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Carlotta Lamina

"Play your cards right, and Lucky Lottie might even curtsey for you."

0 · 232 views · located in Solaris

a character in “Pandora's Fate”, as played by Andjare


Carlotta Lamina
Lucky Lottie


Personal Information

Full Name:
Carlotta Lamina

Lucky Lottie



Sexual Orientation:

13th April

Carlotta is a con-artist through and through, willing to do whatever it takes at whatever cost to get what she wants. Her underhanded ways makes many assume that she despises laws and rules, but that isn’t strictly true; she despises royal laws and rules, but adores and respects those of pirates, gangsters and general rogues. Rarely without a grin on her face, she’s developed something of a slimy nature, using a mixture of silver-tongued sweetness and dirty tactics to worm her way into nearly any situation. This has earned her the nickname of ‘Lucky Lottie’ as no matter what she does she seems to come out on top. Like most pirates and rogues she loves to drink and she loves to gamble, however it’s the adrenaline of gambling that she enjoys rather than the winning, making her a very gracious loser. Her humour is dry, sarcastic and often scathing but rarely mean-spirited, in fact the more she makes fun of you the more she considers you a friend. Though not very ill-tempered she can get irritated if pushed too far, particularly when dealing with very serious people, and her fear of thunder can make her jumpy and on-edge during storms. She will show genuine delight with things she likes, and is very loyal and loving to those she considers family, but her amiable persona always has that underlying deceptive tone, making it difficult for her to form trust bonds with people.


Memory – Carlotta has an impossibly powerful memory, able to remember and recall vast amounts of information in an instant.

Quick-Witted – What she may lack in conventional education, she makes up for in sheer instinct, able to instantly use whatever is a hand to help her situation; both with her speech and her combat skills.

Agile – This is often an advantage for her in a fight, particularly when dealing with a stronger enemy.

Resilient – You don’t spend a lot of time dealing with criminals without learning how to take a few hits. While not the most physically powerful person, she can withstand a lot of attacks.


Negligible – Her concern is for direct results, so she can often be more than a little bit neglectful towards any possible repercussions of her actions.

Brash – She doesn’t worry about what she’s saying, usually just letting out the first thing that comes to her mind.

Compulsive Liar – This comes from years of learning to get what she wants, not being afraid to say anything at all. Combined with her sarcastic nature, it means honesty is something she really has to think about; lying is just more natural.


Gambling – Less for the money and more for the adrenaline, she can graciously lose as long as the thrill was good enough.

Alcohol – Nothing else to say, she likes getting drunk and having a good time.

Cats – She likes animals in general, but cats are something she’s especially fond of. Her main reason for this is that unlike animals like dogs, who can be taught to respect you, getting respect from a cat has to be earned. It feels more rewarding to her.

Strawberries – When she was little Marco took her to see Captain Nathan Black, a pirate lord with a speciality for black market items. He gave her some strawberries and she instantly developed a love of them, taking every opportunity to pick them up over the years; it’s actually a good way of bribing her to do less savoury tasks, as she’ll never turn them down.

Singing – Well, who doesn’t like a good sea-shanty? It’s just something she’s happy to do whenever the chance occurs.


Charity – While not completely selfish and always willing to help her friends and family, just general charity for the sake of it isn’t something she’d ever consider getting involved in. Everything she does needs to be worth something to herself.

Royal Laws – Carlotta despises these more than anything, feeling they restrict the free and happy lifestyle she leads, as well as causing nothing but trouble for the criminal community.

Spicy Food – Though pretty open to any kind of food, she finds that anything spicy just makes her want to throw up, especially during long journeys.

Flute Music – For some reason the sound of flutes just goes right through her, she can’t stand them.

Seriousness – She doesn’t like being serious and she doesn’t like other people being like that either, it just gets on her nerves. When she is forced to be serious it ends up making her quite crabby, often worsening the situation.


Losing her way of life – This is the deepest fear she has. While her home town has largely remained unaffected by authority, the princess’s mission scares her because it looks like it could actually work. Were it not for the fact that she could help Marco, Carlotta wouldn’t have even considered joining in the first place; it keeps her at odds with the royal, being loyal so that the deal will stand but unable to show any real respect towards her because of what she represents (to the point where she only ever calls her ‘Princess’, never ‘Captain’ – she doesn’t believe that title has been earned).

Thunder – This is something that even Carlotta can’t explain. Assuming it had something to do with how she ended up hiding in a shipping crate as a child, she’s never been able to completely conquer her terror of thunder. It’s died down over the years to the point where she is still able to cope and work effectively during storms, yet every clap continues to make her jump and put her on edge.

Apperance, Equipment and Abilities

Destinctive Features:
Dark red tattoo of a winged snake on her left shoulder.


120 lbs

Physical Condition:
Slender yet curvacious physique, fairly strong and very agile.

Eye Colour:

Hair Colour:
Pale Red

Battle Skills:
Very efficient and deadly in close combat; she lacks technique but is brutal, violent and excellent at using her surroundings to her advantage (coming from years of experience in bar fights). Less proficient with long-distance attacks, but she can adapt well-enough if required.

Ship Skills:
Moderately comfortable with enough experience to do the job required, while she doesn’t know everything Carlotta is a fairly fast learner and takes commands well.

Short-sword, a hatchet and a small pistol.

Large, golden hoop earings and a thick, golden necklace.


Carlotta has no memories before she was four years old, when a pirate named Marco Payne found her hiding in a shipping crate during a thunder storm. Marco decided to take her in and raise her, living in the small pirate-town of Loch-Mortis completely away from royal control. As such Carlotta grew up among pirates, thieves, gangsters and other criminals, yet her childhood was very happy. She learned how to fight, gamble and steal but her big talent proved to be persuasion, as she became very good at convincing people to do what she wanted. This proved useful to Marco when dealing with the various rogue lords or authorities while travelling, with her charming demeanour making her very popular among them. Over the years she continued to develop this and found herself privy to the inner workings of many crime gangs and communities across Solaris, with the means to access any others as well. This not only earned her the nickname ‘Lucky Lottie’ but has also made her a mine of information regarding illegal activity; a valuable weapon to the royal authorities. But her loyalty is always to those she grew up with, so instead she chooses to live life for the moment and do whatever works best for herself. Carlotta is always willing to help out Marco in his ventures, while lending a hand to those that ask, but hasn’t committed to a particular group or venture for years. So it seems very odd that she agreed to join the princess’s mission and share details she has or gains on whatever they investigate. However as usual, Carlotta has her own interests in mind; though for once it isn’t a selfish request. In exchange for her cooperation, Carlotta has requested that Marco should be cleared of all charges so he can travel to the country and retire in peace. This will only happen after the mission is complete, forcing her to remain loyal to the princess during that duration. She isn’t particularly respectful, but she’s definitely loyal.

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So begins...

Carlotta Lamina's Story