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0 · 133 views · located in Heine Online

a character in “Patch 1.20X”, originally authored by Keen, as played by RolePlayGateway


Reality Information


Name: Kiku Satomi
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Kiku is a bit taller than most girls her age, her build is rather light as she is not very athletic and will often neglect her own nutrition in the face of a world full of wonderful distractions and her art.

Kiku would likely be described by her peers as odd. Her interests are eclectic, not sticking with many hobbies for more than a month, infamous for trying every non-athletic club in her school for just about a week before resigning. There are a few things she persistently pursues however, among them are art, music, and games. Due to her floaty nature she is often considered air headed or aloof, and though she is friendly with many people at her school, no one could truly claim to be close to her. While in the game, Kiku's personality is mostly translated over, however she gets a kick out of teasing other players with her androgynous in-game avatar. With the release of patch 1.20X Kiku had resolved to escape this world, there was too much to do, too much to see back in reality for her to be killed here, plus, her parents would be pretty sad if she never woke up.

Kiku's life prior to entering Heine Online was profoundly normal. Only daughter to two happy, working parents, average grades, and relatively trouble-free. Kiku had only started playing video games about three years ago, having decided to stop by an arcade on a whim and being enchanted instantly by their visual magic and interaction. It was only a matter of time until Kiku saved up (With some help from her parents) to get her own PC to play these games at home. Kiku would often retreat to an MMO on her PC whenever she wanted a break from her art, reveling in the wonder of a virtual world and communicating with others from all over the country.

Among her online friends words of a new game called Heine Online was abuzz, though the game was only just in beta she was convinced to pre-order the game by her friends in anticipation of the game's upcoming launch. And well, we know what happened next.

Heine Information

Username: QuickerThanTime

Beta Tester Nope.

Current Location: Odin

Cities Visited: Heine

Name: Devyn

Gender: Male

Guild: None
Guild Position:


Bought Items/Perks
EXP Increase

Class: Knight
Weapon Type: Longsword

Level: 9
EXP: 0/10

Strength: 36 + 3 per level
Vitality: 39 + 3.2 per level
Agility: 12 + 1 per level
Mind: 15 + 1.2 per level
Intelligence: 12 + 1 per level

HP: 342 (8x Vitality + 30)
SP: 5x Intelligence
P.ATK: 36+3 P.DEF: 19
M.ATK:24 M.DEF: 30
Speed: 12+5


Level 1 -
Ability Name Free Hand Fighter
Type: Passive
When wielding a weapon in one hand and no weapon or shield in the other increase P.ATK by 0.1 of Strength and Speed by 5.

Level 5 -
Ability Name Taunt
Type: Active
SP: 10%
A burst AoE centered on Devyn that attracts the attention of all nearby enemies, causing them to change their target to Devyn.

Level 10 -
Ability Name Strength of Will
Type: Passive
Increases Mind by 0.25 of Strength.

Level 15 -
Ability Name Protective Ward
Type: Active
SP: 25%
Increase P.DEF by 0.5 of Mind. Duration is 5 posts.

Level 20 -
Ability Name Arcane Shield
Type: Active
SP: 10%
Devyn creates a temporary shield to reduce the impact of attacks. Damage taken is reduced by 30 + Mind for 2 posts.

Character History

Due to having to go to school and her other hobbies, Kiku has not been able to put quite as much time into the game as many others, she has however been sacrificing a few hours of sleep each night in order to squeeze out some more play time.

Week 1:
Spent some time getting used to the game and mechanics, experimented with different classes before settling on Knight. Spent a fair amount of time solo questing but started partying with some friends once everyone was set up.

Week 2:
Began to out-level her more casual friends and eventually made it to Odin to continue her exploration and progress in the game.

[i][url=URL LINK HERE]THEME SONG (Optional)[/url]

So begins...

Devyn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devyn
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Keen


EXP: 2/10

Gold: 225

The Highland Capital: Odin

Devyn laid back on an uncomfortable stone bench, her mind swimming, drowning in thoughts of the day's events. Regardless of any speculation, the only certain things were that she could not log out, and that everything around her felt disturbingly real.

Opening her eyes with a sigh, Devyn muttered to no one in particular. "There's no way I can sleep right now..." With that said she willed herself up and off the bench to her feet. Stretching, though she was certain her avatar wouldn't need to do such things, it felt comforting.

Keys... Dungeons... Even if it is a lie I don't feel comfortable leaving my fate to others but... Devyn's gaze wandered about the frightened players around her, none of them seemed to even want to try. Looks like most people are just reeling from the shock of it all, I certainly can't do these dungeons by myself but it looks like no one here's up for it... It's a long shot but... There are more people back in Heide, even if they are mostly lowbies, I've gotta start somewhere.

With a destination in mind, Devyn made way to the local wave gate, unsure if she actually believed she could find anyone in Heide or if she simply wished to distract herself. Arriving at the gate and heaving out a sigh, she spoke the words that would whisk her away to the Plains Capital.

The Plains Capital: Heide

Upon arrival, Devyn's sight was graced by an even more pitiful scene then there was in Odin. A chill ran through her spine as the souls around her looked to her, many of whom were below even level three. With a shake of her head Devyn attempted to dispel the haunting gazes of those around her, steeling herself against the eerie feelings bubbling in her heart as she pressed on, wandering about the city aimlessly in the hopes of finding a group of individuals with some spirit in them... But she would have no such luck.

Frustrated, sad, and disappointed, Devyn came to a stop near the southern gate. Gritting her teeth, she leaned back against the wall of a nearby building, eyes closed, brows furrowed in thought. This trance of thought was soon broken however by the sounds of loud footsteps and heavy breathing. A wounded and tired and level 1 Wizard had just ran into town, a small smile crept across Devyn's lips, glad to see that girl survived. Behind the girl Devyn spotted something which quickly drew her attention. A strange tower off in the distance to the south. "That's new..."

Is that one of the dungeons?... It wasn't here before the patch... So it must be. Devyn kicked herself away from the wall, a new spring in her step now as she made her way south towards the tower.

The Whispering Plains

She ran as fast as her slow class would allow, and off in the distance she could see a group of people around the entrance. Someone's taking on the first dungeon already?... Her fists clenched tightly frustration, unable to move any faster despite her overwhelming to desire to catch their attention, shouting at the top of her virtual lungs towards the group to wait for just a moment. To her dismay, the words would not reach them in time, as each individual disappeared in a flash of light.

Her shoulders slumped as her quick pace slowed to a walk. With a sigh she continued on, eventually reaching the door to the tower.
