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Akuma Sayako

"You'll be dead before you see me coming." She's a demon working for the Justicars...for now.

0 · 442 views · located in Justicar Base Camp

a character in “Pandemonium's Gate”, as played by Cheshire Kitten


Full Name: First and last. Akuma Sayako (The Angel of Death)


Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 6' 1"

Skills: She has impeccable eyesight, this makes her incredibly skilled with a crossbow. She has a quiver full of special arrows that have been infused with her demonic magic, even if by some miracle her arrow does not kill, the victim will soon die of poisoning. She is blindingly fast, both on foot and in the air. If dead men could tell tales her victims would only say they saw a black flash and them searing, agonizing pain. She is able to move among the demon camps unnoticed and goes on regular reconnaissance missions. She also has several poison tipped kunais hidden in various parts of her armor in case she is ever cornered.

Weakness(es): Despite the speed boost her wings give her she is hesitant about using them because they are very fragile. If the stretchy membrane that keeps her aloft were to be torn she would be grounded until it healed or was mended. She never turns her back to anyone for that reason. She is not very physically powerful since most of her attacks are done from a long range but be warned, if cornered she has teeth like a shark and one her teeth sink into something there's no letting go.

Faction: The Justicars

Equipment: She never goes anywhere without her bow and a full quiver of arrows. It is also said that she carries a demon spellbook with her but no one has ever gotten close enough to confirm this. She is always seen wearing a black cloak and hood to hide her more demonic features when in the human cities.

Description: Akuma is a tall, slender demon, she has smooth, pale, white skin, with jet black waist length hair. She has pale yellow eyes and on the rare occasion when she smiles she shows two rows of pointed white teeth. She wears the cloak to hide her wings and although upon fist glance they may seem small they unfurl to great lengths. She has a wingspan of 11 feet and more than enough power to propel her 140 lb body. She wears a black, long-sleeved shirt and tight dark brown pants. She wears tall black boots that reach her knees though they've been stained dark red from many battles. She wears light body armor covered in runes and mystic symbols that she painted on using her victim's poisoned blood. When she casts spells the runes give off a faint red glow and assist in her spellcasting.

Personality: Although she's young Akuna has a great deal of experience. Both in battle and in politics. She has learned to trust no one and always keep her eyes open. She doesn't talk much but is always listening to what others have to say. When the Justicars hold meetings she can usually be found with her back against a wall, listening. Although she may not say much when she does speak it is always to say something important. Her voice has a quality to it that just makes people stop and listen no matter what they're doing. For this reason she believes that she can be a diplomat for the Justicars and get both the Ardara and the Ventera to make peace, if only for a short time.

History: Akuna was born and raised on the other side of Pandemonium's Gate and like all demons she was born with an insatiable bloodlust. She was one of the first demons to come though the gate, drawn to it by the smell of death and carnage. On the other side of the gate she is a well known fugitive, a monster even by demon standards. She saw the gate as an opportunity to flee her past and took it so now she wants it closed so that her pursuers can't follow her here.

Anything Else: Akuma has acquired great wealth through questionable means and is not above bribery. She is fascinated with the human race's tenacity and finds them much more attractive than her own species.

So begins...

Akuma Sayako's Story


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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Akuma strode through the streets of Freymere, her boot heels clacked on the cobblestone street as she made her way to the hall where her meeting was to take place. She tried to ignore the stares she received from the Ardaran citizens. Today she didn't have time to be stealthy and take her usual back alley pathways but she didn't want to fly overhead and cause a panic either. So she walked as quickly as possible and tried to blend in as much as she could, being a 6 foot tall demon in a city full of humans. She made her way into the building where her meeting was. It was large and well decorated, to her it looked more like a church than a meetinghouse but then again she had never really had an eye for decor. She pushed open the large oak doors that led to the central chamber and strode in just to find herself alone. She had expected this, she was early, just the way she liked it. Akuma scoped out the room and mapped every possible exit in her mind. The Ardarans were usually very civil but one could never tell when it came to war. In the center of the room there was a large, oval shaped table with many chairs surrounding it. She took a seat in what she thought was the most strategic position and left the head of the table open for her guest. Speaking of her guest she wondered how she was to address her. She couldn't just call her by her first name, humans were so touchy about titles. She eventually thought of a title that she hoped wouldn't be offensive and sat back to wait.


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako
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#, as written by Riles
Lauryn walked down the street rather hastily hand on the hilt of her Rapier and her ornate golden colored circlet gleaming from the sunlight, behind her a small group of 8 men followed in an orderly formation of two lines of four. The citizen talked amongst themselves and some cheered and bowed as she passed them. She being humbled would occasionally wave to the onlookers. But she continued down towards the palace; a almost cathedral looking structure that was quite decorated and large. As she entered the building the gates shut behind her and the guards stood sentry making sure no one intruded or entered the palace.

Lauryn stood outside the door if the large room as she inhaled deeply gaining her composure, she then ran her hands down her clothing making sure it looked spic and span. She pulled her mantle over her left shoulders a put her right hand on the hilt of her rapier once more as she motioned for the guard to open the door and entered.

She looked to the round table looking to the chair that was larger and bulkier than the others; she sat down and observed the features and traits of the woman her height, appearance, anything she thought important. She sat silently looking at the woman with her a very calm and slightly welcoming expression waiting for the woman to say or do something.


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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Akuma sat there, silently for a moment or two. She should have bowed when the woman entered but she was more focused on charting new escape routes since her guest had brought armed guards with her. She had heard them coming from all the way down the street. Her guest seemed like a "no-nonsense" kind of person so she finally decided on a course of action. She stood removed her cloak and hood and bowed, spreading her wings as far as they would go given the limited space. "Good afternoon, Lady Auriol. My name is Akuma Sayako and I represent The Justicars. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me." She stood up straight, closed her wings and put her cloak back on; however she did leave her hood off. Akuma could feel Lady Auriol tense up when she realized Akuma was a demon but she continued to talk as if she hadn't noticed. "As you surely know the demon army grows stronger every day and if Pandemonium's Gate is not closed soon they will surely overrun this world." She began chanting a spell and then runes on her armor glowed faintly, dark magic swirled around her fingers and soon it enveloped the entire room. Suddenly they were no longer in a meeting room in Freymere, they were in the Demon's camp and the Gate could be seen not far off with more demons coming out of it every minute. "Do not be alarmed Lady Auriol this, all of this, is nothing more than an illusion." She passed her hand in front of a nearby demon and it went straight through him. "I have projected this illusion to give you a better idea of just what you're dealing with here. I realize that I myself am a demon but I assure I am nothing like my kin. You see I can actually control my blood lust." She pointed over to Pandemonium's Gate. "As you can see, my lady every day the demons grow in numbers and if we do not do something soon it will be too late to do anything at all."


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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#, as written by Riles
Lauryn sat as she observed with a deep sense of disgust and disapproval as Akuma spread her wings, now her look of welcoming slightly faded instead turning to a stone set face nearly emotionless. She let the woman finish speaking then once she finished she sat thinking for a moment. She put her hands together and set them on the table. "The Justicar's sent a demon as a messenger to me?" She laughed slightly "It's a bit ironic to be honest". She looked down to her hands then back up to the woman "I know the demon threat is all too real, I spent the majority of my adult life fighting them. But in all respect my kinsmen have held the border since the invasion of the demons and our great walls have stood strong to many demon sieges."

She stood up and walked to a decorative glass window and put her hand on it as she looked out towards the land of Pandemonium
. "I do understand they are a danger but at this point Advara has remained safe and gods willing will remain safe, I can not afford to take immediate action against the creatures other than defend do to risk of invasion to Advara."


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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The Angel of Death was losing ground, quickly. She would have to say something to convince Lady Auriol that it was in her country's best interest to fight alongside their worst nemeses, and she'd have to say it soon. "I understand that you and your people have been able to hold your own for the time being but you must listen. I have walked among the demons in their camps and I have heard them speak. They expect their numbers to triple over the next three months. Now tell me, my lady can your forces handle that many demons coming at you all at once?" Her illusion of the demon camp faded as she spoke and they were once more in the great hall in Freymere. "Please remember that the Justicars are an order composed of both Advaran and Venteran soldiers. They saw that the only way to vanquish the demons was through cooperation, so why can't you see it too?"

She strode up and down the hall as she spoke, her voice growing more and more urgent, her wings spread wide. "[b]Have you ever heard the phrase the enemy of my enemy is my friend? Well if it is true that makes the Venterans your friends and friends work together. Please, my lady I am certain that if you gave me your seal of approval I could surely get the Venteran leaders to join in an alliance and rid this land of the demons once and for all!/b]" When she had concluded her speech she closed her wings, slowly walked back to her seat and awaited an answer.


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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#, as written by Riles
She sat down in her chair once more and set her hands under her chin. She sat deep in thought for a few moments and looked forward at the middle of the table as if fixated on something. She had come to her conclusion. "Currently the brunt of my armies are on the border of Ventera, as we expect an attack soon. If you can talk to someone of authority in that god forsaken mess of a nation, perhaps a chieftain or lord as there are many different ones all controlling their own armies and get them stop the encroachment of my border. If you can't then I will simply have to retaliate against Ventera and trust that my men will hold the Border of Pandemonium as I trust they can". Her eyes shifted now to The angel of death once more. "This is the only way I can support the Justicars without jeopardizing the Advara's security"

She now stood up and walked over to a different part of the room; a room full of boards with maps and a large rectangular table with a map of all of Aurelia and on it were little pieces that represented armies and the estimated amounts of enemy armies. She had forgotten about her guest and said. "I wish I didn't have to put you in a position like this but it is necessary, but if Ventera can be convinced you will have Advara's full support... so long as Ventera stays in check."


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Character Portrait: Sergei Kottorov Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Lauryn Auriol
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Akuma saw a glimmer of hope in a sea of despair and she grasped at it. If she could get the Venterans to move their men away from the Advaran border and towards the gate the humans could definitely overpower the demons that had come through the gate and find a way to stop more of them from coming through. She didn't smile, she hardly ever smiled but her eyes and her words showed her gratitude. "Thank you, Lady Auriol for giving the Justicars a chance, I am sure that we will be able to get the Venterans to move their forces away from your border and finally put an end to the demon invasion. I will return when I have the Venteran leaders' approval and we can all work out a plan of action."

Akuma put up her hood and returned her cloak to it's normal position over her wings. She now looked more like a tall human than a full-out demon. She bowed and exited the room, her heels making even more noise now that she had a job to do. As soon as she left the building she moved the cloak aside, spread her wings wide and took off. Ignoring the shouts of the guards below her she hovered over the city. She had heard that the Venteran leader Sergei Kottorov was in Freymere at the moment and if she could convince him now they would all be able to discuss how best to deal with the demons. She used her excellent eyesight to scan the streets in search of him. It didn't take her long to find him, he was accompanied by troupe of guards but they were nothing she couldn't handle. She dove towards him and hoped this meeting would go as well as her last one.


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Character Portrait: Sergei Kottorov Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako
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Having finished the small mindless business he foudn himself doing in Freymere he was set for home. Him and his troop walked through the back alleys as to not attract attention from the advaran guard the was on the occasional patrol. His mind was set on the borders. and the endless violence that came between them. The demons pressed strong and threatened to overwhelm, he didn't care much for the tribes in the north and was willing to have them hold the demons off for him for now. It was his own people he worried for they may be strong in number but the demons have proven relentless, constant raids on his own land have left some regions in ruin. He had the brunt of his forces mashed on the Advaran border because Advara decided to amass a host of troops. Now there is even more Bloodshed coming to his mind, it was then, that they turned down yet another alley that it appeared. At first it wasn't something he could make out, but when he heard the sudden outburst of "Demon!" by one of his guards his weapon was drawn, the troupe following by drawing theirs aswell. With The Angel of Death appearing infront of him he was combat ready, but disalarmed when she landed unarmed and almost 'peaceful'. "What is your business here!" He demanded with an almost Nordic accent. Two of his newest and more trigger happy guards rushed for the demon, one with blade in hand. the other unarmed. "Enough!" He shouted to them as they rushed her. the two of them stopping almost dead in their tracks. Sergei stood with sword in hands. Waiting for his reply.


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Character Portrait: Sergei Kottorov Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako
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She stood before the leader of the Venterans and his company of guards with her arms crossed behind her back. In her mind she smiled, the two that had rushed her had no idea how close they were to being dead. She slid the poison tipped dagger back into it's sheath in her armor and spread her arms wide, showing that she had no weapons in hand. She swept her cloak aside and bowed before the leader, spreading her wings as far as the alley would allow. "Good day Lord Kottorov, I trust you had a pleasant visit to Freymere." She stood up straight and removed her hood. "I apologize for my rude intrusion I believe you already know of me, I am the Angel of Death but you may call me Akuma Sayako. I had hoped to catch up with you before you left Advara because I need to discuss with you some very important matters concering you and your people and I have a proposal that can bring bring an end to your wars with the Advarans and with the demons. But here is not the place to discuss such things. Follow me and we may converse in a proper setting. She began to walk away towards the hall where her last meeting had taken place, confident that he would follow.


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Character Portrait: Sergei Kottorov Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako
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#, as written by Riles
Lauryn Auriol
Setting: The night when she was confronted by Akuma, In the palace; her private chambers.The time Roughly Midnight.

Lauryn sat looking down from the large battlement of Freymere's fortified city walls. She looked upon a massive demonic army; the grotesque creatures coming in all shapes and sizes... they seemed as endless as the sea that often smashed against the docks and piers of her fair city. Yet her mind noticed the little and less important things around her...

Her eyes shifted to the horizon at which point she had a flashback of her looking at the beautiful yet seemingly endless expanses of green fertile land full of trees and teaming with wildlife. Now she looked with sadness in her heart as she saw the once fertile and vibrant place stained with blackness of corruption and watched as fire blazed intensely.
She then looked out towards the many cities that once dotted Advara's landscape, even from so very far away the sheer amount of smoke rolling of from the places were a clear give away that the once lively and populated places where no more, she knew in the back of her mind the foul creatures before her wouldn't have spared any of them. She then looked in the direction of Advara's mortal rivals. She knew that she couldn't see the country but she knew in the pit of her stomach that they country had to have fallen to the creatures.
Lastly her eyes shifted to her immediate surroundings of the her men and behind her the capital and its inhabitants. Behind her she saw the denizens of Freymere. They were all reacting to the realization there there doom was imminent in many ways. Some sat praying to the gods that they felt had abandoned them, while others panicked running around the city attempting to flee to the docks or lock themselves within the churches and their own homes. She noticed some of the inhabitants already dead, there corpses covered in sores and puss with looks of agony froze on there now cold, still bodies. She looked away from this as she could no longer stand to witness it. Her gaze now shifted to what remained of the once great armies of Advara. Men and women surrounded her, many were injured covered in cuts and bandages some hardly even to hold their weapons. Some lined the wall armed with bows and other projectiles and the greater amount behind the great gates below. She watched them all, and she could tell that they were scared and had lost all hope. What was there to be hopeful about though?

All of these things she observed had taken their toll on Lauryn, tears started to run down her cheek and she knew deep in her heart that on this day that she and all these innocents would die. She knew that there was no hope of victory against such odds. So she sobbed quietly not letting her men see her like this. Only one thing went through her mind though as she sobbed and prepared to face her imminent death.If only I had known... What could I have done to stop this!.

Then the ominous sound of thunder echoed and balls of fire rained from the sky; the demons shrieked and screamed hatefully as they charged the gate brandishing the weapons madly. Lauryn stood atop the wall blade in hand as she shouted "For Adava-" she stopped speaking and grew in a labored breath as she looked down blood running down her torso, a demons arrow had founds it way into her heart and she awoke from the terrible dream...


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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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Before Akuma could even lead the Venterans to the hall she sensed that something was wrong. She could feel the souls of every living being and she kept a special watch over the demons' souls and their locations. Now she sensed a demon had left its camp near the Gate and was dangerously close to the Justicars' camp. The demon soul had encountered a human soul, most likely a Justicar and shortly after she could no longer feel the presence of that human. The demon was now even closer to the camp but it had nt made a move to enter it yet. Normally she would have ignored it. One demon against a whole camp of Justicars was hardly anything to get worked up over but this felt different somehow. This demon did not travel as a normal one would. A normal demon would tke the direct route to its target, killing anything it met along the way. This demon however always seemed to stay away from the direct path, it traveled erratically, almost like it was trying to avoid any living thing.

An alarm sounded in her head and she knew something was afoot. She had to get back to camp as soon as possible and deal with this demon herself. She sighed, her peace making mission would just have to wait. For now she had to save her own people and ensure their safety before she could try to stop these nations from destroying each other. She stopped walking and turned back to the Venterans, speaking quickly. "I'm terribly sorry but it seems that something has come up at the Justicar camp and I'm needed immediately. I beg your forgiveness and hope that we can organize a proper meeting sometime in the future." With a hasty apology and a hastier bow she spread her wings and took off towards the camp. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, this demon was going to be trouble, she could feel it. While she flew she kept her senses tuned to that one demon as it grew ever closer to her camp. She hoped she would make it in time to stop whatever the demon was planning from happening and save her people.

The setting changes from Freymere to Justicar Base Camp

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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As the camp came into sight and she saw all the familiar faces of the humans she knew she had made it in time. Some called out to her as she flew but she didn't have time to stop and talk. She knew what they would ask, they wanted to know how her meeting had gone in Advara. But right now she didn't have time to think about the Advarans or the Venterans they could all go to hell, they all would go to hell if not for the Justicars peace making efforts. Akuma was all for saving the lives of the warring nations but only if her people's safety was ensured first. When she was sure the camp was safe she continued her flight towards the demon. She landed quietly a short way away from it. It was in a crouched position and for a moment she couldn't tell if what she was seeing was a demon or a small bear-like creature. But then the smell of decay reached her nose and when she looked off in the distance she saw it. It was a man's body, although you couldn't tell at first glance. He had only been dead a short while but he had already decomposed to the state of a body dead for months. What was left of him was green and swollen the way the face of a hanged man swells and puffs. Despite the strong odor there were no signs of flies or even scavengers around the body. It was like the animals could sense that it wasn't safe to eat or even be near and they avoided it like a, plague.

She didn't have time to pay too much attention to it though, right now she had to deal with the source. She turned back to where the demon was and started walking towards it. She made a considerable amount of noise, she wanted it to know she was coming. Maybe if it heard her or saw her it would go back to its own camp and leave her people alone. If not, well she always had her crossbow and one demon this small couldn't be too much trouble. Just in case, she kept the dagger in her sleeve ready.

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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Something landed not too far from where Phoenix was in the stream. She froze on the spot and looked up, her sight only so-so, but she knew this wasn't just some common was a demon, the demon that liked humans. The Angel of Death. Her small body crunched up into a small ball, getting ready to run, or much rather hide as she was better at that. The Angel of Death looked to the dead body, the one that was now brimming with a plague ready to spread, but then she turned and looked at Phoenix and walked towards her. The ruckus that tall demon made as she walked set Phoenix on edge and she had half a mind to run for the trees, though not back to camp not with her mission still unfinished.

"She must spread the plague before going back, but the Angel will surely kill poor, poor Rat," Phoenix whispered. She looked towards the body and then towards the advancing demon. The plague infested body was too heavy for Phoenix to carry, but then again the entire body was infected meaning she didn't need the entire thing.

Phoenix made a run for the body, pausing only to grab and arm and tear it from the rotting corpse before running off into the trees. She would never be able to completely out run the Angel of Death, but if she stayed in the wooded area the Angel wouldn't be able to fly which would slow her significantly down and plus there were so many hiding holes that Phoenix would be able to stay in if need be. For the moment, she was going to try her best to outrun the Angel and get the arm to camp where it could do it's job and have its victims rot and peel alive until they lie dead.

The little demon could see the camp up ahead, and wondered why the Angel hadn't stopped her yet, but whatever the case she couldn't stop her plan now. She threw the arm towards the camp and took off in another direction. The Angel, though fast, couldn't be in two places at once so she could either get rid of the arm or get rid of Phoenix, but not both. Phoenix prayed that the tall demon would go for the arm because all it took was one other body to start another plague.

The little rat stopped next to a tree, breathing heavily. She stepped back ready to tear away again, when her foot fell into a rather large hole, obscured by a bush. Phoenix wasn't sure what had lived in it, but Phoenix now slipped down the hole. It was cramped, only large enough for her to stay curled up in and no room to wiggle around, but honestly Phoenix was so used to this that to her it was quite comfortable.

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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As Akuma walked towards the small demon she knew she had been spotted, good. Maybe the little thing would scamper back to wherever it came from and leave her people alone. That hope vanished as she saw the demon dash off in the direction of the corpse. She ran after it as fast as she could but the demon was small and could navigate the woods more easily than her. When she got out of the woods she could see it sprinting towards the camp with one of the corpse's arms in her hands, still trailing puss and blood.

It was then that she knew its plan. It was going to spread whatever horrible disease had taken that man's life to the rest of the Justicars. The Angel couldn't let that happen, if the Justicars succumbed to this plague it would ruin everything she had worked so hard to achieve in this world. She flew off after the demon, getting lower and lower the closer she got. Just when she was almost close enough to snatch the arm away the thing tossed it towards her camp and ran in the other direction. Akuma thought fast, she grabbed the arm in midair before it could reach the camp and quickly summoned a small dragon. "Destroy this." She said to the dragon, dropping the arm at its feet. "Once you're done go back down this path and you will find a body in a similar condition to this arm. Destroy it as well and report back to me once you're finished. Make sure to destroy every single piece of it and bury the ashes."

She took off after the demon once the dragon had its orders. It may have been smaller but on open ground Angel had the advantage of longer legs. She could sense the demon was nearby in a small copse of trees. This time her approach was slower, quieter. She could see the demon now, not too far away resting against a tree. It began to take off and she was just about to fly after it when it suddenly disappeared. She raced to the spot only to find a big hole. She couldn't see it at first, it was blocked by a bush but once it was out of the way the hole, and the demon inside, became quite clear. The demon didn't look too bothered by the hole but Akuma could change that quite quickly.

She stood over the hole, weighing her options. A simple rain spell and she could drown the thing. If it tried to climb out it would be no trouble for her to slay it. In the end she decided it wouldn't hurt to try and reason with it. She might even be able to get the it to tell her just what the demons were planning. They usually didn't resort to biological warfare to get their killing done. And even if they did, why would they send such a scrawny looking demon, it seemed like a suicide mission to her but then again this demon had killed one of her men. She was on her guard when she spoke to it. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now."

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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Phoenix closed her eyes, but after a little while she could hear the other demon breathing above her. Phoenix hissed a little, she had hoped that the demon would go after the arm and save her precious humans rather than her. It seems she had mistaken on how much this demon loved her humans.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here, right now," the demon said.

Phoenix crawled out of her hole, much to her discomfort, but still sat on the edge looking straight ahead rather than up at the demon. "The Rat was just following her orders. She follows her orders because on both paths is death, but the dead road with shadows is longer than the living road," Phoenix answered. Phoenix was never one to tell lies and manipulation, her level was survival not controlling others.

"It doesn't matter much to Rat if you kill her, your killing would be swifter than the others," Phoenix said after a long pause, "What happened to the arm? Do you really not care for your precious humans that you would leave them to die by Rat's plague? I thought the Angel of Death's humans were to be taken care of not ignored while you come kill a rat."

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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Akuma smiled at this poor creature. It didn't look much like a smile though, it appeared to be more of a toothy grimace. She believed the demon when it said it was just following orders. It called itself "The Rat". She had heard that name around the demon camps before, there wasn't much respect associated with that name and she could see why. Demons loved to show off their strength, they valued a creature's worth by how strong it was and this one looked like she couldn't even lift a sword. The Rat was wrong when she thought that Akuma didn't care for the Justicars.

"Did you really think I'd come after you if I hadn't already taken care of that? That arm is nothing but ashes by now, buried safely underground where it can't infect anyone and the rest of the body is going to end up the same way. Besides, if you're under orders you wouldn't dare return to your camp without spreading this disease so it made more sense to come after the source myself. "

She stopped smiling and carefully observed the Rat. There was a plan forming in her head but it would take a lot of tact to pull it off. This demon didn't seem like much of a threat so she relaxed a little but in truth she was ready for anything. She kept her arms behind her back so the Rat couldn't see the dagger in her hand and her wings were limber and ready to take off if the demon tried to run.

"So tell me Rat, you said that if I killed you your death would be swifter than the others. By others I'm guessing you mean the other demons. I've heard the way they talk about you and it doesn't seem like you get much respect. It really is a shame because you have a great talent with diseases and you must be smart to survive among the demons because you certainly don't seem like you have the strength. It really is a shame that such talents go unappreciated."

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Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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"Talents," Phoenix repeated, "Surviving isn't a talent for her, it's a requirement. Hide, eat, kill, eat, stay in the dark, stay in her hole. What about you, she wonders, if demons are strong then why aren't you?"

Phoenix stood up, "They are vicious, they rip, they tear with teeth and claws. You have lived with your humans too long to remember. You've become too soft and domesticated. The Rat maybe a worthless demon, but at least she is still a demon. She is unsure if you are anymore." The small demon stepped over the hole and started to move forward slowly, though tense ready for anything whether it be to run or fight, kill or die.

"A real demon would have already killed Rat by now for less than spreading the plague among your humans. A real demon would have ripped her to shreds at the sight of her hiding. Tell me what happens to a demon when it becomes domesticated? Does it turn human? Does it become cute and cuddly?" She turned back to the Angel of Death, "The Rat knows who she is and she is a demon. She's ripped and teared her way through humans. She's created plagues that leave animals to cower her now. And she's enjoyed all of it," she smiled at this, a toothy grin revealing a set of surprisingly white teeth though they were still chipped, "But she isn't sure what you are. You who still parades around like a demon, you who still uses your demonic powers, but your blood lust is gone and you've started to care. What is that? What are you?"

Phoenix walked further into the woods, in no particular direction. She knew she had to shake this 'Angel of Death' off before she could complete her task. After listening to this so called 'demon' talk, the fear that she would even be killed let alone a torturous death had diminished. She stood by what she said earlier, if this 'demon' were to kill her, it would be quick and the pain wouldn't last, but if the demon's leader were to catch wind of a failure on her part she wouldn't be allowed to die so quickly. It was an easy choice; cause pain and avoid the demon leader's wrath or leave the demon's and know what pain is more than any other. If all it took was to spread a little plague, one that was just supposed to kill, then that's what she would do even if it meant going against this woman who called herself a demon. Phoenix had survived much worse than a fight with this woman and she knew it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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[Sorry double post]

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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(No problem)

Akuma shrugged. She had tried to be kind to this pitiful creature but in the end it was still a demon, just a mindless killing machine that seeks only death and destruction. She didn't move from her spot against the tree when the thing called "Rat" stood up and began to move around but she kept her wings at the ready and her arms behind her back. She held the dagger in her left hand and now gripped a poison tipped kunai in her right. She listened to it's words and laughed, it was a harsh, mocking sound that rang throughout the silence of the woods. "Don't you know it's dangerous to make assumptions Rat? I never said I wasn't strong, I just haven't shown you my strength, yet. You call me soft and domestic, you say I am not a demon anymore but you forget yourself Rat. If you walked into a demon's camp you would be ridiculed, pelted, and generally hated. Even though I associate with humans I can walk into any camp I choose and be treated with the utmost respect."

"Another assumption you've carelessly made is that I 'care' about the humans. I look out for them because I need them and I can't have you ruining my plans. You know nothing about me and yet you assume I am soft because I haven't killed you yet. I don't even need to kill you, all I need to do is make sure your little plague attempts fail and your murderous leader will kill you for me." She stood and walked slowly, keeping all her senses tuned to the Rat and to her surroundings.

"One last thing Rat remember that no matter who wins this war I will be just fine. The humans wouldn't kill me and the demons respect me enough not to try but you, the humans would kill you on sight and even if the demons are victorious that doesn't guarantee that you'll live, I don't have to kill you, but you're no good to me alive." With that she sent the kunai flying from her hand, directly towards the Rat's neck and burst forward, brandishing the dagger in her left.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Akuma Sayako Character Portrait: Phoenix Mortre
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It was luck and instinct that had gotten Phoenix out of the way of the kunai, but only just. The small weapon did cut the side of her neck, spilling blood onto her shoulder. The little demon heard a force moving quick through the air and ducked down, she could feel the other demon sail over top of her. It seemed that running away wasn't an option this time. This time the Rat had to fight to always she obliged. A little blood never scared her even if it was her own, as long as she was the last one standing as for as Phoenix was concerned, she was victorious.

Phoenix lunged the minute she heard the other demon touch the ground, hoping to catch her off balance. She slammed into the other demon's middle, knocking them both to the ground. Her odd hat being knocked off as well. With little time to gain her own balance, Phoenix began to lash out. Her nails grabbing and pulling onto anything they could grab. Her teeth scraping skin and dirt. If this demon was a human and other found their body, they might have thought that the human died of an animal attack. This was one strength that the Rat had over other demons because when hunting a demon humans would go looking for bodies that looked like they were attacked by demons, not by animals. This kept her safe from demon hunts and led unsuspecting humans to her when they were on animal hunts. It was an arrangement that Phoenix had been perfecting and loved over the years.

All powers have limitations and one that really restricted Phoenix's protection of herself was that her powers only worked on humans and animals; demons would just be subjected to severe biting and scratching. This doesn't mean that Phoenix was still completely powerless to leaving a demon mangled.

After the up front attack, Phoenix jumped away pulling two crude looking knives. Her body stayed low to the ground, one knee resting on the dirt while the other was bent out and away ready to push forward, her arms were spread, knives facing the opposite direction as the Rat's opponent, a snarl revealing her chipped teeth once more.

"The Angel is the first to strike she sees," the Rat said, tilting her head, "You're done playing games it seems? But why? If she is truly the Angel of Death than like Death she can wait...and yet you're impatient. Seems the title is misplaced."