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Casta Jerrell

WIP ((WARNING: Huge dork incoming!!!))

0 · 83 views · located in Futuristic Earth

a character in “Promises”, originally authored by angelwolf123, as played by RolePlayGateway




Main Theme
[url=Url]OneRepublic || Everybody Loves Me[/url]

Fighting Theme
[url=Url]Flo Rida || How I Feel[/url]

Emotional Themes
[url=url]Past Life || Charlie Winston || My Name[/url]
[url=url]Transformation || Skrillex || Summit[/url]
[url=url]Mischievous || Michael Jackson || Smooth Criminal[/url]


Give me one more super-witty horn comment. Go on. I dare you.


Casta Jerrell.

Casta's fans and close friends jokingly refer to him as "Caster", due to his otherwordly aura, and his seemingly supernatural skill with the gentlemen and ladies. It's all in good fun, though.



Sexual Orientation
Pansexual. This is likely to change as past livery creeps in.

Polish-American halfblood.

A mythical goat-horse with a magic horn. Yeah.

Chaotic Neutral, not for the sake of being indecisive, but because Casta's disposition is known for being very changeable.

Unicorn. Very self-explanatory.


Take a picture. It'll last longer. Oh wait, wait.... Gasp! There are already pictures!


Hair Color

Eye Color
Gradient, pink to blue to aqua.

Six feet flat.

One hundred and fifty-two pounds.

Physical Description
Casta is, to put it bluntly, drop dead gorgeous, but not in the typical sense. He's beautiful, but that beauty isn't really the type to inspire drooling or anything similar. Casta gives off this... vibe. This out of reach fantasy creature vibe that kinda makes him hard to approach. Looking at him from a distance is like peering over the edge of a waterfall, or watching a thunderstorm roll in. Silver hair, flawless skin... Casta looks like a fairy prince! If you could compare a fairy prince to a force of nature, that is.

His eyes are almost intoxicating. Flashing and flowing in all their multi-colored glory, they'd be downright hypnotic if they weren't so off-putting. No, seriously, Casta's eyes are as pretty as they are otherworldly, but they're freaky as all hell to look at. They make it painfully obvious Casta's soul is something less than human. Well shaped nose, angular jaw... Casta just has everything going for him. His face is simultaneously masculine and delicate, a strange mix that is pulled off by Casta's lean swimmer's build.

Casta will wear anything, really. He has a sense of style when he needs one, but most of the time he's chill with whatever he finds in thrift stores. T-shirts, jeans, the works. He likes to have his skin covered, though, so will most likely be found in long sleeves and gloves (which is a shame; Casta's hands are that of a painter's or pianist's). The twenty-year old will wear sunglasses to hide his unnerving eyes, but other than that he is absolutely shameless with his clothing. Bring on the ugly Christmas sweaters, the graphic tees with painfully bad jokes, the overalls, the sweats, and the vaguely see-through glittery crap that only the most flamboyant of men will be caught dead wearing. Casta will take them all, and model them with a level of confident ease that can only be rivaled by rockstars and storefront dummies.

ImagePast Physical Description
Well, Casta used to be a damn unicorn, what do you expect him to look like? A pure white horse, with goat-like features. A beard, cloven feet. Oh, and a horn. Long and spiraling, more white than you've ever seen. So white looking at it makes you feel like you've dunked bleach over your eyes. The center of the horn is pitch black, though.

The deepest blue of Casta's multi-colored eyes bleeds out, turning the entire eye a deep azure, pupil, sclera, and all. His silvery hair grows out to nearly knee length, shifting into the purest white. He becomes clothed in snowy robes; all of this happening in a blinding sear of light. The flash, in fact, is extremely helpful in that it can blind enemies temporarily.

Almost in slow motion, a lot happens during that brief flash. "Blood" seems to be a common theme for Casta's transformation. His old clothing will seemingly liquify and slide off, his new robes seeping in like he's just been dunked in water. If wounded, the robes will appear to leak from the damaged areas of Casta's body. This modum of transformation probably has some significance past his Fatal Ichor, possibly hinting at a particularly gruesome death.

Meanwhile, during this, a horn will grow out of his forehead, gleaming and shapeless. However, it will quickly continue onward, leaving Casta's head. The brightness shatters, revealing that the "horn" was nothing more than a sword the entire time.

Preferred Weapon
The sword is the physical manifestation of Casta's horn, but looks nothing like it. It is simply a weighty longsword, designed for use with two hands. It is both Casta's only offense and defense. Tapering and delicate, the silver-white blade gleams with a pearlish iridescence. The material is presumably alicorn, the substance of a unicorn's horn. The only similarly to a Casta's past life's horn, however, lies in the twisting ivory hilt and guard. The resemblance ends there, though the significance remains the same. A unicorn's horn is the source of his power, and that is no different with Casta.

Don't mess with me or I'll... gallop on you? Neigh angrily? Haha, evem I can't take myself seriously.


    â˜Ŗ Thrifty Spending || A natural result of growing up without a lot of money on hand. Casta always has his eyes peeled for bargains, and will almost never buy something unless it's on sale. He's very good at wrangling deals out of people.
    â˜Ŗ 5 Finger Discount || On the off chance that he's unable to find a deal and simply can't afford something, Casta isn't afraid to, ehem, "borrow" things if he truly needs it and the owner won't miss it too much. He hasn't done it... too often... so his skill really is only in slight of hand.
    â˜Ŗ Skill || Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more that apply}

    â˜ĸ Talent || 1-2 sentences explaining
    â˜ĸ Talent || 1-2 sentences explaining
    â˜ĸ Talent || 1-2 explaining {Add more that apply}

Retained Traits (look at the character list and make them your own)
    âžŗ Trait || 1-2 sentences explaining
    âžŗ Trait || 1-2 sentences explaining
    âžŗ Trait || 1-2 explaining {Add more that apply}

Powers Known Now
    âœĢ Warlike Strength || Don't kid yourself, unicorns aren't lambs, they're monsters, like harpies or minotaurs. Likewise, Casta has crazy monstrous physical strength.
    âœĢ Legendary Horsepower || Well, he was a horse in a past life, so.... While ridiculously strong, Casta's speed is his best point, especially long distance running. He's likely to be one of the fastest Elite.

Powers Known Later
    ★ Righteous Ferocity || Unicorns aren't always the docile, peaceful creatures they tend to be portrayed as. This is a rage-mode of sorts that they can slip into when triggered by the evil acts, trickery, or especially when someone attempts to capture or contain them. It's a power that makes it nearly impossible for Casta to be trapped, and that's when this power will activate.
    ★ Fatal Ichor || After his first successful transformation, Casta's blood will become lethal. As in, if someone were to cut him open, everything his blood touched would die, from the grass on the ground to the person who stabbed him in the first place. For bigger organisms, a drop isn't going to kill them just like that. Instead, the blood would "kill" limbs, or whatever it landed on.
    ★ Alicorn || Have you noticed that Casta doesn't really have much going for him magic-wise? Sure, he has a lot of physical enhancements and lethal blood, but the greatest source of power lies in his horn, now his sword. There's a lot of arcane magic crappery here, but basically the sword is the embodiment of purity. Water purification, medicinal properties, and antipoison. When left in overnight a closed basket of scorpions, the scorpions will be found dead the next morning. A potent aphrodisiac, and can effectively tell if a maiden is a virgin or not. Allll sorts of random, pretty scattered and frankly useless stuff.

    However, his horn sword is extremely important to him. While extremely durable, if it were to be stolen somehow (which would be difficult; Casta can summon it back into his hand at any time, but you never know with magic), damaged, or destroyed Casta would likely die. It's the physical manifestation of his soul. On the other hand, if Casta can give his sword away freely, and would simply be stripped of power rather than dying. Doing this heightens the power of the Alicorn exponentially, and can result in nothing short of a miracle.

Sorry darling, but if you'll look closely I have feelings, too.

    ❤ Like || Quote here
    ❤ Like || Quote here
    ❤ Like || Quote here {Add more if desired}

    ✘ Dislike || Quote
    ✘ Dislike || Quote
    ✘ Dislike || Quote {Add more if needed}

    ✔ Strength || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ✔ Strength || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ✔ Strength || Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more if needed}

    ☠ Flaw || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ☠ Flaw || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ☠ Flaw || Explain 1-2 sentences {add more if they apply}

    ❖ Habit || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ❖ Habit || Explain 1-2 sentences
    ❖ Habit || Explain 1-2 sentences {Add more if they apply}

Heh, since when has anyone ever cared about this?

At least 2-3 paragraphs

Nothing much to say here. I'm just... normal.


Why are they the way they are? Once again, 1-3 paragraphs.

Past Life Info
You may fill this out as the story goes along, but for now just put your general idea of what kind of person they were in their past life, what you think happened to them.

So begins...

Casta Jerrell's Story