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"This is my life, don't you see?"

0 · 262 views · located in Phantasy World

a character in “Phantasy World Online”, as played by ShadowsoftheNine


Character's Real Life Information

Name: Diamond Fate 'Dia'
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 115
Other features?: Dia is forever paralyzed, incapable of even sitting up, or opening her eyes.

[Real life:] Will update (Due to her being in this state, it is difficult to proceed with how she acts in real life)

[In game:] Inside the virtual world Dia is a very kind, helpful woman. She rarely engages in unneeded fights, and almost never comes to really 'hate' anyone, even the tyrant king (at an extent). She is mildly aware that the world she knows is not the actual world. However, she treats players and most NPCs with the same unbound kindness. She often enjoys to explore the virtual world of Phantasy Star alone, however she never objects to any requests of accompaniment. Though this often comprises of simply Rei and Evi.

Dia was cursed since before birth. Her mother died while carrying, and forced the doctors to try and extract her from the womb. Even with the days technology it was a narrow save. She required help from mechanized limbs to help her move. From birth she never was capable of even opening her eyes correctly. She never became capable of speaking, much less, her capabilities of walking were deteriorating. By the time she turned 13, Dia was permanently hospitalized and hooked to machines. Her body was too weak and frail to continue on in life, and so she was nearly a simple object pinned to her fathers life.

As her father had been a rather wealthy man, he was capable of buying Dia the most advanced treatments, partially in hope that she would be cured. Unfortunately none really prevailed unless he wanted to sacrifice her to completely make a machine. By the time she turned 18, the father had set out to further the virtual world. By 19, he had accomplished what others deemed impossible. He created a one of a kind device for his lone daughter. A computer that could plug to the other machines, an attatchment that could run her mind continuously through a machine. But through this, Dia entered the gaming world, almost incapable of leaving.

When the time came, she was plugged directly into the game he created, Phantasy Star Online. Though she did not know the maker of the game was her father, she was given the ability to live a second life, a real life within the game, off the machine. However, due to her unstable condition, the lead GM was passed to someone more capable.

In-game Info

Name: Vivi

GM, Beta Tester, New Player? GM

Race: Neko

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6''

Weight: 110

Other Features?: Just as her real life counterpart, this character is blind.

Guild: None

Class: Bandit
Weapon Type: Claw (Fist type)
Level: 50
EXP: 5/5

HP: 2550
SP: 1530
ATK: 153 DEF: 77 SPD: 179
M.ATK: 51 M.DEF: 102

Level 1 - Heightened Senses
Type: Passive
Description: Through blindness, all other senses are drastically increased. Just by sound alone she can 'see', due to processing the different sound waves. She canse sense the changes in atmosphere by simply feeling the different temperatures. As well her keen sense of smell helps her keep track of even multiple targets' locations.

Level 3 - Cursed Claws
Type: Passive
Description: Attacks dealt cause a 20% slowing effect on target.

Level 6 - Deep Wounds
Type: Active
SP: 20%
Description: Once activated, each strike causes a bleeding effect for 50% of ATK over 10 seconds. Additional strikes only renew the counter. Lasts 20 seconds

Level 12 - Minor Distortion
Type: Active
SP: 30%
Description: In this state, Vivi's body is pushed to the limit for an immense build of speed at the cost of lessened defense. Speed x2.5 for 30 seconds. Damage received x2 for duration.

Level 24 - Eternal Alliance
Type: Active
SP: 100%
Description: Jumping backwards, Vivi calls out for support, while using what little magic she has to summon two pawns to her side from the shadows. Her two closest friends Rei and Evi come to join the battle. (Each pawn is equivalent to half of Vivi's level.)
Rei and Evi have the following attributes

Class: Bandits Weapon Type: Claws (Fist weapons)
HP: 1300
SP: 720
ATK: 78 DEF: 39 SPD: 91
M.ATK: 26 M.DEF: 52

Level 48 - Fated Leadership
Type: Passive
Description: During combat allies gain an additional 50% Atk/Def on their main attribute. (Either physical or magical) Speed of each member is increased by an additional 25%. This buff does not include Vivi. This buff includes Rei and Evi if party is less than or equal to 3

Inventory (Items are basic - EXP scrolls, Potions, Quest items, etc… You don't start with any)

So begins...

Vivi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oshiva Character Portrait: Jack Character Portrait: Vivi Character Portrait: Varin
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0.00 INK

New Player - Varin
Class: Lvl.1 Warrior (Two-hander)
HP: 120/120
SP: 40/40
EXP: 2/5
Gold: 2

Varin grinned widely as he approached the gate, knowingly full well that no game started until it's first fight. He was going to finally take the first step in becoming the ultimate warrior. "Tha-", a tap came to his shoulder, interrupting his own train of thought. Partially annoyed he slowly turned around to glare at the man. It seemed to be one of the higher level players greeting him, in a rather peculiar way. He was not even intent on listening until word of a message came from the man's lips, a message of taking back this world. Varin now stared awkwardly at this man, partially confused as to why a GM would even need to take back a world.

"Are you making fun of me?" He growled, seeing this as some kind of joke. Whether it be this guy was mocking the fact that some new players might not know how to check their in game messages, or testing their knowledge on what the game is even about. There was always a player or two that liked picking on new players, so it was very plausible that this was one of them. "If only I could crush them right now.. Stupid level difference.." Varin could not help but think of grinding this 'kid' to dust. "I have no time for jokes..." He tries to brush off what they said, however it only kept coming back and plaguing his thoughts.

Glory, wouldn't that be the prize that would come from helping GMs? Let alone, if he could do it by himself, then he could prove to be the single strongest player. The thoughts of self-glorification were to great, he started dumping the idea of it being a simple prank. "Now listen here, with the power I am to grow, I would be the first to know, and last to join. Why? Because I will one day prove I am mightier than any player including the GMs. Even if I am lacking in level for now, I shall one day rise above all others." His laughter rang out as he turned away. "Just sit back and watch the show of my power."

GM- Vivi
"E'dellon Castle"
Class: Lvl.50 Bandit
HP: 2550/2550
SP: 1530/1530
EXP: 5/5
Gold: 2

From sunset, to sunrise, Vivi was used to the lack of players walking this world. It was within that time, she generally walked around the area to interact with the various NPC. However, this time she simply spent the entire night sitting on the walls of E'dellon Castle, looking out into the world with her blind eyes. She quietly waited, listening to the different sounds of the night within Phantasy World. For the other GMs this place may have been like their second home, however to Vivi is was practically her only home. A world that had changed far too much in the short time she walked upon it. Changed to the point, that her and the others needed to stand against an NPC. This is what echoed in her mind throughout the night, the fact they were going to take it all back.

Morning came far quicker than she had expected for both worlds. She could sense the drastic change of players logging into the world to continue their simple 'game'. The wind was blowing now, the gentle breeze every now and again comforting Vivi as she sat in wait. And when a familiar scent took to the air, she would finally stand, blankly looking down into the castle courtyard. "Oshiva has logged into Phantasy World" She muttered, almost acting like an ambience to the normal greeting of the game. When she first entered this world, it scared her. Player's scents would randomly disappear, and after a while, she learned they were simply logging off. Something she could not do.

Vivi had learned the layout of this castle quite well, so much infact, that even though she was blind she could walk about without any errors in direction. Drawing in one last breath, Vivi fell back off the wall, falling towards the courtyard. Her breath softly pushed out, as her mind counted the seconds. She pushed herself into position with her feet brushing the wall, twisting herself around to face towards the ground. The archway's curved edge portruding from the wall quickly approached. Sliding down, she pushed off just before the edge, tucking into a roll before hitting the ground. Forcefully she tried to stop herself, and once she did she extended out her hand, touching the wall. "Minor miscalculation in landing range... Reduce preparation for roll by .27 seconds. " The way she talked, indeed seemed like something robotic. Perhaps this was simply because she didn't need the useless scraps of a sentence when she was communicating .

She quietly walked along the halls, the open doorway allowing the wind to enter in a small breeze. She continued following the scent, searching for Oshiva, knowing that by the strength of it, she had in fact logged on. "Oshiva?" She spoke out, turning the last corner in the hall. "I wonder if the beta-testers are on…", a voice almost silent broke. Either her voice was further away from her microphone, or perhaps she was still a little ways away. Either way, as Vivi closed in closer to the scent, she poked her head into a room. "Oshiva?" She called again before entering, almost sure that she was looking directly at her.

"The plan becomes started today, right?" Vivi tried to smile, her speech pattern somewhat awkward as she tried to fill in the the sentence with uneeded words like most other players. "Anything I can perhaps be of use doing?" Again, her speech pattern was structured awkwardly. However, she knew that she could not simply send messages to other players so easily. The fact that she was blind kept her from written subjects, and since she could not have access to the outside world at will, she couldn't even type. In other words, it was impossible for Vivi to work as a normal player. Her own way, was to track down players by scent, if she can even catch wind of it.