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"Demonic Reaper at your service...Oh wait, kind of at your service. I'm not much for working these days."

0 · 481 views · located in New York City, 2038

a character in “Post-Apocalypse”, originally authored by Wiley, as played by RolePlayGateway


"There is no light brighter than the one at the end of the tunnel, retinas burning from the intensity. Heavy heads sag shoulders to the earth below, heavier and heavier all the while the light feels further and further, swamped in the spilled ink of a death certificate. If you are lucky, the light will prevail to the end. It will bathe you in a warmth never ending, invading every inch of your body in a single euphoric moment. Unalike the others, the desolate despairing who fall to their knees in mock prayer to disbelief. Who are asphyxiated by the darkness that surrounds, lit with a cold fire that burns too deeply, too cold. No relief from the steady thudding of loose dirt against wood."
If I Had A Heart Where Is My Mind


Full Name || Samael
Preferred Name || Sam
Sexuality || Anything Fun
Age || Who the hell knows anymore?
Height || 6ft 2in
Weight || 172 lbs
Eyes || Light Brown
Hair || Black
Build || Fit
Species || Demonic Reaper

"Accept the path you choose, not the fate you are given."


Not the outright 'demon' he pretends to be. Sam is entirely disillusioned by the world, tired of the constants that make up his day. Even before the fall he had been so utterly bored of it all that he chose to spend his days ignoring his duties and instead watched humanity closely. Partaking in whatever forbidden sins he could possibly find, and often even he would play out what would happen were he to have a more domestic life, something beyond the war and pain. And though those times ended quickly and were laden with false emotions they were a break from the monotony that had quickly become every day actions. Some say Sam is just not meant for this, for his part in maintaining this world - and, in part that could have easily lead to the reason he fell so many, many years ago.

For the most part he isn't all that bad, a bit nihilistic and definitely selfish but he doesn't go out of his way to act in rage or be aggressive. His anger is more of a slow burning thing, building and building, but he never lets it cap off entirely. Generally his sarcasm outweighs his aggression. A minor thing, and yet for all of his snark he does have some bite. He may not be the ones to start the fights but he is the one who ends them. Though every once in a while he finds it amusing to let some mortal idiot think they'll be able to get one over on him. Most of the time he's a sarcastic shit that doesn't have a clue what boundaries mean. Lines in the sand are meant to be crossed, and rules are just things people make up to feel superior. He does his part to maintain secrecy but he won't go out of his way to follow the leader. A trendsetter if you will, leading on his own terms. He doesn't follow, but he will stand beside as an equal.

Sams overall traits point to an almost narcissistic way of being. Self-seeking, self-attentive, and hell, maybe he likes looking at his body in the mirror a little too much but who doesn't have a bit of vanity in them? While he is almost entirely self centered there are small, itty bitty parts of him that yearns for others, for close connections and friendship. Maybe its the self imposed isolation talking, but he seems to gravitate towards busy streets or areas most likely to put him in contact. And while he maintains a demeanor of casual annoyance there is no doubt that he actually has some small enjoyment when it comes to social happenings.


Sams history is a long and boring affair, sprinkled with moments of intrigue; and in the case of the war a fine story indeed. And while he doesn't like speaking on it there are a few events that still bite him to this day. Mainly his fall, a choice he made entirely on his own and yet he still sees fit to blame everything and anything besides himself. "Why did I do it?" one could ask and he'd easily reply with some bullshit line about boredom, or something like that. Really, he had his reasons. Perhaps at first they weren't all that noble, but eventually he wizened up. Call it...teenage rebellion really. A bit of anger and resentment that made him seek to join his former brethren below. As a full fledged angel he had a similar role, the angel of death many called him, and even now he is known for carrying souls along. As a reaper his job is - well, fairly taxing.

When he was still working for Lucifer the dead were coming in droves. Sam decided early on that he wasn't exactly a team player when it came to others of his kind, and yet working apart from them worsened the workload. And eventually his isolation led him to drift, to wander the human plane of existence. And he took part in every form of debauchery and sin he could in those early days. Quickly finding that he quite enjoyed the human way of life, as dirty and squandered as it was during those times. When the war came about? All the better for him. He could slip under the radar undetected, apart from either side of the equation.

But he knew eventually that he would have to pick sides, and while he chose his fate he found that he preferred the world as it was, before the angels fell and all these wards began to rip up the world. He doesn't want to see it end in a fiery blaze - he enjoys too much of it for that.

So begins...

Samael's Story