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Lucan Seth Oakley

"My life? Difficult? Confusing? You don't know the half of it."

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a character in “Puppeteers”, as played by ClaudiiBear


Lucan Seth Oakley



Sixteen years of age








Lucan, standing just at 5”9, is shorter for his height, but that has certainly never stopped him. He has a light blonde almost white color for hair, along with some shocking greenish-blue eyes to match. He uses blue contact lenses to hide the unique look in his eyes, however. His skin tone is almost luminous it’s so light in color, which comes to a surprise seeing that he spends the majority of his time outdoors. He has a single tattoo, reading: ‘Verlieren Sie sich in der Musik,’ which means ‘Lose yourself in the music,’ which is located on his upper left chest, just above his heart. He has no piercings, and, as of now, doesn’t want any.


Lucan tends to stick to plain V-necks and leather jackets, along with a variety of belts and necklaces. As for his pants, they always consist of dark and light denim, tightly fitting him to give him the perfect look.


One Hundred-Twenty Pounds





∞Tattoos (although he only has one) ∞
∞The nightlife∞


∞The daytime∞
∞Winy girls∞
∞Puppet Masters∞
∞Selfless people∞


Lucan has the habit of biting his upper lip. It’s usually something he can’t control, but it happens whenever he feels stressed out, anxious, or bored. He also has the habit of tapping his foot on whatever is near; being that he’s so used to being on his board it just comes naturally.


Lucan’s behaviour depends upon the people he’s around. If he considers you a friend, you best be assured that he will be there for you always, but for those he considers enemies, he has no problem admitting to the fact, and it shows in his eyes and expressions.

Although he’s open about his sexuality, he’s never really taken the time to be in a serious relationship, but he has dated around here and there, and finds that guys seem to suit his tastes for life, fun, and most of all, risk. Lucan’s the kind of guy that will try anything once, and isn’t afraid of many things. He’s all about having a good time, yet when it’s time to become serious, he knows exactly how and when to do so.

Lucan can be extremely caring when necessary, and knows how to easily put a smile on someone’s face when they’re upset; ironically, however, he can never seem to make himself happy these days.


His Past|

Lucan has always been a little different from his friends. Coming from a large family, as do most puppeteers, he spent most of his time at home with his family in his younger years. In fact, he had a most difficult time dealing with the fact that he was different. Around the age of twelve, however, he began to cope, and made plenty of friends. He never got too close to anyone, knowing the consequences if they ever found out what he really was. Although he has came close to giving it away, to his bestfriend at the time, he was set straight by his siblings, and pushed him away. This has always been a difficult thing for Lucan; he doesn't want to let go of his old life to be married and matured at such a young age.


Lucan comes from a large family, no surprise. His mother, Lyra and father, Vander, have always been extremely supportive of him. His five brothers and sisters, who all for one(his younger sister Julyet) are older, are already with their soulmate and moved away.




So begins...

Lucan Seth Oakley's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Mikayla Achtem Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Eliza Doe
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[For the Puppeteers-]

You find a glossed letter with a red seal in your mail. Image

"Hello, [ Your Name ]
The time has come.

You are going from a Junior Puppeteer to a full Puppeteer. You will be going through the initiation, and finding a long term spouse. This is not optional. If you decide not to come, then you will be hunted and executed.

Trust me, I don't think you want to do that.

You are to report to the Scotland campus. For the location, please consult your parents. It is where they completed their initiation, and I don't think they would forget it.

You have 5 days to get there.


~ C. H., Head Puppet Master"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley
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Hello, Lucan Seth Oakley,
The time has come.

You are going from a Junior Puppeteer to a full Puppeteer. You will be going through the initiation, and finding a long term spouse. This is not optional. If you decide not to come, then you will be hunted and executed.

Trust me, I don't think you want to do that.

You are to report to the Scotland campus. For the location, please consult your parents. It is where they completed their initiation, and I don't think they would forget it.

You have 5 days to get there.


~ C. H., Head Puppet Master

He read the letter over and over again in his head as he sat at the table, sipping on the green Monster in his hand. He had known it would be coming, but the actual site of it still made his stomach jump slightly. To think that in a mere five days his life would be changing completley was a complete shock; atleast his parents were thrilled. Since he had gotten the letter only a days time before they had been packing and celebrating with fancy champagne and gathering up his other siblings, who only congradulated him. In reality, it wasn't that he despised the fact that he would have no choice in his marriage; I mean, look at his parents, for instance. They seemed like a perfect couple, who had indeed been put together when they were only sixteen years of age as well. Lucan, however, did not feel that he would be quite that lucky.

He ran the tip of his thumb across the seal once more, the set the letter aside and headed upstairs to insert his contacts, and gel his hair up for the day. Less than half an hour later, with his things packed, he set off with his parents for the trip that woudl most certainly decide his fate for..well, eternity? How bad could it possibly be? he thought to himself as he sat in the back of the fancy Mercedes, awaiting the arrival of the thing that just so happened to scare him the most.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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When she turned back around, her father and the car was gone. "Great," she muttered, aware that she was now alone with nothing to do. They had gotten there the day after they had received the letter, which meant she could have been sitting there along for another three days before another person arrived. Reaching into her bag, she pulled out an older looking book, Hamlet to be exact. She had read the book twice now, but each time she read it she found something that she had missed the previous time. It wasn't like she was some literature freak, she just read pretty much anything she could get her hands on. Being "the nerd" never bothered her, she didn't have to be pretty or popular. Not that she had time for friends anyways, always either at work, reading/writing, practicing guitar, or drawing. Well, work took up most of her time, but half the time she was there she wasn't really doing anything- so those things were a good distraction. And when her insomnia kept her up all night, her guitar provided entertainment. Even if her father had to soundproof her room because she kept waking him up.

Jess heard someone approaching behind her, and closed the book before sliding it into her bag. Though as she went to say hello, another girl suddenly appeared and took the boys attention. No worries, she was glad that the girl had done so. She really wasn't the most social- or kind -person, it wouldn't be in her best interest to make enemies already. Especially since she was still half asleep, the Venom in her hand wasn't doing much. She should have gone for a Monster, but they were out of green and she refused to drink any other kind. Though she wasn't quite sure that there was much of a difference between them, it didn't matter.

When a fancy Mercedes pulled up to the campus, her interest peaked. So far she hadn't seen anyone arrive in too expensive of cars, even her fathers own Lexus IS wasn't as expensive. Pulling her duffel onto her shoulder- careful not to spill her drink -she lazily made her way over to the boy who had just exited the car. "Hey," she called, an attempt to get his attention. "You're here for the thing, right?" Her eyes trailed over him for a moment, before returning to his face. "Yeah, you are." She answered her own question, looking almost thoughtful as she took in the boy before her. "Anyways, I'm Jess, not that it matters. Mind if I stand over here and pretend to talk to you? I really don't feel like socializing."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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The drive to the campus was terrible, and to top it all off, his iPod had died halfway through, so he sat there for three hours listening to his parents continuously congradulate if they didn't know it was happening? They had known since the day he was born; hell, even he had known. He had been slowly waiting for his life to end, only, it didn't seem real. None of it did. So what? He had to marry someone. Then, they would grow old and do the same with their own kids. Quite honestly, he had no other future planned for, this was as good as it would get.

Hopping out of the Mercedes, his parents immediately drove off, leaving him with his two bags, and a white beanie on his head. He glanced around casually, then pulled out a cool Monster, popping the top. His eyes scanned the campus, as he noticed already a few people standing around. Before making his way over, a girl who had just approached him said, after quite the introduction, "I'm Jess, not that it matters. Mind if I stand over here and pretend to talk to you? I really don't feel like socializing." The way she spoke almost made Lucan laugh. "You're about as social as me, huh?" he said, smirking slightly, as he adjusted his beanie and took another sip from his monster. "I'm Lucan, cool to meet you..I'm down for that." Raising his eyebrows, he studied Jess closely. She was attractive, no doubt. But that wasn't his reason for coming here, he quickly reminded himself. "You're a fan of Monster I see?" he asked after noticing the can in her hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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Phil was recovering from his period of shyness when he heard a voice below him. "Hi, I'm Viviana, did you just get here too?" He couldn't lie, he was a bit startled. After jumping back a bit, he looked for the source. "Don't do-" He met her eyes and hushed up immediately-he couldn't flip out on something this dainty. "Yea..." he allowed his voice to die and slowly fall down to a mumble and then silence. His cheeks were red and he knew it. Standing next to her, he gathered a bit of stability. "Phil."

Shifting his gaze slowly upward, moving from the ground, up her body, he stopped at her sketches. Interrupted by doors slamming he looked up. He thought it was odd, the girl he had tried to talk to, was now over on the other end of the campus, speaking to someone else. He returned to Viviana and her sketches. "You're pretty good." He let his eyes drift up to her face, leaving her with a smirk.

Another door closed, and he looked back at Jessica. Phil was a bit rustled, she was now talking with two others, but wouldn't even regard the one who tried to talk to her first? "Hey we don't need them to have a bit of fun." Phil tried not to be angry about being ignored by Jessica, but kept glancing up at the scene on the other end of the campus. He didn't want to handle it, and would rather just remove himself from the situation. He put his hand on Viviana's back, to hint at her to stand. "Wanna put this in your room?"
As his hand moved up and nudged on her shoulder blades, he reached down for the smaller bag. He didn't know if she would be determined to stay, and he couldn't take the larger bag with her on it. "May I?" Maybe he hadn't presented himself well enough to Jessica. If he showed himself as a gentleman, it might make a better impression, and have more desirable results.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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She wasn't quite sure what had convinced her to go over to the new boy- well, they were all new -but she was glad she had. One glance back at the other boy and she was sure he was just a flirt, and he didn't seem to be a very good one at that. It didn't matter, she had no real concern with these people, just had to go through some initiation and marry one. No problem, right? She could try and get along with them, and if they just didn't fit then they could surely just get a divorce. The Puppeteers weren't really going to force them to live together, married, if they didn't get along.


Her thoughts left her slightly more worried than before, but she didn't let it show. Everyone here seemed, well, okay so far. There was nothing to worry about, honestly. She was just getting worked up for nothing. Instead of thinking about it, she focused her attention on the boy- Lucan, in front of her. "If you'd rather hide in your room and play xbox rather than go out, then yes, just about as social as you." Many times her friends asked her to do things, like go to the mall or the movies, but she always declined, making excuses about tests and silly things that really didn't exist. "Mm, cool to meet you too," she repeated his words, still not entirely paying attention until he mentioned the drink in her hand. This time she smiled, nodding. "It's probably the only thing that can wake me up in the morning," she joked, chewing on her bottom lip for a moment. "It doesn't seem to be working much now though." Her hand moved up to brush a few stray pieces of hair out of her face, completely oblivious to the fact that Lucan was, "checking her out". "You obviously are too," her eyebrows raised as she spied the similar can in his hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Garrett Wallace Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Mikayla Achtem Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell
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[OOC: If you saw my last post, ignore it. We are continuing with this one! c:]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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#, as written by Tessla
Viviana heard footsteps behind her, she turned around to see who it was. They made eye contact and the boy blushed and quickly looked away so Vivy turned her attention back to the other boy. "Don't do-" Viviana was a bit surprised when he spoke because it was so abrupt and he sounded kind of annoyed, then he looked down at her and his voice grew gentler. "Yea... Phil." Viviana smiled when he introduced himself, he seemed nice, maybe she didn't hate all pupeteers after all.

Phil looked down at Viviana's drawings, "You're pretty good." She smiled "Thanks, this is my friend. I'm gonna' miss her when I'm here. She looked down at the sketchpad again and stuck her pencil in the binding done drawing for the moment.

Viviana stood up feeling a hand on her back, "Wanna put this in your room?" He nudged her shoulder blades and reached down for the smaller bag. "May I?" Viviana smiled again. "You may, you can call me Vivy too if you'd like, which ever one you like better." She took the bigger bag and started walking towards the entrance of the building with her new... friend?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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Phil was reassured that he had cooled down enough when she smiled. He had always been worried that he got angry too easily, but this time he was pulled back to earth-although he thinks it was more over her appearance and not self discipline.

When she spoke of a friend she missed. "Well, maybe I'll give you something to keep your mind off her." He was glad she would go inside with him, all that was going on outside, along with the people he didn't want to deal with. "Vivy sounds good," he said with another nudge. He was slightly disappointed that she had taken the larger bag. Did she want him to carry that too? He would gladly hold it for her, but he didn't want to be pushy.

He stopped worrying about her luggage as they approached the entrance. "Is it locked?" Phil was determined to find out. There must of been a reason why they hadn't been invited inside, but his curiosity fell-he didn't want to kick the door and alter his reputation with these puppeteers even further. "So uh... what now?" with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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#, as written by Tessla
They continued walking and as they reached the entrance they stopped. "Is it locked?" Vivy looked over to her friend and shrugged, neither of them knew anything more than the other it seemed, at least Vivy didn't feel dumb for not knowing.

"So uh... what now?" Phil asked as he smiled. Vivy turned to him giggled and said "I don't know." she tried the knob and it was indeed locked. she then backed up and kicked it really hard in the center. It stayed standing. "Jeez, this thing is strong. How are we supposed to get inside?" She sat down leaning against the door just as it opened and she fell down onto her back. Viviana looked up as she fell seeing a very dapper man dressed in a butler's uniform. She felt like she was attending a party in a huge mansion or something. Viviana quickly got up with the help of Phil and turned back to the man.

"Umm, hi! Can we go in?" The man pointed inside saying yes and Vivy walked in sitting down on a couch in the lobby. "Well that worked." She said to herself and sighed loudly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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Viviana's giggle went through Phil. He didn't feel weak in the knees, he could still stand. Impressed by her actions of being straightforward and trying the door, something he didn't want to do. "Jeez, this thing is strong. How are we supposed to get inside?" Phil laughed and rolled up his sleeves. "Maybe I can do something about that." He was all about teasing and joking around, but soon he would be needed. She fell to the ground, and Phil rushed to assist. Trying to hold back a laugh, "Are you alright?" He didn't mind helping her up - she was small, then again, most were in Phil's eyes.

Phil followed Viviana into the lobby. He sat on the couch next to her, and glanced over to her. His cheeks were red and he knew it, must of been from sitting so close to her. In an attempt to lighten the situation, he tried teasing her a bit. Taking off his headphones, he placed them gently on her, and looked away off into space as if nothing happened.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucan Seth Oakley Character Portrait: Jessica Olson Character Portrait: Malecai Knoltes Character Portrait: Viviana Blackwell Character Portrait: Phillip PĂȘche
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#, as written by Tessla
Phil sat down next to Viviana and put his headphones on her. Vivy saw how red his cheeks were, she thought it was cute. As Phil pretended nothing happened so did Vivy. She took the headphones and placed them on her ears and plugged them into her phone, she pretended she was listening to her music unaware of Phil's presence.

After a while of them both pretending she took of his headphones smiled at him and handed them back over. "So, what do you want to do now? This place is like huge!" She got up and started circling the big room exploring every figurine on the shelves and every picture on the walls.

She came across a picture of her parents' graduation? Vivy had no idea what it was called when you left this place other then the word she used, heaven. She took it off them wall and sat back down looking at her parents expression. They looked so sad, why wouldn't they want to leave here? Oh yeah, because they didn't care about taking advantae of their awful abilities and using their power over others.

Viviana placed the picture on the couch next to her after drawing a mustache on her mother and devil horns on her father with her sharpie. She then looked back to Phil. "I'm bored."