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"Jig" Blackenshield

Cruel and Unusual

0 · 381 views · located in Purgatory.

a character in “Purgatory Remix”, originally authored by Shanatos, as played by RolePlayGateway


Personal Appearance Assessment #865
I dyed my hair black today. I think I'll be keeping it this way for awhile. I wanted a "darker" look from my natural blond.

Personal Appearance Assessment #887
I have successfully treated my eyes, and am pleased to say that this is the end of my vision problems. I will still wear glasses, though. I like the way they frame my face. The main point of this was to not wake up to a blurred world every morning. Even better, the eyedrops have enhanced my vision in several other ways and turned the irises red. Now I've become a total albino stereotype: crimson eyes and no vision problems. I can't wait for everyone at school to be freaked out.

Personal Appearance Assessment #900
I was measured today. 5' 6", the same as last year. This means I am unlikely to grow in physical stature without external aid. I shall have to look into this. I was hoping to grow a little taller. My mother said even though I didn't grow in height, I still grew more beautiful this year. I am inclined to agree with her.

Personal Appearance Assessment #964
Success! I have mastered the art of biofeedback! The processes of my own body are mine to command! I have permanently added two inches to my height and will no longer have to worry about trivialities such as dieting. I ate an entire large pepperoni pizza and a whole chocolate cake to celebrate. I like 5' 8". Tall, but not freakish like my giraffe of a sister.


Book of Grudges Entry #20972
Dear Book of Grudes, I am very distraught today. Oh, to hell with my overly verbose writing style. I'm fucking pissed. Today was the last straw. I know I've said that before, and it was true then, but fate keeps piling straws upon my back. It is only through my supreme strength of will and determination that I am able to bear these burdens most innumerable.

I will never forgive any of these bastards for accomplishing so much and getting everything I've ever wanted, handed to them on a silver platter, without even having to work for it! I have worked hard to hone myself my entire life, from a life of isolation, from a life of living in the shadows of my older siblings, of having to scratch and claw and scrape just to remind everyone I exist. Apparently being a super-genius jill-of-all-trades isn't enough for them all.

I guess we just live in a world where you have to take everything by force.

Today, I hereby declare war on the world. It shall all be mine. I will subjugate the world to my whims and force them to cast their crowns at my feet, and then they will regret their previous treatment of me. But of course, it will be too late.

How does that Frankenstein quote go? "I have love in my the likes of which you can scarcely imagine, and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other."

I think it's time for a bit of...indulgence.

I must ask Florissa about this. She knows what it's like to have hatred burn in her heart. I'm sure she would be able to understand what I am saying. If nothing else, she is good for giving a girl some sympathy when she's feeling belligerent. She, of course, knowing all there is to know about belligerence.


Birthday Special #12
My eldest sister got me a present today. She said it was a "custom-made sawn-off semi-automatic gas-powered flintlock revolver". It has a scope, too. And it's made of platinum. I don't know too much about guns, but I'm not sure how all those things are supposed to go together. I am also not sure my parents would like me to have this. Then again, I already have lot of things that my parents don't need to know about, so what's one more thing? I have no idea how it works, but it at least does work. And I'm certain I will be able to add some "enhancements" of my own to make it more effective. I can think of a few charms it could do with...true-strike, something to make it shoot faster and harder...I'm seeing a lot of potential here. And precious metals do hold enchantments so well. I know she just made it like that for "bling", but she unintentionally gave me an item of one of highest classes of materials for creating magic items. I guess you're not completely useless, eh, "Onee-chan"?

Birthday Special #16
Finally, my useless parents got me something worthwhile! A brand new bookbag of holding! Now I can carry my whole library (including my entire life's work) with me everywhere I go. Score!


Daily Recap #4004
I have been accepted to the Imperial Prestigious Metaphysicists' Academy. Soon I will be studying the deep secrets of the universe! World Domination shall be mine! Finally my genius has been recognized by greater powers and I have entered into an exlusive clique of the great geniuses of our age, of which I shall assume my natural place as the greatest. The mysterys of science, alchemy, and chessboxing will all be revealed to me! This will be the best correspondence course ever!

Daily Recap #5239
Today marks the day that my last older sibling has moved off to college, leaving only me and the drop-out. It is quite shameful. She is ten years older than I am, the second oldest of our brood, and yet she is still living at home. At least she managed to earn her G.E.D. I am fine with this situation, however. Florissa is the only worthwhile sibling I have. The rest were all pretentious idiots. And they're no fun to fuck around with. They get all flipped out if you toy with their emotions. Flo only gets really mad, and the results are always amusing.

Important Update #2790
Oh, dearest journal, the most hilarious thing just happened! Get this: Florissa, ever the consummate imbecile, broke into my lab, stole on of my captured fire elementals, and ATE IT. Can you believe that? I think she thought it would give her its powers, or something. I am laughing so hard I can barely write this. I don't even care about losing the elemental, this is just too rich. Her insides got all scorched to hell and now she's dead. Frankly, I'm surprised she made it this long, and I am pleased she went out like this. It would have been far too pathetic for her to get "capped" or overdose on cocaine. This was just too perfect. Oh, my dearest deadbeat sibling, I shall miss you terribly. Unlike all the insipid overachievers in our family, I loved you. Without your incessant amusing stupidity, the world is far less colorful. I must now contend with all this realm's boring idiots. Oh well.

Daily Recap #6408
My plans for world domination have been going according to schedule so far, but I think I may need to put them on hold for awhile. I have recently learned from one of my numerous underworld (the literal underworld) contacts that my sister is running amok in Purgatory. Apparently her little experiment actually worked (sort of) and her spirit turned into fire elemental of some kind. I've been thinking I should make arrangments to pay the skank a visit...yesssss...

So begins...

"Jig" Blackenshield's Story


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Meanwhile, a teenage girl snuck up behind Florissa. "You didn't write that."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Underage drinking. Actually, I don't know what the legal age here is. They probably don't have one. In a more meta sense, I am here looking for you, my dearest sister."


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"Don't try to revise your previous exclamation. Is that any way to treat the baby sis you haven't seen in six months?" Jig clicked her tongue. "Word around town is you actually managed to make a name for yourself here. Still small-time, but it's working out for you. Not like back home, where you were just a thug. Must be the additional...firepower you received, eh?"


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Oh, please, Florissa, darling, finding out such trifling details is nothing for one such as I, don't you remember? Now. Why don't you give your lil sis a grand tour of the City."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Jig looked over at the newcomer as the drinks slid over. For some reason, she got the a bit disoriented, like he was either in a tavern for the first time, or for the first time in a long while. He was dressed nicely enough...perhaps she would be able to use him. "A rum fan, eh?" she said.


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Interesting, she thought. He's obviously not blind, must be thoughting different. She curtsied, and shook his hand. "Jealousy Injury Grievance Blackenshield. Though you may call me Jig. And you shouldn't be so eager to offer your service to those you've barely met."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Jig withheld the urge to jerk away her hand. She was in polite company now, she reminded herself, and it would do well to respone in kind. An old-fashioned gentlemen, eh? She wondered if it was genuine, or an act. You got both kinds in this kind of place. She would have to observe further while making conversation. "So, Mister Caine, what brings you to a dive like this?"


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Jig downed the rest of her drink in one go. She pointedly ignored his offer of an arm, but smiled. "Yes, let us take a seat. You look like a man who has some tales to tell."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Is a person one tale, or many tales?" she asked.


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Indeed...Tell me one of yours, and I will tell you one of mine," she replied. She gestured to one of the servers and told her to bring them a bottle of drink.


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"I see," she said. "Good luck with that. But please, do continue."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"My, how unfortunate. I was able to arrange my arrival in this place on rather short notice. But then, I have a variety realms such as this, that I've cultivated during my life," Jig replied, pouring herself another drink. "So, what makes you think the solution to your curse is here? Anything in particular? Or just the hope that this is a place where anything and everything can happen?"


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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She gave a slight laugh. "Not even the angels here can find heaven. But...perhaps heaven can never be found. Perhaps it doesn't exist. Perhaps it can't exist. Perhaps heaven is a place on earth. I myself believe that 'heaven', as some kind of perfect place above all other location, must be created by one's own hand." She took a drink, and then added. "But if there is a solution, it can be found here. Though, anyone who would know would probably demand a terrible price. That's why I prefer to solve things on my own, with a few exceptions of those I know I can trust."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Jig laughed. "Very well. I have recently arrived here to find myself sister. She got herself killed by drinking a fire elemental a few months ago. Turns out, it really did turn her into a fire elemental...just here in Purgatory rather than back on earth. In a broader sense, I hope to start setting up shop here as a launching board for bigger plans."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Uh..." Jig replied. "She's kind idiot." To the latter, she responded, "Personal cultivation. The increase of personal knowledge, power, and skill." And world domination, baby, she added inwardly.


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Jade? Have I really given that impression?" Jig answered. Fucking overachiever siblings and cocksucking popular girls at school, what else?she thought. "I have little else I'm interested in. I am fortunate enough to be most entertained by such things as study and practice. Though. Tell me what what reasons you would find right?"


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Making the world a better place? Figures. "It depends on the type of power. When I speak of power, I mean one's one strength. I do not believe in foolish notions like holding authority over others, who bow only due to weakness of spirit and overattachment to the laws of their culture."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"Even knowledge isn't permanent," Jig pointed out. "Memory can fade. I have been blessed with a perfect memory, but even that could be stolen by unnatural means. Nothing is permanent if we do not defend it. It is my intention that I will stand alone above the sky, unassaultable. You say there is always someone stronger? Indeed. But who is stronger than the stronger? I will become that person...or, in the words of Fifty Cent, die trying."


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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Please don't tell me this guy started out as a Conan villain, Jig thought. She then said, "Forgive me for disagreeing, but I see that as simply a defeatist attitude. Even if I thought it was true, I would change myself from my present course. If time, or fate, or the whims of man wish to see me fall, they will have to accomplish it themselves, and in such case, they may consider themselves warned. Besides, I simply can't imagine such a thing happening." Jig paused then, wondering if she was having a bit much to drink. Usually it wouldn't be a problem, but maybe purgatory rum was stronger than earth rum. She was being a bit more open with her real philosophy than she had previously decided. She supposed she just couldn't help herself.


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Character Portrait: "Jig" Blackenshield
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"I'll drink to that," she said, clinking her glass to his. "You've obviously just been in the game too long, and faced too many setbacks after too many successes. My life has been a complete line of struggle after struggle, so I've never had the luxury of an easy success. I'm certain I can overcome anything because overcoming is my entire existence. I always knew the world was mine, and I intend to inform it of this, no matter how difficult." She coughed. Perhaps that had been a little too megalomaniacal.