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Kasumi Akari

Shy, eventually opens up

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a character in “Pokemon master”, as played by RolePlayGateway



Physical description: (Picture) Long white hair, ears, and tail
Age: 16
Height: 5, 2
Personality: Shy at first, but can get very affectionate.
Favorite food: Pocky
Likes: Attention, going on trips, drawing.
Dislikes: Being ignored, even when she isn't saying anything,
Cloths: A long white shirt with black ribbons, shorts under, and white stockings
Bio: Kasumi was born out of a litter of 8. She was the only one with a plain white coat out of her brothers and sisters. Her whole family had beautiful purple, red, pink, orange, or blue fur, a few even had mixes of colors, but Kasumi was just plain white. Everyone wants the beautiful kittens, so her brother and sisters were adopted quickly. She lived with her mother until she too was adopted, now she's alone at the pet store, waiting for someone to take her home.

So begins...

Kasumi Akari's Story

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Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiles as he is embraced with a hoard of cats, all different colors and sizes all clamoring for his attention. "They're giving me a headache, if I wanted this I could just go back home and visit my brothers." He looked around, unsure he wanted a cat but one would most likely fit his lifestyle. "Maybe a nice puppy would be better..." he muttered before spotting a brilliantly white neko, toying with small black ribbons, breaking his heart to see a lonely kitten.

He shooed away a few of cats as to get to the lonely, pigmentless one in her bed, he knelt down and petted her head, smiling lightly. "Hey there kitty cat, how are you?" He said in a soft voice, trying no to scared the obviously reserved feline.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled and looked her over "Dear lord she's so she" He got down beside her, sitting cross legged. "Why weren't you jumping around like the other cats, you seem like you wanna stay here, is that it?" he said with a tone of chance, hoping to rather take the quieter cat home rather than the louder ones.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled and pet her again, giggling ever so slightly as she spoke. "Well you stick out better than any other one of these cats." He stood up and held out his hand, smiling at her. "How about I take you home kitten?" He said looking her over and knowing she would fit into his lifestyle with her type of personality.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled and took her hand happily, petting her again. "Good girl, now come on let's buy you and get you home." he said with a smile before walking to the counter and filling out the paperwork as he kept her hand loosely in his, purchasing a collar as well and all the basic supplies for her.

He then pulled the small black collar from the bag and carefully put it on her, cautious not to put it on to tight. "There, now would you like to hold my hand or would you rather be on a leash kitten?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled and nodded, taking her hand and squeezing it a tad tighter, he still didn't want her running off. "Okay sweetie let's go" he said in a calm voice as the walked out, the sun out but the cool breeze rushing through the streets on the nice fall evening. "You're gonna love it where I live." he said with a joyful smile as they rounded the bend, Conruso humming a lullaby.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso tugged at the girl as they made it to his home. "Sweetie we're here" he said with a smile as he unlocked the door to the town house, turning on the warm glow of the light. "Welcome home kitten"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled as he watched her running, smiling at her innocence as he walked to his room and lied down the small cat bed in the corner getting out all the items before spotting the small tank in the corner, his pet tarantula precious in her tank, ready for her meal. He set the final things down for his cat before taking the arachnid out and feeding her the pellets of food she ate daily. As he waited for his cat to calm down and find him again.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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*After an hour or so, Kasumi opened his room door* *Kasumi ran over to her bed and sat down to take her socks and shoes off* *she set them neatly next to her bed and started to clean her hands like a cat would*

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso looked up from the television to see his cat happy and cleaning herself. "Enjoying yourself kitten?" he said with a small giggle as he walked over, the large spider the size of his hand on his shoulder as he walked over to her, offering a small smile. "Anything else you need?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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*Kasumi nodded no* *she looked over at his shoulder* ..... *she poked the large spider* *as she pulled her finger away, the spider used it's front legs to reach up for her finger, as if trying to bite her* "Hehehehe, funny." *she did it once more and giggled again* *she stopped annoying the spider with poking and lost interest eventually*

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled as Kasmui played with his spider, smiling lightly before walking back over and putting her back into her tank. "She will bite you kitty" he said with a small chuckle before walking over and sitting down with her. "So, do you have a name then dear or do I need to name you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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*Kasumi nods* "My name is Kasumi Akari."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso nodded and petted his kitten again. "Lovely, I'm Conruso Mutorichi my dear." Smiles a bit more before standing up. "Is there anything else you wanna know about or would you rather sleep Kasu?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso giggles and sighs happily, moving back to his bed and sighing happily as he watched her. "Alright then kitten you ca do whatever you'd like." he said resuming to the television to watching, yawning slightly himself.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled, petting his cat softly as he tried to release the tension of the day's work. His thoughts were mostly crowded of his lesson. The effects of isolation causing people to go near insane just from being a few days without any contact which was especially true with animals, however so more social, domestic animals.

Kasumi flashed in his head as he pictured her sitting alone in her bed all day as he waited for him to come back to the house. "Say kitty, what do you do here while I'm gone?" he said questioningly as he petted her silky white hair.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari Character Portrait: Atsuko
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Atsuko sat in the cramped kennel pouting at not being able to stretch out. Her tail slowly and patiently wagged back and forth, she lapped up the water with her tongue. She then plopped down once again tired of being on all fours, Her face cheered up when she saw her favorite person in the whole wide world. "Master?" It had what he had grown to calling him, a strong looking young-man who worked at the pet shop. "Can we go play?" The man smiled and slid her the food, though something was odd about the way he was acting. Atsuko could tell something was wrong. "Is something wrong master? You look sad." The man stared at the ground in guilt, beginning to sob uncontrollably. "Master don't cry." Atsuko opened the little latch on her gate and went over and hugged the man passionately, he didn't embrace her back nor did he push her away but just stood there tears of frustration rolling down his face. "Atsuko," he managed to spit out after a few minutes of hug. "Atsuko you have been here for almost three years now, no one has adopted you yet though. If someone doesn't then you will be put to sleep, today!" Atsuko was taken aback by this, why would master want to hurt her. Atsuko felt like her heart had been shot, all she felt was a dull ache of he heart breaking. The only thing she could hear was her soul crying out, she felt utterly betrayed and alone. "Please Atsuko RUN!!" Atsuko didn't stop to question him for a second she ran out the back door and ran and ran and ran. She wanted to get away from the awful place, so she kept running no one chased her, she is an animal and impossible to catch by foot. She lost track of where she was and sprinted to uptown. She ran and ran and ran until... Smack!!! She ran into a young man, she tripped and fell with a thud landing on top of the boy, she was all sweaty by now and panting. she tried to lift herself up with her arms and just fell again. she noticed how warm this man's body is and stops trying to get up and starts to half snuggle him and half lay on him. "Sorry...for...that." She breathed heavily as she was talking.
(I tend to make my posts this long at lest, I have a fiery HATE for one liners)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari Character Portrait: Atsuko
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso suspected a good bit of nongenuine emotions coming from the inu infront of him but it seemed as if his heart clouded over it "I'm Conruso Astuko" he said with a smile as he continued to pet her softly. As he listened to her story his mind flashed showing but her and Kasumi both playing together, almost like sisters and he nodded, petting her. "Of course, now come home, I don't want my new puppy getting a cold." he said with a smile as he took her hand gently and motioned her up. "You're awfully cute, and I have another cute pet at home, you'll love her, you two will work together like sisters." he said with a grin as he became eager to get his new pet home.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari Character Portrait: Atsuko
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"Sisters." Atsuko repeated, she stopped in her tracks staring ahead. Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes, she turned to Conruso so he got the full brunt of heer tears. "Iv'e never had a sister before. Her smile was bright and wide, As she wiped her tears she proclaimed enthusiastically, "Lead the way Master!" Atsuko grabbed onto his left arm and hugged it while walking slightly resting her head on Conruso's shoulder. She hummed out of happiness while walking, not to mention her tail wagging like crazy behind them. She would follow Conruso anywhere, even if he was lying and actually wanted to hurt her. Besides He didn't seem that strong, though Atsuko couldn't help but notice how cute he was. "What is big sis like? Is she really cool?" She wanted to meet the person who would apart of her new family. All of a sudden she saw what looked like some kind of apartment. "Is this where you live with big sis master?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari Character Portrait: Atsuko Character Portrait: Ayaka Harper
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled before being assaulted with a crying inu infront of him. "You'll get along great with Kasumi" he said smiling before petting the girl and walking on, petting her as she rambled on and hugged his arm. "She really is more of a little sister compared to you though, considering how... more developed you are than her." he said chuckling a bit with his hand scratching her pointed ears. He got to his home and nodded "Yes sweetie, now come on I'm sure Kasi is lonely." his mind raced with all the lovely things they would say to eachother as he went inside, locking the door behind him. "Kasumi I have someone I want you to meet." he said guiding Atsuko into the living room and setting her down, taking a seat beside her and happily petting her ears.His mind however took a sharp decline as he thought about how Astuko would react to Kasumi. "An energetic dog verses a calm cat...oh dear" he thought with the slightest bit of sorrow in his inward voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Conruso Mutorichi Character Portrait: Kasumi Akari Character Portrait: Atsuko
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#, as written by ceh12
Conruso smiled, the inu at his side as he petted her. As he watch his kitten look up then immediately chuckled as she turned meek and shy towards his new pet. "Don't be shy. Kasumi this is Atsuko, Arsuko, this is Kasumi." he said standing them up and pulling them both into a group hug. "Oh you two will be just like sisters !" he said excitedly before looking them both over. "Well, what do you think of eachother?" he said smiling as he imagined them both happily rambling on about how they were going to play together and how grateful they were.... then again he wasn't at his finest mindset at that moment.