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Persona Revolutions

Persona Revolutions


"Soon.. the end will come"

903 readers have visited Persona Revolutions since Adig01 created it.




While out and about on one of your avarage nights in Iwatodai, you decide to stay out just a little longer for the fun of it. You and your friends are having a great time doing everything you don't get to do during school days, and wish that time could just stand still a little longer for your entertainment. In all the exitement, you forget to check the time on your phone. 11:59 Pm..

You close your eyes and smile, but when you open them, you are shocked with what you see. Your friends are gone, and only coffins have taken their place. All around you the city has become a stange twist of hellish being. You are alone, scared and confused. The moon hangs in the sky, almost too brightly compared to what it usually looks like. The green sky reflects in the thick black liquid beneeth your feet, mixed in with what would appear to be blood. You run in desperation.

The last thing you wanted to do was fall, but you do. You lay silently, your body shaking in fear, until you hear footsteps. A person, followed by others, reaches out his hand to you, do you take it?

"Time to join the group.."

The Story

Welcome to Persona Revolutions, an RP dedicated to making a fun and enjoyable storyline based around the game "Persona 3". The roleplay starts after you and a group of others and found by a member of the SEES group, while out on a mission. He is suprised to see this amount of people experience the Dark Hour in one night, and has decided it for the best to round you all up, and take you back to the dorm, to see if you have the potential.

For those of you who have played the game, you should catch on instantly. If you have not, don't worry, as for the most part, we will be making our own story as opposed to just playing along the storyline of the game. For now, we have started by bringing you back to the dorm, to see if you have the potential. Think of yourself as the main character in the Persona 3 storyline, but don't forget, everyone is in your shoes.

Character Profile

Here is a skelly for making a character profile. I would recommend you follow this guideline, but I will not make it manditory, providing you make your profile neat and readable. Here is the skelly:



Year: (Freshman (14-15), Sophomore (15-16), Junior (16-17) , Senior (17-19))


Appearance: (Please just put this as an Icon primarily. After that, you may add a picture here too)

Persona: (Now, this will take some research. I know I know, it might take a little bit of effort, but in the end, it will be worth it. Anyway, you should start with a small level Persona, and we will work on fuses and changes as we go along. Ok? Good! ^^ Please add the name of your Persona, put up a picture of them, and finally add, Level: 1)

History: (Add a history as normal)


Epuipment: (In the equipment tab, simply add, *Empty*

Main Characters and Character Rules

I just want it to be noted, that this is a LIMITED roleplay in terms of places. There will only be SIX people aloud into this RP, not including Mains (Which you may sign up for as long as you can act like that character)

Here are the Mains:

Akihiko: ~Taken~
Junpei: ~Taken~
Yukari: ~Taken~
Mitsuru: ~Open~

Places Left: 2

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the roleplay

Toggle Rules

  1. No Godmodding
  2. Do not spam. It's bad enough we can't go back over the pages, so we don't need it clogging
  3. Make sure to write at least a paragraph of at least four lines
  4. Keep romance to a certain level. You know what I mean.
  5. Try not to argue, if you need to, do it in Pms

Taking place in...

Iwatodai our primary setting

Welcome to the city!


Iwatodai by Adig01

Welcome to the city!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Moving through the Dark Hour gave him a rush, it was the only feeling he lived for these days. Besides training, it was the only thing he looked forward to. He wasn't sure why but the shadows were intriguing, even though at first he found them terrifying. It was the only normal reaction to those creatures and he'd been sent down here during the Dark Hour to find more people like him. Those that had the persona ability, those that would be aware of the shadows and the Dark Hour. Personally, Akihiko didn't like the idea of “newcomers” joining S.E.E.S, but he couldn't help but admit they needed more people for their cause. They needed others who had the same kind of abilities to fight alongside them—he just hoped they wouldn't get in his way. He remembered stumbling upon the first few others and he'd found them in the same situation: shaking, sitting on the ground, and too afraid to even scream. It was understandable.

Akihiko rounded the corner, rubbing his aching knuckles as he ran and breathed heavily. He'd been wandering around now for what felt like hours, fighting his way through Iwatodai Station. The hellish version of the place he often walked through used to make his skin crawl, now it was just something he was used to, and the others would get used to it too. Everything seemed eerily quiet, except for the sounds of running. He followed the sound, weaving around bike racks and jumping over a low fence. Once he landed, he was running again until he caught sight of who he'd been looking for. There was a boy with blue hair, eyes wide in terror as large coffins anchored in the ground towered over him. Finally reaching him, Akihiko shot his hand out to the boy and narrowed his eyes.

“Time to join the group...” Akihiko said, waiting for him to take his hand, “Get up.”


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#, as written by Adig01
Sorriso sat still during the coming of the Dark Hour, completely oblivious to what had happened within those few short seconds. Now, however, he had stumbled while trying to run from the nightmare he thought he was in. He breathed heavy and snappy breaths, trying to put together what was going on in his mind. It was impossible, completly impossible. There was no explination for this sick twisted reality that had just crawled over his comfort zone. He was unsure what he was going to do. Was he going to die..?

Suddenly, Sorriso heard running coming towards him, his heart beating faster and his body shaking in fear. A senior that he had seen in school amerged, and proceeded towards him. "Time to join the group..." He watched as the senior held out his hand to him. "Get up." he heard the seriousness in his tone, and took his hand, getting back onto his feet and establishing a balance before looking over the senior again. He was to startled to even say a word, and so simply looked around in utter shock


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel was a bit surprised, she had decided to go for a walk, she did that once in a while. Then all of a sudden at midnight the few people that had also been out, an elderly man walking his dog and a boy that had also been just walking suddenly turned into coffins. "Interesting." She said showing no signs of surprise on her face, she was surprised, even a bit frightened at the change that had come over the town. But she would not show it, there was no point. Then the shadows came, THAT really frightened her. So she ran towards the train station, she was actually quite close to it by now, her nightly walks were pretty long. As she got into the station she saw a white haired kid standing near a blonde haired kid. "HEY!" Meriel yelled at them, out of breath her face white, she could no longer hold in her terror. "Do you know whats going on?"


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Suddenly wishing Mitsuru was here, Akihiko had no intentions on sitting around trying to explain what the Dark Hour was to Sorriso. When the boy took his hand, he hauled him to his feet and swung around to be faced with a white-faced girl running towards them. All the easier for him, he wouldn't need to wander around the twisted station trying to look for the other one who'd been trapped in here. It wasn't going to be easy trying to explain the situation but with the gravity of their situations he'd hoped they'd just accept their duty. The Chairman was the best at explaining this anyhow, so he'd just bring them back to the dormitory and have him explain instead. Blood seeped from the top of his head into his eye, he hadn't noticed before but when he'd been battling against a shadow, it managed to take a swipe at him. Wiping the warm liquid from his eye, he grumbled and glanced at the both of them.

“It's almost time...” Akihiko murmured, looking over at the full moon glistening in the darkened sky. It shone so much everything looked illuminated. There was a large clock nearby. The clock's second hand was stopped, blood running down it's face. The numbers, rendered in Roman numerals were visible as tiny lines of reflection under the blood. It was as if they blinked, and everything was normal. There were no more pools or puddles of blood, the moon shun normally in the sky and the few eerie coffins that were laying around were now normal people walking back to their homes. The sickly green decaying colour everything had been, was now the normal cheery colours of the buildings during the day. Lights flickered from lamp posts, and everyone seemed to have no knowledge of what had happened. Except for the three of them. He could tell they were both frightened, but there was no point standing around.
“Both of you,” Akihiko began to say, pulling out a handkerchief from his vest pocket and holding it to his head, “Come with me. I can't explain everything right now.” To be honest, Akihiko wasn't the type to sugar coat anything nor was he the type to be “gentle” with the truth, it was better directed towards the Chairman or Mitsuru. Definitely better.


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel started following Akihiko. "There better be some answers for us soon." She stated simply as she fell in next to him and slightly behind. What the heck had happened? One moment it was a normal enough night and the next everything was dark and twisted, people turned into coffins. Then poof with no reason whatsoever everything was fine again all of a sudden as if nothing had happened. Did this happen every night? Without anyone noticing? This strange boy which she now recognized to be one of the seniors at school seemed to be taking it in a stride. He was not even particularly bothered by the nasty cut across his forehead.


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#, as written by Joe2618
Junpei ran towards the train station as fast as he could "I had no idea Akihiko was going out tonight, well guess it serves me right, I mean I shouldn't have listened to him while he was at school". Finally after a half hour of searching he finally caught up to Akihiko and two students at there school. He stopped infront of them and spoke while putting his imitation katana to the ground "You could have told me you were going out toinight you know, I wanted to kick some ass".

Junpei's gaze turned to the girl that was with Akihiko and smiled "Yep I fight these things every night" he moved smoothly towards the girl "I could protected you if you wanted" he said with a smile on his face "You have to be strong like me and my man Akihiko here, so if I were you i'd stay close to one of us".


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel simply stared at Junpei. "I don't suppose YOU are willing to tell us what happened are you? He just said that he couldn't explain everything now and to come with him." This last bit was said while pointing at Akihiko. "One moment I am taking a walk, and the next everything turns twisted and dark and the few other people in the area turn into coffins! Neither of you seem to be surprised at this and this other kid." Meriel pointed at Sorriso. "Seems just as scared as I was." Meriel said everything calmly but was about ready to hit someone pretty soon. "You can talk while we walk."


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#, as written by Joe2618
Junpei listened to everything she had to say and then dropped his head in disapointment, he murmured to himself "Looks like she's not intrested in me, maybe i should keep trying". He then raised his head and turned to the other student and said with a smile "S'up dude? I didn't even see you there" then he looked back at Merial and spoke happily once more "Yeah I can tell you" he looked around and then said "But not here". Junpei looked at akihiko "We'll discuss it at the dorm, for now we should get back to the dorm, cos i'm exahausted after chasing after you akihiko".


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#, as written by Adig01
Sorriso walked besides the group through the now, re-lit streets. He was absolutly amazed, completly and utterly bewildered by what had just happened. The girl that was with him and Akihiko spoke quite bluntly to say the least, getting straight to the point seemed to be a perk of hers. Nevertheless, Akihiko hadn't answered her question about what had just happened, but to be honest, Sorriso wasn't sure if he even wanted to know what that nightmarish happening was about. He opened his mouth and turned his head to face the girl and Akihiko, being on the far right, and was about to speak before getting interrupted.

"You could have told me you were going out toinight you know, I wanted to kick some ass" Sorriso let out a silent sigh as the boy appeared before the group. He decided it was for the best not to talk, as he would more than likely just be getting in the way with his words. He raised an eyebrow when he noticed the boy making a move on the girl, completely unsure about what was weirder here. It wasn't until Junpei said, "S'up dude? I didn't even see you there" that Sorriso decided to just shrug and follow the crowd back to this, "Dorm"


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Yukari noticed Junpei and Akihiko and walked to them silently not to make a noise "Harassing another girl Stupei?" Yukari asked as Junpei jumped she smiled "I scared you didnt i." Yukari looked at Akihiko "is he bothering you too?" she had a bigger smile then turns to Sorriso she gave a glance to the girl that Junpei was bothering then turned back to Sorriso then herd her friends voice "Yukari come on its time to go to the mall!" Yukari jumped then turned to them "Okay i will be there in a second!" she yelled back then turned back to them "dont get into trouble." then turned to the girl named Meriel "do you want to come with us to the mall?"


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel turned towards yukari once she spoke. "I will come with you if you give me answers about that... Nightmarish hour that I just experienced. These two keep on saying that they will tell me and him. (she pointed at Sorriso again) What happened once we get back to the dorms. I think I will be going with them out of curiosity if anything. Meriel then tilted her head to the side a bit. "Although going to the mall does sound like it would be fun. How about later?" The group was nearly back to the dorms by now, just a minute or two away in fact. Clearly Yukari and the others had just left.


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Akihiko took the silent route when Junpei arrived, he was so loud but he counted himself lucky because he didn't really need to say anything anymore. Rolling his eyes, he mumbled something under his breath before walking slightly ahead of them so that he couldn't see Junpei's lame attempts to pick up Meriel. It wasn't something he really liked watching, even though he was amused when girls shot him down. It wasn't like he did any better. Even though girls chased him around at school and flocked around him, he wasn't good with them one on one, not that he really tried. Shadows and fighting were his two main concerns. Pressing the handkerchief to his bleeding forehead to stop the blood from flowing into his eye, he removed it to see how bad it was. It seemed to stifle the blood a bit, so he didn't need to hold it there. He folded it neatly, and shoved it back in his pocket. “Yeah, yeah, Junpei here with protect you,” he stated cooly, glancing over at him, “Let's head back so that the Chairman can explain the situation.” Frowning for a moment, he wondered how he'd lost sight of Junpei, it was true that he hadn't told him he was out fighting Shadows or trying to find the others—but he was surprised he hadn't even seen him.

Akihiko led them down another dark street before they came in sight of the large dormitory, home to the rest of the S.E.E.S members. Sorriso was quiet, and he liked that, not one to jump to conclusions or question him. He thought they'd probably get along. Unlike Junpei, he wasn't loud and obnoxious. When Yukari appeared, apparently out of nowhere like a ghost, he rubbed the back of his head and glanced to the group. “Ah, I'm just thankful I'm not a girl,” Akihiko said, a small smile appearing on his lips, “He found me when the Hour ended, so he didn't scare these guys away.”

“We've got to bring them back to the Chairman, first,” Akihiko explained, touching the tender part of his forehead. They were nearing the dormitory, he stopped at the entrance and moved to the door.


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((OOC: no idea how this story goes sorry;-P just like take Crystal with the group if ya can;) thanks))

Crystal was suddenly near a small group just waking from a nightmarish experience. She looked around, bewildered at what had happened. She let out a small scream of frusteration as she looked around, trying to recognize her surroundings. She saw a small group and ran to them. She had no idea what to do or say and just looked at them, puzzled. The girl and boy with them seemed just as lost as her.


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#, as written by Alren
"Curious..." Yazu whispered as he looked around the area. Coffins, blood, and strange shadows in the corner of his vision that disappeared when he looked at them directly. The immediate shock in him had died down, but now a plethora of questions plagued his mind. Where am I? Am I awake? Why did those people turn into coffins? Why am I still in a human form? I wonder if all the coffins see me as coffins and see themselves as humans. "Ugh, standing still asking questions never gets answers! You have to find them." Yazu spoke. Yazu took his first step and now knew he could move. "Good. Good. I'm not a coffin." Yazu continued to walk though the streets taking in the new scenery, the moon was half as bright as the sun now. It also had a greenish tint to it. Walking around Yazu noticed that the streets were completely empty except for the coffins littering the street, He eventually heard. Voices nearby, peeking around a corner he saw several people. Yazu decided to follow them closely, but avoid being seen. Then he recognized the people a bit, they were fellow class mates. Still, in this strange situation Yazu couldn't be too careful. He followed the group all the way to a school dorm. "Even more curious..."


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#, as written by Joe2618
As junpei walked he continued to flirt with Meriel "So if you ever get scared im always here for you ok?". He turned to Sorriso and spoke to him in a proud way as he pointed to his chest "You too dude if you ever need help I'll have your back". It was at this point Yukari came out of no where and made him jump "Hey yuka-tan" he spoke confidently while struggleing to hold in laughter "You scared me because thats what teachers say to me at school when try flirting with pretty women like meriel here". After that for the most part he forgot about Yukari as he had a flash back of himself been told off for doing his thing.

After she had left he looked at Sorriso and spoke "I totally don't get girls, I mean they shop during the day and go out during the night, but going to the mall just after the dark hour, I mean what the heck?". he turned back but tilted his head back slightly listening out for Sorriso to say something, until a girl came running to them, Junpei looked at her faced she looked petrified, Junpei spoke with excitement "Meriel, now this girl's running towards us, this is my lucky day". he walked towards her in a smooth manner "Hey whats up? Is someone going to hurt you? if they are you best stay with me" he said with a smile "After all I can protect you if you stay near me".


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel looked at Junpei again, clearly he did not get it. "Look, I guess its just something about you but the more you flirt and talk the less I like you. I don't hate you but I don't like you either, I'll tolerate you for now I guess and maybe you will grow on me. Just please be quiet already. I just went through a rather disturbing experience and would rather not deal with it right now." She then sighed and turned to crystal. "Pretty much they won't tell us what the heck happened until we meet with the chairmen whoever that is, I have no clue what is going on either. I would suggest you stay with us and come see them as well." Meriels slight smile suddenly turned into a frown, apparently a shadow had managed to swipe her while she was running and the wound was just now starting to bleed, the back of her left leg had a small cut across it and there was a good amount of blood. "does anyone have something I could put on this so I don't bleed all over the school?" She asked, pointing towards the cut. "I don't think people would appreciate bloodstains, and of course there is the chance that I might bleed to death, but I don't think thats likely."


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((OOC: hey guys, sorry gonna be gone until Wednesday. xoxoxox ;-)))


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#, as written by Adig01
Sorriso was about to reply to what Junpei said about girls, he even lifted his index finger to express his thoughts that little bit more, when suddenly he was interrupted once again. He let out another sigh and rubbed his head and decided he wasn't going to bother trying anymore, and this time he meant it. Turning his head he looked at the Senior who had brought all these people to this building, wondering what was in store for him and how he would play a part in the weird situation.


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Akihiko ignored the attempts Junpei made behind him, with the new girl that they'd bumped into, Meriel. He'd noticed that she was bleeding and figured he'd wait until he'd reached the dormitory, so he could properly take care of it. Maybe Yuka-tan could take care of it? He'd been injured countless times, so he'd probably be the one to look to if injured—but he didn't like taking care of other people. Glancing behind him, he noticed the group had gotten bigger, which meant that these were other people coming in from the Dark Hour. The only way he could tell was the eerie look they were all expressing, like they'd seen ghosts or woken up from a dream that bothered them. It wasn't hard to tell.
“Junpei, let's get going,” he interrupted, watching another girl run up to them. “There's nothing to protect them from right now.” Akihiko murmured, shaking his head and pulling out a clean handkerchief. He turned on his heel, taking a few long strides until he was standing in front of Meriel. It was interesting that she just shot down Junpei, straight-forward and to the point: much like Mitsuru. Tolerance. It was something he also had for Junpei, although he could admit that the younger member made sure their adventures weren't so dreary. He was the comedic relief, without him, things would be different.

Akihiko handed Meriel the red handkerchief. “Hold it to the wound, and we'll clean it up once we get inside. Whatever stains are made, I'm sure someone else will clean it up.” Motioning for the rest to follow him, he led them up the stairs and held the door open. Once entering, they would come into a lobby-like area with lavish red couches, a television, bathrooms at the far end and a separate room with a long table. Nearby, there was a wooden desk with a sign-in booklet opened wide. Mitsuru must already be upstairs, with the chairman. “Junpei, Yukari, bring them to the chairman, I'll meet up with you in a few minutes,” he stated, frowning slightly as his gaze wandered past them. There'd been someone following them, he'd only caught a glimpse of a person and he wanted to know who it was. He'd wait for the rest to go inside.


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#, as written by eleniel
Meriel smiled slightly as Akihiko handed her the hankerchief. "Thank you." She said quietly before walking over to the sign-in booklet to look at it as she pressed it against her but. She was curious as to if anyone had signed it. And if so who had signed it, although she was a bit more curious as to who this mysterious chairmen was, and what the heck was going on. Really, everyone turning into coffins for an hour, the moon shining bright green, and shadowy creatures that seemed out to kill everyone around. Why had the people in this little group not transformed like everyone else. It seemed almost like magic was going on here, but magic did not exist... right? Although considering what had happened she was seriously considering that, nothing else really made sense.


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Crystal had no idea what was going on. Coffins, this chick bleeding, some guy flirting with her, what? The picture didn’t go together. Wasn’t she just sleeping? The bleeding girl seemed to know as little as she did. “Um… I don’t know what’s going on… I don’t know if there is anything to be afraid of or not, what’s going on? I was asleep a second ago” Crystal said, addressing the group. The whole situation seemed extremely dream-like. Perhaps that’s all it was.


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#, as written by Joe2618
Junpei was in shock for what meriel said, but seconds later he put on a smile and said excitedly "Oh your fiesty, don't worry I am not a bad person you can open up to good all Junpei". later on he noticed how Akihiko handed Meriel the hankerchief and his smile dropped and he murmerd to himself "You sly dog Akihiko-senpai, I see what you did there" he continued "But why don't I get any of the girls?" he smoke slightly confused on why girls were so intrested in people like him, the silernt and tense type, that all the girls haunted religously.

As soon as Junpei entered the dorm he recieved orders from Akihiko "Yeah, Yeah in a minute" he spoke in a half arsed manner a if it was a task a teacher had assigned him. he sat down on the sofa and continued to read his magazine, he spoke in a excited way "Awsome, Innocent sin comes out Tommorrow" he smiled and continued to read the expecatations of the game.


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#, as written by Alren
Yazu watched as all the people were herded into the dorm. Peeking around the corner he saw the one with white hair standing there scanning the area. "Damn, i was spotted." Yazu whispered to himself. "Might as well introduce myself. If he considered me a threat then he would have dealt with me already." Yazu stepped away from his hiding spot and walked up to Akihiko in a calm and slow manner as to not identify himself as a threat. Yazu adjusted his glasses, "Hello, I'm Yazu Katsurou. I was wondering if you had any explanation as to what is going on here. If not, then do you mind if i stay in the dorm until this thing blows over?" Yazu's face showed a tired, bored expression. He was afraid of what was going on but he didn't let it show.

In the corner of his vision there was another shadow, he spun his head to look and this time it didn't disappear. The figure looked to be made of tar and dragged itself along the ground with arms. It went into an alley and then Yazu looked back at Akihiko, "Um, sorry. I must be seeing things."


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As Junpei herded the rest of the group inside the dormitory, Akihiko sighed and leaned heavily against the brick wall. He didn't know what Junpei had been mumbling about, he didn't care about any of the girls. He barely recognized most of them, if they even went to the same school, which he assumed they did. The questions that were likely being asked would be repeated again and again and he was in no mood to answer any of them. That was why it was vital to bring them to the chairmen, he, at least, had enough patience to deal with their questions. Hopefully, Junpei hadn't already plopped down on the couch and ignored the group—they needed to be brought to the Chairmen immediately. He closed the door quietly behind the last person and glanced towards where he'd last seen the silhouette.

When the raven-haired boy with the glasses stepped out, Akihiko arched his eyebrow before coming to lean on the metal railing. So, he HAD actually seen someone. For a moment, he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, it wouldn't have been surprising. The boy was calm enough for someone who'd been in the Dark Hour—he was probably just confused, wondering if this were a dream or not. At least, if he was scared, he couldn't tell. “C'mon,” Akihiko said plainly, gesturing for him to follow, “Your a part of the group, too.” Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to another shadow—which didn't look exactly human, and he was wondering if he'd just been seeing things again. He shook his head, holding the door open.

“Quick, get in!”

Akihiko poked his head in the door, staring at Junpei who'd taken residence on the couch. He grit his teeth and slammed his fist on the door, holding it open so that Yazu could also come in. “No time for laying around, go alert the Chairmen, there's a big one still here!”


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#, as written by Alren
Yazu walked quickly inside and couldn't help the feeling of looking over his shoulder when he saw the look of surprise on the other person's face. He was starting to show more fear. He was afraid but he wasn't going to let it show, the last thing anyone needed was a guy with a mental breakdown. He stopped five feet away and looked at the rest of the group. From afar he hadn't noticed how pretty the two girls in the were...this would make things difficult if they tried to talk to him. Noticing how he was blushing he quickly turned away and pretended to clean his glasses before examining the rest of them. Two guys sat on the couch as well, one with blue hair and was particularly silent and the other wearing a hat and seemed to be one who was hitting on all the girls. Yazu decided to say something, "Hello..." he said almost too quiet to hear.

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Iwatodai by Adig01

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sorriso Chymes
Character Portrait: Yazu Katsurou
Character Portrait: Junpei Iori


Character Portrait: Junpei Iori
Junpei Iori

"That one just won't die! "

Character Portrait: Sorriso Chymes
Sorriso Chymes

"Watch me bring your world to life"


Character Portrait: Junpei Iori
Junpei Iori

"That one just won't die! "

Character Portrait: Sorriso Chymes
Sorriso Chymes

"Watch me bring your world to life"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Junpei Iori
Junpei Iori

"That one just won't die! "

Character Portrait: Sorriso Chymes
Sorriso Chymes

"Watch me bring your world to life"

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Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

... ummm, is this game dead or is everyone too busy to post. I hope its too busy cuz i really wanted this game to work out. but if it doesn't then oh well.

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

are we waiting on anyone's post in particular?

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

Personally I think getting to the chairmen and our characters that don't know what the heck is going on being told what the heck is going on would be a good start. :p

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

Thissss won't die, I don't think. :) I don't really know where the plots' going, so I'd have to wait and ask Adig. He's the GM mastah.

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

post plox people? lol I like this roleplay idea, don't die darn it!

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

I'm guessing you can add them in as you like, whichever suits you. I'm just waiting for Yuka-tan and Sorriso to post before I do.

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

First of all, hello everyone. Second of all, should we list our persona's abilities or will they be predetermined like in the persona game?

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

So pretty much we found each other during the dark hour somehow while running from shadows and the like?

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

As long as he is realistic and isn't super over-powered, be my guest

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

Oh ok, cool, cool. I got an original Persona I used for another RP, he's the Sun arcana, you don't have problem with custom Personae do you?

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

Just an alternate reality. Basically, it starts as if it would in the game, only everyone is found together in the way stated in the introduction ^^

Re: [OOC] Persona Revolutions

This looks fun, but I've got a question; is this after the game? Or sort of like an alternate reality?

[OOC] Persona Revolutions

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Persona Revolutions"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.