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Alekzander Caine

"Curses? What do you know of curses child?"

0 · 668 views · located in Purgatory.

a character in “Purgatory Remix”, as played by ArchGerbil


Name: Alekzander Caine

Age: Seems to be around 30, True age: Unknown

Backstage pass: Alekzander Caine (originally thought to be just Caine) is immortal. It has been theorized that he was cursed at the dawn of man to walk the Earth forever. This has rather screwed with his general outlook on the universe as you can well imagine. He has found his way into Purgatory to find answers.

Physical Description: Alekz appears to be a gentleman of moderate height, with dark hair and white, pupil-less eyes. His attire is a deep black suit and jacket with a red tie sporting a serpent motif. Other accouterments on his person are a pocket watch that does not tick and a serpent-headed cane thought to be his soul given form.

Personality: Alekz is polite to a fault. He is slow to anger and easy to quiet short of merging. Beneath his genteel veneer though, Alekz is bitter and cynical. Centuries of walking the Earth, watching man's follies and feeling responsible for some reason has blackened his outlook on life. When he finds a noble heart, he will treasure the person beyond the worth of all gold. Evil creatures only serve to stoke his anger and resentment.

History: His true origin is unknown even to Alekz, but he can remember the building of the pyramids, the rise and fall of Rome was just a passing glimmer, the Dark Ages were a brief flicker of the candle that represents his life. Alekz cannot die while on Earth. He is in fact responsible for many of humanity's myths about vampires. Alekz is unnaturally fast and tough. Not so much as a God but then again, he is immortal so that's not much of an issue. His cane also contains a sword of pure spirit, being his soul after all, which is sharper than any known metal and stronger than titanium. If Alekz and his cane are separated, he can focus on nothing else until he reacquires it, but he loses a lot of his speed and toughness.

Theme Song: Angels Calling by Sabaton

Quote: "Curses? What do you know of curses child?"

Likes: Seeing good in all its forms and being able to help in the perpetuation thereof! Enjoys the company of those who don't know of his curse. Sunlight and the smell of rain.

Dislikes: Evil, inconsideration and general nastiness. Also really dislikes reptiles.

So begins...

Alekzander Caine's Story


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Taking a sip, the man replies, "Why yes, I think I am now. But where are my manners?" With a flourish, the man bows, his cane tucked under his left arm, right hand extended. "Alekzander Caine at your service." He looks up, revealing his dead white eyes for the first time, "And what a pleasure such service shall be."


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Taking the proffered hand, Alekz plants a light kiss and replies while straightening, "Forgive me, I learnt my manners many years ago and they still get the better of me." He appraises the young lady for a moment, What an interesting name, he ponders.


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Taking another sip of his drink, Alekz replied, "I search for answers to questions without any. I seek assistance for a problem that has no solution. Mostly though, I simply want to pass the time." Alekz turned towards the room offering the crook of his arm to Jig, "Shall we take a seat?"


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His eyes flashing for a moment, Alekz calmed himself, These are the times now, the old ways seem so timeworn these days. Alekz moved towards a table and, with a sad smile, pulled out a chair for Jig, "I'm afraid my tale would take far too long to tell, and I would not risk boring such a new acquaintance."


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Alekz thinks for a moment, "In my case, far too many tales to conveniently count and most their relevance lost in time. But I could start with a somewhat more recent tale."


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Alekz settled himself into his seat, his cane resting gently against his chest and seeming calmer for it, "This tale starts not too long ago." He paused to pour them both a drink, "But some clarification is needed first: I am cursed for reasons I cannot recall and to what end I know not. All I desire is to end it and in that quest, I have discovered this place. Though its not what I expected it to be."


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Alekz chuckles, "Fruitless, I know." Gathering his thoughts for a moment he continued, "In 1942, I stumbled across a mention of a world outside Earth, yet anchored to it. Over the next 50 years I worked and researched until, by purest chance, I discovered a charm that could provide me with a bridge to this place." Taking another sip, Alekz thought, Why am I being so free with my history, could it be that I'm getting drunk?


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A sad smile spreading his face slightly, Alekz replied, "To be honest, I thought this place was heaven and that, if there is an answer or a solution, it would be here." Who is this strange young lady, Alekz wondered, that she achieves so easily that which seemed virtually impossible? "Honestly," he continued, "I don't think there is a solution although hope springs eternal. Mostly I just wanted a change of scenery."


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Alekz grew distant for a moment as if recalling a life that has been far to long, "A terrible price you say?" He leaned forward slightly, his hand gripping his cane as if in pain, his colourless eyes glinting in the light, "I have already paid a price far too terrible for any mortal to pay." Visibly calming himself, he leaned back once more, "As for heaven, I think it is just a hope, a desire to find peace and, if possible, happiness. Frankly, what more can one really ask for?" Alekz waved his hand dismissively, "But this is far too depressing a topic for a man to to be having with a lady, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself my dear, if I may call you such."


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Alekz barely suppressed a laugh, "She drank a fire elemental? Why on Earth would she do that?" Pouring himself and Jig another drink and feeling more than a little unstable Alekz asked, "And, if I may inquire, what would these bigger plans be that their launching should happen from here?"


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Reassessing the young lady seated across from him Alekz replied, "Personal advancement is a noble cause if used for the right reasons. But why such serious desires? What could have happened to jade one such as you?" What a remarkable person, not at all what I expected from one so young, Alekz thought.


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Ah, philosophy! Finally some familiar ground! "To make the world one lives in a better place," Alekz replied, "for both you and those around you. To achieve goals that seem impossible. Perhaps even for power's own sake." Alekz smiled his first genuine smile in years, "Though, personally, I have found power to be worthless. Knowledge and ability are what achieves goals as they cannot be taken away."


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Alekz chuckled, "Even that power can be taken away by someone more powerful, and there is always someone more powerful." Leaning forward again, though noticeably unstable this time, Alekz continued, "True knowledge on the other hand, either garnered through experience or through learning, is a rarity and is as priceless as the ability to use it."


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Grinning, Alekz took another sip before replying, "What you say is true, though I would not call a perfect memory a blessing after what I have seen. I once thought as you do, and attempted to achieve as much with the knowledge and experience at my disposal which, even all those years ago, was not inconsiderable. I was brought down by a barbarian king with fanatic army. Power comes in many forms, in that case belief and self-righteousness, and not all of them can be foreseen." As if by force of habit, Alekz's hand found its way into his jacket pocket and withdrew an old timepiece. Alekz cocked his head slightly and listened for a moment, never so much as glancing at it. With a sigh he replaced the pocket-watch and continued, "Time destroys all and power is no exception. In fact, time is any power's greatest weakness. Never underestimate the power of the changing seasons my dear."


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Alekz smiled at the young lady's determination recalling a time when he was just as certain, Have I truly become so cynical that I no longer believe that I can change my fate?, he wondered. "No forgiveness is required from me, in fact it is I should beg forgiveness for trying to dissuade you from your course." He laughed then, "Call it the rambling of a tired soul who has witnessed too much." Pouring out the last of the rum in refilling the glasses, Alekz raised his, "I propose a toast: To achieving what fate would like to deny us so we can mock her with all the maliciousness with which she mocks us!"


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"Too many successes and failures? I guess you could say that. But it has been a long time since this started." Alekz gazed off into the past and sighed whimsically, "The Colosseum, now building that showed the world who was in charge, a greater achievement than even the pyramids. Damn them for beating me to that! I showed them in the end though! Vanity did have its price unfortunately..." Too late Alekz realized how crazy he must sound. The Colosseum? Why on Earth did I bring that monstrosity up? Recovering, Alekz said, "Informing the world who's boss is the best part but also the most dangerous I think. I think you'll enjoy it."


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"That's always the way it starts," Alekz responded, "but sooner or later one always ends up with more. And the problem with having more is that you always want more." She is so similar to how I used to be. History repeating itself?, he thought, Perhaps in this place I might find what I'm looking for... "Conquering the world is like wooing a lady," Alekz continued, "You start with a kiss and before you know it, you are knee deep in children." It might just be possible that this young lady was put in my path for a reason. Or, the far more likely, I'm just drunk, Alekz mused as he took another sip of rum.


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"And when they do," Alekz said with a wide grin, "I can assure you I shall be there to congratulate you." I shall also most likely be there when you fall, Alekz continued the thought to himself, It isn't the drink, I was meant to meet this girl. Perhaps through her I can redeem myself in some small way?


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Alekz gave a self-conscious laugh, "My philosophy? I think everything moves in cycles, I have watched empires rise and fall. Great powers emerge only to replaced by new ones in time. Nothing, with the possible exception of myself, remains constant," Alekz again took out his pocket-watch but this time just turned it over in his hand, "As far as I know, only I, amongst those that fall short of godhood, am forever. A fact I want to change. As for what I seek, I seek an end to this," A profound sadness crept across his face, the lack of a tick from the timepiece in his hand was almost deafening in the pause, "existence. And coping with such a belief is easy after you have seen it happen over and over again." Its been centuries since I was this open with anyone, Alekz considered, And it feels good to express this with someone else.


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The smile vanished off Alekzander's face, "Do not wish for something until you know what it entails! Not being able to die is a curse I wouldn't wish on even my greatest enemy." Alekz relaxed once more and took a large sip of his rum, "As for what I believe, its irrelevant. Either I am insane, which, after all this time, is entirely possible, or I am immortal." Alekz pauses to consider a moment, "Perhaps I could offer my assistance with your plans and yours in return with my search? Your ambition could see a solution where my tired soul could not and my experience could help you see pitfalls before they set you back."