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Rakaya Lavier

"There's a whole world of possibilities out there so there's no time to waste! Let's go!"

0 · 315 views · located in Johto

a character in “Pokémon: Journey Through Johto”, originally authored by Keen, as played by RolePlayGateway




“Home is where you can always be yourself... It doesn't matter if that place happens to be on the streets or in a mansion.”

❝ Character Information ❞

“I guess most kids don't mean it when they say they're gonna run away.”

Full Name;;
Rakaya (Pronounced Ruh-kai-uh) Lavier





Olivine City, Johto

Hat aficionado

❝ The Trainer Visage ❞

“There's all these sayings about books and covers but, a cute cover is still pretty important ya know?"

Basic Appearance;;
Rakaya stands at an unimpressive 5'4" tall and weighs in at a slightly light 121 lbs. She's a rather unassuming girl in appearance with simple straight hair that's not too long nor too short and is a rather typical shade of brown. Her eyes are similarly unexceptional in their color but are clear and bright with an unmistakable energy and passion for life. Kaya's skin also takes a middle ground being not quite pale but not quite tanned and appears unmarred by any obvious scarring or any other such blemishes.

Distinct Markings;;
There is truly little that stands out in regards to markings for Rakaya aside from perhaps a few small and hard-to-notice burn scars on her fingers or hands.

Clothing Style;;
If asked to describe Kaya's style in a single word, 'loose' might be a good one to go with. It seems clothing was one of the few things she took with her when she left home as she seems to have a fairly wide variety for someone living on the streets. Of particular note is her fascination and adoration of hats and headwear, of all her possessions these are her most treasured and she can often be seen window shopping whenever a hat is in sight. As for colors, Kaya seems to have a preference for oranges and pinks hues over most others.

❝ Behind The Mechanics ❞

“This is Onix-ceptable! I can't Bayleef it!”

- Bad puns
- Hats & headwear
- The night
- Baking & baked goods
- Cute things
- Music

- Spicy foods
- Her previous home
- Suffering
- Picky eaters
- Feeling controlled

|Snacking| Kaya adores snacks and can often be seen munching on something at any point throughout the day. You can rest assured knowing that no matter where or when she likely has a few snacks somewhere with her.
|Humming| When bored or alone Kaya will often find herself humming some random tune (Though she's usually quite off pitch).
|Recipes| Whenever Kaya comes across a recipe she likes (usually for baking) she makes a point to write it down in one of her many recipe books. She guards these books closely and even recites them to herself when in situations of high stress or nerves to calm down.

|Hats| Kaya has an obvious soft-spot for hats and would be easily bribed or paid off by the promise of one. Additionally she's rather bad at conserving her funds with her proclivity to buy new hats on a whim.
|Gullible| Kaya rarely suspects others of deception and generally believes that people are honest. As such she has trouble lying or manipulating others or picking up on innuendo or subtle hints.

As a whole Rakaya is a fairly goofy and strange girl. Earnest and passionate in all her endeavors, she hates to feel restricted and revels in the freedom to spread her wings and experience and try all sorts of new things. She enjoys all sorts of odds and ends, strange trinkets, odd props, peculiar articles of clothing, and of course her number 1 favorite, bad puns. Kaya has a generally positive outlook on life and you'd be hard pressed to get her feeling down in the dumps under most circumstances and she always tries to keep the people close to her smiling as well through her words or actions, or with that failing, some nice baking or home cooking. Her whimsical nature can sometimes make her seem aloof as she doesn't seem to take things all too seriously and prefers to either ignore such things or just change the subject to something more lighthearted.

Theme song;;

❝ Behind the Scenes ❞

“Keep your chin up! Don't let them see you down and out.”

Strengths and Special Attributes;;
There really isn't much that makes Kaya exceptional, she certainly has her skills but nothing that could be quite called a special attribute. The only possible exception to this might be her sense of optimism and positivity.

Equipment and Personal Artifacts;;
- A change of clothes
- Several recipe books & pens
- Some snacks



❝Replaying The Past And Present ❞

”Tomorrows are always full of hope and new possibilities, so I don't think I really like yesterdays as much...”

Rakaya was born in the southern port town of Olivine City to a well-known and quite popular baker and his wife. Her father's business was always booming with customers and orders from out of town and sometimes even other regions. This of course afforded her and her family a comfortable life though it often kept her father busy, leaving little time for his daughter and wife. Aside from this fairly minor point however, Kaya's childhood was a happy one and certainly a pleasant one. Even from a young age Rakaya had a wide range of interests and always went out of her way to try new things, though very few of these interests or curiosities seemed to stick with her long. Once she had reached the age of about 8 however things began to change, her father began to bring her into his kitchen often and began teaching her the basics of cooking and baking, at the time Rakaya was obviously overjoyed at spending time with her father and learning all this new and fun stuff, but as the years went on that joy began to fade.

Her father became more and more serious and strict in his teaching which quickly turned the activity she once enjoyed to one she rather disliked. Despite her displeasure or requests to put an end to it, she was denied. When she asked why she was simply told that it was "her duty" as the one who would inherit and ultimately carry on her father's business. The thought of her future being decided for her without any input of her own disgusted the girl. It wasn't as if she didn't enjoy baking but the fact that she had no choice in her own life simply didn't sit well with her. She was a girl of many dreams, dreams of adventuring as a Pokemon trainer or becoming a famous musician or artist, becoming a model or a fashion designer, being a baker... Didn't sound so bad either really but her heart would simply not stop telling her that it was wrong to idly accept something that had not even been her own choice.

She really didn't know what to do about it though. No matter what she said or pleaded with her father would hear no word of it and her mother, seemingly reluctantly, would only side with her father. The friction in her family only grew over the following years, Rakaya would often stay out passed her curfew or slack off during her training time with her father and thus often got into shouting matches with her parents, matches which of course only ended in her punishment. Eventually though, it became too much, Rakaya decided she would run away. She had heard about other kids who had said they were going to before but, they either came back or just got caught easily and taken back, they had never really intended to stay away. Kaya however was rather serious about it. A few days after her 13th birthday, having received a fair amount of money as gifts, she made her move. With only her backpack full of food, water, and a few articles of clothing she snuck out of her house in the dead of night, leaving only a letter for her parents behind as she made her way away from the place that she had called her home for so long.

Dear Mama and Father,

I'm sorry but I'm running away. I can't stay with you in that house knowing my future has been dictated for me, I tried to tell you, I even begged you, but you wouldn't hear me so now I'm taking things into my own hands. I'm leaving to find my own future, to find something my heart can latch on to and something I can honestly call my own. I'll be safe so please don't come after me, and don't send anyone to get me, once I figure it all out I'll make sure to come home and tell you. And who knows, maybe I'll find out I was meant to be a baker after all I'll come home to stay. I hope you'll wish me good luck on my journey and that when I do come home that you'll be able to be proud of me.

♥ With Love, Kaya



Preferred Type;;

Starter Pokémon;;

Current Pokémon Team
ImageName ~ Meringue (Like the pie!)
Species and Type ~ Joltik ;; Electric/Bug
Gender ~ Male
Ability ~ Swarm
Personality ~ “Meringue, or Mer-Mer as he is sometimes referred to, is an affection little bugger who simply adores crawling all over people or Pokemon alike and rather dislikes being separated from Kaya for long. He's not very adventurous but always gives his all for Rakaya.”
History ~ “This particular Joltik was found by Rakaya as she wandered away from home. The poor thing was unable to attach itself to any passing Pokemon and thus was unable to absorb any static electricity, rendering it helpless. Kaya let the thing attach itself to her to feed the little bug a bit of static electricity, once she arrived in the next town she purchased a Pokeball and the two had been partners ever since.”
Moves ~ Leech Life | Thunder Wave | String Shot

So begins...

Rakaya Lavier's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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Jodi had never been more sure of one thing as she was now. The sun hated her. For hours she sat in her bed staring out the window waiting for the slightest sign of the sun to appear. What seemed like ages ago a speck of light began to shine and then time seemed to freeze. Nothing. No more light. The sun had turned into a Slowpoke she was sure of it. Her eyes began to droop as the picture of a Slowpoke dressed in bright yellow danced across her mind.

A hand touched her back and Jodi jumped up. A plush Pokéball that had been sitting in her lap tumbled to the ground as she turned ready to fight whoever dared coming into her room. Yet as she pulled her fist back Jodi was met with the amused face of her father. 'Hmm...Someone's excited for her journey today eh?' He chuckled and ruffled Jodi's hair. 'Looks like you fell asleep waiting for the sun. Again.'

She blushed. Jodi had a tendency to fall asleep when she was trying to stay awake. 'Daaaaad....Come on! Today's the day!' He held up his hands in mock surrender. 'Right right...Come on, I made breakfast.' At this Jodi let out an excited whoop and rushed out of the room and skidded into her kitchen.

Breakfast was her favorite, eggs, waffles, bacon and orange juice. She scarfed it down faster then she normally would and the moment her plate was empty Jodi stood. 'Daaaaad! I'm done!' Her father was still eating his own breakfast but he pushed the plate back and stood anyway. 'Okay...go get dressed. I have to get you something.' She nodded and left the room.

Her clothes where already picked out and sat waiting on her dresser. It took her mere seconds to get dressed and soon enough she was back in the kitchen. Her father had in one hand a backpack while the other was held behind his back. He tossed the backpack to Jodi who caught it with ease and at once began to rummage through it. Inside was five empty Pokéballs, four bottles of water, a bento box and fingerless gloves. 'Dad I-' He silenced her with a finger and brought out his other hand. In it was a single Pokéball.

Jodi gasped as he walked over and placed it in her own hand. She gazed at it in awe. 'Go ahead.' Her Fath nodded at her. 'See who it is.' Taking a deep breath Jodi threw the Pokéball in the air. 'Let's go!' There was a flash of light and a small Cyndaquil sat staring up at her. Jodi stared for a long moment before rushing up to hug her father. 'Thankyousomuchdad!' Her words were rushed and her father looked rather caught off guard but he still hugged his daughter back. 'He'll need a name you know.'

Jodi nodded and pulled away from her dad. She dropped to her knees by the Cyndaquil who sniffed her outstretched hand. 'Hmm....Cindy? The fire type looked rather offended. 'Okay'll be a Typlosion one day so....Ty?' He let out a happy chirp and rubbed his head against Jodi's hand. Jodi giggled and scooped him up carefully holding him so the flames didn't effect her. 'Dad....This mean I leave then...'

He nodded and pulled Jodi into another hug. 'Yep. I love you sweetie. Now you better go. I know you want to get there before the others that way you can suprise them with Ty.' Jodi tightened the hug before pulling away. 'Thanks dad...Love you!' With that Jodi and Ty where out the door.

Shaking with excitment Jodi reached the meeting point within minutes. It was simple. They'd meet right outside the town and all start their journey together. She was the first there and sat down by a sign post. Ty looked up at her and let out a little cry. Jodi patted his head and gazed down the road her four friends would soon come down.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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Rick woke up to his uncle clashing pots over his head.Rick groaned, and rubbed his head."I'm up!Geez.."He manged to say, as he slipped out of bed."Today's the day youngster!" Rick's Uncle chimed, whirling his index finger around.Rick's Swinub was already up and moving."Have you made breakfast yet?" Rick asked, with curiosity as his belly grumbled for food."Yes, but you gotta get dressed first Ricky boy!" His Uncle stirred, and walked out of the room, shutting the door.

Rick stood up and looked in the mirror, his hair was a tussled mess, Rick grabbed his comb and brushed it down.He put on a tank top, and jeans.Then over it a blue sweater, he then slipped on socks and grabbed Jug, walking out of his room , to the kitchen.

At the kitchen there was a bowl that was written 'Jug' on it, and Rick's plate full of pancakes."Wow this looks good!Thanks Uncle Sam!" Rick praised him, and his Uncle smiled."Well i'm starting to get old!What other use I am other than my wonderful cooking!" Ricks Uncle chuckled, a jolly good chuckle.Rick laughed along, then started to eat the pancakes.Jug right behind him eating his kibble.Rick and Jug finished in a flash.Rick looked at the clock, they were almost late."Wow Uncle Sam, were late!Do you have my bag packed?" Rick asked, and his Uncle nodded."Before ya go Ricky Boy, remember that;

You're mother and me will always love you, and we'll support you with anything."
Uncle Sam said, then flashed a charming smile."I'll miss you too." Rick said, and hugged his Uncle.His Uncle held him there for a moment, like he didn't want Rick to leave.His Uncle let go, and Rick grabbed his bag and slung it onto his shoulders."See ya later Ricky Boy.." Uncle Sam said, as Rick left the house, Jug hanging tightly onto Ricks shoulder.

Rick ran to their usually meeting spot, and found Jodi sitting there with her own pokemon."Hey Jodi, who's that you got there?" Rick pointed to the Cyndaquil with her.Jug let out a squeal and hid his face."Cmon Jug, why are you always so shy?" Rick chuckled and brought Jug into his arms.Rick walked up to Jodi and sat beside her, smiling.Rick always thought she was the toughest of the group, since she was the youngest and all.He was the youngest boy of the group, but not the youngest of them all.Ricks thought's soon trailed to the path where his other friends would be coming soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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#, as written by Keen

ImageNestled between two buildings was a rather makeshift little bit of shelter, something that resembled a fort that a child might make out of their blankets and chairs. This little 'fort' however was the real deal for inside rested young Rakaya, curled up under a blanket, sleeping peacefully well into the morning. Sleeping outside came with a few disadvantages, namely the lack of an alarm in this case. She had intended to get up early to meet up with her friends as today was the day they were to head out on their new adventure, but she hadn't been able to get to sleep on time thanks to her excitement and thus with no alarm but her body's internal one, she had overslept.

When the girl finally began to stir and realize what had happened a feeling of panic washed over her. "W-What time is it?!" She exclaimed to no one in particular, though her shouting finally caused Meringue, her Joltik, to bounce up awake in surprise at her sudden shout. The little bug began to stretch as Rakaya crawled hastily out from her shelter and looked up at the sky, she was most certainly late by now. "Uuugh... Mer-Mer you should've woken me up!" The Joltik only tilted his head curiously at Rakaya as she dove back into the shelter and began hastily picking things up and stuffing them away in her bag, she was going to have to leave most of her shelter behind but she would at least take one blanket and her pillow.

After double-checking and seeming satisfied that she had collected everything she needed she dug into her pack to retrieve some cheap looking pre-packaged cream puff, unwrapped it, and stuffed it into her mouth. From the same pocket she pulled a small helping of Pokechow and dropped it inside her large orange hat. "C'mon Meringue! Hop in, we'll have to eat on the move!" The small yellow bug chirped happily and leapt into Rakaya's hat before munching away at the meager bit of food, luckily he was quite small and didn't need to eat much. Rakaya gave a confident nod and slung her bag over her shoulders before picking the hat up and placing it atop her head, taking care that neither Meringue nor any food fell out in the process. With one final glance back at the old fort she took off out from the alley in a sprint.

The run wasn't a long one but, Rakaya never was an athlete. Her legs burned in protest of the uncommon exertion and her chest heaved in an attempt to catch up on breath as she continued to run down the dirt road towards their meeting spot. After what felt like an eternity she finally spotted her four friends standing off in the distance waiting for her. She knew they wouldn't leave her behind but she felt relieved nonetheless. As this relief washed over her she slowed from her run to a walk and reached an arm up high in the air and waved towards the four others, she wanted to shout to them but something told her that would be impossible in her current state.

Sweaty and still out of breath she finally arrived amongst the group and came to a stop before leaning forward, hands resting on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. From under her hat peaked a curious looking Joltik, its four blue eyes scanning over the group of people and Pokemon alike before giving a curt "Jolt." in greeting. Rakaya followed up after recovering somewhat and finally standing up straight, "S-Sorry I'm late guys..." She spoke between breaths and opened her eyes, smiling lightly at the group before her. "I don't suppose any of you has some water you'd be willing to share? Heh..." She rubbed the back of her neck nervously but smiled regardless. It was only now that she had finally finished panicking and rushing the gravity of this day fully dawned on her. It was another important day in her life and she knew not what awaited her, normally such a thought or feeling would leave her anxious but she felt comforted in the presence of the four friends that stood before her. They could all rely on one another so something told her that everything would be alright.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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Jodi was fiddling with the strap of her backpack when Rick had come tumbling down the rode. She grinned at the sight of her friend while Ty looked on a bit curious. 'Hey Rick! I'm suprised you got here before anyone else. Expect me of course.' There was a light playfulness in her voice but it wasn't a lie Jodi had gotten there very early. Despite her many efforts to explain she was a very mature person, Jodi's young nature seemed to explode at the moment. True she felt a bit quilty, like her being the youngest was keeping her friends from leaving earlier, but right now that thought didn't come to mind.

By now Rick had joined Jodi on the ground and Ty had stumbled from her lap. Without any hesitation he leaped into Rick's lap and poked his stomach. After making sure the boy knew he was there Ty glanced up at Jug. His back burst into flames for a moment. 'Cynda!' The flames slowly dwindled and with a confident nod that he showed the fellow Pokémon he wasn't to be messed with he jumped back to Jodi's lap. She chuckled and patted his head. 'Ty don't be rude to Jug.' She turned to Rick with an amused but apologetic smile. 'I'll introduce him once everyone else gets here okay?'

Lila came next and at once gushed over Ty. He puffed his chest out proudly and Jodi rolled her eyes. 'Hey Lila. Others will be here soon I'm sure.' Her voice sounded even as she adressed her friend but there was an excited of impatient glint in her eyes.

To Jodi's suprise Alan was the next one to walk down the rode. He greeted them in his normal Alanish way and Munchlax sent his own greeting to the other Pokémon before his eyes found Ty. The Pokémon sounded excited upon seeing him and Ty bounded from Jodi's lap. 'Cynda! Cyndaquil!' He hopped around Alan clearly ready to met a Pokémon excited as he was. 'Wow Alan, you're here early,' She teased before glancing down the rode. 'She probably overlsept. Rakaya will show up soon.'

True to her word the hat wearer almost skidded into view. Once reaching the four of them she doubled over to catch her breath. Ty eyed her warily and his flames puffed up for a moment at seeing the Joltik peek from under her hat. While his flames died down Jodi rummage trough her backpack before she let out a triumphant whoop. 'Here!' She tossed the cold water bottle to the gasping girl. 'Don't exert yourself Rakaya.'

With all her friends present Jodi stood and grinned out at all of them. 'Well everyone, here we are. Before we get started I'd like to introduce someone.' She scooped up the Cyndaquil who was still watching Meringue and held him out. Seemingly forgetting the other Pokémon he puffed out his chest yet again and let out a loud cry. 'Friends! This is Ty!' Enjoying the spotlight Ty jumped to Jodi's shoulder and let out a, 'Cyndaquil! Quil! Quil! Cynda!' Both trainer and Pokémon grinned happily and Jodi pointed a finger at each of them. 'That right! I'm no longer the only one without a Pokémon! And Ty and I will be the best!' Ty nodded, clearly agreeing and Jodi clapped her hands. 'Now....shall we proceed?'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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"We shall!" Rick's voice, low, but optimistic.Rick's thought's trailed back to Jug."Jugg..Calm down.." Rick politely said to Jug, grabbing him, and placing him on the ground.Jug squealed, and ran around on the spot, chasing his tail with ease.Rick looked away, embarrassed by his own pokémon.Rick finally turned around to face his own friends, he knew that they would never judge him, or his pokémon.Rick let out a sheepish smile, and finally decided to ignore his, sometimes, stupid pokémon.

He looked at his friends who surrounded him, making him feel more at home."So~ How's everyone doing?" Rick chuckled, and poked Jodi who sat beside her.'I wonder what were gonna do first..' He thought, looking around at his group of friends that looked about as anxious as he was.He then looked at their pokémon, Jodi and her Cyndaquil were so alike, it amazed him.Then Alan and his own Munchlax are both so laid back, then Rakaya with her Joltik, both so cute.OK he has to admit it, he kinda liked her.Last but not least, Lila and her Chikorita both so stubborn.

Rick had to stop for a moment and gaze at the scenery, just to take a look at his hometown before he left with his friends.

OOC; Sorry for the short post, I was outta words..


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alan Brook Character Portrait: Lila Sheldon Character Portrait: Jodi Dane Character Portrait: Rick Otto Character Portrait: Rakaya Lavier
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#, as written by Cyline

Lila spun once is a circle, her hands itching to pet the stranger Cyndaquil, Ty, but she restrained herself. She felt like her obsession with Pokémon was a little odd and probably a bit annoying too. Most people used them for battles, but the last battle Lila and Alta were in was one she had with her mother to teach Alta and new skill. It wasn't an exciting battle by any means, though it was a fun one for the entire family to talk about. She unconsciously glanced back at the town. Unlike most girls her age, she hadn't wanted to leave home until she was older.

With a sigh, Lila rolled her shoulders and crouched in front of Alan's Munchlax. "Hey, buddy," she cooed, scratching behind his ear.

Alta jumped around excitedly as if to say, "Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!"

To calm her down, Lila placed a hand on her head. She looked at her friends, a small lopsided smile on her face. "I can't believe we're actually leaving..." she stood slowly, taking care to dust the grass off of her skirt. "Where to?"

With a pointed glance, she looked at Jodi, slowly trailing over the others. These were her friends, practically her family. They were the people she trusted her life with. She knew that despite their differences, they were stronger together and that was exactly how she liked it.
