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Pantheon: Whims of the Gods

Ulmish Mountains


a part of Pantheon: Whims of the Gods, by Lord Valerian.

The Land of the giants.

Lord Valerian holds sovereignty over Ulmish Mountains, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

675 readers have been here.


Ulmish mountain range, often called the Gianthomes. In the very center is Giant's Peak, the greatest mountain in this realm, and at the very top is the great throne of Ulm, where he resides. The throne is carved with countless statues and murals of events
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Ulmish Mountains

The Land of the giants.


Ulmish Mountains is a part of Etheria.

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Ulm [8] "To create is divine. To sever connection with your true nature is the mark of a pretender." -Verse 332 of Ulm
Orest [7] "To every being i create i part some of my magnificence, so that they may stand before their enemies not as brutes, but as divine warriors." -Ulm
Winston Borne [6] Champion to himself, hero to none, Hazarmaveth's chosen mortal for reasons unclear (wip?)
Fenris [5] "I'm more of a background character."
Mercutio the Platypus [5] Companion to Fenris the Playwright
Nymeria [5] "The will of the gods control many things. The wind. The sea. Etheria itself. But they can't control me."
Karvana's Champions/Exalted [4] "For the Glory of the Mother."

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Character Portrait: Ulm
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Ulm sat in the palms of his throne, slouching and observing the spirals of steam emerging from the contact of snow upon his body. He has done this for the entire duration of the blizzard, 43 moons had passed and it still showed no sign of stopping. He didn't remember the last time a storm had lasted this long, but then again his memories of the old ages were awfully blurry, as several millennia of focusing on earthly matters had shrouded his memories from the ascension wars. Had it always been this way? He couldn't remember. Attempts to freshen his memory once again proved futile, but he wasn't too bothered. He was sure that he'd remember if there was anything worth to remember aside from the pathetic existence of Pretenders.

He leaned forward and looked down upon the city of Heimstaed. Through the eyes of the Stonewardens he could see a crowd of devout giantkin gathering to gawk at him from down below. Even after being with them since the beginning of time, some still find great importance in following his every move. But he couldn't care less, after all he couldn't deny that he enjoyed seeing the awe he inspires. He parted his conscious from the Stonewardens, leaving them to their silent vigil.

The Stonewardens were constructs, rock statues reminiscent of a giant in a praying motion. Ulm had left them spread around the realm, mostly overlooking the local civilizations. Mortals usually steer clear or pay no mind to them. He remembers one having a fountain built around it in the very center of a human city. But most of them have been unused for ages.

Ulm laid back once again to ponder upon his designs. He had been toying around with ideas of a new landmark overlooking the Great Sea. He did also need to appoint a new exalted champion among the populace, perhaps he should give out a quest?

Either way he decided that he need to cleanse his skin for the first time since time immemorial. He had created a lava lake somewhere for this purpose. Unfortunately that somewhere had become the Corruption, domain of a toothless corrupt pretender by the name of Vescteseg. The thought of having to deal with him made Ulm feel a deep sense of loathing for the amount of three moons. . .

But finally he stood up from his throne and begun striding towards the Corruption. Hopefully he would not be home.

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Character Portrait: Ulm
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(double post you shitlords)

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Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Orest
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The mountain titan Ulm observed as his minuscule servants hauled materials from the Undervaults to a small plateau amidst the rocks. Giants pulled carts of steel and adamant ingots to a pile as Ulm prepared his rigid hands for a ritual of creation. The last time this was performed was at the dawn of time, when Ulm parted the race of Giants from his own being during the course of 100 years. Scholars refer to this event as The Emergence.

This was a different process, however. A living construct of breathing steel, the next step in the evolution of the giant race, an exciting challenge for Ulm, another feat to prove his greatness over the pretenders. A portion of the population had trekked to the plateau to witness this event. Scholars and clerics from across the land had arrived to study this process to further understand how Ulm created an entire race from his own flesh. The last of the materials was finally in place according to Ulm's orders. Steel ingots were placed in a large circle with smaller circles inside spiraling towards the center circle, where the adamant ingots were placed in a ring, facing each other vertically.

And thus, Ulm began his work. He contracted his index fingers forward and pulled the rest of his fingers back. He connected the tips of his index fingers and gently pressed them in the exact center of the ingot pattern, on top of the adamant ingots. As he did the iron ingots in the pattern started liquefying and slowly streaming towards the center where Ulm's titanic fingers only ever so slightly touched the ground. He started pulling the fingers up slowly, and it seemed like they were fused to the liquid form that he was lifting up from the earth.

The metal mass was becoming warmer in tone, slowly. Scribes in the crowd were busy writing down the divine phenomenon before their eyes as the rest stood silent. With gentle movement of his fingers the metallic mass took a shape and form, reminiscent of a giant statue. As the figure took form, Ulm suddenly severed the connection between his fingers and the metal. And then, suddenly the figure came to life. He separated his limbs from each other as muscles started to shape the being. Burning red eyes opened and glared as crimson locks of hair sprouted from his rigid metallic head. He flexed it's body to get a feel for it, as runes started appearing on his skin like veins. He looked down to see two green handles sprouting from his stomach. He grasped them firmly and yanked them, pulling twin swords out of his abdomen.

The being was now complete, and it looked up upon it's creator. Ulm was exhausted, but was satisfied in the result of his creation. He looked the construct in his red eyes spoke with a booming and low voice:

"Behold! You are Orest, a perfected life form born from the mountain! You will be the extent of my will throughout the land, a divine champion! "

Orest looked down upon his body and his hands which held two adamant swords. Then he looked back up.

"To all those who have come to witness Orest, spread word across the land of him. He is the perfect life form, and heathens should tread carefully under his eternal vigil!", Ulm further spoke. He then left to climb back to Giant's Peak, where he would have a long rest.

The crowd now surrounded Orest, who, without speaking a word, started walking to Heimstaed. He knew exactly what he would have to do, first order of business being the acquisition of sheathes for his swords. He didn't really think that much, being a shard of consciousness originating from Ulm didn't leave much room for thought, especially when he was tired out of his mind. His walk was much lighter and controlled than that of Ulm. Perhaps the size was a factor. Either way, his primary mission was to acquire information of what the pretenders were doing. Rumors told that many divine figures were seen in the last days, relatively close to each other. He needed to gather information from across the land for this mission to succeed.

Perhaps some clothes would be needed, too.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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A patrol approached the intrepid party on the borders of Ulm's lands. It consisted of three giants-at-arms and led by the steel-skin giant, Orest. He led the three soldiers through the woods, moving in a lithe manner. The stonewardens had seen a peculiar group of people materialize near the border, proving Ulm's suspicions true. Ulm himself was sitting in his throne, waiting. Orest was sent to intercept this party.

The giants appeared to a clearing on the path, facing the travelers. They almost towered over the trees nearby, standing in a ready pose. Perhaps they were startled, perhaps they tried to fight or run, but either way Orest delivered his line in a sultry, yet monotone and almost echoing voice:

"The All-father demands to know your business here. State your reasons truthfully and ensure co-operation."

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Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Orest
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Enyo's hair stands on its ends and Borne stops dead in his tracks, sizing up the giants and Orest. As he looked over Orest he noted the familiar green sheen from the blades and raised an eyebrow. Impressive. He grins widely as he takes a few steps forward while keeping at a safe distance.

"Compliments to your creator for craftsmanship, you are indeed formidable." He says taking a bow, for once a sense of legitimacy to his tone. "I, Winston Borne, for one am here as a representative of Hazarmaveth, another old one, no ill will is intended towards Ulm or his people."

He continues to scan over Orest, taking mental notes. I wonder what tools were neccesary. He points towards Orest's blades.

"Your swords, is that adamant? Quite a skill Ulm has to craft it so well," He says beginning to trail off into his own interests. "I must admit, I am actually quite interested in the art of creation."

He realized he was starting to get distracted in his own thoughts and shook himself back to the point.

"Would there happen to be more of it? My client too is willing to cooperate, perhaps in reclaiming what is rightfully Ulm's?"

He awaits a response. I wonder if this is the power of first flesh.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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Orest's expression showed no change. It was probably capable of producing expressions, but it wasn't needed at the moment. Nevertheless Orest heard exactly what he thought he'd hear. He registered the remark at his weapons and made a demonstration of power. He unsheathed his second sword from the left holster, swinging it like it was a part of his body. He struck a swift slash at the air and rested the sword at his side.

The sword was very balanced and thin in structure. It seemed like it was a living organism from the looks of the hilt and the handle, seeing as they were almost fused together in a sleek and organic manner.

Orest then sheathed his glimmering sword and spoke with his trademark monotonous yet sultry voice:

"Hmmm, i see. Come along then, we will escort you to Heimstaed. The All-father is expecting you there."

He raised a metallic brow and looked at the party expectantly.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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A quizzical expression appeared on Orest's metal face. He eyed at Nymeria and Fenris for a bit and then spoke:

"It wouldn't be very wise to disregard the All-father's wishes, he has invited you all to his court in Heimstaed. This is not a typical occasion to let outsiders inside the Wall of the Covenant and we would not like to question our lord's will."

Orest's face turned back to it's plain expression. His master Ulm does not have patience for frauds, especially at a time like this. He spoke again with a more serious tone, if that is even possible:

"So listen up. Either you comply to our and ultimately His orders and come with us, being treated as guests, or you turn away and never come back. This is your last chance at hospitality from Him. What say you?"

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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Orest motioned for the party to follow them. Two giants would stay behind them while Orest and the third one take lead. He spoke to the party before embarking:

"You have chosen wisely, come along now. Try to keep up now, the road to Heimstaed is long and perilous, but i'm sure the daughters and sons of "gods" will pull through this task like any other."

Orest finished with speech with a light snigger as he led the travelers on. The road up indeed would be perilous, but not exactly for giants. They would have to climb some of the higher ledges giant pass with ease. Perhaps on the way they can admire the works of craftsmanship left in rock; carvings and entire murals depicting events beyond mortal memory.

Ulm himself was sated with how the events had turned out, seeing as how the joke god Klethi managed to reveal their intentions long before they arrived.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus Character Portrait: Orest
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He looks at the murals and artwork along the way, interested particularly in ones regarding the origin of the giants.

"You must be proud." Borne says to the giants. "Such history n' all, and always in the presence of the hands that crafted you."

While he was being genuine, there was an ulterior motive for his behavior and one unrelated to the adamant, though he still intended to seize it, and he did not want his comrades to be put in danger. Though somewhat deranged from his isolation, he is at the very least not given to being a backstabber.

"I wonder what it was like," he comments quietly. "Creatin' life."