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Persona: When The World Ends

Persona: When The World Ends


"They don't feel...only feed."

839 readers have visited Persona: When The World Ends since Lollipop created it.


In 2025, a scientist by the name of Dr. Meadows tried to reanimate the Big Bang in a single room, to prove that life could be created solely by science. Although successful, it couldn't be contained within the room, causing an explosion. Killing billions of life forms and bringing the world on the brink of extinction The effects of the B.B.A.(Big Bang Animation) was drastic, causing continents to break apart, flooding deserts, turning beautiful landmarks into ruins---Most of the human population died by the load of diseases that were created because of the B.B.A., and animals were either mutated...or became the first prey of the creatures that sprung from the B.B.A., creatures called Shadows.

The new life forms that were created by trying to recreate evolving life itself are separated into Shadows and Personas. To religious people, Shadows are seen as demons and the warriors for the dark side in this apocalyptic stage---they prey on animals and humans, although some of them can be killed by a human many of them are highly powerful. Then, there are Personas, which lives in its human host. Personas are able to manifest from its hosts in many ways, mostly linked to emotions---they are powerful alone, some are even able to perform magic. People see those who own a Persona as Angels, fighting against the Shadows who are demons.

The world now doesn't even have a map---the entire world is an Anarchy, were it is hide or get eaten. The sky remains covered with fast moving, dark clouds and sporadic lightning. The world looks a gloom, most major cities are in ruins, vines and trees growing out of cars and buildings as though it's been ages since it's been occupied.

There is a single shadow that is seen as the all powerful overlord. No one has ever seen the mother shadow, and lived to tell it's appearance. It is able to wipe out colonies of people in a matter of minutes to hours...Those who know more information of it says that it's intentions is to destroy the world, and that if this creature is to be murdered---time would reverse to where the scientists would begin working on the B.B.A.

---A girl who goes by name Lily, a Persona Wielder and the daughter of Dr. Meadows, is able to sense and classify Shadows, claims that she has a psychic connection with the mother shadow that calls itself The Creator. She gets horrible premonitions of it killing countless innocent lives---sometimes causing her to faint. This follows her quest on trying to stop this reign of terror, although she can't do it alone...

Persona/Wielder Relationship

A persona is most like a guardian than a friend, although some people get along very well with their Persona. Like humans, they are able to talk to others, but they can also speak any language on earth even to animals, and they have a telepathic relationship with their Wielder. They are summoned if their wielder is in distress or if their wielder calls out their name. Once the persona becomes tired, fatigue, or dies(temporarily) they they will disappear into smoke like mist---and it would be up to the wielder to protect themselves until the Persona recovers. The rarest thing to find is when a Persona's abilities shows in it's wielder, allowing the wielder to have a special ability that the Persona has.


There are many different types of Shadows, most of the are viscous, hungry, and will attack anything on sight. Very few cower and tend to act as decomposer, eating the remains of what has been killed. Then their are the few Shadows that have adopted the human life style(speaking human language, dressing in human clothing, eating with forks, spoons and knifes, (pretending) to have jobs), yet are just as monstrous as their brothers and sisters. Although the types of shadows can range depending on their skill, magic, and weakness.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
(Anime Picture goes here.)
[b]Special Ability[/b]:
[b]Persona Description[/b]:
[b]Persona Attacks/Spells[/b]:

1.) No auto-hitting in PvP battles.

2.) Don't overpower your character. Not everyone will get a Special Ability, so don't put one unless you really want it and you won't abuse it.(Don't think I'm being mean if I don't approve of or question your Special Ability.)

3.) Your character is still human with human emotions even though they have a paranormal guardian. Romance, Violence, Fighting, Drama is all expected, on the other hand Sex and overuse of cussing is not acceptable.

4.) No one-liners, and at least 1 paragraph per post, but I understand a writers block every now and then.

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Lily was use to quiet mornings. Waking up in abandoned old homes or Church's, although all the watches in the world have stopped, and it was almost impossible to tell the time because of the eternal gray sky, she liked to call when she woke up morning, because it was what she was use too. She made her way through the broken door with blood stained on the sides, she held her arms. Although there was only a slight breeze and the temperature seemed almost neutral, she always had a feeling of coldness. She looked to her left then looked to her right, then sighed."Oh, Violet," She said in her thick yet sweet British accent,"You would know what to do." She closed her eyes and bowed her head, replaying the last time she saw her twin sister and father. The look on her fathers face, the fear in his eyes, the monstrous vortex he created. The cracking of the glass.

She decided that she would walk towards the run down town. This was her first time in America, allowing her to see one of the places she really wanted to visit. New York City. Unfortunately, the once City of Angels is now the City of Silence, from what she has heard. There are probably people hiding in the remaining buildings---and 'probably' is good enough for her. She tended to take long ways, from what she's learned by her ability to sense Shadows, is that they are smart, and like taking ways that people would most likely take.

Whenever she got tired of walking, she would just summon Pandora. Her guardian Persona, and closest friend. Luckily she had the ability to teleport which cut down most travel time by a lot. She did just this. She would get on Pandora's back as she levitated off of the ground only a couple feet, levitating quickly to get to the destination, teleporting whenever she felt a full regeneration of her mana. When they arrived, Lily wasn't shocked about the sight of New York City. Though she could feel a high concentration of Shadows in the city."You feel that." Pandora said looking down at Lily, in her deep elegant voice."Yes---yes I do," Lily gulped, she rubbed the face of the golden locket around her neck,"yet I also feel the lives of innocent people near. Do you think you'll be able to handle the Shadow's that reside here?" Lily looked up at Pandora with sad, fragile eyes.

There was a pause."I understand how important the lives and survival of others is for you. The strength in your heart is what powers me. I will to my best." With that said, Lily gave a faint smile, nodded her head, and begun to walk through the streets of New York City, with Pandora floating closely nearby.


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America, As Grey grew up America was like some distant land of wonders. As he grew up In Sahara he wanted to go to America were he heard his parents were from, But as he got older that thought just faded away and was replaced by he need to survive. His life was hard before the B.B.A. but after it was more of the same but of course with the added bonuses of mutants and shadow. I wasn't long before his persona came forth and saved him.

Grey opened his eyes to the small hold of the fishing boat he fell asleep in. Straching He got up and moved to the door. At first it didn't move and a small panic flew threw him until if finally gave and in creaked open and revealed the world. The boat was just on the bottom of the Hudson river out side of New York city. Ever since the B.B.A. rivers lakes even some of the oceans have dryed up of the floor have upheavaed and totally moved the water to some were else, It also moved land masses. That factor helped him get as far as he has. It was long and he nearly starved more then once, but that wasn't anything new. This was the first city he's really ever seen, even in ruins it was a sight. He could only imagine what it was like before.

Grey was a few feet from the boat, "Sleep well?" The voice came from his Feet Nellorix was walking next to him. His voice was like the sound the desert wind. "As well as always, you ask me that every time." Nellorix looked up and him, "I hope you can give a better answer then that." Grey looked down, Nellorix head came above his knee, after a sec he looked ahead. "You know that mutants and shadows are there," Nellorix continued. Grey looked up from the river bed"Ya, but there's also food...hopefully." Nellorix vanished into a cloud of sand as the wind blew, "What about survivors," His voice lingered in the wind as Grey made his way into the city.


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As Lily walked through the city, her mind slipped into imagining the tall sky scrappers, and the rush of people around her. The beautiful sight was enough to make her smile, she could actually hear the sounds of cars honking and musicians playing on the street. She softly closed her eyes, and begun to spin around slowly with her arms up in the air. Pandora only watched her, without emotion on her face. Most of the time, it was hard for Pandora to understand human emotions because of the nature of her cold Persona appearance. Though Lily got a sharp pain in her chest that caused her to stop and look around the area."We're not alone." She said softly to Pandora."They are watching us, do you feel them?"

"I do." Pandora said sharply, quickly floating over to Lily. Covering Lily from a specific direction. When she did, about twenty shadows emitted from the alleyways and small holes left from when building leaned against each other. Most of them is was Lily called Scavenger Shadow, which were wolf-like black shadow, with golden eyes and a single horn on their forehead. Pandora looked each one of them in the eyes as they hissed and growled at this."No problem." Pandora said softly. The first one to attack tried to pounce on Pandora, whom just opened her mouth widely, and released a rippling energy that was targeted towards the Scavenger Shadow while it was in mid air. It was then suspended where Pandora countered and begun to shake violently until it dispersed into black mist. Each of the Scavengers begun to pounce towards Lily and Pandora, Pandora begun to teleport all around Lily protecting her from each attack knocking the Shadows back. When the last Shadow pounced towards her, she was out of breath, though she grabbed its neck, and it begun to whimper and growl softly. She looked deeply into it's eyes."Need---Energy." She said with a smile, immediately afterward gray veins shot from underneath the Shadows skin, while black veins shot from underneath Pandoras skin. A white fiery energy rose around them.

Lily begun to back up and watched while Pandora fed. She then turned around when she heard a Scavenger Shadow rising to it's feet."Pandora." Lily said loudly while the Shadow begun to target her as she stared into the yellow gel eyes of the Shadow. She tried calling for her Persona again, the Shadow begun to run towards her, then pounced in the air. Lily put her hands over her heads trying to protect herself from the attack that was to come. She screamed.


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It took little time yo find a stable way into the city. Most of the water front was destroyed, lucky for Grey that made it easier. Using the rubble of a wharf He made his way inland. Like said the water front was utterly destroy So Grey decided it was worth a look so he made his way into the city. Thou most had them fallen over or just seem to fall apart Grey was still in a bit of aw at the size of the buildings. Sending most his life in the desert or in poor town this was foreign in its own right. The closes thing he ever say of this city was in a old magazine, But this is still beyond any thing. Grey was gawking up at them, "Earth to Grey. " Nellorix was standing a near a whole in the wall of a building. "Right," Grey was hear to do one thing find some food and other supply's.

The first few buildings were uneventful, No food or enemies, thou he can feel the latter watching him but why are the not attacking. Moving on, he came a general store , named bargain bobs, entering it he found that most of the store was empty. About to leave Grey noticed a trail of blood leading to the back, It wasn't that old so he went to investigate. the trail went down the middle aisle and into the back room and throw a slightly opened door. Pecking in he sees a the end of a shotgun on the lap on someone's lap, "Hey," After a few seconds He slowly opened the door to see a half eaten corpse, Ignoring the body Grey went right to work going through ever thing. Most of the food was rotten but a few unlabeled cans, "Great, mystery meal" He said with a small chuckle. He left the gun because it seem the guy used the last of his shells at the end. Sighing, Grey made His way out but noticed a map of the city on the counter. Taking it he made his way out to the street, "It looks like were on the island part of the city." Sitting a few feet ahead of him, Nellorix tilled his head, "Should we head to the other side," Grey shrugged, "As good as a plan as any." He made his way to the bridge.

Surprisingly the bridges was fine..more or lease. His scavenging wasn't going any better, only a few or cans some cloths but no ammo. "We probably have to go more danger spots to find the good stuff." Grey was eat a can of spam, nodding," Ya, like all...what was that?" he tilted his head a bit. Nellorix was tilting his ear up to hear better, "Sounds like a fight." Chocking the rest down he made his way to the fight, He has little interest of actually helping if the fight is already lost, but he can just take care of the rest and take what he needs. Climbing over what use to be the side of building. He had couldn't believe it, A young women in rather unusual clothing for the area with someone that can only be a "Persona?" Nellorix Chuckled," So it seems." They seemed to be doing fine until the persona got to distracted and a Scavenger Shadow Busted from the rubble and went for he girl. First intact for was to do nothing he has seen wort in his life, But when she screamed...

His eye looked on the shadow and the mark appeared on it body. Grey vaulted over the rubble wall, while pulling out his gun. In the time it took for his feet to hit the ground he had taken aim, Then he fired. The bullet hit the shadow at a foot from the girl, from that distance it would surprise anyone it actually hit.. But right then more of them came from the rubble, an ambush, "Do it!" Nellorix as next to Grey and released a breath of sand on him. Suddenly Grey was making his way down the rubble as if in fast forward but he still wasn't going to make it "Nellorix!" Nellorix was still up the rubble, Closing his eyes he suddenly reopened him but they were glowing. Suddenly a beam of Intense light shot from them,Two shots were fired and the two front shadows were instantly destroyed. That gave Grey enough time to get to her side. Two more were coming followed by a third, he placing a mark on all three. The speed buff held for the first two shots at the first one, which dispersed. Turning to the next on which was about to pounce Grey put two more bullets into it, which net the same fate. The third was in the air and no time to shoot it. Grey draw his knife and slashed the shadow, throwing it to the side and put he last bullet in to it. Putting the knife away, hitting the release on the gun he flicked his wrist and you could hear the shells leave the hit the ground. Taking out the auto loader Grey looked around to see if there were any more.


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Lily waited a couple seconds for the impact of the Shadow to hit her, but nothing came. She opened her eyes, and brought her hand down from her head, looking towards the ground to find a quickly deterioration Shadow, she gasped deeply and looked at Pandora whom was still draining the energy from the Shadow she got her hands on. Where did the bullet come from? She thought looking around in the distance she saw a boy rushing towards her, with a small companion. She was in shock when she felt his strong energy as he came closer to her."A Persona Wielder?" She said softly.

The companion of the Wielder released what seemed to be a sand storm around them, she was speechless. She could only hear the deathly sounds of the Shadows last growls and gun shots coming from within the cloud. She watched him as he raced beside her, she stared at him even though he didn't make eye contact with her. Shadows were drawn to them, but he somehow was able to shoot them with incredible accuracy. She could feel that there was something special about him. He was like her, he was blessed by his Persona. She couldn't help but to jump a little whenever he fired, the sound of the bullet exiting the gun he was holding scared her a little. It was soon when she could sense that all the Shadows had died.

Pandora let go of the now dry, gray, Shadow she had sucked all the energy out of. She stood up and looked down at it. She kicked it, and it turned into dust, and floated into the wind."All better, I hope I wasn't too long, Lily." Pandora said turning around to find the boy beside Lily. Pandora frowned immediately, then teleported right in front of him."Who are you, what business do you have with Lily?" She hissed at him. Lily quickly grabbed Pandora's arm.

"He saved me while you were draining, Pandora," She looked up into his eyes,"if it wasn't for him, I would be in a serious condition." Pandora cut her eyes to look down at Lily, then cut them back to Grey. She squinted her eyes, and released herself from Lily's hands, only to float over to look in an old grocery shop to find some food for Lily. Lily watched her leave, then looked back at Grey."I'm sorry about her," Lily said softly," She isn't very kind to other people, it seems she only wants to protect me." Lily put her hands behind her back and gave a small curtsy."Hello, my name is Lily, and you are?" She smiled.


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He was focused on the surrounding area until Pandora came at him. He wasn't scared or even a little intimidated, If she wanted a fight he would give her one. With a flick of his wrist the cylinder locked into place with its new bullet. He was about to say something until Lily called her off. Taking off to the near by store she left him and Lily alone, Grey started to feel some pressure. He looked at her then away, He tried to focus on a distant building and hoped his collar was high enough to hide his blushing , she asked your name. Just answer. He glanced at her and then back, Crap. "That is one protective Persona." Nellorix was next to Grey looking up at Lily. Then it proceeded to walk around Lily, " Now this one is cute," He said with a grin, as he walk behind her and the direction of Pandora his tail brushed Lily's leg, "Don't mind him, He's bad with...people," Nellorix said with the same grin. Grey watch him make his way to the store, Wait...crap. Grey glanced at Lily and coughed, ".....My names Grey......and you owe me 6 bullets for saving you." Both Could hear Nellorix yell, "Way to brake the ice." He didn't even look back.

Nellorix walk in The store after Pandora, At first he didn't even look at her but started to look throw ever thing that was left. Despite all of the other busts, this store was better off on supplies, "Looks like the Shadows kept others away...good for use." He said with a smile as he pawed at a can on the ground. Finally turning the label up he gave a gagging sound, "Canned the hell would eat this?" He turned his head to look at her from the corner of his eye, "You know, I've never met another persona before. I know their were more out there." A small grin crept on his face, " But I didn't know that the first one I met was so Irresponsible. Indulging your self while there were still enemy's around and letting her be in danger like that, tisk tisk."


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"Seems like Pandora and you're owner have a little something in common." Lily said calmly, yet blushing at Nellorix previous compliment. She could sense that he was a little on edge, though his Persona---she was able to pick up information about his Persona very quickly."My names Grey......and you owe me 6 bullets for saving you." He said, with his Persona responding sarcastically, Lily couldn't help but to cover her mouth to stop her from laughing out loud."Quite a comedian Nellorix is, hm? I can sense that he is a very powerful ally if you know how to interact with him correctly." She said watching Nellorix leave, she looked deeply within Grey's eyes."I'm kind of like you, although I'm able to sense the powers and information in Personas, and Shadows---very rarely people though." Her British accent was thick when she spoke, though it was elegant and sweet."How about we go find you some bullets, then? I already feel safe with you." She said before turning around, walking down the road, walking past crashed cars, corpses, and piles of rubble from destroyed buildings.

Pandora floated through the store, looking for vitamins that would be good for Lily's health, as well as some pure water and canned fruits and vegetables. "Looks like the Shadows kept others away...good for use," The new Persona said to Pandora, who only glared at him for a quick minute, then went back to what she was doing."Canned the hell would eat this? You know, I've never met another persona before. I know their were more out there. But I didn't know that the first one I met was so Irresponsible. Indulging your self while there were still enemy's around and letting her be in danger like that, tisk tisk." He continued. She turned to him, with not even the slightest look of interest.

"There is no use trying to explain my conditions to you, when you hold such an insignificant placement in my cold heart,"She said to him,"You just make sure you mind your master, and I will protect mine---I fear if they grow close then that means I would have to spend more time with you---and I can already tell that you're a talkative persona, and there is nothing more that I hate then someone who doesn't understand the meaning of silence. The Oracle---I mean Lily, is a very important being. If your Master and my Master continue their bonding, I feel as though they can accomplish amazing things together--With that being said, I won't obliterate you."


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Grey was going yell back at Nellorix but he was already in the building." A comedian would not be the word I would use." He listened to her and watcher walk. Her vioce was like nothing he has ever heard and her words held something foreign in his world, innocence. These alone should have melted Grey and left him with nothing else but to follow. That wasn't the case In fact They did get to him But something else entered his mind and the clouded it, Rage. He started after her slowly at first, "You think bullets are that easy to find," His words held a harsh tone, "If finding bullets just as easy as that I would have more bullets then I can carry." His voice was getting a little bit louder. "But every thing must be that easy for you," With a skill born from a life of move on rough or uneven terrain he closed the gap, moved around. and stood infront of her with unthinkable ease, " Look at you," He looked her up and down,"You cloths alone can tell much but lets look closer," He reached down and grabbed one of her hands and brought it up to chest level, Her hand were smaller and sleeker......and softer,He blushed for a sec before continuing his rant, "Hands can tell ever thing about person. Your hands despite everything, are soft and have no calluses or none I can see or feel, You lived a rather carefree life," He let go of her's hand and lifted his to eye level. The differences are as plain as night and day. His hand was baked from the sun, torn from the sand, and had multiple scars, "This is a hand of some one that has done nothing but survive," His rant has gone beyond bullets now,"You have no idea what I have done with these hands." Dropping his hand he stepped closer and locked eyes, "Look deep into my eye. In your you eye I see the shine of hope and innocence. In my eyes those are gone and if you can look deep enough you can see what I've seen." With a small step his face was almost touching hers, "And if you were to put our soul next to each other my would be a hellish road map, jagged and dark. While yours would a sleek thing with one road, few turns, and well lit." He stepped back, "What your looking at, all around you, is basically the same world that I lived it my whole life." His voice suddenly went louder, "So don't stand there and say something like "Lets find some bullets" With a straight face. It might be easy in your world but not in mine!" He turned and walked a few feet. Stopping he turned his head and looked at her out the corner of his eye, His voice was calm "But you still owe me 6 bullets. So your not leaving my side until you pay me back. 6 Bullets that fit my gun." He continued to walk away and turn around the first corner. After a few feet and was out of sight he stopped and leaned against a wall. His whole body was shaking and he was staring at the same hand the touched hers."Stupid, What the hell was that," He whispered to himself and slammed his other fist into the wall. "Could have done that better." He realizing he his hand was hurting, pulling away from the wall he realized he cut the side of his hand, "Crap" Taking a deep breath Grey straightened him self and hid his hand, Ok, I'll just go back and apologize. Nodding to himself he made his way back.

"Obliterate Me?" Nellorix stared at her for sec before he started to chuckle that turned into a roaring laugh. That continued as he walked down the aisle some more. Finally stopping he tilted his head at something on the shelf, "Instant protein." He made his way to the freezer section at the back, " "Master" is such a interesting term for them. I wouldn't call him master and he would ask to call him that. No, I would call him "ally"." He stopped in front of glass doors, "Ya, rotten for the most part." He turned and made his way to the counter, "But speaking of them, my "Ally" could survive with out me, can you say the same of yours?" He didn't even look at her as he jumped up onto the counter and looked on the other side, "Sweet, beef jerky," Cocking his head to read better, "original, and peppered." He looked at her, "Your right bout them doing amazing thing, Even without use. Just look at them....." He looked out the window, "Where did there go?"


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Lily stood in silence after he walked off, looking at her frozen hand. Her heart never raced faster. She felt as though, for a few seconds, she couldn't breath. Her mouth went dry, the only thing she could do was turn around and let the tears roll down her face, she wished she was as strong as her sister, her sister wouldn't have never let anyone talk to her like that---no one. She begun to walk down the street, knowing that once Pandora felt that she was out of range that she would teleport to her instantly."Where did they go?" Nellorix asked Pandora. As he did, she disappeared into a puff of black smoke, floating right by Lily's side. Pandora looked back at Grey then at Lily,"What wrong, Oracle?" She asked quickly. Lily's arms were folded and she begun to walk more quickly. "It was wrong to have come here,"She said the deepest sadness in her voice,"The main objective is to find my sister and father, maybe we'll find him his precious bullets on the journey."

Ignoring the persona's attitude that she'd just met, she thought it would just be best to try to cheer Lily up."Don't fret, don't fret,"Pandora said grabbing Lily's arm causing her to stop and face her. Lily's cheeks were flushed red, and her eyes drowning in tears. Pandora wiped the tears from Lily's warm face,"Not everyone in this world is kind Lily, you know that. Whats the charge? Bullets, we can get him bullets---it might take some time...but once we get it to him, we can start searching for your sister and father again. All right?" Lily looked up at her, strongly. Then she turned to Grey, and begun walking towards him not making eye contact with her arms folded."I'm sure we can get you you're bullets," Lily said with a hint of darkness in her voice,"Just keep up. You never know what you can run into." She turned around and begun to walk back to Pandora.


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As Grey made his way back he saw that Lily's persona was with here and Nellorix was a few feet behind them. As he walked up to them he rehearsing in his mind his apology. Ok, Very simple just say "I'm sorry" That's it. When he got to the others he felt the temperature drop as he felt her words. They lost there music to them and he deserved it. He was about to respond, it was actually going to go sideways again, but suddenly a tan and blue veined tentacle wrapped its self around Grey's neck and started to pull him away. Nellorix's tail had got thinner and longer and was now wrapped around Grey's neck but not enough strangle him, "Excuse us." Nellorix wasn't happy. Pulling a struggled Grey behind a wall, Nellorix slammed Grey into that wall. Grey slumped to the ground and sat there. If it was any one else he would had gutted them but this was different. Nellorix got into his face and yelled, "What the hell did you do!?" Grey just sat there not looking at him, He was looking as a spot on the floor."Did you say something Stupid?" Not that loud that time. "Very." Was all Grey said. "Wha.You.Just.Ga." Nellorix was now pacing in front of Grey, speaking in half words, grunts, and moans. "Why the hell? I mean, what was going throw your mind?" Grey sill looked at the same spot with guilt in his eyes, "I was going to apologize." Nellorix stopped and looked at him, "Damn right you are. Your going to go and beg for forgiveness. Beg in such a way that her ancestors and descendents will feel sorry for you." he growled.

Nodding again Grey got up and made his way to Lily rehearsing again. The chill was still in the air, But when Grey was a few feet from her he stopped and exhaled, a white plume of breath left him. Nellorix was next to him, with the same confused look. Then it started to snow softly. "What the..." He looked up at first he didn't see anything but then a speck started to grow, "Hell!" He made a mad dash for Lily, Grabbing her hand, "Run," He pulled her back the way they came the speck became a dark blur dart. When it hit the ground there was a explosion of ice from the spot the Lily was standing. A shockwave throw them to the ground. Grey got up and looked back, The spot they wear standing was now covered in Pillars of Ice, a bunch of small ones surrounding a 5 story one. The top of the large pillar suddenly broke apart and revealed a giant bird. Its wing tips start out black but go progressively blue towards the body, its wing span was easily 20 feet, and only had one leg.

It stood on the Ice pillar Staring at them for a moment before giving off a loud howl and started to beat its wing. Grey's eye's locked on the bird as he marked it, drawing his gun he took 2 shots at it. At first it looked like it didn't work but in truth the bullets started to freeze in mid air then fall short of the creature. It just continued to beat its wings. Grey started to notice that the wind coming off of it wing were getting blacker and blacker. "Hell, run." He grabbed Lily again and started to pull her to a hole in the nearest building but they weren't going to make it but there was a piece of debris, that was once part of the wall of the building he was going for. It could shield them, well mostly Lilly. Getting her behind it Grey wrapped his arms around her and got behind the debris as best he could. The bird gave another howl and one more beat of its wing and a blast of black wind Blow towards the group. The wind blasted throw the street and ever thing it everything it touched was Frozen or cover in several layers of ice. Grey's back caught some of the blast and some ice formed on the back of his cloak and its edges. He leaned backwards he peer into a world of Ice, "Wow." Grabbing he hand again he pulled her to the building. "Nellorix, " Grey yelled. An ice sheet blow apart and he leaped out, Nellorix had hide in hole made by the debris. "That was cold."He made his way to the others.

The ice bird howled and leapt off the ice pillar and took to the air were it circled the building were the group was hiding. "Great, Now its going to wait use out," He peered out side to see it while knocking the ice off his cloak. "Where did something like that come from?" He thought for a moment "Ok, I need to get above it. Can you distract it?" He look at Nellorix. "Not by my self," He looked at Pandora and Lily. Turning to the insides of the building,"I leave it to you." At first he didn't look at the two but he turned to Lily and looked her up and down, "You really aren't dressed for this." With a grin and in a whirl of cloth Grey had taken of his cloak and put it on Lily. With that Grey made his way into the building and to the highest point, leaving a bit of blood from the cut from before.

"Ok, Pandora you can stay here or help me your call but I think you know the answer. Lily you better stay here," He was about to leap out when he turned back to Lily,"I told you he was bad with people," With a sad smile he bound back into the street and fire 2 scorchers at the Ice bird.


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"I will join you, on attacking this abomination," Pandora hissed, disgusted with the creature that had attacked them,"Although, I am sensing great power from it. Ice and wind, two very powerful elements when used correctly. Lily, stay here. You should be somewhat safe, I will feel if you are in danger." Pandora teleported to where she was behind Nellorix. She mumbled a few words and motioned her arms towards the Ice Bird, one by one, birds made of black energy emitted from her hands flying after the bird to attack it."Be careful!" Lily yelled after them, holding the cloak around her, small fragile body. She felt very nervous for all of them, she wished she could have been of more assistance, but she stayed behind in the remains for the first floor of the building. She looked around the room, but in the farthest corner she saw her sister.

"Violet!" She yelled after her sister, dropping the cloak she ran towards her, but when she was only a few feet away, her sister disappeared in the shadows behind the girl. Then Lily heard a loud scream, on she could hear. Everything around her got dark."Oh no." She said, she's felt this before. She was having a vision. She could hear the screams for hundreds of people all at once, she shut her eyes, and fell to her knees, covering her ears."Why do you provoke me? You and your archer will not be enough to stop my Minion."

"So you're the one who summoned this?" Lily said out loud."Yes, indeed," The voice in her mind responded,"The first of many to come. You will no stand in my way Oracle---but remember we'll never part." Those last 3 words, made Lily open her eyes."Violet? The Creator?" She said in a low tone. She frowned. She walked back over to get the cloak, and then ran after Grey in order to catch up with him.


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The first two scorchers missed there mark but they were just wild shot. Nellorix Had positioned himself near the middle of the street with Pandora. The Ice bird was circling around the very building that Grey and Lily had entered. The black birds Pandora sent after the much larger bird came at it in a swarm. at first The ice bird didn't give them any mind, as the got closer the ice bird beat its wings and release a strong gust of Dark wind and the nearest of the black birds froze over and fell. At this point It gained speed until it was well ahead and above the Pandora's birds. It then turned stalled in flight were it built up more wind , as the little birds got closed the Ice bird gave a final beat and the wind dispersed and in its place an number of what can only be called black blades flew at the small birds and at the two personas on the grouned. One of the birds was sliced in halve but it didn't disperse but instead it turned to solid ice and fell to the street below. The rest of the birds met the same fate as the blades flew to the area that the personas stood...and floated.

Nellorix watched as Pandora's birds did every thing they could to get to the shadow. As it built up wind, Nellorix used his tail to throw a piece of rubble about as big as him is at it. The black blades of wind it sent out slice the rubble in halve as well and it shattered in to pieces of pure ice as it hit the ground. "In coming!" He said as he tried to position himself out of there line of attack but there randomness still made him dodge one. When the blade hit the ground, a slice as thin as paper was left but the area surrounding the cuts became ice, not just cover the ground became ice. "That was close...where did it go?"He looked up into the sky, "ah, there." It circled around the building and was coming in low, "Listen, When it comes to Grey please don't judge him to harshly." He yelled to her. At the far end of the street the ice bird was a couple yards from the ground and suddenly did a corkscrew and became a spinning dart of blue and dark wind. It passed over the two only giving of little wind before taking back of into the sky. At first It looked like it did nothing but at the end that the bird lift back up into it left behind 7 feet high dark wind tornados, about 4 of them. At first they just sat there but then they charged at the two, leaving a wave of ice in its wake. Nellorix fire a scorcher at one that at first it absorbed it but then it seemed to fizzle out in a flash light,"Yes."But there were still 3 more and he didn't have time to fire again.

The first 7 floors were easy but on his way to the 8th he found it collapsed, as did a few floors up, "Crap." Entering the 7th floor He hoped he can find a way up and found a piece of the above floor ad fallen and made a ramp, That's a start." The next floor he had to pile some stuff to get throw a hole to the next floor. The next one he climbed some rubble to continue. This continued for the next 5 floors, But as he made his way he noticed that it was getting colder and colder and the area around the window were freezing over and getting deeper into the building. "This area will become a Icy tomb."At the 15th floor he stop because that were the new roof. It was half covered in ice, With bits of the walls still standing. It also had patches of ice around it. Running to one of the walls Grey looked out and say the bird fly under him. With the mark still on he fired 4 more shoot at it but it seemed like they met the same fate as the first 2. "Great," He emptied his gun and started to reload," I wish I still had my rifle and some of my grenades left." He pace while watching it attack the 2, "All I have is this gun and my knife but how am I going to get my knife..." He stopped, "That's a stupid idea...all well." He put down his bag and started to go throw it until he hear movement that wasn't the bird. Drawing, he aim for the source of the sound and then pulled back, "Lily? What the hell are you doing up here?"

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lily Meadows
Character Portrait: Grey Brood


Character Portrait: Grey Brood
Grey Brood

"Only one shot"

Character Portrait: Lily Meadows
Lily Meadows

"I must end this."


Character Portrait: Lily Meadows
Lily Meadows

"I must end this."

Character Portrait: Grey Brood
Grey Brood

"Only one shot"

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Character Portrait: Grey Brood
Grey Brood

"Only one shot"

Character Portrait: Lily Meadows
Lily Meadows

"I must end this."

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Most recent OOC posts in Persona: When The World Ends

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

I posted.

Are things hectic?

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Nah, I think it was just a matter of timing. We missed all the them.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Lol, no no no, you're not losing it! It's a glitch in the system---It does that from time to time, don't worry. It's still you and me. I'm guessing not many people know of Persona. :P

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Am I loosing it? I thoight I say others in the character tab.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

More Announcements

1. I have posted

2. Wow, we have new people.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Aaah, thank you for taking initiative. I love it! :)

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends


1. I have posted

2 . Introducing first boss: Arctic Darkness

3. Add theme song and new powers.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Okay. I believe I'm free to post more often today, saying that I'm not that busy.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

I'm having a bit of writer block for the part with Grey and Lily so hopefuly I will get a post out tomorrow.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

It's fine, I'm able to understand everything. Don't worry. ^^

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Again, sorry and tell me if I wasn't clear with anything.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

It's okay, don't worry. I just replied. ^^

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

I have posted the first post, once you've been accepted you may start replying.

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

I have completely filled out my character sheet. Some of it has changed, you may look over my sheet to see how to fill it out. In addition, your Persona will be able to perform up to 10 abilities, although you can have fewer if you'd like. No overpowered abilities---I will PM you if I see something overpowered.

@Exilewing: I will be looking forward to seeing your character. :)

Re: [OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Interested, Will post character some time tomorrow

[OOC] Persona: When The World Ends

Had to add this because this is technically a fanfic-

Though, if anyone has any questions or concerns pm me or ask here. :)