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Mikhail Petrov

Don't tell me. I'll just Google it.

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a character in “Psy Prep”, as played by cirrus_sd


Name: Mikhail Petrov

Mikhail is tall and lanky, with shortly cropped blond hair and large brown eyes. He has a long, pointed nose and an impish smile. He often dresses in dark clothes, preferring a black turtlenecked t-shirt, black jeans, and traditional converse. He also wears a single black glove around his left hand, which he never takes off. He carries a matchbox in his pocket and chews on them when he's bored, thinking, or upset.

Age: 17

Power: Manipulation of gravity. He can fixate his center of gravity on any surface and manipulate it, and can also do the same with a maximum of two other people. Examples of this include hovering, wall/ceiling climbing, perfect balance, inability to be knocked down, etc.

EDIT: In the two weeks of training, Mikhail's ability has grown. He can now manipulate the gravity of a maximum ranging between five to ten people, depending on complexity (for example, he can anchor or float ten people to or above the ground, but it will not be as consistent as if he tried to anchor one person, as it is difficult to control so many points of gravity (for example, the gravity might not necessarily be weaker. He might accidentally crush that many people, or send those people barreling into the atmosphere due to lack of control). Also, if he was trying keep someone anchored to the ceiling, or help them walk up a wall, he would only be able to do it with one or two people besides himself, maximum). He can also create an area with a certain gravity that affects anything and anyone who steps or passes through it. Other examples of what he can do include crushing several objects into themselves, both simultaneously and in quick succession, leaping great lengths (like actual moon-walking), halting things traveling at great speeds, strengthening the gravity in one section of his body to maximize impact (like a super punch for his fist, or a super kick). impossibly perfect balance (tightrope walking on yarn, balancing on a baseball bat, etc) for himself and objects (not other humans yet). He is currently working on preventing things from falling.

Sexual Preference: Straight. He likes them curvy gals.

Personality: Mikhail was born to a Russian father and a French mother. Living in Europe for much of his life, he has moved around from Paris to St. Petersburg to Moscow and back to Paris. In his youth, he developed a knack for hacking, and in grade school, successfully hacked into the Swiss Bank from a rather old Windows desktop. Catching the attention of the security department of Russia, he was enlisted by the government and, having no legal guardians, was immediately enrolled in a youth spy program where he lived and worked with until recently. His psychic abilities were discovered on a mission, and he was discharged and sent to Psy Prep. He is fluent in French, Russian, Polish, English, some German and a tad bit of Chinese. He is most proud of his hacking abilities and his overall technical prowess.
Personality-wise, Mikhail holds a dry sense of humor and isn't opposed to fun. He enjoys a good time, but doesn't particularly care who with. He finds schoolwork boring, but does it anyways, and he has a bit of a second-agenda. He has enormous charisma, is polite, and finds the American culture fascinating.



So begins...

Mikhail Petrov's Story


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: James Black Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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Rose was running a bit late, but she headed towards the dining room, as that's where everyone else was. She had her favorite look on, half human half fox, and her ears twitched while taking in the sounds and her tail floated in the breeze as she hurried to be on scedule. She looked around at all the people and food. She was starved and also very excited of all the kids to be auidience during her stay. They all looked easily impressed, and surely a girl with animal features is impressive.

Rosalie grabbed food of all kinds: fruit, veggies, meat, sweets, and went to look for a seat. She wanted the most people or atleast the most guys. She saw a table with two guys, one looking around, the other with an IPad. She walked over and smiled "Hey boys. Can I sit here?"


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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Mikhail felt a shadow across the table and he looked up. What he saw surprised him for sure, but he tried not to show it outwardly. It was a girl, asking to sit at the table, but she had fox ears. And something told him they weren't fake. He sighed and made an accepting, but flippant, hand gesture towards the table. That was right...the whole point he was at this school was because there were him, he supposed. People with abilities. Well, thank goodness his wasn't as showy as this girl's. She also seemed to be gloating with suddenly struck him that she could probably choose to look normal, but had decided against it so that people would stare. Well, he wasn't going to entertain that. Back to the iPad it was. Out of boredom and curiosity, he opened up a new tab and pulled up the Wikipedia page for the school, browsing through it during the commercials on his radio station.

When the songs came back on--now a particularly upbeat French one--he took a break from the bright screen and looked around the cafeteria again. Another girl had entered, at a table away from everyone else. He noticed her in particular due to her cell phone. He noted the brand and made a sort of condescending sound. Easy material, that phone. He turned his gaze to the other boy who shared his table. He had bronze-colored hair, and seemed engrossed in the activities around him. Then there was the fox-girl...Mikhail didn't even give her a glance before turning back to his iPad. Should she try to partake in conversation, he wouldn't be rude enough to ignore her, but for the moment he could afford not to pay attention to her. He opened yet another tab and started a game of QWOP.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov
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Mikhail had just barely heard the PA. He pulled out his earplugs in time to hear his dorm and roommate. 4...was it? And with...he wasn't sure if he heard it right...a guy named Circus? Mikhail shrugged. He'd find out soon enough. So long as it wasn't that weird guy who talked to himself, he was good.

He shoveled the rest of his breakfast into his mouth and put the tray away. iPad in hand, he walked up the hallway towards the dorm area. It wasn't long before he got lost...he had always been bad with directions. Not a problem that technology couldn't solve: he pulled out his iPad and looked up a map on the school's website. it had been turn right, not left...

After a good ten minutes, he finally arrived at the door of Dorm 4. Grinning and curious, he opened the door.

Oh crap....

It was the guy who talked to himself.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov
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Circus spun around on his heel to see his roommate. Grinning, he bounced over. "Hello! I'm Circus Van der Woodsen! Nice to meet you! Oh, what's that?" He asked, looking to a spirit. "So his name is Mikhail? Interesting! Thanks for the information, I kind of forgot." Rubbing the back of his head, his eyes darted back to the male with that goofy grin.

"Well, anyways, yeah! I'm Circus, all that fun stuff. I can see spirits. What is your power? Oh, oh! Oh, I know! We should get to know eachother if we're going to be roommates! Yeah, yeah, aha! That sounds fun." Grabbing the male's arm, he dragged him into the dorm all the way and bounced on top of a bed, then hung upside down on the ledge of a window, tipping his hat in greeting to the male.

"You go first, yes? Of course you go first! It is my polite duty!"


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov
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0.00 INK least his roommate was cheerful enough. Just like his name sake. Even had the creepiness. Circus blabbered out a hurried introduction, as well as a summation of his power and oddness. Talking to spirits, eh? Well, that really did explain everything. If Mikhail could talk to spirits, he'd probably go crazy too.

Before he could get a word in edge-wise, Circus had decided that they should get to know each other, and had pulled Mikhail all the way into the room before bouncing off the bed and hanging upside down from the window.

"You go first, yes?" the boy asked, then seemed to correct himself, "Of course you go first! It is my polite duty."

Mikhail stood almost dumbstruck at the overly excited boy. He was surprised that the roommate had even passed the physical barrier by touching him. He had thought that Americans were rather timid around that? What with the excessive violence and taboo on sex in their films...this school had no shortage of surprises for him.

Clearing his throat, he began, "Well, as the little, uh, spirit thing told you, my name is Mikhail. Mikhail Petrov, if you want to be really official. As for what I do...well, I suppose I should just show you." He walked over to the wall, placed his hand on it, and focused. After a couple seconds, he put his foot against it and walked up the vertical ledge and onto the ceiling, where he hung upside-down, much like his roommate, but with one difference: his hair and clothes didn't hang off of him towards the floor, but rather stayed in place, attracted to his own gravitational point. He spread his arms out and bowed: "Tada"

The setting changes from Psy Prep to Dorm 4


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov
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0.00 INK

Mikhail cocked his head in mild interest as Circus talked to a little spirit girl. Even though he couldn't see her, he guessed that she wasn't very fond of him, judging by Circus's narrations. Well...he couldn't really blame her. A guy hanging off a ceiling was kinda weird. Almost as weird as a guy talking to invisible people.

"That's a pretty cool power you got there, aha!" Circus said to him.

Mikhail shrugged, then jumped off the ceiling and landed on the floor a few feet away from him. "I guess. But my last...employer didn't seem to think so. If it wasn't for this...power, I guess, I'd still have my job."

He walked over to the bed that was least rumpled and flopped onto it. He stretched, then pulled out his iPad again. His belongings were in the room, but he didn't feel like taking out his computer yet. He started a game of Angry Birds, then asked "Is..uh...what's her name...Theresa? Is Theresa know, here?"

The setting changes from Dorm 4 to Psy Prep


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Cristopher Grey Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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0.00 INK

Mikhail looked up, eyebrows furrowed, as Circus started babbling about perverts. He still had an eye on his Angry Birds, but when Circus accused him of being a pervert, he tore his gaze entirely away from the tablet and almost glared at Circus disbelievingly. "What?!" he asked, then quickly realized that he had lost the game. Looking down at the menu sign, he scowled, then turned the iPad off. Hauling himself off the bed as Circus ran into the kitchen, Mikhail walked out into the hall, mumbling to himself.

Well...if it wasn't Miss-Attention-Seeker. Turns out she was foxy in personality as well as appearance. The other guy with her Mikhail remembered from the cafeteria, but didn't really know him. The girl was naked, but Mikhail wasn't shocked by the nudity (he was European, after all, and part French at that). Simply sighing in response, he leaned against the wall across from them and smiled impishly. This would be fun.

Anchoring himself down, he looked at the two teenagers, took a breath, and made a slight hand gesture (hand gestures weren't necessary, but they helped him focus on what exactly he wanted to do). Promptly, the girl and boy were relaxed from their gravitational pull and slowly started levitating upwards. It wouldn't be long until they would be hovering in mid-air, as if their room had suddenly entered Zero-G mode. Mikhail pulled out a match from his pocket and chewed on it, watching the spectacle unfold.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Cristopher Grey Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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0.00 INK

"Well I usually only have the animal parts when I want them, but I can't seem to get the to go away when I"m...worked up." She smiled. Rose felt wierd, tingly. She knew it wasn't her, and if it was Chris she would have felt it last time he predicted what she would say. She looked around to find herself and Chris floating. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Rose noticed a boy off to the side of the room. "You better put us down!" She didn't struggle, as her turning seemed to make her go higher, faster. "I wouldn't mess with someone who can turn into a bear and maul you in your sleep!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Cristopher Grey Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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0.00 INK

Cristopher gave a sigh just before they started to move. He'd been having fun but it always came to an end. With a small grin on his face he swisted his body away, putting his arms around his head in a relaxed position as he began to float. He looked over easily and gave a little wave at the guy, he'd seen it all coming just moments before it did. Even though they had been in there room his door had been cracked a bit, it must have gotten open even more as time went on and he had been just too distracted to even notice. Things were never as simple as they appeared of course. Cristopher looked at the person in the doorway and tried to focus on his mouth, it looked almost as though he was eating a match. Some people have the oddest habits.

He should have known better than to leave the door cracked open. He gave a little laugh and said with a more serious tone than normal. "You know if you wanted to see her naked all you had to do was ask, don't have to be so cruel about it. though I do have one request, can you hold this while I sleep? It's actually very comfy." Cristopher knew that the one down side to it would be that he coudln't move around a lot, or else he risked floating all over the place.

The last part was true of course, it was literally floating on air after all. He glanced over at rose as she got all worked up about it, going so far as to even threaten him with a mauling. It was all pretty ridiculous in his eyes, getting worked up about nothing and popping in on someone while they were putting the moves on someone else. He could have sworn that violated some part of the bro code, probably more than a few actually. He reached slowly for his pocket and pulled one of the dice from it. He casually flipped them a few times in his palm as he smiled, comfy as could be but ready for the fall back on the bed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Cristopher Grey Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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0.00 INK

"WHAT THE FUCK!? You better put us down! I wouldn't mess with someone who can turn into a bear and maul you in your sleep!"

Mikhail's impish smile simply widened to a smirk at the girl's shouting, and the match in his mouth skewed at an angle. Her threats were clearly empty, as he doubted she would go to that extent and jeopardize her stay at the school. And even if she did, what use would she be, rooted to the spot, or even crushed by Jupiter-like gravity? All his years as a spy had given him fast reflexes and put him in the habit of sleeping lightly, so it really wasn't like she could sneak up on him. And finally, his trump card, he was Russian.

In contrast to his roommate, the guy seemed pretty cool about it, though he was mistaken about Mikhail wanting to see the girl wasn't like he had never seen a naked girl before. He had seen better, to tell the truth. He turned to the raging female.

"You may be able to turn into a bear, but you clearly lack the heart of one," he retorted back to her, "I've handled far worse than bears in my short life, so your attempt at scaring me has failed miserably. But, since I am a polite European, I will oblige your request."

Snapping his fingers, he slammed the two back onto the ground, the girl impacting much harder than the guy--who just flopped on the bed--just to get the message through. He pushed himself off the wall and looked at the two of them, not releasing them from the ground just yet.

"Oh, and by the way, I'd appreciate it if you didn't freak out my roommate with your heated prelude to some, no-doubt passionate, lovemaking," Mikhail requested, "You're in school to read, not to breed."

With that said, he walked out and towards his room, still smiling, his teeth chewing on the woody match contently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Cristopher Grey Character Portrait: Rosalie Houston
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0.00 INK

"We were not doing that! I simply changed into and animal and my clothes were gone! Gosh!" Rose stalked into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door. 'Stupid boys! Stupid school!' She looked in the mirror. 'Stupid powers...Why can't I be a normal girl?' She grabbeed her tail and started to pet it. 'Why do I have to be a freak?' Rose leaned against the bathroom wall and slid to a seated position. The cold wall and floor cooled her bare skin, calmed her down. 'I need clothes.' She didn't know how Chris would react to her uh, mood swings. She got them sometimes, but the doctors said she was fine, just alittle emotional. Rose stood and opened the door a crack. "I'm sorry. I just, I get worked up and angry pretty easy. Especially when random people make me levitate out of nowhere." She stepped out of the bathroom, her tail hanging low and her ears in an obviously upset position.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov
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0.00 INK

Mikhail had to force himself out of bed. He stared at the alarm clock that he barely remembered unpacking and glared at it. 6 in the morning??? Ridiculous. That was way too early. Then again, maybe staying up until 4 watching cat videos wasn't the best idea....The clock started going off again, this time reading 6:05. Dammit, he had fallen asleep again. He didn't know how his roommate was doing, but none of them seemed interested in getting it up and turning it off. Mikhail groaned and felt under his pillow. Finding an old Nokia cellphone, he slammed it down on the alarm clock, enough to turn it off, then threw the cell phone across the room as incentive. After about ten minutes of staring, he finally got out of bed to see if the phone was broken. It wasn't, as usual. Mikhail yawned and tossed the phone back behind him, where it clattered under the bed. The room right now was a mess (he hadn't finished unpacking last night) with only his tech stuff neatly organized. He agonizingly put on his clothes and got ready.

About a half-hour later, Mikhail was hopelessly lost in the halls, trying to find where to go for orientation. The map of the school hadn't helped much, not to mention he forgot to charge his iPad. He had never been very good with directions. Finally, through what he thought was luck, he happened upon the auditorium. It seemed to have started already, so he stood in the back, listening.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Adrien King Character Portrait: Zoe Find Character Portrait: Hallie Green Character Portrait: Annabel "Anna" Logan
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0.00 INK


As Adrien walked in he didn't expect Anna to still be undressed. Her pale slender legs drew his attraction. Until of course he looked up more seeing Anna's chest. He couldn't help but look at it ideas full of lust roaming his mind that he never thought before. It seemed he wasn't the only one fighting arousal though. He stopped thinking of those thoughts and put his attention back to the matter at hand. They were going to be late unless they fixed this situation.

"Are you always this clumsy with your powers, or is it simply a side affect of infatuation?"

Adrien spun around beet red, his hands covering his visible erection. ", it's just that they almost always backfire on me" Adrien said lying, I mean his powers did backfire occasionally but not as much as they have been recently when he thought about more embarrassing subjects. "Could you please help me rip my towel off now?" Adrien asked shamefully.


Zoe looked around at the other students piling into the classroom. She saw two students flirting with each other. "Ughh" Zoe moaned. Zoe had to stop distracting herself with stupid people watching. People watching only led to her getting angry anyways.

Zoe saw two people who seemed normal enough. One with white hair, one with blonde. "Maybe I should try talking to someone" Zoe thought. "No!" Her conscious countered. She had to focus on fixing her powers before she could make petty friends. Plus, who says their to be trusted anyways their probably both going to have sex with each other by the end of the night.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Zoe Find
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0.00 INK

Mikhail nodded a bit, trying to stay awake. It really was too damn early. School was going to be brutal. He looked around the place, wondering if anyone else was having a hard time sleeping. He noticed one girl snatching a glance at him, but she looked away before he could ask if she was tired. She didn't look it. Must just be him.

He rooted himself in place so he wouldn't fall over, but there wasn't much he could do for his eyes. They kept drooping. At one point he felt himself leaning dangerously forward at an angle that--had he not been glued to the ground--would have caused a brutal floorsmack to the face. He quickly righted himself and shook his head, even smacking his face a bit to wake himself up a bit more. Maybe it was something in the buildings....when he had early assignments as a spy, he never had this difficulty staying awake. Then again, adrenaline might have had something to do with it.

Shrugging his shoulders to accentuate to his body that he NEEDED to stay awake, he pulled out his iPod and plugged it into his ears. He knew it defeated the purpose of listening to orientation, but there was a powerpoint and he was more of a visual learner anyways. Turning the music up loudly, he tuned in to some Russian death metal, hoping the jarring music would be enough to keep him awake.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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0.00 INK

Mikhail had been in that strange haze where your eyes are open but you're not really aware of your surroundings. It was comforting to listen to something in Russian, and he had zoned out entirely, and, for all intents and purposes, asleep.

This changed abruptly when he felt a slight breeze. He blinked in time to see a girl rush past him, a hand pressed to her mouth and another around her stomach, looking sick. He pulled his earphones out just as she ran out. She almost looked...panicked. Was it nerves? Or something else?

He looked around. No one seemed to notice. Without much of a second thought, he ditched the orientation (he hadn't been paying much attention anyways) and followed the girl. He saw her stumbling down the hallway, probably towards a bathroom. He chased after her.

When he was right behind her, he grabbed her shoulders lightly to stop her. "Hey," he asked, "Are you okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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Hands stopped her up short, the same calm thread of emotions she felt from earlier wrapping around her. Gulping down a breath, she whipped about. The air in the hall was better, only this kid's emotions around. She swallowed down what she thought was stomach acid and leaned against the nearest wall, both hands curled into fists in her hair.

"I'm fine," she assured, eyes on the ground. "Really."

What had happened to her control? This was as bad as the first night her abilities were shown to her. It was horrible, drunken slurred words, loud laughter, video game screens flashing here and there. She had made out with the guy playing pool then proceeded to strip down on top of the green felt table. If her friends hadn't had been there, it would have been the worst night of her life.

"I just need to sit down," she assured, sliding down and closing her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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Mikhail helped her sit down, and squatted in front of her. "Are you sure you're okay? You looked really sick." Her eyes were closed, head kneeling. Mikhail remembered her from yesterday. She had sat by herself, playing on a phone.

"You still look kinda sick..." Mikhail added after studying her face. "Here..." he put his hand on her forehead. A forward motion, perhaps, for an American, but not for him. He just hoped she wasn't one of those psycho girls who'd punch him afterwards.

Her skin felt sweaty, but not feverish, and he took his hand away. "I guess it isn't anything physical," he said. "Perhaps, you are nervous?" He had moved around a lot, but he knew of people who had never lived in more than one house. Changing schools could be a big and terrifying change.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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"Nervous...right..." Hallie sighed. Out here things were calmer, and this guy had steady emotions, very controlled. It helped. "Not ability...I can't be around too many people. I...ugh..."

Mind swirling, she peered up around her white strands to the boy. "Thanks. I'm okay really." He had blonde hair, nice eyes, admittedly he was attractive and his calm expression helped her focus on her current surroundings than her pain. A blast of air conditioning swirled around the pair and Hallie breathed it in through her nose. She did wonder why this guy was worried about her at all, but didn't mind, for the time being. She just needed to sit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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"Your ability?" Mikhail repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in a mix of both curiosity and worry. " would you say...ahem," Mikhail cleared his throat, fixing the English words in his mind. "What is your ability?" he finally asked. "If you don't mind me asking, that is. If you do, then that's fine, too. I'm just curious. And, admittedly, slightly concerned."

He really was genuinely concerned, both for the well-being of others and for the well-being of this girl. He had often been a team leader in his previous missions when he was older, and as such was constantly looking out for those under his wing. Evidently, old habits were hard to break. His left hand tingled in its glove, almost as if a reminder. Or rather, a warning. He squeezed it as he waited her answer.


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Character Portrait: Mikhail Petrov Character Portrait: Hallie Green
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Swallowing down another breath, she listened to him struggle with his words. She used to be friends with a guy from Spain who had the same issue. It would have annoyed her unless she was used to it, she knew. He was being nice though, almost regrettably. Speaking to nice people always felt awkward, Hallie wondering why anyone would be nice to someone like her. It wasn't that she thought she was a bad person, but she knew her glares and overall expression and stature didn't scream "Let's be friends." How anyone chose to approach her was odd, but amusing at times.

"I'm an Empath...I can sense emotions and basically suck them into myself. Not quite sure how that's helpful, but you never know..." She paused, headache panging a bit on the back of her head. "Sorry about were all calm and such and I kinda...sampled your vibes."