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Oliver Laece

"Chill out, alright? What do you think's gonna bite you, a housecat with bipolar disorder?"

0 · 431 views · located in Paradise Falls

a character in “Paradise Falls”, originally authored by Byte, as played by RolePlayGateway


Oliver Laece
25 || Female || Charlatan || Tier 5 Mutant

β€œPeople see what they want to believe -- Like blind sheep they refuse to look beyond the fold; to pull the curtain aside and witness the man who commandeers the orchestra of lies and fraud they so religiously revere.”

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

|| Playlist ||
Oliver Boy (All Of Our Boys) ~ Flogging Molly
Misanthropic Drunken Loner ~ Days N' Daze
Feelings ~ The Offspring

|| Full Name ||
Olivera Renate Laece

|| Pet/Nickname(s) ||
Oliver, Olive, RenΓ©(e), Blondie (used much to her chagrin), Lacy

|| Epithet(s)/Alias(es) ||
Charlatan, Dream-catcher

|| Race ||

|| Gender ||

|| Age ||

|| Sexuality ||

|| Clan/Affiliation(s) ||
The Mutant Society (Disclaimer; I am more than happy to affiliate Oliver with any mutant group, so long as you keep in mind that she won't actually be an official part of it. Merely collaborating with them in a sense that she's liable to help them out whenever she's in the neighbourhood.)

|| Occupation ||
Distraction-for-hire; Typical rat/thief

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

β€œWhat'd you expect, a wanna-be barbie doll? Pssh...”

|| Hair Color ||

|| Eye Color ||
A muddy, washed-out green. It's often mistaken to be grey.

|| Skin Tone ||
Lightly tanned

|| Height ||
5'8" | 173 cm

|| Weight ||
124 lbs | 56 kg

|| Appearance ||
On a scale of average, Oliver manages to score pitifully meager. Having been living off of vagabond-survivalist instinct for quite an extensive period, she's reasonably fit and toned, though not overly so. More centered around endurance, really, and even that's arguably "passable" at best. Heck, you'd probably never notice a difference in comparison to most other underfed vagrants who often outclass Oliver in that physical aspect, apparently. To be frank, this kid befits the definition of a street-rat. Wild, shaggy hair, baggy eyes and a restless posture in all that gives off a vibe that she just doesn't quite give enough fucks about proper appearances. She may own some fancy garments for the occasion, but the rest is a sloppy mess in contrast to it.

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

β€œDo you always ask people for a how-to, or is being a nosy cunt the only way you can get your jollies?”

|| Personality ||
It's to foreign eyes that Oliver is seen as the misunderstood loner with an inferiority complex. Little do they know that she's just plain unfriendly and hasn't at any point thrown a stand-offish cloak over herself to hide the fact that she is in some way feeling insecure about being the weakest link in the company of mutants with the flashier powers (but you know people always interpret without asking the finer details). In all honesty, Oliver feels perfectly at home behind the scenes. She isn't keen on giving people expectations, because expectation builds confidence and that leads to trust and that ends up with Oliver having to actually put a hundred percent effort in what she does. And she doesn't. Ever. Because God forbid she'd ever strain herself or anything by doing what she enjoys.

In all fairness, Oliver isn't exactly bench-sitter lazy (not every sodding time anyway) where she can never be arsed to exert even the tiniest bit of effort into activities -- She does at least something! However that something is always very insignificant, average, run-of-the-mill. You can tell she never tries to grow beyond her limitations, because why would she cross the line of passable when that has done her just fine in surviving the day-to-day? She ain't here for a choir of 'Oh wows' where half the friggin' community is in awe of her oh-so awesome abilities, you know. That shit just isn't for her. Period.

In situations of a social nature Oliver tends to come across as a bit of a hardass, but that might just be people's misconception that the young lass is going to throw a hissy fit every time they say something. When really, it's when they are being politically correct piss-boys that Oliver decides to go with the agitated cynic charade. At all other times, however, she's surprisingly easy-going and sporadically drops the occasional witty line when appropriate; Not too serious, right? In spite of that, she does tend to keep to her own whims and rarely goes out of her way to instigate a socially awkward conversation between herself and another mutant or otherwise. She may be part of a collective, but it's not like that has changed her soloist mentality or anything.

That said, Oliver is a very skeptical person. She doesn't take kindly to spontaneous friendliness, especially if you've proven to be a complete and utter git prior, and is even less accepting of compliments and requests to "partner up" (unless it's absolutely necessary). She can learn to be appreciative of new things if you're enthusiastic enough about it and can be somewhat expressive and social, sometimes, but usually comes across as stiff and forced as if she's walking on eggshells trying not to get the evil-eye treatment from some. Still, she makes for a decent enough company of you're willing. A little awkward, really, but she tries. Oliver is definitely not the most loyal individual. It takes a serious amount of time and effort to get a stable relationship blooming, ya know? She likes her boundaries.

|| Assets ||
Open-minded ~ She's skeptical, yes, but depending on your level of interest -- And Oliver's mood, she might be willing to change her view. What probably helps is that she'll forcibly accepts things she doesn't like (A case of severe; more effort than it's worth, really) granted it's for a good and better cause.

Logical ~ Oliver will always keep a cool and level-headed mindset in serious situations, which is especially necessary for her if she wants to keep her opponents gullible and dimwitted about her abilities.

Deceptive ~ Oliver's no master con artist, but she has a fairly good grasp of how to throw people for a loop. This particular trait is a double-edged sword, however, since Oliver willfully deceives friend and foe alike if it gives her an advantageous position on the field. If it's any consolation, she'll apologize afterwards if it hurts you that much.

|| Flaws ||
Poor attitude towards teamwork ~ Oliver typically disregards any teammates that she has and leaves them to fend for themselves. She expects people to stay out of her way, and works best when not having to take care of others.

Her independence ~ Oliver has an extremely hard time relying or even being committed to people, especially for a long period of time. If she realizes that she is, she'd probably freak out and do everything in her power to push that person away. She doesn't do too well with invested trust or placed responsibility, either.

Hands-in-pockets proactivity ~ Oliver isn't the type of person to give it her all, and typically holds half the enthusiasm and dedication compared to others. She's never had to go guns blazing to solve problems, but will kick it up a notch if things get messy.

|| Likes |||| Dislikes ||
βœ” Backpacking/wandering aboutClever clogs/narrow-minded people ✘
βœ” Pure, unadulterated coffeeHigh-strung, duty-fulfilling individuals ✘
βœ” Unpredictability (challenges and people)Headaches/pain of any kind ✘
βœ” Taking her sweet timeWasting time ✘
βœ” Sarcasm/wit/humourExpectations and blind optimism ✘
βœ” Selfworth, sense of own limitsWorking in a team (three's a crowd) ✘
βœ” Unconditional warmth from peopleOverconfidence/arrogance ✘
βœ” Justified misery of othersAlcohol, including the smell ✘

|| Fears ||
Loss of control
Potential loss of self
Responsibility, having to take care of others

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

β€œWatch your step -- There's traps and trickery scattered all-round.”

|| Power ||
Inducing Hallucinations (Illusions) ~ A psychological ability that allows Oliver's subconscious to invade... well, the subconscious of others. Technically speaking anyway. Most of this ability is beyond her control: all of her hallucinations are triggered via the "wants" of the people around her. Oliver is the conduit for which people can realise their fantasies; their wants, desires, dream and wishes. They see what they inherently want to see, and the scale and magnitude of the illusion depends on how strong their desire is to obtain it (or how imaginative the individual in question is). At best, both Oliver and the affected individual can immerse themselves in a vivid, non-existent wonderland of the latter's choosing. At worst, when triggered subconsciously, they'll hear subtle snippets of their favourite song, flashes of their desirable situation, enhancement of their most prominent emotion at the time. The most Oliver can accomplish on her own is to be nothing but a cold chill in a flock of people, if even. And smother her ability to do close to nothing.

|| Strengths ||
Distraction ~ Oliver's mutation makes her the perfect niche-fit for the typical distraction role. She can fairly easily keep any unwanted eyes from prying while another person, or even her own damn self, reaches for the nearest pipe wrench to bonk them on the head.

Infiltration ~ Oliver can consciously control the awareness of people to her own presence, which has been really useful in nicking shit that doesn't belong to her. So long as she doesn't bump into people or breathe too loudly she's practically invisible to the naked eye.

|| Weaknesses ||
Headaches ~ Oliver's prone to pretty violent headaches in the wake of some illusions -- depending on the scale and frequency of alteration, but is usually just tired/mentally strained on a typical day.

Paranoia ~ While this hypothesis has not been clearly defined, the grade of realism that Oliver's illusions have keeps victims less rational and thus more susceptible to her tricks. She is forced to see what they see. The flipside may be that Oliver could be swept up in the fantasy if it's convincing enough (not that that's ever happened yet). In this case things could get messy, so just knock her out if you can.

Lack of control ~ Oliver cannot control the content/magnitude of her illusions, and cannot truly stop her ability. As such, she inherently can't distinguish between friend or foe (although precautions can be taken, don't be near/in her line of sight etc.) and can't stop things from getting out of control. In the case of powerful illusions, outsiders around her can be unintentionally drawn into it like a sinkhole; making her a liability in a fight.

Limited Targets ~ Oliver can only inspire hallucinations in people who are within her line of sight, eye-contact preferred. She works best with under three people at once, as things start blending together unpleasantly after that. The more targets, the more weird and unrealistic things get; which tends to force rationality and the realization that things aren't actually there.

Awareness & Range ~ You can't beat reality, but despite that little extra Pow! anyone who's managed to figure out the nature of Oliver's abilities has an easier time telling what is and isn't going to shank them silly. All illusions end at the thought 'this is not real', and become weaker the farther away she is.

|| Tier ||
Tier 5

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

β€œ"Viva la revolucion" and all that, eh? ... exciting.”

|| Place of Residence ||
Various. Oliver's pretty keen to scurry from place to place. Less chance of being caught by the government and their loyal blue-hatted dogs.

|| Biography ||
Did you know that Oliver could have lived the marvelous noble life? Yeah, but she would've had to marry some overly-obese ponce because that's how that life works. So she rejected her entire heritage in favour of whimsical adventure. Eat that privilege! ... Wait, you actually believe that story? Hah! Fooled you good, didn't I? Naah, she wished she was the alleged heir to some old farts big pile of money, would've made for a much more dramatic escape, too.

So, Oliver isn't really that keen to share every single detail of her wayward life (not that any have asked thus far). She was just a typical kid of an average adoptive family that had way too many children to take care of. For the most part she was forced to fend for herself-- she had no parental guardian, no mentor to dull the edges; no saviours, those are hardly much help at all. It wasn't all that lovey-dovey, honestly. As much as that was rough, Oliver was -- and quite obviously still is -- a magnet for trouble; she attracted all sorts of unruly attention, was quick tor esort to violence (self-defence, honest) and made little to no friends whatsoever. It always hurt more when she tried, and they'd turn on her sooner or later anyway. 'So fuck that noise.', was the life lesson apparently. She didn't realise until much later, but most of her tumbles came from the budding, tell-tale sings of her ability; turned out the other orphans weren't too happy hearing their parents' voices. And thus she became self-reliant and independent, unwillingly street smart (and hating every minute of it).

Unfortunately, such a reputation preceded her; Oliver never managed to find an adoptive family that didn't immediately throw her out for being a freak, a trouble-making abomination. Little she could do about it, though. Wasn't like it was her fault. 'Weird shit happened when I'm around'. Eventually, the future of a runaway vagrant seemed so much more brighter than anything else; and so she became one some time when she overheard talk of handing the creep over to the government. And it wasn't so entirely bad in the while, really. She had a knack, as street rats whispered, of knowing who wanted to off (or other unpleasant intents) her early. She always scrambled before they could, but it wasn't before she was cornered that her ability fully kicked in, all cliche-like.

It was a typical early night when an eighteen year old Oliver scramble home, an abandoned apartment complex on the outskirts of town. It was a space that housed several fellow kid vagrants who all had the potential to be mutants, not that any of them were aware of that little detail, herded together by a middle-aged group who simply wanted them safe. They weren't particularly tight-knit, and more often than not one or two vanished overnight. Possibly taken, or maybe just left out of boredom. Anyway, Oliver would have too, sandwiched between a brick wall and several armed bumblefucks, had it not been for holy mother of hell--

'What the actual flying fuck!'

She was still crawling away when she saw what seemed like a ghost rendition, hazy silhouette of herself appear where she had just stood. A mirage that was solidifying, molding by the second. And you know what the strange thing was? Those fuckers didn't even seem to notice the difference, rather they acted as if the real Oliver was nowhere to be seen; until doubliver started acting way too spineless and they were obviously getting more pumped.

And that was when she got the hell out of that hole...

Evidently that epiphany inspired the desire to experiment; first with the handful she knew, then with strangers. It wasn't too out of place for a while, word had come 'round of other super-powered kids acting out of the norm, and some fellow warehouse mates did end up being special snowflakes after all. But perhaps they weren't being inconspicuous enough, as eventually stragglers, then overblown vigilantes/rebels, and then the government dogs and super-powered gangs. They were all exploiters, in a way. People trying to amass power to bring down their polar. Oliver had never really opened her ears to anyone's advice. Which was why she left early, along with some other cowards (as they put it anyway), and freeloaded down to elsewhere safe. Not that anyone was really trying to find her anyway, there were more flashy people around to catch than a little illusionist-- that didn't even have enough control or power to hurt anyone willingly anyway. Didn't stop the government from putting a lovely little mark behind her name (as if that inspires any confidence).

By that time, Oliver wasn't really trying to get anywhere. Places rolled around and people came and went, she was content with laying low and being nomadic. Occasionally someone stuck around, but they always ended up lost or disinterested in staying. She, herself, just got around with her skills and toured from city to city. Every once in a while she took a favour and did some shady distraction-work for a larger operation. Nothing too fancy, just sometimes. But mostly she was alone.

It was only a couple weeks back that she caught on some chatter about some mutants acting up against the government, some kind of badass anarchistic collective or whatever. And if anything, Oliver has gotten kinda bored of being alone. Maybe. I guess. Who knows. There's nothing to do with little to live for, and perhaps all those blindly optimistic short-handed acquaintances of hers had... something. It can't hurt to pay a visit and give it a little check, would it?

Art credit to - dCTb@DA

β€œWhat. You expected me to be all love and share-y now that we're "friends"? Seriously, 'ef off.”

|| Miscellaneous ||
  • Suffers from a mild form of social anxiety
  • Carries around a switchblade just in case
  • Has perfected the art of sarcasm and cynicism
  • Takes preemptive measures all the fucking time
  • Has a tendency to deal with both mutant and human groups, although sways more in sympathy and favour for her fellow freaks (don't tell her though)

|| Hex Colour ||
#B7410E ~ Rust-brown

|| Face Claim ||
Hana Suzuki by dCTb

|| Portrayed By ||

So begins...

Oliver Laece's Story