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"To create is divine. To sever connection with your true nature is the mark of a pretender." -Verse 332 of Ulm

0 · 634 views · located in Ulmish Mountains

a character in “Pantheon: Whims of the Gods”, as played by Hyllymbvyör




The allfather of giants, the first flesh, the primordial titan


Of earth, it's metals and rocks and the ever changing flow that morphs them

Of flesh and blood born from the primeval cauldrons of the earth

Elemental affinity:



Lawful Neutral

Pictures (If applicable):


Physical description of preferred forms:

His physical form is the only form he has, for he is a primordial titan of old.

He is an enormous titanic humanoid, a muscular being formed from a fusion of flesh and earth.

His skin is as coarse and hard as rock, but as warm and malleable as flesh.

His form is rigid yet smooth, his skin is dark and amber in colour yet luminous and vibrant when compared to mountains.

His yellow eyes are shrouded by long, dark strands of hair.

Preferred Gender (If applicable):

He is both genders and he is neither.

His form is a fusion of both and has features from both genders, but still remain difficult to tell apart save for the genitalia, which remains exclusively male.

Means of godhood:

In the deep furnaces of the earth he was molded.

Until in a great cacophony he burst out.

A scream which still echoes in the reaches of time.

His emergence site is now called the Titan's Scar, a great deep chasm, holy for his followers and his people.


He is a savage artisan, a grand creator and a just leader for his people.

He strives to prove that he is a creator more powerful than the other deities, through sheer feats of physical strength and creation of matter.

He considers most non-primeval gods beneath him, he calls them Pretenders.

He believes in the superiority of the Giants, but is not above granting his blessing to lesser creatures who consider him as their true king.

He rules by sheer willpower, he is strong both mentally and physically.

For physical is all that he will ever be.

Worshiped by:

His people, the Giants, a race which he molded out of his own malleable flesh.

Giants are beings of flesh and stone, the same fusion Ulm himself is made of.

They tower over other civilizations, and strive for great creation and wisdom.

They live far up in the secluded groves, located in the Ulmish mountain ranges.

There are many lesser creatures that worship him, most of which move to mountain settlements.

But only the honored may enter the high-cities in the groves.


His symbol signifies creation and earth, hardiness and wisdom.

His symbol is two hands facing each other, their fingers meeting in the middle, but not the palms. Between the palms is a flame, as the fingers form an archway around it.

Divine weapon:

His preferred tool of the trade is the tool that he used to mold the great Ulmish mountain ranges, his realm.

His weapon is known as the Godsmith, a giant decorated smithing hammer molded out of living metal.

A material which is only accessible to him, and his most sacred champion.

Preferred blessing:

A devout of Ulm receives great inspiration and willpower

To his followers the earth moves swiftly beneath their feet, guiding and supporting them in their travels.

To his followers steel is a friend, and it will not harm them as much as it would others.

Steel will protect them from harm with endurance unsurpassed by unbelievers.

Preferred curse:

To be scorned by Ulm you must either betray his trust or lay waste to great creations. You must suppress the artisans and only profit from their works.

The cursed will feel the burdens of the earth as they feel tired from the sheer gravity.

They fall prey to the earth, as rockfalls and cave-ins consume them.

Rust will eat away their equipment and the touch of steel is poison to them.

Holy City State:

The grand gathering of his faith is located at the feet of his throne, high up in the summit of Giant´s Peak, the greatest mountain in this realm.

This carved out city of the Giants is called Heimstaed, the cradle of Giants, the Fortress City of Artisans, protected by the wall of the Covenant, a heavenly barrier against the unfaithful.

Most notable creation (if applicable):

Ulm is responsible for the great Ulmish mountain range, often called the Gianthomes. In the very center is Giant's Peak, the greatest mountain in this realm, and at the very top is the great throne of Ulm, where he resides. The throne is carved with countless statues and murals of events long forgotten. The holy city of Heimstaed exists at the very feet of the living god, where his people reside and spread out to the lands below. The throne itself takes the form of two hands reaching out towards the sky, creating a chair fit for a titan.

Preferred form of worship:

To prove your faith to Ulm, you must create a great work. Most travel to the Gianthomes, where they carve out their creations to stone. Many unfaithful trek to these places to marvel at the creations, but only the worthy can strike their tools at the very throne of Ulm himself.

Ulm cares not for material wealth, and does not forbid it as long as you stay wealthy in your spirit, prone for great inspiration. Though he keeps the Giants as the superior race, he judges not who will be his champion.

So begins...

Ulm's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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Orest's expression showed no change. It was probably capable of producing expressions, but it wasn't needed at the moment. Nevertheless Orest heard exactly what he thought he'd hear. He registered the remark at his weapons and made a demonstration of power. He unsheathed his second sword from the left holster, swinging it like it was a part of his body. He struck a swift slash at the air and rested the sword at his side.

The sword was very balanced and thin in structure. It seemed like it was a living organism from the looks of the hilt and the handle, seeing as they were almost fused together in a sleek and organic manner.

Orest then sheathed his glimmering sword and spoke with his trademark monotonous yet sultry voice:

"Hmmm, i see. Come along then, we will escort you to Heimstaed. The All-father is expecting you there."

He raised a metallic brow and looked at the party expectantly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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A quizzical expression appeared on Orest's metal face. He eyed at Nymeria and Fenris for a bit and then spoke:

"It wouldn't be very wise to disregard the All-father's wishes, he has invited you all to his court in Heimstaed. This is not a typical occasion to let outsiders inside the Wall of the Covenant and we would not like to question our lord's will."

Orest's face turned back to it's plain expression. His master Ulm does not have patience for frauds, especially at a time like this. He spoke again with a more serious tone, if that is even possible:

"So listen up. Either you comply to our and ultimately His orders and come with us, being treated as guests, or you turn away and never come back. This is your last chance at hospitality from Him. What say you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris
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Orest motioned for the party to follow them. Two giants would stay behind them while Orest and the third one take lead. He spoke to the party before embarking:

"You have chosen wisely, come along now. Try to keep up now, the road to Heimstaed is long and perilous, but i'm sure the daughters and sons of "gods" will pull through this task like any other."

Orest finished with speech with a light snigger as he led the travelers on. The road up indeed would be perilous, but not exactly for giants. They would have to climb some of the higher ledges giant pass with ease. Perhaps on the way they can admire the works of craftsmanship left in rock; carvings and entire murals depicting events beyond mortal memory.

Ulm himself was sated with how the events had turned out, seeing as how the joke god Klethi managed to reveal their intentions long before they arrived.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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He looks at the murals and artwork along the way, interested particularly in ones regarding the origin of the giants.

"You must be proud." Borne says to the giants. "Such history n' all, and always in the presence of the hands that crafted you."

While he was being genuine, there was an ulterior motive for his behavior and one unrelated to the adamant, though he still intended to seize it, and he did not want his comrades to be put in danger. Though somewhat deranged from his isolation, he is at the very least not given to being a backstabber.

"I wonder what it was like," he comments quietly. "Creatin' life."