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Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii

0 · 517 views · located in Kyoto

a character in “Persona: Waking Nightmare”, as played by Mineczka


Name: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
"Yes, After the Imperial Consort of the Qi Dynasty... Thanks Dad"

Description: To start, Feng Xiaolian (Feng for short) is very feminine in her appearance, being that she is a woman, it's understandable. Though don't let her feminine appearance distract you, her body is very much a weapon and lethal to take too much abuse from. Since she is trained in many martial arts, including T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Judo, Jidokwan, and many more. Though, granted she's not small, standing at 170 cm and weighing about 62 kg, she's no soft person with a muscular build and long legs with strong arms. Looking at her, it's easy to tell she's a mild fighter, with her hair ending a little past her shoulders in the back and matches her set of dark blue eyes. She likes her hair short, it keeps it from being in her way as she fights. And her skin is near flawless, except for one mark, a deep cut that lays on the lower part of her neck, it's usually hidden though. Which Feng uses her preferred style, with her iron Bo staff using her strength and speed with her staff to be on the attack at all times.
Age: 18
Sex: Female
"If you couldn't tell... Might I recommend vision improvement"
Birth Date: 10.11.96
Birth Tarot: World/Empress
Voice Type: Fam Fan Fan (Dubbed voice) - Last Exile: Fam the Silver wing. Small edit though, she has just a half-step lower of a voice than Fam Fan Fan.
Blood Type: O-
Personality: Feng's personality is one that is hard to explain for most, with most, she comes off rather stubborn in her beliefs, hard headed, and admittedly hot headed. Which is somewhat true, she doesn't like budging an inch in her beliefs, especially with fairness, when she sees something that is unfair, she's not afraid to voice her opinion or join the fight to turn the tables, which is where her hot-headed part comes in. Where she is stubborn, and can be rather brash in her decisions, by no means, is she really hot headed. All Feng really wishes to do, is do what her father would do and be fair to all. In her mind, she's doing what she can to help those she can, meaning well, but not always doing well.

~Yet, Feng isn't at all mean or ill-mannered as some may see. She's rather calm and nice to those whom she think either deserves the kindness or needs someone to be nice to them, following the kindness is her air of what seems to be confidence, she seems confident in both herself and others around her, which she is, she is confident in her allies' skills and enjoys motivating her allies to preform at their best. Though the biggest critic of Feng, is herself, she doubts herself often and usually ends up losing both time, and sleep, to correct her error, leading to her being a minor insomniac, she can sleep, but it's very hard for her to sleep lots of nights without her sleep remedy medicine. In combat, under no circumstances, do you pull a weapon on Feng... You could end up in the ER for a week.

Biography: Being blunt about her earliest years as she remembers, Feng Xiaolian was born in a town just outside of Hong Kong, China. Unlike how she would have been raised inside of China, she was raised with the ideas and something of free thought that her other family members weren't able to obtain. She spent her primary school years in her home of Hong Kong normally. Which she began learning Martial Arts as a little hobby her father had. To be exact, her father was the first one to teach her T'ai Chi Ch'uan. Which assisted her in her in third grade, where a stronger boy in his fifth grade year attacked her friend. Needless to say, she won the fight, though had some hell to pay when her mother left work to talk to her teacher. Where her father a few years after, when she was still in primary school, her father took the offer of a lifetime.

~Said offer, was for a new company to enter the field. When asked about what to make, her father said one thing; "Arms" thus starting the Kinaseii Arms Company. Which soon was known throughout the world. A year later she and her family, had moved. Instead of staying relatively close to home, they decided to move into the Americas, to be exact, Canada. Thus she had to learn English. Which didn't go well. During the final year of her primary education, she struggled through English sentences. Which she was aggrivated at herself about, and soon, she realized how unfairly she was treated to the others, rather than being graded on the same scale of her peers, she had a lighter workload. Needless to say, Feng hated it since she was unequal with the others in her classes, all because she wasn't the greatest at English. As soon as she approached her teacher about it, she regretted it, her grades plummeted drastically, making her barely scrape through the year. She had decided something, she was to study in Asia. That's when her Aunt had an idea...

~The first year of her Secondary school, she was no longer in Canada. She had moved with her Aunt to Kyoto, attending a different school. Japanese was far easier for her to learn in comparison to the mess that was English. Thus she began in a public academy across the city as her parents had kept her in martial arts, allowing her to keep her hobby going. Then the one day that changed her life forever. Through a brash decision, she had a student whom despised her and her friend, which to her was okay, until one day, she brought in the one thing that scared Feng the most, a knife. This scared Feng and her friend, which she tried to defend herself and her friend. For once, she failed to protect her friend. As Feng attacked, the girl had slashed her neck, barely missing a lethal hit and taking Feng out of the fight in a pool of blood. The next thing she saw was her friend being murdered... Thankfully, while Feng had distracted the attacker, her friend had called the police and they were there within minutes after the murder had happened. Feng passed out and awoke to her friend's parents and her Aunt visiting her in the hospital, with bandages around her neck. Though her friend's parents forgive her, Feng Xiaolian has yet to forgive herself. Moving to the other side of the city, Feng had transferred into Hirasaka Academy. And her parents heard of what had happened and soon sent a package, a personal "Gun" that was defective and couldn't fire, a deterrent by bluff, and her 1.8 meter Iron Bo staff as a way to really defend herself. Her next two years passed as a blur, and her third year had begun. For the heir of the Kinaseii Arming Company.
Equipment /Weapon Type : Wields her Evoker, and wields her 1.8 meter staff and body as a striking weapon.
[b[ Other[/b] Feng Xiaolian is very tech savvy and knows her weapons, since her family is the Kinaseii Arming company. Topping it off, she's a minor insomniac, and cannot sleep regularly anyway.

---Persona Stats---
Name Qing Long (Seiryuu)
Image: Image
Strengths: Res: Light, Block: Ice, Wind.
Weaknesses: Fire, Electricity
Bufu- Light Ice Damage
Garu- Light Wind Damage
Zio- Light Elec damage
Poison Mist- Chance (25%) of poisoning the enemy
Null Freeze- Immune to freeze status.
Combat Style Where as Feng Xiaolian is a Close-quarters combat person, Qing Long attacks the enemies she cannot reach. Feng Xiaolian is also the "tank" character, allowing for her to take lots of abuse before finally pulling out.
Lore: The Azure Dragon is one of the Four Symbols (四象) of Chinese constellations along with Vermillion Bird, White Tiger and Xuanwu. It represents the East, spring, the color azure (green/blue) and the Wood Element. In Japan, it is one of the four guardian spirits of cities and protects Kyoto.

So begins...

Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii's Story


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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It was another dark room in Feng's mind, a familiar dark room. It was a storage room that held the Biology supplies in the school, which Feng Xiaolian and her friend Miyuki were putting some supplies in. All seemed normal during that rainy day as both quietly cleaned. That is, until a third girl came in, Homura, was her name, and she had a knife. Instinctively, Feng had moved to engage the new girl, whom was prepared for said attack it seemed. Sidestepping the elbow thrust Feng had thrown and taking a slash at Feng, missing. After stopping and turning, Feng attacked again, with her knee this time, that was when things turned farther south. The knee hit it's mark, at a price, as it hit, a slashing feeling hit Feng's neck, and soon blood began pouring out of her neck with force. Landing on the ground hard, and the edges of her vision going black, all Feng Xiaolian could do was watch, as her friend was approached by the armed girl, yet, Feng croaked out something...

"S-Stop!!" Feng yelped, rising from her pillow in her bed, the sound of her heart thumping in absolute fear was all she could hear in her silent and dark room. With shaking palms, Feng grabbed her watch, looking at the glow-in-the-dark hands and numbers, 5:15 AM she woke 15 earlier than usual for her, she slept well in comparison to the other nights she spent, sleepless from her insomnia, which came about after her fear of reliving the events that changed her personal life. Slowly, Feng had gotten out of bed feeling her legs shaking, I might as well go for a run... she thought, before putting on running clothes and walking from the apartment she shared with her Aunt, and she ran, the events of her dream still burning in her head as she moved about the sleepy area she lived in. After about fifteen minutes, Feng Xiaolian returned to see her Aunt in the kitchen, making breakfast for the two as per what she usually did. It was something they agreed on, "Auntie," as Feng called her, would cook breakfast, and Feng would make supper. Though, Feng silently walked to the bathroom, and took a nice shower. At least, before she looked at her neck and noticed how the shower water seemed blood red, it spooked her until she realized she had hallucinated. Nearly immediately after, Feng exited the shower to get dressed. As she came out in her usual uniform clothes, which was Miyuki's old uniform, the two were about the same size, which allowed them to share clothes, Auntie spoke as Feng came out,

"Feng, when are you going to wear the uniform the school gave you, instead of Miyuki's old one?" she asked, intrigued and giving a gentle sigh, she didn't understand why Feng did it,

"Because, Auntie, I want to keep Miyuki's memory close. Even if it brings me pain in the process..." Feng replied before rising, having barely touched her food, which she was unable to eat because of her dream. She felt sick to her stomach and honestly didn't want to eat anything for a while. She looked at her aunt before picking up her bag, and also a covered pole, for one of the clubs she was in, the school allowed her to carry it, especially after she told them her reason, "I'm sorry. I'm not exactly hungry." she said before walking out into the waking world and proceeding to school like normal.

As Feng had entered the school, she paused at the gate, remembering she needed to stop by the library. Slowly she walked to the library, passing the lingering students whom were waiting for the classes to begin. Feng wasn't really social when it came to school. Which she understood because she knew the last person she really opened up to was brutally murdered in front of her as she lay on the ground bleeding. Though something caught her eye, it was a bit different than what she normally saw around here, it was a dyed blonde ruffian digging through someone's bag, throwing things out as the bag's presumed owner was on the ground, and unable to do anything. Soon the boy pulled out a math book, which Feng quickly snatched out of his hand, knowing her reputation for acting out in defense of others, she felt comfortable and confident, she spoke, with a cold, and scolding tone as she gripped both the book and her staff as tight as she could,

"Didn't your mother tell you not to take things from others without their permission?" she asked, ready for him do to either two things, attack her and end up in the ER, or flee and be able to breathe without the help of tubes pumping oxygen to his lungs. Either way, Feng Xiaolian was making a statement to the boy.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
The boy let out a growl as she turned to face whoever it was who had their hand on the notebook he had just recently 'liberated' from Yuki. He was however quite displeased with the the person he saw standing before him now. This woman had quite the reputation here at the school and despite the pride he felt welling up in his chest, he thought it best to simply let it go for now. He had seen first hand what this girl was capable of and he rather liked the idea of keeping his face in one piece. And so, he relinquished his grasp upon the notebook and glared at Feng and Yuki before turning to walk away, "I'll remember this."

Yuki sat stunned as she watched the older girl so easily stand up to the boy and even sent him off with his tail between his legs. For a moment, she of course felt relieved that this mysterious person had stepped out from the shadows and saved her, it was a situation she had imagined several times before but had never actually experienced. The sense of relief however was short lived as the idea of this boy returning later to exact some sort of revenge crossed her mind, would someone show up to save her then? She thought it unlikely. For now though, she had to collect her things and get to class. With a deep breath she moved up to her feet and began to move around slowly to collect her bag and her things, speaking quietly to the girl who had showed up to save her, "Thanks..." She really was grateful but she couldn't quite bring herself to look the girl in the eyes when she said it, instead she quietly went about to collect her things into her bag, not wishing to trouble the girl any further.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng watched as the boy walked away claiming he'll remember the event, "Yeah sure you will... If you try anything I'll beat you myself..." she said under her breath so nobody could hear her before helping retrieve the contents of the girl's bag, hearing the girl thank Feng, "Are you okay?" Feng asked the girl, holding out the math book with a gentle smile. When things were rough for people, Feng was told that a nice smile helps them greatly. Though as she picked items up, she noticed a few of them were broken, pencils and all, but broken none the less. She sighed placing down the covered oaken bo staff, which cold be mistaken for many things that she could have, and soon, her bag was on the ground as she helped gather the remaining things.

After the items were gathered, Feng rose, stretching her back a bit and looking at the other students, whom were going about their morning before class started, Feng's vision blurred a bit as she felt a wee dizzy, simply put it was just a head-rush from having been down on her knees picking up things. Yet Feng looked at the timid girl and offered her hand out to her, to help the poor girl get up with a bit more ease. As Feng Xiaolian did she spoke again with a gentle smile on her face, and looking directly at the girl,

"I'm Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii, it's a pleasure to meet you Ms-...."


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
The girl seemed to volunteer herself to help her pick up her belongings even though she hadn't asked. She appreciated it but felt a little bad about it nonetheless. A few of her things were broken and her notebooks and textbooks had suffered some superficial damage to the outside, but nothing major. With a brief moment to check over her bag and its contents to make sure all was accounted for she finally looked up to the girl had acted as her savior. She wasn't much taller than Yuki was herself but to compare the two in any other aspect would be totally incorrect. From her boyish haircut, to her build, to just the way she seemed to carry and express herself, Yuki felt she was looking at her polar opposite. Yuki blinked a few times in silence before adjusting her glasses and speaking timidly, "Um, I'm fine... Thank you again and... Sorry for getting you involved with something like this. My name's... Kurosawa, Yuki Kurosawa, I'm a 2nd year student here in class C."

Yuki dipped her head in a small bow to the girl before her, her arms once more wrapped around her bag that was pressed firmly against her chest. Feng may have recognized this name as it had circulated about the school in gossip for a week or so when she first transferred in a month ago, right in the middle of the semester. Little happened after that though so the student body quickly forgot about the whole thing much to Yuki's relief. Now what? Yuki really wasn't sure what to do next. Part of her wanted to try and talk to this Feng girl more, but part of her was also afraid to bother the girl any further, surely she didn't want anything to do with her timid little self. There was also the matter of debt she felt towards her for saving her and of course the problem that that boy might return, they were in the same class after all. Her worry and anxiety was clearly written on her face as her gaze fell back to the ground.

"If... You want, maybe I could pay for your lunch? Or at least a drink maybe? I feel like... I owe you something at least for helping me." It was true, she really did feel indebted at least in some way to Feng but this wasn't her only motive for the offer. If she could hang around the girl during lunch she would certainly be safe from that boy and somewhere in the back of her mind was the hope that, however small, there might be a chance for her to make a friend, or at least a friendly acquaintance. "I mean, you don't have to but..." She trailed off into silence, uncertain of what more to say, a social butterfly she certainly was not. In the moments between their words Yuki reached into her pocket to fish out her phone and check the time, the time for homeroom to begin was swiftly approaching.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng smiled as she heard Yuki's name and smiled, seeing how they were both about the same height, but she pales in comparison to the Chinese woman, whom kept her hair short, was strong, and was quite decent looking. Where as Yuki looked frail, almost twiggy, with longer hair and glasses. In comparison to Feng, whom most could pick out of a crowd, the younger Yuki wasn't presented as more flamboyant and could be hidden in a crowd with ease. Though Feng wasn't good with introductions, preferring to be distant to most, tough this one, Yuki, seemed like someone Feng Xiaolian had to be at least friends with.

When Yuki offered to pay for lunch or a drink or something, Feng smiled, appreciating the offer that Yuki gave her, "[color-darkblue]No thanks, I appreciate that you want to repay me for helping you, but I'd feel guilty if I said yes.[/color]" she replied, bowing slightly in thanks, before noticing the library was open, though she turned back to Yuki and took a breath, and spoke again with a kind tone, "Maybe we could just eat lunch together, Yuki-kun. Since the best manner to pay back a debt is in good company." she replied, with a gentle smile, though deep down knowing that she may have screwed up the honorific she used for Yuki. She was never used to Honorifics in both Hong Kong and Canada.

Still, Feng wasn't exactly settled, as she picked up her bag and staff and looked at Yuki, smiling a bit, she was now smiling not by her own comforting of Yuki, but as a memory, Yuki reminded Feng of Miyuki, her old friend whom was killed because of a jealous enemy whom had bullied Miyuki before Feng had come in. Though this time would be different, instead of an unarmed Feng defending two people against one with a knife, it'd be Feng using her staff to defend all she can. Yet she spoke, brushing her thoughts aside,

"I was actually heading to the library, if you wanted to join me..."


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
Yuki only gave a slight nod as her offer was declined, she didn't really want to push the subject any further, what Feng said next though surprised her quite a bit. With a blink she looked up at the girl and tilted her head slightly, she was a bit confused by the honorific she used but more than that she was surprised that the girl had so casually called her by her first name. It had been quite a long time since anyone she met at school had done so. This however was just a small note for Yuki, the more important part came after that. Despite declining Yuki's offer she had asked if they wanted to eat lunch together regardless. Her dark curly locks bounced a bit as she gave a quick nod of her head, "Um, sure, I think I'd like that Kinaseii-senpai." She said that but she honestly wasn't sure she would be 'good company' as Feng had put it.

For a brief moment her gaze shifted over to the door of the library that had been opened up in the time she was collecting her things or speaking with Feng. "Well... I was planning on visiting the library before homeroom but... I think we're running out of time." She held her phone up to for Feng to see the screen, the background image appeared to be some sort of strange looking magic circle but more importantly according to the time there they only had about 3 minutes until the first bell. "We should get to class... Maybe... We could meet here at lunch?" The smallest hint of a smile found its way across her lips as Feng nodded in agreement.

After exchanging some quick farewells Yuki hurried up to her class, barely making it on time. Much to her relief, the boy from before seemed to be absent. Class moved along at its usual pace, Yuki of course took her usual neat notes and absorbed the information carefully and attentively, she rather liked class and learning so it was always easy for her to pay attention and as such, she usually got quite good grades. However, once lunch drew near she found herself wishing the class would end. The much anticipated bell finally rang and as the students rushed out Yuki was at the back of that crowd before quickly breaking free and heading downstairs to the library. She took a quick glance around inside to see if Feng was already there, but it seemed she wasn't. Just a large, blond-haired and scary looking boy and a much shorter dark-haired boy who was talking to him and a few of the regulars. So, Yuki simply opted to wait outside the front door for the 3rd year to arrive.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng smiled basically seeing the life in Yuki come back. She had never known Yuki before, but she knew personality type quite well from her experiences. Though she heard the Honourific "Sempai" behind her last name before the first bell rang, Oh crap!! I lost track of the time!! she thought before sitting down quickly in her classroom. Feng wasn't a late person, but she was today because of the incident with Yuki and the blonde-haired boy. She payed attention with a general knowing of what was going on, though quite honestly had no care. It was something she had learned in her old school, granted it was different, but learned.

Though as time had moved along, Feng was growing in her own anxiousness as she reminded herself about lunch. It both made her scared, and strangely excited. It was strange to her, since she wasn't much of a people person, and this was different. Feng offered lunch to the shrinking violet named Yuki. Why would Feng be nervous about it? Feng Xiaolian was a rather confident person and knew herself well, but this was strange to her. Having never been really nervous, though as the lunch bell rang, she could feel her body shaking on the inside.

Though she was nervous and admittedly scared, Feng threw on a brave face, and even smiled seeing Yuki. She really wanted to be friends with the girl, since the girl reminded her of Miyuki, and wanted to protect her like a knight, rather, an older sister. Since Feng was an only child, she never knew what it was like to have siblings, she had cousins, but no real siblings that she could tell. Yet, as she walked up, she cleared her thoughts with a quickness that wasn't like her. Which was understandable since she was once again, nervous, though spoke with seeming confidence, hiding the nervousness,

"Sorry it took me a while." she said in the completely wrong language. Feng was speaking her native tongue of Chinese rather than Japanese, though she smiled and shook her head, being used to making the error often enough to be able to shake off her mistakes,

"Sorry, what I said was; 'Sorry it took me a while.' But I jumped to the wrong language...."


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
As the sound of approaching footsteps reached Yuki's ears she glanced up to see the senpai she had met just earlier this morning approach. She moved away from the wall a bit to more properly face Feng, she was truly glad the girl had actually shown up, it wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened to Yuki and despite how kind Feng had been she couldn't help but shake those old fears. Feeling relieved a tiny smile once again graced her features as she watched the girl walk up. What she said however caused a bit of confusion, Yuki could easily tell it was Chinese but she hadn't the slightest what Feng had actually said.

Just a moment after that however she corrected herself and spoke up in Japanese. Yuki shook her head, "Don't worry about it, I just got here myself... But, that's kind of impressive that you can speak multiple languages... I just know Japanese." She wondered kind of difficulties that might have given the girl in the past as she reached into her bag to retrieve the library book she had intended on returning earlier, the cover looked rather strange and featured some very looking old artwork but she clutched the book to her chest before the title could be read. "Well, we should get in there before it gets too busy and so we have time to actually eat." She gave a nervous smile before turning to head into the library, quickly stepping over to the returns section and setting her book down there.

She knew exactly where to find the next book she was looking for so she decided it might be quicker to help Feng with whatever she was looking for first. With a quick glance around the library she leaned in closer to Feng and spoke quietly, "So what are you looking for? I'm... Pretty familiar with this place, so I can probably help you find it." She was slightly reluctant to admit that fact, it may have seemed a bit sad that she had spent so much time in here that she already knew the whole layout, though such a fact coming from someone who looked like Yuki did would hardly be surprising. The library was where she spent most of her breaks, it was always quiet and no one bothered her, and there was of course the books. She had even been asked to join the library committee at one point but she politely declined.


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng shrugged when Yuki asked what she was looking for, "I'm turning in a book, and really wanted to read some Shinto fairy tails. Since she had never read much in the fairy tails..." she said opening the door for Yuki, and smiling lightly as she did. Acting like a knight was something familiar to Feng Xiaolian, since she felt she had to be a knight to some, and to others she was the devil. It depended on how you looked at her, and what side of her you got at the time. Being honest, Feng judges by actions rather than the thoughts or words of the person. Though with Yuki, Feng was different. Instead of being so distant to Yuki and defending her from afar, she felt more of a connection and was willing to become friends with the kind little girl. Even if it meant her pride had to be sacrificed. It was something she was ready to do for her new friend named Yuki, as she brushed the thought aside, and stood with the door in hand, she spoke again,

"If you wouldn't mind. I'd enjoy the help that you could give me to find said books"

((I'm sorry this post is short... I kind-of lost my muse trying to write...))


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Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
Shinto fairy tales? Religion and mythology was one Yuki's greatest interests, her passion for such things and the occult were what earned her her old nickname. So, it went without saying that Yuki couldn't help but feel a bit happy and excited at the idea that Feng might also have an interest in those sorts of things. A small smile graced her features at that thought but she quickly shook it away and refocused herself at the task at hand. It seemed like she hadn't read much on Shinto before, and if she was looking for things like fairy tales she probably wanted a collection of some sort. With that in mind Yuki thought of the perfect book, one she had read before even.

Yuki nodded and took Feng lightly by the hand as she began to head into the library, "C'mon, I know a perfect book." She led down a few aisles and tucked away near the back corner of the library was apparently the shelf she was looking for. "Hm..." Yuki tapped lightly at her chin as she scanned over the titles on the shelf, sharp eyes on the lookout for the familiar looking book. Finally she found it, "Aha!" She reached up and gingerly pulled a dark-red book out from its resting place on the shelf. "Here we are." With a nod and a smile she held the book out towards Feng, "It's collection of short Shinto tales and myths, it was a fun read, particularly the section dedicated to tales about ghosts."

It was just now she realized how much she had actually been talking and couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed as her nerdiness began to show. She quickly cleared her throat and adjusted her glasses before giving a slightly awkward glance around the aisles. "Well, if that's what you're looking for you can go check it out... I'll go find what I'm looking for real quick and we can head out and eat, alright?" With a wave she took off around the corner in search for the book she had seen earlier, not really waiting for a response.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng smiled as she watched the girl, Yuki, act within her environment with ease. She really did love books and Feng smiled seeing that, looking at the book with a kind demeanor and smiling none the less at the girl whom was a shrinking violet act so lovingly to the books and especially the Occult, where Feng had some knowledge in, though she was picking up a few things, she had a very good perception with the Tarot cards, being able to read them and all, though she spoke, with kindness, "Oh is it? Thank you for helping me find the books, I usually have to run all over hell and creation to find what I want in here... Thanks, Yuki-kun" she said as she walked to the checkout. That's where things were combative again...

Feng Xiaolian watched as one of the bookcases shook and books fell, as she watched, soon a large blonde came out pushing someone, which Feng presumed was Yuki, aside as he stormed out in anger. This brought on some kind of anger in Feng as she now stepped in front of the man in a fighter's stance, to resist a push from most sides as she spoke with sharp, yet calm anger, as if she were his mother scolding the blonde,

"First. You go put the books you knocked off back, they're not your property, and thus you cannot damage them like they are. Next thing you are to do, to prevent me putting you in the hospital, is apologize to the girl whom you pushed down." she ordered, though keeping a grip on the bo staff under it's cloth, "What you are also to do; is go to whomever you were punching at, and apologizing to him or her too. You aren't a 'badass' if that's what you think, and I know that you can be nice. We all can."

She finished, with a angered look on her face, showing her heritage from China, though she spoke with a slight accent, her reputation was present with her defensively putting several ruffians in the hospital. Of all the times she expected a weapon to be drawn, other than her bo staff, now was it, and she was prepared, she spoke to him one last time, as if ordering the man again,

"Do I have to repeat myself? Get it done."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Just as Shido started charging down the hallway, someone dared to step in his way. Shido's face painted in an annoyed grimace of this obviously Chinese girl trying to act like his mom. He had a mother. Nobody could take her place in his mind. The girl must be an upperclassman because Shido never recognized her in any of his classes before. His blood was already on fire and right now it felt like it was going to burst out of his skin.

"First. You go put the books you knocked off back, they're not your property, and thus you cannot damage them like they are," the Chinese girl said, gripping on some kind of giant kendo stick under a wrap. "Next thing you are to do, to prevent me putting you in the hospital, is apologize to the girl whom you pushed down," She ordered, with some bullshit 'I'm Calm but Tough' tone.

"What you are also to do; is go to whomever you were punching at, and apologizing to him or her too." Screw him. He isn't gettin' shit. "You aren't a 'badass' if that's what you think, and I know that you can be nice. We all can." That's garbage. Nobody is nice for no reason. That Kyosuke kid should have never stepped in acting like he was Shido's friend. In the twisted mind of Shido Omori was nothing but his own agenda. Wasting his time picking up books? No. Apologize to some dork girl in the library? Shouldn't have been in his way.

"Do I have to repeat myself? Get it done."

Shido clenched his fists and lowered his face to the same level as the girl, his pupils darting straight into hers.

"Send me to the hospital? I'll send you to the morgue, chankoro bitch," he said in the slimiest, most hateful tone to ever roll out of his mouth. He didn't care who it was. This chick was going to have her remains scooped into an urn if she dared to lift a finger in front of the punk's face.

"Try somethin', Shanghai..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
Yuki scanned the spines of the books that rested neatly upon the shelf before her, she was looking for a particular book on Norse mythology she had spotted the other day and she was fairly confident it would still be here, it seemed unlikely anyone else would've checked it out. Her eyes lit up as she finally found her target and reached up to free it from its place between two other books. With a small smile she pulled the book close and took a look over the cover, to her left though she could hear some rapidly approaching and heavy sounding footsteps and as she began to turn her head to glance in that direction it was too late.

Some large, blonde-haired boy had barreled down the aisle and right into Yuki, almost like he didn't even notice the girl's tiny presence. Though he didn't push her just the force of the bump was enough to send Yuki against the shelf with enough force that she dropped the book she was holding, all in all it stung a little but Yuki wasn't hurt at all. She frowned but said nothing as the boy walked passed. Yuki simply sighed and adjusted her glasses, that kind of treatment was something she was used to back at her old school so it didn't bother her too much, it was still disappointing nonetheless however. As she bent over to pick up the book that had been dislodged from her grasp she glanced up at the door to catch Feng storming at after the boy, looking angry.

She felt a pang of guilt in her chest, she knew Feng had gone after him in an effort to defend her. Yuki was happy for that but she didn't want to cause the girl any unnecessary trouble or harm and this wasn't something she thought was worth fighting over. And so, after taking a breath to bolster her courage she stepped quickly up to the library door. "Kinaseii-senpai, it's alright really... He... He probably just didn't see me because he was in a hurry. I appreciate what you're trying to do but... It's not worth getting in a fight over so, let's just finish up here and go eat, alright?" As she spoke she tried to put on a smile and avoid looking at Shido, she had a feeling that if she looked at his rage-filled expression she'd lose all the courage she'd worked up just to get this far.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng kept her gaze at the man, she wasn't intimidated one bit by him, and she was ready for her to be in yet another fight, though we was threatening that he'd send her to the morgue, "Pah. I'd love to see you so much as try to send me to the morgue. It'd be amusing to watch you struggle against me" she snapped back, taking a step forward, which it was a small step, but had changed her stance, she was ready to take Shido's knee out which would lead into a throat strike as he fell. Feng had a wicked kick and punch, she knew that she was easily able to strike down people bigger than she was, and was ready to do so with the boy here.

"inaseii-senpai, it's alright really... He... He probably just didn't see me because he was in a hurry. I appreciate what you're trying to do but... It's not worth getting in a fight over so, let's just finish up here and go eat, alright?"

Yuki had brought Feng back from her combative state, Feng had prepared to adapt and destroy the much larger opponent that she had challenged, though Yuki had basically asked her to stop. Though her teeth gritted together, she looked aside and shook her head walking back to her friend as she sighed, "My apologies, Yuki-Kun, I figured you were hurt by the roughian. Thus I was ready to hurt him back." she said with a seeming casual tone, as if Feng had never been in a verbal fight that could have ended in a physical battle. Feng really did want to hurt Shido, at least, put him in his place that he's not the top dog anymore, but she wasn't going to brutalize him with Yuki there. She stretched her back as if reliving tension before looking at Yuki a little,

"Well... I apologize for that. Since I honestly was prepared to dish back the pain he gave you."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Shido gritted his teeth at Feng and raised his arms, ready to start swinging, when the smaller girl entered the fray. Every muscle in his body was contorting from his bloodlust to the point that his skin would rip if he tensed up any further. Words became a low rumble in the back of his mind and his sights were turning red. Feng's nonchalant stance was infuriating. Did his skills not meet her standards? Does she think she's better because she's been around the world? As Feng motioned towards the underclassman, Shido saw it as his time. His arm reached back slowly but he’d send enough force to rip a whole into the side of a semi-truck.

Years on the streets made his endurance incredible and using his weight and size advantage, it was never hard for him to use pure brute strength to shatter his enemies like glass. His timing would be perfect; his bloodlust would be satiated.

But as soon as he started to lunge forward he felt a strong force on his arm, whipping his head to the side to see the face of the Vice-Principal holding his arm back. Shido’s will to fight was subsiding but the hate still remained in his eyes and face. “Mr. Omori. Should I remind the penalties of engaging against another student on school property merits a suspension? One that you've served and are on your third strike?”

Shido ripped his arm out of the Vice-Principal’s hand and placed his hands into his pockets. He knew he was already in deep shit and this would put him on the edge and Shido was in no mood to listen to teachers say he’s a bad student. Let the fight go, or get expelled and work for Grandad at his crap shrine. Screw this… I would’ve popped her skull open if he didn’t show up. Nobody is tougher than me. Nobody. So Shido groaned and started making his way down the hallway, away from all this unneeded attention. More time he spent with others, the more annoyed he was. Without so much as making eye contact to the two girls out of spite, Shido made his way towards his class. I’ll make a bowtie out of your spine, chankoro. Just wait…

“That goes for you too, Ms. Xiaolian. Your hobbies do not bother me but I will not allow you to fight in Hirasaka at any cost, even should someone like Omori bother you. I have enough problems with him starting fights. Now be on your way you two, lunch will be ending soon.” The Vice Principal nodded to the two girls and started heading to his office.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shido Omori Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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#, as written by Keen
Yuki breathed a deep sigh of relief as the two separated at her request. The big blonde one didn't seem too happy with it, but thanks in part to the Vice-Principal the situation was resolved peacefully. She regarded Feng with a small smile before shaking her head, "I'm fine really, it didn't really hurt, I just sort of dropped my book." Yuki gave a quick glance back to the aisle where she had been pushed aside and dropped the aforementioned book. "Speaking of, I should go pick that up and check it out... We're gonna run out of time to eat at this rate." Her attention turned back to Feng as she began to take a few steps back, "Go ahead and check out your book, I'll catch up with you" With that and a small wave she spun on her heel and hustled over to the abandoned book.

A sigh passed through her lips as she bent over to pick the book up. Today had been an eventful one full of unpleasant blonde boys, up until now her experience at this new school had been pretty good, this was the first day she had felt like she was back at that old place again. That was of course with the exception of Feng, her presence was one she had never come across back then and it still came as a bit of a surprise to Yuki. As she hugged the book to her chest and turned to walk to the counter she shook her head. She wasn't sure why Feng had decided to be so friendly to her but it was something she certainly didn't want to let go to waste or pass her by, she wasn't sure she knew how but she wanted to try and be a good friend in return or at the very least try not to burden the girl too heavily.

After a short interaction at the front desk, Yuki's book was checked out and it was finally time to eat. She hadn't brought any food with her so she had to make a trip to the cafeteria to buy her food. She decided to keep it simple, just an apple and a small sandwich. After quickly eating with Feng the two parted ways at the bell that soon followed signaling the end of lunch. The day was almost over and Yuki was eager to be done and off to home, the day's events had finally started to wear on her energy and she was starting to feel a bit exhausted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yuki Kurosawa Character Portrait: Feng Xiaolian Kinaseii
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Feng sighed hearing the vice principal snap at her, she honestly wasn't much of the person whom enjoys being lectured or snapped at by others. As she walked to the checkout she waved casually at the Vice-principal as she walked away. Soon she reached the book she was to read during the week and with one swift move, she checked it out and nodded. It was time for them to finally eat lunch, which she brought herself, it was leftovers from what she had made earlier that week. With the snapping of a pair of chopsticks, Feng began to slowly eat with Yuki, noting everything and speaking calmly, "I'm sorry, for all the trouble I have caused you... I can understand if you are no longer willing to be as kind to me..." Feng spoke with a almost harsh tone about herself, since, all the bad that has happened today, Feng brought with them in her hasty and rash decisions.

Though soon she recalled her previous school and Miyuki, it was the time of her deceased friend's birthday. Her mind soon traced off as she thought of how she was to return to Miyuki's grave, which was always a *fun* trip for her, since most of the time the pang of guilt had overcome the calm demeanor and Feng had quite literally broke down over top the grave of the friend.

Moving that aside, Feng sighed when the lunch bell went off, she had barely touched her food and skipped breakfast, she looked at Yuki and spoke again with a calmness, "Well. That's the lunch bell. Sorry I caused us to not eat as much."

((Sorry for the short post, Hospitals kill muse....