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Shiloh Mimare

"I don't even know who you are anymore. Oh wait, that's me."

0 · 220 views · located in The Johto Region

a character in “Pokemon: A Heart of Gold and a Soul of Silver”, as played by H3R0



Light Bulb
Image Song:
It All Starts Now


The Copycat
Copycat, Ditto, Mr. Mime, and various others he doesn't really care for, but will respond to.
Love Interest:
None at the moment

Thin, lithe, and mostly just average.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Absolutely none of any at all whatsoever.
While Shiloh has spent the majority of his life locked away either at home or at school with little to no sort of social life, he has still managed to pick up on certain aspects of others to apply to himself rather than picking up one specific image all on his own. Through watching others, he's learned to style his hair a better way, making it softer, straighter, and not as curly as it likes to be, and he's learned to walk with his back straighter and his head higher because he's come to realize that it implies confidence, whether he actually has any or not. His father always said that confidence was the key to running a good business. He's never been much of an outdoorsy type up until now so his peachy skin is still on the pale side, and while he has a small frame and a skinnier body, he's far from athletic.

Preferred Clothing:
Shiloh doesn't consider himself to have any specific type of preferred clothing. He will wear almost anything anyone hands him to wear with little to no complaints. He's never had an issue with not having enough clothes to wear and his mother has always been in charge of choosing what he wears anyway since she's always seemed to be more concerned about his appearance than he ever has been. She's always dressed him up in things that look nice, but are practical and comfortable. Shiloh likes the clothes that she's given him and, for the time being, plans to continue wearing them despite the fact that they almost blatantly point out his rich kid nature.

Echopraxia. While Shiloh is, normally, a pretty non-animated speaker with his hands kept calmly at his sides while speaks rather than emphasizing his words or being expressive, he has a condition in which he feels obligated to automatically copy someone else's movements. He doesn't do it on purpose most of the time, but having lived with doing so most of his life, he's gotten to the point where it's just natural to him and he rolls with it. Now, if someone jumped off a cliff, he wouldn't feel obligated to jump off after them in the same fashion, but if someone's waving, he'll join, or if they scratch their nose, he'll follow. He tries to be slick about these things, however, by doing them when the person isn't paying attention.

Misleading. It's not necessarily on purpose, but it's a little... Well, while Shiloh seems to be and, generally, is a very intelligent person in many different aspects, he can also come off as a complete, clueless ditz. While he's book smart, he's definitely not street smart and while something may seem like a blatantly dumb thing to do for most, he'd probably be easily convinced into it.

Copy-catting. It's basically his thing, to put it simply. There's hardly anyone any better at copying others than Shiloh. He can easily pick up on other peoples' movements and ways of walking or talking and copy them onto himself. Having done this type of thing for most of his life, he's gotten quite good at it and can pick these things up in a matter of a few minutes, even after only briefly being shown something by someone. He usually only has to see or hear them do or say something once before being able to do and say it himself.

Plagiarism. Of course, being the master of mimicry that he is, Shiloh can just as easily copy handwriting as he can other movements. Although signatures are a little harder than other things, he's not terrible at those either. He's never really had much use for this talent, however. He's too much of a goodygoody to actually try it for real.

♠Being told what to do
♠Dog pokemon
Studying. Sounds like a lame hobby, right? Well, you're right. It is. Even Shiloh thinks it is. It's boring and tedious and he definitely thinks hands-on work is much better than trying to memorize stuff off a page, but because he's never really been allowed out to do the whole 'hands-on' thing, he understands that studying is apparently necessary to an extent. At least he's good at it.

Reading. He enjoys reading both fiction and nonfiction, including things from supposed myths to historical texts. It's not about what genre he's into, it's mostly just about what book he's into. Some do it for him and some don't. He likes reading about adventures he may never go on, but mostly about people he'll never be as cool as. Sometimes, when his parents are out, he likes playing pretend like a child in his room or practicing lines in the book in front of his mirror. Sometimes he'll even gather clothes up from around his room to make it more believable.

Inventing. This is more of a side hobby, really. ...Okay, maybe not. Maybe it's more like one of those things that have sorta-kinda taken up 90% of his time when he isn't forced to be doing something else against his will. He'll stay up for days and nights on end trying to perfect something he thinks up. Most of his experiments have been towards perfecting ways to catch Pokemon from different angles, but unfortunately, he's never really ever had the chance to try any of it out on real, wild Pokemon, or had anyone to try his stuff out for him. So he tends to just make stuff and toss it aside, unsure on whether it works or not.

Heights. He'll follow anyone anywhere except up a ladder or up a mountain. Those things are too high to be safe, no thank you. If he ever catches a ride on his Ditto as a flying type, he makes it fly low and never has it go anywhere far. He's too nervous to have it go any higher than a few feet because he's convinced he'll fall and get himself hurt.

"Dog"-type Pokemon. Growlithes, Poochyena, Snubbulls, even some of the Eeveelutions, and the rest of those in the dog-type family. Shiloh wants nothing to do with them. When he was younger, he went wandering off and managed to get himself lost in the wild grass outside his town and got chased around by a group of Houndour. Most people say they were just trying to play with him and that he was just too young to understand the difference between playing and attacking, but he can't get that through his head. So now all those that resemble dog-types unnerve him and he'd rather go out of his way to avoid them at any cost. The only time he'll tolerate one is if it's just a transformation of his own Ditto.


If anyone were to ask Shiloh what he thinks of himself, or what he thinks his best trait is, or anything like that at all, he wouldn't have any idea what to tell them. He doesn't know how to describe himself at all because most of his time is spent trying to be someone else entirely, or, well, multiple different people. That isn't to say he has a multiple personality disorder or anything like that; he just tries to do or say things that other people have done or said, people he believes are much better than he is and have accomplished much greater things than he's ever accomplished. Most of the people he tries to be are people he's never even met before and has only ever read about in the many books he owns--adventurers, trainers, professors, and the like, all mostly having to do with Pokemon.

Shiloh has been secluded for the majority of his life. He's always been told that grades are what's important, not going out and starting some dumb Pokemon adventure. He says people who devote their lives to things like that are just hippies going nowhere in life and contributing nothing to society as a whole. He's never been very good at making friends because he's always turned them off with the way he mimics them. They've always just thought he was being a jerk, trying to make fun of them or something, when really he just can't help himself. He's a follower much more than he is a leader and always finds himself doing or saying something he saw or heard someone else do that he thought was cool. He's even gotten to the point where he'll play pretend by himself in his room or in front of his mirror. Because his parents have fed him the information that knowledge is everything and adventure is nothing, Shiloh is almost solely reliant on book smarts and hardly has even a basic comprehension of street smarts. He's completely gullible and tends to fall for anything, even the most obvious things that you'd think someone as smart as he wouldn't fall for.

He gets confused quite easily and he can be a total ditz from time to time, occasionally completely spacing out, especially mid-thought or when trying to figure out how to copy someone. As well as being smart and being a recluse for most of his life, Shiloh has also unfortunately developed into a sort of goody-two-shoes, not to mention a bit of a snob. He got it from his parents, anyway. He's always had a good amount of money, resources, and not a terrible life overall and has always been told that he has it better than most. He tries not to let it get to his head, but sometimes he lets it slip. Even though he wants to be a Pokemon Trainer and travel the world and eventually become an actual Pokemon Professor some day, he still can't help but consider those who focus so much attention to those sort of things a little wasteful. He's obviously conflicted with this.

Relationship Status:
Father - Alek Mimare
Alek runs the city's large supermarket. It's the largest one in the entire region, settled in Goldenrod City, and many people from all over go there to buy its wares. He gets a good sum of money, but he's busy often and never really has time for his wife or his son. When he does come home, he's either in bed, eating a brief meal, or locked away in his study to do those writings of his on the side. He never lets anyone read what he writes, though. They're too personal. Not even his wife has ever seen them. They're his way of relaxing before going to sleep. He seems to be a very good businessman: trustworthy, professional, able to multitask and handle multiple people at once, although he doesn't really handle the customers. He heads the business, but he has workers to do the more personal stuff for him, obviously. He seems to be more of a people person than a Pokemon person and he thinks people who go out Pokemon journeys are just wasting their lives when they should be getting "real" jobs, things that are actually worthwhile to the world, like officework.

Mother - Yvette Mimare
When she was younger, around Shiloh's age, Yvette was a Pokemon trainer who went off and had her own adventure. She never actually made it to the Pokemon League or anything, though. Her adventure was cut short when she met her husband and got swept away by the more mundane life. While they did have their fun in their youth, Alek was more of a business man, and she loved him, so she went along with it. Eventually, her dreams of having an adventurous life of Pokemon and freedom became simply unattainable as she grew older, settled down, and decided to have a family instead. She doesn't work much at all, actually. She's more of a housewife who will occasionally give her husband advice in his work if he ever seems to need it. Whenever she gets bored, she'll go out with her friends, all of whom are similar in the ways that they rely on their husbands to support them. However, they all seem to be snobby, "rich" girl wives who never even considered adventure in their lives aside from the occasional yacht trip. They don't really seem to be Yvette's type, but she goes along with them anyway.

Personal History:
Shiloh has always had his life laid out for him. Although his family's not the richest around, money's definitely never been an issue and there's always been plenty enough to splurge on things here and there. If he's ever wanted something, he was able to buy it for himself or had his mother or father buy it for him. He eats well, he sleeps well, he's healthy and well educated with all the resources he'd never need in his grasp. His parents have never urged him to work from a young age because it was never necessary and they've always considered education above anything and everything else. School first, work later. His father even wants him to learn to take over the business some day.

It seems like Shiloh's living a life to envy, but he thinks otherwise. His parents are not Pokemon people. He's always had to strive and stress for the best grades because anything less than an A was simply tragic. His dad is rarely around and his mother always has her stuffy crony friends around that neither of them like but she hangs around them anyway for some dumb reason that he's never been able to figure out. Shiloh's always wanted to go on an adventure, get out of the stuffy house. As it's been, he's never been able to make any friends or go places to hang out with them, so the majority of his life has been spent buried in boring studies that he hardly cares about to eventually take over a business he wants nothing to do with. He'd give his so-called cushy lifestyle up in a second for the chance to go on a Pokemon adventure, to be an actual trainer, but the closest to a Pokemon he's ever even gotten to is his Ditto, which, in this world, is nearly unheard of.

Shiloh started inventing things from a very young age. Tinkering got his mind off his boredom and his loneliness, even though most of his inventions were failures that centered around Pokemon he couldn't even practice on anyway. He's read all about all the different regions and what Pokemon can be found where and what each Professor has done. He's read about the legendaries and their myths and the stories of the great heroes of the past. Unfortunately, every time he's ever mentioned becoming a Trainer to either of his parents, they just shot him down. Well, at first they told him it was just a phase and laughed it off, laughed right in his face about it, then when they realized that this "phase" wasn't simply going away like they hoped it would, they started being more strict about the situation. No more talk of being a trainer. You're being a businessman and that's the end of it. They would see some of his stuff laying around and get angry to the point that they were so consumed with worry that their prized son wasn't going to end up the way they wanted him to, that they told him if he ever attempted to become anything to do with Pokemon, they wouldn't want anything to do with him.

Before this sudden outburst from his parents, Shiloh had never wanted to rebel against them. He felt sheltered and sad, but he'd very nearly accepted the fate he seemingly had to have. However, their cruelty shocked him, especially coming from his mother who, in her youth, had been a Pokemon Trainer. It was a final straw for him. In an burst of locked away emotions and spur of the moment feelings, Shiloh announced that that was just fine for him and, within a day, had a bag of belongings packed and was out the door to start his Pokemon journey with only his Ditto at his side.

He carries around about a dozen Pokeballs of his own design, all of which are different from the others. Some of them might work, and some of them might not. He'll try finding out when he finally goes on his journey.


Species: Ditto
Gender: Genderless
Nickname: Proto
Nature: Impish
Abilities: Limber
History: Shiloh's parents were never very fond of Pokemon--or at least, his dad wasn't, despite owning a business that bought, sold, and traded items almost specifically for Pokemon alone. His mother seemed to enjoy them, however, and seemed to always toy around with the idea of getting one, but her husband never agreed to it, always claiming that Shiloh was the problem--he was either too old, or too impressionable, or too easy to hurt. There was always an excuse for not having one; that is, until one day, when Shiloh was about ten or eleven, he went out exploring outside of town even though he was told never to stray too far from the house. It was always supposed to be home to school and back again with no extra trips in between for any reason. But this time, he'd been somehow convinced that going outside the town would be some sort of amazing thing and that people did it all the time, especially Pokemon Trainers, so he wanted to see what was so great about it himself. Unfortunately, he got himself stuck against a tree with a Mightyena growling at him and he'd been so terrified he couldn't even find it in himself to scream for help or try to distract it to get away. He'd closed his eyes and accepted whatever fate was destined to give him and...when he opened his eyes, another Mightyena was standing in between him and the supposedly hostile one and it managed to scare the first one off. Seeing that Shiloh was still intimidated by it, the Mightyena transformed back into it's simple Ditto form and calmed him down and refused to let him go anywhere alone, following him back to his home, where his mother convinced his father that it was simply a done deal. Shiloh named it Proto after the word protozoa.

Move Set:
Attack Moves: Transform
Status Moves: None
Utility Moves: None
HM Moves: None

So begins...

Shiloh Mimare's Story