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Radioactive: The Gift

Maldoy Academy, La Veta, Colorado


a part of Radioactive: The Gift, by .euphoria..


.euphoria. holds sovereignty over Maldoy Academy, La Veta, Colorado, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Maldoy Academy, La Veta, Colorado is a part of Radioactive: The Gift.

39 Characters Here

Jack Lake [23] It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment
Elle Lethbridge [22] Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.
Rhine Donovan [22] "Innocent? We will see how innocent you still think I am when I literally give you nightmares."
Danilo Jonathon Maxwell [22] "Need a light?"
Henry Camaz [21] When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.
Haven Tatumn [21] "You know... Let there be light!"
Kaelana [21] "What did you call me?"
Ruby Desiree Moore [19] Life is too short, so have fun!
Posy Llewellyn [19] Our fears are more numerous than our dangers, and we suffer more in our imagination than in reality

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Character Portrait: Jason Martin Blake
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Jason Martin Blake


Jason didn't look up from his laptop when the announcement sounded. Why should he? It was the same one he heard every day here, and though he had recently returned from his summer vacation he was so accustomed to it by now that it didn't merit attention. First period wasn't one of his. It comprised of Health, Battle, Theatre Arts and English classes, none of which were his subject now he was a teacher's assistant. He did, however, look up when he noted some movement outside through the window. Several other students didn't seem to have taken the announcement seriously either.

Looking inside one of their heads - Francesco Giordano, he found, as people had their identities imprinted on their every thought - he heard them talking about a party they were having. Ah, yes. The little celebration they always held at the beginning of any year. This time it seemed they were having it outdoors. Moreover, it seemed they were all skipping class to plan it. The first class of the year and they were skipping it? And all to plan a party. Some people had no sense of priorities. Jason retreated from Giordano's mind, as ever leaving no trace and no sense that he had ever been there.

Most students in the school had no idea what his actual abilities were. Jason took pains to keep it that way. He used them sparingly, and when he did it was usually in some subtle way or with mental illusions to disguise it. Some people thought he could teleport or become invisible, such as Carson Deveraux's little gang. Deveraux himself believed it was intangibility after a little incident a few years ago. Others, meanwhile, thought him capable of telekinesis, mind control or even reality manipulation. They all believed what he wanted them to.

Jason stood up, closing his laptop and returning it to his briefcase. All his preparations for the semester had of course been finished before he came to the school, but with a copy of the course schedule from the teacher he was assisting he had seen the necessity of making a few alterations. With that done, he had some time off before his class started. He could use it to finish reading Brave New World, which he'd left in his room. He just hoped he wasn't stopped along the way by some distraction or nuisance...

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Anastacia Delgado-Valdez Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Kaelana Character Portrait: Philanie Ferreira Character Portrait: Elle Lethbridge Character Portrait: Carlee Deveroux
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Rhine Donovan

Rhine led the way from the cafeteria, forgetting about Kaelana and everything that had happened in the cafeteria. She glanced over at Elle, grinning a little. "Mess with a new kid? That's probably the way it'd have to be, everyone else can see us coming a mile away." Elle had replied with a quick grin. Rhine of course nodded in agreement as she kept leading the way. She weaved past people in the hallway, going through the hallway smoothly as she looked for some kind of new kid that they could mess with or for better words get to know. "Any ideas? I could do the whole jump into an animal freak people out thing with how clever the squirrel is...but that's getting pretty old. If only I could take over a flock of birds, pull a Hitchcock. That'd be fun." Elle mused which made Rhine giggle a little. "Seriously? Pull a Hitchcock?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. "Good one that would be pretty amusing to watch." She commented finally

"Keep your eyes peeled, Rhine. Maybe we'll get lucky and won't have to search far for some fun." Elle finished. "I hope so too." Rhine told her, pulling Elle down another hallway only to stop half way down the hallway. She turned towards Elle holding her arm out to stop her best friend. "Wait, we are kind of just walking down random hallways. Have you thought about that?" She asked curiously. "Maybe we should go towards where the most new students would be heading towards." She offered up the idea. It was the first year for the new students and the chances of them being with a second, third, or fourth year student was slim and chances were they were either trying to find their first period or they were slowly making their way to their first period. The only reason she thought they were slowly making their way to their first period was because there was those people who took their time through the hallway and sometime new students didn't really know how to move around them. All of this was just her opinion, so most of them could already be in class.

Haven Tatumn

Haven picked at the ground, it probably wasn't the best idea to pick at the ground though because of Kaelana, but who said she cared? Kaelana she didn't know too well, but for some reason she didn't want to get on her bad side. When she looked at Henry just as people began to arrive she noticed his face and how Nina was near them. Her lips quivered a little as she tried to stop a smile that was forcing its way onto her face. Suddenly she started giggling when he noticed that Nina had been beside them. It usually was quite amusing when Henry's face would get a bright shade of red like that. The girl gently nudged her best friend then rolled her eyes as she looked at Nina. A nod to her showed that the incident this morning was fine and it was as if it never happened even though it really did.

A soft sigh escaped her lips while she listened as the group approached the tree. Kaelana left a line of flowers in her path as she walked while people trailed behind her. Momentarily glancing up she looked at everyone in the group she even looked at Henry one time before seeing Arty and smiling a little as her gaze went back down to the ground. Feeling as though she really didn't belong here right now she just kept her mouth shut. They talked about not having liquor which didn't disappoint her because she never like liquor or anything alcoholic. The smile she had earlier was slowly vanishing, her head was down and she was half thinking up ideas half regretting not just going to class. She couldn't help that she just wanted good grades and that people know her as a "good girl". A girl who doesn't want to miss class and who just wants to get good grades and be that star student. That was their opinion, she was a good girl, she did want good grade, but it didn't mean she didn't know how to have fun.

See that was the thing, everyone saw her as the good girl who didn't know how to relax and have fun. Anyone who has taken the time to get to know her would prove that wrong. Secretly she knows how to party, she knows how to have fun and how to be the life of the party. It's just a fact that she refuses to admit because she doesn't want to be that girl who people try to take advantage of. She wants to be the independent girl who could take care of herself if she really had to. Finally after a while of just listening to them talk about the party and what would be a good idea for the party she ran a hand through her hair. Thinking about an input she could have on party ideas, though, nothing came to mind.

Darell Wright

Darell heard what the head master had to say that the school day was about to start so the children should get to their classrooms for the start of their day. He glanced over at Carlee, giving her a gentle smile. He put a hand on her arm, "If you need anything else feel free to talk to me, ok?" He told her before he slowly moved his hand and rose from his seat. He glanced over at his food, his cold food that he had forgotten to eat. Crap, oh well there was no way he was going to eat that food now. Sighing softly he scooped the food up and went over to a trash can where he threw the food away. Once his food was in the trash he looked over at Carlee, "You probably should get to class Carlee. I'll see you 8th Period ok?" He offered her a gentle smile before walking over to the doors that lead to the outside.

Slowly he made his way over to the doors where he walked through to get to the outside. He stood next to the door the way he always did right before class. It was something he felt was needed because if anyone decided just to walk right on by and skip his class then he could easily catch them. Of course several kids try to use some kind of excuse that they needed their books, but what kid needs their books for a Battle class? No one should need a book, at least he didn't think they needed a book. Just as he was positioning himself outside the door he noticed Anastacia leaning on the wall next to the door of his room. This made him raise an eyebrow at her, "Oh hello Anastacia." He greeted her before signaling to the room then shrugged. "Feel free to come in the room if you would like or you could just stand there for a while if you'd like."
