have to believe me when I tell you this; leaving was not something I had intended, nor did I want to. I wanted to stay and be happy with you, to finally repay you for all the horrible shit I've done. Hurting you... rejecting our children... killing Symone. Everything that I have done, I have tried to make it up to you. Ask yourself this; why on all earth would I just throw that away?" Alex took a small step forward, as if to test the waters a little.

The words he spoke were the complete truth... He'd been taken all those years ago. Taken against his free will, and he had to endure so much because of that. They were not content with letting him live in agony for not having seen his wife for three years, or that he had to abandon everything he'd worked so hard to build, they had to push it just that little further, leaving his psyche in tatters and his humanity stretched thin. He had cried for his wife; cried because he'd left her, and cried out for her to help him, to save him from the pain and the torture. She had not come. But, of course, he did not say this. He could not. His mouth parted and his mind readied the words, but they caught in this throat and came out little more than a confused jumble of letters. He felt the sigil in his arm burning, and he winced against the pain, his hand instinctively flying to his arm as tears formed behind his eyes. The sigil, which was as much of a hindrance to him as it was assuring to know no one could spill Remei secrets, stopped him before he could reveal the truth. "Erieda," he choked, "please... forgive me... forgive me...". Alexander rarely begged, but he figured in these circumstances that he had nothing else to say. His eyes stayed low to the ground.


Syrid watched as what she assumed was a family reunion went on before her very sight, her head cocked slightly to one side. Her stunningly blue eyes held a curious glint in them, but her expression was one of clear passivity. She recognised her brother mostly, and he looked... almost weakened. The old Syrid would have found that positively hilarious, but now she found herself inclined to reserve all judgement. Releasing a few soft clicks of her tongue against the roof of her mouth, Syrid's hands found themselves brushing against the bark of a nearby tree. She let a soft huff of breath escape her thin lips, before she realised that she held no immediate interest in the affairs of her brother, and quickly moved instead to Alexis. This brought a smile to her lips and an expression of wonderment to her features. Such a beautiful yet devastatingly powerful being, Syrid had thought. She wet her lips by running her tongue over them slowly, before chuckling brilliantly. She hummed to herself, before a frown settled on her brow. Alexis was with her brother, and Syrid's nephew, whom she had only met once before. Thoroughly dislikeable.

Deciding it best to leave the situation be for a while, Syrid turned away from the scene and began to walk with casual slowness in another direction, before a distant song caught her ears. This stopped her in her tracks. A careful disguise, she'd realised, of a Siren's call. She felt her lip twitching, but she did not know the reason for this other than subtle interest in the intentions of such a call. If the Siren happened to be calling its dinner, maybe Syrid could have a little taste. Though she doubted it. Creatures who fed off of energy rarely shared their meals with strangers... But maybe if she asked nicely? With that, Syrid disappeared, and reappeared where her avatar's ears had located the source of the song. Glancing around, she recognised instantly that she was in the hotel, in one of the many rooms with a girl stood at the window.

"Curious," she murmured, allowing her gaze to flicker gently in the girl's direction. "You have a beautiful voice."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Emily Hawthorne
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. "Easy, easy," Her brother said as he propped himself up "And I'm pretty sure I've already suggested getting sheep for that bloody grass," He said and Alexis chuckled. He then leaned up, brushing the tears from her cheek. . "You know I'm never going to let you forget this, right?" he teased. "Not even slightly." He said and Alexis pouted playfully, though her lip quivered some

"Yea yea yea...Whatever." she said, knowing full well she wouldn't be able to deny that fact. She hated being part Fae, she had all the worse parts of being Fae, none of the good. She couldn't lie, was allergic to iron, subject to that Fae name spell, it all sucked, and she didn't even have a Fae form "I'm going to need you to help me up," he finally muttered, holding his trembling arms out to her. "You just knocked all of my strength out of me. But... We should give them some space, so that they can really talk... Besides, I haven't seen the hotel in years. I kinda miss it he suggested and Alexis nodded, she didn't even have to look back to understand what he meant.

She climbed off of him and took his arm.

"Eida and Alec were here, though I think Alec left, but Eida's working the front desk," She said and in a poof they were gone from the forest clearing and into the hotel. She felt a bit of the Nether energies collect on her, but she was in way too good a mood for it to have a real effect.

"Eida, You still here, I've got something to show you!" She called out, never letting go of Slade's hand as she dragged him about the hotel.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


There was a long silence, Alec reflected, between the time in which he had asked her for her name and the moment she'd actually given it. He felt himself becoming awkward under her stare; there was something tender and loving behind it, but that only freaked Alec out a little more. Although... maybe it was just in her nature to be that way? Aside from all the bat-shit craziness, y'know, he wasn't going to lie about that. Still, even with this in mind, Alec couldn't fight the weird vibe he was getting from her. Like, maybe she knew him way more than he knew her?

Regardless of all of the aforementioned thoughts, Alec offered a smile - hollow and wary - as she spoke her name. It was a pretty name, he had to admit, but the way in which she hadn't asked for his name in return only suggested that she didn't want to know - which was unlikely - or that she already knew it - which was much less so - and neither were exactly appealing to Alec. He could only hope that she'd merely forgotten, as opposed to all the paranoid thoughts running around in his head like tiny little cartoon figures who'd been set alight.

As Sunday pointed out his previous motions in which he touched his forehead, Alec offered only a slight twitch of a shrug. "Oh, it's only a small heada-" his words caught in his throat as, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted her hand sheepishly moving towards him. It only took him a moment to realise where it was headed, and while he wanted so badly to recoil from it, he forced himself to stay in place. That was until she'd pulled her arm back sharply, 'causing him to flinch only slightly. Again, he was forced to admit that her blush was oddly adorable, in a freaky, stalker-ish sort of way. He felt himself relaxing slightly.

Fuck... What have I gotten into?

Alec shook his head at her next statement, though he released a slightly amused snort at one particular point. 'I have read'. Did she research human interaction/etiquette? If so, that only made her slightly less awkward and creepy, and only a little more adorable, with a childlike naivety. "You don't have to worry about that," he replied, shuffling a little on the end of the bed so that he was seated in a much more comfortable position than before. While one hand found its place in her lap, the other was being used to prop himself up as he leant back only a little. "If I hadn't been raised around Supernaturals, your... nature would probably be a little alarming to me, and yeah... first impressions are really important to some people. Emphasis on some. Others, like me, aren't too fussed." He turned his head to her at last, now wearing a casual smile upon his lips. "I won't hold this against you, kid. But, next time, if you just want some company, come and ask. I'll rarely say no unless I've already made plans." He paused. "You're new here, right? Are you attending any schools? College, perhaps? I... could walk you?"


Alexander watched with expectant eyes as Erieda discarded his shirt, and as her own eyes roamed about, he could feel her drinking in his scars and it brought an unexpected flush to his cheeks. A part of him felt ashamed about his body. While he'd spent years maintaining a muscular figure, which was necessary for his role as General, he had not been so careful as to move out of the way of one too many blades being thrown about in his general vicinity. Although, there were certain circumstances he'd fallen into which could not be avoided, and so that's where the larger majority of the scarring had come from. As he stared down at his wife, another part of him made him think that perhaps the scars would evoke some sense of pity; perhaps she'd discover that he had been through a lot when he disappeared. That this path was not one which he chose as willingly as others might have thought. Perhaps she'd understand that he had been robbed of his control, of his entire life with her.

As he suddenly felt Erieda's fingers ghosting over the marking etched into his arm, Alexander winced and fought against the natural urge to bat her hand away from it. It was a sigil which bound the secrets within his mind and prevented the words from exiting his mouth. However, there were other side-effects, one of which being that Alex was forced to protect it with his life. If someone attempted to carve the marked skin out to rid him of his oath, it would instinctively force Alex to act out against that person, friend or foe. The sigil did not know one from another. All he could focus on in that moment was not the pain on his wife's face, nor again that he was finally back in her company, but instead the inner strength it took not to release a low growl; the urge quickly subsided as Erieda's voice became audible to him, and he noticed then that her hand had lowered itself to its original place. The question posed to him caused his head to shake in subtle movements, before he nuzzled into her hand lovingly. "If I could, I would," he replied, his voice practically non-existent.

It wasn't long before Alexander found himself deeply connected with his wife; they'd been separated for such a long time without even a hug that being given such an opportunity as to share each other's company in this particular way was an offer that neither could refuse, nor had they wanted to. However, what stuck out as odd to Alex was that Erieda had suggested it, whilst Alex had barely even touched upon the subject in his own mind. Still, he wasn't complaining. He'd absorb every second in her company as much as he could before... before she realised.

Alexander lay with his wife wrapped up in his arms, and every now and then he would lean in to nuzzle her neck or cheek or the top of her head. Anywhere he could. It was a habit of his that he'd never really forgotten, and had fallen straight back into. Although he remained in silence for the longest time, his eyes staring into the half-gloom of their bedroom. The lights weren't on; neither of them had had the time to turn it on when they first came in, and the grey skies outside failed to bring enough light to make a dent in the drawn curtains of the room. At the time, Alexander didn't know if his wife was asleep or awake, but he held her close nonetheless, and he wasn't planning on letting her go. Craning his neck at an odd angle, Alexander placed a peck on the nearest shoulder, before settling back into the mattress with a slight huff.

Eida & Slade

Eida was so unbelievably overjoyed when her friend Emily explained that she would be staying for a while. It was true; Eida had been distracted over the years, and so keeping up communications with her friend had become more and more difficult until she finally gave up. Too much had happened; whether it was the disappearance or death of family members, the emotional distress of others, and in addition to all that she had to deal with her brother's slowly fading mental health. The headaches, she reflected, had started only a few months prior to the day, and he was snapping much more than usual. Not to mention, she had studies and such things to keep up with on the side of this, and she'd be damned to all Hell if she let her grades slip again. And it was because of all of this that, as Emily inquired into the happenings between this gap of non-communication, Eida let out a visibly panicked smile, as well as a drawn-out and unsurprisingly awkward laugh-mumble.

Thankful, at least, that her dear friend had directed her attention towards the new guest who had remained at the desk. "She arrived a few moments ago," Eida explained, before closing her mouth and allowed Elena to pick up from that. Eida didn't particularly like speaking for people, and she made this obvious in most circumstances. She watched Elena curiously as the two girls met for the first time, before she seemingly became distracted by something else. It wasn't until she uttered a curse at something that Eida truly became interested in the distant noise which she had previously succeeded in completely drowning out. In all truth, she wasn't entirely surprised, and so her expression remained passive but still decidedly gentle. She felt her arms wrapping themselves around her lower torso, and she released a breath.

As Eida spotted Elena moving a painting to one side, she stepped forward with a jolt. "Mm, be careful with that," she urged, but Elena seemingly was too wrapped up in whatever she was trying to discover that Eida's comment went unnoticed. This sparked something in the girl that she hadn't often felt; there was a temper bubbling beneath her skin. Just who did this girl think she was? Coming in and acting all shy, and then having the nerve to start redecorating before her very eyes. Eida was exaggerating, she knew, but she still couldn't push the sudden feeling away. As Elena spoke, Eida shook her head slightly. "This is a hotel for Supernaturals. I'm not surprised if there's a million holes around this place. The Davenports like to punch things," she mumbled with a casual shrug, before moving closer. "Are you sure it was a ferret, though? Like... it's an old building. Might have some rats scuttling about in the walls, but a ferret would be way too weird... Even for this place."

Suddenly distracted by a familiar voice calling her name, Eida awkwardly shuffled to turn her body all the way around, before she became aware of Alexis figure. She was holding onto a man who Eida quickly recognised as her Uncle. Her eyes widened with sudden shock, and she stood motionless for a few moments, before she jumped - yet again - towards him and caught him in a hug. She loved and had missed her Uncle, but her affection was not quite so comparable as to Alexis' love for her big brother. For as long as she'd been alive, Slade was the only one who truly understood Alexis, and the two had shared a deep bond because of it. Stepping back after a while, she was drawn to no one else but her Uncle. "I'm glad to see you too, kiddo," he joked, ruffling her hair. She released a small laugh, before turning to Alexis. "And you," she continued, pointing a finger briefly, "Will never cease to surprise me." Slade smirked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Joshua Copper Character Portrait: Emily Hawthorne
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Alexis watched Slade's reunion with Eida with a smirk. "And you," Eida said gesturing to her. Alexis arched an eyebrow. "Will never cease to surprise me." She said and Alexis rolled her eyes.

"Yea, Well, how's this for a surprise, We're having a party, big, loud, we are gonna turn it the fuck up." she said, and while Alexis generally hated people, she wasn't oppose to a party...if she was gonna throw it. "Call up everyone, Slade's back, this is requires some celebrating...I want this place flowing with alcohol." she said, grabbing her brother's shoulder's and shaking him some, knowing full well, she, as well as many dryads couldn't get drunk, not for long anyway.

"Eida Call up Alec, tell him we've got a gig tonight." she said, and then shook her head. "You know what, nevermind, I think he's home...which is weird?" she said, and pulled out her phone. She could feel him around. She decided to send him a quick text.

{Hey Dumbass, I know you ain't at school, so get your ass down here, I got some shit to show you}
She looked up and smiled at Slade. The grin didn't seem to want to go away.

"We've got some new songs too, like alot. A few you're not gonna like, but I'ma sing 'em anyway." she said, almost giddy. Slade was always the first person she ran to when she wrote a new song. He even bought her her first guitar when she was young, since her mother was useless when it came to that sort of thing.

The woman could literally fight her way through hordes of demons, but buying Alexis a gift she'd like...hopeless.

She looked up at him again, her gaze lingering.

God was she glad he was back.