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Lee "Babble" Monseft

"Silence is golden."

0 · 866 views · located in Paranoia Prison

a character in “Paranoia Prison”, as played by Zalgo



Full Name: Lee || Monseft

Quote: "Silence is golden"

Nicknames: Babble, The Ghost of Redrum Asylum, Crazy Sound Guy

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Human


- Whenever he talks his mouth never moves

- When he talks to someone he speaks using their voice instead of his own by default


Sexuality: Straight

Eye Color: Greyish blue

Hair color: Black

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 142

Skin Tone: Pale like bone

Distinct Markings: Nothing too obvious, just some scars under his hair

Physical Description: The picture


- Silence, the golden sound

- Art, especially of the visual medium

- Dischord, the closest thing to true freedom anyone can have

- Peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches, the most quiet food to eat


- Loud Noises, irony at it's ripest

- Communication, everything that is wrong in life he attributes them to it

- Heirarchy, a monster born of communication which must be slain with the golden sound

- Radios, the very invention that drove him off the cliffs of sanity

- The sound of people vomiting, it's just awful


- Doing tasks using his feet in leu of his hands

- Dodging blows

- Thinking fast on his feet


- Practicing the use of his powers

- Trying to get into places he shouldn't be

- Sewing discord wherever he can


- He has had very little training in hand to hand combat

- Almost nobody in the prison likes him and he likes it better that way

- He's somewhat out of his mind

- The sounds radios make cause him significant pain


- His power's strength gets weaker the farther from himself it's used.

- Tuning forks interfere with his powers producing some odd results

- He is an outcast

- He has no hands


- People touching his arm stumps. He has sort of a phantom limb syndrome effect going on

- His food. Ever since someone drugged his food before his hands were taken from him he has been rather paranoid about what he eats

- Relationships. He doesn't like the idea of being emotionally dependant on anyone and shies away from being sucked into the network of social circles


- He is really adept at using his powers imaginatively and tries to think outside the box when it comes to problem solving

- His tolerance for pain is quite superb. All those years of listening to the radio had conditioned him to endure excruciating torture

- He is excellent at gathering information. His ability allows him to hear far more than any other inmate can.


Weapon: None. What would he use to wield a weapon? His hands?



Almost everything to do with sound. From the vibrations to the way the mind interprets these signals, he rules the sonic domain with the power of his mind. Many fringe doctors who worked on his case believe it to be the result of psychic phenomenon. He controls sound not with his vocal cords but with his sheer willpower.

He can produce a dizzying number of effects using his sonic manipulation. These effects are limited in a way very similar to how sound itself is limited. Like sound, his sonic effects grow weaker the farther away from him it goes. Like sound his powers are more powerful when traveling through thicker mediums than air such as liquids or solids. Using these principles Lee can not only produce sonic effects externally but internally as well. He used to be able to use sound to make his hand vibrate so fast that the edge of his hand could cut flesh and bone. His hands are gone now but he has learned how to use that particular technique in different fashions such as "Shuffling."

Shuffling is a technique he uses by using sound to vibrate his legs and then take a rapid series of short steps which allow him to move with extreme speed and precision. The speeds he can achieve when shuffling be up around sixty MPH at full speed and acceleration.

At maximum vibration he can go from shuffling to hovering. When hovering he no longer needs to be touching the floor to move in the horizontal plane. He can prevent himself from falling any distance while hovering but he cannot make himself ascend any distance higher than he already is. Additionally unlike shuffling he has far less control of his speed and direction when hovering, like as if he were moving on ice.

Fighting Style: He's not trained in any fighting style



He's nuts.

To say he is strange would be an understatement. When he talks he doesn't always stay on topic, often going into outright babble. He hears everything that is going on around him when he wants to so it makes him a little distracted when he does. He has a fascination with the way words sound like they do. He puts little value in cooperation, only doing so if he must. He respects everyone the same, no matter their rank, even when it gets him in trouble. Whenever a gang member attempts to make him show respect by showing his rank Lee laughs. When a sonic manipulator like him laughs sometimes things get quite interesting.

Above all else he loves the golden noise. When he can he just likes to sit in absolute silence, no sounds around. This is only possible for him by producing the golden sound, a sound which is so quiet it drowns out all other noises until all that's left is silence. One day he hopes that he can strengthen his powers to an extent where he can broadcast the golden noise across the entire world, drowning out all sound and putting an end to communication forever. He believes once people lose the crutch that is talking society can begin to be more honest with itself, expressing ideas and emotions through actions instead of words. Until then he simply practices honing his powers, welcoming any opportunity to test his abilities and improve. If someone wants to get on his good side then they better be quiet. After all, silence is golden.

Romantic Interest: None


From the day he was born, no one liked him. Not even his own mother could stand him. Nothing he could say would change a thing. His parents, his peers, his teachers and anyone else who listened to him speak all immediately disliked him without fair judgement. He never knew why things were why they were. How could people hate him if they didn't even know him? The answer came in the form of a book to the back of the head. It wasn't even meant for him, it was just a careless toss by someone trying to pass a book to a friend and missing. Inside Lee's head something shook loose. A binding which kept him in check sprung open, unveiling the disgusting truth within. All the sounds in the school hit him like a train. Shoes on hallway floors, chalk on chalkboards, people talking, people laughing, all of these and more booming in his ears like gunshots. His parents had to come to the school and drag his prone form out of the school since he was too occupied with screaming and writhing in pain to walk. Many doctors and just as many unanswered questions later his parents sat, stumped as to what the heck was wrong with Lee. One doctor had recommended taking him to a psychiatrist to see if his problems were a neural imbalance.

His family brought him to Dr. Ritter and presented the case of Lee Monseft for him to solve. Many sessions followed and each one stumped the fine doctor. The doctors reputation for never having had a patient he couldn't diagnose was in real jeopardy. Day after day however Lee seemed to be getting better with each day. The truth was that he was getting better at controlling his powers. He was learning how to control the sounds so they didn't roar in his ears. The doctor knew that soon the parents and Lee would not have any problems soon and he would be off his case. Ritter's pride could not allow that to happen so he insisted to Lee's parents that the boy be kept at an asylum where they could treat him and keep him safe from others and himself until he was cured. No sane parents would of agreed to the doctors demands but these parents had spent all of Lee's childhood growing to hate him. With the thought that they would never have to hear his irritating voice again they agreed to let Lee become Dr. Ritter's problem from then to the day he's cured.

The doctor had Lee secluded to the Redrum Sanitarium where he could study him further. From the age of eight years old Lee spent every single day locked in a padded white room with his arms bound in a straight jacket. The facility housed the more psychotic crazy people, regularly people who were criminally insane. Ordinary procedures would of never had a child locked inside this place but Ritter knew a few back doors in the system he abused to get his pet project assigned there. The doctor's personal playground, Lee's personal hell.

It was a number of things that drove Lee out of his mind. The doctor brought Lee into his lab for "Sessions" where Ritter would experiment on him with different types of equipment to measure his reactions to various sounds. Many of these sessions did not end well for Lee. Sometimes during sessions he would pass out from the pain and be forced awake in order to continue the experiment. The doctor practiced many fringe methods of psychiatry, even some that were outlawed, all just to try and find the answer to the ultimate question: What's wrong with Lee?

Besides the doctor himself the rest of the hospital was not much better. Most of the inmates were for the most part harmless to him. Some of them however were dangerous and put in this place for a good reason. Then there was the guard. The guard for his sector only really took this job so he could bully people who couldn't hit back. The man took great delight in punishing patients for even the slightest infractions with excessive violence. Worse yet the guard would abuse the female patients in Lee's sector in a very different manner. But out of all the sins his guard could commit, what did Lee believe to be his worst?

His radio. Every single day the guard have his radio at a rather loud volume that was just quiet enough to not disturb the other employees. The noise from the radio was torture for Lee. He could hear the sounds a radio makes that no other human can hear. This sound caused him physical agony and his control over his own power was minimal so he couldn't modify it to protect himself. Often times he would try to reduce the sound and wind up only making it worse. At night the guard would leave the radio on as he resigned for the night, the cause for many a sleepless night for Lee.

This continued for eight years. Eight long years of endless sound torture and sleeping only when the night guard bothered to turn off the radio which was not often enough for Lee's sanity. On one hand the constant pain provided incentive to learn how to control his powers until he could command the sounds around him. On the other hand constant suffering and the doctors torture sessions combined with far too many sleepless nights did not make for a sane individual in any way, shape or form.

Dr. Ritter was not having much fun either though he was certainly having much more fun than Lee was having. Eight long years and very little success had frustrated Ritter to no end. This, his magnum opus, was delayed until it became a metaphorical albatross around his neck. Had he not bragged so much about how interesting this case was and how he was going to crack this nearly unsolvable puzzle he could of hidden the lack of success he had produced. Because of his hubris word about this case began to spread, hurting the doctors reputation far and wide. It had gotten so infamous that the doctor was starting to lose clients over it. It used to be that the doctor was booked for sessions well into the next year. Now he only really sees work once or twice a week. His pride weathered the pangs of failure almost constantly at this point. Lee was a reminder each day he saw him, the kid who should of sailed him into success, wealth, fame and an early retirement but brought him nothing but failure and spite. His new nickname for Lee was "Babbling idiot."

Lee on the other hand had managed to make his life livable and was now learning how to pull himself out of the deep black pit that was his existence in the asylum. For a sixteen year old who had forgotten what the sun looked like without bars in front of it he had managed his situation better than most. A recent trick he had learned was "The Song of Despair." In actuality he had learned how to create infra-sound, a type of sound just below the human hearing spectrum that produces anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear, chills down the spine, and feelings of pressure on the chest in all that hear it. He tested this song of his out on the guard watching over his sector. The song was a marvelous success as the guard quickly became anxious and unhappy. Suddenly, the job the guard thought was custom made for him became horrible. Weeks of non-stop infra-sound was starting to make the guard loopy until, at long last, he finally quit. His reasons were actually quite hilarious to Lee. The man who made every patient in this sector's lives a living hell now believed that the place was haunted. The guard was too scared to go back to the post he so loved.

It was the revelation of this power his sound had over people that made him realize just why nobody liked him all along. No one liked him because his voice was producing sounds that no one could hear but influenced them all the same. He had an irritating voice, one that made people hate him not because of who he is but simply because their brains were subtly picking up the noise and associating that feeling with their opinions of him. All this time poor little Lee had tried so hard to get along with people when it was actually impossible until now.

All he did was laugh. And Laugh. And Laugh.

His mind gone he laughed, the laughter traveling all throughout the asylum. Everyone from his fellow patients, patients in other wings of the asylum and all the staff and visitors could hear disembodied laughter which seemed to come from the walls themselves. The entire staff of Redrum Asylum evacuated the building in fear, leaving the patients to shiver in their cells in absolute terror. All the staff had left except one man: Dr. Ritter. He knew what was going on all along. Observing this breakthrough he stormed all the way to Lee's cell. The doctor dragged him all the way back to his lab, Lee laughing all the way there. Ritter strapped Lee onto a large metal table and plugged in an electric saw. He was going to figure out what was wrong with Lee once and for all, regardless of whether or not he would survive the operation. Lee continued to laugh. "This is the end for you, you babbling idiot! I will find out what's wrong with you if it's the last thing I do!"

The laughing stopped. "But doctor, the answer is simple."


"I am sound, doctor. I know who I am now. I am sound's avatar, it's will made flesh. I am here to do what must be done. I am... I am..."

Lee gazed directly into the doctor's cold stare.

"I am Babble."

At that instant the whole table shook violently. He transmitted his sound waves through the table, causing every component of the table to vibrate wildly. The screws holding the straps to the table came loose, allowing Babble to spring free. The doctor couldn't believe what he was seeing, the power he was witnessing. Before the doctor could react Babble lunged for the doctor, knocking him down onto the ground and on the ground he held him. The doctor swung at Babble's head with the live saw, buzzing with a dangerous vibe, but he caught the doctor's arm before he could hit him. Babble touched the side of the saws motor and transmitted his destructive sound through the machine. The whole thing shook wildly before the plug fell from the socket. The vicious whirring of the blade came to a dead silence. Dr. Ritter could only watch in dread as Babble looked deep into his eyes as though he was staring into his very mind and watching his fears play out before him. "Doctor, you should be proud. Your reputation remains unmarred. After all, you have solved..." Babble no longer moved his lips to speak as he spoke in the doctors own voice, albeit with a mocking tone. He held out his right index finger and middle finger. They began to vibrate until they were just a blur.

"... The unsolvable case."

The doctors screamed loud and clear but there was nobody left in the building to save him. No one came to help him when Babble inserted his fingers through his left eye and whisked his brain like a chef whisks an egg. Babble had just learned the art of singing to his limbs and decided to honor his fine doctor's achievement by letting him be the first to fall to it's melody. After that liberating resolution he went and hit the panic release button. With a buzz all the doors unlocked, the prisoners of this asylum set free. To ensure all the patients made their ways out instead of lingering and causing trouble he sang the song of despair to encourage them in their exodus. All the patients of Redrum Asylum were unleashed upon the neighboring towns for better or for worse.

For two more years Babble called the asylum his home. When the police came to investigate he hid from them by silencing his movements and lurking in the darkness. He used his phantasmal laughter and song to scare them all away. As the police fled the asylum he could hear them speaking of him using a different name: The Ghost of Redrum Asylum. He grinned when he heard them call him that, very much liking the idea of haunting the asylum he was kept for so many years. The asylum had food stores which were meant to feed an entire asylum so Babble never really ran out of food during his stay. Eventually the abandoned asylum became a tourist attraction for the nearby towns. People would come and take pictures of each other in front of the haunted asylum. Some people even dared to brave the halls of the asylum thinking the whole haunting a joke. Babble never did grow tired of scaring them away. His favorite times were when he was truly alone. The police had cut the power to the asylum so the entire building was almost pitch black all the time. Better yet, with no one around and no electronics running everything was completely and utterly silent. No more pain, no more suffering, only silence. In all his life Babble had never known such inner peace than when he was simply lying in the inky darkness of the labyrinthine halls of Redrum Asylum listening to nothing at all. His mind was finally clear of all the anger and sadness that he normally endured. During his isolation he practiced trying to recreate the sound of the hallways he meditated in. He tried and tried until he finally managed to grab hold of it.

The golden sound. A sound that was pure silence yet it would drown out all other sounds until only silence remained. It was like a sound suppressing sound. The only problem was that it was limited by range. His power had great range but the stronger an effect he wanted to produce the closer to himself he had to produce it. He could only project the golden sound so far and it made him sad to think that outside there are people who could not hear this beautiful noise. Despite that little detail however he was as happy as happy could be, with not a care in the world and all the freedom in the world to do whatever he liked. It was only the cruel mind of fate who would conjure up the idea of taking Babble from his sanctuary. They came for him, they grabbed him and no amount of fighting he did would stop them from pulling him away from his new home to take him to Pandora.

Having just turned eighteen his birthday present was imprisonment in yet another terrible place. This place was much different from the asylum however. People roamed freely forming tight knit packs and engaging in intricate interpersonal social dynamics. To Babble this place was less of a prison and more of a small town with guards to keep people in. Make no mistake, he hated it all the same. People were talking constantly, even during the night he could hear it from all over. People talking, socializing, babbling. This prison made him sick and he wanted no part of it but the guards wouldn't let him leave, no matter how harshly he asked.

Fellow prisoners were impressed with the attempts he did make though. His displays of power were something to behold. Around his second year in the prison It was the Omegas who first came to him, asking him to join their ranks. He rejected them but he wasn't rude about it. He kind of liked them shady types but he would have no part in the noise factory that was Paranoia Prison. Then the Beta's presented their invitation to him. He rejected their offer in a more curt manner since their recruiter was a bit of a talker and then proceeded to ignore them when they got a little insistent on him. After they tried and failed that left only the Alphas. Considering how valuable Babble's power made him, the ability to hear better than almost anyone else and bend sound to his will, the other groups kept offering membership to them while the Alphas bid their time. Every time a gang made a proposal to him he got less and less friendly with them all in general.

Then the Alphas made an offer. Their leader said very little, only that he could be useful. Most everyone who heard the idea didn't agree with it but followed out of respect and/or fear. So their messenger approached him and presented him an offer which has yet to be forgotten by almost anyone who has heard of it. They wanted to make Babble a bishop. It was rare for Alphas to accept members, even rarer did they make bishops and it was pretty much unheard of for anyone under the age of 27 to be made a bishop. What had happened there must of seemed like they were witnessing a miracle at the time. The idea behind the act was predicated on the assumption that nobody would ever refuse to be made a bishop at his age so he would serve the leader with unwavering gratitude to being offered such a rare blessing.

Of course the entire plan fell apart when he did something just as unheard of. He refused to be a bishop of the Alphas. An offer others would kill their closest friends to have and he refused it. Needless to say the messenger felt a little upset at seeing such generosity refuted like that. The guy called Babble every sort of name he could think of that was derogative and demanded that he "Learn his place." He just found the guys temper rather funny, chuckling a bit before making the guy puke on his own shoes. Before they could attack him he held out his arms and twirled merrily away, leaving behind a crowd of baffled bystanders and one embarrassed Alpha.

The next day retaliation ensued. As Babble was going to lunch at the cafeteria the other inmates had managed to drug the food he was going to be served. He took his meal and sat down at a table that was more or less unoccupied when he started to feel rather woozy and out of it. This was their moment to strike and strike they did. A gang member hit him across the back of the head even though he had felt the guy coming at him because of his sonar. He could not react in time to stop it due to the drugs they laced his food with. Just on the cusp of unconscious all he could do was try to keep his eyes from crossing at the Alphas gathered around him in mass. They weren't planning on killing him though it did cross their minds. A couple members held his arms out and one by one each member broke his hand in a different spot. His hands twisted and looking just all wrong by the end only the leader was left. The leader was the one who cut off his hands. After that everything went black.

He woke up some time later in a cell somewhere, his arms cauterized at the wrist. Apparently they cauterized the wounds after knocking him out first. He did ponder just why they bothered leaving him alive though if they went through all that trouble. Later he learned he was now something called an "Outcast." It basically meant he was not protected by the code anymore or by anyone for that matter. He was free game and not only that but he was made one by the Alphas. This meant if anyone killed him that would be their ticket into joining the gang. They let him live but they had metaphorically painted a big red target on his chest. Also there was some nonsense about not being able to join other gangs, being hated and blah blah blah.

Six years pass. His life had been quite the interesting thing in those years. He wasn't as constantly confronted as he had assumed he would be mostly because most people were by the idea of losing their hearing. He had racked up some more bodies in the time past. Hotshot newcomers who were not daunted by the prospect of losing their hearing and wanted to join the Alphas were each felled by his many sonic techniques, each quite formidable. He still hasn't learned to respect the upper ranks despite the impression they tried to leave on him but he does exercise greater caution now when going about his business. For example he had struck an understanding with the smuggler when it comes to goods in exchange for favors. The smuggler makes sure that Lee always gets his favorite food, peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich's, made by people who are confirmed as being trustworthy so no one can slip drugs into his food. In exchange Lee can converse with the smuggler without even having to be near him. This allows important information to trade hands between the smuggler and, with Lee acting as the conduit, everyone else. Important information such as requests for goods from other prisoners to the smuggler. Because of the symbiotic relationship he had with the smuggler most people simply let him be. He spends most of his days practicing his powers so that he may one day fill the world with the golden sound.


Father - Seth Monseft, Alive

Mother - Esther Monseft, Alive

Brother - Danse Monseft, Alive, Unknown to Lee

Theme song:

Committed crime:

Outside of the prison

- Murder

- Civil Disturbance

- Noise Complaint

Inside the prison

- Murder X6

Years of sentence: Life without parol.

Years already served: 8

Number of identification: 2-1-2-2-12-5 [B-A-B-B-L-E]

Gang: Outcast

Rank: None

So begins...

Lee "Babble" Monseft's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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Kureiji was now used to the sort of dreams she had by now. They usually depicted her dying in a bloody, gore-splattered mess. At the moment, she was being chopped up into little pieces with a butcher knife. Terribly cliche. Basically, every time she decided to go to sleep, which wasn't very often, she would dream about getting tortured or killed, and, to be honest, after a while it got dreadfully old. Sometimes she even awoke with random bruises or cuts. Shit, sometimes she couldn't even remember events that occurred the day before.

In the middle of her sleep, Kureiji's half insane, twisted mind abruptly went blank. She felt a presence and it was suddenly quiet and peaceful.. How odd. She then awoke with a start and, to her surprise, she found that Babble was just.. Staring at her. Kureiji gave him a slight quizzical, and confused look. How long had he been watching her? It was amusing yet slightly disturbing. She then became aware that her missing eye was exposed and swiftly covered it with her hair. Kure was quite self-conscious about it and did not want anyone to get a glimpse.

"So, umm, what are you doing here?" She asked quietly, in a slightly accusing tone, breaking the previously undisturbed silence. She glanced around and noticed that two bars on her cell were bent, leaving a small opening. Heh, how neat.

Groggily, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, her back against the cold wall and her knees pulled towards her. In the near complete darkness, she rubbed her indigo eye and examined Babble. He was clothed in gray striped pants and a shirt along with a hat that complemented the outfit. It suits him, and he looks rather nice..

She mentally let out an irritated sigh, deeply regretting that she found him exceptionally handsome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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#, as written by Zalgo
An interesting detail about the golden sound. Yes, it definitely is quite interesting. The way it basically eats all other sounds, turning all to silence. To Babble's ears the girls bothersome voice was not entirely suppressed but was but a barely audible whisper, so far away despite being literally in the cell just across from the one he was sitting in.

He sighed too, only on the outside as well as inside. Of course she couldn't hear it. All was golden, after all. All was silent. In but a passing moment the background noise slowly faded back into audible hearing.

No one can appreciate the silence. He grieved mentally for the death of commonality between himself and any living creature in this forsaken dungeon. He smirked a bit upon seeing the blueberry girl hastily try to hide her asymmetry. It was quite funny really. An echo like Babble doesn't just see people, he can see the way sound both bounces off of them and travels through them, allowing him to let sound paint a picture of anyone near him in all three dimensions. Now proximity was a minor quandary. The further away someone was the less detailed his sonar became. In Madame Bleu's current situation Babble could basically see all but inside her. If he could touch her he'd be able to know her better than she knows herself.

"Not like it's anything I haven't heard before." He remarked, still wearing a mildly bemused smirk. Despite the amusing quality of her inexperience Babble was rapidly finding himself bored of her and that was the real issue to address at the moment. As it was he briefly considered going back to sleep and waking up later to go break some curfews. Not that he didn't plan on doing that at some point anyways but he wasn't the type to wait for fun to come and get him at it's own leisurely pace.

Aha! Babble snapped his fingers. Heh... Get it? Snapped? Because his fingers were broken before the hands themselves were taken? Never mind. Needless to say he had concocted some weird scheme to amuse himself and possibly others too. Babble stood, falling a bit forward before finding his balance and managing to stand without tipping.

Why bother with words? Why bother communicating at all? I'll dance and let the rhythm dictate my meaning.

Babble started with the right foot, then the left. The sounds of the trapped souls bound within these concrete halls started to take a backseat to a strange new sound. This song Babble sang using lips that do not move echoed through the halls. The sound was in total discord and yet flowed with a sweet harmony. It was irreproducible and yet would stick in the memory like lint to a sock. It was a sound that would stand at the very edge of your tongue, ready to be sung yet would never come out right.

His dancing was rather awkward. At times his legs and body moved with a stutter, jerking about like a video that wasn't finished downloading. At other times he simply flowed around, letting himself move like water, ebbing with the tune. There was only one direct certainty to this whole performance: He was moving out of the cell and down the hall. Where was he going? Not even he knew. All that was known was that he simply let the music guide him, following the rhythm until he found himself somewhere, anywhere. Whether or not the blueberry girl followed him was irrelevant, an issue far from his mind now.