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Albatross/ Exodus 77

"Exodus 77, taking the battlefield."

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a character in “Program Varin: Rise of 12”, as played by ShadowsoftheNine


Albatross/ Exodus 77

Gender: MaleCurrently OC :Organization

Age: Seemingly 18Commander's Arc :Weapon

Sexuality:Pansexual5'8/5'11 :Height

Race: Android 287 pounds :Weight



Albatross was built as a leader class unit. As such, he was equipped with an alterable appearance. His normal form seems like that of an average human. He has white hair that would normally reach to his lower back, if not held together in a ponytail. A shiftable armor is always covering this android, silver in normal conditions, but becoms red when he enters battle. Whenever he is fully immersed in the battle, every mechanism in his body reacts to completely alter his shape. Inner nano droids expand reinforcing the new built armor. As well, this is when the glowing insignia appear on his hand, allowing the creation of his Commander's Arc. Simply put, a long melee weapon, shaped much like an achor. However, any side that comes to a point becomes extremely sharp. Mainly an anti-armor/tech weapon, as when it makes first contact with something it quickly alters to itself more effective against the target. As an added benefit, the weapon can send out the code on command. Thus enabling other technology around the user to adapt to the targets weakness as well.



- Being Destroyed
- Seeing the destruction of his race
- Becoming paralyzed

- Being in the front lines
- Taking command
- Personally falling the cities
- Leading those under him to victory

- Losing rank
- Losing face to a human/anthromorph
- Losing to a human/anthromorph
- Questioning his existence
- Admitting his wrongs


So begins...

Albatross/ Exodus 77's Story

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Albatross/ Exodus 77

" Foundry 7 is currently under construction of Unit Prototype W 7, estimated time of completion, 0400 tomorrow. Research and construction of mobile Arc Sabre has been completed. All soldiers report to the closest barracks and request for the upgrade. Foundry 8 has discontinued researching Adaptive Armor plating, due to a the negative effects under EMP fire." The voice continued loudly along the streets, nearly every corner containing a speaker to spout the information. To most humans, this would be considered an annoyance, but for the androids it was a stream of useful information.

The city of androids in it's own way was alive. Every building was plugged to a network constantly feeding out information. Their shapes ever changing to fit the needs of the armies. The usless luxurious of humans were no longer present. With no need for food, water, or sleep, nearly every building was constructed for proficiency of either maintenance, or production. The Androids knew they were capable of winning the war from the far beginning, they simply underestimated how much the humans would crawl around hiding away with their fellow Anthromorphs.

"Scout 327 has located a Rebel Organisation encampment. Units 227 through 263 report to the nearest deployment facilities and prepare to engage under leadership of Abriel 25 and 26, and command of Exodus 77." The voice soudned across the streets once more, ordering another deployment of soldiers. These deployment facilities were amongst the tallest within the Android cities. Mainly because they stored many of the vehicles they use to rule a battlefeild. In this case, due to distance, the deployment would consist of four jets equipped with drop pods. They would be released at max velocity to crash into the ground pre-battle.

Tube-like cylinders lined the walls of each Deployment facility, each numbered to the corresponding leader-type android. These were simply hibernation chambers that ran system checks regularly on the Androids inside. Configuring them with the lastest battle tactics, as well updating them with the newest technologies on the field as well how to use them. Each deployment, three tubes would open. An exodus in the middle, with two Abriel classes to either side. And in this case, there was no exception.

Red eyes opened qucikly as the seal to the chamber snapped open. A small grin taking to his features as he stepped out. "Exodus 77, ready for departure" He spoke allowed, the other two chambers opening behind him. The two seemed nearly like clones, this was to refrain from confusion on any given battlefield as to who was the appropriate leader on the feild. Each designed nearly exactly the same. However, this role was changed when the commander class began, as each of this type had completely different forms. This was due to the fact many more mechanisms were buried within their bodies for an alterable shape. Each Exodus specialized in a different area, as such, their combat forms altered drastically.

"Sky Diver 14 operational for departure of Exodus and Abriel types to the battlefield. Lights began to click on as the rather large jet-like ship began to power up. As the three entered, the loading door would close and it would fly through the bay doors. It only took nearly fifteen minutes to fly between the five deployment facilities to pick up the previously designated units. And finally, upon exiting the Android town, each member of the squad coordinated their way through the ship to enter seperate drop pods.

A display appeared as the door closed to the drop pod, Exodus 77's eyes scanned over the information as it was repeated outloud for confirmation. "As of thirty minutes ago Scout 327 has found evidence of a RO encampment at the destination. There has also been evidence that the organization is looking into nearby remnants of the old wars for cover. After the encampments are destroyed the leaders and Exodus must seperate with a handful of Units to scout through these crippled cities of old. Avrin Avadari fellow brothers and sisters." It was a rather plain order that was released with the mapping layout of the area the smaller droids have sent in.

(Time skip for shortness sake)

77's cold figure stood above the last member of the encampment to stand their ground. An Athromorph male as fate had it be. A few dozen fleed battle just as suspicion had it. They were making their way to hide out wherever one possibly could, no doubt. "Abriel 25, take the remnants of 227 through 240 and head west. 26, 241 through 253 to the east. I shall take the remaining and head north. With any sightings of another encampment or a bunker of any kind, report back before engaging." His voice sounded far more robotic in this form, the rasp making it difficult to hear his words properly.

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Albatross/ Exodus 77

Soon enough Exodus 77 was walking the streets of the old city. The solid gold eyes of his combat form never changing. There was the chance of any moment in time an ambush taking place, and as such, he was forever ready. A low growl took to his synthesized voice as he found no evidence of the RO forces being in this area. However, this alone was not enough to stop him. His goal, as well his race's was to rid every other humanoid race from existence. Thus, he could not simply walk down the street half way and pull back. No, Exodus pushed further forward with his small amount of troops. He wanted to either be perfectly sure this area contained nothing, or certain that forces were taking refuge here.

And of course he would eventually find his proof. Exodus came upon the dead man, from uniform proved to be the RO forces he was looking for. "Set up the beacon." Shifting around he ordered his troops, separating them into smaller fractions. Four men remained at his side constructing while the rest went to begin hunting for RO in nearby buildings. Once checked, a red spray coated the ground before the doorway to mark it as cleared. The four began to disassemble their weaponry, only to begin reconstructing them all together in a totemic way. Once finished, the beacon looked nothing like the original weaponry it derived from.

"Home beacon completed, "The four said in unison before three ran off to aid in the search. The last remained beside the beacon his arm locking into it's side as a faint blew glow rose from the top. " Call in a batch of Seekers to survey this area. As well, request a drop in containing Scout types. I want them stationed on any tall buildings we find watching the streets while the Seekers hunt. Supplies will be needed as well." It may have sounded like quite a bit, however the Android race did things this way. They did not want a single thing getting past their watch no matter what. Surely a bio-signature beacon would be called in as well. They were capable of scanning a four block radius for any living organisms. When the scans were complete, it would project a mapping above the beacon. This was a rather efficient tool of war, especially against the Humans and Anthromorphs.

"The requested supplies and units will arrive within T minus twenty six minutes." The android spoke, disengaging himself from the Home Beacon. With a wave of hand from the Exodus, the soldier ran off joining the search as well. Remaining by the beacon, Exodus drove the Commander Arc into the ground, claiming that he would hold this point to any unseen eyes. For now this may have been an RO hotspot, but under his command, Exodus would seek to destroy every living being. If it was another encampment, he would more than likely result to a bombardment of Cannon class machines.

The beacon began to flash, a beeping alarming the ones near. The incoming units and supplies have entered the lock range. Meaning, even if the beacon was destroy by this time, the other's would still land on site."Exodus." A soldier called out, from further up the street. "Another body. As well, a weapon stash." The news displeased him, it would seem as if the RO already predetermined this was a fall back point, especially if there was a weapon stash just for them.

Exodus tilted his head back, a loud horn like call blaring out as if rallying an army. The sound of it compared to a thousand calls of mad demons at once. The units quickly made their way back to the commander, each one standing around him by the end of it. "For now, we wait. The Seekers and Scouts are far more capable of spotting the rats in hidding. We will move forward when the BSB arrives. With a weapon stash confirmed, it is almost definite that our enemies are here. And it is definite, we shall obliterate every last one of them, no matter how hard they run.

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Albatross/ Exodus 77

The scream-like sound ended with a few buildings crumbling. The Sky Diver had launched a good twenty drop pods, some into the buildings, and some simply pelted the streets. From these pods emerged the droids that were demanded, each one immediately setting out in different directions. Just as before, they were given the mission briefing Exodus's demands before they were launched out. The main force, along with the Exodus moved to the closest landing pod, as this would be the supplies. Weaponry including a few Incendiary MIRV were sent amongst them. But, perhaps the most valuable thing for an Android attack besides the BSB, was a simple grenade like object.

This would be more easily described as a target designator. When armed, the grenade explodes within seven seconds. Upon explosion, hundreds of shards containing nanobots are present. Wherever they pelt, be it wall or person, they have a tendecy of eating themselves into effected. When they reach the innermost portion, they begin to send out signals to nearby units, as well the closest Android HQ. It is often used to highlight target areas for Cannon Type units to bombard the area. This includes if a living being is infected and attempts to run away, they shall serve as another bombardment zone as long as the signature of the nanobot thrives.

Exodus and his small army of ten soldiers pulled away from the drop zones, as all supplies had well been looted. Two Androids carried the BSB unit, designated when to put it down and begin scans. The map would show how some buildings had renewing plant life spread amongst the insides. Every now and again there was even a figure of an animal within the walls. When the second scan still failed to show readings of the RO, the Exodus began moving his troops faster. The fact there was a weapon supply and nothing more than two dead bodies was aching his thoughts.

Standing in the midst of an old community parking lot, the Exodus set up the BSB for the third time. Quietly watching as the totem atop spun quickly as the scans were underway. As it spread open the map began to process, beginning with the middle. The holographic imagining of the scale sector slowly came to view. It's range spread further and further, still to show any signs of the living nemesis. That was until, the scans furthermost scans was constructed into the map. A partial skyscraper of sorts, lighten like a christmas tree with Anthromorphs.

Exodus then looks around to spot the building, his hand tightening on the Commander Arc. With the lack of humans, he could almost be certain that this was instead a branch of KIN. That would explain why there were so few RO soldiers present in this area. The KIN, or the RO, it mattered not before the Android race as long as all fell before them. As Exodus began his march directly for this tower, his soldiers fell behind. The BSB left behind to be further bait under a scout's eyes.

A short while later, the force was at the foot of the skyscraper staring either at the entrance or towards the windows along the walls. Exodus reached his hand backwards, with a silent response one of the soldiers handed him the TD grenade. "With this, another batch of KIN shall be eliminated." Exodus threw the grenade with full strength, watching as the small object flew to great heights before crashing through one of the windows. "Burn to ash Anthromorphs" He yelled upon the building, the soldiers behind him readying the Incendiary MIRVs. "Massacre." The one word counted as a trigger. Each MIRV would fire out, the single missile spreading into dozens of smaller versions as if a webbing. Pelting the side of the building as well launching through the windows, fire taking conrtol wherever one landed.

Distant echoes could be heard, like a massive shockwave in force. The cannon types were reacting to the grenade's nanobots. It was like the thunder, a sound that merely hinted at it's distance. Soon the full scale of a hell bombardment would be upon the targets strikin with the grenades 'plague'. Exodus remained ready before the main entrance with only a three soldiers at his side. He wanted to greet those who survived the initial waves of his seige. And with this, he would attempt to let no one leave alive.

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Albatross/ Exodus 77

Exodus 77 contained a hidden grin, hidden because his combat form contained no 'human' tissue to give facial expressions. The Anthromorphs were pouring out of the door just as he had originally thought. Then again, it was either come out of hiding or burn to death in the waking inferno, that is, until this building would collapse. Bullets began to whiz through the air, coming from the mostly outdated weaponry since the rise of the Android race. Dents would begin rapidly spreading across their metal surface, but all the more it would seem ineffective at first. With this kind of gunfight, the Exodus simply stood his ground, not even bothering to approach the ones firing. No, instead he simply watched as his three android followers fired into the crowd, nearly incapable of missing due to their mass.

Sometimes these blasts from the rifles would burn through two at a time if they were scrawny enough. How simple it would be to fire the MIRVs into this crowd to decimate the lot. However, if Exodus did find even a mild urge to run in on the group, there would be too much potential for friendly fire. And this way, he could see those infront of him squirm for life. More of these simple creatures would come out to replace the previous Anthromorphs that had fallen. This was nothing short of an onslaught.

Fourteen distinctive shots rang out through the group. Perhaps because it was merely handguns as compaired to the others. Exodus could feel the beginning of the flurry rising in action along his chest, climbing it's way higher. From the bullet pattern landing, it could be questioned if recoil was causing this pattern, but that would mean one was not particularly in a spot for accuracy. Was it desperation? Or was it a perfectly logical ideal to cover various locations of a target with the spray? Either way, it seemed to be mildly effective. As a bullet tore through his neck region, systems forced his head to tug right. This put his left eye directly in the pattern of shots. With a spark the socket blew, dampening the vision fields the Exodus could use.

Another mechanical roar rang out, Exodus pulled the Commander's Arc of the ground in a frenzied state. Tossinging it slightly higher, he grabbed the lower section of the blade, proving that he was going to use the wider hook region to strike in AOE. However, as he swung back he paid no heed to his allies, the blade tearing clean through one of the androids. Again, without mind set he burst forward as if acting on anger, the friendly fire on back worse then the hellish pelt at the front. Within four seconds, the Android's fire adapted a pattern to shoot around him. The Exodus tore through the front line of KIN unit's, showing no hesitation to go for the kill.

A single eye, scanning each member within the group, attempting to find a gun that would fire the same round that was lodged in his neck. Internal scans running every angle of the bullet, running it through a short database in his mind of what weaponry it was. Again, he could only be certain this was a handgun. The enraged android growled, continuing his path into the KIN. Everytime his head would swing far to the left, in order to use his right eye to scan over the weaponry.

Before he himself could tell, the Exodus was within the building, ignoring all those he had already passed. His rage forcing him to overlook many people, but still pushing him forward. He walked fearlessly through his own Android's onslaught. The bombardment continuing despite his presence within the building as he continued to dig through the frightened groups. He himself understood that he had to of passed the one that had fired those shots, they were either dead or he completely missed them. But with this, he was too driven on completely tearing down the KIN base by himself if need be. Soon he would be infront of the stairs, blocking all those who attempted to join the battle on the outside.

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Reiks felt something brush against her body and she jumped, turning around only to find another KIN member. Reiks muttered a quick "Good luck" and went off, through the crowd. At the sound of rapid gunfire, Reiks lowered herself into a crouch and put her hands over her ears, grimacing. "God not this again" she thought bitterly. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see anyone she knew in fear of seeing them die. Still crouching, Reiks half stumbled half walked. It wasn't till she tripped and fell on the ground that she realized her non brilliant plan had not worked. Letting out a hiss of frustration, Reiks stood and looked around. She saw an Android, pushing through the crowd and he looked quite pissed. Reiks felt herself move farther away from him as he walked right into the building. Curious, Reiks followed after him, keeping a low profile. She was bumped into several times and had to duck to avoid being shot a lot but once she made it in, it wasn't any better than outside. People either lay dead or unconscious. Reiks eye's turned to see an android heading toward the stairs. She narrowed her eyes and could easily guess that he was going to kill everyone up there.

" Why can't anything ever be fucking simple?"

Reiks was conflicted on what to do. On what hand, she could try and kill him and risk losing her own life. Or she could just stay and keep low and head out to battle again. After a moment or two Reiks decided the second option was pointless so she decided to go with the first. Taking a deep breath, Reiks closed her eyes and yelled a insult at him, hoping to catch his attention. She even shot at him to see if that would work. Reiks suddenly felt her stomach sink. "What did I just do...?"