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Psy Prep

Psy Prep


a part of Psy Prep, by Jadebud98.


Jadebud98 holds sovereignty over Psy Prep, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Psy Prep



Psy Prep is a part of Psy Prep.

4 Places in Psy Prep:

19 Characters Here

Mikhail Petrov [1,008] Don't tell me. I'll just Google it.
Hallie Green [958] Bothering me with your problems won't solve a thing.
Arian Moira Fay [732] Well hello there.
James Black [729] Don't look at me *points to someone else*
Zara Rodsky [717] Gender roles are for pu---cats....
Daniel Black [561] "Time is always on my side."
Zoe Find [545] Don't talk to me.
Chandler Makey [447] Don't follow my example, follow my words.
Adrien King [371] Am I crazy or does money ROCK!
Axel Lerate [254] There's a reason I act cool. Acting's really all I'm good at.

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7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Adrien King Character Portrait: Zoe Find Character Portrait: Annabel "Anna" Logan Character Portrait: Daniel Black Character Portrait: Chandler Makey Character Portrait: Mortimer Mene
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Adrien smiled as Anna took his hand. He was glad, she was opening up so much more, from speaking to Axel and Mortimer to being comfortable with making contact with others. “Hopefully we find Mortimer soon,” Adrien said concernedly, “Sitting by the fire and drinking hot cocoa sounds like heaven in this cold,” he said with a laugh to lighten up the mood.

With that, he made his way back into the woods, taking Anna in the direction that he went when he was first following after Mort. He called out his name, hoping he’d hear his calls and reveal himself if he was anywhere close by. Eventually, they made it to where he had left Mortimer. “Mortimer! You can come out from hiding it was all a misunderstanding! Everything’s cleared up now and no one’s trying to kill you anymore!” Adrien shouted out, hoping Mortimer would show himself.


Zoe was peaceful, she had felt safe for once in a long time. Despite everything that had been happening with her mentally and everything that had just occurred at the cabin, she felt calm resting on Chandler’s arm. There was still a numb pain in the back of her mind due to the fact that everything that happened made him scared of her, but she knew it was rational for him to be, and she felt better and relieved knowing that despite it he was still with her…that he wasn’t so freaked out that he stopped speaking to her.

She had fallen asleep, exhausted from everything that happened. She gave a soft smile before completely blanking out, warm and maybe even blissful while resting on Chandler.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrien King Character Portrait: Annabel "Anna" Logan Character Portrait: Mortimer Mene
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#, as written by Zalgo
Mortimer was as still as the dead. He had been hiding for quite a while. The cold had started to affect the dead flesh of his once again. The already clotted blood in his veins grew thicker, his eyes were having more trouble moving and frostbite was starting to appear near the extremities. He was just about to seek shelter elsewhere, leaving this hostile environment when he heard someone call out to him.

“Mortimer! You can come out from hiding it was all a misunderstanding! Everything’s cleared up now and no one’s trying to kill you anymore!”

It was Adrien. He had returned to the forest but he wasn't alone. Anna was following close beside him. As evident by his words and by his honesty the school was safe for him to return. He watched as they approached the spot he was hiding last time. He had relocated himself within a short radius of the first hiding spot since it would be foolish to hide in the same spot that someone knows you were hiding in last.

Much like a bigfoot sighting Mortimer rose up from the bushes and started making his way towards them. At this point these two were the only people he could really trust. His confidence in the other students, even the ones who haven't attacked him yet, was sundered by the assault. Eventually he came into speaking range, hailing them as he approached.

"Anna, Adrien, it is good to see you both."

His face displayed little emotion and his voice was rather monotone but there was an element of warmth towards them in it. Slowly he trudged his way through the snow, closing the distance between them with each heavy footstep. Once he was within about roughly ten feet or so he stopped. He turned his head to look to Adrien and then onto Anna since his eyes were sluggish from the affects of the cold and a consequence of having no internal body heat to warm them. His ordinarily brooding expression softened as he looked at Anna, kind as she was beautiful. He could only wonder what she might have learned from his gift to her.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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Axel sniffed a bit, and sneezed, the sound reverberating through the school's courtyard in a way that would make any TSA officer crap themselves in terror.
"NYAGH-" he whined as the pain of such a potent sneeze came into play. However, once it had subsided, he was laughing like a hyena. "JESUS, that felt like I'd been holding it in for MONTHS! I was expecting another aneurysm from that!" he said aloud, the emo brooding over his powers that he had been just a few seconds ago already gone and replaced by the manic personality he'd grown in the short time he had been alive. His stomach growling from a lack of having not eaten in the past half-hour, he made his way to the cafeteria for breakfast, JUST in time to get the intense waves of rage coming off of Zara as she had finished her What the Hell, Man? speech. For fear of having the knife come his direction, he just slowly moseyed over to the food-getting area and grabbed some pancakes and hashbrowns, the squeaking of the wood floor underneath his feet only amplifying the fact that he was being as obnoxious as possible by trying to be inconspicuous. As he headed over to an unoccupied table, for his own sake, and so Zara wasn't expelled for provoked synthomanslaughter, he bit his cheek a little and made a dark red vicegrip over his mouth so the comments he was GOING to make were shut up rather quickly. And then realized that was going to make eating so much harder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: James Black
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She had wanted to leave. To just mic-drop, stomp off, and never speak to him again.

But just as she was about to move, the second before her toe would begin to slide within her shoe to face the exit, it hit again.

The wave of information. No...last night had been a wave. This one was like a tsunami. A hurricane, an earthquake...a flash flood of names and locations. And this time, the scope wasn't limited to just the town they were in. No...this time the radius grew larger, larger...expanding like some giant bubble, spewing into her mind every single person within its influence and where they were in crystal, high definition brilliance. And they stayed there...constantly there...even as more and more piled on, they stayed and the numbers added and grew and grew and grew.

Someone was being held up at a gas station. A man had just been shot behind a school. A group of drunk teenagers had crashed in the snow. Max Pierce was sleeping with Linda Thompson, but Sarah Pierce was home by the phone.

"Stop..." she said, voice wavering, but they kept coming, the bubble growing larger. The entire county had to be in her head by now.

Ambulances, police cars, fire trucks. Someone else had been shot. Someone else had been stabbed. Twenty people had been stabbed. Another robbery, another burglary, another car jacking. An accident. One of the drunk teenagers was dead. Thousands upon thousands.

"Stop!" she cried out. Millions now filled her head, and the knife clattered to the floor. Her knees followed shortly after, and she squeezed her head with her hands.

The whole state was in her head now. Co-ordinates flew through her brain, listed with names. Like an endless search scroll, but instead of lazily skimming, each and every one was prominent in her mind, flashing for attention.

Her head felt like it was going to split. She saw blood drip onto the white floor of the cafeteria. The bubble ate up more states, growing faster exponentially. In the next second, the entire United States swamped her mind.

In that moment, she seized up and lost control of her body. She didn't even feel her head hitting the ground, didn't see the tables and chairs. Her eyes glazed over as more and more information popped up. Canada, Mexico, Cuba...more and more were sucked up in the bubble that wouldn't stop, no matter how much she might beg.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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Whatever was happening to her, James couldn't think anything else except he had to help her. The range of painful emotions that fluttering across her features before the collapse alerted him to the situation. But he had no idea what was happening. He fell tot he floor, scrambling to her and shaking with surprise and fear.

"Zara?" he called, wiping the blood away from her nose quickly, as if that would do anything. She was shivering. Cold. Gaze vanished from him, from the room. "Hey, wake up. Listen to me. Don't do this."

As if she had any control over what was happening to her. Shut up and think, James! He saw Axel and yelped, "Get Doctors! Now!"

He cradled Zara's head in his lap and smoothed down her hair. He'd never learned about strokes or fits or...whatever the hell this was. And with her powers, how was he supposed to? What was he supposed to do? Was this some adverse affect of being able to locate people? What was happening in her mind?

In all the commotion, James had forgotten his own ability. The crystal. It rocked against his chest and he twitched, seizing it in his hand. Would this work? He wasn't sure.

"Zara?" he tried again, holding the blue crystal tight in a fist. "Focus on me...c'mon. Look up. I'm right here."

He laid his other hand on her forehead and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, and accessed what he could. The information. The reasons. The cause. What was making this happen to her?

Numbers fluttered past his eyes as he searched. From her or the cause, he couldn't tell. Nothing was solid.

"Come back to me," he muttered, searching farther into her past and trying to pin down a single image. A clue. Anything.

They were both shaking, as if an earthquake had erupted underneath them.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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Axel's breakfast was interrupted by James calling for Axel to get the nurses. As Axel looked over to see the matter, his pupils shrunk as he realized what was happening, and he rushed over to Zara's side, checking her pulse and letting his aura drift around her gently, not acting as a solid yet, but ready for the moment it would have to.
"She's having an aneurysm from her power, something must have happened to overtax her." he said, his fear lacing his thoughts with clarity, "I know, I was the first of us to have it happen to. Maybe."

He paused for a second, then moved to place a hand on James' shoulder, Axel's aura taking Zara gently away from James and over to Axel, "Point being, we need to get her some help, and fast, or she might not be as lucky as I was and only wake up with rewritten powers. James, you're the one between the two of us who can hunt down people faster, I need YOU to run and get the nurses while I handle Zara. I know you're gonna say you can't leave her, but right now you're panicking and have adrenaline, and I know what to expect from her and have the sense to do it right. Now go, or I'm throwing you in the direction I think the nurses are!" Axel's last words carried a commanding tone to them, riding on the psychology of a panicked person to follow those who know what they're doing.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrien King Character Portrait: Annabel "Anna" Logan Character Portrait: Mortimer Mene
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Anna and Adrien trudged through the frigid snow further away from the school. The damp, cold wet was soaking through her boots and pants. Though she tried to hide it as best she could, her teeth began the chatter in her mouth. Determined to find Mort, she pushed herself further. With Adrein's hand firmly in hers she gazed across the white blanket toward the forest in search of movement.

“Mortimer! You can come out from hiding it was all a misunderstanding! Everything’s cleared up now and no one’s trying to kill you anymore!” he called out, his voice racing through the wind toward the forest where Mort was last seen. With each passing moment her heart beat faster, and her worry for Mort grew stronger. Too cold to cry out herself she could only hope that he was heard.
At long last she saw a shuffle in the distance, and Mort's figure emerge from the brush as he made his way toward them. The moment she saw him a burst of energy surged through every cell of her being. He's okay!
"Anna, Adrien, it is good to see you both."
His long legs carried him towards them much faster than her short limbs, however she picked up her pace to meet him. As they met, wind whipping and snow up to her knees, she smiled and threw her arms around him. With her cheek pressed to his cold, hard chest she squeezed around his torso , "Don't scare me like that ever again... she chattered, then quickly added, "...can we please go back now?"
With the relief of finding him her second wind left her, and she began to succumb to the cold. Her whole body began shaking, and her knees grew more weak. Though she tried her hardest to hide how much the elements were taking their toll on her, it was evident that her small frame was reaching its limits in this weather.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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Numb on his feet, he nodded to Axel, not hearing every word. Doctors. Nurses. Adults. Someone who could help. That's what he needed, what Zara needed most. He stumbled, falling to one knee, but he pressed forward, out of the cafeteria in a panic. He tripped when the floor changed from tile to carpet. He collided with walls and scraped the heels of his palms more than once trying to steady himself.

Halfway there, or at least down a few different halls he slightly recognized, he fell to a knee again, eyes wide on his feet. He'd left her. With Axel. No. No, if she woke up, he needed to be there. What if she was scared? James didn't trust Axel to comfort her. He barely knew him!

He barely knew anything anymore and concluded he had to keep moving.

Then he made it to the faculty hallway. Knocking on doors.

"Zara," he said over and over again. "She's hurt. Cafeteria. Help. Please."

He followed someone back the way he came, blinking to focus more on the trek back. He didn't know who it was. When he made it back to the cafeteria, he fell next to Zara, but Axel's aura prevented him from touching her. "Let go of her!" he shouted at him. "I don't know what you're're not helping!"

Axel could have been helping the most. James didn't know. All he knew was that he was latched to this girl and if anything happened to her...

...he wasn't sure what he would do.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrien King Character Portrait: Annabel "Anna" Logan Character Portrait: Mortimer Mene
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#, as written by Zalgo
Mortimer did not expect her to be so overjoyed to see him. Throughout his relatively short unlife he had known only that kindness is something the living show to each other. Never would he ever of conceived of the thought that someone could be happy to see him, let alone as overjoyed as Anna was to see him. As she ran up and embraced him he held her much the same, gentle yet close, much like a glass butterfly: Something you hold so it cannot flutter away from you yet are careful not to break and lose it all the same. Though his body acknowledged that something was against him the warmth nor the texture could be felt. Dear sweet Anna, oh how he wished he could know just how she felt inside. It was cruel irony indeed that for a moment of such relief and happiness it was so torturous for him to be denied the ability to feel her warmth.

"Don't scare me like that ever again..."

"I'm sorry to have caused you any worry." He spoke, his low and somewhat unearthly tone attempting to carry across some form of comfort in his words. He truly felt bad that she was worried about him in the first place. He did not wish to cause her any sorrow and even the implication that she was scared at some point filled him with the urge to protect her and make everything alright. Though as sorry as he felt for that he couldn't promise her that he'd never do the same again. He hasn't the heart to lie to her and without knowledge of the future if he were forced to choose between his life and hers, despite how much she'd fear for his safety he would sacrifice his own for hers. He'd feel awful about leaving her in such manner but her safety would be a fair compromise.

"...can we please go back now?"

She added. He noticed that unlike himself she was feeling the cold quite strongly. Her body was shaking and it seemed like her legs would give out at any moment. He was now worried for her as it seemed that even if they were to proceed back immediately she might fall and hurt herself. Holding her close he stood between her and the blizzard, making sure he was positioned so that the wind and the snow was not reaching around him to her. With a hand supporting both her shoulders so he could hold her up should her legs fail he started to walk with her back towards the facility. Such an enigmatic place it was. Without this place he'd of never met Anna, never giving him the chance to witness a truly beautiful heart at work, yet still it held great mystery, great potential... For danger.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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Axel's hand flew across James' cheek like a whip, with Axel wincing as he wondered if he slapped a little too hard. He quickly shook off the look and yanked James away with his aura after having handed off Zara to the nurse.

"Make sure she's kept in a stable environment, and whatever you do, don't give her any stimulants to try and help her wake up, she's going to have to come out of it on her own." he said to the nurse as they left with Zara in tow, then sucked all but the aura holding James' arm back into his body, collapsing as he did so due to the rush of blood to the head. He then got onto his good knee and braced himself on his prosthetic, turned weakly to James, and grimaced in anger, standing slowly as he spoke, rage building behind every word until he was practically screaming the last sentence.

"Alright, then. What would you have done, hm? Do you know the first thing about what happened to her? Do you know how much pain she must have been in before she dropped? Can you even imagine how scared she was before she slipped into something she was probably sure she wouldn't wake up from? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT SHE HAD TO DEAL WITH, PAIN, FEAR, AND SHEER UNADULTERATED TERROR!" His tone dropped here, becoming quiet and tranquil, but no less furious. "No... You just want to be near her so you look like the hero when she wakes up... If you want to punch me now for what I've done, so be it, I don't have the stamina left to stop you, but you panicking while around Zara could have been dangerous, and I'm not letting any friend of mine die on my watch. So if you try to chase that nurse now, I will have to force you to sit your ass down and count to ten, SO. HELP. ME. GOD." He spread his arms wide, ready for James to throw the first punch.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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As much as the tangled blankets and limbs warmed her heart and mind, Hallie couldn't ignore the energies around her. With her guard down, thanks to Mikhail, she laid next to him and felt their heart beats slow. Until she could feel it. The outside world closing in on their bubble.

Emotions. Always interrupting.

She stirred, waking Mikhail and watching the door as if it read everything that she was feeling and interpreting. Sometimes she could identify the emotions to a specific person, but pain and anger were mingling together too fluidly. Close by.

So much for sleep.

"Something's going on," she whispered, throat tingling with hoarseness. She hadn't remembered being loud, but she wasn't concerned with that at the moment. Climbing out of the bed, she stepped closer to clothes, only to waver slightly. Building her mental walls up, she fought against the emotions. It was pretty easy since the only other person in the room was Mikhail and his concern hadn't settled in quite strong enough yet. But she had a bad feeling that it should.

When she had clothes on, she took Mikhail's hand briefly and pecked his cheek. Then they were out the door, AC blasting inwards and around them, as if wiping the past few hours away. Only panic and worry seemed to live in these halls, Hallie realized, shoulders heavy and mind growing more alert with each step toward the cafeteria.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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He woke up slowly, reluctantly, like moving through warm honey. The musk of their previous activities hung in the air, like a light fog, dissipating with every move Hallie made.

He laid in the bed as Hallie climbed out, watching her with the faintest of smiles as she pulled her clothes on, eyes following every motion, sliding down her arms, slipping at the tips of her fingers before resting on the curves of her hips.

His eyebrows dropped after she spoke, and he pushed himself upright. "Something...?" he repeated, uncertain. As in...something bad? Something good?

If there was anything he'd learned since being at this school, it was most likely the first one. As he rolled out of bed, tugging his boxers and jeans on, he couldn't help but wonder if there would ever be a time when he could enjoy Hallie's company in bed without having something awful happening afterwards.

He looked at the white-haired girl, mouth in a thin line of resolve. This time is different he thought to himself firmly, This time, I'll make sure nothing happens to her.

He pulled a shirt on, and smiled when Hallie kissed him, widening cheeks pressing against her lips. He followed after her, out the room and down the hallway, only then realizing he should have grabbed a sweater for Hallie. The cold air had never bothered him, having a high body temperature to begin with, but tonight in particular even he had goosebumps.

They reached the cafeteria to hear Axel yelling at someone. About someone...


His mind blanked, stomach dropping Who? Who had to deal couldn't be...

He felt his muscles tense, and had to force himself to stay calm. Zara's fine he told himself, ordered himself, Zara's fine, she's in her room, it was someone else. As harsh as he thinking might have been, while he certainly would have worried if it was another student, so long as it wasn't Zara or Hallie, he could stay calm.

Axel's tone dropped, but as Mikhail walked into the cafeteria, standing a few feet from the doorway, he could hear the words. But when he heard Zara's name, he froze.

"...could have been dangerous, and I'm not letting any friend of mine die on my watch."

What...what was he talking about? And why...why was he telling this to James?

He remembered Zara's reaction to James earlier...the cold shoulder. The blatant ignoring. She never did tell him...

"So if you try to chase that nurse now, I will have to force you to sit your ass down and count to ten."

Wait...nurse? Did...did something happen to Zara? Did James do something to Zara? Was that why Axel had been yelling?

Did that mean James had done something before? Was that why Zara was avoiding him?

But what had happened to Zara?

What did James do?

With every ounce of control, Mikhail restrained himself from confronting the situation physically. With clenched fists, muscles taut, he instead asked, voice terse and strained, "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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He couldn't react to what Axel yelled, well screamed, at him. Not that he didn't want to. His fists were shaking white at his sides. How could he not go after her? Be the hero? How could that possibly come out of Axel's mouth? That stupid, ergh! Stupid, stupid mouth? James couldn't even think of proper insults he was so jarred and angry.

And guilty. Somehow it was his fault, he knew it was. He couldn't abandon her just because someone threatened to fight. If he had to, he would fight through Axel to get to her. Sure, Axel had the obvious upper hand, power much more physical than James' own, but that didn't matter. This wasn't about liking Zara anymore. She was obviously not going for that. But Axel was telling him to leave her alone while she suffered. James wouldn't have that, she wouldn't wake up surrounded by strangers.

And then Mikhail opened his mouth. James whirled about, body melting from its rigid anger to shoulders up guilt. Hallie had to have something to do with it, standing a few feet back and eyes on him. At least she didn't look upset with him, only confused as she tried to mellow out the room.

James wasn't about to tell Mikhail the truth. But what was the other option? He'd seen Mikhail angry. Lying would only make the situation worse.

"Zara...something is going her head." James breathed heavily, sifting through the images he had seen while attempting to scan her with his crystal. "Its not the first time," he added softly. He wanted to say she hadn't said anything to anyone, but that wasn't something he knew for a fact. What he knew was she hadn't trusted to tell him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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"Zara...something is going her head."

The words echoed over and over in his skull, stirring up old memories, one in particular, the feeling of deja vu swelling larger and larger. Images of Zara on a hospital bed, unconscious, flashed in his head. She'd had a concussion. A head injury. Walked across something and tripped a mine. And Trick. Trick had sent her. Trick had...

No, no, no. That wasn't it. This was unrelated. James looked closer than before. Had he moved? Mikhail didn't remember walking towards him. Why was his heart beating so fast? Chest heaving? His fingernails dug into the palms of his hands.

No. Stop. Take control. Don't flip out. This isn't Russia. James isn't Trick.

"It's not the first time."

Of course it wasn't the first time. Mikhail remembered the first time. When she had come back from a mission on a stretcher. Escorted directly to the infirmary. And Trick...

He blinked, eyes refocusing. He could hear himself breathing, hard. He was struggling. Struggling to stay in the now. Trying to stay afloat as the waves kept crashing down and forcing him under.

Zara...what was wrong with her? What had happened? He needed to focus on that. Get the general information. Figure out where they had taken her. Probably the infirmary. But what had happened? When had it happened before?

And why did James have that look on his face? Why was he avoiding his eyes? Why did he look so...guilty? Trick. The was the same...

What had he done? What had happened to Zara? What had he done?

In the next blink he found himself even closer, bypassing Axel, James' shirt collar squeezed between the creases of his fingers. Again he was breathing hard. Again his heartbeat went a mile a minute, shoulders heaving.

Now! he screamed at himself, This is now! Stay in the now!

He tried to loosen his grip, but found he couldn't. Backtracking was impossible. The only thing he could do was prevent it from growing worse.

Stay in control, he warned himself, Stay calm. Stay in the now.

With gritted teeth, he managed to choke out, "What. Happened. To. Zara."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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Axel was low on mental strength from having used his aura so much. That was one thing working against him. He also needed sleep BADLY, having gotten MAYBE two hours in that weren't coma-related in the past day or so. That was problem-causer number two. He was also designed to have full access to his strength without adrenaline so he could fall back on something if his powers failed. This holy trinity was working in communion to let him grab both Mik and James by their respective ears and pull both away from each other, having lost all capacity to give a shit about his own safety or that of others in the vicinity.

"Okay, you know what? Done with the pleasantries." Axel said, his voice sounding like that of a fed-up teacher having to tell little Clarence for the thirtieth time that the class turtle isn't a ninja. "Let me give the Cliffnotes, Mik, and try to not forget any of it, as I am NOT going to repeat myself. Zara had psychic backlash, kind of like how I gave myself an aneurysm. However, now that I know this has happened before, we can rest a BIT easier, since, as crass as this sounds, she's probably capable of doing a repeat performance without failing. Since I happened to read a few medical files other than Chandler's after a certain incident, I know Zara's capable of finding anything. This means we have to assume she saw too much at once and the information made her crash. However, I'm ALSO going on the assumption that this means her power is still on if even at a minimum, and, if self-preservation is anywhere in her mind, training itself on her general area. James was freaking out, and if Zara sensed that around her, could have made her panic even more, which we do NOT want."

Axel paused here to take a breath, and then continued.

"I sent James to get a nurse to help take care of Zara, while I attended to her in the interim. Nothing visible happened to her, and she's now safely in the nurse's area. Now that we've gotten that settled-" Axel let go of their ears, winding up his trademarked longwinded speech, "Any questions? Also, sorry you have to put up with seeing this, Hallie, but I'm all out of concern for today."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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She'd had to back away to the door. Her mental barriers were alert and well, but against Mikhail's sudden flucuation of panic/anger/confusion and Axel's flippant disregard for anyone at the moment, she was struggling to help. Ease here, taper off there. She couldn't take them all in and half wanted them to figure it out on their own.

"Its whatever," she said, not harshly, but obviously tired and unwilling to deal with all the testosterone going around. "Misha she's in the nurse's office, lets just..."

But between them all, she couldn't get the words out. Staggering a little, she wondered if Mikhail even heard her. The soft hold she had on his emotions left her so she could lean against the wall, bare arms cold and middle rolling with nausea.


Just say something. Idiot. If he finds out later, no one will be happy and he'll lose any trust he might have with everyone.

"Mikhail..." he began, seeing Hallie falter behind him. Great, no emotional leash. But he had to tell him. "Zara and I..." No that wasn't how to say it. His teeth felt wrong, tongue heavy. "I..." Okay with Hallie and Axel there, he couldn't. Wouldn't. But when?

Punching Axel seemed all the more inviting with his confession dancing there between Mikhail's finger still grasping at his shirt.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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It was hard for him to focus on what Axel was saying, his voice dipping in and out as he struggled between realities. Was he here, in the US, in Psy Prep, or was he back in Russia? Was it Axel or Tatiana, a girl renowned for her strength and simplistic conflict avoidance tactics, grabbing his ear and pulling him away from Trick? Or maybe it was Zara...she had been known to drag him by the ear to things.

But no. Zara was hurt. Something about finding things? Too much? An overload? Backlash...aneurysm...

But why? How? Was this James or Trick in front of him? Maybe even Sasha...trying to calm him down...

No, Sasha would be trying to calm him down. Trying to hold him back. Calm down, Misha! She's all right! he heard his best friend's voice say in his mind. Too clearly. He had said that before. This had happened before.

Hallie's voice pulled him out of it. Brought him back. He blinked several times in a row, staring at the floor, trying to get a grip. Zara...yes, she was fine. Had a power surge, but was fine. In the nurse's office.

But it wasn't long until he was sucked back in. James' voice trembling, stopping and starting.

"Mikhail...Zara and I...I..."

James' words. But he had heard them before. He knew these words! They rang in his memory with familiarity. His ears knew these words. Recognized them. In this order.

The floor wavered and he shut his eyes. The flashes continued, head pounding, memories melding with the now, fighting for dominance.

He saw it then. Trick's face. Scared. Nervous. And above all...guilty.

"Mikhail...Zara and I...I..."

Trick. It was Trick. He had said those words. Had that face. The guilt overwhelming in his eyes. Trick had...sent her find a way out...when she had found a mine...



Head injury. The nurse's office.

This had all happened before.

His hands dropped to his side. Why? "Why?" he repeated out loud, eyes flying open, hardened, and he lashed out, grabbing James again and slamming him against the table. A sharp pain erupted from his ear, blood trickling down from when he ripped away from Axel's aura. "You were supposed to protect her! Not leave her open to attack! The mission comes second, don't you know that? Don't you know anything?!"

As if on cue, the gravity immediately strengthened, rooting everyone and everything within a six-foot radius around him to the ground like glue. The table beneath them cracked under the pressure, crashing into the ground and bringing Mikhail to his knees.

"Now she's hurt because of you!" he continued shouting into James' face, voice strained. Although, of course, all he saw was Trick. "You were the leader! You should have gone first, not her! Were you trying to get her killed?!"

Above them, the ceiling cracked.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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Again, it was all falling on top of her, and not just the bits of ceiling. Mikhail was, power and emotion. She couldn't move her legs, glued in place like some statue. Fingers gripping her middle, she watched James go down as if on a movie screen, the volume muted and world swirling into energy around her.

He was gone again, so easily. Lost under his dark soul.

Leaving her alone right after they...and he promised...

Tears would have come from her eyes, but she couldn't muster even that. As much as she loved him...what was she supposed to do? Still holding herself and unborn child, she closed her eyes, reaching toward him. Everything felt heavy and hopeless, sinking. Bits fell on her head, nothing major, but major was coming. If they couldn't wake him up, the entire building would crush them all. Kill them all.

Hallie hugged herself tighter. It's okay, she wanted to tell him and the baby. Don't be afraid. I'm right here.

But she knew that didn't work. Crying out from struggle, she reached to him again, fighting her own reluctance. What was the point? Mikhail was either going to do it now or later. What was the point of holding on?


Who she was talking to, she wasn't quite sure. Latching onto James would have been easy, his thread of panic billowing back and forth around Mikhail's black monster. Weaving invisible hands, she dodged under and over everything she felt, searching for a tangible something, a landing.

"Come. Back," she demanded under gritted teeth. "You. Can't. Do. This."

And the latch formed and she grabbed hold.


Back probably split open from the edge of the table, James had a hard time reacting. Mikhail's words made no sense and finding any semblance of his friend in those eyes didn't exist. This wasn't Mikhail and when James felt the pain finally, he found a way to react. Panic washed aside, he focused on Mikhail's eyes...and then his nose.

His fist landed painfully. James managed to roll slightly to the side, but the gravity was fluctuating under him, above him, he couldn't be sure. "God!" he shouted at the Russian. "Wake up you-" Holding his hand as it pulsed, James lost his voice under the sudden pound in his ears. His back and hand combined were not in condition to deal with this and still put up a fight.

His leg was however, landing a less than swift kick to Mikhail's own leg. Man, gravity manipulation could be so cool, but this? This was bull shit. Mikhail wasn't even mad at him! He was mad at Trick!

"Open your fucking eyes!" James yelled desperately, spittle flying. He saw Hallie, bending under the gravity and trying to do her part. She shouldn't have to. This shouldn't even be happening! Axel wavered as well, strength depleting. What was he doing to them all?

And somehow all of James' guilt vanished. Sure, he had scared Zara, but look at her own brother. The one she actually cared for and what he was doing? Beating up on James and hurting his own girlfriend and kid. This had to stop. Now.

James pushed past it all, anger more fueling than anything else. Hallie would probably yell at him later, but he needed it.



James was becoming an issue. Melting between the cracks of her already breaking resolve. She had to focus on Mikhail, not absorb more anger, but she already was. Angry. Furious. Scared. And, she realized sadly, alone.

She took in what she could, breathing hard and managing to open her eyes and see James' rebuttal. Violence and blood, of course. After all this, if they survived, she would have a stern word with him. Unhelpful...idiotic...

Mikhail pulled her back in, or his emotions did. She was drawn to them at this point, clinging to any particle she could. Taking it all in and wondering why it wasn't working. How far gone was he? Was there actually no hope this time?

Eventually, she felt the tendrils unfurl in her mind, seeping into her and leeching on the energy she used for her barriers. They crumbled almost immediately...and the flood gates dropped down.

She screamed in pain, Mikhail's pain, verbalizing what he must have felt. When she felt to her knees, the gravity increased the impact and the skin broke under her jeans. But she was lost to Mikhail, tossed around and consumed as even more barreled into her mental space. Even her own anger was gone.

He enveloped the worst possible way.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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The growing stopped at the edge of Europe and the Americas, halting at St. Petersburg, dipping down to Brazil and loping back up to Alaska. It pulsed, like a heartbeat, each and every life blinking and twinkling like a billion stars announcing its location.

She had since lost consciousness to the real world, stuck in this galaxy, coordinates, names, and locations buzzing in her mind like an old-fashioned airline terminal sign. Flicking and flipping constantly.

But then...loudly...stars started to flare up. The closest ones. Blinking rapidly. The others faded out as she zoomed in, pulled in, sucked in.

Mikhail. It was Mikhail. She could see him. Fighting and screaming and...

She flinched when she saw his eyes. So cold. Stone cold. Like brick. Like iron.

What...what had happened to him? Why was he so angry? Why...

And then James barreled into view. James. Why was she seeing him? She tried to block him out, but he was as clear as Mikhail, anger also written on his face, but in a different way. His eyes were still clear. Mikhail...he was gone.

She had seen this style of fighting...these movements...when they would spar, and train, back in Russia, she'd seen this...but never this ferocious. Never this desperate.

And why? For what?

Then she realized. It was all for her.


He was weakening. Both physically and mentally.

Adrenaline helped, but only went so far. Everything hurt, and blood was a constant taste in his mouth. The Trick he remembered was different from this...James fighting towards the forefront, but his mind compensated, memories colliding and combining. One second he was on a mission, the next on the streets of St. Petersburg, the next in the fortified walls of Vlad's bunker.

After a while he couldn't remember why exactly he was fighting. The reasons kept changing. The only thing he knew was that he was, so angry.

But even that was slipping, draining from him in a sensation that he knew but couldn't remember. As it left, panic, fear, desperation, and sadness threatened to take over, so he clung to it, knowing that if he lost it, he would be defeated.

But it kept tugging, trying to tear away from him as the physical onslaught continued. The gravity fluctuated, strengthening and weakening like a sine wave, controlled by his subconscious.

He fought like an animal, for his life, a way to get back at everything that had happened to him, everything that was being thrown into his face again. Finally, he gained the upperhand again and pinned James down, knees on his arms, and fist pulled back, gravity growing behind it as he prepared for the final blow...


It was her. It was all her fault.

For years she had always wondered what had happened between Mikhail and Trick, what had actually gone down, if it was really as scary as everyone said.

How she wished to stay ignorant.

She watched in horror, informed in their every move, every position, as the two boys fought. Hallie and Axel were blurred, present but not as clear. But Mikhail and James were high definition. And she hated it.

Stop! She wanted to scream at them, at both of them. She remembered her threat to James, and wanted to kick herself for it. How stupid! Threatening to sic her brother on him, like he was some animal...her pet...

Even loyalty could have its dark side.

This was too much. She had never wished Mikhail's anger on Trick. And now, she realized, she didn't wish it upon James either.

But could she wish for him to be angry on her behalf? It was cruel. Cruel and mean and he didn't deserve it!

Stop! She yelled at him as he rolled on top of James. Stop it!

She felt herself crying as he pulled his arm back, preparing to punch. Zeroing in, focusing only on him, she screamed out at him.



Zara's voice cut through his mind like a knife, clear and sharp. And he blinked. Paused. Hesitated.

He loosened his grip.

Feet kicked him in the stomach, launching him backwards. As he hit the ground he lost his grip entirely, and the anger sucked out of him so fast it left him disoriented. Confusion took its place immediately, and as it grasped at the fleeing emotion, clinging to its tail stubbornly, the gravity behind his fist shifted, centering on his hand instead, before imploding.

Mikhail screamed as his bones crunched and compressed in on themselves, folding into a gruesome fist, squeezing and squashing before fluctuating, forcing his mangled fingers outward, splaying them wide, ripping them from tendons and ligaments, before crushing them inwards again.

And then it grew, spreading up his arm, flattening his bones, breaking and splintering, like an invisible steamroller. And he screamed and screamed.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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When the fight one on one ended and Mikhail began the battle against himself, James' mind was made up. Through every blow and punch, he had questioned the option, but saw no other choice. With the gravity hold on them released, Axel and Hallie were left to their own weakness or strength, Hallie on the ground whimpering and shaking. She looked like Zara, struggling and bleeding from her nose...

But there wasn't time to help her. Mikhail was the cause.

James eyed Axel briefly, muttering, "Help me carry him."

It was difficult. Mikhail writhed and screamed, waking the entire school. Anyone who hadn't been witness would know now. James couldn't prevent that.

When they made it to the adults' rooms, they dropped Mikhail off, having their own injuries from the trek. The boy on the floor looked like a wounded animal, continually suffering.

"Sedate him," James ordered the closest man to him. Trust them? No, he didn't. But this was a matter of life and death for him. All of them if Mikhail kept this up. "Quickly. His emotions are coming back. Sedate him and put him in a cell away from everyone. I know you have them," he added with a snarl. He was bruised and bloody, but couldn't rest until this was done, until he knew the school was safe from its own student.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: James Black
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She had watched the entire thing...from Mikhail stopping, to him suddenly dropping, screaming, to James and Axel carrying him down the hallway.

It was his screams, mixing with her own shouts of protest, that finally shut out the rest of the world, and she opened her eyes.

Sitting up brought on the worst of headaches, but she forced herself to keep moving, panic resting in her throat. James...he...he was taking him away...she had to stop him...

She ran out of the office, bare feet slapping the cold tile. She knew where they were...knew exactly where they were...cross-referenced Mikhail's location with James. Although the former's screams tipped her off just as well.

She found them, James in the doorway.

"Sedate him and put him in a cell away from everyone." she heard him say, "I know you have them."

"Are you crazy?" she shouted, sprinting over to him, small fist ready, but when she saw Mikhail on the ground she stopped. "Misha!" she cried, and tried to run to him, only to be held back by one of the adults. "Let me go!" she protested, fighting to free herself.


He could feel it slipping away...the anger, sadness and guilt. It was all flushing out, with only pain reigning king.

Yet still he clung to them....grasping at their strings like they were balloons in a windstorm...desperate to keep them. Almost out of spite. His. They were his.

But the wind was strong, and the more he pulled, the more it tugged.

It was the smallest amount of conscious thought that now kept the gravity field from travelling further up his arm, but it was the most control he could muster. He didn't know how to turn it off, didn't know how to end it. Didn't realize that the very emotions he held onto were fueling his pain.

A brief thought flashed in his mind, crystal clear, bright like a star. Hallie. What...what had happened to their precious moment? The pieces lay shattered, like broken glass in his head. The baby...Anya...what about her?

"No..." he choked out as someone knelt by him, needle in hand, "No, wait! Hallie!"

The field burst out, fracturing a path all the way up to his collarbone, snapping a few ribs and hitting the man with the needle full on the face. Mikhail shrieked again in pain, and the field shrank as quickly as it had lashed out, and the man keeled over to the side, blood pooling.

"Dead!" a voice cried out, panicked, "He's dead!"

...dead? He'd heard the word through the pain, and his mind ran haywire as it tried to comprehend.

He...he'd killed someone?

"Someone shoot the goddamned kid before he kills all of us!"

No...this couldn't be! NO!

Something whizzed into his side, and a numbing sensation washed over him. The pain finally faded, taking a backseat to the commotion mixing in his ears and the ground that swam and tilted before him. Was...was he on a boat?

What was happening? Where was he? Why couldn't he feel his body? Why was everything spinning?

His finger twitched, prompting a knee-jerk reaction from one of the adults, and this time blackness crept over him, filling his nose and mouth, eyes and ears, until everything blotted out.



Her eyes had widened when she watched the horror that unfolded. Mikhail...he had...he had just killed someone!

The person who had been restraining her released his grip, but she didn't move as they shot him with tranquilizer guns until he stopped moving.

The blood...there was so much blood...blood he had spilled...

"He killed someone." she whispered, fingers crawling up to her face, and she whirled around to face James, shrieking, "MIKHAIL KILLED HIM!" before burying her face into her hands, crying. "What's happening to him??" she sobbed, "What's happening to us??"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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Axel felt like he was supposed to be doing something, making his aura go berserk even though he'd spent his reserves for a while and then throwing Mik into a wall, or some total bs like that. In all honesty, however, he just felt empty and tired. And... that extra weight from the gravity felt so nice on him... He slumped over and closed his eyes, passing out on the floor in exhaustion, a dumb grin on his face as he started snoozing away, Mik's blood staining his white gloves a rusty brown...

(Sorry, but there's not much to post for Axel, he was on his last legs even before Mik was there.)


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zara Rodsky Character Portrait: Axel Lerate Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: James Black
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Numb by his decisions, watching the consequences and repercussions appear as shining nightmares in front of him, James had no other responses to give. Not even to Zara. She sobbed in front of him, lost and in pain. And he had no words.

"I..." he tried, but that felt too thick. "He..." but speaking of him would only make the reality of the situation even more real. Blood had spattered on their clothes. A man lay dying. No...dead. Lay dead and gone and from Mikhail's hand. His bent and broken hand...

James hugged Zara, for himself and for her, trying to find and give comfort all at once. But he wasn't Hallie. He couldn't know what he accomplished when he willed his mind to Zara's, hoping to calm her down so that they could figure this out. What she said last hung in the air though, and James could see it on the adults' faces.

Something was happening to them.