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Lee "Babble" Monseft

"Silence is golden."

0 · 861 views · located in Paranoia Prison

a character in “Paranoia Prison”, as played by Zalgo



Full Name: Lee || Monseft

Quote: "Silence is golden"

Nicknames: Babble, The Ghost of Redrum Asylum, Crazy Sound Guy

Gender: Male

Age: 26

Race: Human


- Whenever he talks his mouth never moves

- When he talks to someone he speaks using their voice instead of his own by default


Sexuality: Straight

Eye Color: Greyish blue

Hair color: Black

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 142

Skin Tone: Pale like bone

Distinct Markings: Nothing too obvious, just some scars under his hair

Physical Description: The picture


- Silence, the golden sound

- Art, especially of the visual medium

- Dischord, the closest thing to true freedom anyone can have

- Peanut butter & Jelly sandwiches, the most quiet food to eat


- Loud Noises, irony at it's ripest

- Communication, everything that is wrong in life he attributes them to it

- Heirarchy, a monster born of communication which must be slain with the golden sound

- Radios, the very invention that drove him off the cliffs of sanity

- The sound of people vomiting, it's just awful


- Doing tasks using his feet in leu of his hands

- Dodging blows

- Thinking fast on his feet


- Practicing the use of his powers

- Trying to get into places he shouldn't be

- Sewing discord wherever he can


- He has had very little training in hand to hand combat

- Almost nobody in the prison likes him and he likes it better that way

- He's somewhat out of his mind

- The sounds radios make cause him significant pain


- His power's strength gets weaker the farther from himself it's used.

- Tuning forks interfere with his powers producing some odd results

- He is an outcast

- He has no hands


- People touching his arm stumps. He has sort of a phantom limb syndrome effect going on

- His food. Ever since someone drugged his food before his hands were taken from him he has been rather paranoid about what he eats

- Relationships. He doesn't like the idea of being emotionally dependant on anyone and shies away from being sucked into the network of social circles


- He is really adept at using his powers imaginatively and tries to think outside the box when it comes to problem solving

- His tolerance for pain is quite superb. All those years of listening to the radio had conditioned him to endure excruciating torture

- He is excellent at gathering information. His ability allows him to hear far more than any other inmate can.


Weapon: None. What would he use to wield a weapon? His hands?



Almost everything to do with sound. From the vibrations to the way the mind interprets these signals, he rules the sonic domain with the power of his mind. Many fringe doctors who worked on his case believe it to be the result of psychic phenomenon. He controls sound not with his vocal cords but with his sheer willpower.

He can produce a dizzying number of effects using his sonic manipulation. These effects are limited in a way very similar to how sound itself is limited. Like sound, his sonic effects grow weaker the farther away from him it goes. Like sound his powers are more powerful when traveling through thicker mediums than air such as liquids or solids. Using these principles Lee can not only produce sonic effects externally but internally as well. He used to be able to use sound to make his hand vibrate so fast that the edge of his hand could cut flesh and bone. His hands are gone now but he has learned how to use that particular technique in different fashions such as "Shuffling."

Shuffling is a technique he uses by using sound to vibrate his legs and then take a rapid series of short steps which allow him to move with extreme speed and precision. The speeds he can achieve when shuffling be up around sixty MPH at full speed and acceleration.

At maximum vibration he can go from shuffling to hovering. When hovering he no longer needs to be touching the floor to move in the horizontal plane. He can prevent himself from falling any distance while hovering but he cannot make himself ascend any distance higher than he already is. Additionally unlike shuffling he has far less control of his speed and direction when hovering, like as if he were moving on ice.

Fighting Style: He's not trained in any fighting style



He's nuts.

To say he is strange would be an understatement. When he talks he doesn't always stay on topic, often going into outright babble. He hears everything that is going on around him when he wants to so it makes him a little distracted when he does. He has a fascination with the way words sound like they do. He puts little value in cooperation, only doing so if he must. He respects everyone the same, no matter their rank, even when it gets him in trouble. Whenever a gang member attempts to make him show respect by showing his rank Lee laughs. When a sonic manipulator like him laughs sometimes things get quite interesting.

Above all else he loves the golden noise. When he can he just likes to sit in absolute silence, no sounds around. This is only possible for him by producing the golden sound, a sound which is so quiet it drowns out all other noises until all that's left is silence. One day he hopes that he can strengthen his powers to an extent where he can broadcast the golden noise across the entire world, drowning out all sound and putting an end to communication forever. He believes once people lose the crutch that is talking society can begin to be more honest with itself, expressing ideas and emotions through actions instead of words. Until then he simply practices honing his powers, welcoming any opportunity to test his abilities and improve. If someone wants to get on his good side then they better be quiet. After all, silence is golden.

Romantic Interest: None


From the day he was born, no one liked him. Not even his own mother could stand him. Nothing he could say would change a thing. His parents, his peers, his teachers and anyone else who listened to him speak all immediately disliked him without fair judgement. He never knew why things were why they were. How could people hate him if they didn't even know him? The answer came in the form of a book to the back of the head. It wasn't even meant for him, it was just a careless toss by someone trying to pass a book to a friend and missing. Inside Lee's head something shook loose. A binding which kept him in check sprung open, unveiling the disgusting truth within. All the sounds in the school hit him like a train. Shoes on hallway floors, chalk on chalkboards, people talking, people laughing, all of these and more booming in his ears like gunshots. His parents had to come to the school and drag his prone form out of the school since he was too occupied with screaming and writhing in pain to walk. Many doctors and just as many unanswered questions later his parents sat, stumped as to what the heck was wrong with Lee. One doctor had recommended taking him to a psychiatrist to see if his problems were a neural imbalance.

His family brought him to Dr. Ritter and presented the case of Lee Monseft for him to solve. Many sessions followed and each one stumped the fine doctor. The doctors reputation for never having had a patient he couldn't diagnose was in real jeopardy. Day after day however Lee seemed to be getting better with each day. The truth was that he was getting better at controlling his powers. He was learning how to control the sounds so they didn't roar in his ears. The doctor knew that soon the parents and Lee would not have any problems soon and he would be off his case. Ritter's pride could not allow that to happen so he insisted to Lee's parents that the boy be kept at an asylum where they could treat him and keep him safe from others and himself until he was cured. No sane parents would of agreed to the doctors demands but these parents had spent all of Lee's childhood growing to hate him. With the thought that they would never have to hear his irritating voice again they agreed to let Lee become Dr. Ritter's problem from then to the day he's cured.

The doctor had Lee secluded to the Redrum Sanitarium where he could study him further. From the age of eight years old Lee spent every single day locked in a padded white room with his arms bound in a straight jacket. The facility housed the more psychotic crazy people, regularly people who were criminally insane. Ordinary procedures would of never had a child locked inside this place but Ritter knew a few back doors in the system he abused to get his pet project assigned there. The doctor's personal playground, Lee's personal hell.

It was a number of things that drove Lee out of his mind. The doctor brought Lee into his lab for "Sessions" where Ritter would experiment on him with different types of equipment to measure his reactions to various sounds. Many of these sessions did not end well for Lee. Sometimes during sessions he would pass out from the pain and be forced awake in order to continue the experiment. The doctor practiced many fringe methods of psychiatry, even some that were outlawed, all just to try and find the answer to the ultimate question: What's wrong with Lee?

Besides the doctor himself the rest of the hospital was not much better. Most of the inmates were for the most part harmless to him. Some of them however were dangerous and put in this place for a good reason. Then there was the guard. The guard for his sector only really took this job so he could bully people who couldn't hit back. The man took great delight in punishing patients for even the slightest infractions with excessive violence. Worse yet the guard would abuse the female patients in Lee's sector in a very different manner. But out of all the sins his guard could commit, what did Lee believe to be his worst?

His radio. Every single day the guard have his radio at a rather loud volume that was just quiet enough to not disturb the other employees. The noise from the radio was torture for Lee. He could hear the sounds a radio makes that no other human can hear. This sound caused him physical agony and his control over his own power was minimal so he couldn't modify it to protect himself. Often times he would try to reduce the sound and wind up only making it worse. At night the guard would leave the radio on as he resigned for the night, the cause for many a sleepless night for Lee.

This continued for eight years. Eight long years of endless sound torture and sleeping only when the night guard bothered to turn off the radio which was not often enough for Lee's sanity. On one hand the constant pain provided incentive to learn how to control his powers until he could command the sounds around him. On the other hand constant suffering and the doctors torture sessions combined with far too many sleepless nights did not make for a sane individual in any way, shape or form.

Dr. Ritter was not having much fun either though he was certainly having much more fun than Lee was having. Eight long years and very little success had frustrated Ritter to no end. This, his magnum opus, was delayed until it became a metaphorical albatross around his neck. Had he not bragged so much about how interesting this case was and how he was going to crack this nearly unsolvable puzzle he could of hidden the lack of success he had produced. Because of his hubris word about this case began to spread, hurting the doctors reputation far and wide. It had gotten so infamous that the doctor was starting to lose clients over it. It used to be that the doctor was booked for sessions well into the next year. Now he only really sees work once or twice a week. His pride weathered the pangs of failure almost constantly at this point. Lee was a reminder each day he saw him, the kid who should of sailed him into success, wealth, fame and an early retirement but brought him nothing but failure and spite. His new nickname for Lee was "Babbling idiot."

Lee on the other hand had managed to make his life livable and was now learning how to pull himself out of the deep black pit that was his existence in the asylum. For a sixteen year old who had forgotten what the sun looked like without bars in front of it he had managed his situation better than most. A recent trick he had learned was "The Song of Despair." In actuality he had learned how to create infra-sound, a type of sound just below the human hearing spectrum that produces anxiety, uneasiness, extreme sorrow, nervous feelings of revulsion or fear, chills down the spine, and feelings of pressure on the chest in all that hear it. He tested this song of his out on the guard watching over his sector. The song was a marvelous success as the guard quickly became anxious and unhappy. Suddenly, the job the guard thought was custom made for him became horrible. Weeks of non-stop infra-sound was starting to make the guard loopy until, at long last, he finally quit. His reasons were actually quite hilarious to Lee. The man who made every patient in this sector's lives a living hell now believed that the place was haunted. The guard was too scared to go back to the post he so loved.

It was the revelation of this power his sound had over people that made him realize just why nobody liked him all along. No one liked him because his voice was producing sounds that no one could hear but influenced them all the same. He had an irritating voice, one that made people hate him not because of who he is but simply because their brains were subtly picking up the noise and associating that feeling with their opinions of him. All this time poor little Lee had tried so hard to get along with people when it was actually impossible until now.

All he did was laugh. And Laugh. And Laugh.

His mind gone he laughed, the laughter traveling all throughout the asylum. Everyone from his fellow patients, patients in other wings of the asylum and all the staff and visitors could hear disembodied laughter which seemed to come from the walls themselves. The entire staff of Redrum Asylum evacuated the building in fear, leaving the patients to shiver in their cells in absolute terror. All the staff had left except one man: Dr. Ritter. He knew what was going on all along. Observing this breakthrough he stormed all the way to Lee's cell. The doctor dragged him all the way back to his lab, Lee laughing all the way there. Ritter strapped Lee onto a large metal table and plugged in an electric saw. He was going to figure out what was wrong with Lee once and for all, regardless of whether or not he would survive the operation. Lee continued to laugh. "This is the end for you, you babbling idiot! I will find out what's wrong with you if it's the last thing I do!"

The laughing stopped. "But doctor, the answer is simple."


"I am sound, doctor. I know who I am now. I am sound's avatar, it's will made flesh. I am here to do what must be done. I am... I am..."

Lee gazed directly into the doctor's cold stare.

"I am Babble."

At that instant the whole table shook violently. He transmitted his sound waves through the table, causing every component of the table to vibrate wildly. The screws holding the straps to the table came loose, allowing Babble to spring free. The doctor couldn't believe what he was seeing, the power he was witnessing. Before the doctor could react Babble lunged for the doctor, knocking him down onto the ground and on the ground he held him. The doctor swung at Babble's head with the live saw, buzzing with a dangerous vibe, but he caught the doctor's arm before he could hit him. Babble touched the side of the saws motor and transmitted his destructive sound through the machine. The whole thing shook wildly before the plug fell from the socket. The vicious whirring of the blade came to a dead silence. Dr. Ritter could only watch in dread as Babble looked deep into his eyes as though he was staring into his very mind and watching his fears play out before him. "Doctor, you should be proud. Your reputation remains unmarred. After all, you have solved..." Babble no longer moved his lips to speak as he spoke in the doctors own voice, albeit with a mocking tone. He held out his right index finger and middle finger. They began to vibrate until they were just a blur.

"... The unsolvable case."

The doctors screamed loud and clear but there was nobody left in the building to save him. No one came to help him when Babble inserted his fingers through his left eye and whisked his brain like a chef whisks an egg. Babble had just learned the art of singing to his limbs and decided to honor his fine doctor's achievement by letting him be the first to fall to it's melody. After that liberating resolution he went and hit the panic release button. With a buzz all the doors unlocked, the prisoners of this asylum set free. To ensure all the patients made their ways out instead of lingering and causing trouble he sang the song of despair to encourage them in their exodus. All the patients of Redrum Asylum were unleashed upon the neighboring towns for better or for worse.

For two more years Babble called the asylum his home. When the police came to investigate he hid from them by silencing his movements and lurking in the darkness. He used his phantasmal laughter and song to scare them all away. As the police fled the asylum he could hear them speaking of him using a different name: The Ghost of Redrum Asylum. He grinned when he heard them call him that, very much liking the idea of haunting the asylum he was kept for so many years. The asylum had food stores which were meant to feed an entire asylum so Babble never really ran out of food during his stay. Eventually the abandoned asylum became a tourist attraction for the nearby towns. People would come and take pictures of each other in front of the haunted asylum. Some people even dared to brave the halls of the asylum thinking the whole haunting a joke. Babble never did grow tired of scaring them away. His favorite times were when he was truly alone. The police had cut the power to the asylum so the entire building was almost pitch black all the time. Better yet, with no one around and no electronics running everything was completely and utterly silent. No more pain, no more suffering, only silence. In all his life Babble had never known such inner peace than when he was simply lying in the inky darkness of the labyrinthine halls of Redrum Asylum listening to nothing at all. His mind was finally clear of all the anger and sadness that he normally endured. During his isolation he practiced trying to recreate the sound of the hallways he meditated in. He tried and tried until he finally managed to grab hold of it.

The golden sound. A sound that was pure silence yet it would drown out all other sounds until only silence remained. It was like a sound suppressing sound. The only problem was that it was limited by range. His power had great range but the stronger an effect he wanted to produce the closer to himself he had to produce it. He could only project the golden sound so far and it made him sad to think that outside there are people who could not hear this beautiful noise. Despite that little detail however he was as happy as happy could be, with not a care in the world and all the freedom in the world to do whatever he liked. It was only the cruel mind of fate who would conjure up the idea of taking Babble from his sanctuary. They came for him, they grabbed him and no amount of fighting he did would stop them from pulling him away from his new home to take him to Pandora.

Having just turned eighteen his birthday present was imprisonment in yet another terrible place. This place was much different from the asylum however. People roamed freely forming tight knit packs and engaging in intricate interpersonal social dynamics. To Babble this place was less of a prison and more of a small town with guards to keep people in. Make no mistake, he hated it all the same. People were talking constantly, even during the night he could hear it from all over. People talking, socializing, babbling. This prison made him sick and he wanted no part of it but the guards wouldn't let him leave, no matter how harshly he asked.

Fellow prisoners were impressed with the attempts he did make though. His displays of power were something to behold. Around his second year in the prison It was the Omegas who first came to him, asking him to join their ranks. He rejected them but he wasn't rude about it. He kind of liked them shady types but he would have no part in the noise factory that was Paranoia Prison. Then the Beta's presented their invitation to him. He rejected their offer in a more curt manner since their recruiter was a bit of a talker and then proceeded to ignore them when they got a little insistent on him. After they tried and failed that left only the Alphas. Considering how valuable Babble's power made him, the ability to hear better than almost anyone else and bend sound to his will, the other groups kept offering membership to them while the Alphas bid their time. Every time a gang made a proposal to him he got less and less friendly with them all in general.

Then the Alphas made an offer. Their leader said very little, only that he could be useful. Most everyone who heard the idea didn't agree with it but followed out of respect and/or fear. So their messenger approached him and presented him an offer which has yet to be forgotten by almost anyone who has heard of it. They wanted to make Babble a bishop. It was rare for Alphas to accept members, even rarer did they make bishops and it was pretty much unheard of for anyone under the age of 27 to be made a bishop. What had happened there must of seemed like they were witnessing a miracle at the time. The idea behind the act was predicated on the assumption that nobody would ever refuse to be made a bishop at his age so he would serve the leader with unwavering gratitude to being offered such a rare blessing.

Of course the entire plan fell apart when he did something just as unheard of. He refused to be a bishop of the Alphas. An offer others would kill their closest friends to have and he refused it. Needless to say the messenger felt a little upset at seeing such generosity refuted like that. The guy called Babble every sort of name he could think of that was derogative and demanded that he "Learn his place." He just found the guys temper rather funny, chuckling a bit before making the guy puke on his own shoes. Before they could attack him he held out his arms and twirled merrily away, leaving behind a crowd of baffled bystanders and one embarrassed Alpha.

The next day retaliation ensued. As Babble was going to lunch at the cafeteria the other inmates had managed to drug the food he was going to be served. He took his meal and sat down at a table that was more or less unoccupied when he started to feel rather woozy and out of it. This was their moment to strike and strike they did. A gang member hit him across the back of the head even though he had felt the guy coming at him because of his sonar. He could not react in time to stop it due to the drugs they laced his food with. Just on the cusp of unconscious all he could do was try to keep his eyes from crossing at the Alphas gathered around him in mass. They weren't planning on killing him though it did cross their minds. A couple members held his arms out and one by one each member broke his hand in a different spot. His hands twisted and looking just all wrong by the end only the leader was left. The leader was the one who cut off his hands. After that everything went black.

He woke up some time later in a cell somewhere, his arms cauterized at the wrist. Apparently they cauterized the wounds after knocking him out first. He did ponder just why they bothered leaving him alive though if they went through all that trouble. Later he learned he was now something called an "Outcast." It basically meant he was not protected by the code anymore or by anyone for that matter. He was free game and not only that but he was made one by the Alphas. This meant if anyone killed him that would be their ticket into joining the gang. They let him live but they had metaphorically painted a big red target on his chest. Also there was some nonsense about not being able to join other gangs, being hated and blah blah blah.

Six years pass. His life had been quite the interesting thing in those years. He wasn't as constantly confronted as he had assumed he would be mostly because most people were by the idea of losing their hearing. He had racked up some more bodies in the time past. Hotshot newcomers who were not daunted by the prospect of losing their hearing and wanted to join the Alphas were each felled by his many sonic techniques, each quite formidable. He still hasn't learned to respect the upper ranks despite the impression they tried to leave on him but he does exercise greater caution now when going about his business. For example he had struck an understanding with the smuggler when it comes to goods in exchange for favors. The smuggler makes sure that Lee always gets his favorite food, peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich's, made by people who are confirmed as being trustworthy so no one can slip drugs into his food. In exchange Lee can converse with the smuggler without even having to be near him. This allows important information to trade hands between the smuggler and, with Lee acting as the conduit, everyone else. Important information such as requests for goods from other prisoners to the smuggler. Because of the symbiotic relationship he had with the smuggler most people simply let him be. He spends most of his days practicing his powers so that he may one day fill the world with the golden sound.


Father - Seth Monseft, Alive

Mother - Esther Monseft, Alive

Brother - Danse Monseft, Alive, Unknown to Lee

Theme song:

Committed crime:

Outside of the prison

- Murder

- Civil Disturbance

- Noise Complaint

Inside the prison

- Murder X6

Years of sentence: Life without parol.

Years already served: 8

Number of identification: 2-1-2-2-12-5 [B-A-B-B-L-E]

Gang: Outcast

Rank: None

So begins...

Lee "Babble" Monseft's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
The red curtains opened on the stage. A cute little puppet show was playing out in front of him. The backdrop setting was the lab back at Redrum Asylum. There was a miniature version of the metal table he was so accustomed to in the past. On the table, strapped down, was himself as a puppet. Next to his puppet self was the good doctor in the flesh- er, the felt. "Now Lee, I am going give you this small injection of formula X. Are you alright with that?" The doctor puppet asked, his voice identical to the doctor of his sordid history. "Uh, I'm not so sure of this doc. I mean, I don't like needles all too much and I have this terrible headache and I missed breakfast and ect ect..." His puppet self spoke in his true voice, going on and on with the list of reasons why he shouldn't go through with this test.

The doctor puppet pulled out this comically large syringe, larger than the Lee puppet itself with a piece of tape across the side facing the audience with the words "Formula X" written on it. "I'm glad you're so excited to go through with this. Just count to three, nice and slowly." The doctor ignored Lee's protests, raising the over-sized needle over his soft puppet skull. "Uh, okay doc. One... Two... Thre-Aaaaah!" His puppet screamed as the needle pierced his skull and drove into his silly looking puppet head. The doctor pushed the injector down, absurd amounts of bright green liquid filling up poor little Lee's head. The liquid filled his head so much that it began to inflate like a balloon, growing larger and larger until POP! His head exploded, green goo splattered everywhere. The doctor puppet set down the large needle and moved over to the now headless Lee puppet, looking into the neck stump. "Feeling alright?" The doctor asked the stump that used to support a head. "Yeah doc! I'm feeling much better now!" His voice called out back to the doctor from the stump. The audience all laughed at the punchline, the lights dimmed and the curtains came to a close.

He awoke from his dream, his body shooting straight up. His forehead was drenched in a cold sweat.

Nightmares... It was just a nightmare. I never knew I had a puppet phobia. Do I have a puppet phobia? Lee's thoughts came to a pause as though he was expecting something else to answer back. I guess I'm gonna have to ask myself that later.

Babble was sleeping on the cold stone floor right smack dab in the middle of the cell. There were no other cell mates sharing this cell with him. After all, who would want to share cells with a crazy sound manipulator who likes to screw around with the surrounding noises? No one that likes getting a good nights rest that's for sure. Elsewhere there was probably three other cells with an extra guy to them. He yawned, stretching his arms out as he got up from the floor. As soon as the noise started to bother him, which was close to immediately, He sang the golden song once more. His cell and a little bit of the surrounding area were now completely silent regardless of how loud it was before. He had a large grin plastered on his face now. All this silence was good, it was calming. He stretched out a bit, working out the kinks in his neck, arms and back. He used to flex his fingers out too but now all there was left were two stumps he could do little but stare at. It felt so weird to be missing something he was so used to having. It was like he could almost see his hands back on their wrists like they used to be. His stumps felt very weird because of this. The irony of it all was that this was a problem that a psychologist could actually help him with. Too bad.

Shuffle shuffle shuffle. In a blur his body rocketed from his cell towards the cafeteria. He was quite famished and he knew that his favorite food was waiting there for him. Peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich's had an allure that not even the sirens song could beat. Smooth, creamy peanut butter and sweet delicious grape flavored jelly smooshed between two soft, delectable white slices of bread, each with the crust cut off. It was the only food he could never get sick of no matter how many times he ate them and he ate them a lot. Three times a day every day for six years kind of a lot.

Lucky for him he had slept in so most of the line had been served already by the time he zoomed in and lined up. As he came up to the counter a big meaty hand extended to him a metal tray, resting atop that tray his prize awaited. His peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the golden flavor. No words were traded between him and anyone else in this exchange. No words could be traded between him and anyone else in this exchange. The golden noise never went down, even when he was given the sandwich. With a friendly nod to the kitchen staff he was off like a sound wave, gone to eat his sandwich in safety. He stood by the doors connecting the prison to the cafeteria room and looked back to the sea of tables and backs before him. He could not hear anything being said or done in this room but he could there was a lot of noise in here. It would push on his golden sound no doubt. He shook his head and turned to leave this place and find somewhere better to eat.

He returned to the cell he was in last. At least with four walls he only needed to focus on enforcing the golden noise in one direction. Looking down at his tray his eyes danced across the tantalizing sight of it. This sandwich pleasured almost all of his senses at once. It looked so tempting, it smelled so nice, it felt so yielding, it tasted like purest love and best of all? It was completely and utterly silent. As his teeth pierced the soft dough of his sandwich his heart was set aflutter. This place was no Redrum Asylum but the right friends made this place almost worth living in. Almost.

And so Babble happily munched away on his peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich in absolute silence within a relatively out of the way location. Most of the prisoners were in the cafeteria so he could look forward to not being bothered by anyone. If he was lucky.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Swallowing the last bite of his sandwich he leaned back against a wall in his cell. He was now in his happy place. In his warm cuddly silence he began to think about the various quandaries he'd reflected upon in the past.

That was a good sandwich. Which reminds me, I gotta give my information to the smuggler at some point. A small price to pay for having food that I know will never weaken me. That last time they got me was a violation of my comfort most unforgivable. The doctor was allowed to give me drugs because he was trying to cure me. These people only wanted my hands. Come to think of it most of these guys and gals aren't even human guys and gals. They're Dog-cats and
angel-demon-santa clauses made of dragons and silliness. I think only me, the smuggler and that one girl who doesn't talk a lot are the only ones. It's like this place is a prison for mythical monsters. Well, mythical monsters and myself of course. Then again I was the Ghost of Redrum Asylum so perhaps they've mistaken me for one of them? Wouldn't be surprised. Aaaanyways I'd better get that whole talking business done with so I don't have to bother with it later.

He pushed himself up the wall he was sitting against with his feet. He closed his eyes and allowed the silence to subside. The crowd of voices from all over flooded in, filling his ears with voices from all over the prison. Without a real purpose he really couldn't make heads or tails out of what he hears normally. The voices just sort of blur together into a general background noise for him. This was not the case as he was concentrating on a location in particular. The location of the smuggler to be precise. He could feel the sounds bouncing around in there, off every surface in the vicinity including the intruder.
"You home you price of crap?" He recognized the voice of Kenji the purple dinosaur. It seems Kenji was looking for his friend and not being all too tactful about it. Thinking about it Babble figured if he were to try and talk to the smuggler now then he'd be too distracted with Barney to hear him correctly.

Shuffle shuffle.

In what seemed like no time at all Babble had zoomed through the length of the prison. Many liked to pride themselves on their speed, the Alpha's leader included, but Babble knew he could count the number of people faster than him on his fingers.

He was absolutely silent in his approach. Not even the fibers in his clothes made that rubbing sound those with the keenest of hearing could usually hear. Like a ghost he drifted just out of arms reach behind Kenji. All he did was stand and wait for Mr. Scaly to notice he was there first. Babble didn't feel the need to talk since Kenji was making enough sound for the both of them. He'd notice he was there sooner or later.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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0.00 INK


Ulyssess would be in a wheel chair, one guard would be wheeling him and another two watching him. He'd stop at the check in desk for prisoners, a nurse would be waiting for them and the main area would be seen through three sets of bars and high security. Ulyssess would be restrained in the wheel chair, his head hanging forward, his silvery long hair, silken by sight and touch covering his eyes but his mouth that had a permanent grin and it only widened as his eyed fluttered and batted.

However as he started to wake, slowly rising his head with a deep laughter one of the guard's wrapped his leather gloved hand on Ulyssess's neck and his laughter became a growl and he started to struggle in the wheel chair only making the guard tighten his grip around his neck, making his breathing wheezy. The nurse had uneasy expression on her face as the guard did this..

''Ben, grab him, the new inmate is awake..'' The officer with his hand on Ulyssess's neck rather calmly as he knew Ulyssess as he was a officer from the prison he was being transferred from and the guards both reacted as Ulyssess's started to growl further and start kicking the air and scream as his anger raised. So Ben and the other officer walked to each side of Ulyssess. One tried to stop him kicking around the place only to be kicked in the nose, breaking it and Ulyssess laughed at then only to anger the other officer and he grabbed Ulyssess from the hair and forced his head to the side, exposing his neck and Ulyssess just looked up at the officer, his eyes watered from the pain but a frown on his face none the less.

The officer with his hand tightly on Ulyssess's neck beckoned the nurse near and she readied a sedative to calm him, a high dose due to his resistance to such things and as she was about to plunge it into his neck he looked at the other officer pulling his hair to he was forced to tilt his head to him. ''Fuck you. Just fuck you.'' He would groan out only to feel the sharp pain of the syringe going into his neck, he'd wince from the pain and sudden chill to his body as the sedative started to kick in. A single tear fell at this point and the nurse stepped back and the officers removed their hands from Ulyssess as his head drooped again.

The officer that had been kicked in the face held his nose with a frown. ''He broke my fucking nose!'' He'd wheeze out in a growl as he huffed out anger, the officer in charge of wheeling Ulyssess around until he is put into the prison flicked his head slightly as sign to get medical attention then he finally turned back at the desk. ''Ulyssess is being transferred here ma'am. Here is his papers.'' He'd say as he passed her the file on Ulyssess.

She would nod then look at the drugged Ulyssess before filing away the papers and smiling again and pushing a button to wheel him in. The officer nodded to with a short smile and he did just that, entering the first gate then the next then the final with a man waiting at a window. ''Was he strip searched before coming here?'' The officer wheeling Ulysses nodded and the man in the window opened the final gate, two guards on the other end waiting for the new arrival and the officer passed him over and walked back out...

The officer would continue to walk away and stop to look back as the guards roughly took the restrains from Ulyssess, picked him up and sat him or rather shoved him on a two seater and restrained him once more by his wrists behind his back before lying him down more gently on the two seater as he was not moving on his own accord for some time so by law they had to watch for any signs of his health deteriorating so they grabbed a cushion and slide it under his head then when back to their posts only to say.

''Poor sucker....can't even walk around normally like the others, guess he is 'that' dangerous.''

The officer would sigh to himself then leave the prison and Ulyssess would just lay, cuffed on a two seater with a empty stare on his eyes, his silver hair over his face slightly...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa
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0.00 INK

Kenji The Crimson Dragon

Kenji searched the empty sell for things of use, "Damn no one home." Kenji frowned he had a bad feeling about this it was quiet in here to quiet. If The human had anything it was well hidden, "it is strange I don't see or hear anything but I define toy smell a human in this room, hear that? I know your here so come on out, I need your help!" The only response he got was his echo off of the concrete walls. He decided to leave and come back later, he turned around about to leave when he came face to face with an odd human. "Your not Saint Max, are you? Well whoever you are speak up already!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Babble saw what Kenji saw as he went in to investigate the apparently empty cell.

What a shame He thought. I wonder where he could of scampered to?

Of course such matters would have to rest until another time. Wyrm tongue started to piece together the puzzle that was his presence. The moment Kenji started talking after he was aware of someone else in the room so did Babble. He formed a creepy synchronization with Kenji's words, a sound mirror in simple terms. This was one of the few times he would bother to move his lips, only he wasn't actually talking so much as lip synching to what Kenji was saying as he was saying it. Word for word in the exact same voice as his at the exact same time as he was saying it.

As soon as the dragon was finished being disgustingly loud Babble only smiled. Babble only talked to people he didn't like and Kenji was certainly putting some effort into becoming one of those people. Now that he thought back on it he remembered that guy as one of the noisy people from the gym. It was him and Korogu he recalled.

"Whoever I am? Perhaps you should ask yourself that question. I'll answer it for you. You are Kenji. I am Kenji. I am Korogu Lothash. I am Babble. My name is Babble. You were here when I got put here. You were different. Noisier. Of course they can't burn away a personality." Babble no longer was moving his mouth to speak.

He recalled the early days, back when he still had hands. The other gangs had been vying for his allegiance, likely for his ability to gather information like he does. Having command over someone who can hear most everything around himself is a boon and a half to anyone smart enough to use it right. In a way Kenji reminded him of himself in those days. Bold, cocky and had a stride no one could break. They had both fallen victim to the Alpha's "Code" which had made both of them more wary than before. They both sported wounds which were the source of each others paranoia. He could remember the day Kenji got burned, the cries of agony as his own sister cast him down. Why then shouldn't I get along? Babble contemplated for a moment. Well, two reasons:

Number one: He's noisy

Number two: It's too late for him. He cares what the gangs thought of him. He wanted to rise to the top which is why he got burned to begin with. He believes there are gangs to begin with and that the leader is somehow more important than others. He wanted to rise up an imaginary structure to become an imaginary king amongst people he would pretend are his serfs. The gang gave him a very real mark and a very unreal mark. The idea of outcasts, people some how unworthy of the imaginary structures comforts and scorned by others who like to play along. And people say I'm the one who's crazy.

Babble looked down at his feet in a somber moment then back up at Kenji again, this time his face a little more serious. He lifted up his arms, the sleeves hanging off the ends when his hands would be poking out before they were taken. "Yuiama, Right hand, Index knuckle." He gave Draco his idea of how close in his heart he held his sister at. Close indeed but front row seats were reserved for Diana, the devil brat, himself. He could ask his brother to bring him popcorn for the main event too. Even from over where he was now Babble was listening in on them. Some of the stuff they say is just too delicious for him to just tune out. He generally listens to each of the gang leaders when he can. Almost all the time for the Hell twins and whenever he gets the chance with the leader of the Omega gang, which is almost never. He/she/it was just too careful for him to just listen in on which bugged him somewhat.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK

Arian's violet eyes followed the events unfold as she nonchalantly ate her food. If you could even call it that. Prison food wasn't exactly the best, she definitely wouldn't miss it when she left.

Alphas started to surround the table as the scene caught the attention of others. Someone's elbow hit her jaw, and she reponded with a hard jab to their abdomen, sending them crumpling to the ground. The girl had comitted an unexusable crime, and certainly it would have called for a punishment under normal circumstances. Alphas clamored for her to be punished, shouting and screaming hoping to get Diana moving on the reprucussions.

Arian almost smiled. Almost. It was quite amusing that the gang members thought what they said mattered to Diana. He didn't give a shit about what anyone thought, he did what he wanted to. He had taken a long enough pause, and she waited for his reaction. She was, however, taken by surprise when Diana decided to leave her alone. Instead, he just asked to see that ratty animal made of shadows. Had he gone soft? No, that wasn't it. Diana was never predictable, that much she had learned from her years with him.

A messenger hurried in with an urgent message for Diana, and Arian listened on with piqued curiosity. Despite the hushed tones he was speaking in, she was still able to hear the messenger's words. Diana excused himself, to which she gave a slight nod. The beta leader squeezed the information out of the messenger and ran after him. "New recruit?" She thought, pondering the conversation she had overheard. "This should be interesting..." She thought coldly. The prison didn't really get new inmates that often, and here there was already one, and another just arrived. She decided she should get "acquainted" with the newcomer, but not now. She pushed her tray away after she had finished, letting someone else throw it out.

For now, she would train, or maybe just wander in the more emptier reaches of the prison. Getting up, she tucked her long, dark hair behind her ear and left the cafeteria. She decided to walk instead of using her shadows to quickly reach the training room. As she passed by a hallway of cells, she noticed a loud voice emanating from one of them. The door was slightly ajar, so she quietly stood at the doorway, not waiting for them to notice her. "Hm, I guess the party is right here," she said with a cold smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa
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0.00 INK

Kenji The Crimson Dragon

Kenji studied the human before him his eyes went golden and his pupils became two narrow slits. He saw his lips move but was as if Kenji himself was speaking. This guy gave him the creeps, he called himself Kenji, Koro, and Babble. Kenji was surprised when he heard her name being spoken. "I don't know what you plan to do with me but keep her out of this." Usually he would of yelled it but for some odd reason he had an urge to whisper it, infact it was more half a whisper. Babble held up his stump of a left hand, saying his sister's name and reporing that she had a 'hand' in his maming. "I see you have met my sweet sister." He whispered this hardly louder. But he smiled a devious smile and gave a wink of his glowing eyes. "I listened in on our little practice session then you know I have a beef with her as well, I'll spare your ears and cut to the chase, are you in?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
He thought it was just the most precious little thing. How amusing, He actually feels for the unfeeling corpse Babble mused amidst his thoughts. "Leave her out of this?... Oh! You mean the conversation? Don't be silly, she couldn't hear us all the way over where she is." It was actually a bit hard for Babble to keep tabs on her position. His sonar imaging only goes so far and he can only really tell her apart at the range she is at now by her voice. Being a person of few words makes her difficult at times.

Kenji wasted a bit more of his time with wasteful words before getting to the point. He was starting to catch on but a noisy person was still a noisy person, that aspect of his personality never disappeared. Babble knew by in he meant a part of his plan to get revenge on his sister. Normally a feud such as this would be a waste of good vibrations but if there was one thing he liked to do most it was sewing chaos and disorder. Kenji was a creature of structure and hierarchy but he was also one bent on revenge. He fully intended to give Kenji the opportunity, but it was not all he'd get.

"Dooo I waaant in? That depends." By this moment he was fully aware of Arian's presence. She was about as obvious to him as the walls around them as she approached the door, quipping her little quips. "Revenge and Ascent are more exclusive of each other than you would assume. Tell you what," He paused in the middle of his sentence. He began walking normally towards the door where Arian was standing an active listener to their supposedly private conversation.
"Discuss your differences of opinions with this kind eavesdropping Alpha and I'll consider your radical rambunctious ideas more randibillously." Babble was no longer just speaking in Kenji's voice, he was speaking in Arian's voice at the same time. Both their voices played alongside each other, synchronized perfectly so that their voices overlapped as he spoke. It was a little thing he liked to do when he had more than just one audience.

"Trust you, that is to say me, when I say Korogu will not be the only corpse when all is said and done." He added, their voices slanting his words with a sinister tone as he was exiting the room. Just as Babble passed Arian he gave her a friendly wink and a wry smirk. "Snitches get stitches." His voice was only Arian's now. His last words in her voice were audible to Arian alone, the sound simply disappearing before it could leave her ears so no one else could hear what was said.

Shuffle shuffle.

Babble jetted down the hall and away, his body making a cartoonish gunshot sound like in those Road Runner & Wily Coyote cartoons when the Road Runner zips away. He left the drag king to decide little miss peeks-a-lot's fate while he went and worked on more useful leads. Kenji was a fun little project but real chaos was the stake he had in this large chess game he was playing with the warden. Kings, bishops, knights, pawns, it was all obvious to him what game the warden was playing. He harkened back to his memories of the doctor who did have somewhat of a fondness for chess. A man who prided himself on his psychology simply could never resist the chance to pit his abilities in psychological warfare against an opponent on the strategic battlefield. Of course, a man with a pride to wound mostly found his opponents among the patients back in the asylum seeing as how he knew their foibles and how to exploit them. If there was one thing Dr. Ritter liked more than his reputation it was winning. To that man, everything was a game... Including Babble's sanity.

Back on topic he arrived at an interesting scene. Several humans gathered into what seemed to be a large dueling circle. Winter, the wolf who cried freedom, had battled for a liquid prize most blue. He had heard the ring master's speech on the topic of the blue potion even from where he was back inside the main prison structure. Babble himself couldn't care less for poisons but he was most interested in Winter's success. Poison a girl and you get a rather ill girl. Give a poison bottle to a girl and she becomes a living poison grenade who puts herself and everyone around her at mortal risk should he will it at any point. Oh yes, he was interested indeed.

Amongst the audience of this fight he did detect the tell tale absence of life affixed to a human form which limited the number of applicants quite a lot.

Out of the undead fellows roaming this prison there are Korogu and Frank. The form to this figure is female so unless Frank's picked up some interesting new parts I'd place my money on Korogu. Goody! I've use for a quiet one.

He leaned against a wall far off from the gathered crowd and watched the scene unfold. He'd speak to the breathless somebody when it would be the most amusing. For now he simply watched Winter trade goofy googly eyed stares with Stiffy Mckillagain. The only human with all the words bid his time and spoke none.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK


Nyx's eyes popped open at the sound of loud voices and she got up off the soft grass, surprising her shadow friends as she left the room and went down the hall. She was kinda surprised to see a gathering of people.
"Alright who's next?" a gruff male voice asked and many males put their hands up.
"You!" the gruff voice growled and the crowd cleared a path for Nyx to see he was pointing at her. To double check she pointed her finger at herself and he nodded. Nyx gave him a confused look but shrugged in agreement. Beside's its not like he was even going to reach her before he fell down dead.
Growling he revealed a sword and charged but he didnt even make it half way to her before his body started to writhe before everyone's eyes and he fell down dead. Her headache grew a little bit worse but she was still fine. All the human males looked at the man in shock before lifting their heads to her, fear in their eyes. Nyx sighed sadly. She didnt want people to be scared of her but he didn't challenge her. It was his fault he was dead. His soul drifted from his body to her's and she sighed quietly in relief when some of the pain went away.
"Snack" her bell like voice chimed as her shadow tiger and wolf rushed forward and attacked the dead body, the crunching of bones and ripping of flesh filled the room as death grew thick in the air. She really should have warned that guy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK

Kenji The Crimson Dragon

Kenji was startled as babble told him to deal with an Alpha spy, he used the voices of himself and the shadow, Arian.
He knew well enough about what he wanted him to do as the near silent handless human dashed like the flash would. "Strange guy isn't he, but we do have something in common we hate spies." Kenji scowled at the Demon-Dark Angel hybrid, from what he had heard she could manipulate shadow and time. "From what I hear this wont be an easy fight, but then again you are an alpha." Good thing for him this was an enclosed and dark environment, she would have unlimited shadow to control but Kenji had trained in caves half of his life how to use your senses like hearing and smell to replace your eyes. "Should I start this little duel then?" He used the same technique that he used against Koro, he spat smoke making it hard to see or breath. In the confusion he was able to slip behind Arian but did not make any attempt to attack. Instead he shut the heavy IRON door shut. Once the smoke cleared he was where she was the room was dark slightly damp but his flames would eat away the moisture of the air soon enough.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK


After hours of nightmarish sleep in her dark cell, Kurieji stumbled out. God it was fucking bright out. She shielded her eye and moved her hand upwards towards the sky, causing shadows to rise up and engulf part of the sky in darkness temporarily. It wasn't completely dark, it was just like really dark stormclouds were covering the sun, only without an actual storm. Uncovering her remaining eye she looked at a shadow tiger and wolf eating a man's corpse. She grinned at the sight.
Digging into her hoodie pocket, she pulled out a cigarrette she rolled earlier from a box and a lighter, lighting it and placing the lighter back into her pocket. Placing the cigarette to her lips she inhaled then exhaled the smoke, relaxation running through her body, afterwards walking over to a corner. Kure sat down and pulled her knees towards her, enjoying the sensation of the marijuana she was smoking. She made a couple rings and watched as they drifted peacefully up, eventually evaporating. She exhaled, smoke pouring out of her mouth, and decided to practice her skills with the Shadows. She made henchman, played around with moving the Shadows, and breathed it, eventually stopping.
Glancing around she spotted Babble. As much as she despised the thought of liking someone, she found him intriguing.
Suddenly, she dropped her cig and clutched her stomach, nausea had just slapped her hard in the face. Standing up, still clutching her stomach, she walked away from the corner, not wanting vomit to linger around it.
Away from people, she stopped as she felt the contents of her stomach being forced up to her mouth. Dropping to her knees, the contents spilled out of her mouth, she was coughing and gagging as she tried to get the shit out.
When she was done, she went to go rinse her mouth out then returned with a bottle of vodka. She sat back down in the corner she was at before, feeling fucking awful. Leaning her head up against the wall, she took a big swig of the alcohol, then rested her head on her knees which she was hugging.
Kure sighed. This was life, for now..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Arian Osilon
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0.00 INK

Arian stood stoically at the doorway, listening to the conversation between the two young men. One of them seemed to be a human, and she knew he was an outcast. "What was this one's name? Ah, he goes by Babble. Quite suits him," she thought. Babble started mimicking her as well, synchronizing her voice with Kenji's. The result was slightly unnerving, though she never broke her expressionless look. At the mention of sorting something out with her, her eyes narrowed slightly. Looks like she was getting dragged into a duel. Great. Not that she minded, it was just that she hoped to spend some time in peace, observing people and maybe grabbing a book.

Arian's violet eyes trained on Babble as he brushed past her with a pleasant wink and a wry smile. She stiffened as he closed in next to her to say something. "Snitches get stitches," he mumbled softly to her in her voice, and for a moment it felt like she was talking to herself. He shuffled quickly down the hallway, and around the corner before he disappeared.

Arian hasn't even given the slightest movement as babble departed, instead, she turned her attention back to Kenji. . "Strange guy isn't he, but we do have something in common we hate spies. From what I hear this wont be an easy fight, but then again you are an alpha." As Kenji talked, she stayed silent, almost as if she wasn't even acknowledging his presence. "Should I start this little duel then?" Kenji spurt out some smoke, obviously using it to blind her. She held her breath. He suddenly appeared behind her, and instead of attacking, he chose to close the door instead.

Arian just stepped further into the cell, standing piously. "First off, I am not a spy, I was merely observing," She hummed, finally breaking her extended silence. "You are correct in calling this a little duel, for it will be just that for me -- little." She closed her eyes for a moment as her consciousness melded with the shadows around her. Like this, she could sense much more than just what her body could see or touch. "Do tell me one thing though," she said, her voice as cold as always. "Why are we even fighting?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Babble simply sighed, watching a new scene unfold before him. The newbie, a dragon as evident from her conversation with Yuiama, had gotten roped into the human fighting ring. She quickly disposed of the weird looking guy with a sword before sicking her pet on the dead body. This was the third time she had done something like that already.
She's an active girl He noted, watching Nyx's actions for lack of anything better to watch.

Girl just got here and they already offered her a position as bishop? They keep getting younger don't they. But of course she's a dragon so she's eleventy billion million years old or something. I can't help but pity her really. It's almost inevitable that someone's going to try and do something awful to her. She could be useful in the very near future. After all, we are all after the same thing. I just happen to know what I actually want.

Of course the sky got noticeably darker. A younger woman with adorable little broken handcuffs stepped out into the field and leaned up against the corner of the building. Babble never payed much mind to this particular arrival to the prison, knowing only that her name was Kureiji Satsujinsha and she had short stubby little vampire fangs, not the kind full vampires typically sported. He didn't much care about her but her hair was quite nice, it went rather well with skin. Her presence outside was only really notable due to the change in lighting. A change for the better.

As he was about to step forward and work his sound magic he heard something which sent cold shudders through his entire body. The girl was throwing up a small distance away, way too close than he wanted to be near that sound. It was like the equivalent of fingernails on chalk boards for him. A sound that simply disturbed him both physically and mentally from the sheer simple fact that it was an unpleasant sound. In that instant all sound in the area of the mini vamp stopped. He was creating a field of golden sound separate from himself that blanketed the nearby area that la blue girl currently resided in. With that done, the show was about to begin.

He stepped up to the crowd of fellow men and Nyx herself of course. All the men's worried talk and voices died down to a barely audible whisper in the background, leaving sound intact for only himself and the life drinker. Babble's approach was completely silent as though silence itself had stepped up to her. With a sweet, pleasant demeanor and a smile that could thaw icebergs with its friendly warm glow he spoke.

"Hello! My name is Nyx Luna Nightshade. Your name is Babble. There! Now we now each other." It was Nyx's own voice that was speaking out loud. The entire crowd was listening in, holding their breaths in anticipation during the brief pause.

"I want to ask you a question. Do I like killing? So far I've just come to this prison recently and I have already killed two people with my own power, draining their very life from their bodies and reducing them to cold husks of meat and bone. Do I enjoy the feeling of absorbing the very essence of life itself from those who need it, watching them crumple to the ground, crawling towards their stolen vitality like a man trapped for months in a desert reaching forever onwards towards a mirage of water, their only salvation so close yet infinitely out of their reach? Do I achieve satisfaction from unveiling the truth of these peoples own lives? That the culmination of their lives, their struggles, their efforts, their hopes, their dreams, their preconceptions of the world, their love both of their family and the women that have claimed their hearts affection, their possessions, their faith and beliefs and basically everything they had ever known was naught but a lie set in motion from the moment of their conception? That the greatest lie of all was that they had believed that they had the power to protect themselves and everything they held closest to their hearts? That all the promises they had made to those they truly cared for were simply misinformed falsehoods? And that in the end the only true hope they had ever possessed was in hopelessness itself?...

... Tell me. Do I like to kill?"

These words came not from Babble but from Nyx herself. They were not just in her own voice, the sound was coming directly from her mouth. Short of making Nyx's lips move to form words that entire dialogue by all appearances belonged to her instead of the actually speaker present.

Regardless of whether or not her question was manufactured the surrounding humans who started off afraid of her were now more terrified of her than ever. Even the people who could see that she was not moving her mouth at all to talk assumed the words to be her own. Her speech didn't surprise them much either. The only impression the humans had of her was of someone who could kill people without so much as lifting a finger. The view points she had expressed in question form were nothing less than sociopathy and they expected nothing less of her based on the displays of her power. The idea that someone with power over death itself questioning the very morality of using her powers to kill as though she never had a sense of morality to begin with made them all fear for their lives. The fear she would turn on the rest of them, draining them of life just as she had to the man laying dead and in mutilated chunks before them was enough that the humans vacated the area, going back indoors to avoid becoming her next victim.

The only people who remained in the fenced off outdoors of the lonely prison islands were the three non-humans and of course Babble. The only human left standing before Nyx was Babble, still sporting a smile like he was stuffed not with intestines and blood but with sunshine, sweet candies and cute puppies and kittens. He did not need to suppress the sound around him to create a near perfect silence, the absence of people becoming the reason. A cool wind blew in from the ocean, it's refreshing cool feeling on his body making this moment all too wonderful for him. All he did was wait there, waiting for an answer to his question for Nyx which he had phrased using her point of view as well as making it seem as though she was the one talking the whole time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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0.00 INK



As assumed, the wolf girl had made short work of the humans who challenged her. Their slain bodes littered the ground in pools of crimson. The study had been a success, though never finished in Koro's eyes. Wolfie would still need to be watched in order to collect a sufficient amount of data.
Soon after she was spotted, though it mattered little. Korogu had no reason to fear this girl, had no reason to fear at all. Locking eyes with the wolf girl she took another drag and flicked the smoke from her fingertips, leaping from the tree. Hiding was useless now.
Leaning against the tree she watched as a newcomer approached the group, mutilating another group of humans, and absorbing their life force. It was the first time she had seen this one's abilities. Mentally she began taking notes on her as well. This girl would be a worthy adversary, and it seemed she was part dragon herself.
Maybe Kenjii and I should start with her...a practice run you might say... though she too would need to be watched more before that point. Before taking on another beast in this prison one must always collect sufficient data.
Not far from her another wolf girl sat drinking. A plethora of smells was coming from her direction, making it rather uncomfortable. Firstly the wet dog smell they all have, the skunk-like scent of marijuana, vodka, and lastly and the most foul was the odor of vomit. Though Koro had little room to judge since becoming a member of the undead. She had become stale smelling, and a little sour. However, she still wished to be away from the girl, and since she was doing nothing note-worthy, she chose to save that particular inmate for a later study. Before looking away however, she watched the girl manipulate some shadows, and it seemed, make herself some minions.
Shadow manipulator...hmmm she pondered, unsure of how this particular ability could come in handy for her in the future. She would of course need to be studied more as well, but when she was engaged in something other than self loathing as it seemed she was doing now.
As she turned to watch the dragon girl again a familiar face approached the group, the one they called "Babble". Koro liked him, he was quiet and rarely asked questions of her. She watched as he demonstrated his power, not to the group of humans, but directly to the new dragon. The humans had no idea as they fled her, no idea of who had the true power of illusion over them.
Chuckling to herself she walked slowly toward the two, lighting another smoke. Though she didn't know Babble well, his powers were fascinating. He only spoke when there was something worthy of saying, seeings how he was speaking to this girl, she knew that some critical data would be easily obtained through her reaction to not only his ability, but to his questions as well. As she stepped next to them she stood silently, simply taking a drag from her smoke and listening, staring at the new girl with her cold dead gaze.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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Nyx was surprised to say the least. She had never spoken so loud in her life and she didnt enjoy it, it hurt. Did she enjoy the kill? No not really, she enjoyed surviving. Thats the only reason she killed except for that one time were she lost control.
"I kill to survive, that man was a threat, that incident in the lunch room was a mistake, it is hard to control powers you dont even realize you possess nor have barely ever used, I could have brought that man back to life but if i had he would have wanted revenge, but because i took his life his soul was released meaning another soul with be added to this world, the world is all about balance you kill evil then someone somewhere gives birth to someone good, that is my reason for killing, i dont like it but i was make death to survive. But what is your reason for being here? You judge people for killing without a reason when you dont even know that person and you yourself must had killed as well to be here. Did you enjoy the kill?" Nyx's voice was soft, emotion-less and cold. Though he looked like he was filled to his eyes in sunshine Nyx was not fooled. She had seem so many forced emotions and expressions that she didnt bother with them. She only wanted to see true emotions for those were rare.
Glancing over Nyx saw a woman stand by Babble.
"I have a question for you" she said to the woman.
"What species did you think i am? what scent over-rides everything else?" she asked. Nyx wanted to know what the prisoners thought she was.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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Kureiji looked around and studied the people. There was a woman who seemed to be undead, and definitely smelled like it. Sometimes she wished she didn't have such an enhanced sense of smell. She also noticed an angel, and a werewolf, along with others. She sighed and lazily drifted off.

As Kureiji was lost in thought, a man approached her.

"You," He said gruffly, "Fucking fight me."

At first Kureiji was confused as to why this man suddenly decided to fight her, but, eh.. Why not? She stood up and quickly moved out of the way as he tried to land a punch on her. She smiled twistedly, it seemed this man had no powers as she dodged his blows. Kureiji summoned the Shadows and made them wrap around his legs, hanging him upside down. She appraoched him, baring her canine-like teeth and then bit into his neck, tearing it apart, blood getting on her face. She then tossed him lazily with the Shadows and went to go wash herself.

After she was done she returned and decided to amuse herself by grabbing people's legs with tendrils of Shadow, causing them to fall, retreating the tendrils before they found out. It lasted a bit until some guy caught her and came over to fuck her up. Which of course didn't happen. Before he laid a finger on her she had him cut in half. She found killing and harming people extremely amusing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Still using Nyx's voice, although it was now originating from himself, he gave a cold chuckle. Her assumptions about him were just the cutest little thing, like a small child sticking rocks and other things into it's mouth. He could tell she was trying to use the thinking part of her brain to figure out what was going on but she was much too slow, much too slow indeed. He could tell after she was done her little spiel about life, death and soul transfer nonsense he would need to catch her up to the point so he didn't have to sit her explaining things for the greater half of his day.

"Oh Nyx, how you wound me so with your assumptions." He said, her voice only ever so mild with sarcasm behind that statement. "I judge everyone but the sentences I pass no one but the great big I alone hear and I adjudicate no law nor order."

Without even the slightest sound or tell Babble's legs had disappeared in a blur, he was now hovering on nothing but air.
"I carry a lot of words. Words like stone, imbibe, conceal, art, leg, disestablishmentarianism, zen, phobia and so much more! Today I bring you a very special word! Can the viewers at home tell me what word that is?" He said, now addressing an imaginary audience. He stood there for longer than a pause could remain comfortable, almost as if he was actually expecting a reply. "Well?" He tapped his foot in impatience, waiting for whatever he was waiting for, real or not.

"Oh fine! Be that way then!" He gave a disgruntled sigh, looking down at his feet then back up to meet Nyx's eyes.
"Today's word of the day is caution. A- how should I put this... Ah yes! A word of caution per say." By this point he was beginning to float gently along in a relatively large circle around Nyx, giving her reasonable space between them for courtesies sake. "I don't know if you know that I know what you know but you know that I know what you know now that I told you, letting you know."

His smile was almost never disingenuous. While this situation itself would be something he would normally avoid the act of creating disorder within an ordered system was his favorite hobby. His smile had gone to more of a smirk as this was tying up his time when he could be other places doing more important things like chilling out and singing along to the golden sound.

"Your part of their little game now. You agreed to it the moment you accepted their supposedly generous offer. You better start to like killing because whether you like it or not that is all they will want of you. The pawns don't like you because you stand in their way of playing your role, The knights dislike you because the increasing number of people in your rank devalues the entire system with them included and the other bishops will hate you. They will hate you not because of who you are or what you have done but because their leader, the person who gave them everything they treasure, has favored you above the rest of them. He made an exception for you when it is written in their precious code that you should of been punished..." Babble was now back around in the center of her vision. He hovered just a bit closer, the air displacement below his feet could be felt billowing up around him.

"If you don't like killing, you will earn nothing where you stand in the little schemes they write, not even the privilege to choose your own destiny. I remember the last time someone said no to them." Babble glanced momentarily towards his hands, an unconscious action born from the tingling sensation thinking about them brought. "How long you do think you have until they force you to say no?" With those words now implanted into her head he drifted back to where he originally stood, gently settling onto the ground as his legs regained definition.

"I've almost used up my allotment of words for the day. Try not to talk about me too loud.
I do hate it when people talk too... Loud." He turned, about to walk away when he suddenly turned his head back,
now addressing Korogu. "You and I will meet again... Or maybe we won't."

With that said Babble shuffled off back towards the prison entrance, forgetting about the blueberry girl and her ripping shadows busy ripping noisy people into squishy pieces in one of the more noisy ways he could think of. With the noise of regular humans wailing in relative fear in the vicinity it bugged Babble enough that he missed a detail he would not of missed usually. In the past Babble had found that vibrating his hands fast enough allowed him to pierce hide and bone with his finger tips with surprising ease. Though his feet lacked the shape and finer control to be as effective as his long lost hands they were still rather effective at mincing up meat and bones given special circumstances such as accidentally shuffling over a freshly bisected human corpse.

In a visceral spray a dark crimson mist settled in a radius around Babble who was now standing in a puddle of pureed giblets that was once called a person. Someone would be lucky to find a whole inch of this half of the body intact. The entire lower half of Babble was now covered in blood with smatterings splashed up along the rest of him. Simply standing there he sighed a bit and frowned mildly.

Now I'm all wet and I smell like old copper. Not all that much fun indeed. He mentally complained about the incident and the condition it's left him in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Boom! Crash! Pow! He could hear it all from where he stood. Kenji and Osilon were not playing very nice and causing quite a ruckus to boot.

God, that man is so predictable. Give him a quandary and I could bet a large sum of currency he'd attack without question. Kind of like a mean dog. I knew a mean dog once. It bit me. I didn't like it much. It didn't like me either I recall. Ah yes, that smell. I better go wash up before I end up drawing nearby vampires towards me. Babble quit his zig-zagging train of thought and shuffled his way past the cafeteria and towards the showers. It took him scarcely a half minute to arrive at his destination, two showers divided amongst the two genders for prisoners to bath themselves in. Much in theme with the rest of the prison the showers were designed with towards giving each gender it's privacy. Babble figured the Warden must of thought Why not bother giving each gender their own showers when we assign them their own cell arrangements along the same lines?

Babble couldn't care less who was using the shower when. Just like anywhere else in the prison no one would bug him should they value sleeping ever again and even less people would make an attempt on his life out of the simple desire to be able to hear sounds forever afterwards. He was positively free to douse himself whenever he so wished and was about to do so now.

Walking inside the damp interior he stood within the large accommodating showers, not even so much as a changing room in between the actual showers and the prison halls. All there was was this large chute for clothes disposal which lead directly into a large metal cage with a pile of dirty clothes in the middle. The reason for the metal cage was to keep prisoners imprisoned if any of them got the bright idea of trying to escape that way. The architect behind this place obviously took laborious detail in making sure this place kept the unusual occupants locked within as efficiently as it could be made to be. Trying to escape via the laundry room was pointless anyways since all the cleaning of clothes was done on the island, an entirely closed system designed to make as few trips off the island as they could realistically allow.

He wormed his way out of his blood drenched clothes. Completely lacking any hands didn't seem to slow him down any significant amount as he disposed of the old prisoners uniform down the chute. He left his pants hooked on the edge of the chute lid as even though it was soaked with blood he would need something to walk down to the distribution area in. He may be positively insane but he isn't some complete savage after all. He just figured he'd give the pants a good scrub after he was done cleaning himself up first.

Stepping up to a shower head he used his feet to twist the tap to a temperature he liked. The nice warm water felt quite nice, just like when he was back at home. He was one of those kids who didn't object too harshly towards taking his baths and showers too for that matter. Water was nice and pleasant in his opinion. Next to each tap was a reinforced liquid soap dispenser ever so thoughtfully placed by this prison's benefactors. Now one would think it impossible for one to clean one's self without the use of hands but that hypothetical person would not be Babble. He dexterously pressed the head of the dispenser, the bottom of his foot underneath the nozzle to receive the foamy expulsion. With soap in foot he scrubbed himself down in a manner only the most flexible would find capable. Starting with the legs he worked his way up, the blood coming right out as he worked soap into the splatter with his toes. What about his back? Many would ask. What about it? Babble would probably reply for it was of no worry to him. He pressed his chest onto the watery floor and bent himself into a taut bow shape. With one foot he manipulated the dispenser while the other received the out-coming soap, still holding his half circle pose. His feet then bent down at the knees, reaching back and washing his own back. Something even people with hands normally have trouble doing he did with relative ease.

This ease was not easily earned however. Natural flexibility alone does not train a persons body to such strange adaption. Ever since the most unfortunate taking of his hands he practiced doing everything he normally did with hands with his feet in their stead. Eating, drinking, writing and even walking! Anything he couldn't solve through expert sound manipulation he used his feet to accomplish. Bathing himself was quite the stretch but one well learned over years of practice.

Finishing up his routine by rubbing the soap into his hair he unfurled from his awkward pose and twisted the tap closed again with his right foot, the shower coming to a dead silence. Of course he did remember the pants, and so back on the shower went. Skipping the mundane details of it all the pants were cleaned of blood. After all was done and the shower off for good all that was left was to dry off...

In a violent whirring spin Babble used the power of sounds vibrations to shake off all the blood clinging soapy water from himself and his pants in an instant. He couldn't be dryer if he rolled across a field made entirely out of fluffy towels. With himself and his still red spotted pants standing dry as bleached desert bones he slipped the leggings on and stepped forth from the shower, a new and yet nearly identical man to the guy called Babble who stepped in not fifteen minutes ago. He strode in the general direction of the laundry room but didn't bother shuffling all the way there. He wanted to focus more on the sounds and see what he could pick up while he walked merrily along as most humans normally do.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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Noticing she was still covered in a plentiful amount of blood, Kurieji decided to go take yet another shower, returning first to her cell to fetch a clean pair of clothes. As she was striding towards the showers, she accidently bumped into Babble on the way, tensing up for a split second and afterwards mumbling a soft, "Sorry," and continuing on her course.

She entered and stepped in the damp enclosure and quickly stripped, tossing her uniform down the disposal, Kure wished she could escape from there, but she learned that the hard way when she first arrived at this hell, the prison was designed awfully too cleverly. Standing away from the water, she adjusted the tap accordingly to have the water whatever temperature she desired. The warm water was abundantly relaxing, washing away some of the blood on her deathly pale skin. If only they would wash away the scars, the cicatrixes, and all the left over memories from her execrable, traumatic childhood..

Pouring some soapy shampoo into her hands she lathered up her hair and rinsed quickly, subsequently scrubbing her body. A long sigh emanated from her lips and she slid down the wall of the shower, curling up so that she was hugging her knees. Leaning her head back, she mulled over ways that she could get out of this, this.. Abomination. She thought about staging a coup of some sort. Looking back on it, she decided that it would be rather difficult to overthrow the prison single-handedly. She could possibly try joining a gang, although she was far too farouche... She banged her head on the wall and sarting laughing like a madman for no apparent reason.

I'm not crazy.. Am I?

Snapping back into reality, she picked herself up and silenced the shower, grabbing a towel and swiftly dried herself off, changing into a simple black tank top, which oblivious to her knowledge, showed a bit of the scar on her back. Kureiji also donned jeans of the same color.

Exiting the showers, she went back to her cell and not bothering to turn on the light, plopped down on her small cot settling into a macabre sleep of sorts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft Character Portrait: Kureiji Satsujinsha
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zalgo
Babble was striding down the halls when a familiar blueberry girl bumped into him. Bumped!? Into me!?
Such if I do say so myself, which of what I did.
Babble made up sentences in his head that didn't make sense to describe the situation. "Sorry." The feisty yet not so feisty all of a sudden girl mumbled to him before shuffling off towards the showers. As for himself, he jauntily skipped on his way to the laundry room.

Bursting through the steel double doors Babble certainly made an entrance. The cleaners were most definitely not surprised by any of it considering weirder things have happened but Babble was always a character worth keeping an eye on. One moment he could be dancing on clouds and with little segue move onto more unpleasant forms of sonic entertainment for himself at their collective detriment. Right now though he was more or less preoccupied to bother making the cleaners lives more difficult than they needed to be. His target? The bins at the far end of the lineup. It took him little time at all to dive into the large bins of much older uniforms. Orange... Orange... Orange... Yeesh, I ain't finding one single-
Why hello there totally sweet prison uniform!

With his toes Babble pulled up a set of classical grey and black barred prison pants and shirt with even a matching hat! "Woohoo! My luck is just fantabulous!" Babble cheered. As for the matter of getting dressed, there was very little privacy in most prisons. This prison did try to give better living standards than normal prisons but a prison was still a prison and with that comes certain indignities that sometimes are endured. Where most prisoners would have little compunction about changing in public view Babble decided to add a bit of privacy by slipping behind a large plastic clothes bin and squirming into his clothes using his feet. The pants were rather easy, the hat was pretty much a cake-walk but the shirt was a tad difficult. Having no hands sometimes kind of sucked.

Regardless, out walked a new and improved Babble! Or at least wearing more clothes than before which, although his new style did rock in his opinion, was debatable as to whether or not it was an improvement depending on who you asked. Now that he was freshly showered and into a fresh set of swanky new clothes Babble gave a yawn and stretched out his arms. He felt fresh as a daisy and ready to take on the world or in his case the whole island which was kind of a world of it's own in a way. He was left with a quandary however.
What do I do now? Hm... Oh! I know! I'll bother the blueberry girl because she bumped me and I have nothing better to do!

Shuffle shuffle shuffle.

Babble arrived just around the wing little miss blueberry was staying at. It took Babble almost no time at all to track her sleeping murmurs to where she rested her head at the moment. Babble looked over the sleeping figure of his now officially titled Blueberry Girl wondering where she managed to get a black tank top and black jeans. Yeesh, considering how scarce the smugglers been making himself I'm surprised she managed to find something to her taste like that. Then again, the morning sun rising every morning surprises me. Just because it showed up every other morning doesn't mean it necessarily will today!

Babble noticed the fair amount of scarring the young girl must of suffered, possibly from something or someone outside the prison for that matter. It didn't matter at the moment though. Or really any moment for that matter. It was time to oddify. Babble approached the bars on the cell just across from hers and lightly pressed his foot against the base of one of the bars. Silent he moved waves upon waves of vibrations through the metal bar, focusing the direction towards the side. Within a short period of time the bar bent until it nearly touched the bar neighboring it. He effected the bar on the other side of the bend the same way, leaving a narrow gap in the cell that looks like the bars were forced apart through a feat of magnificent strength. Heh, feat.

Babble stepped into the cell. It's occupants were not present, probably off gallivanting about in their little packs no doubt. Sitting on an empty metal slab stuck to the wall and purposed as an uncomfortable bed Babble simply watched the blueberry girl while singing his golden song. There was not a single sound that could interrupt the melody of Babble's silent song, a song that could not be heard yet drowned out all other noises, even that sickening sound of wet meat throbbing about inside that chest of hers. With that done all he did from that point forward was watch. He stared at her unconscious form for however long it would take for her to wake up. He spent long periods of time trying to blink as little as possible as to not disturb his rather disturbing fixated gaze. Normally he wouldn't bother himself with this girl in particular except for one minor exception.

There was absolutely nothing else happening anywhere else in the entire prison. It was rather creepy actually.
