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Pokémon Cell

The Pokémon World


a part of Pokémon Cell, by Keen.


Keen holds sovereignty over The Pokémon World, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

695 readers have been here.

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The Pokémon World is a part of Pokémon Cell.

4 Characters Here

Evelynn Sakura [10] "Agent of Darkness, serving the Light from the shadows. Enter: Evelynn Sakura"
Ciel [10] Loud-mouth rocker [Minor WIP]
Cassander C. Cisneros [8] "I am NOT a sheltered rich kid! I'm a hero! Or, at least, I will be!" [Still kinda WIP]
Astrinn [6] People are so cruel to those they don't understand... just look at these sweet beauties.

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Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura
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#, as written by Senpai
Clouds dotted the skies over Mistralton City, just barely managing to blot out the mid-afternoon sunlight. A roar known quite commonly to the people of this city came through the air, signalling the return of a rather famous denizen. After a moment of quiet, all throughout the town, the murmurings of the townfolk could be heard. "Is that her? She's returned? What for? I hope all is okay. Maybe she's just coming to see her daughter. Or maybe the Celestial Tower again." Comments like that began spreading like wildfire and then people went on about their day. If one was lucky, they might have caught sight of the ghostly-pale woman with a green Pokémon and a white-haired companion before vanishing off out of the town...


"Sew! Sew! Sewaaaddle!" A Pokémon on the path to Celestial Tower happily sang a little song atop its trainer's head. The trainer was a terribly short girl, easily matching the "ghostly-pale" description rumored around town, and the Sewaddle fitting any green Pokémon mentioned as well. Though this girl was far from a "legendary trainer" or anything of the sort, she had received a call asking her to meet at the Celestial Tower, and so she and her partner were on their way. There was a strange feeling in the air today, and the roar of that Pokémon earlier could only signal that something could be wrong.

"Yes, yes, Calvin... The darkness hangs heavy in the air tonight. The circumstances of our summoning can be for no mere casual meet-and-greet. No, this is perhaps some unholy task that the divines sought cruel enough to inflict upon the two of us. But our shadows stretch far and long, so there is nothing to fear. Ufufu... She muttered strange things to her Pokémon, a tired and estranged smile spreading across her face. The Sewaddle atop her head seemed to giggle at this before nestling into her hair as the tower came into view. Thankfully the wild Pokémon seemed subdued by the roar earlier, so nothing had attacked. On today, even a trainer with no Pokémon could cross Route 7 with ease. "With any fortune, there will be no visitors at the tower so that we can receive our mission and be on our way. Our abode will not keep itself warm or clean, after all. That would simply translate to her not having done her chores for the day, to anyone who could understand her tongue. And coming up on the Tower, she stood right in front of the entrance and awaited the one who called her.

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Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Keen
Current Mood : Downer - Nirvana

The muffled droning of the pilot as the plane's intercom came to life pulled Ciel from her stupor. Bleary eyed and exhausted she peered out the window to her left. What was once blue sky and fluffy clouds was now a runway, a city. The heavy tones of distorted guitars and rumbling bass drowned out the last of the pilot's short address to the passengers aboard his plane. Ciel didn't need to hear it, she knew well enough just by looking that they had finally arrived in Mistralton City, in Unova. She heaved a sigh and looked up at the sky from her small window, a smattering of clouds that could only be described as good weather greeted her. Least it's not raining...

With a quick glance to her left it seemed the older gentleman who had been seated next to her was up, carry-on in hand as he shuffled down the aisle. Ciel sat unmoving, silently wondering if she stayed there that they might just take her back to Kalos. It didn't seem very likely, who knew where they were headed next. A sigh pushed its way passed her lips as she stretched her arms into the air and her legs out in front of her, well, as far as they could go anyways aboard the cramped plane. Before moving up to her feet the girl turned to her left to snap a quick picture out the window with her phone. "I made it." Was the short message appended along with the picture sent off to a handful of her friends back home. With that, Ciel finally rose to her feet, collected her things, and exited the plane.

Sluggish. In all ways Ciel felt sluggish. As she lugged her bags and her bass guitar out of the airport, it all felt much much heavier than it had when she departed from Kalos. The gears in her mind turned ever so slowly as she fished her phone out from her pocket to check the directions she had been given. She was to meet her father outside the city's Pokémon Center at 6:00 PM, which was a few hours away yet. The girl shook her head, frustration welling up inside her. Frustration at having to wait around here, at having not slept at all on the flight, at just being here in Unova in the first place. Feeling the need to do -something- as opposed to simply standing around outside the airport, Ciel began wandering off into the town. Her face felt hot, she felt like crying or shouting as she marched on aimlessly. She wasn't even sure where she was going but within moments she found herself outside the city and greeted by an eerily quiet path.

Tall and untamed grass waved back and forth in the wind but there wasn't a Pokémon's cry to be heard. Struck for a moment by a feeling of peace Ciel stood by, allowing her gaze to wander the unfamiliar place and soak in the slightly surreal feeling of the alien environment around her. The visage of a pale tower in the distance became the focus of her attention. She stared for a few moments before stepping forward, emboldened by her curiosity and the apparent absence of any wild Pokémon nearby. Pushing her way clumsily through the tall grass she came nearer and nearer to the tower. Though it wasn't a particularly long trek Ciel huffed and puffed as the entrance to the tower finally came into view. Carrying all of one's luggage through the wild was quite taxing as it turned out.

Pausing for a moment to catch her breath she looked up at the full height of the tower. She hadn't really seen anything like it back home. "What is this thing?..." she muttered under her breath as her weary legs began to move her yet closer. Her gaze descended from the tower's peak and down to its base as she neared. It wasn't until now that she noticed someone was there, outside the entrance. The sight of what looked to be a small framed girl threw a moment of hesitation into her stride. Questions began to spring up in her mind but such thoughts were cut short as her foot caught a stone on the path. Off balance thanks to her luggage, Ciel toppled down onto the dirt. "Ack!" Pain shot up through her right arm as her bags scattered out across the dirt, kicking up dust but otherwise going undamaged and still closed. Her left arm moved back quickly to check the state of her bass guitar, but it was still safely situated on her back. Relief at that fact helped to distract from the pain in her arm and the embarrassment at what had just transpired.

Hoping to save at least some face Ciel pushed herself back up on to her hands and knees, looking up to see if the girl had noticed her tumble. It wasn't a bad fall all in all but she was quite dirty now and the beginnings of blood from her scraped elbow began trickling down her forearm. With a sigh she moved to sit to get a better look at her elbow. This move was already off to a -wonderful- start.

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#, as written by Fygg
"Scram, kid! Go beg for jobs someplace else!"

Following that loudly yelled statement, a blonde haired boy and his belongings were unceremoniously tossed out of the Mistralton City airport. "Uggh, my back..." Although it sounded like he was in pain, it didn't take him long to get right back up on his feet and march back into the airport, shouting "Come on, let me help out!" as he went.

It also didn't take long for him to be tossed right back out. After a bit of groaning, Cassander stood up and skulked off. "Man, the job market must be really tough nowadays if I can't find a job the first place I look..." He was muttering to himself now, as he dragged himself to the Pokécenter. "There's gotta be something a talented, yet experienceless young man can do around these parts..."

As he was about to enter through the automatic doors, he overheard two strangers discussing something rather urgently. "Did you notice... It was definitely her... towards... tower with her..." It was hard to make out, but to Cassander it sounded as if someone inportant was headed to that nearby tower.What was that place called again..? Ceremomious Tower? Celery tower? Definitely something with a 'C'...

Cassander tried his best to recall the exact name of the tower; regrettably, he failed. What he did manage to remember, however, was that someone back in one of the last cities told him that they were often looking for people to help out, and to Cassander that meant jobs! Turning away from the Pokécenter, he began to sprint in the direction of the Celestial Tower, spraying Repel on himself as he ran.

It didn't take long for the tower to be in sight. He knew he would make it there soon. However, his pace was ever so slightly slowed down by the pink haired being in front of him dragging a gaggle of luggage along with her. Cassander could always sprint around them, but what if they were a girl? Wouldn't that mean it would be better to help her carry her stuff? Too awkward to make up his mind, Cassander instead decided that just walking at her pace a while behind her was a better idea. At least, until he saw her trip and fall.

Catching up to her quickly, Cassander knelt down with his bag at his side. "Hey, you alright?" He asked, before noticing the blood. "Yikes, that's quite the scrape. Lemme see if I have anything to clean that up with..." Without waiting for an answer, he began to look for something to help clean her elbow off with. After a moment of digging through his bag, Cassander pulled out some gauze and a bottle of fresh water. "This will have to do..." He said under his breath, pouring some of the water on the bit of gauze. "This may sting a little."

Without hesitation, he began to gently but firmly clean the blood from this stranger's scrape. He hoped they didn't mind; he had already been denied being helpful once today. Still, the thought about who this exactly was never really crossed his mind. He was single mindedly focused on helping this stranger out.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Senpai


It didn't take long for someone to come into sight. Or, more specifically, two someones. But neither were the ones that the young girl was anticipating. The Tower normally didn't have many visitors at this hour, so people showing up caught her by surprise. She did her best not to show said surprise, though, as she stopped blocking the doorway to approach the pink-haired girl and the blonde boy who tended to her. Watching that girl take a tumble had inspired an equal sense of amusement and desire to help within Evelynn, though the blondie had taken just fine to helping her out. Instead, she stopped before them and took the Sewaddle off of her head and into her arms, almost like a shield.

"Sew! Waddllle! The Pokémon at her chest cried, wriggling a bit. The girl only lowered her head a bit, a strange, dark smile taking her lips.
"Yes... You're absolutely right, fellow Agent..." Looking down just a bit more at the girl who had fallen and the boy tending to her, she nudged her head in the direction of the tower. "The long lost spirits of the dead seem to have rejected you from their unholy domain. Begone, intruders, lest the Guardian appear and smite ye. The void would welcome you in a heartbeat.. Ufufu..."

The Sewaddle in her arms stiffened in surprise, then anger as it wormed its way out of her hands. "Sewie, sewie. Waddle!"
"Shush! I know that's not what you said!" She tried to yell in a whisper, as though she wouldn't be heard by the two. "I'm just trying to get them gone before the Birth-Giver arrives. If she has a mission for me and me alone, others should not get involved in the dark dealings of my contracts." The Sewaddle just stared at her blankly for a moment, as if this was the first time he heard her talking like this. Then he shook his little head and wormed his way over to the fallen girl, eyes full of sympathy as he began spinning some makeshift bandages out of his string for her. Once completed, he would give it to the blonde boy to wrap up.

"Mm, yes, good thinking. Tend to the small one's wounds so that she may leave faster and escape the encroaching darkness of the Tower... Brilliant thinking, fellow servant." One again the Pokémon just shook his head and climbed his way back onto her head. She seemed to feel no bother from the Bug climbing all over her. "Lest ye have business, I recommend that you be leaving. And if you do, be swift." She obscured her face with a hand, fingers spread to allow vision of her soft red eyes peering unto them. She could in no way be described as imposing or intimidated, but that seemed to do nothing to make her think she was.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Keen

Ciel peered down at her dirt-caked elbow and winced at the stinging pain as the wind passed over the still tender scrape. Doesn't look too ba- Rather suddenly a boy came up behind her, giving her a little startle. With a blink and a curious look she eyed him over as he began speaking and rummaging through his pack. Had he been following her or was this just a coincidence? If he had been she wouldn't have noticed since she had been listening to music the whole time. Disregarding the thought, Ciel opened her mouth to speak as the boy began wetting some gauze, presumably to help clean her elbow, but the sounds of light footsteps from the other direction caught her attention. Looking over, it seemed this was the person she saw at the base of the tower earlier. Still in a bit of a daze from her fall the density of the girl's words made their meaning nigh impenetrable. As the cogs of her mind turned and began to decipher the girl's meaning a jolt of pain from her elbow rather violently pulled her attention back to the boy from earlier.

"Ow!" With the frustrations of the day mounting she forcefully reached out to snatch the bit of wet gauze from the strange boy's hand. She felt a tinge of regret at the action as she looked down at the gauze, he was only trying to help after all. "Look I- Thanks, but uh, just let me handle that yeah?" A weak smile accompanied her words to him and after a deep breath Ciel began dabbing at her elbow to clean away some of the blood and the dirt. "Uh..." She looked between the two strangers, a bit baffled by it all really. "So yeah... Uh, Sorry for troubling you two. My... My name's Ciel." Amongst all her feelings of embarrassment, frustration, and outright confusion Ciel gave the friendliest smile she could muster. She wasn't sure who these people were or what was going on, but even in this situation she felt a bit comforted just by the fact that she wasn't alone. The pink-haired girl shook her head as a chuckle escaped her lips at the absurdity of it all.

Looking down at the little Sewaddle as it delivered its home-made bandage to the blonde boy at her side Ciel grinned. "Hey thanks bud." Ciel didn't know too much about Pokémon beyond what most people would consider common knowledge. She had never had one of her own and when it came to be about that time that most children left on their Pokémon journey, Ciel decided to focus on music instead. With her elbow about as clean as it was going to get for the time being she nodded to the boy and held up her arm so that he could more easily wrap the bandage. "Mind helping me wrap this up?"

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#, as written by Fygg
It took until the girl snatched the gauze out of Cassander's hand for him to snap out of his intensely helpful concentrative state. Now aware of what he was doing, Cassander realized that not only had he been helping a girl, but a second girl had also appeared! He had heard her say something about the tower, but he never fully registered it since he was helping with the pink haired girl's fall. After giving the pale looking girl a sort of sideways look over her comments, Cassander shifted his attention to the pink one. “Y-yeah, I apologize for just running up so suddenly like I did. It’s better to clean it yourself; you probably have a better idea of where it’s hurt…”

After a nervous chuckle, Cassander turned his attention back to the pale girl and her Sewaddle. He listened for a bit to the kind of things she was saying. Was she talking to herself, or the Sewaddle she was toting around? Regardless, it seemed to Cassander like she wasn’t very fond of his and Pinkie’s sudden appearance. While pondering over the strange pale girl, he overheard the pink haired girl saying something again, and introducing herself as Ciel. ”It’s no trouble at all, Ciel. I’m just glad I could help. Such is a hero’s duty, after all!” Finishing his response with another nervous chuckle, Cassander turned towards his bag to fish out a bandage.

Or at least, he thought he was going to need a bandage, until the Sewaddle approached him with a nice homemade one, created out of it’s special string. ”Hey bud, nice bandage!” Taking the bandage from the little bug, Cassander turned back towards Ciel. ”Right, let’s get that elbow wrapped up!” With a smile on his face, Cassander carefully wrapped up Ciel’s elbow. He was happy she didn’t snatch it out of his hands like the gauze. After he finished, he stood up and offered the girl a hand up. ”Welp, glad that’s sorted out!

Now that the ‘emergency’ was over, it was time Cassander saw to what he came here for. Besides, he wanted to gain some distance from the two of them; although he handled the situation well, being around one girl was hard enough for him, let alone two! ”Well, it’s been fun ladies. But I gotta find out who’s in charge here! Maybe I’ll see ya around!” After a small bow, Cassander half-sprinted towards the Celestial Tower, not waiting for any closing remarks from Ciel or the pale girl. It was time to beg for another job!

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Astrinn Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Senpai


The girl offered an introduction? That was a peculiar way to meet Evelynn's warnings. But alas, she would take it. Ignoring the fact that blondie there ignored her, she stood upright, holding one arm at the elbow while said arm bent upwards to cover her face with fanned fingers. "Bold to stay, even with my warnings. I applaud your moxie. In the face of darkness and chaos, you remain instead of making scarce. Bravo, young girl and boy. Very well, you have earned my name." Snapping her hand closed into a fist, she dramatically pulled it down to her chest and bit her bottom lip with her noise pointing upwards. "I am the cursed agent of darkness. To preserve the light from the shadows, I have been chosen and granted powers beyond normal human comprehension. Dark Protector Evelynn," her fist suddenly turned to a pointed finger at the girl as she finished having her wound tended to, "At your service. Now, heed my warning, and leave this place!"

The Sewaddle on her head seemed to offer an apologetic look to the girl and boy as he settled in. "And this here is my loyal familiar. A being of untold power and greatness that even I know not what he is capable of. Enter: Calvin!" The Sewaddle decided not to move, clearly embarrassed by his partner's tyrade. She responded by crossing her arms and looking upwards at the Pokémon, adjusting her glasses briefly to see it. "Calvin, you're embarrassing me! Do the pose!" The Pokemon remained immobile, causing the girl to grunt in frustration.

She was so caught up in trying to make her partner work with her that she didn't even notice the blonde boy run off towards the tower. Clearly not the best guardian, she had a small argument with her Pokémon about how posing was cool and granted them their powers. The Sewaddle seemed more interested in napping. But that also meant she didn't notice that the boy had run face-first into the ample bosom of a dark-clad woman who was exiting the tower. Beside her was a slightly shorter white-haired boy. She, however, recoiled from the boy knocking into her. Grabbing on to him, she pulled herself up in reflex and let him go. "Easy there, boy. This is a place of rest for departed Pokémon. Please take care when running around here. Her voice had a strange dark gentleness to it. Something in her tone was both a warning and a threat. Looking over the area, she spotted Evelynn arguing with her Pokémon and sighed. "Astrinn, please wait here a moment. It seems Eve is having another moment.."

She approached the little girl now, who looked almost identical to her at a closer glance. "Eve, my child, you and Calvin seem to be having a spat. And you're with other people? If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were finally branching out."
Evelynn sharply turned to meet her, panicking in her expression. "N-No! Not at all, Birth-Giver! I didn't realize you were here yet! You know that I cannot relate to other people! I was merely trying to scare them away from the Pokémon."
Looking at the girl who had a clear fresh bandage, she glared daggers into the girl who preached to be a dark agent. The girl instantly scurried a great distance away. "Hmm.. I'm sorry about my daughter here, if she hurt you. She's a wild one with no sense of calm. I'm beginning to question if it was right to offer her this job."
"Wait, no! Birth-Giver! I'm so sorry! I can accomplish any goal with my dark powers! Please forgive me and grant me another chance! I did not harm this... person. I swear!" She looked desperately at the pink-haired girl, pleading with her eyes to tell her what happened.

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As the young girl with the Sewaddle spouted her usual nonsense, the person who had been referred to as Astrinn gave a soft chuckle, violet eyes casting around all who had assembled. A young woman with pink hair; a tall, blonde boy in a hoodie, who was the one who had just bumped into the woman he'd arrived with; Evelynn; and her 'Birth-giver', currently lecturing her daughter. Nothing here for the odd, white-haired person who held himself apart from others. Just people.

People were... problematic. It was one thing to battle - eyes meet, a challenge, a few pithy words and then nothing but move and countermove, strike and parry, weakness and resistance - and another to truly interact with another human being. Victoria - the woman who he had come here with - was different. Victoria didn't care about the boy who spoke with ghosts. Evelynn... was stranger than he was. These were strangers, and thus ever an unknown factor. He hesitated, at the edge of awareness, standing almost far enough apart to be out of the circle entirely. If he had his friends with him, perhaps he could face this unknown, but... No. No, he was alone again. He almost took a step back, towards the entrance of the tower; the tower, at least, was full of friendly faces.

Still, Astrinn's violet eyes rested with a frown on the bandage around the pink-haired girl's arm. What had happened here? No one seemed tense, so it couldn't have been an attack. Not what had happened to him, then, and the rest of the League. The blonde boy was in high spirits, still excited, but Victoria had already warned him to respect the spirits of this place. That in and of itself was something of a relief. His eyes kept being drawn to the girl, though, and her bandaged arm. Frown still on his face, he found his feet moving, slowly, closer to her.

Gently, one hand reached hesitantly outward to rest against the bandage. The other twined nervously around the chain clasped on both sides of his jacket, winding it around his fingers until it pulled each side of the fabric almost to touching. "Are... are you okay?" His voice was soft and quiet, a bit timid, like the rest of him. "What... what happened?"

He turned towards the woman who he'd accompanied here - Victoria - and cleared his throat. "Victoria... this girl is injured..."

His voice was a bit stronger on the last point, not as shy, though his fingers were still twisted in the chain across his chest.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Astrinn Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Keen

With her elbow finally wrapped Ciel pushed herself up to her feet and began dusting herself off. A sigh escaped her lips at the fruitless effort, she would have to properly wash her clothes later. As the blonde boy who had only identified himself as a 'hero' gave a quick farewell Ciel looked up at the stranger and gave a little wave, "See ya. Thanks for the help I guess." She could only chuckle at the strangeness of the boy as he ran off towards the tower. "What a weird-o." Speaking of weird-o's, Ciel's attention was drawn over to the so-called 'dark protector' as she spoke and pleaded with her Sewaddle to cooperate in some pose. Grinning and shaking her head she spoke, "Well, nice to meet you Evely- I mean, Dark Protector Evelynn." A smirk touched her lips as her gaze turned up to the Sewaddle, "And nice to meet you too Calvin. Thanks again for that bandage." Amused by Evelynn's little tiff with her Sewaddle Ciel thought to go collect her luggage from the ground when the sound of a soft collision in the distance pulled her attention away.

It seemed in blondie's haste he had run into someone, an adult. The woman was accompanied by an older... Boy? Girl? It seemed they had just come out from the tower. The presence of these two older people made Ciel a bit nervous. If what Evelynn was saying was true then she wasn't supposed to be here. The woman said something to the boy before spotting her and Evelynn. As she approached Ciel stood up a bit straighter, bracing herself for some kind of reprimanding. The woman's words however seemed to be for Evelynn and, looking at the two side by side their relationship as mother and daughter became quite apparent. Listening to the two of them it seemed however that their similarities stopped at their appearances. Evelynn's mother spoke like a normal person and seemed a lot less 'out there'. Lost in her own thoughts she was caught off guard as the woman addressed her directly. "Oh uh, no." Looking over at Evelynn's expression of desperation almost made her want to laugh, but instead she gave her a smile, hoping to comfort her somewhat before looking back to Evelynn's mother.

"I just tripped is all. The Dark Protector here just came over to check on me and let me know I shouldn't just be hanging around here. I just flew in so I don't really know what this place is but apologies if I've offended or anything." She gave a nervous and apologetic smile as she scratched the back of her neck hoping that her words had defused the situation and that she would be spared a scolding. Like a ghost, the white-haired person who had exited the tower alongside Evelynn's mother seemed to materialize at Ciel's side. This was the second time today someone had managed to sneak up to her while she was distracted. Masking her surprise with a smile she looked over at the boy. Even though he was bigger than her his gentle and shy presence seemed to make him appear smaller than he was. "Ah, yeah it's no big deal. Like I was saying I just tripped. It's nothing major, just a scrape. Should scab over in a couple days." Her gaze traveled between the white-haired boy and Evelynn's mother and her cheeks began to heat up again, embarrassed by all the attention and concern. "Really though, I uh, I appreciate all the worry but it's nothin'. Sorry for being such a nuisance and all, heh."

In an attempt to create some space for herself she broke away from the small collection of people to gather her bags that still laid discarded in the dirt. With a sigh she began slapping and dusting off her bags, reflecting on all that had happened so suddenly. She still wasn't happy about the move, but it had at least turned out to be interesting so far. Gotta try and stay positive... Len wouldn't let something like this get her down. She'd embrace it and call it an adventure or something. Satisfied that her bags wouldn't be getting cleaner any time soon she nodded to herself and looked them over. She smiled, a smile just for herself as she hoisted them up and on to her shoulders. Turning back to face the group of strangers, her bags didn't feel quite so heavy anymore. "My name's Ciel by the way. Nice to meet you two."

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#, as written by Fygg
All of the excitement Cassander had built up for climbing the tower quickly subsided when he ran into a wall; although it was not your typical kind of wall. This wall was known as a woman, and despite it’s soft impact against Cassander’s moving face, it offered him no comfort. Immediately, his face burned a deep red. Not only had he touched a female, but he ran right into her… ample chest. Does… does this make me a pervert?! It was only an accident! Idon’twannagotojail! Cassander’s mind raced with what would happen to him. He’d probably be beaten up, arrested, and thrown in jail for the rest of his life! He wanted to express to the woman his deepest and most sincere apology, but all he could manage to get out was a few dumb stutters and ums.

Before he could overreact further, however, the woman used Cassander to prevent her fall and let him go, before speaking to him as if nothing happened. In fact, she didn’t really seem to care that Cassander took the tumble into her bosom. Rather, she was more interested in telling him to be careful in the tower. Too stunned to do much more, Cassander simply watched as her and the white haired… girl? It had to be a girl that accompanied her, walked over to Ciel and the recently self introduced Evelyn.

She didn’t even care that I accidentally face-fondled her chest… That means that I’m not going to jail! Now back to his cheery self, Cassander let out a quiet ”Yes!” before turning acl towards the tower. He was free to enter as he pleased now, it seemed, but he wondered if he really should. The two scarier of the female group over there both warned me about that tower… Evelyn even flat out told Ciel to leave… Besides, with the way that lady carries herself and speaks, I’d say she’s the closest this tower would have to a ‘manager’ per say.

Satisfied with his reasoning, Cassander decided it would be best to simply wait for all the commotion to end, and introduce himself properly to that well endowed woman. Taking a seat by the tower’s entrance, he began sifting through his bag and reorganizing while he waited.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Astrinn Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Senpai


Looking around at all of the children surrounding her, going about their business and all meeting here, in this place, at this time... Victoria's pale lips gently curled up in a smile. "I see... I am happy that my beloved daughter here has not caused you any troubles." The small girl known as Evelynn humphed as the Sewaddle on her head seemed to fight back snickering. "I feel that there may be a reason to all of you being here. No mere coincidence. I'll be polite and not pry into your business, but. I believe what I may be asking Evelynn here to do may be more than just she can handle." The smile did not fade from her lips as she turned to Astrinn and the blonde boy, motioning with her hand for them to come near.

"Oh, Birth-Giver! Come now! It's about time you let me take a task by myself! How can I ever prove myself to the light if I cannot cast my shadow far enough to-
"Oh, hush, child. The task I have for you is... More than even myself or Astrinn could handle by ourselves." She seemed reluctant to admit that, but swallowed her pride. "Allow me a proper introduction. I am Victoria Sakura, one of the Elite Four of this region. And mother to this rambunctious child. It is a pleasure to meet you, Ciel. And Cassander." She was very well aware that he didn't give his name. But it was something she picked up... by mistake, of course. "You all seem to be above the age of normal trainers, but have no Pokémon of your own. I was going to take my daughter here to see the region's professor, who is also my spouse. A child without a Pokémon is a sad sight to me. After all, I know I would not be happy or where I am today without the friendship and aid of my friends." She lowered her head a bit, somberness hitting her voice as she did so. She held up her arms as if she were going to cradle something there, but immediately let her arms fall back down.

"I have a task for my daughter to perform. It will be difficult. It will be a journey that takes her all across Unova as I work on my own. But if you children are interested in becoming trainers, I can sense the goodness inside each of your hearts. And with greater numbers and people to keep each other safe, I would feel more confident in sending my blood out into the world." She lifted her head back up, clearing her throat as quietly as possible. "If you children agree to accompany my little Evelynn, at least until she has six Pokémon of her own, I would be happy to bring you with us to the professor and start your own journeys. Of course, I'll speak with your parents." She smirked now, slyly. "After the fact, of course. So there's no problems..." Her smirk had a dark touch to it, one that made it clear to the others that what she was doing was dishonest, but her interest in helping these children become trainers was more important. "And of course, I will have my friend Astrinn, a fellow Elite Four member, accompany you all as well. He was going to join up with Evelynn anyway. Feel free to take a moment to think it over, but we do have to leave shortly. And this job will not be an easy one. The sooner I have your answer, the better."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Astrinn Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Keen

Ciel's gaze wandered between Evelynn and her mother curiously as they spoke. The way the woman spoke gave her a strange feeling, it was as if something... Ominous was waiting, just around the figurative corner. It was talk of a task, yet mysterious and vague, and judging by her words and Evelynn's reaction, the woman was going to offer them the chance to come along. The way the woman spoke of it made it seem as if whatever it was was very serious, important even. Just the thought was unsettling to Ciel, it made her apprehensive as she gripped tightly the shoulder strap of one of her bags. Such feelings were largely unfamiliar to her, only once or twice before had something made her feel this way and in those instances she simply took the easier path, the more comfortable path out. Her smile had all but faded now as she watched intently the woman who had now introduced herself as Victoria. Ciel shook her head, trying to push back her thoughts and feelings of unease to focus instead on Victoria's words, words that all of a sudden seemed to carry much more weight, heavy with implications both in the short and long term.

And there it was, something of a tender subject for the girl; Pokémon. Her decision to forego her Pokémon journey some years ago was one of the decisions in her life she thought most about, one of the decisions that most often a topic of conversation whenever she met someone new. It was the decision that splintered her childhood friends and created an invisible but tangible barrier between herself and the others that had moved on to become trainers. Ciel loved music and her pursuit of that passion brought her joy and even new friends. She had never once regretted her choice but in the back of her mind was the niggling thought that her choice was made out of fear, that she wasn't brave enough to do what Len did. As such, the situation that was unfolding before her conjured many of these complex emotions in her. In many ways she felt the same as she did three years ago when she decided to pursue music over a journey with Pokémon. It was something she had put behind her long ago and yet, here it was again.

Ciel had become lost in her thoughts, her gaze fixated on some random bit of trail at her feet. This day had been so strange, she wondered if any of it were even real, it didn't seem like a dream though, maybe a nightmare. The girl took a deep and steady breath, feeling the wind blow over her skin, the dampness on her back from sweating on her hike up to this place, and the dull stinging still in her elbow. This certainly was no dream. A large part of her wanted to simply shrug it off, say goodbye to these strangers and get back to town to resume life as normal, but the strangeness of it all compelled her to stay. The idea of fate wasn't one Ciel had ever given much thought or credence, but in this moment it began to feel very real. That she and they would all end up in this place, at this time. That the offer of a Pokémon journey was once more before her, something Ciel thought she would never again have a chance at and that this journey with Evelynn and the others may actually be something more, something of importance or significance. It became harder for her to convince herself that it was all just chance.

For several more moments Ciel would remain in pensive contemplation, wrestling with her own thoughts and feelings of fear and apprehension at the reality of the prospect before her. At what saying yes might bring her. Doubts of her own perseverance crept into her mind. Would it be okay to accept such a task if it was entirely possible that she might just give up at some point down the road? That her bravery and conviction would give out and that she would just run back home? The idea that that was always a possibility provided some sense of comfort but also made the girl question if she should even say yes in the first place. At a stalemate with herself Ciel finally looked up from the ground. Her gaze lingered on Victoria. Whatever this task was it seemed to be important to her and yet it was something she could not spare the time to handle herself. It was something she was sending her own daughter to do and something for which there was a worry for her daughter's well-being. Looking to Evelynn now she wondered what might become of her if left to her own devices, out in the world with only one or two people to look after her. Perhaps, Ciel thought, she could try for their sake.

The turmoil in her mind began to settle and to harden into a feeling of resolution. Though doubts still crept at the edges of her mind she had decided. With a quick breath and a firm nod Ciel looked Victoria in the eyes. "I, ah, Victoria. I'll give it a try- I-I mean, I'll do it. I'll accept a Pokémon, and I'll go with Evelynn and I'll try my best." Ciel's lips finally formed a smile as she nodded once more. "Astrinn too. I'll try not to be too much of a pain but uh, heh, no promises." Her smile turned to a grin as she looked to the white-haired man. "And maybe even blondie here too." The adrenaline fueled excitement was clear in her face as she looked to Cassander, curious to the boy's response.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Evelynn Sakura Character Portrait: Cassander C. Cisneros Character Portrait: Astrinn Character Portrait: Ciel
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#, as written by Fygg
Cassander stared blankly at Victoria. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t recognized her sooner! She was a member of the Elite Four; this person was someone Cassander had learned about in his schooling! If he had known he would be meeting Victoria within his lifetime, Cassander would have probably paid more attention to the lecture segments of his classes. He tried to shake off his shocked expression, until Victoria spoke his name. Cassander knew that must have been her famed psychic abilities at work, but his jaw dropped regardless. This woman was amazing. The boy couldn’t think of any way this event could get any more once-in-a-lifetime-esque, but of course, it did. As Cassander listened to Victoria speak, about the kids gathered being ‘above the age of normal trainers’, ‘having no Pokémon of our own’, and ‘going to see the region’s professor’, he added up what the wily Elite Four member was saying. She wanted them to accompany her daughter, the one with the Sewaddle, on a crazy Pokémon journey all across Unova. Suffice it to say, he was excited even before the woman finished speaking. Not only was he getting a job (sort of, at least), but he might even be getting a Pokémon as well! When his thoughts were confirmed, he nearly flung himself into the air with excitement!

However, upon Victoria announcing she would inform their parents, Cassander sobered up a bit; a startlingly disgruntled look on his face replacing his usual pomp. That couldn’t happen; if it did, this whole experience would be stripped away from him. The boy lightened up when she revealed that she would tell them after the fact, but a touch of dread still remained. His parents… They couldn’t ever know about what was going on here. Or even where Cassander was right now. There was a solid chance they still haven’t even noticed he was gone yet; after all, there were times where they wouldn’t see him for weeks if they were too busy. Mera, bless her heart, probably hasn’t said anything about it either. Knowing her, she would be covering for him as long as possible. ”I’ll have to talk to Victoria privately about that part…”

The whole ‘thinking about his parents’ thing got Cassander in a bit of a noticeably less cheery mood. However, once he heard Ciel’s confirmation, and the spotlight shifted to him, he immediately bucked up. He couldn’t look down in front of all these strangers; after all, a hero needs to have bravado, and gusto! Striking an exaggerated ‘heroic’ pose, with one arm bent with his hand at his hip and the other pointing straight at the sky, Cassander replied the only way he could.

”Of course I’ll do it; Cassander the Hero never turns away a request from those in need! Be it day or night, rain or shine, sleet or snow; whatever! Wherever there’s evil that needs purging, I’ll be there!” Cassander paused, and began to lighten up on the posing. ”Or, at least, I will once I have a Pokémon. Heheh…” Content with his showboating, the boy returned to his usual relaxed slouch, one hand rubbing the back of his head, with his cheeks a little red from possibly getting too caught up in his own hype.