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Chiaki Hayashi

"To soothe a persons heart with your voice, that is my hope" Minor WIP (ThemeSongs)

0 · 596 views · located in Futuristic Earth

a character in “Promises”, originally authored by Polarisbear12, as played by RolePlayGateway






Main Theme
[url=Url]Artist || Song[/url]

Fighting Theme
[url=Url]Artist || Song[/url]

Emotional Themes (Many as you like, must have at least 1)
[url=url]Emotion || Artist || Song[/url]
[url=url]Emotion || Artist || Song[/url]
[url=url]Emotion || Artist || Song[/url]


"Hello! Pleased to meet you!"

Chiaki Hayashi|| A Thousand Autumn, Woods

Chi||A shorter version of her name
Aki||The use of the last two syllables of her name. Only those closest to her call her by either
Hayashi||Chiaki usually goes by her surname, unless of course you are considered a dear friend.



Sexual Orientation

Full-Blooded Japanese

A forever changing Nymph
Neutral Good||True Neutral

Voice of Nature

Kobato Hanato||Kobato||Misteltein||Yumeki Merry

"I don't care very much for appearance. Everyone is beautiful no matter what"


Hair Color
Light Auburn

Eye Color
Bright Reddish-Brown



Physical Description
A young woman known for her soft and gentle beauty. Chiaki has been blessed with fair skin that stretches across a petite body; Chiaki is one who resembles an innocent whom one would feel inclined to protect. As with her gentle demeanor, few markings mar her otherwise flawless skin, aside from the occasional scrap from childhood outings. The only notable marking, as well as the only one, is the sprawling birthmark above Chiaki's heart. It resembles a tree's roots, some which crawl up her neck and behind her ear. Although Chiaki isn't one to care for appearances, she dislikes the idea of showing this mark to people.

From the crown of her head to her knees, fall long tresses of reddish-brown hair, some of which is cut in shorter layers around her head. It often sways behind her as she walks in that graceful way of hers. Possibly one of her most loved features are Chiaki's eyes, taking on the colors of hazelnut or other similarly colored hues. Chiaki's eyes often take the phrase "the window to the soul" for literal. Always with that soft light in them, it's very easy to see what it is the young woman is thinking. Chiaki is also very expressive in her facial expressions but most of the time they are childish.

Preferred Clothing
As one would expect of Chiaki, her choice in attire varies in style but rarely in what kind of clothing. The young woman is almost always seen wearing long dresses. They often range in style from frilly spring gowns to billowy skirts. On occasion when Chiaki chooses to spend time outdoors, usually involves getting dirty, she'll wear blouses and puffy pants. One of the more notable accessories are the ever changing hats that she wears.

Past Physical Description
Her previousappearance is a stark contrast to the one she took on upon being born into this new life. With her snow-white hair accented with red crown of vines and blue-green eyes. She wore a dress seemingly made out of plants with a red and black color design. However when she first developed a conscious Chiaki looked more like her nature counter-part and so as time has passed her form slowly took on a more humanoid form.

Upon transformation, her hair washes out into an unreasonably pale color and her eyes take on a lighter hue with specks of blue around the pupil. The many hats she wears dissipate into nothingness and is replaced by a crown of maple leaves. Her clothing often takes the form of ethereal silk of multicolor hues ranging from dark blue to auburn.

Preferred Weapon

To be discussed.

"Patience is a virtue but I guess it can also be a vice"



    Voice of an Angel || Chiaki has a beautiful singing voice, she often attracts people around her to listen.
    Patience || Not really a skill, Chiaki's patience has and possibly never will come to an end.
    Partial Immunity || Due to her ties with nature, Chiaki is more or less immune to natures toxins. However this does not apply to man-made toxins.
    Expert Climber||Known for her ability to climb just about anything, it doesn't take her long to scale the largest tree around within seconds. She just seems to know where to place her feet.
    Self-Defense||Chiaki as with her surprising strength is very good at defending herself in some situations although she often apologizes like a mad man afterwards

    Green Thumb || Chiaki takes the cake for this universal title. Capable of growing anything, Chiaki has a knack for growing the most beautiful flowers and tastiest foods.
    Creature Whisper || Be it dogs, sheep, birds, even nasty snakes, Chiaki is very good with all sorts of creatures. She can calm an angry dog with a simple stroke of her hand, or tame a wild horse simply by laughing.
    Cook || This useful talent of hers goes hand-in-hand with her wonderful Green Thumb. Basically growing most of what she eats, Chiaki knows the best way to turn it into a marvelous meal.

Retained Traits
    Tree Roots Birthmark || A marking that is now considered a birthmark is in fact a burn she received in her past life. It also has a connection on how she died.
    Kindness|| Chiaki is kind to all, whether they are a good person or not
    Voice ||Even in her past life, her voice drew people towards her, although sometimes it resulted in a sad ending for some.
    Resilience||Resilient to most outside forces, this stems from the fact that very little could influence her mind or actions in her past life.

Powers Known Now
    Song of Bliss || An ability which involves Chiaki singing. This usually calms those around, making them feel bliss.
    Nature's Grace||An ability that activates without her knowing. Nature's Grace is ultimately a self-defense mechanism that activates when Chiaki is in danger. The spirits of nature feel inclined to protect her in some way or another.

Powers Known Later
    To Hear ||Chiaki will eventually be able to hear the voices of nature. This ability can help with a multitude of things. The voices can inform her of past, present and future actions. However it will take time to sort through the voices and to block them out. That is if she doesn't go insane upon this ability manifesting
    Healing of the Heart||Similar to Song of Bliss, Chiaki will be able to "heal" the hearts of those around her. With a single action she can "heal" a heart while others take time and repeated actions to "heal". There is no real use to this ability aside from lessening the worries (whether they are awarded or not) of others. If the "healing process" was difficult they will crystallize and can later be used as medicine.
    Daughter of the Earth||A very useful ability, it will give her both defensive and offensive capabilities. Having close ties to the natural world around her, Chiaki will be able to manipulate those forces at will. However it would require deep concentration and practice for her to use it in a way that will benefit her.
    Living EMP||With a single stomp of her foot, Chiaki will be able to disrupt the electromagnetic waves around her produced by technology. However the intensity and the area it covers depends on how much emotion she had behind it.

I may not be the toughest person but who needs strength right!?"

    Sweets || I have a sweet tooth, nothing wrong with that
    Nature|| If I could I'd become a part of nature, like a tree!
    Animals|| They're just so cute and cuddly! Who could say no to a face like that?

    Fire || Although it provides warmth, all I've seen it do is destroy
    Technology|| People rely on it too much and are forgetting about how nice it is to be outside
    Sadness|| I don't like to see it and if I could I'd heal their hearts

    Surprisingly Strong || Chiaki may not show it but she's actually pretty strong for someone of her build. Probably because of having to knead bread and carry bags of fertilizer for her garden.
    Determination|| Once the young lady makes a goal for herself she will do all she can to reach the best result
    Pacifist || Some might not think this but being a pacifist means everything to Chiaki. Always one to try to dissuade acts of violence or to end arguments and she's very good at it too

    Crybaby || Chiaki is one who can easily be moved to tears. Whether it be negative or positive.
    Gullible || She'll believe just about anything you say to her, although on occasion her gullibility rate will drop and she will know you're lying. Sadly that is a rare feat to occur
    Animal Magnet|| As much as she loves animals, sometimes they can be overwhelming

    Nibbling|| Whenever she is in deep thought, Chiaki will nibble on something, be it a pencil, her lip or finger.
    Cooing|| The young girl will often coo at her plants, coaxing them into growing.
    Twirling her hair || Chiaki will start twirl her hair when she's nervous
    Sleep||She had a knack for sleeping in just about any situation or time of day

To heal ones heart is my greatest wish


Always seen with a smile on her, a smile that can easily brighten up any day, Chiaki could easily be the human personification of cheerfulness. Known for her kindness the young lady often helps out wherever her help is needed, and sometimes where it’s not so needed. Chiaki has never been one to think on the negative side but rather to think up the most outrageous ideas to solve the simplest problem, thus leading to her naivety about the world and its norms. Whether it is men asking for a drink or a person dealing with money issues, Chiaki often doesn’t see the problem presented before her and more often than not doesn’t understand them. That’s not to say she isn’t smart, although she is a bit on the dumber side, Chiaki can be a bit of an airhead but it’s more so she can be still considered a child in certain aspects.

To go along with her naivety, Chiaki is very gullible. Now you might wonder why it is she is like this considering her mother’s raised her better than that. To put simply she wasn’t always like this, the airheaded part that is, Chiaki used to a very bright and cheerful girl who awed not only her peers but a few adults with her uncanny wit. However with the passing of one of her mothers, Chiaki did indeed become a sad individual, in her book. Whenever she gets upset she will either act like a child who was told no or in a more serious manner look truly upset. Those are the times when Chiaki would need the most comfort. Now back to her gullible part, Chiaki is quite gullible; being told outrageously false information is one of the better parts of her gullibility. The young woman almost does this like a child would however there are things where it may be a bit more difficult to convince her. She is also oblivious to some topics that she has little knowledge of like romance or fear (depends on the kind of fear). But unlike the child many say she is Chiaki has the patience to wait form long amounts of time to waiting for that reply message she sent you oh so long ago. This particular trait is the envy of most people but it is also easily taken advantage of.

It is very easy to bring a smile on her face or to let slip a hiccup of laughter from her lips. The young woman if told the right way could laugh at even the corniest of jokes but never in a way that you would think she forcing it. Sadly once the humor gets complicated she’ll stop laughing and wonder what it is that would have made the joke funny. Chiaki rarely ever gets mad and it’s best to say that she never has nor has anyone ever witnessed it. Most of these traits draw people towards her and she usually welcomes it whether it is with good or bad intentions. Despite this all this childlike behavior and innocence Chiaki is very resilient in that little can influence her mind nor does she ever back away from a problem. This can also be her downfall as this results in backing up her determination and her needing to put in the most effort behind a decision. The young woman also rarely lies and when she makes a promise she will certainly keep it no matter what the circumstances are.

Fear of Fire||This comes from the reasons behind her past self’s death.
Fear of Dark||Chiaki is terrified of the dark, she'll possibly have a nervous breakdown if left in the dark.

"Dreams are the gateways to your soul"


Chiaki doesn't know who her birth parents are but she certainly knows who her parents are. Unlike most children Chiaki had two mothers; they adopted her at the orphanage when she was about 3 or 4 years old. Despite the harsh living of the orphanage, due to little money, she was a happy girl and become even happier upon being adopted. As she grew older and she knew more and more about how the world worked she never thought twice about the fact that she had two mothers. In fact Chiaki thought she was lucky for having two mothers since she could love both unequally. They both raised Chiaki into the young woman she is now, making sure she always say the big picture and to be kind.

Sadly at the age of 12 one of her mother’s was diagnosed with cancer, and there was nothing they could do about it. Despite knowing she would die soon, Chiaki's mother made sure her daughter didn't feel sad. However when she passed away her other mother slowly became depressed after having lost her soul mate. It took a while for her mother’s mood to affect Chiaki, and when it did it got to her little by little. She wasn't as energetic as she was before and Chiaki knew this so she tried to fight the feelings of depression by cheering up her mother. It took Chiaki about a year and a half to make her mother smile and another to make her laugh. Chiaki for one can say that it was worth doing what she did and as she got older Chiaki trusted her mother to be become independent and vice versa.

Past Life Info
In her past Chiaki wasn't exactly human, although she originated from Earth she was by far one of the oldest organism there, a tree. Being one with nature, Chiaki felt everything that happened within the forest she resided in. After a decade or two Chiaki began to develop a conscious and thus became what people call a Nymph. As time went on more and more people began to populate the Earth getting closer and closer to the edge of her forest.

So begins...

Chiaki Hayashi's Story