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Can you. . . stop talking now?

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a character in “Project Jabberwocky”, originally authored by Monochrome, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name:
Eric Catch
Catch has lime green eyes and hair dyed a salmon-like pink. He's taller than average boys his age, but he's not the muscliest guy ever. His eyes are a darker green at the top than at the bottom. Under his gloves, there are two circular burns, hidden.
Preferred Clothing:
Catch wears normal boots, with black jeans. The black jeans have two pink stripes down the side, and a heart where the back right pocket should be. He wears a green t-shirt and a black beanie hat, some black gloves adorned with hearts and circular shapes, and a white hoodie. Also, Catch has a pink tie hung loosely around his neck, for formality's sake.
Real Boy
Love Interest:
He can handle a gun pretty well, and can do decently well in close combat fights.
Other than that, his cooking skills are surprisingly good, but his drawing skills are so terrible, you can't tell apart one of his ducks from a tree.
Chase is the quiet sort of guy with the constant glare in his eyes, unless he likes you. It's quite rare that words escape his mouth, and they're often some sort of retort in annoyance. He finds the presence of other people aggravating, but he always finds himself surprised by peppy girls or boys, since he sort of envies their energy. If you catch him in the presence of animals, especially big dogs, he's surprisingly nice, but he really cannot be asked to talk to other humans. There's that and the fact that he has no clue on what to say most of the time, since everything in his head is ridiculously sarcastic that it could make someone laugh at the dryness behind it.

If someone tries to make a joke, Chase won't usually laugh. But if they do something amazingly stupid by accident, he'll find himself in a fit of laughter, which is absolutely out of character. He's the type who'd ignore others, unless they're talking to him, and the sort that won't tell unless asked. There's also a strange addiction to coffee thrown in there somewhere, along with the fact that he actually loves to laugh, he just doesn't find a lot funny. Chase often has an ironic tone in his voice, and if it's not, it's sarcastic. He wants to get back to the real world for his little sister. People call him Chase because someone in school said he's "-always being chased by bad luck and a threatening aura." And it just kind of stuck, except some people from his school called him Threat for a while after that. Therefore, he responds to both.
Distinguishing Features:
His bright green eyes
Charm Point:
He has a cute laugh. . .
Accidental humour
Action movies
Not seeing his sister again
Chase and his little sister Ana lived in an orphanage all their lives, but he somehow became quiet and collected, while she became overly energetic. He used to go to the arcade with his little sister since she liked this simulation game on one of the Jabberwocky consoles, and he'd just go and play a fighting game. Chase was never really interested in gaming, but it wasn't something he hated. When the orphanage closed down two years ago, Chase found a tiny apartment with a living area and a separate bathroom. He took his little sister with him and sent her to school, while he gave up college.
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison
In the middle of a gun fight
In the center of a restaurant
They say, "Come with your arms raised high"
Well they're never gonna get me
I'm like a bullet through a flock of doves
To wage this war against your faith in me

Your life
Will never be the same
On your mother's eyes, say a prayer
Say your prayer

Now, but I can't, and I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us
Well I can't, well I can!
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this pain in my
For your dying wish, I'll kiss your lips again

They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost
My cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups in drag
But nobody cares if you're losing yourself
I am losing myself and I miss my mom
Will they give me the chair?
Or lethal injection or swing from a rope, if you dare
Oh, nobody knows all the trouble I've seen

Now, but I can't, and I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us
Well I can't, well I can!
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this pain in my heart
For your dying wish, I'll kiss your lips again

To your room, what they ask of you
They'll make you want to say
"So long, well I don't remember
Why remember you?"

Do you have the keys to the hotel?
'Cause I'm gonna string this motherf****r on fire, fire

Life is but a dream for the dead
And well I, I won't go down by myself
But I'll go down with my friends

Now, now, now, now
Now, now, now, now, now
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

So begins...

Chase's Story

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The boy blinked. Wha-what? Chase looked around; where the hell was this? The world, it wasn't his. He looked at the ground, seeing several other people splayed on the floor and sighed. What had happened again? Oh, right. He'd gone home the day before with a Jabberwocky game console, and then he'd. . . and then. . . He suddenly glared at the others there, slightly aggravated. Did I really end up in a group of morons? Chase growled quietly to himself, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. What had he done to deserve this? Was finding one on of the world's best games consoles in the trash really that bad?

Well, it was obviously way to good to be true. Now that he thought about it, he put in some sort of game, but was that really it. Or had he agreed to some sort of rules? No, he wasn't that stupid. He just did what you do with every Jabberwocky game; he said the word 'Play'. And then, well, it just went dark. Chase took out a cigarette, sort of leaning on the banister behind him. Was this a joke? Were they really in the middle of the sky? Some guy was fishing, and he tried to tell Chase to stop smoking, but he just received a death glare. The pink-haired boy sighed, putting out his cigarette by stepping on it slowly, trying to find some sort of bin. The truth was; he didn't actually smoke. He'd stopped a while ago. But somehow, there was a pack of them in his pocket, and he'd just gone back to old habits.

Fiddling with the pink tie strung round his neck, a wave of worry came over him. Chase searched his pockets frantically, and upon not finding his mobile, he sat down. There was a sour look on his face as he wondered how Ana would get on without him, without food or money income. Well, his pay was being sent through the mailbox, so maybe she'd be able to use that. But without him. . . she'd just eat fast food all day. Yeah, she'll be fine, and slightly overweight by the time I get back. A small sigh escaped his lips as he looked around. There was a lot of noise coming from above, and when he looked up, he saw, well, feet. They were just walking along the metal floor, not even noticing the amount of people strewn on the floor beneath them. Seriously, where the hell was this?

Chase saw some school girls, running past them. Most of them didn't seem phased, but one stopped to ask if they were alright. Chase sort of half-nodded, then he looked away. The girl stayed for a couple of seconds, before finally getting the message and running along. Sighing, he glanced at those around him in anger. Why did he have to get dropped off with a group of weirdos? Then again, the pink haired boy wasn't really one to talk on this matter, he was weird himself. God, he'd wish those people on the ground would just wake up already; sitting there was getting incredulously boring. Chase climbed up on the barrier, and sat there, finding something strange in his pocket.

A key. Great. I'm meant to live here. And what next? Tap my shoes and say 'There's no place like home'? Ridiculous. Chase thought sarcastically, looking straight down. Maybe this place wasn't so bad. Well, the view was amazing, and everywhere you looked, it wasn't overloaded with people like the place he'd lived in before. But it was the people that were there that unnerved the boy. No matter how many times he looked at them, they were just so. . . fake! Everyone was saying good morning to each other, some bakery a few streets down gave some girl free bread and everyone just seemed over happy.

What's actually going on? Chase thought, glaring around. The people, some of them seemed more realistic, like they knew what was happening in this world he'd been dumped in with a group of people he didn't even know, but the rest had this serene look on their faces. Was it really a game? Was he inside the game or something?

Did the people there know it was all just a game? Well, if not, it's their fault for being so damn oblivious then. Chase looked, some people seemed to just carry on with their lives, while some actually paid attention to what was going on around them. Even though he was annoyed, aggravated and most of all, pissed off, none of this showed on his face. He jump off the barrier and kicked one of the people lying down on the stomach lightly, not caring whether it was a boy or a girl. "Wake up." he said, a dark tone in his voice.

Ah, the man of few words. Chase sighed deeply, still searching for his cell phone, just to see if there was somewhere he hadn't checked. He checked under his beanie, in his gloves (though he didn't take them off, as always), in his hoodie, his single back pocket, he even checked his boots, but his efforts were all in vain. He pulled his beanie down in frustration, even though his facial expression had only changed slightly. Were some of the people talking? He could only hear those who were talking really animatedly. Was there a rule about being quiet? Then again, there wasn't as many people there, so maybe the general hustle of the city was. . . this? This thing that was so near to silence, it might as well be silence? Chase was mentally whacking himself. I had to put that one game in, didn't I? Probably one of the only faulty Jabberwocky games, and I had to put it in. Where is this? New Narnia? He sighed, looking around. It was then that he saw a sign hanging down from some building.

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