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Pokemon: Legends of Johto

Pokemon: Legends of Johto


Without light, there is no darkness. Without the pure of heart, there is no tainted heart. We all know that even shadows linger in those with a pure heart. Can their destiny save them? Or will they succumb to the shadows?

753 readers have visited Pokemon: Legends of Johto since DriftingPillow created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Everyone knows of the Legend behind the Brass Tower. 150 years ago, the tower was set a flame by a bolt of lightning that struck the tower. It was put out by a sudden down pour and three Pokémon perished. Ho-oh, the legendary bird, breathed new life into the three nameless Pokémon and fled the ruins, searching for a pure-hearted trainer. The three nameless Pokémon became known as the legendary trio, the legendary dogs. They were Raikou: the one birthed from the lightning that struck the tower, Entei: the one birthed from the flames that destroyed the tower, and Suicune: the one birthed of the water that ended the flames.

150 years later, rumours have spread that the three legendary beasts have returned to the Brass Tower, seeking those who are pure of heart, however; Team Rocket has learned that with the three beasts they can finally fulfill their role in taking over the world. What Team Rocket didn’t know was that the moment the Three Legendary Pokémon were re-born, they would be linked to three unborn children. Now, those children are grown and have an affinity to the type of Pokémon they were linked to. One is a young man, specialized in Water-type Pokémon and is an outstanding trainer. Another is a young woman specializing in Electric-type Pokémon and dazzles people as a well-known co-ordinator. The last is a woman whose passion for Fire-type Pokémon is only matched by the flames that burn her opponents.

It is with these three that the beasts would be forever bound to. The question is, can the three chosen protect those they are linked to? Or will greed and envy worm its way through their hearts and betray the beasts for good? After all, the pure of heart always have shadows.


No roles open.
Regular Kanto Pokémon | Regular Johto Pokémon | Regular Hoen Pokémon | Regular Sinnoh Pokémon | Regular Unova Pokémon
Shiny Kanto Pokémon | Shiny Johto Pokémon | Shiny Hoen Pokémon | Shiny Sinnoh Pokémon | Shiny Unova Pokémon


[ Eithna Dalais ] – Chosen by Entei: Played by DriftingPillow - Image - Image
[ Cendrillon Fiammetta ] - Chosen by Raikou: Played by Child of the Winged - Image - Image
[ Maccus Gelu ] - Chosen by Suicune: Played by Fencer - Image - Image
[ David Hislop ] - After Suicune: Played byBugbuster - Image - Image
[ Quinn Hislop ] - After Entei: Played byBugbuster - Image - Image
After Raikou: Played by DreamerOnTheStars


[ o ]
I have provided ten links to my photobucket account that will lead you to Pokémon gifs and sprites. One link is to regular Pokémon and the other is to shiny Pokémon. In your character sheet, in the Pokémon information section, there is a spot that says *insert image here*. All you have to do is copy the IMG code and paste it in that spot. My character will be up as a reference so that you will understand what I mean. Please, please use the links I have provided. It saves you time and it makes your character sheet look neat.
[ o ]
In total there are six spots open. Three spots are for the trainers CHOSEN by the Trio and three trainers who CHOSE one of the Trio. They are just up as a choice for your starter. In the spot where it says Starter Pokémon, for those who chose Raikou as their Legendary, you have the exception of using your one exception Pokémon OR you can choose an Electric type Pokémon as your starter. For Entei and Suicune, it has to be one of the starter Pokémon.
[ o ]
Absolutely no LEGENDARIES! I will not allow Legendary Pokémon to be part of your Pokémon team. That would be the same as God-modding and I will not stand for it. I will allow shiny Pokémon, but you are limited to two shiny Pokémon. No more. Even though one of the Legendary chose you, you do not own it.
[ o ]
Characters will require approval before being accepted or denied. The character sheet provided is to show how creative you can get and how many details you can put into a character sheet while still leaving room for character development. It will also showcase your ability as a writer and your literacy. I don’t expect you to be an adv. Literate role-player, but I do expect you to use spell check every now and then or how to use a dictionary. I will approve of it in a few days or so. Do not take offense if I do not choose your character. If I reject your character, there will be a reason why. You will have the opportunity to fix your mistakes and re-submit your character.
[ o ]
I will allow the use for reservations. Be warned, reservations will only last for 24 hours. That should be sufficient time for you to think of your character and find the necessary information you need. If you need more time, do not hesitate to ask for it. Also note that I have the power to reduce the time if I see fit. I usually do not allow reservations, but for now I will make an exception. There are limited spots so this is not a first come first serve. Just because a spot is reserved doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else cannot ask for that spot and it does not mean guaranteed acceptance. I know this might seem like it cancels out a reserved spot, but it does not. I will allow two people to reserve one spot. It’ll be like a battle for the spot. Characters will be accepted depending on how detailed they are and if they followed the rules.
[ o ]
Pairings are going to be a bit complicated. The pairings are as go: The one searching for Raikou will be paired with the one chosen by Suicune. The one searching for Entei will be paired with one chosen by Raikou while the one searching for Suicune will be paired with the one chosen by Entei. It is like a this-element-is-weaker-than-this-one type of thing. I imagine since Suicune is a water type, the one searching for it would run into the one chosen by Entei and vice versa for the other two.
[ o ]
I do not expect you to be able to post every day nor every week. I am fine with that as long as you give me a heads up if you are going to be gone longer than a month. I want to make sure everyone who is involved with your character will be able to move along so that they are not hindered by your absence. I do, however, expect you to commit to a long-term role-play. It is not going to be long-term per se, but I still expect commitment.
[ o ]
I am God of this Role-play as this Role-play is my child. I am not a wrathful God, but I do not take kindly to those who usurp my throne. Please, let’s keep everything civilized and just have fun. If you would like to be my co-gm, then please do not hesitate to PM me. I could always use someone to help me manage this role-play and move it along.
[ o ]
I prefer the quality of a post to the quantity. I do not expect extravagant novel sized posts, nor do I want them. The longer the posts, the more often the juice runs out for ideas and thus gives most writers what we like to call, “Writers Block”. Let us avoid that shall we?
[ o ]
This role-play is meant to be mature and will have mature themes. I do not expect it to be light and fluffy like the Pokémon that we know. I want more depth to it than that. If you cannot commit to this, then please do not join.
[ o ]
Please, for the love that is Role-playing, do not God-mod, auto-hit, or control another person’s character. Leave it open so that the other role-player has a chance to reply and decide whether or not their character is hit or dodges. Also, your character is not God, nor are they immortal. They can miss and get hit. There is no auto-dodging or auto-hitting in Pokémon battles.
[ o ]
If you do not wish to have six Pokémon, that is completely fine with me. Just edit out the number of Pokémon you want on your team. Just remember that the more details you put on your form, the more of a chance you have of being accepted.
[ o ]
Again, there are limited roles as I do not want this RP to be overrun with too many characters. An RP tends to die when there are more and more characters in it. In your character sheet where the spot for password is, in capital letters, tell me the nickname of my Vaporeon if you have read the rules.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
I will make a separate thread for questions.

This is going to be set in the Johto Region!


Code: Select all
[hr][/hr][hr][/hr][font=northwood high][size=300][center]CHARACTER’S FIRST NAME GOES HERE[/center][/font][/size][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]
[center]Image goes here[/center]
[center][font=times new roman][size=125] [i][color=#CC0000]”Quote goes here.”[/color][/i][/size]
- Unknown[/font]
[Image of Legendary Dog Here][/center]
[color=#CC0000][i][u]Name:[/i][/u][/color] [What is your First and/or Last name?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Pronunciation:[/i][/u][/color] [Optional]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Nickname:[/i][/u][/color] [Do you have a nickname? If not, remove from sheet.]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Age:[/i][/u][/color] [23 – 35]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Gender:[/i][/u][/color] [Obvious]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Status:[/i][/u][/color] [What type of trainer are you?][Note: Must be the same type of the Legendary dog that you chose/chose you. Ex: Entei – Fire Type, Suicune – Water Type, Raikou – Electric Type.  May have [u]ONE[/u] exception. Same goes for the Team Rocket Members.]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Hometown:[/i][/u][/color] [Where were you born? Kanto-Unova regions]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Legendary Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [Which of the Legendary dogs chose you? Raikou or Suicune? If after the Legendary Trio, which one are you after?]
[color=#CC0000][i][u]Hair Color Length and Style:[/i][/u][/color] [What color is your hair? How long is it? How is it styled?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Eye Color and Shape:[/i][/u][/color] [What color are your eyes? Are they expressive? How are they shaped?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Complexion:[/i][/u][/color] [What is your complexion? Tanned, dark-skinned?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Height and Weight:[/i][/u][/color] [How tall is your character? What is their weight?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Body Type:[/i][/u][/color] [What is your characters body like? Curvy, straight?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Regular Clothing:[/i][/u][/color] [What does your character usually wear?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Pokébag:[/i][/u][/color] [What items do you have?][Note: Be realistic please. Only ten items]
[color=#CC0000][i][u]Personality:[/i][/u][/color]  [What is your character like?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Brief History:[/i][/u][/color] [What was your characters history like BEFORE/AFTER  your journey?]

[color=#CC0000][i][u]Potential Interest:[/i][/u][/color] [Mentioned in the rules.]
[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Starter Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What was your stater Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Second Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Third Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Fourth Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Fifth Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[left][Image of your Pokémon goes here][/left]
[color=#000000][i][u]Sixth Pokémon:[/i][/u][/color] [What Pokémon is it?] [color=#FF0040]♀[/color] or [color=#0000BF]♂[/color]
[i][u]Pokémon Nickname:[/i][/u] [Did you name your Pokémon?][If not, remove this from your sheet.]
[i][u]Pokémon Nature:[/i][/u] [What is the Nature of your Pokémon?][Note: Keep in mind it affects the stats of your Pokémon. Ex: Docile = All Stats level equally. Brave = Attack is leveled higher while Speed is sacrificed]
[i][u]Pokémon Ability:[/i][/u] [What is your Pokémon’s ability?][Only one]
[i][u]Held Item:[/i][/u] [What did you give your Pokémon?][Note: Only one item at a time. You may switch between items.]
[i][u]Pokémon History:[/i][/u] [How did you meet your Pokémon? How did they Evolve?]
[i][u]Move set:[/i][/u]
- [Attack One]
- [Attack Two]
- [Attack Three]
- [Attack Four]

[i][u]Password:[/i][/u] [What was the password?]

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 1 authors


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0.00 INK

Quinn sighed as he pulled his Fadora down to cover one of his eye's as he scanned the streets of Goldenrod city. He shook his head as he pulled his collar up aswell as he started walking. 'Stupid new assignments.' he sighed looking around, why was he put on this stupid thing? Quinn groaned as Shadow nudged his shoulder and he scratched her behind his ear.

David walked up and chuckled tapping his brother on the shoulder, "What you don't like this?" he said grinning at his brother who's only actual showing feature was his silver eye. "Come on enjoy the city... And you look like some creepy stalker."

Quinn shook his brothers hand on his shoulder, "Your only here for the girls. See if you can find any information on what were looking for got me?" he said disappearing into a alleyway as Shadow followed him quickly.


Quinn shook his head as he stopped just at the edge of the shadow and looked at the people passing, he was almost invisible unless someone really tried to notice him in the shadows. Shadow however stood beside him and watched before nudging him with her nose. He smiled and scratched her ear again as he keep looking.


David groaned and shook his head, "Fine." once his brother was out of sight he chuckled, "Once I feed myself however." he said walking off to find a resturantz

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Eithna Dalais
Character Portrait: Maccus Gelu
Character Portrait: Cendrillon Fiammetta
Character Portrait: Quinn Hislop
Character Portrait: David Hislop


Character Portrait: David Hislop
David Hislop

"Change is a part of life... Just stay true to yourself."

Character Portrait: Quinn Hislop
Quinn Hislop

"Just stay out of my way..."

Character Portrait: Cendrillon Fiammetta
Cendrillon Fiammetta

"Don't just rely on skills alone!"

Character Portrait: Maccus Gelu
Maccus Gelu

"Like my mother always said, be wise enough to play the fool"

Character Portrait: Eithna Dalais
Eithna Dalais

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."


Character Portrait: Maccus Gelu
Maccus Gelu

"Like my mother always said, be wise enough to play the fool"

Character Portrait: David Hislop
David Hislop

"Change is a part of life... Just stay true to yourself."

Character Portrait: Cendrillon Fiammetta
Cendrillon Fiammetta

"Don't just rely on skills alone!"

Character Portrait: Quinn Hislop
Quinn Hislop

"Just stay out of my way..."

Character Portrait: Eithna Dalais
Eithna Dalais

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Eithna Dalais
Eithna Dalais

"When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps."

Character Portrait: Maccus Gelu
Maccus Gelu

"Like my mother always said, be wise enough to play the fool"

Character Portrait: Quinn Hislop
Quinn Hislop

"Just stay out of my way..."

Character Portrait: Cendrillon Fiammetta
Cendrillon Fiammetta

"Don't just rely on skills alone!"

Character Portrait: David Hislop
David Hislop

"Change is a part of life... Just stay true to yourself."

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