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Tian An Men (Tai Shan)

"Don't be a smartass. I'm raising a pet rock that does everything better than you."

0 · 411 views · located in The Underworld

a character in “Prisoners of Madness”, originally authored by Renmiri, as played by RolePlayGateway


Tian An Men (Tai Shan)

Selectracks - Black Horizons
Mark Petrie - Can't Give Up

Name(Real name of the character): Tian An Men (天安門)

Fake Name: Feng Shui (風水)
Alias (Codename): Tai Shan (泰山)

Gender: Female
Age: 23

Numeral/Zodiac and Placement of Tattoos on Body:
XI - Scorpio
XI - On her left forearm, just under the shoulder.
Scorpio - Also on the left forearm, under the XI tattoo.

Weapon Specialization:
The Chinese Pudao (朴刀) Polearm, or any chinese spear/polearm. They're much the same.

Just from a glance or a general, small chat, Feng appears to be increasingly sane; so much so that many people question whether or not she's an actual Harvester. She doesn't display many sadistic tendencies or, more importantly, especially appreciate killing others. Now, this little paradox of hers can be easily explained by the fact that, rather than driving a previously strong-willed kid to spill blood, Madness decided to take an easier route first and come in the form of a mental problem. That is, as a major case of psychosis; heavy hallucinations --thus sparking delusions-- and hearing voices, both of which eventually drove her to inadvertently kill in what she thought of to be 'self defense'. But nevertheless, the point is that Feng now, at least, holds a very stable, nonchalant and indifferent front; one which spent the vast majority of her five-year training period to adjust to. As is easy to imagine, it helps when you know that the voices are actually real. Eventually, with the Madness channeled to other, supernatural means, her degree of psychosis steadily decreased; until almost nothing remained besides a scarred self.

A persona, at the very least, that became centered around pride; the only trait that hadn't particularly been shifted throughout her past experiences. She'd been shamed, of course, but (not entirely thankfully) that sense in itself hadn't changed. In any case, Feng is extremely sure of herself, almost cocky; but on the most basic level, driven mostly by a vague need to assert the fact that she's not weak. This bit of paranoia pretty much describes well the reason why she's so apathetic and just generally indifferent to the lives of others; not overly joyous for murder, but not against it either. Be that as it may, watching defenseless others scream in pain really isn't her thing, and you'll find that Feng often kills in the most efficient way possible. Well, yes, she is lazy, but torture? Not up this kid's alley. May not seem like it, but Feng has morals. Small ones, but yes.

Be that as it may, though, she's kind of.. prone to losing herself if in combat for an overly long time; of course, assuming against a skillful enough opponent or against a never-ending mob of people. Feng begins normal, practiced and ill at ease; before something like a blood craze slowly consumes that thinking part of her brain. From then, she remains --as always-- deadly, but caution suddenly gets thrown into the wind. The kid becomes far too aggressive for her own good, although at that point whoever she was fighting would need to break at the sudden increase in strength, often injuring herself in the process of chopping people up. Surroundings become a blur, and Feng attacks everyone and everything. This little state ends usually a couple moments in the midst of a lack of people, a lack of targets, or if her body itself breaks down. Because there really isn't a point to go rampaging around when there's nobody around you. But that's pretty much it.

All in all, Feng is usually a sane, sarcastic person. Not particularly hard to get along with, but keep in mind she will make fun of you. If you let her see a weak moment? Don't expect to live it down. It's often very clear what impression she has of a singular person, as she doesn't try to hide her thoughts; if ever. Don't be surprised to see her suddenly siding against you for kicks. Well-grounded and a little cocky, she's known to keep a level attitude throughout most situations; besides those rampages here and there. She doesn't make threats, but purely because she doesn't have to. Rather than perhaps some others, this kid is always sure to make plans before going out and doing anything; be it working out the kinks herself or by others. Kind of like a natural leader, if it were not for those unstable, unpredictable moments. Whether or not she herself follows them is an entirely different matter. Feng is only stubborn when it comes to topics concerning herself.

Loyalty and trust? Such things don't exist.

To tell the truth, Feng does succumb to anger management issues ever so often. When the days come by that what she does and what she has done hits her hard, she can't help but take that depressed self-loathing and turn it into blaming someone else; even if it seems otherwise irrational. Nothing she can particularly do about that, and quite often times the kid doesn't listen to anyone; just.. kind of a somewhat mindless rampage. (Satan comes up here a lot, I must say) Anyhow, it never takes long for the thoughts to dry out; always somewhat less than fifteen minutes. Hard to stop in the meantime, though, as she pretty much goes all out with absolutely no regard to her safety whatsoever. Very different from the norm, I must say. Occurrences such as these leave her undoubtedly in the medical ward for a while; before she decides to climb out of her emocorner and summon Michael.

As you've probably noticed, Feng is Chinese (from Hong Kong actually, thus speaking Cantonese of the two dialects); and is, unfortunately, instantly recognizable as such. For one, she has the trademark 'black hair, black eyes' that most of these Asians have, although said mane is sometimes seen in shades of brown (it's a pigment problem, but whatever). She's not particularly tall either, standing at maybe 5'5" or 5'6", fit and lean with muscle though she is. But, in any case, the fact that Feng is pure-blooded Chinese effortlessly exhibits itself in her unconscious image; even as the kid viciously defies the normal, stereotypical box that many of her descent reside in. A rebellion that can plainly be seen from everything from the clothes she wears to the athletic, steady build that she has; much different from the 'typical, smart Asian'. (Be that as it may, don't get me wrong. She's smart.)

Speaking of impressions, Feng is often regarded as particularly reliable; after the fact that she actually seems sane. Besides her somewhat cocky, sarcastic smile (or just the look of her face in general), there isn't anything outstanding about her that rubs people the wrong way (although that itself might come off as a threat. In a group of insane trolls kids, who's to know?). She's not that intimidating --or, okay, maybe a little--, but has that sense of being well-grounded and rather steady. This, of course, doesn't say anything about her mental state in the least; so don't you worry. Kind of saying something like 'I might actually take your shit' 'No, really, I won't.' Nice? Most certainly not. Approachable? Unfortunately. Judgmental? A little, but who isn't? A natural, charismatic leader? Why yes, that sums it up pretty well. Anyway, that's that.

For just some other pieces of general information, Feng is easily considered feminine. Or badass. Most often both. A dashing of scars cross along her back and torso; or just anywhere that isn't commonly seen. Just over these fading remnants are several shiny new tattoos, which will later be referenced back to for her supernatural powers. In any case, a chinese dragon is inked upon the vast upper portion of her back, diagonal to a phoenix; whose ends curl along her right side. On her chest lies a demon breaking free, directly above her stomach; where an obnoxious looking angel resides. Although it may seem like it, these tattoos weren't manually inscribed. Let's just say that this was.. a much more painful process. As you can probably tell, they aren't often seen under loose, casual clothes; but either way they're there.

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115lbs
Hair/Eye Colour: Black, or in shades of brown.

Supernatural Powers:Close enough.
ImageMythological Mimicry. In a broad sense, the ability to mimic the traits of legendary creatures; or in most cases, just their 'magical' powers. Merely by thinking it, this kid almost seems to summon a target being into her body; from then wielding its' skills. Perhaps this is fueled by her Madness bringing Feng's imagination to life, or she's actually becoming the embodiment of said ideas, but this little charade of hers hurts just as much either way. For one, calling an ethereal beast is excruciatingly painful, if it weren't grounded to a point on earth in the first place. Because, let's face it, what kind of living thing likes to be confined; much less submit? And, as it usually is, thus the stronger the creature the harder it becomes. When Feng was first 'trained' in the use of this, she was very nearly driven insane (if she weren't already) by the rabid, uncontrollable anger that often left her thrashing helpless on the floor; until something became very evident. A way of which, of course, to 'ground' a beast; to dull the pain of keeping one there. Not completely, but partially; at the least.

This way was only discovered when she summoned an angel, a being that was kind enough in nature not to make her immediately scream. In a somewhat agitated state, or whatever an 'angelic' equivalent could possible be, this angel (by the name of Michael) proceeded to question Feng instead of causing agonizing pain. Within five minutes, and at the gradual appearance of a certain something (to her great dismay), it became evident that the longer a creature stayed within her body, the more it was grounded to her; something demonstrated by, at the time, Michael's faint 'signature' tattoo, slowly burning itself onto her stomach. From then, after more time had passed, it had become ingrained to the point that he couldn't exactly leave; even when Feng shut off her mimicry (although she couldn't use his abilities after that). More speculation and tests later, it was assumed that eventually, if she were able, the being would take over her personality itself; overriding even other 'creatures' marked onto her body. But, in any case, that's how these tattoos came to be.

From then, the obvious course of action became to counter each being with its' opposite; so as to decrease the chances of one completely taking control. And, when they were constantly disagreeing with each other, Feng would have (and does have) much less frequent mood swings. They're much rather ingrained as urges to do things now, rather than voices in her head; sparing those times when she calls them. Oh, and if you were wondering, calling still hurts; as being a creature doesn't mean that she's made for it. As in, although her abilities are not human, she still is. Which means her body involuntarily breaks apart if she uses mimicry for too long anyway. Of course, she could try, but most of the time she can't wait to get out of it; what with incredibly annoying beasts in her head. Which is why she tends to break it off as soon as possible; before her down-time (which continues from each summoning to the second, although it regenerates still over time). Oh, and she often cheats and heals herself with Michael; allowing her body to take on another calling. But there's only so many times she can do that.

Without further ado, here's the cast!:

Michael the Archangel:
Or rather, the narcissistic moron; the jackass who insists on her ripping the back of her shirt so wings can magically appear. When feathery appendages sprout where they shouldn't, it's quite obvious that it'll hurt like hell. But he must, and he heals her afterwards; so it's probably not so bad. Michael counteracts Satan. As you can probably tell, Feng gains the abilities to heal in copious amounts, whip around white sparkles (manipulate light) like it's nothing (because it really isn't), sprout sparkly wings, and cause explosions; for a grand total of 10-15 minutes. Oh, and she get a halo; with obnoxious, glowing white eyes. Each unfortunate try needs about an hour cooldown; longer if she summons other beings. Michael doesn't hurt her body, simply because he's nice/she heals herself at the end. So she likes him. Maybe. But god he's such a bitch.

Satan (Wrath) of the Seven Deadly Sins:
Just as he sounds like, an asshole with rage issues. Contrary to Mr. Angel, Satan is not nice. Although he doesn't force wings out of her body (because he can't fly anyway), this demon struggles and rams the insides of her body; generally leaving her with a hell of a headache and sore, if not half ripped, limbs. Or, if he's decides to think, Satan exerts his natural, persuasive influence over Feng; causing said rage, or more often boosting the effects of Madness to screw Feng over even more. Wrath is the most destructive of all creatures, and pretty much hates everybody's guts. But I digress. Anyway, Feng's physical, human restrictions become undone when summoning him, allowing her to move faster, jump higher, and punch through a reinforced diamond wall. This is most probably the result of her body shifting forms to that of a demons', making her more resistant and temporarily taking less damage. This time limit maxes at 10 minutes.

Needless to say, Satan likes to piss people off the most. Her general demeanor when with him ups the rage factor in any given person around her; easily inducing arguments. Although she most probably won't get pissed off, others will. Feng's physical appearance becomes steadily more reflecting of his nature, eventually having a distorted, cracked red image if stuck with him for too long. Her base power increases as time goes on, though, so that's something to keep in mind. Nevertheless, it really will kill Feng to keep him for over 15 minutes. Her organs will simply rupture.

Yinglong (應龍), the Chinese dragon deity of rain (because there's been a lack of Chinese culture for a while):
Being an incredibly wise, and therefore old, dragon, Yinglong is surprisingly annoying. Nevermind the fact that he speaks (thinks?) in a very old Chinese dialect, he has the attention span of a mentally ill squirrel; asking questions left and right about modern civilization with complete disregard to Feng's surroundings. In the middle of an execution? "Prithee, dost thou perchance knowest the origins of that horrid square-ish abomination yonder lies?" (Referring to a billboard quite a ways away.) As you can tell, he makes mostly no sense; especially when speaking in the Chinese equivalent. Yinglong has absolutely no sense of presence. But, in any case, he's pretty smart when it comes to suggesting battle tactics; and takes quiet notice of the surroundings while she goes ahead with combat. This old man counters Fenghuang.

Within Yinglong, Feng becomes noticeably better at wielding her polearm; as the dragon has centuries of watching experience aiding her. She can manipulate water in it's liquid and gas states, able to spin it out of seemingly nowhere; and can 'create' storms/weather patterns. Her skin becomes a little tougher, although not as much as in Satan. This continues for 20 minutes. Feng grows horns, and her outer layer resembles scales in the smallest sense. Her eyes change to those of a typical dragon's. Yinglong does not hurt her overly much, most of the time just by rare, unpredictable mood swings. The second least on the pain scale, anyway. He doesn't really mind being stuck in her, actually; which is why Feng can tolerate him longer.

Fenghuang (鳳凰), the Chinese phoenix (it's also a deity):
This little bird, as may be expected by the trend so far, is much like an uptight mother. Being the only female 'spirit' taken by Feng, she's abnormally critical of the child; often scolding her for being even the least bit inelegant. Kind of like the floaty dragon, except commenting on "My dear girl, you shame us. You should leave these things to your pet rock. He does swings around sticks better than you." Actually, very similar to a sarcastic bitch. Fenghuang believes that she'll be able to leave as soon as Feng reaches a state of peace and prosperity; which is why she constantly berates the girl for being in the Underworld. Because, you know, who's happy in hell? Strict but supportive, this phoenix begrudgingly helps out.

Like all phoenixes, Feng possesses some minor form of regeneration (instead of immortality) when wielding Fenghuang. Her tolerance of fire becomes abnormally high, and she can manipulate said element at will. The kid can also temporarily shape-shift into an actual, fiery bird, inheriting traits similar to those of an eagle; although it takes much energy, and she may not be able to transform back. Rather than that, though, she can teleport by small distances. This occurs for 15 minutes. When touched by this phoenix, Feng's eyes assume a predatory eagles', making her sight much sharper than before. A rise in room temperature often occurs, and it is absolutely not her fault that things may spontaneously burst into flame when the two disagree with each other. Which is all the time. Fenghuang hurts unintentionally, and for some strange reason Feng often feels as if she's going to combust into fire; with such a strong burning sensation. But, anyway, that's that.

In a fair conclusion, it can be said that Feng becomes periodically powerful in tiny increments. Particularly hard to deal with as well, seeing as how who she may call really just varies according to her mood. Picking her poison, yes? Whenever she summons, the specific, corresponding tattoo on her body often comes to life; 'waking up' and travelling along her skin. Doesn't really feel like anything, but Satan makes everything uncomfortable. All the time.

+ Combat
+ Silence
+ People who happen to speak Chinese
+ Meatbuns/any such other Chinese food
+ High places
+ The sunset/sunrise
+ People with a sense of humor
+ Humor
+ Pet rocks

- Smartasses (Ahem Hippo)
- Jackasses
- The medical ward
- The topic of religion
- Hippos
- Being forced to do things
- Being told to do things
- Waiting

Multilingual - Feng can easily speak and understand both dialects of Chinese, and is fluent in English. She also knows a little Japanese and Korean; or at least enough to get by.

Polearm Genius - Exactly what it implies.
Making fun of other people - Yep
High pain tolerance - I'm not even going to--
Quick thinking/fast reaction time - Yeah, I said I wasn't going to.

Stamina - Yeah, Feng can probably stay in some form of 'standing' for hours on end; swinging around a polearm like none other. Because nobody so badass backs down, right?

As you've probably already realized, Feng was born and inherently raised in China; or rather, Beijing. But the problem lies in the fact that she was the second child of a family of three; in a country where the very thought was illegal, her existence neatly violating the One-Child Policy that the government was so keen on enforcing. It was a miracle in itself that Feng was conceived in what was thought to be a sterilized womb, nevertheless the stages from then were shrouded well in secrecy. Her middle-class parents, not wanting to get an abortion, hid the signs and gave birth to her in secret; although the painstaking, unethical environment as her mother did so killed her not long after. Feng, though, was quite the healthy baby, and life was relatively all nice and fluffy for a while between a hard-working father and a seven-year old sister. Yet that happy notion was never meant to continue, as the devil came knocking on the door one night.

And all at once, before Feng even came to the six-month mark, the unstable foundations of their lifestyle effortlessly collapsed in on itself. You see, China happens to have many other corrupt problems, as well. This one is the unfortunate reality that China is, in fact, a communist country. As everyone is --or in this time period, was-- paid the same, there was absolutely no way in hell that Feng's father could support two kids all on his own. Leading to debt, and with no way to pay off, being sold out to the government. Anyhow, Feng and her sister were eventually shipped off to an orphanage, never to see either of their real parents again; where later a kindly, wealthy couple whisked them both away to Shanghai. And from then, just as Feng herself turned two, opened a new chapter in the series of unfortunate events that is --or will be-- her life.

In any case, what began Feng's spartan, combat-centered road was her nine-year old sister, Yu Lian. Even at that young age, she displayed a rather genius-level talent for martial arts; specifically for chinese swords. Their new, adoptive parents saw this and raised her accordingly, building lists of their daughter's accomplishments; and then expectations for Yu's baby sister. Which was for much the reason why Feng began touring the many forms of Asian disciplines at the age of five, before respectively being introduced to the Pudao polearm to play with. And, after displaying the same level of aptitude as Yu Lian and her swords, the rigorous, almost brutal, training lifestyle became most of what Feng knew from her eighth year of light and on. She grew to be extraordinarily prideful of her gifted skills, going without a defeat even beyond her age group for years on end. And that, as it usually is, dug a premature pit for failure.

There was once, when she was fifteen and her sister twenty-two, that Feng was supposed to have learned her lesson on a humble, accepted defeat. The two of them had decided to have a friendly match, Yu Lian with her signature, twin swords and Feng with the pudao. Needless to say, with seven years more experience, the former teasingly won almost all to nothing; and Feng herself respected the adult more than enough to just laugh it off. Yu Lian hadn't lost that many times either, but defeat hadn't been as unknown to her as it really was to Feng; although it was scarce enough for her younger sister to almost idolize her. But, anyhow, tiny little seeds of doubt and insanity nestled quite well from this incident; waiting to blossom into a sort of bitter hell at the right moment.

Which, whether or not unfortunately, came as a series of events a year later; beginning with Yu Lian's untimely accident. In the midst of a national competition, her opponent had cheated; spiking her drink. It hadn't been planned for either swords to accidentally break in an exchange, nor that one large shard would embed itself deep into Yu's side; coming dangerously close to her spinal cord. It became evident that she wouldn't be so able to compete anymore, although she was nevertheless wealthy enough from then on to live in some form of luxury. This incident sparked many 'what if's' in Feng's mind as she waited in the hospital room, fears adding up to breaking point at her next, similar national contest. In which, being under an unstable state of mind, brought her first catastrophic defeat.

Let's just say.. this was like driving a train into a fragile sheet of glass; something that shattered her thoughts into a million pieces, simply because Feng had never lost before. And, seeing as life kind of sucked at the moment, Madness decided to go ahead and make everything worse. Stuck in a figurative ditch, the kind suddenly began to hear voices: first sympathizing, then spurring her to 'take revenge'. False hallucinations began to appear, painting the people around her to be much worse than they typically would be. Needless to say, Feng could only believe; growing all the more mad with violent mood swings, slowly succumbing to urges to attack the 'demons' around her; nonexistent people that mocked and shamed the fact that she'd never had it in her, for a whole six months, to pick up a polearm again.

And, for the record, even though it was pretty obvious that Feng was mentally unstable, her adoptive parents protected her. Yu Lian, for one, firmly believed the kid was able pull herself out of it; and perhaps sisterly love made everything seem less severe than it really was. Their expectations and concerns were temporarily forgotten, when Feng finally took it upon herself to play with her weapon again; familiarizing with it until her seventeenth birthday. Just to say, Feng had tried incredibly hard to resist the insanity eating away at her, trying to support herself by obligation to those that had loved her; which was why she only caved when the kid could no longer tell between reality and dreams. But, alas, it obviously hadn't been enough.

Because, just as the celebration for her birthday came by, Feng finally lost it. Wielding a sharpened, special pudao antique, she flew into a mindless rampage; all at once killing her parents, maids, and anyone else that happened to be in the spacious mansion/house that night. The only thing she can recall now is that it had been like cutting butter with a knife. Needless to say, Yu Lian was the last surviving person; in her handicapped position still miraculously defending herself pretty well. Feng, with hallucinations still running high, could only continue until she lanced her sister through the heart. Moments later when the police arrived, under the first spell of Madness-free calm for two years, she turned herself in to live, from then, solitary confinement; a place they shipped her off to the moment insanity began depriving free will.

Not that she was ever quite so taken beneath it, ever again. The knowledge of murdering her sister in specific, as all the others didn't hold quite so much water, kept her conscious enough to regret; and not succumb to the urges so quickly. Although, of course, it still happens sometimes now. In any case, it was in this cell that the letter came for the Underworld; in which she accepted purely on a whim's case.

(Anything else?)

In another time. (For some reason I started laughing really hard putting this here)Image
All art belongs to their respective owners. (sakimichan, phoenixlu, WhiteRaven90 and raynkazuya)

So begins...

Tian An Men (Tai Shan)'s Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Grace and Ren Kamdin (Eyes / Blood) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity) Character Portrait: Rodrick Marcus Anders(Havok)
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Frankenstein Brokenheart (Insanity)

Inside the tall, dark building, there was a room, the door was brown and the wall was black. It was a room that even the guards had troubles walking passed it for you see, the door of the room wasn't least. it didn't use to be brown. No, it used to be a simple white wooden door with a golden handle...what'd happened to it then? Why was it brown, you might's simple, really. The brown color of the door wasn't a natural color. It was the color...of dry blood. Yes, you're corrected...someone had painted the white door with blood and let it dry. Do you understand why the guards were so afraid then?...because, behind that bloody door, contained a monster - a monster with a human face. And the monster's name was...Frankenstein Brokenheart.

There was a lot of strange noises coming from the room right now. It was the giggle...of a man. If one listened carefully enough, they might even hear someone talking to themselves. Yes, Frankenstein was a madman indeed...and he was having his fun right now. The giggles increased as well as the mumbles. No one would dare try to interrupt him at this moment.

"...he he he...bloody, bloody...I'm bloody Frankenstein...he he he..."

Kowareta giggled as he slashed his wrist one more time and watched with childish glee as blood oozed out of his wounds. Clapping his hands, he giggled again as the blood stained his floor and he touched it in amazement. He spoke to no-one as his tongue licked the blood hungrily "...he he he...tada tada tada...he he he..." The alarm clock gave a long, shrilling noise as it was the right time for a meeting or something like that, Frankenstein wasn't really sure about that. Everything was hazy right now...Hazy...Haze...they're kinda similar words, right? What's a 'haze' again? He forgot. But well, who cared about some Haze, he wanted to play. He stood up and walked to the table, his body swaying back and forth like a drunk. Taking the bandage and clumsily wrapped it around his bloody wrist, Frankenstein smiled as he raised his hands in front of him "...all nice and clean!... he he he..."

He opened his room and walked out, completely ignored the guards as they looked at him warily. Meeting meant missions....and missions meant blood...while blood meant fun! He giggled and walked to his destination, humming a merry tune.

As he walked to the room. He looked at it and grinned as he heard some familiar voices - his fellow fun was that? He opened the door without even bother knocking it and waved his hand happily, greeting them "...Hello, what's up? he he he..." He covered his mouth with the palm of his hand, trying to suppress a giggle to no avail. As h e looked around, trying to find his favorite Harvesters, Frankenstein asked absently "...where're Richard and Feng?...They promised to play with me today...he he he...I think I just found something interesting to play yesterday...he he he...poor souls...he he he...we can play doctors!..." Clapping his hands together again and created a childish squeak, Frankenstein said cheerfully "...or you guys can play with guys are the experiments and I'm the doctor...he he he..." He stopped giggling for a minute and bounced happily to where Lucas was standing "....Hey, Lucy!...what's a 'haze'? I forgot...Wait, your name isn't's Lucas...Lucas, Lucy...he he he...get it? It's funny..." The madman continued to speak as he danced around each person like a child, completely ignored their reactions...well, at least he was in one of his 'childish happiness'. It was a lot better than he was in his 'mad, sadistic mode'.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Grace and Ren Kamdin (Eyes / Blood) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity) Character Portrait: Rodrick Marcus Anders(Havok)
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#, as written by Renmiri
Feng Shui (Tai Shan)

Like any other partially sane half-demonic human --or would it be just 'mortal'?--, it could easily be said that Feng was not, in fact, enjoying herself. What had destroyed her relatively peaceful evening of staring out the window, and pretending that the voices in her head didn't exist, had come as the form of six, no, seven words: "Swain wishes to meet with you all." Now, don't get it wrong. Swain wasn't the problem; although she wasn't exactly the most thankful for his part in inscribing four obnoxious individuals into an already occupied brain. No, Feng's worries described only the truth that she'd be stuck in a stuffy room with thirteen potentially insane Harvesters. Again, not necessarily a bad thing, but it was very difficult to make fun of any one person or even crack a joke, when half the audience would undoubtedly turn their heads and glare with faces of stone; like the embodiment of 'We are not amused. Shut up.'.

It didn't do so well to one's metabolism to be so heavily stifled, and such was the reason why these meetings kind of sucked out all the unicorns and rainbows from one's day. Which were already low in population, seeing as the lot happened to live in the underworld. Everything was scarce, especially narwhals. But what can I say? In any case, seeing as there was most probably some type of significance in this little gathering, Feng could do nothing else but plaintively sigh and heft a polearm over her shoulders; forced to listen to the sound of cows dying as she walked out her bedroom door. Which, although it sounded incredibly funny to Feng's ears, ended abruptly a few moments later; followed by the high-pitched shriek. From just that, there really wasn't a question about who and what happened; even as this Chinese lady wasn't quite near the door yet.

Although, of course, there was that distinct, ominous feeling for a certain sexually driven animal; along with that tiny inkling that she was forgetting something, neither of which garnered much attention at the moment. In any case, as Feng neared the meeting room just after Ace, her normal, easygoing mood overlooked the kid's casual features; and such was the way, with a slight smile on her face, that the only Asian child of all the Harvesters waltzed in. The first thing she noticed, of course, was that the sexual predator was currently sprawled over a cast-iron table; followed by a disgruntled Rose on a couch. Like routine, actually. Closely behind that was Frankenstein and Richard, two guys in a crowd that she honestly had absolutely no idea how she'd gotten involved in. At the sight of both, Feng finally remembered the little scheduled 'playdate' she'd promised; a decision she'd only first agreed to on an easy whim. Then, well, there was no stopping the fact that she'd have to follow through. But whatever.

Everyone else, as it was, were situated normally enough not to make too much of an impression. But shame. I'm not the last. That could've pissed off a couple uptight people. In any case, seeing as the play date duo had probably forgotten about the affair by now already, several choices presented themselves. One would be to hang around a overly morbid character, another for perhaps some delightful silence, and the last, well, who just hands themselves to Elissa? Michael, shut up. Not everyone happens to be a literal angel. Yes, she would still kill you in the most gruesome way. Voices in her head aside, there was really only one option any sane person would pick: being that of hanging out with Rose, Reial and Ace. Because, you know, intelligent silence is hard to come by; and both would most probably not mind a sarcastic comment. Because it's just that hard to resist in a meeting, yes.

Thinking that perhaps, just maybe, she'd need it for a potential assault, Feng lifted her sheathed polearm from her back and set it beside her; waving a simple hello as she set down beside Rose. One pointed glance at Elissa, then Rose, couldn't help but prompt a comment; especially as the two had an incredibly amusing love-hate relationship. Or at least that was what it looked like. "You two having fun, again? I get that it's how you show love, and I know that the table needed some too, but it really could do better. You should throw her at Richard, next." Degrading the guy was a fun past-time, as well as annoying him. Most of the reason why she did so was very plainly because he still believed in trust and loyalty, even when they happened to, you know, be in the underworld.. Actually, it does look like it's been a while since he got some..

But in any case, that was that. "Anyone know when Swain is coming?" A simple shrug was all Feng could give, waiting for another to answer. It was normal just to assume that he'd get there when all thirteen, fourteen including the twins, were assembled. Which would hopefully happen sometime very soon, since Elissa was bound to go on a rampage with or without sooner or later. Yes, Satan, that's a bad thing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Elissa Vanoth(Charlotte)
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Air forcefully evacuated her lungs as her back met with the ridged glass of the table, which issued a sympathetic moan in the form of a violent crack. For Elissa, time briefly stopped the moment of the impact, and where the dull aching of her back and lungs should have been, a different feeling rose up. Like white-hot silk, a molten warmth erupted between her thighs, drowning out the aches, and slowly trickling through her body. It wasn't from the pain, or show of force, but Nyx's creamy, stain smooth skin. The way she moved her lips, the glint in her violent eyes, each slender finger that had wrapped around her wrist like strings of enticing fire. Lust was setting in, the cruel pains of desire began to wrack her body as she closed her eyes, opting not to move yet. Breathing deeply in a futile attempt to cool her ravenous body, she ignored every soul in the room save for Nyx. Every fiber of her being was poured into the graphic mental images regarding the fellow harvester that swamped her hazy mind, until a familiar scent, and sarcastic tone found her.

 "You two having fun, again?” An icy shiver momentarily claimed Elissa's body as she zeroed in on the voice, “I get that it's how you show love, and I know th--." The woman's statement was promptly drowned out of her ears as a violent storm of intrigue, and intent spawned within her. Lazily pushing herself from the table, Elissa locked her violet eyes on the young Asian beauty, shivering once more as she gazed at her hypnotic lips. Smirking and absentmindedly licking over her own ruby lips, she could feel the lightening beginning to gather within her body, release-violent or not- was necessary. “My sweet little exotic lotus..” She cooed, her voice nothing but a low, husky reflection of her lust, her body moving as sensually as she could manage while pulling herself from the table. “You're just oh-so keen with your observations..” She forced herself to saunter over to the Chinese lady as calmly as possible, fighting down the nearly animalistic urge to pounce on her and tear at her clothing, and knelled before her, calmly placing her hands on the girl's thighs. “Why don't you just sit there and let me show you how much I love you..”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Grace and Ren Kamdin (Eyes / Blood) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity)
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Rose Ceilmarx(Nyx)

Rose glanced over as Tai sat down. A warm smile crossed her face as her friend sat down. "Ah, Tai!"

"You two having fun, again? I get that it's how you show love, and I know that the table needed some too, but it really could do better. You should throw her at Richard, next."

Rose smirked at her snide comment. "Why don't you just run Richard through with your polearm already and call it good?" She laughed. Feng was the one person among the Harvesters that gave Rose a sense of peace in her life of chaos. They often made sarcastic jokes about the others and their surroundings as an attempt to hang onto their humanity.

"Anyone know when Swain is coming?" "Does anyone know when Swainee baby will be here?"

Hmmm. Good questions. Where WAS Swain? Rose figured he was going to show himself when all the Harvesters arrived. All of us were here except for two. Rose answered there question, "We can't complain about Swain being late when not all of us can show up on time even."

Rose returned her attention back to Feng and decided to get revenge. She was about to throw a clever retort about Feng and her playdates with Franken when Charlotte recovered and had locked onto Feng. This set Rose over the edge. Swiftly pulling her scythe from off her back, she set the weapon on fire and put it in between Feng and Charlotte.

"Don't make me tell you to behave again, Charlotte." Rose stared her down, daring her to make a move. Although, anything she did would probably just entice Charlotte more. She glanced over at Havok for help. He was probably the strongest among us and he wasn't even a Harvester. Perhaps that's why Swain appointed him as his right hand man.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Octavius Tertullian (Faust)
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#, as written by shmband
Octavius Tertullian (Faust)

It had been a very long five years; a very draining five years. The non-operational training had been drawn out much longer than Faust had expected, and the cumulative effect of it was impacting on him as he made his slow way through the troughs and trenches of underworld. These were always his preferred route. The dregs and dross of the lowest society in creation all put on parade, their iniquity and shame thrown into relief and highlighted for judgement. But judgement was only to come when the order was given, and in five years it had not yet been given. Which had left Faust feeling taught, on edge, and uncomfortably close to an awareness of the fact that, being a denizen of underworld, he might not be any better than any of these people...

He grunted, twisted his face into a snarl and pushed himself onwards. Why today to dwell on these things? After all, it could bed that his waiting was at an end. The summons had come, and it was only his troubled distractions that were slowing him as her made his way through the degraded throng.

Picking up the pace he eventually found himself at the Krux building. He was not late especially, but neither was he comfortably early. He took a deep breath before stepping into the elevator, drawing himself tall and folding his arms into his vestments. He found himself making his way up alone, and took another pause before entering the designated room. The hows and jeers from inside were already pricking at his ears. He scowled...for a supposedly elite unit, the othe harvesters were so unruly, some cases such blunt instruments. Perhaps an ironic statement for someone who's weapon of choice was a maul.

The first was the one known as Lance, or "Reaver". Faust had something resembling admiration for that young man, for a confluence of reason's he'd been able to identify. His history as a Butler spoke something of humility, but more pragmatically his skill with thrown weapons was contrastingly and complimentarily 'incisive' to Faust's own combat style. Plus was there was something delightfully 'purgative' about his ability to rack someone's body with electrical charge...

The other person Faust gave special acknowledgement too was Tai Shan...he wasn't sure if that was her code name or her actual new name, they both sounded so similar to him. He scarcely ever talked to her - his lifestyle had conditioned him to be reticent towards women. But his reason for marking her out among the other harvesters was something more of a mystery to him. It was as though she embodied something...powers both familiar and terrifying. It wasn't admiration he felt for her, it seemed more like a kind of dread fascination.

But whatever the reasons, those were the two harvesters he would choose to go into the field with if given the choice. Though in his time in underworld so far, choice had featured precious little. Perhaps with this meeting, that was about to change...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Elissa Vanoth(Charlotte)
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#, as written by Renmiri
Feng Shui (Tai Shan)

"Oh? Speak of the devil." Before Feng in particular had time to respond to anything, a certain, most probably aroused predator happened to revive; abruptly switching targets from one female to another. Something that undoubtedly happened not too frequently nor rarely, apparently, but nevertheless it was quite obvious that this Asian lady found no fear --or rather, even disgust-- when violet eyes met dark brown. In fact, it could be said that she was otherwise incredibly amused; given the fact that a self-satisfied, charming smile, purposely inviting and lazily seductive, adorned her face below a very simple arched brow. And it was just like that, without moving or a word --although one quick flick of the eyes confirmed exactly where Feng's polearm was--, when Elissa came close to invade her personal space. Which was, very coincidentally, the moment when she almost couldn't help it and burst out laughing. Pfft. Sweet.. exotic.. lotus.. So funny..

“Why don't you just sit there and let me show you how much I love you..” At that, of course, Feng most probably would've lost her poker face and cracked her effortless smile; if not for a sudden, somewhat godsend, of an intervention. One of which that she used to quickly regather her wits then, well, come up with an equally amusing idea. Rather than backing away like she would have done on other, lesser days, the child gave the fiery obstruction between her target of amusement a parting, simple glance before.. calling a phoenix. In a very easy instance, (and flashing a momentary, wickedly charming grin directed at Rose; like a trademark signature for 'Yeah, this is for kicks.' between the two) the temperature of the room immediately spiked a couple degrees as Feng's eyes assumed an almost ethereal quality; her very presence itself becoming demanding, in some degree of reverence.

Within the five year period of her training, most Harvesters would at least have heard of such an occurrence. But, in any case, she became instinctively impossible to miss; whether or not it was a first sight. Then, just as quickly, a flood of uptight consciousness flooded her mind; a ruffled and slightly pissed off phoenix yelling at her for what indecent things she planned to do. That and, of course, summoning said creature in the midst of such bad company. But, alas, this was not a time that Feng would bother to give a damn; and it was like such that she tuned out the shrieking bird. Which, well, basically means I'm just too lazy to write a split personality at the moment. So, returning to her charming smile, Feng reached out with partially fire-immune fingers and pushed the flaming scythe out of the way; standing as she did so and kneeling beside Elissa with the appearance of space. All still within casual arms-length to her polearm, of course.

Speaking in a relaxed, whisper-soft tone, Feng garnered as much appeal as she could --although regal by phoenix's presence already--; effortlessly closing bodily distance. “Oh, but what fun would that be? After all,” her voice changed to a smooth, sensual, purr as she leaned in close; lips tickling, teasing the edges of Elissa's ear. “everyone knows the chase is always the best part." As she spoke, Feng used one hand to wrap her arm around Elissa’s waist, while the index finger of the other slowly traced a path up the eager female’s sternum and neck, ending at the tip of the chin; holding her eyes in a suggestive, gleaming gaze not too far from one another. "I’m sure you’d agree.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Sebastian Kaine(Delirium) Character Portrait: Octavius Tertullian (Faust)
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#, as written by zody
Lance Quinn (Reaver)

The temperature in the room increased, and Lance opened his eyes to look around. He immediately noticed that Elissa and Feng were close... closer than Feng would normally be, especially since the person she was close to was Elissa. Lance eyed the two with mild interest, also noting that Faust had arrived. The tall man stood close to the doorway, and Lance noticed that he was looking slightly disgruntled. Maybe he'd gotten into a scuffle, which was a fifty-fifty chance, of course. Faust had a habit of being kind to some, and a demon in human skin to others. Rumors of the rogue Priest had reached his Mansion, which was located all the way in Australia. Lance's Mistress certainly knew a lot of things, and a lot of people. Lance sometimes even questioned her humanity. Lance once again surveyed the room, this time actually noticing who had arrived properly.

There were a few faces that he knew, one was Insanity, or Frankenstien Brokenheart. One had to wonder about the mans name. Sure, his first name spoke for itself, but 'Brokenheart'? Maybe he changed it after a relationship went sour, or he just had the same loathing of general humanity that Lance had inside of him. Maybe he felt sad because of the fact that he couldn't socialise with people much, due to his.... well, Insanity, obviously. Still, Lance wasn't in a position to judge or criticize the man, and Lance didn't really want to. Sure, his Insanity was uncommon, but Lance had had to deal with his Mistress' younger sister, and what's worse than her? Being locked in a Basement which doubled as your everything room must suck, and your psyche would probably crack. In fact, Lance might've been the only one who ever bothered to visit her, and since he was barely around any more....

A pang of guilt hit Lance like a shockwave. He realised that he wanted, no, needed to see her again. He had other things to do on the surface as well, so when he was up there next time, he might go visit them or something. And maybe his Mother's Grave as well.

Lance covered his mouth and coughed. It was fairly loud, and when he realised a few people had turned to stare he apologised and bowed his head. How had his thought train crashed right then? How had it gone so off of the Rails? Lance shook his head and returned to what he was previously thinking about.

Lance surveyed the room, taking in more faces. Richard... Yes, Richard. Possibly the only person in the room that still held on to the values of Loyalty and trust, even if it was only slightly. Lance wanted to fight him someday, actually, he wouldn't mind taking on Faust or Feng either, maybe even Insanity or the Drunk man, but he wouldn't voice his opinions. Lance looked over the others, his focus finally re-landing on Faust. The man was tall, yes, but how would he fair against Lightning and Knives that can defy time itself? Sure, that Maul of his was big, and even if it only hit Lance once, it could probably break a few bones and ribs, maybe even knock him out cold. He liked Faust though, and if they ever did fight, Lance hoped it wouldn't be to the death, because even though Lance would, undeniably, enjoy shedding his opponents blood, he still slightly respected the older man.

Faust was a holy man, a roving Priest, a 'Father' of the Light. Lance never did believe in God, or any religions, a true Atheist, that he was, but something about the way Faust seemed so sure about what he was doing was right, Lance would tag along any time. As long as it was kept under control. Faust's fighting style, in essence, rushing in and breaking things with his giant Hammer, was fairly convenient, albeit fairly unnecessary, and the funny thing was that his abilities and skills complemented Lance's fairly well.

Lance looked around, a slight smirk on his face. He almost forgot about one of the last times he'd used his Electricity powers. He thought back to it, his eyes widening in ecstasy, he had to bite his lip to stifle a giggle, or moan, whatever it was. He felt the cool trickle of blood flow down his chin, dripping onto his jacket and staining a small patch crimson. His fingers crackled with electricity, letting the sparks sizzle in the air slightly, surrounding him with little sparks of energy, like little Will-O-the Wisps, rotating, circling around him and snapping in the air. They were perfectly harmless, unless Lance wished for them to harm others, of course. Suddenly, they all condensed into a ball that floated just in front of Lance, who at this time had closed his eyes.

The ball twisted, slightly like a small twister, the center of a Maelstrom, just like the Maelstrom inside Lance. It just stayed there, and didn't stop moving around, even when Lance stopped controlling it manually. Lance didn't even have to use hand actions to control Electricity any more. Lance cocked his head to the side slightly, never opening his eyes. His face maintained a peaceful composure as he turned to the newly entering Loki. "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Delirium. How has you day been so far?".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Sebastian Kaine(Delirium) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity)
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Frankenstein Brokenheart (Insanity)

Frankenstein was...bored out of his mind. His mind had wandered on its own as he listened to the others exchanging conversations. His attention span was never a long one anyway. He sat down on the ground, ignoring everything around him as he poked the couch like a curious cat and giggled every once in a while. He mumbled between each giggle "...the table is being a meanie to you? Don't worry...I shall make the table regret it...right table?...wait...why do you break up with me chair? I'm sorry for not talking to you..." His face had a disappointed look on it as his mouth curls into a dark scowl " chair, bad...I won't let you break up with me...the sink said he would kill you if you did so..." He punched the couch and began to wail ", I don't like it...I don't like dare you break up with me?...I don't like it!" He slammed his fists repeatedly to the couch with an angry look on his face. However, it disappeared as quickly as it came and he giggled again "...just kidding...I love you...yeah, I know you love me, too...chair..." He chuckled and stood up, stretching his entire body as he began to bounce again. His patience was rapidly reaching its limit as Swain still refused to come.

"...It's no fun...I want to play...not waiting...this is no fun..." He pouted as he walked behind Richard. Wrapping his arms around the young man's neck, Frankenstein giggled again as he purred "...fight me, Richardkin...I want to play...I wanna see blood...I want to be bloody Frankenstein..." He clapped his hands together childishly and said in a faked high pitched voice "...maybe Fengkin will want to play with us, too...we can play doctors..." He pressed his index finger to his mouth and whispered hastily like he had some kinds of super secrets " know what, Richardkin...I saw something interesting just a moment before...I saw a child! How nice is that? We can play with him...I can let you cut him if you want to...he he he..." He looked around and whispered again "'re not supposed to tell anyone about that, 'kay?"

Frankenstein didn't release Richard as he tapped his cheek with his finger and looked at Loki as the man walked into the room "...ah! Mister BUTTERFLIES!....He he he..." He called out excitedly and smiled brightly, continued after a small pause "...I saw some hell butterflies yesterday so I captured one for you!...he he he...I put her inside a cage...he he have to play with me to get her though...she's pretty..."

Looking around, Frankenstein became impatient...again "...where's Swaine Swaine...I hate waiting..." He whined and gave them a sad expression, looking like a kicked-puppy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Grace and Ren Kamdin (Eyes / Blood) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Sebastian Kaine(Delirium)
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0.00 INK

((Sorry Haze, but I must borrow Havok. Oh and your partner assignments are listed in the OOC.))

Rose Ceilmarz(Nyx) and Swain

Rose protested and pleaded with Feng to rethink her actions as she shoved her scythe away. "Tai! You can't be serious... Don't give into Charlotte's demands! You underestimate her! You have no idea the kinds of things... she'll DO to you..." She shivered as she recalled an obviously disturbing memory. She was about to let loose another stream of protests when she noticed how restless everyone was getting. Having all thirteen, including both twins, Harvesters in one room was probably not a wise decision.

Luckily, it seemed as if everyone wouldn't have to wait for much longer. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as Gullies did a silent headcount and followed it with a satisfied nod. No one else seemed to notice as he walked over to the large red wall and lean against it. Rose couldn't quite make out what he did exactly, but whatever he did, the wall began to pull apart to unveil a large dark hallway. Everyone silenced their mindless chatter to stare at the new hallway.

Havok motioned with his head for everyone to follow him. Rose stood their for a moment just staring at the hallway then proceded to be the first one to enter. The hallway was long and twisted and seemed to go on forever. Perhaps it did. It finally came to abrupt halt to a door. Gullies opened the door and revealed a large room with a meeting table in the center. It had a total of sixteen chairs around the table and each gothic-style chair had a numeral marked on the back. Except for two. One of which Gullies took beside.... a taken chair. There, at the very end of the table, was him. Swain. He gave off every vibe as being a very important and a very shrewd business man. Although, he didn't seem very old. Only in his thirties, if that. He had long white hair that ended at his shoulder and was very tall. Even when seated. He was adorned in a pure white suit with gold trimmings. Very flamboyent and gaudy. There was also one more detail that caused Rose to frown when she laid eyes on him. He was wearing a carnival mask that covered only the upper portion of his face.

For five long years, they hadn't even heard a direct word from him and even now he wouldn't show his face to them? The more she thought about it, the more it caused her to frown. Even so, she still took her seat towards the middle of the table. The chair labled, "VII." Rose propped her head up with one arm while the other drummed her slender fingers against the mahogany table. As the first one to sit down, Swain turned to smile at her beneath his shrowd of mystery. She gave him a half smile and then proceded to frown again at her thoughts.

As soon as everyone proceded to sit in their assigned seats, Swain stood up and cleared his voice. Just as Rose thought, he was a very tall man and towered over the table.

"Good evening to all of you. As all of you know, my name is Swain." He said as an almost purr. His voice sent shivers down Rose's spines. His voice was beautiful and hypnotic, but was completely unhuman. His voice wasn't like anything she'd ever heard before.

"Now, first of all, I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm wearing this mask... As much as I'd love to share my identity with you all, I cannot at this point in time. Why? Because we've been infiltrated." Rose's eyebrows raised at the comment. Infiltrated? How is that possible?

"You fourteen, including Gullies, are the last people I can trust. However, before I can get into that matter, I'd like to show you some things first."

He gestured towards the wall behind him as a screen lit up. On the screen were a couple charts. The title was, "Krux's Monthly Profit Compared To Rival Companies." On the very top of the chart was Krux highlighted in red. On the bottom, were a whole rainbow of lines that weren't even close to Krux. However, as you looked thorough the months, you'll notice in the last year one dark blue line that dramatically sky-rocketed up the chart right below Krux. During a couple months, the line was even above Krux's.

Rose was fairly certain she was voicing everyone's opinions when she said, "Well so? Every company has to deal with competition. No big deal."

"Ah, yes, as right as you are, Nyx, it wouldn't be any concern of the Harvesters.... if an incident hadn't occured yesterday. It was quickly covered up, so no one would learn of it. Now, I'd like you to pay very close attention to the next picture..."

A new picture appeared on the screen and Rose raised her eyebrows. Now, a normal person would probably either pass out, vomit, or scream, but the Harvesters were quite used to this kind of thing. Even so, it did mildly surprise Rose.

On the screen was a brutal homocide of a woman. Not just any woman either. She was known as Swain's secretary, Nira. Rose often saw her running about the building taking care of things that needed to be done. She was a thin lady with sleak blonde hair. She reminded Rose of a fox. Now, she lay on the ground maliciously ripped and torn to pieces. She was barely recognizable. The only thing left in tact was her head with a look of pure horror etched into her face. The rest of her body was scattered about. Some of her organs were cruelly sown back together in unnatural positions. However, the detail that really left an impression was the message. Written beside the gory mess was a short sentence typed out in..... bones. Nira's bones specifically. It said, "STEP DOWN." Rose was sure to take in one more insignificant detail before Swain took the picture down. A medium-sized black feather lying next to Nira's head.

"So, as you all can see, we have reason to believe this rival company was the one who organized this distasteful show of aggression. However, we have no clue what this organization's name even is. Out in the market, they're simply known as Company X. Because of all this secrecy, it's very difficult to track them. We do believe that there's evidence somewhere. In fact, we believe that a few of their followers are still hanging around in the building. Which leads me to give you your first assignment as full-fledged Harvesters. Investigate any evidence, destroy the spies, and bring your findings. Also one more thing, absolutely NO killing of any other individuals other than the spies. If you kill an innocent, you will severely punished."

Swain put an emphasis on 'severely punished', which sent yet another chill down Rose's spine. This man was extremely powerful. You could feel it coming off of him in waves.

"Final note. I'm assigning you into pairs. None of you are to go without your partners." He waved his arm and a stack of black letters flew out. One landing in front of each person.

"Each has your partner along with the sector you will be investigating. Good luck to you all." With that, the meeting was over and we were free to go. As she strolled out, she carefully opened the letter. She nearly screamed when she saw who her partner was. This can't be..... how can I be stuck with HIM! she ranted in her head. She crumbled the letter in her hand and collapsed on the waiting room couch while hitting her head against a sofa cushion.

The letter simply stated Zehn as her partner, that they were to investigate Nira's room, and that they believed there were seven spies in total in the building somewhere. However, Rose couldn't get over the fact she was paired with a man...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Grace and Ren Kamdin (Eyes / Blood) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Sebastian Kaine(Delirium)
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Richard Istophon (Zehn)

Richard was observing the ever entertaining Frankie. It wasn't overly surprising that the boy... erm man would be hopping around like a crazed bunny on steroids. The only odd thing that, even after years of witnessing, even remotely creeped Richard out was the man's manic one sided conversations. "Frankie... I, forget it..." Richard figured that Frankenstein wasn't listening, like always. Richard also assumed that Frankenstein was probably the furthest gone of all the Harvesters, except maybe Elissa, but she was just a sex crazed love muffin. Either way, Richard was usually the man stuck babysitting Frankenstein, which wasn't all too bad, but it ended up being a pain in the ass moreover. He could remember one time when the two went out and Frankie had his first taste of blood in days... He essentially became a whole different person, rampaging like a rabid tasmanian devil. It literally took Richard's full strength just to restrain him and calming him was a whole different story.

As Richard returned to the situation at hand, Frankenstein appeared to be talking to him. "Hm?" He realized that Frankenstein was talking about fighting... again. "No Frankie. We will not fight, at least not now..." He listened as Frankenstein continued to ramble about his usual habit of playing doctor with anyone he could find. "You will NOT be playing doctor, now sit patiently and wait for the meeting to begin." As soon as the words left his mouth Richard knew Frankenstein would 1. whine like a four year old that's fallen on the ground and 2. begin rambling again claiming that Richard was stupid and such. Thankfully Havok had opened a a passageway leading through a dark hall where the meeting was presumably held. 'Saved by the Bell.'

Richard made sure to be the tenth person to enter the hall and the tenth person to sit, like always. His little incident in the waiting room was terrible but it seemed that nobody noticed his folly. He sat with the lovely X branded on the backrest. "Ah thy lovely ten." Richard cracked a smile of pure elation at his success, proceeding to lean on his elbows that rested on the tabletop. He looked down at Swain noticing the tacky mask covering the upper half of his face. "Not revealing your identity, huh..." He spoke quietly as the remaining Harvesters fumbled around, sitting in their seats. He watched the excruciatingly boring presentation on the large screen, seemingly not amused. 'Why is this so pointless.' He listened as Rose commented, "Ah, good point Mistress Obvious." He listened in further, trying to appear interested, but then... a new picture was shown. Richard knew the face, he knew the women... His eyes widened, heart cracked and brain went blank. "NIRA!" He couldn't restrain himself, he immediately drew his sword slamming it on the table while arising from his previous posture. "SWAIN! WHO DID THIS?!?!?!" Richard was not only floored, but enraged, depressed and more importantly... losing his self control. He attempted to regain his composure but couldn't take the sight of the women he actual gave a damn about, dead... gruesomely tortured, mutilated. "I sincerely apologize... I, uh, lost my cool for a moment..." Richard returned to his seat as Swain distributed the black envelopes. He almost felt as though it wouldn't matter who he was paired with, they wouldn't understand his personal connection to the case. Either way, he opened the envelope to read the name of his partner and there location of investigation... 'Nyx and Nira's room.' The room he visited many times in his leisure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Linear Fimbulvetr(Nyx) Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity)
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Frankenstein Brokenheart (Insanity)

Frankenstein's crestfallen as he began to sulk and whine "...b-but...b-b-but I want...b-but I want to play..." He puffed his cheeks and poked Richard "'re a meanie, Richardkin...dumb Richard..." He tightened his hold as he felt Richard began to move to his seat "...I will get you back for that, Richardkin..." He licked the back of Richard's neck and giggled "'re the patient next time you play with me, Richardkin..." He grumbled finally and released the younger man, blowing a kiss to Richard's direction "...and I promise I will take real good care of you..." Winking, Frankenstein covered a giggle with his hands as a strange hallway appeared out of nowhere and he began to walk...and hum a very soft tune as his feet took him to his newest destination.

Moving to his seat, the black- red VIII shone brightly under the dimly lit light bulbs. He gave a big grin to the one who wore number VII - Rose Ceilmarz - one of those that seemed to barely tolerate his behaviours. It was kinda funny...She gave him the weird, funny feeling whenever he wanted to play with her...and then there's the beautiful red thingies...It always made him laugh. He gave a big grin at a man in strange clothes and strange hair sat at the end of the table - Oh, it was Swainie...How funny...He suppressed another giggle and this time, managed to only smirk sadistically. Well, at least he hadn't created any noises yet...He tossed Richard and Feng a grin as he waved at them and put his elbows on the table, trying to use his incredibly short attention span to focus on the matter at hand.

"Good evening to all of you. As all of you know, my name is Swain."

Swainene purred and Frankenstein cocked his head to one side, the craziness immediately died down and his insanity was replaced by sheer curiosity, his own sadistic nature and craving to hear the man's voice more...It was...irresistible. Frankenstein licked his lips, longing to taste the man's must taste so gooood....The craziness began to resurface but once again, the man pushed it down by his will.

"Now, first of all, I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm wearing this mask... As much as I'd love to share my identity with you all, I cannot at this point in time. Why? Because we've been infiltrated."

'Infiltrated'? Who would dare to do that? Anger rolled out of Frankenstein's body as he gave a low growl, which was effectively shut down again by Swain's voice "You fourteen, including Gullies, are the last people I can trust. However, before I can get into that matter, I'd like to show you some things first."

The next five minutes or so went by quickly as Frankenstein felt his attention drifted away...what a boring subject! Who cared about business? He certainly didn't...he vaguely listened to Rose as she talked some nonsense and he wouldn't even bother to pay attention to it...This was getting

"...Now, I'd like you to pay very close attention to the next picture..."

Frankenstein raised his head to meet the large screen...only to stare in shock at a picture of a very familiar woman...He subconsciously giggled and spoke out loud "...someone decorated Nira...she's beautiful now...he he he..." But inwardly, he was seething...everything was beginning to turn red at the picture of Nira's corpse. He actually liked the woman very much...she had played with him, talked with him, treated him like a human with normal intelligence...unlike the others, who could only treat him like a child with three-year-old intelligence. Yes, Frankenstein knew very clearly how others treated him...he was crazy...but he wasn't dumb...He knew they only thought of him as a mindless, stupid Harvester with a brain that could only function properly when he saw blood...well, that part was true...but...whatever. But he didn't lack of the ability to realize, to think...he just didn't act like that. Nira...on the other hand, treated him very fairly...she played doctors with him, and comforted him whenever he's on one of his bloodthirsty mood...and she tolerated his behaviours...just like some certain Harvesters. He gave some of his Harvesters a look...He guessed that was why he liked playing with Richard so much...and Elissa, too...though most of the time, the woman wanted to rape him rather than to play with him...Now, returning to the current problem. Frankenstein didn't even notice he had begun to laugh sadistically until he stopped his train of thoughts and covered his mouth with his hands, trying to control his own actions. He began to have troubles breathing because of the laughter. Putting a hand on his stomach, Frankenstein spoke between each large gulp for air ""

As much as he was showing his amuzement to everyone else, if one paid enough attention, they might see his twitching fingers,...or the fact that one of his hands was gripping the table tightly, trying hard not to stand up and shout like Richard had done. Oh, sometime, playing the part of a madman took too much effort.

Frankenstein listened to the rest of the man's speech with a small nod between each pause the man gave. Alright, partners...he could work with long as they didn't interfere with his revenge...and the chair. He picked up the small piece of paper, opened it and read out loud.

Tai Shan-insanity-------------Basement

He giggled...oh, lucky him...he had Feng...Well, the woman at least would let him have his revenge...He hoped...the last time he was in one of his 'mood', Richard had stopped him...the man was such a rule-follower that it wasn't even funny. He took the paper and stood up. With a bright smile and cheerful voice, Frankenstein said "...shall I and Tai Shan go now? I can't wait to spill blood...!" He clapped his hands but stopped as a dark, sadistic smile appeared on his face, making the cheerful air around him vanish. His voice lowered until it contained nothing but pure sadistic pleasure and evil intents "...they shall learn why they should never EVER mess with me..." Oh yes, whoever did this would very, very soon learn why everyone tried to avoid a fully pissed-off Frankenstein Brokenheart - the Harvester with the codename 'Insanity'. And right now? Right now, that 'insanity' wanted nothing but revenge toward whoever harmed his loved one.

He gave Swain a deep bow, his sanity returned to him fully as he prepared to rip off the heart of the attackers, spies...or whoever stood in his way. He turned to face Feng " it alright to go now? or do you wish to listen more, Tai Shan...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity) Character Portrait: Rodrick Marcus Anders(Havok) Character Portrait: Elissa Vanoth(Charlotte)
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Charlotte & Havok

Elissa's body still ached violently as she complacently sat in her little chair, listening to Swain's little speech with no interest, and replayed the scene of how she'd gotten there on an endless lope. Much to the displeasure of the teeth she ground in rage. Feng's teasing breath had been to much, the mocking eye contact had been torture, and self control had snapped within her body. She could still feel traces of the raw excitement that had flooded her body as she'd gripped Feng's throat, the painful need she'd had as she tried to close the gap between their lips, and the cruel tug of her hair Havok had administered to try and break them apart. Like a fool, she'd resisted, pushed him away at first, but when he went for her hair once more, now in a violent frenzy, she'd shoved Feng away and responded with a dagger aimed towards his throat. A blow that never landed. She'd triggered his apathetic wrath, and without hesitation he'd grabbed her arm and jerked her to her knees violently enough her shoulder dislocated with a loud crack sound. In her lust-fueled hate, she simply couldn't let that be the end of it.

She'd placed a violent kick at his legs, causing a quiet crack of his knees and momentarily dropped him to the ground. Pouncing on him with grace, she'd straddled his waist while removing her glove, plotting to ram the toxins into his mouth and be done, but once more she'd been stupid enough to underestimate him. His fist collided with her jaw, forceful enough to bring a another crunch of a sound form it, dazed she was easily tossed aside. Picking himself up, he's grabbed her by the wounded arm and jerked her to her feat before slamming her face-first against a wall. Pain had exploded within her, sweeping away the lust as she felt a rib break. Karma for her stupidity came full-circle as Havok planted a heavy-booted foot dead center in her back, pushing her into it all the harder while grabbing a fistful of her air and jerking her upper body back. Two more ribs cracked as he bent her back far enough to make direct eye-contact. A single whimper had escaped her before he'd removed his foot, and tossed her into a into the meeting room, pushing her into some little chair, beside Frankenstein of all people. Twice she'd been mocked, then truly humiliated in front of every other harvester.

By now, she'd been returned to reality, and the pain her chest by a simple letter that'd been passed her way. Ignoring everyone around her, and scoffing, she opened it, glowering at it's contents. Shallow. “Figures.” She mumbled to herself, as the mopy little fuck that was her partner exited the room in disgust. “Prick can't even wait two seconds for a woman..This entire assignment can fuck off.” She hissed, before slamming her head against the desk, not bothering to pick it back up. “This couldn't get worse..”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Kowareta Tsubasa (Insanity) Character Portrait: Rodrick Marcus Anders(Havok) Character Portrait: Elissa Vanoth(Charlotte)
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#, as written by Renmiri
Feng Shui (Tai Shan)

A little saddening (at, you know, the sudden loss of the rainbows and giggles that make up amusement), more so awkward. Because, unfortunately, Feng here just so happened to be one of those very few killers that didn't actually appreciate watching people getting beaten up. Even, as it seemed, a deranged sexual predator. Oh, but wait! That's not it! I have an angel spoiled brat in my head! Because, for the past couple minutes (or ever since she'd let the uptight mother phoenix go), said annoying angel had been practically screaming at her to heal a certain criminal; not shutting up all the while as Feng made her way to the meeting room, half-distracted with an impending, horrific headache. 'Since, after all, it is your fault for egging and teasing Charlotte on. I mean, really. That line was too cheesy even for an angel. Why don't you give me a shot? You can do a good deed, maybe get into god's good book (haha yeah right) and start working on that nonexistent sex life! Three birds with one stone! Because, girl, believe me. You need some action. Do you even realize the last time you--'

As you can see, Michael doesn't understand the meaning of the middle finger. Not that she could make it at him, anyway. And to think he used to be a nice guy. And devoted. And holy. Satan, the fuck did you do? But, before the devil could answer, Swain began to talk. And, apparently, so did Michael. It was entirely by chance that Feng's ancient Chinese counterparts didn't-- Oh wait. No, they started chatting too. With a head full of overly talkative voices --a rare occurrence, mind you, as they're usually too egotistical to talk amongst their natural enemy-- it's not really difficult to believe that Feng really had no way of paying attention; nor was she in the mood even if she wanted to. They were so damn distracting that she couldn't even focus enough to take an impression of the evil CEO, although Michael instantly noted when a sexual predator was thrown into the room. Not an improvement, thank you. (You should see what it's like to listen to very, very Chinese accented English in the midst of an annoying brat, in a serious meeting, behind the stereotypical 'evil laughter' soundtrack. Beyond painful. Evil laughter? That's Satan trying to be funny.)

So, rather than anything, the first half of Swain's speech fell to deaf ears. And then, much like a sudden break of light in the clouds, three out of four idiots shut their traps in pure, somewhat utter shock. Or, well, maybe they thought that Feng should be listening. But either way, the kid was completely whole enough to see Nira's death scene; capturing the essence in now-turned sober, indefinitely hard eyes. And, although the photo was beyond gruesome, this Chinese lady gave not a single sign to show disgust, rage or sadness; all of which some of the others immediately seemed to demonstrate, whether noticeable or not. Instead, the only things that might've shown were the aforementioned eyes; and deeper still the sudden, clear silence within her thoughts. Besides, of course, the evil laughter. 'Me, shocked? Well I never!'

Feng's lack of reaction could mostly be given to the fact that she never really knew or spoke to Swain's secretary in the first place, other than a few greetings here or there. But even as that was, the slow, deadly boiling anger of defiling a corpse so was easily brewed --much to Satan's glee-- over the second half of Swain's speech; in which, with the appearance of a potential outlet, toned down the overwhelming emotion to a sort of dangerous, cold calm. By the time the kid had opened her black letter and read the name inside, her brain was very much her own again; headache and all. So, when Frankie verified their partnership and lost his childish charms, she was all very willing to go. Hey, those play dates weren't for nothing. I'd say we work pretty well together, even more so when he.. appears to be sane. Or, well, it could be said that Feng honestly wouldn't have cared who she'd been stuck with. As long as, you know, revenge was possible.

" it alright to go now? or do you wish to listen more, Tai Shan...?" With a carefree, cold smile --half from the happiness of having her head back--, Feng stood, grabbed her polearm, and made straight for the door; calling words over her shoulder as she did so. "No, it's alright. Let's g--" AGAIN? Or that's what she planned on doing, had not a certain angel starting up his efforts again. And when an inanimate brat starts, he'll never shut up. Her course changed then, as she veered back, this time walking a burdened beeline towards Charlotte (her back, preferably); who happened to be situated next to Frankie. So, you know, maybe it'll be less awkward. "On second thought, give me a second. An obnoxious idiot won't shut up unless I do." With a very, very long sigh, Feng summoned an angel; getting a halo and kind of slightly.. shining at that moment. 'Hey, where's the wings? You know they're damn awesome.' Shut up.

As fast, and hopefully as effortless, as possible, Feng put a quick hand on Charlotte's shoulder; immediately spilling a cold, somewhat relaxing sensation that could only mean a divine's trademark: healing. If it were not for the momentary good nature that always took the kid when Michael came, she probably would've just kind of.. left it at that; if she ever started helping in the first place. But alas, life was never goes the way you want it to. So, instead, Feng ended up pouring a small chunk of her energy to pull broken bones back together and partially numb pain for about five minutes; all knit in a nice little self-serving bundle that would work and finish the job even when she left. A chunk and a bundle she could go without, but it kind of bothered her nonetheless. In any case, it took maybe five, ten seconds of her just standing there; violently internally throwing it together until Michael was satisfied enough to leave, just because she was pissed off at said angel. (So, as you may imagine, it might sort of hurt in those five-ten minutes of healing anyway.)

Needless to say, the moment Feng was done she threw back her hand, returned to normal and headed for the door, polearm on shoulders; knowing that Frankie would catch up, if he still happened to be there, whenever. "Right. Ready whenever you are, big guy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tian An Men (Tai Shan) Character Portrait: Lance Quinn (Reaver) Character Portrait: Arthur Leonhardt (Zehn) Character Portrait: Elissa Vanoth(Charlotte) Character Portrait: Octavius Tertullian (Faust)
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#, as written by shmband
Faust had followed the crowd into the boardroom without a word. Laying eyes on Swain for the first time with his face obscured didn't bother him, though the extravagance of the stylized mask seemed unnecessary. Nevertheless, as a man who once orchestrated religious ritual, he understood the impact of theatrics, and in any case was scarcely going to bear ill-will against the one person who could put Faust's underworld existence into motion before he began to entirely fester and atrophy.

The speech itself held little to interest him, while it seemed at first that there was nothing more at stake than the lion's share of underworld's capital. And then the picture of the woman appeared. Faust's breath caught in his throat at the sight. As well as theatrics, Faust also had an appreciation for the gravity of dessecration...and dessecration was something the attacker of that woman clearly had in mind. What a way to send a message. At last, Faust was interested. Especially at the way Richard reacted to the sight of the woman. Had he some involvement with Swain's secretary? Perhaps then the woman had incured some kind of judgement after all...

From there on it was clear instructions, though the command not to harm any 'innocent' cause the corners of Faust's lips to curl up. Who, in underworld, was 'innocent'? Any one of the harvesters could go on a random killing spree, dispatching anybody they laid eyes on for a whole day, and would still be entirely unlucky if they breached Swains mandate not to kill an 'innocent'. Nevertheless, the gravity of Swain's warning demanded prudence. Obviously he meant 'innocent' only of the crime before them.

His musing was interrupted by the distribution of the partner assignments. It was uncanny that his prior thoughts should have been so aptly translated into Swain's selection, and he wondered if his being paired with Reaver indicated that Swain had more insight into their ponderings that any of the realised. But there wasn't time to dwell on that. Reaver was already out of his seat and had sauntered outside. Why the rush? Faust looked around, but all the other harvesters had begun to scramble into action of one kind or another, some of them embroiled in petulent antics. Once again, the impression was far contrary to that of a team on which a shrewd businessment like Swain could rely upon...but that wasn't Faust's problem. He was only glad that he had to deal with just one other harvester; one whom he at least did not completely revile. On his way past Feng he gave her a shifty eye once again, as he noticed a flash of divine power pass from her to Charlotte. At that moment he felt a distinct tug on his heart, and he recognised in it somethat that had once spoken to the core of his being. Could it be...even in a place like this...?

But the moment of awe could not last long, as the chaotic female harvesters toussled and bickered, and Faust made his way quickly out of the room, finding Reaver stood by the door. He held his note up in front of him, looked at it, then back at his erstwhile partner.

"Third floor..." he muttered, " we know what's there to investigate?"