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"Most people just call me Creep."

0 · 1,262 views · located in Ertse'gart

a character in “Pantheon: Shattered World”, as played by Zalgo


Name: Creep (Formerly Rufus)

God of: Insects.

Elemental affinity: Earth, air and water.

Alignment: Neutral.



Physical description of preferred forms:

Primary: His primary form is that of a man not long into his life. He stands at about five feet and five inches tall with dark unkempt hair roughly coming down to his neck. He dons a tattered brown hat and long coat which look to have been worn for miles without repair. Underneath is not much fancier either, just a white shirt and brown pair of pants like a homeless wanderer would wear. Even his thick brown traveling boots look like they've seen better days. His eyes look like deep dark pools of jet with only the faintest hint of blue in them. One detail to note however is that his shirt has a number of holes around the chest, each one stained with blood. Beneath the shirt are the wounds that were inflicted upon him back when he was still mortal. These wounds act as the main entrances and exits for the insects that live inside his body.

As he started off human he's never really shaken off his former identity which is why he keeps this form as his true shape.

Hive: This form looks similar to his previous form in adornment however his eye sockets are empty and his entire body is covered in perforations which leak a strange off-white honey like substance. Insects can be found constantly crawling in and out of these holes in him, attracted by the unusual honey he leaks.

Preferred Gender: Male.

Means of godhood: He was a human who became a god via apotheosis.

Personality: Creep is unremarkable in general but a humble man at heart.

Though his ascension has changed him greatly physically his personality has remained more or less intact. He tends to avoid causing other people trouble when he can, preferring solitude as he doesn't trust easily. He harbor's little ill will towards others but is rather cynical from experience. Typically he receives little respect and he expects nothing more out of people be they gods, goddesses or mortals. In a way he isn't used to the whole concept of being worshiped or acting as a deity in any fashion. Though he may be on par with lesser gods he's never felt any sense of belonging among them. Perhaps there's even that slight sense of resentment towards them for influences in his life (Or lack thereof for some). He's not beyond making friends with them but not being the most social fellow can make that harder for him than for others.

Towards insects he shows some hospitality though he generally leaves them to their own affairs. As it's mentioned he's not accustomed to being revered in any way. He'd say he's not worth the praise but it's harder to tell that to insects that call his body home. He's reluctantly accepted their worship and he hasn't done too badly because of it. After all, they are the reason he's a god to begin with. It's his obligation to return the favor to them, to not do so would be rather unfair. He might be self-deprecating but he still likes to think of himself as fair if nothing else.

Worshiped by: Nearly no one. Almost nobody's heard of him, even people who work with insects like bee keepers.

His worshipers are found almost entirely in the insect population. Almost all insects worship him, to worship otherwise would be strange even to other insects. The only bugs that don't pray to him are spiders as they are not insects and have their own deity to praise.

Symbols: He has no symbols which identify him or those of his faith. Insects generally accept that they worship him, they have little need for symbols to recognize him by. The only thing that can even be likened to being associated with him is honey.

Divine weapon: Insects tend to do most of the actual harm though he rarely asks them to do so. He still has his old sword though.

Preferred Blessings:

Evolution: Any insect who tastes the divine honey which he unconsciously generates will start to change. They'll become stronger, tougher, faster and best of all they will grow in intelligence. As his body is considered holy grounds by his subjects only the queens of colonies along with some larger but less numerous bugs have been permitted to eat what oozes from his veins. This rule was put in place not by Creep but by the insects themselves so as to ensure the honey isn't depleted before it can replenish itself.

Fertile Lands: If he's happy with a region he can bless it with fertility. Insects will make the ground richer in nutrients, spread pollen to all the plants and flowers and produce more honey from any hives in the region.

Shelter: If insects are in danger he can use his connection to his elements to create shelters where entire colonies of insects can hide. Down in the ground, up in the trees, even in cities, almost any place can offer insects sanctuary.

Preferred Curses:

Scoured Lands: If an area truly earns his ire then he places this curse upon it, marking it for all insects to know. Swarms of insects will rage across the area, devastating everything in their path. Locusts will devour all crops, flies and maggots will infest all stores of food and bees, wasps and ants will attack everyone living in the area without relent. They will turn the buildings of the deceased into hives and use the dead to feed their larva, bolstering the size of the swarm. Once all available food sources have been consumed the swarm will disperse, the various types of insects leaving to find more food in the nearby ecosystem.

Unrelenting Pests: Truly an unpleasant fate for whoever angers Creep enough to warrant this kind of curse. Once a person is designated a target insects will find him/her/it wherever they may go. It is quite similar to the Scoured Lands curse only it is placed upon a single person instead of a designated area. This person will be attacked nonstop by bugs, bitten and stung without pause until the day they die. Upon their death the cursed body will be consumed by the insects in a manner of minutes, leaving nothing behind for anyone to hold a burial for.

Preferred form of worship: He's never really thought about how people might worship him, almost no one does. As for bugs he's got no preference regarding how they worship him. Insects worship him in a way they know how, by eating the flesh of the dead just as their leaders eat from Creep.

Extras: Strangely enough he happens to have a single adamant tooth set among the rest of his teeth. How he got it is a story almost no one is privy to.

So begins...

Creep's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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#, as written by SunKrus
Kana Na-Ahn
This was getting to be much more excitement than previously thought. Dead bodies, some bug man (the overwhelming present of so many insects was obvious to an earth elemental, though she didn't understand the nature of either the insects nor the man), something called a doomsday sayer, and an over-enthusiastic girl with a harp. And as she stood there, observing, she suddenly felt Tir'Ish come close. This meant there might be danger. Just great.

"Hold on!" she cried. If this creepy guy just ran from a dead body, why in all of the Terra would you run back toward said dead body. Death means that something killed something else. And killing usually is a bad thing.

As both the harp girl and the bug guy continued to run off - possibly not even hearing Kana - she looked briefly to where she felt the energy god watching. Then, to not give away her master's position, she continued to scan the crowd. Turning then to Rey, she asked "Do you want to follow? This is already all too weird, but we can't risk that mugger killing again." With a sigh, she watched the alley and waited for a response. One thing that kept elementals alive is the ability to be cautious. Fire elementals may be the worst at that point, but earth elementals excelled. She would only go into a dark alley if it was beneficial to her mission.

The setting changes from Hoffngard to Raelenea


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Rimus
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Scire smiled at Ai as she came in as what Scire was to the mind Ai was for the body so he considered her more his counterpart than the others there. Many of his moths were inspired by desire or created because of the link she made for ones the moths once lost. Loss often kept moths anchored as well as the living loves that tempered obsessiveness into utility. However Scire, whether him or herself at the time, looked at Ai's eyes when speaking to her being a creature appreciative more of the benefit desire brought to mediating creation. Scire tended to more... academic... pursuits of the flesh among his flock than the ones she held interest in. Though he had a soft spot for drawing beautiful things from time to time as did many of the artists working in his name.

Crimson colored eyes gleamed at Ai, "Hello, AI! Forgive me if I don't get your seat I'm carving at the moment! There's a fell fire burning down creation making smouldering ashes of everything it touches. Breaking all the things and people we tended to all these years out of blasted earth."

Scire frowned his eyes turning cold blue, "Now this ichor wants to tear out all the hard work and replace it with themselves. All the carefully hybridized flowers torn out to smother the world in basalt. It's wanton destruction with no love of anything but itself."

Grunting he added sourly while striking blood from the marble while ardently writing his name there, "Even my basest bloodied crows have a sense of decorum. They don't just lay waste."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Rimus
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Ai, Goddess of Love, Lust, and Sexuality
Fairy Glade


Scrie, the more scholarly of her siblings greeted her first and with a smile. He, as he was today, appreciated her talents, he understood that she was necessary, if not important to the world of mortals and he thought her beautiful enough to draw.

SHe smiled at him, waving a few fingers as his scarlet eyes shimmered. Hello, AI! Forgive me if I don't get your seat I'm carving at the moment! There's a fell fire burning down creation making smouldering ashes of everything it touches. Breaking all the things and people we tended to all these years out of blasted earth." He said and she frowned. "Huh?" she said, cocking her head to the left in confusion. He knew many words, and not all of them she knew herself, but from what she could tell. Something was burning things, mortals?

"Burning?" She asked before he went on, his eyes turned a steely blue. "Now this ichor wants to tear out all the hard work and replace it with themselves. All the carefully hybridized flowers torn out to smother the world in basalt. It's wanton destruction with no love of anything but itself." He said and she rose a hand to her ample chest. "My." She breathed. No love? That was not good, not good at all. "Even my basest bloodied crows have a sense of decorum. They don't just lay waste." He said as he struck the marble he'd been working on, bleeding it. She sighed. "Well, What are we going to do, Scrie?" She asked. "Surely we can not allow such a thing to continue, What are the others saying?" She asked, knowing that she was a lover, not a fighter, and if it didn't love, there was nothing she could do. She could distract most anything. A raging beast would calm at her touch, a frustrated warrior would relax in her presence, even a madman could be distracted, but all of those things could love. this...Ichor, according to her brother, could not.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Rimus
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The marble block turned with his hands showing channels on the other sides that flowed in and around each other the scars that left a circular pool of blood below it like melted wax. Scire smiled and cupped his hand above the block blowing on it. A whoomp of thumping red flame above it inhaled the pool of wax moving about the channels freely. The ticking adoration of madmen tapped to see their notice directed at a canvas marked as an interest of his own. Most would appreciate that Scire saw intrinsic value in her activities and the rest he would watch.

Sat back he grinned as the gauntlet's sharp finger turned to rounded mail. Unadorned candle enkindled behind him he rose to his feet to Ai with predatory eyes that saw uncertainty. At that movement yellow robe tightens to brown and gold shaded formalwear a muscled frame behind it one chainmail glove tethered into his pants pocket.

Scire reaches forward to stroke Ai's cheek with a chainmail thumb that inspired errant misplaced memories, "They have sent their little brushes to paint a better understanding of the threat. To burn or to learn? You can do what you have always done and how you have always created..."

He smiled pushing up his glasses with his other hand then pointing at her nose with it, "...find the worthy and give them something to fight for."

The setting changes from Raelenea to Hoffngard


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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Rey took a moment to realize that Carissa had turned and ran in the completely opposite direction of danger, prompting her to yell something in a guttural dialect before rushing that way as well. As far as she knew she was the eldest member and thus held within her a lot of responsibility to the others... she didn't want to let anyone down.

"Yes," she responds quite abruptly before taking off at a breakneck pace after the two, yet somehow careful not to trip upon her own robes. A few guards active around the block look but don't get involved, after all, they weren't exactly screaming. Useless slobs. "Carrrissa, this is a really bad idea!"

The alley was dark, blocking out much of the sunlight, few who came here were either rats or desperate, the others were after something, rarely good. What was before them though was a lone figure, average height for a young woman, hunched over taking off her worn cloak and placing it over the dead man. Rey comes to a dead stop, her senses, her instincts sent into a frenzy, and a smell, sweet yet very foreign fills her nostrils.

"I did not mean to cause a disturbance," the woman says softly, running her hand through her hair and glancing at it. From what little light there was, she was a pale woman and with very long rusty red hair turning black near her scalp. "I came after the tragedy took place and found the sad one here."

"So, you just walk towards dangerr, not suspicious," Rey asks, skepticism in her tone and her guard up. "Speaking of which, Carrissa, that was-"

"The sad one did the same, he played no part in this man's death" she responds, turning her head slightly, the small creatures on her stare at Rey and the others with their beady eyes. She then proceeds to pet the creatures, their silhouettes now visible against her pale hand showing them as little more than a couple black ferrets. "Admittedly, I am the most suspicious one. Hah... I've certainly failed at being... comforting."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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#, as written by SunKrus
Tir'Ish Na-Ahn
A single sigh was all he had time to give as Kana nodded at him and followed Rey into the alleyway. If she died, there weren't many other carriers available to take the package to the Ichor.

Kana Na-Ahn
Upon hearing the "yes", Kana decided to follow as well. Enough curious heads were already turned, and she was ready to leave anyway. Enough towns and coin, she was ready for something to actually happen.

Rounding the corner, she remembered the brief look on Tir'Ish's face as she took off. It was one of exasperation. She knew that her death would be a disappointment to him, but not living would be a disappointment to her as well. And so, she rounded the corner and stopped a few paces behind Rey. Then, knowing her ranged capabilities were severely limited, she held to a side of the alley and slowly walked toward the figure.

"Admittedly, I am the most suspicious one. Hah... I've certainly failed at being... comforting."

With that, she stopped and crouched slightly. Not sure of what she was up to, Kana watched and waited, saying nothing. There were too many risks getting close to something so unorthodox, and it was possible that this wasn't a hostile.

Tir'Ish Na-Ahn
Sadly, there was no time to lose. Usually Tir'Ish would follow, but if he was to protect this small ragged group then he'd want to come from a different angle. And so, he used a bit more of his precious stamina to get to the top of the buildings, then ran to take a look at the situation. He could sense that Kana was waiting for some hostile intent, and so he did the same as well. Holding his rod by his side, he lay prone on the roof and was ready to jump down at a moment's notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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As Carissa made it to the alleyway, she was shocked to see the state of the body. It was eaten up, almost as if something devoured the poor man after his death. And there was the strange figure, the supposed doomsayer. Although she had a feeling she was not the culprit, no one would murder someone and stay next to the body. From what she explained she came her after the tragedy took place.

She seemed to be non-hostile but her appearance and the strange black ferrets around her was creepy to say the least. However Carissa took a step forward and did her best to smile, although seeing the body of the old man really did make her sad. "U-Um hi, my name is Carissa. I am here to burry the body here. Oh dear...he is missing parts of his body...I hope his family and loved one know what he looks like...oh...who could leave someone like this...this is so...sad..." She spoke slowly. She may have seen bodies from time to time, however she could never get used to death. Her body seemed to shake a little as she tried to keep herself from shedding tears. Death is such a mean thing, to be taken from everyone you know inside some random alleyway where you were then eaten. This was such a cruel sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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The woman crosses her arms and sinks her head down in reaction to Carissa's words.

"There are many reasons, few of them remotely good," she responds softly, in nearly a whisper. "I can not lie, it does not get easier with the more I see, it just hurt more inside. People say they do get used to it, but in reality most just try to push aside the pain and fear. I however, can not. The one who dies alone is tragic, the one who lives alone is tragic... everyone deserves to live in some comfort, some care. I-I do not like to see this suffering world, these suffering people. W-when I see it, I just want to... reach out and snatch the pain away."

Rey is confused, somewhat on edge yet not sure why. The person made no movements that were threatening, showed absolutely no intentions of violence yet something felt so... unnatural about this person that it was triggering instinctive reactions all inside her head. She had decided it was instead better to only watch.

"Carrissa, be careful touching the body... rather you not risk getting the blight," Rey says, reaching out and touching her shoulder. She did not want to alarm anyone and decided against directly mentioning her concerns about the woman. "Besides, ya... rreally shouldn't force yourself."

"I've wasted enough of your time," the woman says with a sigh after observing Rey's behavior and begins walking away then stops and looks back, more specifically at Creep. "And... I'm really very sorry I frightened you... or made you feel worse through my foolishness. Just... hah... I wanted to say... no life is worthless... that is all."

With that the person continued heading away from them, Rey feeling gradually more at ease the further she got.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo

He'd of rather not come back there but here he was, standing amongst a group of girls looking at the strange redhead.

"I came after the tragedy took place and found the sad one here."

The sad one? Well sad and pathetic can be considered synonyms so I guess it works.

"The sad one did the same, he played no part in this man's death"

"Yep, that's true." He confirmed, more than happy to dispel any suspicions that he might of murdered someone.

Now he was standing there, they were all looking at the dead body and apparently according to some stray fleas that were around some guy was hiding up on a roof. In addition there were fleas that had come off the garb of the lady they were talking to. They gave him an impression of what they saw and it was quite unnatural. This was quite clearly something more than just another human doing stuff.

"There are many reasons, few of them remotely good. I can not lie, it does not get easier with the more I see, it just hurt more inside. People say they do get used to it, but in reality most just try to push aside the pain and fear. I however, can not. The one who dies alone is tragic, the one who lives alone is tragic... everyone deserves to live in some comfort, some care. I-I do not like to see this suffering world, these suffering people. W-when I see it, I just want to... reach out and snatch the pain away."

There it is again with the irregular talking He was stirred out of his internal monologue as it seemed the blonde who's name was apparently Carissa was on the verge of tears. He was tempted to go over and give her a hug, comfort her some but he decided against it as it could be construed as creepy. Creepy was a common thing around him after all.

"Come now, let's not get worked up. We really oughta leave this to the guards, they've got a procedure for this." He tried to console the girl as he attempted to gently usher her away from the scene. His attention was only turned away from this briefly as the weird lady with the black ferret critters seemed to be talking to him directly.

"And... I'm really very sorry I frightened you... or made you feel worse through my foolishness. Just... hah... I wanted to say... no life is worthless... that is all." She seemed to say as she receded from their group.

"Yeesh, she sure does love her philosophical stuff." He casually brushed her parting words off, not giving any real sense of care for what she meant. He turned back to the group, addressing them as a whole.

"So yeah, I'd definitely say this whole dead body business is much too grim a thing to dwell on for now. I'm sure most of you are probably busy with important stuff seeing as you were all huddled together and what-not a minute ago."

His attention flaked off towards the earthen girl that, now that he was able to see her more clearly, was definitely made of earth.

"I must say I've never seen someone made of dirt before, let alone one who drinks alcohol."

This was probably not the best time to point that out. His future self would probably agree, looking back on this time wherever he might be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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#, as written by SunKrus
Kana looked over to the boy who addressed her, processing what he said. "Well now you have. I have never seen a fellow with so many bugs before. Do they eat you?" She wasn't sure if he knew that she could sense the creatures of the earth, but questions like that usually stop further questions, so she felt fine returning her attention to the situation. The lady who they thought could be hostile seemed more....sad. Downtrodden in a sense. She took at glance at her, at the dead body, then up to the roof where Tir'Ish was hidden. The danger had probably passed, so she gave a nod and then turned to Rey.

We need to get to that Ichor. Situations like these gather too much attention, and attention is dangerous. We should leave, and sooner rather than later.

Even for her elemental mind, it was taking a moment to go through everything that had just occurred. Dead body, a peculiar figure standing over it, a bug man, a cat-woman, a girl with a harp, and the god of energy watching the group. On top of that, she had a solid sphere of energy to throw into the Ichor once she got the chance. This is not what she was expected when the sun rose this morning, but Kana was glad for the new distraction in her life. It was just time to get moving.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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0.00 INK

Carrisa felt something on her shoulder and heard Ray speak to her. She told her not to force herself to go to the body. The unknown person who had found the body suggested that they leave this to the guards and gently ushered her away from the scene. With two people trying to comfort her, she soon smiled softly and felt as though she was not going to cry. "Y-Yeah! The guards can finish up here! Also miss, I agree with you. All life is precious! You did not scare me though...I was more sad at the state at the man. But...I feel much better now. Catch you later miss!" She waved back as they left the Alleyway.

As soon as she left the alleyway, she felt herself regaining her composure. Knowing that the guards could do that and the comfort two people gave her allowed her to recover fairly quickly. "W-Well! With that business over with, lets talk while we walk to the forest! I have music to comfort us while we walk!" Carissa spoke happily as she returned to her normal bubbly self.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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Rey had begun to creep out of the the alleyway, peaking around the corner expecting guards to be watching their suspicious activity but instead finds them, and various citizens gathered together looking off into the direction of Ertse'gart, eyes wide in wonder and confusion. Rey walks into the crowd with a series of "excuse me"s and and "sorry"s, until coming to the front. What she saw was a brilliant display of lights going through the woods, a light show of such the beastkin had never before witnessed. Had she not worn her mask, she'd have resembled a deer caught in a cart's lantern light. Gradually it dies out and Rey finds herself carefully walking off towards the gate.

"Never before seen the likes of that before," a lanky guardsman says to his fellow compatriots, before turning to a stockier one. "S-should we spy upon it?"

"Ours is to this city, not in those accursed woods, s'pecially not at this time," he responds with a pensive stare into the distance. "Should it come here, however..."

"What," she mutters walking to the gates, it was the first clear word she could force out from her throat. After that, a more cohesive thought came to her sobering her to the reality that it was on their designated path. "We... we need to go, now."

With that she heads off beyond the gate towards the massive forest, much to the bewilderment of the guardsmen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo

"Well now you have. I have never seen a fellow with so many bugs before. Do they eat you?"

"Regularly I suppose though it depends on how you look at it." He answered frankly, not really dressing his answer up yet still not giving a particularly informative response.

"W-Well! With that business over with, lets talk while we walk to the forest! I have music to comfort us while we walk!"

The girl who's name was Carissa as he had heard earlier in the conversation with the creepy lady who lurked by the dead body in the alleyway mentioned as they continued along towards the gate.

Aw, how sweet. I wonder what business such a friendly little lady has in the forest He wondered, charmed by her youthful innocence.

"That does sound quite good. I can't say I've ever heard harp music before. Most bards tend to go the route of the voice or the lute. I once saw a fellow play the xylophone once though" He spoke casually as they continued on whatever destination this lot was on. He refrained from mentioning that the xylophone player was in fact a small humanoid lizard creature, a member of a swamp dwelling tribe of similar creatures. They had nasty temperaments and often came to blows with any neighboring species, including farmers not far out from their lands. Case and point: The xylophone was actually just somebody's rib cage repurposed into an instrument.

As they started getting into the fields he was receiving some strange reports of distant lights from some crickets in the area. Something about big bursts of pretty lights, information which wasn't exactly helpful but then again these little fellows were doing their best. Rich descriptions were mostly made by humans, most creatures caring little for relaying information.

As the masked lady got ahead the earth lady made started speeding up to catch up to her. In the distance he could see a fellow or was it a couple fellows? It was really too far to see right now. Could of been both. He waited 'till he got closer to get a better look.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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As Carissa began to walk along with the group, Creep soon talked about music and with that she grew a smile and seemed exited. "Yeah! Not many people use harps because its usually an instrument reserved for concerts and the like. Since it usually is big and massive making it a chore just to lug it around. I was lucky as mines was a magical harp which can turn big or small for easy transportation or for smaller crowds. I just like the harp because of the sweet and slow music it can produce." She spoke with renewed vigor.

Of course as they continued to proceed she could actually hear very faint talking up ahead. Maybe a couple was here enjoying a peaceful lunch in the woods! Or maybe it was a pair of bandits! She wondered what was ahead. So instead of trying to continue conversation she decided to stay on the quiet side.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn
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Rey froze as the sudden gust of wind brought a scent to her nose and the leaves of the trees rustled as the branches swayed in the breeze, this was enough to snap her attention above her. What she saw astounded her, the winds assuming the shape of a winged man no, a god. Her eyes widened, for such as her who had, in her mind, lived such a lowly life from a lowly breed, to be suddenly greeted by one from up high was staggering.

A gift for me, she thought as the God of the Skies and Battle spoke to her, and soon presenting perhaps the most well crafted armor she had ever beheld, and by the sound of it, was such an elaborate process. Most of the armor she had seen before, to be honest, was from other beastkin that was little more than leather and scraps of metal, but she felt this god's craft would be difficult to contend.

"Thank you, you... honorrr a lowly one as I with... such handiwork unrrivaled," she responds with a bow, taking the armor into her arms, being certain to be as courteous as possible as to not be rude, despite her doubts of her own worthiness. She is, after all, fully aware that she is still but a beastkin, a race known as cutthroats at worst and thieves at best. She looks in shock at the gear, raising her head to be sure she was actually holding it as it is, indeed, light. Not only light now that she gives it a more thorough study, it is more than well crafted, but well crafted specific to her. Bashfulness aside, she takes another deep bow. "You honorr me greatly."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal
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#, as written by Zalgo

He nodded, listening on to her discussing her love for the harp's music. He could hear the talking going on in the distance as well, noting that Carissa went quiet so as to not alert any listeners. He looked around and also noticed that the other two had separated from her, going off somewhere.

Holding out his hand a cricket jumped into his palm. From it he got several impressions of the people it saw in the nearby forest.

"Szshe szays that two who werre wearring cloakzs were recievvving thingzs from a winged man." The ear wig put the cricket's message into words Creep could understand.

He looked over to the direction he could hear the talking coming from. There was more however.

"Szhe alszo szays that therre arre szevvverral beingzs also speaking not farr off." The ear wig continued. He couldn't know just who was talking but given how weird things were happening he was prepared for the unexpected. He continued on, his newest acquaintance presumably accompanying him as he continued towards one of the groups of people talking.

The setting changes from Hoffngard to Astral Sea


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Creep
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Mistake, please delete.

The setting changes from Astral Sea to Hoffngard


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Creep Character Portrait: Tir'Ish Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Kana Na-Ahn Character Portrait: Hairviu
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#, as written by Zalgo

He just sort of stood by, watching on as the three strange humanoids went forward and received gifts handed to them by some sort of... God? He couldn't remember the fellow in the slightest, there wasn't many he'd recognize right away even if he'd met them before.

After the man was finished distributing goodies to the mortals he flew up, turning into a rainbow of sorts before disappearing whilst leaving his little goodbye message. Creep mostly just stood by, hands in his pockets.

Guy really didn't notice me just standing here huh?... I must be really unremarkable. Not surprising. He thought to himself, just kind of looking at the quirky scenario before him.

He might not of been the sharpest blade, metaphorically speaking, but he could listen well enough to know they were on a mission for the gods. That fact was also not surprising. He was usually prepared for unusual things to be the result of some god or goddess screwing up or acting strange yet again. That way he could still be pleasantly surprised by genuine oddities. Then again there were also those times were genuine oddities took to being gods themselves. Those were also disappointing.

"So I see you're on a quest for the gods." He opened, hopefully making himself heard once again to the three who seemed to forget his presence. "I hope you won't leave me to keep guessing the goal they set you?"

He cast a glance over to the person who was now revealed to be a beastkin who had changed into her armor over in the shrubs. "Hm, a beastkin." He muttered under his breath with a curious note. What god could she belong to I wonder...

The setting changes from Hoffngard to Ertse'gart


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal
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#, as written by SunKrus
Kana Na-Ahn

As a very rare occasion, Kana gave something similar to a smile. Action is always satisfying to young elementals, and this was finally the type of event she liked to see. Gifts in hand, she watched the god leave, then felt an overwhelming enthusiasm to just move. Elementals do get that sometimes, and often when the elder ones are struck by it they cause abnormal earth tremors, weather patterns, heat waves, and the like. Thankfully, Kana did not yet have influence over the earth, and it was exhibited by striding purposefully towards the gate in front of them.

"Alright, let's go!" she called, not waiting for a response. "First order of business, let's figure out what that light show was about. If it's nothing, we need to move on our mission.

Holding her new sword crossed downward in front of her body, she approached the gate. Kana wasn't sure the best way to keep hold of something this big, but for now it was comfortable enough to simply hold the impressive artifact.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Scire Character Portrait: Bashemath Character Portrait: Edna Wytrix Character Portrait: Carissa Asheton Character Portrait: Rey Jihara Character Portrait: Azeal
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Scire pushed up his glasses and nodded at Azeal as he took his leave gleefully, "I see you have things to do and I have an artist to check into. More art for the galleries! Ever expanding these days they find so much inspiration in suffering."

Done with this little side-interest away he walked toward the same entrance he'd come in. Produced from one pocket Scire dropped a flyer for a curiosities shop run by one of his moths. Reasonably nearby it existed next to some place that sold tea. While he had a sense that it should go here there were too many fluttering wings in his mind to remember why. By the name of Oghma he thought the fellow collected knowledge and crafting tools. Scire'd had him making something or other. The breadcrumbs in his wake got used when they needed to be in the web of things. Honestly he left them all over. The waterproof parchment fluttered and whirled before catching on the edge of a bush.