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Henry Camaz

When I hear music, I fear no danger. I am invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest times, and to the latest.

0 · 1,174 views · located in Maldoy Academy, La Veta, Colorado

a character in “Radioactive: The Gift”, originally authored by RubyBlue, as played by RolePlayGateway




Name: Henry Cristiano Camaz
Nickname: Hank, Cristi, Cris, Cam and I don't particularly care for any of them.
Age: 17
Power: Invulnerability, which means I'm basically immune to most anything you can throw at me. Kicks and punches land like flies and I brush them off as such. When it comes to actual weapons I'm pretty well protected by the denseness of my skin. Guns, knives that sort of thing, have no effect as far as I've tested. Which has been a far amount. Not saying that a bomb or nuclear missile couldn't do it, fire hurts like hell, but just maybe they wouldn't. Won't know until you try, right?
I may be invulnerable but I'm not invincible. I get sick like everyone else. Colds, flus, food poisoning you name it I can catch it. I assume this is the same for terminal illnesses like cancer or heart disease. Fire is definitely a weakness, I can't feel most things at least not the way they're supposed to be felt , but fire isn't one of those things. Although I've also found that extreme cold doesn't have much of an effect on my body. So you know, give and take.
Sexuality:Straight I suppose. I dunno, I don't tend to think about it. No, that doesn't mean I'm closeted just means I'm frigid I guess.

Which Side?: Good or Evil? Where have you been lately? Under a rock? We're all just labels now and they stuck me at the forefront of the "evil kids". I personally never thought of myself as a threat. A daredevil and more harm to myself than anyone. That is if I could cause myself any harm. i guess when you mix being nearly indestructible with evil...people get scared. I can't help but to feed into it a bit. Why shouldn't they be scared of me, I'm fucking unstoppable.
+ Sports. Baseball, Soccer, Tennis anything with a ball with suffice.
+ Hanging out with like minded people. You know, non-assholes.
+ Long debates about nothing.
+ Winning
+ Thrill-seeking. Skydiving, base jumping, deep sea diving whatever you got that'll raise the heart rate a bit you know.
+ Pushing my limits. Seeing how fast and how far I can push myself and going faster and farther every day.
+ Classic Alternative Music. I know, one of these things is not like the other, but eighties indie music is untouchable.
+ Being Questioned
+ Losing. Anything. I hate it and I have no problem saying I'm a poor loser and a poor winner.
+ People who pretend to be something they're not. I watch a lot of these kids react to whether they're good or evil and the ones who deny themselves are the saddest.
+ Driving. I'm not good at it and I don't care for it.
+ Fire, the one thing that really hurts...a lot.
+ Getting sick. I'm kind of a germaphobe. All it takes is one illness serious enough and I'm done for. No thanks, man.
+ Being Laughed at or the butt of jokes. You might be laughing now but it won't be for long, I promise.
+ Dreams. I only remember the nightmares.
+ Burning Alive. Fire is one thing I can feel in its entirety. It doesn't do much damage and I don't think it could kill me not that I've extensively researched it or anything. The sensation of burning across your whole body, being engulfed in flames and incapable of dying. No cool embrace of death to escape to. Yeah, I'd say I'm scared.
+Terminal Illnesses. The one thing that can most assuredly kill me is some kind of disease or virus. I've got no natural defense against cancer like I do bullets. It scares the hell out of that there's something my body can't overcome
+Being Alone, I'm not particularly romantically inclined but I do love my friends. They are my family now.

Personality: So I'm pretty much your basic teenage boy. I like sports and hanging out with my friends. I'm always up for a good time and I WILL crash your party if I'm not invited. It's not an event until I show up. I'm not much into the whole dating scene though, seems like a waste of time. My friends would say it's because I'm already much too involved with myself which I can't deny. I'm kind of high maintenance and my sense of humour is dry bordering on sarcastic which doesn't always get me very far. Usually though I'm a pretty happy go lucky kind of guy and I try to be helpful when I'm allowed to. For some strange reason people seem to think I have ulterior motives now. Hmm, wonder why?

I was born and raised in Florida, Miami to be exact to my Cuban mother and Portuguese father. I was the youngest of four and doted on as we all were. I had two older sisters and an older brother and we all got along pretty well, constantly playing tricks on one another or sneaking around after bedtime. Concocting stories to frighten each other and of course I got the brunt of it but it was always good natured. There probably wasn't a day that didn't go by that I didn't hear "Cristi did it!" shouted by one or all of my siblings. I was the baby what more could I expect?
My father was a doctor, an orthopedic surgeon who made enough money for us to live comfortably and for Mother to stay home with us. As we grew older she also became our teacher. My mother was probably the smartest person I know. She had to be extremely clever with four rambunctious children running rampant and my father away at work for the most part. She was always encouraging us in whatever interested us. Art, dance, sports, there was always music and laughter and amazing food.
We were a loud, crazy, loving family. We were allowed to express ourselves in whatever way we pleased, so long as it wasn't criminal or obscene. We painted on the walls, performed a thousand plays and broke a few windows with misplaced baseballs. We were the perfect family.
Five years ago my father finally decided to take a vacation after years of my mother nagging him. We'd been to little places here and there, places close by that we could reach by car. This would be the first time we'd actually be leaving the country and going on a true adventure, or so I thought. Sitting on the plane set for Portugal, the home of my great-grandfather, I could feel the excitement building. I'd never flown before or been outside of the states, I'd be meeting family and practicing my rudimentary Portuguese in no time.
I woke up with a start, the sound of an explosion reverberating through the cabin was deafening. I watched uncomprehendingly as a chunk of the plane tore away as if our plane was made of paper. I could see my family but couldn't hear them. Their faces a mirror of my own I suppose, their mouths wide. Screaming lost in the void as they were ripped away before I myself was falling. The world was strangely silent as I watched my family flung to the sky, the plane burning bright and crashing towards the water. The water was the last thing I saw.
When they found me I was unconscious floating among the debris. The only survivor of a horrific plane crash. Not exactly normal for an average human being. I was hailed as a miracle boy, some kind of amazement to stare at and wonder about. I was taken to the hospital to be checked out, there had to be internal injurires of course, right? Other than the fact that a needle couldn't penetrate my skin I was tip top. My invulnerability had kicked in, saving me from the hand my family and the rest of the passengers on the plane were dealt. After coming to some realization that I might be something special and seeing as how I had no living relatives in the states, my caseworker made a few calls here and there made arrangements. That's when I started school for the first time and I've been here ever since.

Theme Song: The English Beat (Sole Salvation)
Anything else: I'm pretty good at the piano, but I'm getting better at the guitar as we speak.

So begins...

Henry Camaz's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz
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Rhine mumbled to herself, rolling over onto her left side which caused her to fall off her bed with a loud thud. Talk about a terrible way to wake up in the morning especially when she hit the ground she ended up shooting up onto her feet and looking around as if expecting someone there who was the one who knocked her off her bed. No one but her roommate was there so she had to assume that for once she was actually sleeping heavily. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she awkwardly made her way over to her dresser, glancing over her shoulder at Carlee just in case she had accidentally awoken her.

The girl sifted through her close, picking out only the best of her outfits to wear after her long shower. She already knew that today would be a long day mostly due to the hard fact that she had just fallen out of bed. After finding just the right outfit for the day she hurried towards the bathroom where she took a fast shower. When her steaming shower was over she stepped out, followed by a trail of steam, dried herself off then slipped on her outfit. Her outfit was a pair of dark skinny jeans, a white lace shirt and a pair of black flats to finish it all off. She fixed up her makeup so that it looked perfect and matched her outfit. Puckering her lips to make them huge along with her eyes a soft giggle escaped her lips before she rolled her eyes, grabbed her stuff and left her dorm quietly.

There was a slight bounce to her step as she went, she didn't care about anything or anyone at that moment and wanted nothing more than to just get this day done so she could climb back into her bed and go to sleep. She was extremely tired for some reason but if you asked she wouldn't answer your question. She ran a hand through her gorgeous, straight, damp blonde hair. Flipping a strand over her shoulder she went to the cafeteria so that she could eat some breakfast.

Once she got her food she stiffly made her way over to an empty table where she plopped down and just stared at her food. She wasn't too fond of this cafeteria food but she had to deal with it. She had been dealing with it for a while anyways. She looked around the cafeteria, scanning it for any of her friends or someone that looks bored. She desperately needed something to do that would either distract her for a while or amuse her until class time.

In Haven's Dorm
Haven tossed and turned in her bed, lately she hasn't been able to get to much sleep which it has obviously been taking effect on her. She had been trying her best not to show that the lack of sleep that she has been getting isn't bothering her. After several more tosses and turns she finally wakes up with a soft gasp. She blinked a few times then rubbed her eyes, yawning as she did. Once she decided to finally get out of bed she fixed up her bed then her hair. Glaring at herself in the mirror she finally went and threw herself in the shower so that she could possibly wake herself up more.

After her long shower she hopped out, throwing on a pair of gray sweat pants, a loose fitting white t-shirt, a pair of vans and she threw her hair up into a messy bun. All of this together made her look gorgeous even if she wasn't even trying to look pretty at all. She doubled checked herself in the mirror, throwing on only a tiny bit of makeup before pretty much throwing herself out of her dorm.

She checked down the hallway half expecting Henry to come bounding down the hallway or another one of her good friends' to come bounding down the hallways towards her. When no one came she closed her eyes, not really wanting to go anywhere but the sound of her grumbling stomach was what got her to move from her spot. She crossed her arms over her chest, staying silent as she went towards the cafeteria. She still wished one of her friends were here by her side so that she didn't seem like such a loner and so that she didn't feel so alone.

Finally after she got her breakfast and sat down near the corner of the room she put her elbow on the table then rested her head on the palm of her hand which held her head up as she messed with the food on her plate. She took a bite, glancing around the room a little nervously in search of Henry or Arturo. She didn't want to end up getting into a random conversation with someone that she didn't know because then she would end up suddenly looking down and not knowing what to say. When she spotted Arturo she hesitated then waved at him, only to quickly drop her hand and look away. Silently cursing herself she started to eat and act as if she hadn't just waved at him. It probably wasn't the best idea he seemed busy already and she didn't want to bother him.

Warren and Darell
Even as early as it was this Tuesday morning Warren was working with Darell early in the morning to not only try to learn how to control his anger but also so he can learn to depend more on his fighting than on his powers. Warren grunted as he threw punches at a punching bag which was right next to Darell who was barking commands at him. "Come on kid! You can do better than that!" He snapped, demonstrating how he was supposed to fight. Warren groaned and grunted something angrily under his breath about Darell making him made. Darell said something about not getting too angry to Warren. When a bead of sweat made its way down Warren's temple and onto the ground he finally stopped then turned towards his teacher. Warren glared at Darell for a minute then sighed deeply. "I am going to go get some breakfast. I think I need a break." Darell nodded slowly then turned away. Darell walked off, going towards a different place where he started to prepare for class that day.

As soon as Darell had turned away from him he jogged from the battle room. He fanned himself with his hands as he slowed his pace and began to walk towards the cafeteria where he would be able to eat and hopefully finally be able to relax a little. He had blown off some steam already and now what would be better than to just relax.

Warren didn't even care to find any of his friend's when he got into the cafeteria. He wanted nothing more than to eat then fall asleep so he grabbed a plate of food, went over to a random table and started to eat. The way he was eating you would think that he has never eaten in his entire life or something. He stopped suddenly, sitting back and taking in a deep. He needed to slow down just a bit, he still needed to do a few things after this and he didn't want to make himself sick. Finally he glanced around the room, looking at most of the people in the room and then taking slow bites of his food. A bored expression on his face as if he wished there was something better to do right now instead of just sitting here and eating.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Philanie Ferreira
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A sigh escaped the tumbled pile of pillows and blankets that encased Elinor Lethbridge like a cocoon. With a small mewl and a stretch she flipped back the covers and sat upright and sighed again. With a resigned shrug she slid her feet into her slipper and looked across her room to the the perfectly made bed and smiled. "'Spose Myra's been wandering the night again." Elle muttered to herself as she rose to shower. She spent the next fifteen minutes plotting out her goals for the year as she usually did and repeated positive affirmations to herself as she toweled off. After blow drying, curling and make-up application Elle was finally capable of making an appearance in polite company. She knew some kids just went to breakfast in pajamas and didn't care how disturbing it was for other people to have to witness. That was the last thing she could relate to. She might dislike her parents but they always raised her to always put her best foot forward. That included appearance.

Entering the cafeteria the tall redhead looked around nonchalantly, trying to gauge the new kids and perhaps trying to catch a glimpse of any friends who might be among the crowd. Exiting the line her dark green eyes wandered around the room. Catching sight of Arturo's table she flashed a slight grin before moving on, her gaze straying a little too long on Warren before she caught a glimpse of Rhine. Straightening her shoulders and flipping her long red hair behind her she walked towards her friend's table. "You're looking like the new kid no one wants to sit with. Thought I'd come and save you the embarrassment." Elle teased as she sat across from Rhine. Opening her milk and plastic utensils, the ginger girl looked around the cafeteria and then back to her friend "Not a whole lot of fresh meat this term, hope it won't be too terribly dull." She remarked before starting in on her pancakes.



"Oh hell" Henry grumbled as he reached out an slapped at the alarm clock before looking over at his roommate through have lidded eyes. Noticing that he was still asleep the seventeen year old took his chance to get in a shower first. Greeted by a spray of cold water the latin boy let out a string of curses dirty enough to make your grandmother turn blue. After suffering though perhaps the worst shower of his life Henry quickly toweled off and slipped into a plain white tee shirt and an old pair of jeans and topped it off with a blazer as he made his way out the door. On second thought he didn't think he looked half bad for waking up so incredibly late as he grinned at his reflection in the hallway mirror.

Breezing through the cafeteria doors Henry immediately got in line and got his food. Starving as he usually was he got as much as they'd let him have. Henry was a growing boy after all. Stepping out of line a grin spread over his face as he noticed Arturo and Cheveyo..or part of Cheveyo, whatever and Ginny. With a small wave he started to make his way to their table before catching sight of Haven in his peripheral vision. Noticing that his best friend seemed a bit anxious he changed direction mid stride and was at Haven's table, within seconds the handsome boy was seated across from her his biscuit nearly half-eaten before he spoke. "Sorry, I was starving." He apologized taking a swig from his milk before he gave his full attention to the girl in front him.
"So what's up? You nervous about class? You know you're smart, you don't have anything to worry about." Henry reassured his friend, a comforting smile stretching across his tan face.



Posy laid quietly in bed as she listened to her roommate rise, get ready and exit their shared room. Vivian seemed kind of delicate and Posy didn't know if perhaps she just bothered the girl more than anything. Although she was dying to ask her what color her aura was. Posy thought pink for sure, maybe aquamarine? Rubbing her eyes she yawned loudly as shook her platinum and pink hair out of her half-lidded blue eyes. The thin teenager stretched like a cat and strolled to her closet pondering what attire would best suit the day. Purple mesh shirt over a neon pink tank? Yes. A pair of acid washed jeans. Double Yes. A silk royal blue robe to top it off? Yes, Triple yes. With a quick glance in the small mirror she kept for herself, Posy grimaced at herself ruffled her hair and left the dorm room.

Grabbing herself an apple and a bottled water Posy wandered around the cafeteria. She'd probably be cool to sit at Arturo's table but she didn't really know Cheveyo or Myra and Genevieve was a complete unknown. Who knows what you might get with her. Then there were the sprinkling of students who sat at tables by themselves. Deciding she didn't really care where she sat the long-limbed teen took a seat with Arturo figuring Kaelana would be along any minute, draping her lanky frame across a chair and propping her legs on the table in front of her. Posy took a noisy bite out of her apple and nodded to other kids in a greeting. Sometimes it was just too early to verbalize, man.



Taking a deep breath Jack looked around the cafeteria. This was the hardest part about being a new kid. Finding a table...a group that won't get up as soon as you sit down. Jack had plenty of experience with that at his last school and it wasn't how he planned this year going. Taking note of the girl that he'd been shown around the school with a few days previously he started walking towards her. They were both new, might as well get a feel for the place together maybe? Strength in numbers and all that.

"Mind if I join you?" Jack asked, his wide smile encompassing his face as he hitched up his black pants and took a seat at Philanie's table. "I figured neither of us know anyone, at least I haven't made any lasting relationships in the last three days. If you have you've gotta let me in on your secret." The charismatic boy offered to his tablemate as he began to neatly eat his breakfast. "So this place is kind of a trip, huh?" Jack said doing his best to break the ice. "That whole good or evil thing, I mean what was that? I'm Jack by the way." He introduced himself, another award winning smile crossing his chiseled features.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz
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Rhine jumped slightly when Elle had sat down and started talking to her. Elle was one of her best friend's so she could take it when she would say something about her acting like a loner or how she was acting like this or that. She didn't care because they made fun of each other all the time. "Oh yeah?" She said, sitting up straight and adjusting her white laced shirt. "I would be sitting with Arturo or some other evil person if it wasn't for that snobby little brat Kaelana is sitting at his table." She practically growled Kaelana's name. Elle must have known that she absolutely despised Kaelana after she had put spiders all over the place for no reason. She really didn't know what she had done to the girl to deserve having spiders being put everywhere but she has ever since sworn that she would get her back for it but at the moment she wasn't sure how she would possibly do that.

She hadn't realized that she was holding in a breath until she let out a long breath. She glanced around the room, looking at everyone who had walked in after the past few minutes. There was Haven Tatumn, little miss Ray of Sunshine, Henry Camaz and a few other people. Then there was the headmaster who made her roll her eyes as he asked who was ready for his class. She didn't really like History so she didn't really try too much in his class. Then here came Danilo who sat down at their table. She smiled at him then rolled her eyes playfully at him. "Hello handsome, good to see you." She commented then looked at Elle. "Yes you did Elle," She responded to Elle's question. "They don't seem to interesting this year to be honest."

At one point and time she looked over at the new kids, she assumed most of them wouldn't last too long here at the school especially if they made the wrong enemies. She eyed the new kids for a moment then looked at Francesco as he came over and sat down next to Danilo. "Hey Francesco," She said as she brushed some of her blonde hair from her face.


Haven looked up from her food and swallowed the piece she had in her mouth when Henry sat down in front of her. A giggle escaped her lips as she saw that he had eaten half a biscuit before even started talking to her. She smiled the beautiful smile of hers and nodded slowly. "I understand," She said gently. She stretched her arms over her head, mumbling random words and yawning as she did.

Haven took a quick bite of her food, waving at the headmaster when he walked in then turning her attention back to Henry. She didn't even respond to the headmaster when he asked who was ready for her class. She obviously wasn't ready at all and it looked as though Henry could tell she was nervous. She didn't think it was that obvious but she guessed that she was sadly mistaken. Her face darken slightly, and she looked down at her lap as if trying to hide the fact that her smile was almost gone. "Nervous?" She asked as if she didn't know what he was talking about. It was impossible for her to lie, especially to her best friend. "I'm not that nervous." She lied then shook her head. "Ok I'm nervous. Yeah I'm smart and yeah I will do good but still what if I don't do well or what if I mess up something?" She asked quickly. She rubbed her temples then sighed softly, "What about you Henry? Are you nervous?" She asked in an attempt to change the subject off of her.

The American girl hated talking about herself and hated admitting that she was nervous. Even if she was talking to Henry she still didn't like talking about herself. Usually if she started talking about herself she would silently start cursing herself for saying something wrong even if she didn't really even say anything wrong. While awaiting his response to her question she took a bite of her biscuit then glanced over at Arturo who was with his friends. Even though they had been on a few dates she still got butterflies in her stomach so it wasn't a big surprise that when she caught him winking at her that a smile came to her face. She raised her hand, giving him a small wave before turning her attention back to Henry and made a weird movement just to make him laugh or smile. There was nothing that she wanted more than to look like she was feeling ok.


Warren had almost half of his food when Vaughan had sat down in front of him. He mumble about something though nothing came out because he had a full mouth and his mouth was closed. He covered his mouth as a smile came to his face after swallowing he said, "It’s going good. What about you good looking?" He asked, smirking a little. He glanced over his shoulder then back over at Vaughan who was eating like he hasn't eaten before. He wasn't going to say anything about it though because he had just been doing the same thing as him.

When Vaughan asked if Warren wanted to go jogging he grinned, making eyes contact with him again. "That would be great, I need to lose a few pounds any ways." He said as he patted his stomach as if saying that he was getting fat even though he really wasn't he was skinny like a tooth pick. He glanced down at his food, suddenly he wasn't very hungry any more so he just pushed his food away, crossed his arms over his chest and started to think about something. He wasn't sure what he should say to Vaughan since he seemed a little busy shoveling food into his mouth to even think about answering him.


Darell grumbled about wanting to just go back to bed since he was really tired from a few nights ago. He wouldn't talk about it though and sure enough he wouldn't show that something was bothering him. He ran a hand through his hair, throwing together his class stuff before looking around to make sure everything was in order and that he had everything that he needed for that day for his class. When he was sure he did he gave a small nod then went towards the door that left from his class room and into the hallways. Pausing only momentarily he made his way to the cafeteria so that he could eat something before he started what was going to be a pretty long day.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Anastacia Delgado-Valdez Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kaelana
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#, as written by Vix
Philanie grinned some at Jack's remark. Hmm – So he's gay? No problem there. She made a mental note to keep an eye on him so that she could determine his sexual preference – It would be really awkward if she was hitting on him and he announced that he swing that way. “Yeah, he's alright I guess.” She offered a light shrug of indifference. Sure, Headmaster Smith was somewhat attractive, but given that he lived forever, she knew that love for him must be an absolute pain. If she was actually capable of caring so deeply for someone, she didn't think that it would be healthy for her sanity to watch loved ones dying year after year. Hell,watching them grow old must be exhausting enough! No, sir. But at this point in time, she didn't really care about anyone enough that immortality would bother her.

She glanced back at Jack as Augustus disappeared into the crowd. “Nervous? Me? Is it that obvious?” She gave a light laugh and shook her head. “I don't think nervous is he right word...Overwhelmed, maybe. I mean – I thought that I was all alone with my...abilities. Never did I think that there were so many of us – Much less an academy! Its...breathtaking. Although, I didn't feel quite as special when I found out that there were so many.” She joked, feigning a pout. Jack seemed like a sweet guy...But Philanie seemed like a sweet girl. “Yeah – This place is pretty big. I have English first period, too! We could sit at the back of the class together; I hope we read some Robert Frost.” She enthused, her small splurge leaking out her secret love of poetry. Her gaze then fell onto the table in the very center of the cafeteria where it seemed a lot of students were gathering...

Cheveyo clone smirked at Myra's response and shook his head. Before he could respond, Jason seemed to come from nowhere and take the words right out of his mouth. “Exactly. While Kaelana is sorting out our Titans stuff, I'm sure Arturo wouldn't mind aiding you in your endeavor to kiss and make up with Calculus.” He chuckled before turning to Jason. “What's good, Jason? You enjoy your break from academics?” Cheveyo was well aware of Jason's reputation as a holier-than-thou prick, but since the man had never acted maliciously against Cheveyo or anyone he cared about, Jason wasn't a threat to him.

Kaelana tapped her chin in response to Posy's question, pursing her lips. “What harm could skipping do? That gives me more time to train and come up with the Titans new number. Or we could just try out some new strains I'm growing.” Kaelana was always thinking about work – School work, A Capella work, Work work, and Training work. She only rested at a party, and even then she was working, coming up with new dance moves. She grinned, running her fingers through her hair. She caught a glance of her arm and sighed, as the tattoos had moved up. “Hey, Pocketful – What do you think about...this stuff?” She motioned to her recent 'makeover' with a light grimace. It wasn't that Kaelana didn't like it – She thought it was pretty sexy. It was just...surprising. And she didn't like those sorts of surprises.

The real Cheveyo was smiling as Anastascia woke up, letting his hand graze gently over her face as she gave him a light kiss. Even without the lip gloss, she still had a sweet taste that sent a chill down his spine. He wanted it to last longer, but he knew how she was about morning make outs – He really hated that she would ever think that she could look even remotely ugly. Even if she had messed up makeup, wild hair, and grungy clothes, Cheveyo would still find her utterly adorable and sexy at the same time. He shook her head as she went into the bathroom to change and rose up from the bed himself. He closed his eyes, taking a few minutes to see where his clone was. He could hear the loud chattering of the cafeteria and could smell fresh fruit. And apparently Calculus had found out that Myra was cheating, so they weren't speaking. He chuckled to himself before opening his eyes.

He gave a light 'oomph' as he withdrew his clone, which caused the Cheveyo in the cafeteria to disappear completely as though he were never there. The real, and only Cheveyo walking about now was throwing on a simple black tank top – He always kept a few spare clothing changes in his girlfriend's room just in case. Plus she said she liked the way they made the room smell; he always sprayed his with his Spirit cologne. He stripped off his boxers and grabbed a pair of black gym shorts – Today was a good day to go commando. Just as he got his shorts pulled on, Anastascia came out of the bathroom. He gave a short wolf-whistle, his eyebrows going up. “You look...amazing.” He smiled widely.

He moved towards her and put his hands on her waist, moving one to gently cup her cheek. “But you know I always think you're beautiful. With a face like that, there's no way you could ever look ugly.” He spoke in a reassuring tone, moving his face down to capture her lips with his. The hand on her waist moved to the small of her back, pulling her closer as he slipped his tongue past her lips with a light smile. He gave a soft 'mmph' as he lifted her up with the one arm, spinning her around before setting her down and breaking the kiss. “You worry too much, love.” He caressed her cheek once more before clasping her hand within his and proceeding out the door, closing it behind him. It was quite the walk down to the cafeteria, but he enjoyed every step.

When they finally got there, he took a seat and pulled Anastascia in close to him, kissing her cheek. “What's good, people?” He smiled wider as he was greeted by a chorus of hey's and a few slaps on the back as well as a punch to the arm here and there. He looked to Arturo, as he sat himself between the Italian and the Brazilian, having set Annie next to Kaelana. “Nice tats, Kaekae. Diggin' the whole nature vibe. The green really goes great with ya.” He grinned some before elbowing Arturo.”Who're the newbies?” He asked, nodding to Philanie and Jack before grabbing a peeled orange.

Arturo offered a shrug, taking his gaze off of Haven. “Beats me, pal. Let's find out, though.” Arturo looked back over at the two new kids and put his fingers between his lips, letting out a high pitched whistle that caused Philanie to turn her head. “Hey, you's two! C'mere!” Arturo called out, using his usual 'mafioso' accent. Philanie pointed to both her and Jack, blinking in a truly surprised manner. What could they want with her and Jack? As Arturo nodded, she glanced to Jack. “Looks like we've been summoned by the popular kids.” She giggled with her joking tone before picking up her tray and moving slowly towards the table.

There were people staring at the two as they walked, though Philanie didn't may them any mind. It was just before she got to the table that she felt a strange sensation in her left foot as though the gravity had been negated in that area alone, causing her to stumble and fall right onto the floor. Her orange juice went flying onto Henry and Haven's table, shattering and getting them both soaked from the lap up as well as pegged with a few shards of glass. Poor Philanie had gotten a mess of oatmeal all over her face and chest. The girl who had done it was standing nearby, laughing with unattractive snorts. Philanie, had she been ready to show what a bitch she was, would have normally gotten up and proceeded to beat the shit out of the blonde bitch. But it wasn't time for that yet – Avalyn had just given her the perfect opening to get the sympathy of others.

She could already hear the 'aww, poor dear!'s and 'Avalyn is such a bitch's as she got up and tried to run away, though ended up slipping in the oatmeal and busting her lip. That actually did hurt. She didn't care about the laughing and the jeers – Her face hurt! The pain had brought up memories of beatings and rapes that she had forced down so long ago, causing her to cry out. “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! Stop it!” She jumped up, her heels skidding as she managed to run out of the cafeteria, wiping oatmeal and tears from her eyes, leaving a trail of food on her way out to the center courtyard that was seemingly abandoned. The poor girl sat down on the fountain, putting her fists to head, pressing them against her temple as she tried to force her thoughts back to calm.

“Open up your mouth, bitch! Didn't your mother teach you anything?” A man hissed at a small Philanie, who was curled in a corner, crying her poor little heart out. “Shut up! Just shut the fuck up! Stop it!” She cried out, throwing a nearby lamp at him as she attempted to bolt, hoping to escape through the doggy door. The man with blonde hair dodged the lamp and ran to her, snatching her by her hair and wrestling over to the couch. “That's okay! I like 'em nice and feisty!” He snickered as he threw her body down onto the cushions. “Now, let me pop that little cherry.” His laugh was sinister as he began to remove his belt, feeding from the fear in the seven year old's eyes.

Back in the cafeteria, Avalyn had escaped out to the front lawn after Kaelana broke her nose and busted her lip. Genevieve sighed boredly and examined her nails. “She has gonorrhea, anyways. So the joke's on her, I suppose.” Kaelana looked over at Ginny, a puzzled expression gracing her face. “Since when?” The French girl laughed softly. “Since I just said so, tree-hugger.” She shook her head and moved away from the table, going towards her girlfriend. She would help the new girl – But she didn't know her enough to care. She'd help Henry and Haven...But Seychelle was more important. She sat, forcing herself between Carlee and Seychelle. Genevieve didn't like Carlee. As far as she was concerned, Carlee was just a dopey little tag-along that was getting too close to her girlfriend for comfort. Ginny could be a little picky about who Seychelle flirted with. And she just didn't like quiet little Carlee. Nothing really personal. She just didn't like her.

She leaned into Seychelle, making sure to deliver a long, deep, gentle, and passionate kiss before pulling away with her trademark smile. “I hope you enjoyed last night – I felt like I was being a bit too...rough.” She licked her ruby red lips as she leaned in kissing her girlfriend's neck. One could not even begin to describe the levels of possessive that Ginny was on. But, what made her love Seychelle even more was that Chelle didn't care. Genevieve had her friends talk to her all the time about how she should be faithful to Chelle if she really loved her – But apparently they didn't know what polyamorous was. And she had heard enough from some of Seychelle's lackeys about how she needed to stop fucking around on Seychelle or be fair and let Chelle flirt and sleep with other people that Ginny didn't pick. Everyone was a critic. But all that mattered to Genevieve was Seychelle being comfortable. If the self-proclaimed Queen was uncomfortable with their relationship, she would have said so.

Ginny turned her head to Carlee and smiled in a wickedly sweet manner. “Oh, did I come between you two? I'm sorry – You should wear a brighter clothing. I didn't even see you there.” She shrugged and turned her attention back to Seychelle.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Philanie Ferreira
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Haven shook her head, "You should know that I don't like a lot of attention or noise too much. Talking to people isn't my thing and you know that." She shrugged, feeling so anti-social at the moment, with one glance over at Arturo's table she decided that there was no point in even going over there and talking to him. She looked at her best friend uneasily, rubbing her eyes for a moment. She really did not want his advice at all. If she wanted something done then she would have just asked but she didn't now she couldn't say anything about it because she was afraid of hurting her best friend's feelings. Of course when Henry busted out laughing and had told her not to do that she couldn't help but burst into a fit of childish giggles. "Sorry Henry! I couldn't resist!" She exclaimed as she covered her own mouth then looked down at her lap as she closed her eyes and tried to be as quite as possible while she laughed. After collecting herself she forced herself to look at him, suddenly becoming serious and she shook her head. "No, no way. I won't keep you from your friend's Henry and if you want to go over there you can. I'm fine with just staying here though." She admitted, running a hand through her hair with a soft sigh.

Everything to happen so fast though and before she knew it there was a loud noise then she was covered with someone else’s orange juice. Her hands shot away from her lap, a huge blush forming on her face before she lit up like a Christmas tree. Her mouth agape in a silent gasp. She closed her eyes for a moment as she felt light shine really brightly around her body before disappearing. As soon as the bright light was gone all she could hear was the people talking to each other around the room along with the smell of orange juice. God she really hated that smell. Slowly rising up out of her seat she sputtered to find the words as she looked at Henry. "I really don't like orange juice." She croaked out finally then scrambled for a napkin or something to try and dry herself off with. Inhaling deeply she plopped back down in her seat with a loud crunch as she sat on a piece of glass. A soft cry came from her mouth, "Damn." She whispered. She rarely ever cussed mostly because there was no real reason too cuss. It just wasn't in her dictionary and wasn't the best choice of words to her. The light returned to her which dimmed the lights in the cafeteria slightly. Placing her elbows on the half slippery- half sticky counter she put her head in her hands. Now she was sticky and gross. She had several pieces of glass stuck in her, one on the back of her thigh where she had sat down and she also was becoming like a candle. Right now she didn't really even care about the other girl, right now she just needed to try and think about disappearing from the cafeteria without seeming like a total drama queen.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Vaughan Oliver Bennett
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Warren grinned at Ruby when she came over and sat down in front of Vaughan and him. "Hello beautiful, how are you this lovely morning?" He asked in such a formal tone. He chuckled softly, winking at her playfully. He really did think she was quite a beautiful girl. He wouldn't admit it but along with Elle he had a crush on her. He glanced over at Vaughan then at his food which was slowly starting to get cold. He made a face at it then pushed it further away. "Stupid food," He grumbled to himself. He looked at his friend's. The good girl seemed to not totally fit into this friendship but did he care? No. Not really because she didn't act all like a goody- goody like the rest of those good girls. The thought made him smile a little.

Everything happened so fast, he looked around the room only to catch a scene unfolding. He watched as a girl fell, a few girls snickered while others just watched in horror when she fell to the ground which sent a cup of orange juice on a nearby pair of students. By the look of it Haven and Henry were the ones who had orange juice dumped on them. A laugh escaped his lips and he quickly smacked a hand over his mouth. Oops, he thought to himself then shifted in his seat. He would have helped the two but he felt like being lazy. He really didn't want to get up right now so he decided to just stay put. He watched as Haven flipped out and was soon surrounded by the light. He could notice that she must have been embarrassed or more likely flustered. Either way she didn't look at all happy that she just had orange juice spilled on her and pieces of glass shattered on her. He looked at Henry awaiting his reaction which was most likely going to be totally different from Haven's reaction. "That’s not the kind of first impression you want." He commented softly, stretching his strong arms over his head.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kaelana
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Henry scoffed at Haven's words as he rolled his eyes. "Keeping me from my friends? You're my friend. Wait...Unless you're trying to say something?" Henry said with mock horror and indignation, a smile already crossing his face. He liked Haven and knew that sometimes he came off a bit too strong for her. Usually he could tell and try to back off, he was hoping he'd caught himself in time.

Yet before he could find out if he'd offended Haven he instead found themselves covered in orange juice. He'd been so into their conversation he hadn't even noticed the two new arrivals walk by their table until they were covered in sticky juice. Immediately jumping to his feet with a swear he looked up and caught Avalyn's eye. Watching her laugh while she caused a girl to fall on her very first day in front of the whole cafeteria not to mention soaking them in fucking orange juice made Henry see red for a moment. "Way to be a real fucking bitch, Avalyn!" Henry shouted in anger as he took note of the change overcoming Haven. Forgetting about Avalyn he started grabbing whatever dry napkins he could find and started shoving them across the table to his drenched friend.

"She wonders why everyone hates her stupid stupid face." The angry boy muttered to himself as he haphazardly began to pick up shards of glass, knowing that there wasn't a need to be afraid of cut himself accidentally. Giving up on collecting them all he merely brushed the mixture of oj and shards of glass off the table and wiped his hands on a dry patch of jeans and held it out to Haven. "I know you hate orange juice. So do I, why do you think we got milk? Let's go." Henry remarked to his shaken friend, his voice low and as comforting as he could make it. "We'll skip first period and regroup, yeah?" He offered, hoping that she would be able to pull herself together enough to get out of the cafeteria. Once she was away from the view of the entire cafeteria the better she'd feel.



Jack grinned as he answered his tablemate "I think everyone's nervous, right? New term and everything, I imagine even the kids who've been going here for years feel a bit nervous or overwhelmed." Taking a long look around the cafeteria he could see kids from every walk of life, it was almost impossible to think that each one of them had some secret power locked up within them. Not to mention the bizarre fact that he was one of them.

"I thought I was the only one until my mom began to research. Found out there are lot more of us than you'd think." The wise beyond his years boy nodded tending to agree with Nina's statement about not feeling quite as special. Smiling broadly he quirked an eyebrow at Nina and winked "I don't think we'll have any problem standing out though. Have you seen what an amazing pair we make? You're gorgeous and me...well. I don't want to sound conceited but.." Jack finished, sitting back in his chair and gesturing towards himself.

Leaning forward before he could fall back in his chair Jack nodded vigorously "A poetry fan, eh? Nice. I've hoping we get into some Bradbury, we all have these weird super powers might as well get into some sci-fi." He answered vibrantly, he might not have been the most well-read student, or the most interested but he did have a love for anything sci-fi. Pushing the rest of his breakfast around his plate his head whipped up at the sound of a piercing whistle, looking behind himself and then to Philanie he raised his eyebrows worriedly. "How do we know they're the popular kids, they could be a decoy!" Jack hissed to Nina as he watched her rise and begin to walk over to the table.

What a polite bunch. Jack thought as he bowed to peer pressure and rose to follow the tall dark haired girl he'd become tentative friends with only to see disaster strike. He too had felt the tuggings of something, he wasn't sure what. Either way he'd lost his footing and been barely able to regain it and keep his half-empty glass of milk from following Nina's onto the pair of students. Dexterity came in handy, though he hadn't been able to save his new friend. He watched as she screamed and tore out of the cafeteria. Wondering if she'd even want someone who was barely more than a stranger to comfort her Jack took a deep breath as he looked at the students who'd been drenched in juice. Noting that one was glowing he hastily apologized before quickly sliding his still intact tray onto the main table.

Flipping out his napkin and placing it neatly in his lap he flashed his most charming grin at the table and introduced himself. "Jack Lake, it's a pleasure. That kind of thing happen a lot around here?"



"It can't do any harm. It's like the second day. What are they gonna teach us? We'll probably have to do those exercises to get know everyone even if most of us have known each other forever. I mean, I've all ready taken my learning cap off, man. Let's go try out strains. Or music or what did you say? " Posy said in her usual monotone as she plopped back down into a chair. Posy was smart contrary to popular belief it just didn't seem like that a good majority of the time. She was very wise beyond her years, had great observational skills and if she only applied herself could be earning top marks as we speak. At least that's what her teachers told her. Didn't sound like much fun to the wild child though.

Looking Kaelana up and down she did a little shimmy as she purred and meowed in response to her question. "Would it be fucked up if I said I was jealous? Do you know how impossible it is to get that shade of green with just bleach and whatever you can find at hot topic? Very me. You're like sex on a stick, honey. Sex on a vine? Whatever." Posy trailed off her short attention span making itself known as she watched a catastrophe unfold before her. With a grimace crossing her usually serene face she watched the new girl run for cover, feeling a pang of sympathy for her while the other student went ahead and took a seat at their table. Guess they weren't real close friends.



Elle tilted her head back and laughed at Danilo. He was always such a charmer at least when he was around Rhine and Elle. The modelesque redhead knew that together her and Rhine made quite the duo. Fun, unexpected and a bit wild and dangerous not mention they were both gorgeous in completely different ways. Danilo was definitely not wrong in complementing Elle's beauty considering what a vain streak she had.

Focusing her attention on the newly arrived Francesco, Elle practically purred her greeting. " Hello, love. Absolutely perfect now that you've both decided to join us." Elle tried to catch Rhine's eye as she arched one perfectly manicured brow in her friends direction. "We were ever so lonely." Though her and Francesco were technically just friends there was something about him that made Elle feel as though there was electricity pulsing through her body. I guess you could say he sent a thrill of excitement through her.

Smirking at Danilo's assessment of the new kids Elle was about to offer that if either of the males wouldn't mind her inhabiting their body for few hours she wouldn't mind seeing what that new girl was all about. Instead she watched in amazement as the girl wiped out, her breakfast splattering her and juice showering poor little Henry and Haven. Elle couldn't help but to laugh to herself, her shoulders shaking slightly as she covered her mouth in an effort to be polite.
"Well it's not as if we know her, Danilo. She could be an axe-murdering cannibal and that could be the very least she deserves. Now look at that one..." She offered with a small gesture towards the boy that'd been following the poor victimized girl. "Avalyn tried to trip him too, but she couldn't somehow. He's just as cool and collected as can be. I'd much rather that than a girl who runs screaming like a banshee from the room. What about you?" She finished, her green eyes flashing towards Rhine.



Sally had given up on trying to find her class and instead began to follow the students on their way to breakfast. She'd had tea but she might as well eat something and perhaps someone could point her in the right direction. She'd really been hoping to run into Augustus, she was nervous and jittery thinking about it. The healing part was fine, she'd been doing that since she was kid. It was the teaching part that scared her was the thought of all those faces looking up at her expectantly. As if she had the answers. Oh god, she did have the answers. She thought wildly to herself. You went to school for a very, very long time for this. You're perfectly capable. Standing up straight and pushing back her shoulders, Sally felt a renewed sense of hope. Maybe this day wouldn't be the worst of her life.

Looking over her shoulder one last time for a sight of Augustus she lost track of where she was going, letting out a small shriek as she either collided with the wall or with the tall intimidating man before her. God, she thought, I hope I didn't bump right into him. Please let me have hit a wall. Much less embarrassing. Straightening her dress she looked up at the man and gave him a sheepish grin. He definitely looked older maybe not a student and perhaps if he wasn't completely off put by her display of clumsiness he might help her out.

"God, I'm so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going like a complete fool." Sally apologized, her eyes widening and dimples deepening in a plea for mercy from the stranger. "Actually, I'm new here and kind of lost. You look like someone who knows where things are. Oh...where are my manners. My name is Sally by the way, Sally Winters. New nurse and health teacher" Sally babbled, her face reddening and her manner becoming a bit flustered. What a way to make a first impression

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Anastacia Delgado-Valdez Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Myra Pandora Character Portrait: Cheveyo Qaletaqa
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#, as written by Vix
Genevieve grinned at Carson's arrival with jokes – Though he seemed sincere in his words. “We may just have to take you up on that offer, cher. But, I'm not quite sure you can keep up with us.” She smirked, resting a hand on his lap while batting her thick lashes. She had no problem flirting with Carson – He was an attractive young man with a dangerous streak that made her bite her bottom lip. She rested a hand on his lap and rolled her eyes at Carlee's protests. She moved her hand up to caress his cheek gently, pouting a little. “Aww, but we were having such fun with our planning. But – I suppose if you do everything Mouse says, you aren't quite ready to roll around in the sheets with us just yet.” She teased lightly, though there was some sincerity behind it as she turned her attention away from the twins and back to her love.

Philanie shook her head violently with her fists still pressed to them, growling under her breath. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” She ground her teeth down until she thought she was going to break them. It was then that she heard another female's voice. She reduced her cries to sniffles, shaking her head again. “I'm f-fine.” She managed to choke out after a minute or so. “Just...busted my lip...And the rest of my face in oatmeal...” She murmured, pressing two fingers to her upper lip, pressing against the plush flesh, feeling the warm stickiness of blood. She pulled her fingers away and stared at it. That bitch drew blood! Philanie had to force her right eye not to twitch as she wiped it on her pants. “I'm Philanie...Just call me Nina.” She shook her head and offered a weak smile. She was in such a state of stun that she didn't bother to hide the darkness that was clouding her eyes. I will not be taken advantage of anymore...

Philanie shook her head and smiled again at Nina. “Thanks for asking me if I'm okay – Its good to know there's at least one considerate person at this damned place. Your kindness will not be forgotten, but I have some business to take care of.” As though a flip had been switched in her body, her entire mood switched over and she left before Valentina could protest. She was a woman on a mission, brushing past Myra without a second glance. She went back into the school and made her way through the halls, stopping a group of older-looking students. “Hey – You seen this girl?” They looked at her questioningly, a couple of them giggling at her appearance until she began to shift before their very eyes. It wasn't a smooth and sexy Mystique sort of shift, either. You could hear her bones reforming and her innards gushing as she took on the height, size, and weight of Avalyn. Her hair became blonde, her complexion paler, her lips thinner, and her hair shorter and curlier. They nodded quickly as one of them answered. “Avalyn – Yeah. She's out in the front. Why?”

The South African didn't care to answer as she stormed past them, making her way to Avalyn outside. She looked around the massive lawn until she found her near a bush, nursing a busted lip and what might have been a broken nose. She thought that she could handle the first few weeks of playing it cool – Being the scared new girl. But this place wasn't like anywhere she had been before. She had sworn after she killed her mother that nobody would ever hurt her again and get away with it. The people here were obviously a bunch of jackasses and bitches – It would take too long for her liking to weed out who was worth her time and who needed to be stepped on. Not to mention that she had to redeem herself! No way was she going to suffer the rest of the year as that girl. No muthafucking way!

It took a few minutes, but Avalyn managed to shift again with minimal pain, now taking on the form of Arturo, as she had remembered seeing him at the table. Smirking, she moved towards Avalyn and called out to her. “Yo, Avalyn! Nice shit you pulled back there. I laughed so hard I choked on a few grapes. Though, after being with Donny, it wouldn't be the first time – Am I right?” The South African was quick to adapt to Arturo's mindset as his knowledge, his history, his powers, his strengths and skills, and his weaknesses came pouring into her head. Or his head. He smiled as Avalyn waved, pinching her nose. “Glad you appreciated it – You see the way that pussy just ran out? Fucking hilarious. But you need to put a fucking collar on your girlfriend. I swear, if she hits me one more fuckin-” Arturo held up a hand. “I'll handle her. You need to come in and get that checked out. Gotta stop back in the cafeteria and grab my bag, though.”

Avalyn nodded. “Thanks for coming to check on me – Maybe we can play doctor later?” She winked at him as Arturo slipped a hand around her waist and guided her back inside, though taking a turn to head for the restrooms she had seen earlier. “Maybe. Besides, what Kae doesn't know won't hurt her, right?” He chuckled, engaging in conversation about generally everyone that Avalyn hated. When they arrived at the restrooms, he was quick to shove her inside and lock the door behind them after checking to make sure nobody was there. “Hey – I thought you had to – Well shit, I didn't mean to play right away, babe.” She laughed softly, unbuttoning her shirt. 'Arturo' smirked, shifting back into her true form just as she got face to face with the blonde. Taking advantage of her surprise, she began whaling on the girl, exacting her revenge. She, herself suffered from being tossed into the wall – But it wasn't she hadn't endured before and she kept getting right back up.

She finally wore Avalyn down and sat on top of her, grabbing her by the cheeks and forcing the girl to look into her eyes. “I don't know who the fuck you think you are that you think you can fuck with me and just walk it off, but that shit ain't gonna happen.” Avalyn tried to look away, spite filling her tired eyes as Philanie jerked her head back so that she had no choice but to look her in the eye. “Don't turn away from me, bitch. You're going to go back in there and you're going to clean up that little mess that you made. When you're done with that, we'll take you to the nurse and have those cuts and bruises looking at. As of now, you are my bitch.” She smirked, enjoying just how much fear she instilled in the girl.

She hoped that everyone wasn't going to be this easy. It was pretty boring as she helped up Avalyn. She smiled gently at her and brushed the back of her hand against the girl's swollen cheek, gently. “Don't worry, babydoll. I'm really a sweet person – If you're a good girl.” As she started to walk away so that she could unlock the door, Avalyn called out in a bold voice. “Why should I do what you say? You're just the new girl.” Philanie laughed dryly, shaking her head. “You poor thing. Wouldn't it just suck if all of a sudden, everyone was bragging about how they got into your pants? Or if you maybe started dealing drugs. Or maybe you even killed someone.” She smiled just as sweetly as before as Avalyn's eyes widened. “Hmph. I guess that's why they put me on that 'Evil' list.”

She laughed softly and flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Now come on so you can clean up your shit.” Avalyn didn't know whether to be scared, intimidated, or in awe – So she settled for a mixture of all three. The way Philanie talked didn't make her seem as though she were joking – She was dead serious. Framing Avalyn for a murder?! Playing it safe, Avalyn followed in silence as they left the bathroom and went alongside Philanie with her head hanging low. It wasn't that far of a walk to the cafeteria, as it was only a few feet away – Which was totally bad building planning. Who wanted to smell a bathroom right when they got done eating? Or even before? Ew.

Philanie, oatmeal and all, lead Avalyn to the mess that was still there. Sloppy staff. She noted mentally. The lunch servers were lazy, but that was obvious from the awful food and the bored expression in their eyes. She sighed and pointed to the mess. “Clean it up.” Avalyn hesitated, glaring at her. “Now. And don't forget to apologize.” Nina ordered, a polite smile on her face as she nodded towards Henry and Haven. Avalyn knew the consequences if she didn't. She tightened her jaw as she moved towards where the napkins were and grabbed a handful before moving back to the mess. Philanie took a few napkins from her new crony before shooing her away. She removed the gunk from her face and her chest, managing to get most of it, ignoring the eyes that were glued to her.

Kaelana was still fuming and had been restrained by Arturo, as she was fighting to go after Avalyn and break more than just her nose. Both the Italian and the Brazilian were shocked to see Philanie walking back in with her head held high, guiding Avalyn to the sight of the mess. The two had stopped their bickering and Arturo released Kaelana's wrists, staring as Avalyn began picking up her mess and Philanie began to clean herself up. Genevieve was staring from across the way, a smirk curling onto her lips. “My, my, my. I wonder what she's holding over Avalyn that has her so pussy-whipped.” She purred, her eyes lighting up in interest.

Cheveyo, meanwhile was doing his best to ignore the situation. He was impressed, though not much so. Avalyn was young and moldable and she didn't really hold grudges, so he was sure she'd be more compliant to tagging along with her new companion the next day, if not already best friends with her. He nodded at Jason's choice of musicals – Phantom of the Opera was amazing. He, Arturo, Myra, Kaelana, and every one of the other Titans begged of Theatre Professor to let them perform it this year and their pleading had caused her to cave, tossing away The Little Mermaid so that they could perform the timeless classic paying homage to Mr. Webber's genius. He sighed as he leaned against his girlfriend, still a little tired. “We should probably head to class soon.”

Philanie was quite pleased that Avalyn caved so easily. Intimidating people and molding them to her will was simple child's play, though she hoped to kick it up a few notches by the end of the school year. She would have an army at her disposal to off whoever the fuck deserved it. It made her tingly inside!

OOC: Will finish people tagging later

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Valentina Richards
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Ruby smirked as Warren said "Hello beautiful, how are you this lovely morning?" in a formal tone. She almost blushed but caught herself and pinned a pin straight strand of hair, which she meticulously straightened until the strands were pin straight and hung down her back perfectly. She was specific about her appearance like that. I mean she was no Malibu barbie but she always looked hot. Today she wore a more sexy Cali girl outfit as opposed to her rebel bohemian Cali look she was known for. Her outfit today was a denim bustier that pushed her already impressive cleavage to a ridiculously hot tempting amount. She paired with a tan jersey maxi skirt with a slit on the side that reached her upper thigh. She paired it with chunky 6' strappy sandals. Her hair was held together with a gold chain that hung loosely around her hair. She wore thick winged eyeliner with peach colored lips. She had to admit she looked hot.

As much as she hated to admit it she really wanted Warren to notice how sexy she looked today. It seemed more and more she and Elle were competing for his attention. She took a sip of her iced coffee, before pausing to lick her lips and was about to respond when she noticed the girl, Haven she thought her name was have orange juice poured on her. She soon realized as well that her companion was none other than Henry. She looked flustered however Henry was pissed. "Damn that sucks... I wouldn't wanna be her." She mumbled. She was so not getting in the good vs. evil brawl on the second day of school? Fuck that.

She looked back and saw Posy she quickly shot her, Matthias and Valentina a message:
To: Posy
Message: Hey Bitch Where the hell are you?!

Message: You can try to hide if you want but I'm gonna come find you <3

To: Val
Message:Does nobody care about their best friends anymore?

She turned her attention back to Warren ho was obviously trying not to laugh. She wasn't sure if he was hiding it for her sake or so he wouldn't be a total ass. Either was she was happy he didn't let it out. "That’s not the kind of first impression you want." She heard him say.
"Yeah that like really sucked," She bit her lip and furrowed her brow "Um you guys don't think I had to help right?" She said before shrugging and offering Warren a bite of her sandwich since he looked dissatisfied with his "Want some?" She asked leaning toward him a little and conspicuously exposing her chest a little more.
She wasn't a slut or anything, she was just a little more confident about her body than most girls.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn
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Rhine seemed totally out of it today she glanced around the room, not really paying any attention to her friends except for when Danilo said that she was looking spicy. She winked at him, flipping her hair over her shoulder before looking away. One minute she was out of it the next she was looking at Francesco with a grin when he mentioned who he preferred out of the 'fresh meat' as they would call the new kids.

"Alright Danilo, babe who would you prefer out of the new kids?" The American girl asked, raising her perfect eyebrows in question at him. She honestly didn't think any of the new kids really interested her because they didn't look that good to her and she wasn't sure if they were powerful or not. Well except for Jack who wasn't that bad but she didn't know his power so he could be just like the rest of the good boys. She preferred one of these boys at the table but didn't know if any one even liked her. That didn't matter to much to her, she enjoyed being single because she could pretty much do whatever she wanted without having a boyfriend getting upset with her.


Haven hesitated, deciding what she should say right now. She clenched and unclenched her hands into fists in an attempt to relax just a little. She flinched when Henry cussed at Ava. "Don't cuss Henry," She pleaded softly as she raised from her seat. With a soft inhale and exhale of a breath she looked at Henry, "This day hasn't been going that well Cristi." She commented with a tiny sad smile. She loved calling him Cristi because sometimes it annoyed him and because most people didn't really even know his middle name.

Pausing a moment to glance around the room at Arty, Danilo and a few other people she looked at her best friend. "Fine we will regroup after first period then. I don't want to smell like orange juice for the rest of the day and be sticky anyways." She told him then turned away. She sighed, trying to force herself to stop glowing and she was successful after a few tries. "I'll see you later?" She asked then didn't even wait for response as she swiftly picked up and tray and hurried over to get rid of it. As soon as her tray was gone she darted from the cafeteria, feeling as if everyone was giving her a weird look. There was no doubt that she had just left her friend so quickly but she felt that if she stood in that cafeteria any longer she would surly explode.


Warren grinned at Ruby the sexy girl looked twenty times sexier than she usually does. He nodded when she said that it would suck to be the girl who tripped that’s why he didn't laugh at her because he would hate it if it was him. He winked at her, "How are you today Ruby?" He asked curiously, tilting his head slightly to the side as he looked her outfit over one more time.

The boy narrowed his eyes when Posy came over and sat by Vaughan, "What's up?" He muttered as he glanced over at her. He wondered why she was over her, it wasn't like he really minded if she was over here or not. "I kind of feel bad for that girl that would be really embarrassing. Ava is kind of a bitch and I don't like her to much so it doesn't matter to me if she is acting like a maid. I find it kind of amusing, one minute she trips the girl the next she is wiping up the mess the other girl made. I wonder what made her do that." He told Posy with a shrug. He didn't know what to say to her.


Darell hurried into the cafeteria, grabbing a plate of food and glancing around with a grumble. He cleared his throat, his eye catching on Carlee. He hesitated, turning around when a random student called for him. He went to talk to the student about something and about detention later on. When he turned around Carlee was gone, how she could possibly just slip out of the cafeteria so fast he didn't know but he wouldn't question it. He rarely ever questioned anything at all anyways. After standing there for a moment he began to walk to his room with long steps.

Rounding the corner he walked towards his room only to jump slightly as he saw Carlee who was at the door to his classroom. He instantly relaxed a smile coming to his face. "Hey Carlee, dear what are you doing here? You know you don't have class for a little while." He said, moving around her as he went into the classroom. He stopped, glancing over his shoulder and looking at her. "Come in though. Do you need something?" He questioned her. He liked listening to what she had to say because she concerned him sometimes and he had to admit that he had a small attraction to her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Genevieve DuBois Character Portrait: Danilo Jonathon Maxwell
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Henry looked at Haven sheepishly, letting his hand drop back to his side. It felt like he was being chastised by one of his family. In a way he was, even hearing his old nickname evoked memories of the past for a split second. The outwardly happy go lucky kid didn't usually tell anyone about what was going on inside his head. Which lent credence to what other people said about him being a dumb jock. Henry hadn't even told Haven about his tragic experience. As far as he was concerned everyone had a past and to dwell on it didn't make much good sense. Guess that was why he dreamed about it all the time.

Watching Haven flee he stood awkwardly in the middle of the cafeteria, covered in orange juice and abandoned. "I meant like get out of here together. Strength in numbers." Whispered the seventeen year old to himself as he shrugged out of his blazer and stepped away from the mess that had once been his breakfast. With a sigh he did his best to walk away from the embarrassing moment. Watching Avalyn being marched back in to clean up the oatmeal carnage was another added layer of bizarre to add to his whole experience.

Nearly slipping and busting his face much as Philanie had, he recovered and by the time he plopped down with Carson and Genevieve his mood had turned incredibly sour. Sitting there with Orange Juice still dripping from his hair and his once crisp white t-shirt plastered to bits of his torso with orange liquid Henry threw his head back and groaned aloud "I fucking hate the first day of school!"



Jack leaned back into his chair, his smile leaving as he tilted his head in wonderment at the boy across from him. "You just said my head. Right? I didn't see your lips move but I swear you answered me." I'm not crazy am I?" The boy asked, his thick brows knitting together in an attemtp to make sense of Samuel. He realized that there were all kinds of possibilites when it came to abilities, he supposed he just hadn't thought about this one yet. It was kind of fascinating, kind of scary, kinda strange.

With a look around, he licked his lips and leaned in again as if they were co-conspirators. "If you're telepathic it'll be that much easier to keep secrets then won't it?" Leaning further towards Samuel and letting his bright trademark grin over take his countenance. "Like, have you ever thought about test answers?" He finished, raising his eyebrows suggestively. With a small laugh he straightened in his seat and began to once again eat his breakfast. "So if you're the wolf, what does that make me?" Jack inquired, resuming the first bit of their conversation.



"Well excuse you too." Sally muttered as she was barely noticed by the man striding past her. She guessed she was pretty safe in thinking she'd merely bumped into a wall...again. Some would say that she had her head in the clouds, her father was always using it as an excuse for her legendary clumsiness. Some people were coordinated and others simply aren't and Sally just really wasn't.

Feeling instead as if it were her first day as a student Sally felt like crawling into a hole and going back to bed. This was just like out of her dreams, being in school and never being able to find where you're supposed to be or missing the bus or being stark naked in your geometry class. Taking a deep breath the english girl closed her eyes and tried to gather her thoughts. You can do this With a little shake of her shoulders she leaned down to retrieve the books she'd dropped and finally let a small smile play along her lips.

"Not like they can start class without me after all." She remarked brightly to herself, rising from the ground.



"On second thought I take that back." Elle said in amazement, her green eyes narrowing at the scene unfolding before her. Avalyn was nuisance, immature and stubborn so how in the world was this new girl with no history and no friends to back her up bring Ava to her knees? Literally. "I'd definitely take the girl, definitely." Elle said with a grin looking over at the two boys with a wink. "You know, if someone let me borrow a penis for awhile." She finished ridiculously, her long fingers tearing a part the muffin that had once been her breakfast.

It was then she caught sight of something that made her stomach twist and usually pretty mouth slip into a slight grimace. Ruby Moore practically crawling into Warren Ramirez's lap. As if she could expect no less from the girl that had somehow become her rival at the academy. That this wannabe would even throw herself at the guys that Elle was interested in. Now their relationship might be slightly unorganized and definitely not defined but Elle really liked the boy more than she'd ever let on to anyone. Not even to Rhine or Myra, and she definitely enjoyed his company and knew it was reciprocated.

"Poor Warren, having to settle for tap water when all he really wants is perrier." Elle remarked loudly to herself. Not caring if she was overheard. If he wanted a watered down version he was welcome to it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Anastacia Delgado-Valdez Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Valentina Richards
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#, as written by Vix
“Well – I'd love to stay and chit chat, but we'll have to catch up later. Gotta get Annie to class.” Cheveyo beamed a smile and tipped a salute to them before waving to the new girl. “Nicely handled. At least we know you can take care of yourself – What did you say your name was?” He let his smile grow a little more gentle. He didn't care that Avalyn had the shit beat out of her – He was a huge fan of defending yourself and your honor. Philanie paused and gave a light smile. “Thanks – I wasn't really expecting such a harsh reaction at my arrival. But I'm not really the submissive type. And its Philanie - Philanie Ferreira. Just call me Nina.” She chuckled a little bit as Avalyn rose up to go trash the napkins.

Kaelana jerked her arm away from Arturo as soon as he released her wrists. “Don't ever do that again.” She hissed at him before turning to face Avalyn and the new girl. “Impressively done.” Kaelana gave a light laugh, shaking her head. “You'll do fine here as long as you stand your ground. Or make friends with people who will do it for you.” She gave a grin and offered out her hand to shake. “Kaelana Mãe'Natu.” Philanie took hold of her hand and shook it, looking her up and down a bit. “Loving the look. I'm going to take a wild guess and assume that you've got nature related abilities.” Philanie took a good look at Kaelana – The green hair, green eyes, and the tattoos. Oh, the tattoos! Flowers, birds, faeries, vines, and various animals scaling her body from her toes to her chest. The more she stared at it, it seemed as though the tattoo was slowly creeping up the girl's body – Very hot.

Kaelana gave a nod, though rolled her eyes as Arturo approached after waving at Cheveyo and Annie who were leaving. “I'm Arturo. The local heart throb and thower of epic parties. Sorry about what happened earlier – I didn't think Avalyn was going to be such a bitch so early into the year. Usually its something like frogs in your room or rigging juvenile traps.” Tripping kids at lunch time was a high school tradition, one might say. But not when there was glass involved. Philanie regarded him with a smile before checking her watch. “Oh shit – I'm going to be late for class.” She cursed under breath before glancing over to Jack. “And it looks like my walking pal has found another. Alas – Woe is me.” She mock sighed. “I'm sure I can find my way, though.” She smiled and motioned for Avalyn to follow her, gone as swiftly as she had arrived.

Kaelana ran her fingers through her hair and sighed a little before turning to Arturo. “C'mon.” Cheveyo, Arturo, and Kaelana were all training to be Professors when they graduated. It took three years to become just a regular Staff member, but it took six to become an actual Professor. Kaelana was glad to be on the last stretch and was debating between Performing Arts and Nature Science. She wasn't sure about Cheveyo because he said he hadn't decided what to focus on, as was the same with Arturo. She shook her head and smoothed down her dress. They didn't always attend classroom sessions – A lot of times they were in the library or somewhere else studying teacher text books among many other things. Kaelana, in particular, tended to study the books rather than staying in the classroom all day – She sat out on the lawn, smoked a blunt, and did her work there.

Arturo gave Philanie a wink and a wave as she left before going after Kaelana – He was no stranger to her work methods and more often than not, he would join her – As he would today. “While we're working, we should talk about tonight's party. Or we could just not work and set up the party instead.” He grinned as he was answered by a devious smirk that he knew was a yes. Kaelana called over her shoulder to the usual party planners. “Posy, Dani, Francis, Ginny – Carry your asses. We got a party to get together. Apresse-se!” She called for them to hurry as she and Arturo left arm in arm, Arturo texting the others that weren't present.
From Arty wrote:To: Val<3; My; Haven<3; Chevron; Anna Banana; Henny.

Party planning, fuck faces! Kae's willow tree is the meet place. Who feels like passing a joint around and planning the party of the fucking century?!

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione
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Rhine rolled her eyes, glancing over at Ruby then back at Elle. She giggled at her comment, "Probably. Why would he settle for her when he could just get you?" She commented. She put a hand on her heart, "Aw Elle I'm flattered. It is so good to know that I am a possibility for you." She joked with a wink.

After Danilo had mentioned having a party she nodded in agreement. "You can definitely count me in since it’s not a party without me." She told them jokingly. She brushed a strand of her blond hair out of her face and behind her ear. Nothing too interesting went on at this school the first day so when Ruby and Elle started to talk about each other Rhine couldn't help but to know that this was going to be an exciting year. Already people were butting heads and that people were already making friends and enemies.


Haven was singing to herself as she sat on the floor with her legs out in front of her. She brushed some stray hair out of her face that she hadn't got up into a bun and started to sing a bit louder until her phone buzzed with a notification. This made her jump while yelping. It had totally caught her off guard because her phone rarely went off with text notifications except for when Arty or Henry would text her. She let out a long breath, stood up and then went over to her phone. Of course, She thought when she saw who it was.

The girl had read the message and to be honest she couldn't help but roll her eyes at it. Sometimes she just didn't understand Arty. Sure he was supposed to be bad while she was a good little girl. In this situation she didn't know what to do since she wasn't really good with going to parties considering all she really did was stand around while she watched other people talk, dance and get wasted. Most of the time she would just go to see arty or if Henry was ever there she went with him to spend time with her best friend. She let out a frustrated sigh but decided that she would just stay in her dorm for a little while longer.


Warren had found Vaughan actually very easily, when he had caught up to Vaughan the boy was leaning against a tree. "You found me!" Vaughan lightly chuckled as he started to run alongside Warren who nodded. "Yeah you weren't as hard to find as I thought you were going to be." He admitted, running a hand through his brown hair.

They had just started coming up to the end of the trail when expectantly Vaughan "accidentally" tripped which pulled Warren down with him. "Opps," Vaughan said deviously. "Oh don't pretend like you didn't want this to happen," Vaughan said with a playful tone. Warren smiled a little up at him, rolling his eyes playfully. "I was thinking maybe later you and me could have some fun, and you can't say no because who would?" Vaughan gestured his body and began to give Warren a little show. Oh so that is what this was about. Warren watched him, noting that he did in fact look really sexy at the moment. Warren really could not stand it when Vaughan would constantly tease him. "Of course I wouldn't turn you down you should know that." He told him with a wink. He hadn't realized that he was holding his breath until Vaughan had thrown himself off of him and he had released a long breath. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted more, "You’re such a tease." He murmured then the next thing he knew they were out to the front foyer inside Maldoy. Vaughan had mentioned that it was a fun jog and that he was going to take a shower. Any other time he could care less but right now he wanted nothing more than to join him. "See you in English," He responded softly when Vaughan had said that he would see him in English. Warren cursed himself for acting the way he was acting. He watched as he walked off, sighing softly. He waved to him when he called him sexy. "See you later good looking!" He called out. He as well needed a shower so when he couldn't see Vaughan any more he went to his own dorm room.

Once he was up in his dorm room he went straight for the bathroom. He messed with his hair for a second then threw off his clothes. He thought about what Vaughan had said, he had to admit that he was tempted to get in the shower with Vaughan but thought that he could do it any other time. He turned on some music, locked the door then finally he got into the shower.


Darell rolled his eyes, "You shouldn't be worried about if people hate you or not." He said softly then took a seat next to her. He shrugged, he smiled gently at her. When she giggled a bigger smile came to his face. He loved it when she laughed, "Yes you." He said, rolling his eyes. He didn't know what to say when she said that she didn't see what someone could be jealous about. He couldn't admit anything to her, it was against school rules to have any type of relationship with a student. He put an arm comfortingly around her shoulders. "I don't know what to say Carlee. Not everyone is going to like someone else all you can really do is try hard to be their friend." He told her gently. He glanced away and around the room only to glance back at her for a reaction.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kaelana Character Portrait: Vaughan Oliver Bennett
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Jack slid his now cold and thoroughly unappetizing breakfast to the side with a practiced flick of his wrist. The short, yet substantial boy exuded a natural grace due to his dextrous ability and years of training as a gymnast. With his perfect posture and complete inability to be clumsy every move Jack made seemed as though it was choreographed and he'd learned it painstakingly perfectly.

Arching his his eyebrows with mock suggestiveness Jack laughed lightly and scanned the room around them. " You think I'm pretty? Aw, I do enjoy a compliment but I dunno if that's all it takes." Jack replied his eyes coming to rest appraisingly on the boy sitting in front of him. He'd taken Samuel's comment as an invitation of a sort. Perhaps Samuel was attracted to him perhaps he was just secure enough in his masculinity to consider another boy attractive or he was fucking with Jack and his vanity. "I mean, I was as pretty at my old school and they treated me like I had the plague but thanks for your confidence, Samuel. Means the world." Jack said genuinely with a shrug. "I don't really need to be popular but a few friends would be nice I think." The boy finished somberly, lacing his long fingers together and his long lashes casting shadows on his cheeks as he looked down at his hands. Jack didn't like to admit it but the past year of isolation had taken it's toll on him. Being lonely sucked.

With a slight gasp Jack was once again caught off guard by the sound of his new friend's voice appearing in his head. It was kind of startling and strange but for some reason he wasn't scared. It wasn't as if he had anything to be ashamed of anymore if Samuel wanted to read his mind. " As long as we're not alone right?" He answered softly. "Good or evil...well I know that despite what they told me I don't feel particularly like a good guy." Looking up at his table mate he smiled gently. "So with your gift would it work in reverse? Say if I tried to think something really hard at you, would you pick it up? Sorry, just kind of curious...if you want I could always start doing some acrobatics for you? Keep it even."



With a resigned sigh Henry wandered to the shower to rid himself off the mess his clothes and whole day had become. He hadn't even been to his first class yet. As Henry re-showered he allowed his mind to wander, thinking about the fact that this was his fifth years at the academy and he had no other plans besides becoming a teacher. And then what? The usually stoic teenager thought, a scowl resting on his usually sunny face as he soaped his unnaturally unmarked body. Henry had no scars, no identifying marks he couldn't even get a tattoo if he wanted one. Besides a freckle here and there his skin was smooth, perfect and flawless. The complete opposite of his psyche which he held together with denial and determination. Something he kept to himself and something that had only been divulged to Mariska, the Headmaster and now Elle. Shaking away the memories that often plagued him Henry turned the now cooling water off.

Stepping out of the shower he quickly dried himself realizing that he'd spent entirely too long in the bathroom and hastily redressed himself in a blue plaid shirt which he half tucked into his his jeans before stuffing his feet into his converse and heading out the door. Running a hand through his still damp hair he slid his phone out of his pocket with the other and grinned for the first time since he'd been assaulted by juice. Turning in mid stride he tucked his phone back in the front pocket of his flannel and made his way to Kae's tree.

A party would be the perfect way to wipe the slate clean. Start new and hell, who didn't love a party? Half the fun was the least the way they did it Henry thought with a grin as he slipped unseen into the sanctuary of the willow tree to await the others.



Elle merely smiled her usual lopsided smirk as she listened to Ruby make a fool of herself. Everyone knew that class and money really had nothing to do with one another. Some people were just born without it, people like Ruby. Elle's grin broadened as she thought of her own title that she would some day receive. No matter how rich or or poor the Scottish girl maybe she'd still be called a Lady which is more than she could say for her loud mouthed rival. Letting her attention drift back to her own table as she listened to the desperate mess that was Ruby Moore leave the cafeteria, her simple stoner friend Posy meandering after her. Elle wasn't ashamed of her body, she was tall, thin and what you would call willowy. Pale, delicate and classically beautiful. There was nothing that the other ginger could say to make Elle think otherwise.

"Why Rhine, I think you're the only girl that could handle me." Elle laughed, Warren and Ruby forgotten for now as her thoughts turned to talk of parties. Apparently they weren't the only group discussing such things as Kaelana's irritating screech cut through the cafeteria. Cringing slightly the redheaded teenager scowled in the direction of another girl she wished would go die in a fire. The Hulk had decided in all of her Queen Bee gusto to summon whom she deemed worthy. Elle knew her name wouldn't be on the invite list but if Francesco, Danilo or Arturo had any say she knew she'd be in attendance one way or another.

Crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair she rolled her large green eyes and tried to catch Rhine's gaze. Their mutual hatred for Kaelana had been quite the bonding agent for their relationship. "It didn't take long for the Jolly Green Giant to assert her dominance over the school. It never fails." Elle finished with a hint of envy tinging her lilting Scottish accent. Looking over at the two boys who were at her table she managed to smile brightly. "I assume you're both going to go and plan this party so hopefully it won't be incredibly lame. Just make sure we're on the invite list."



Posy listened vaguely to Warren and Vaughan and watched silently as they left, a small grin stealing across her face. They weren't discrete about it and Posy didn't think one way or the other about it save for the fact that it proved Vaughan's ability to seduce anyone anytime...even before breakfast. But not her, Nope, never her. She thought with steely reserve and a nod to herself. She was a naturally contrary girl and if you told her the sky was blue she'd insist it was green. So if everyone wanted a piece of Vaughan...well then that'd be the last thing she'd ever let herself desire. Even though she fought it tooth and nail. Rebellious much? Yes.

Her blue eyes still scanning the room she caught sight of Brad and smiled lazily at him casually waving in his direction knowing that he could easily flip her off, not acknowledge her or in the best case scenario she might get a head nod. The pink haired girl understood that even though he was bitter and caustic and sometimes mean that it wasn't something he could necessarily control. It was as if he was an open wound and everyone's raw emotions were like salt. Heavy trip that was.

Turning her attention back to Ruby and Elle's little conversation she couldn't help but to roll her eyes and sigh, an indulgent smirk crossing her face as she looked over at her best friend. "You two are starting in at it all ready? You haven't even had your Wheaties yet." Posy remarked distractedly as she rose, lifting her arms to the sky in another cat-like stretch as she began to follow Ruby outside. Posy had already decided she wasn't going to class today anyway. The unmotivated teen knew that she had to be careful having had to repeat her first two years due to lack of participation, tardiness, skipping and sleeping in class. It wasn't like she was dumb. Not really, she just had a very set list of interests that intrigued her and everything else kind of fell by the wayside.

Before she could answer Ruby's question she heard Kae's summons and knew immediately what she'd be doing in moment's time. "I know a place where all of those things are possible and more!" Posy said a bit maniacally. "Party!" She called out randomly as she fell in line behind Kaelana and Arturo, motioning for Ruby to follow along. The tall, strangely dressed girl knew that they'd end up at the willow tree to discuss tonight's details while Posy rolled j's for Kaelana to share with the group.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz
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Rhine gently nudged Elle, "You've got that right." She commented after Elle said that Rhine was the only one who could really handle her. She ended up looking away from her best friend quickly when she heard Kaelana's demanding voice. There was no doubt that Rhine hated Kaelana with a passion and most of her friend's knew that. She rolled her eyes and looked away from Kaelana and at Elle again. "It didn't take long for the Jolly Green Giant to assert her dominance over the school. It never fails." Elle finished with a hint of envy tinging her lilting Scottish accent. What she had said made Rhine laugh and nod her head.

This girl smirked at Danilo when she had turned attention to him because he started speaking. “You ladies can be terrifying you know that? You’re claws come out and retract one demand. That in itself is scary.” A soft sigh slipped through Dan’s lips as he clicked his nail against the plate. Oh really? "No I didn't know that but thank you for telling me that Dani." She said in a joking tone. With a sinister smile Dan whispered, “Now…don’t play with my emotions.” She put a hand over her mouth and made a dramatic gasp. Moving her hand she said, "Me? Why would I ever play with your emotions? I would never want to play with your emotions Danilo. You should know that." She told him then gently bit her lip as a bigger smile began to grow on his face. It wasn't until Danilo told Elle to be nice this made her roll her eyes and keep a forced smile on her face. Danilo had been called by Kae to go with them for something about them making a party. Of course, so when he stood up she winked at him then waved. "Alright see you later then love."

As soon as he was gone and was with the crew her gaze turned to Elle her face turning back to the way it was before she had forced a smile. "Is he serious? I mean is he really serious? Does he know that she makes my life hell and acts like a two year old? I mean who puts spiders everywhere a person goes? She mean no ill will, oh that’s a bunch of crap." She growled, balling her hands up into fists. She was obviously angry, "I mean how does he not see it?" With a loud sigh she rubbed her eyes out of pure frustration and anger. Slowly holding up her hands she took in a few deep breaths then grabbed for a napkin. She put the napkin to her nose as it started to bleed.


Haven flipped through her phone slowly, double checking the text that Arty had sent her, and then finally putting it down. She inhaled deeply, her eyes closing tightly in an attempt to relax just a little. It was a wonder why she was so stressed out today. It might have been because the lack of sleep she got the night before or what had happened in the cafeteria. She swallowed hard then walked from her room. She made sure to lock the door behind her, there was no way that she wanted someone to just walk into her room without her knowing about it.

This was not what she usually did, she rarely ever went to plan a party and she was rarely ever around people who even thought about passing a joint. That at least until she came here and she became like a totally different person than she was before she got here. She skipped down the hallway and away from her dorm.

After walking for a while she was able to make it outside and went to Kaelana's tree this was where Arty had told her to meet up with him and apparently quite a few other people. Haven messed with her hands, moving them over her shirt and smoothing it out. It was one of her nervous habits to smooth out her outfit when she was feeling quite nervous. Seeing Henry she instantly stopped smoothing out her shirt and quickly moved by people and went over to him. She plopped down next to him then gently poked him in the side. "Hi Henry," She said softly then tucked some of her hair behind her ear.


Warren hummed to his music as he got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around him and moving towards the sink where a mirror was over it. He ruffled his hair, grinning at the reflection of him and winking at the reflection of him in the mirror. After acting like a total freak in front of the mirror he grabbed his phone off the counter and unlocked the door before going into his dorm.

Quickly looking through his stuff for a pair of clothes that was when he got a text. He rose an eyebrow, stopping for a moment then he continued to look through his clothes. He pulled out a black tank top, a pair of shorts, underwear, and a pair of socks. All of which he quickly slipped on along with his tennis shoes before he finally went and looked at his phone. He saw who texted him and he couldn't help but smile a little.

To: Ruby <3
Message: Sorry babe I would love to but I don't think I am in the mood for party planning right now. Maybe some other time, though, if you really want to hang out then you can come up to my dorm.

Warren clicked send then tossed his phone onto his bed lazily. Even though he was going to lay down he still felt that it was necessary for him to throw his phone on to his bed. He went over to his bed, laid down and waited for Ruby to text him back.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Dakota Fuentes
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With an impish grin still spread across his face Jack took a seat near the middle of the classroom. No need to look eager but it also didn't look like there'd be a lot of competition for seats he thought as he noticed how few first years there seemed to be. Opening his notebook and pulling out a pen the naturally energetic boy began to feel nervous. Actually any time Jack had to sit still for any amount of time he felt nervous. If it was up to him he'd constantly be on the move whether it be in the gym, on the dance floor or wherever he might end up depending upon the company.

Beginning to nervously tap his pen against the blank sheet of paper Jack did his best not to laugh aloud and look back at Samuel as the other boy's voice once again drifted through his mind unbidden. With a slight head nod he remained facing forward and leaned back in his chair. Suddenly not as nervous about the first day of class as he was before, perhaps due to the open flirtation transpiring between him and Samuel. Which is literally all in my head. Jack thought curiously. There would most definitely come a time for experimentation and just maybe they'd get around to testing out their abilities too.



Henry watched lazily as people began to show up obviously summoned here just like he was. He wasn't worried about being late to class, one of the perks of working towards becoming a teacher. Henry would have to show up later and assist with class but for now he was free. With a wave, a grin or a call he greeted everyone in his usual sunny, open manner his previous worries tucked away for the time being. Something that Augustus and Mariska both had been telling him wasn't a permanent solution and might actually cause more harm than good in the long run. Yet to the stubborn teenager things seemed pretty simple. Run. Keep Running. Don't Stop. Never Look Back.

With a wide smile he tended to save for the people closest to him he shook his hair back from his tanned face and looked up at Haven as she joined him. Involuntarily reacting to her poke he laughed and leaned over to nudge her with his shoulder. Leaning back and resting his elbows on the ground he crossed his feet and regarded his best friend silently for a second.

"Haven, I'm glad you're here." Henry said genuinely glad to see that it looked like she felt better. "Things should definitely be interesting....starting right about now." He trailed off with a laugh as he heard the first sounds of Posy and knew that the party planners were close



Elle's smile dissipated as she watched the large group of laughing, chattering kids leave the classroom to presumably plan a party. Elle hated Kaelana, she made no bones about it and it irked her to see everyone follow her around as if they had no original thought in their head. She detested being excluded and she felt Kaelana took every opportunity to do so though Elle counted herself lucky to not be an actual target of the girl's much like Rhine was.

Turning towards her friend she heard her own frustrations echoed back at her. If Elle gravely disliked Kaelana it was a vile hatred that Rhine held for the girl who controlled nature. Silently listening and watching to her friend react to Danilo's flippancy she pursed her usually pouty lips. Danilo might be able to say this or that about girls and their behavior towards each other, but he didn't get it. The vying for power, the fact that at any moment the whole world could be turned against you because you wore or said or did the wrong thing. Maybe for some girls it didn't matter, maybe they liked being overlooked and staying home on saturday nights watching movies alone. Elle wasn't that kind of girl.

"Because they all see what they want to see." Elle replied honestly and flatly. "Until we show them otherwise." She sighed with resignation as she rose from the table and gathered her things. "We'll think of something, we always do." Elle said softly as she pulled kleenex from her purse and offered them to Rhine.



A raucous burst of laughter burst from Posy as she entertained the notion of a lingerie party. Ruby could definitely get away with it, Posy had actually seen the girl buy actual lingerie before. Her personal idea of sexy nightwear was no nightwear at all so she didn't really get the point but if Ruby was throwing it it'd definitely be entertaining at the very least. Not like Posy could exactly fill any of it out anyway, while her best friend called Elle out for having a less developed body the tall, lanky girl couldn't help but to look at her own body which was all angles and lines and think it ridiculous. People were people, all different shapes, sizes, colors, and dispositions. Such was life.

While her attention was distracted Danilo slipped in beside her and slung his arm around her thin shoulder and attempted what Posy liked to think of as a mind meld. Slipping her arm around his waist she squeezed playfully before releasing him and grinned widely at her newly arrived friend. " Ruby says she's got booze covered, we're basically a troupe of traveling musicians at this school and God save us all if you can't help us start a bonfire." The carefree girl said with a waggle of her eyebrows as she caught sight of Kota in her peripheral vision.

Sliding her arm around the person that probably understood her the best she lifted her cheek to receive the kiss she always received. Posy rested her head on his shoulder as they walked, strands of flyaway pink and platinum fanning across Dakota's chest as she giggled lowly. "I like how I'm the troublemaker but that girl back there would probably say differently." She was well aware that the two of them together made quite the pair. They looked like those kids that got followed around department stores...well they were those kids. Half the student body thought they were dating the other half were afraid to talk to them especially since the whole list thing got out. There was nothing wrong with just not giving a fuck, she was quite fine with it, it didn't make her bad or unapproachable.

"We are on our way to plan a most epic party and you're assistance is greatly needed. I think I've gone rusty." She replied randomly as she lifted her head to look at the small group assembling near the willow tree. "We should take roll, yeah?" Posy called out flippantly to Kaelana as she slipped in amongst the others.



Sally let out a huge sigh of relief as she pushed through the door that led to her classroom. With a quick look around she realized she was the first arrival and let out a little yelp of excitement. The last thing she wanted to be on her very first day was late. What kind of teacher let a bunch of teenagers beat them to class anyway? Letting the few books she'd brought with her slide onto what was now her desk, Sally began to move around the room silently. Opening shades, writing her name on the blackboard, blowing dust from the full size skeleton who'd she'd probably name before the day was through and anxiously awaiting the arrival of her first class.

With a slight grimace to herself to the usually soft-spoken english girl plopped down behind her desk and smoothed the skirt of her dress. Her first class would apparently be the fourth years, the kids who'd been here the longest and to be perfectly honest the ones that scared her the most. It was a bizarre feeling to teach people who were only ten years younger than yourself, not to mention the fact that Sally looked as though she'd fit right in with the student body. Sally straightened her shoulders and rose from her desk, too jittery with nerves to sit still for long.

Crossing her arms in front of her she turned her attention towards the window overlooking the grounds of the massive estate. Crossing her arms Sally leaned her head against the frame of the window momentarily losing herself in thought and once again wondering when all the dark clouds had decided to move in. With a small smile which brought out her dimples she silently laughed to herself. All this doom and gloom outside could only be a sign that today would be perfect...well okay, maybe not a complete and total disaster.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Anastacia Delgado-Valdez Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Valentina Richards
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#, as written by Vix
Arturo was far ahead of the pack, having released Kaelana so that he could catch up to the new girl. “Hey! Philanie, right?” He gave Avalyn a nod, but had placed his hand on the new girl's shoulder. She had smiled and turned around, brushing some hair from her face shyly. “Ah...Yeah. Most Americans can't pronounce it right on the first try...Brava – I'm impressed.” She laughed softly as Arturo shrugged his shoulders. “I was born in America, but my bloodline is pure Italian – But, I had a nanny who was from Africa...Okay, that sounded kind of racist.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as she shook her head and laughed. “Oh, no! Its fine – You didn't say you had a...well. An 'n' word.” She smiled faintly, though wondered what Arturo wanted.

As if reading her mind, he beamed a smile. “Right – Anyways. The group you saw at the table are what we call Titans -”

“Ooohh. So the cool kids' clique has a name, huh?” Philanie laughed.

“Its not like that – Most of us that sit at the center table are in the school's A Capella group; The Titans of Tunes.” Arturo rolled his eyes.

“Ah – So for once, the Glee Club rules the school, eh?” She smirked and crossed her arms over her chest. “I should let you know that I couldn't carry a tune if you put it in a bucket and nailed a lid over it.”

“Wasn't asking that – What I'm saying is that every year, we throw a boss ass party within the first week of school and we're about to go plan it. I thought you looked like the partying type, so I was wondering you'd like to aid in our righteous cause. The more the merrier, y'know?” Arturo didn't know if she was the partying type, nor did he particularly care, but he did think she was sexy as hell and thought that it would be a good thing for her to try and make a new friends – What better way to do that then to invite her to the group of the most open-minded people at the school? He watched as she placed her index finger to her lips before shrugging. “Yeah – Why the hell not? Its not like I'm missing anything important – Not a fan of the 'share who you are' activities. So first grade.” She smirked.

Kaelana smiled as her friends joined her in her walk to her beloved willow tree, though rolled her eyes at Dani's request. “You know of my aversion to fire...But since its you asking – Why not?” She turned her head some to wink at him and then one accompanied by a feisty lick of her lips in Francesco's direction before continuing her stride. As soon as her tiny, bare feet touched the grass, small forget-me-nots that were blue in color would bloom as each of her feet lifted, leaving a sort of pathway. She danced, twirling her way to her tree – which was much larger than any normal willow tree. As soon as you pushed away the hanging branches and looked inside, it was magnificent.

“Yeah, sure Pose.” She called out behind her, snapping her fingers. The branches parted like she was Moses and they were the red sea. Animals of all kinds had made their home in the branches and in the large burrows of the tree, some even under the stumps that she had placed for seating. People would always ask her how the hell she slept there – Which was easy enough to answer: She turned into an animal and found a nice patch of clovers and flowers. Duh.

“Gaea – Totally here.” She began to call everyone out, herself included, by their 'code name'.

“Rhea...Absent. Phoebe...Probably not gonna show. Crius...” Arturo bounded towards them at that point, Avalyn and the new girl in tow. “Here!” He shouted, grinning as he passed by her and into her home. He swung Nina gently onto a stump near Henry and Haven, Avalyn right alongside her. “Welcome, ladies! To the best fucking place on earth – Or at least at Maldoy.” He grinned and motioned around them. Philanie marveled while Avalyn simply rolled her eyes and emitted a 'tch'. Nina waved shyly to Haven and Henry, pretty positive that neither of them were in the mood to speak to her at that moment in time – Not like the incident was her fault, anyways. And she had made Avalyn apologize.

“Yeaah..” Kaelana continued, rolling her eyes. “Themis...En route. Mnemosyne...en route. Hyperion...” She glanced up at Dani and grinned. “Yup. Metis...” She looked around, seeing that Donny wasn't present. “Crius, you didn't forget Metis again, did you?” She looked back at the Italian who ground his teeth. He didn't have anything personal against his room mate. Really, he didn't. He just didn't like that Donny had slept with Kaelana. “ could I have?” He snorted sarcastically, though whipped out his phone and punched through the message to him. “Fucking moron.” Kaelana muttered before continuing.“And Theia..” She glanced back and saw Myra, flashing her a smile. “Oh! There's Rhea.” She grinned as Val bounded towards them. “Great – Onto the guest planners -”

The Titans of Tunes weren't just the school's A Capella group. They were, by far, the largest 'clique' at the school with a mixture of both Good and Evil – Cheveyo said that he thought it to be a good 'fuck you' to the List. A show to the entirety of the school that they could easily coexist with each other and they thought that it was quite a testament, considering all of the wild personalities tossed into the bunch yet the die hard loyalty that they had to each other, no matter which side they were supposedly to be on. They planned most of the parties; At first it was just to throw a good party, but lately they were trying to erase the line that had divided them into Good and Evil – To show that a stupid list didn't make them who they were and that they didn't have to live up to it; Even though Genevieve was making most of the Professors' and students' lives hell by becoming 'Evil' – Kae worried about that.

They also made a habit of being the local vigilantes lately as well – You had a problem with a bully? You obviously couldn't trust teachers anymore, so why not take it to the Titans? Or the Teen Titans, as the new nickname had been circulating. They were much more than an A Capella group...So much more.

“I see Francesco has graced us with his presence – Thank you, mi amante.” She winked at him before looking to see Henry. “Also Henry, Dakota, Posy, Ruby, Avalyn, and Nina. Everyone say hi to Nina – She's new.” She smiled sweetly to the girl.

Cheveyo's simple Nokia phone buzzed at the same time as Ana's, which he pulled out of his pocket and checked. “Ah – The first party of the year.” He chuckled before glancing down at his girlfriend. They had paused in their walk to check their phones, though Ana never did attend the party planning because there was always smoking. Chev knew that Ana didn't like smoking, though he and the others couldn't see why; Mary Jane was your friend, not your enemy. A simple herb, not a drug. But Cheveyo understood exactly how his girlfriend was about these things and he respected it – She didn't want to risk anything that would get her removed from school, ultimately taking her away from him. He sighed softly and wrapped his arms around her, leaning down and kissing her lips gently. “Alright – We could do lunch in town and grab the food while we're there, kay?” He smiled at her, looking deep into her beautiful eyes. “I'll try to make it to your other classes if we don't take too long. Promise. And if I don't, I'll make up with skipping the party this weekend and spending the night with you.” He gave another kiss, this one deeper before patting her butt. “Now – Go kick some ass.”

He grinned as he bounded away, a little sad to be leaving her, but he didn't like distracting her in Battle as is, and he certainly didn't want to end up as a sparring partner with her because he was always scared he was going to end up hurting her; He tended to get really...focused when he was fighting. He accidentally broke her arm once and has never fought her since – Him breaking her arm is actually what had brought them together; He catered to her every whim while she was recovering and they simply...clicked. He didn't pay any mind to the age difference, he saw her for her mind, her maturity, and her beauty. Age was just a number. And nobody tried to stop them, either.

He gave a loud 'hey' as he approached the tree, breezing past Kaelana and skidding to a halt in the center. “So, what's the plan?” He took a seat on a stump near Myra, giving her a light smile before looking to Kaelana, who had closed the 'curtains'. Kaelana knelt down in the large patch of clovers and small forget-me-nots in the center of her 'room' and placed her hand on the ground, as she brought her hand up slowly, so did the beautiful sight of a large marijuana stalk rise with it. The stalk seemed to come to life, uprooting itself and walking into Kaelana's now open hands. She closed her hands around it, seeming to crush it before opening her hands again. There, lying in her hand, was a large pile of buds. “Here, Pose. Get it rolled and lit.” She smirked and gently lay the buds on the stump nearest her. “You know where everything is.”

She then took a spot standing in the middle of the 'room'. “Alright – So. Instead of doing an indoor party, we should do an outdoor party. At the lake. Celebrate nature coming to life. The season of rebirth. I'm thinking that instead of chips and dip and a buffet of the usual – We do fruits and vegetables and then some grilled meat. Have a kick-ass bonfire. Wine instead of liquor. Flowers everywhere. Instrumental and electronic music. Nothing modern, y'know? it is part of nature...Great Mary Jane all around.” She clasped her hands together, her green eyes scanning the room. “So...What do you guys think?”

Genevieve sighed as Kae called them off to duty, pouting at her girlfriend. “Alright, love. I guess I'll see you tonight. I'm taking you out tonight – Dinner and a movie sound fair?” She winked as her girlfriend headed out to class, eying her ass like it was a pork chop. “Yum.” She muttered to herself before turning to Carson, who had seemed to start up his magic hands. She smirked and stood up before leaning in close to his face. “Maybe you can show me just how magic those hands are later? Unless your sister forbids it.” Her eyes had a devilish gleam as she kissed the corner of his lips before making her way out of the cafeteria. “Willow tree – Be there or be square.” She purred over her shoulder. “I'm already there.” She spoke aloud. And so she was. She appeared next to Kaelana just as the nature girl gave her suggestion. “Ohh. I like it. Only if I can get you to make me a dress like that, though.” She grinned, grabbing her friend's ass before taking a seat. She crossed her legs, as not to show off her goodies in the miniskirt she had picked out for the day.

Nina gave a light laugh at the show and shook her head. “Wow – Pretty open with the affection around here, huh? I think its a great idea. I've never been to a nature-themed party...Or any party for that matter.” She blushed at the comment she had made and lowered her head.

“I'm down.” Arturo chirped. “Me too.” Cheveyo quipped after him, high-fiving each other. Cheveyo thought that it'd be great to actually celebrate Spring instead of partying in hopes to get lucky or wasted or high off your ass. Something with meaning.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Arturo Castiglione
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Rhine grumbled something angrily under her breath as she cleaned the blood that was still flowing from her nose. "I really hate when this happens." She told Elle softly. She slowly stood up as she felt the blood slowing and went to go throw away the kleenex and the napkins that she had used to stop the blood flow. She shook her head when she returned to the table where Elle was.

You tell by the expression on her face that she wasn't too happy. Suddenly she pulled a fake smile on her face, straightening up a little just to look as confident as possible. She nodded in agreement when she said that they would figure something out. "Oh most definitely. We always do," She smiled a little, then grabbed Elle's hand. "Let’s go do something, like let’s go mess with one of the new kids or something just for fun." She then released her best friend's hand and twirled around with a giggle. Rhine was really good at disguising her feelings and masking the fact that she was still frustrated. This girl acted as if nothing in the world bothered her any more, she was able to go from really angry to being like nothing ever happened. Like everything was right with the world. That was a good and a bad thing some times.


Haven looked at Henry and smiled gently at him. "Haven, I'm glad your here." Henry had said to her. This made her rolled her eyes playfully at him then hit him on the shoulder when he leaned back onto his elbows. "Things should definitely be interesting....starting right about now." Henry, her best friend, had trailed off with a laugh. She looked at the people coming towards Kaelana's tree. She didn't necessarily know what to say, it hadn't been exactly what she wanted to do today she just did it because she didn't want to see like a total loner or anything.

Here they were talking up a storm as soon as they got to the tree, the girl couldn't help but to crisscross applesauce her legs and neatly fold her hands in her lap. Sighing softly she listened as they talked, honestly she had nothing to say and didn't have any type of opinion on what should be included to the party. Well actually, change that she had a few ideas but decided it would be better if she just didn't voice them. These were a group of kids that she rarely talked to- not including Arty- so she wasn't really all that comfortable around them. Lifting her eyes, she glanced over at Henry, her smile gone as she looked around at all of the people who were putting their thoughts into what they should do for the party.


Darell cleared his throat, silence had come over the two and he wasn't sure what he could say to her. He didn't want anything to be uncomfortable to her and he didn't want to run her off or anything so he finally decided what to say to her. "Is there anything else you want to talk about Carlee?" He asked, suddenly noticing the blush. How long was that blush there? Oh crap, he wasn't making her feel uncomfortable or anything was he? He slowly drew his arm back to his side, glancing down at his lap.

Without really thinking about it he returned his arm back to its original spot which was around her. A gentle smile came to his face as he glanced over at her. He couldn't deny that he had a major crush on this girl but she was one of his students and he was a teacher. Not only that but he was older than her and most people would see it as him taking advantage of a younger girl. He couldn't have that this was really one of the only reasons why he hasn't made any moves on her. If she was older and wasn't one of his students then it would probably have been different. It wasn't that way though and there was really nothing he could do about it but to hide his feelings.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Ruby Desiree Moore Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Warren Ramirez Character Portrait: Darell Wright Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan
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Augustus could not find Sally and wondered where she went off too. Augustus felt flustered and uneasy, the noise from the cafeteria had stopped meaning students were off doing hell-knows-what. Augustus rushed to his office, It was time to put school into session. He opened the door to his office and flicked on the PA which was audible through the whole school and anyone who was on school grounds.

"This is your headmaster speaking, I advise all students to get ready for their first period class because school starts in only 10 minutes. Thank you and I hope you all have a nice day."

Augustus went straight to his history classroom. The blinds were closed, giving the room a gloomy vibe. He opened the blinds releasing light, the room now felt bright and joyful. To his desk Augustus organized what he needed for the day and sat at his desk and began to phase through hundreds of thoughts in a quick moment of solitude. Augustus had a ridiculous amount of patience and did what he always would do to kill time. He went in the backroom of the class and went through his shelves of journals. He picked one up and began to flip through the pages. A flash of memories impacted him every time he flipped to the next page. The past seemed nebulous almost but reading his historic literature made him remember.



As soon as Vaughan's I-pod playlist played its final song he knew that his imaginary audition for American Idol was coming to a end and so that meant his singing was finally coming to a finish. Vaughan closed the faucet and pulled back the shower curtain to get a look at the time. The steamy fog that spiraled around in the bathroom made it hard to determine what the time was. Vaughan's first class was Health and that class started at 9:09, meaning he still had 19 minutes left to do whatever. Vaughan got out of the shower and dried off, he knew if he spent anymore time in the bathroom that he would spend it looking himself in the mirror. Vaughan scrambled through his drawers and finally found something that he wanted to wear. He put on a loose brown plaid shirt and beige cargo shorts. He was out of his dorm as soon as he could find his favorite designer shoes.

Walking through the hallway Vaughan caught sight of Koen who was pacing himself rather quickly. "Koen!" Vaughan called after him, simply calling his name rattled the pits of Vaughan's stomach and Vaughan knew that his feelings for Koen were suddenly working up.

Vaughan is simply over-emotional and love you can say is a enhanced emotion that Vaughan possesses. The slightest sign that you show Vaughan that you are interested in him, he begins to grow keen towards you. Though the irony of it all is that he doesn't know how to accept love, he's scared rather. Koen, Myra and Karen do this thing that Vaughan really cannot explain. Vaughan finds himself acting like his true-self around them and that frightens Vaughan because he isn't really use to his true-self.

Vaughan's eyes lighted, "why are you in such a hurry? Class doesn't start till another 13 minutes," Vaughan said gesturing to his watch. "I wish I was back to being a second year, you have Battle first period." Vaughan's eyes wandered, he is usually the smooth talker but he was really running out of things to say and felt that he was the one doing most of the talking. Minutes later they both headed downstairs and the PA buzzed. Augustus spoke,

"This is your headmaster speaking, I advise all students to get ready for their first period class because school starts in only 10 minutes. Thank you and I hope you all have a nice day."

"I need to get to Health Koen, have fun in Battle class." Vaughan gave the most charming smile he could present before walking away and teleporting to his dorm to retrieve his textbooks. The convenience of Vaughan's ability is that he's punctual and will never be late for class. He teleported himself to his home room where Ms. Winters sat at her desk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Haven Tatumn Character Portrait: Rhine Donovan Character Portrait: Henry Camaz Character Portrait: Posy Llewellyn Character Portrait: Kaelana Character Portrait: Philanie Ferreira
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Posy waggled her fingers at Dakota in hopes that he would follow her having all ready taken note of the gleam in Ruby's eyes and her phone in hand. Posy didn't have to be a genius to put it together and raised her eyebrows as she lazily grinned at the redhead. If she pressed she might be able to get Ruby to stay and plan the party plus it didn't hurt that the girl's eyes lit up when she caught sight of Kota. Yet when Posy saw that even Valentina couldn't keep Ruby present she knew there wasn't much anyone could do. Anyway who was she to stand in the way of True for the moment?

Wandering in amongst the small congregation of students the tall pink haired girl found a spot near the center and handily took the buds from Kaelana, grinning to herself as she thought about the fact that half of them were skipping their first class yet they still didn't feel right about not calling roll.

"In my pocket." Posy said in a light sing song as she produced a small wooden box from within one of the many pockets of her robe. You could always count on Pocketful of Posies to have plenty of surprises tucked away. Silently sliding open the small kit she'd fashioned together through years of happenstance she began to deftly pull apart the buds before rolling them into joints to be passed amongst those who did choose to partake. Glancing quickly at Kota she tried to decipher if perhaps he was disappointed with the fact she wasn't in class, but then again neither was he. Of course, as he would like to point out to her, he also hadn't failed...twice. Turning her attention back to her task she listened mutely as passed her finished product back to Kaelana and slipped her box back into the blue silk robe draped around her.

Sitting back down she crossed her legs and pressed her hands together looking very much like a neo-grunge glam guru blessing their proceedings. "Well then it's decided. All that's left is when? I'd say this weekend can't come soon enough."



Henry nodded to the rest of the group and turned his attention back to Haven who'd by this time had gone very quiet, looking up at his friend Henry noticed her smile had faded as well. Making what he liked to think of as his sad puppy dog face he did his best to draw Haven's attention to himself. He proceeded to stick out his tongue, cross his eyes and make every goofy face he could think of before noticing Nina's presence beside them. Turning a bright shade of red Henry straightened his face and managed to smile cheerfully while feeling like a complete idiot. Their previous meeting leaving no impact on the boy whatsoever. It wasn't like the girl had purposely decided to take a spill and make Henry, Haven and even herself a victim. It was an accident, an accident caused by an idiot on purpose.

Turning his attention back to Kaelana he couldn't help but to feel a bit of excitement at the thought of the upcoming party. A distraction was something Henry could always look forward to, the less time he had to dwell on his thoughts the better and to be perfectly honest drinking always seemed to be his go to cure all. He didn't go out and wreak havoc or turn his anger on others, he didn't go out and get laid or use others to forget his pain. Alcohol just made sense to him. Henry's ability made it difficult for him to get drunk, let alone wasted and even when he did finally reach a point of non-sobriety there was no hangover the next day. No sick stomach or pounding headache, just lots and lots of booze, the stronger the better. He got to feel warm, happy and carefree and all it took was a bit of a drink. Well, a lot of drinks.

Sitting up Henry leaned forward a small frown appearing on his face for the first time at the mention of no liquor, but quickly dismissed his disappointment with the idea that what people didn't know couldn't hurt them. What he kept on his own person was his business and it wasn't like he'd get sloppy drunk, he'd just get to feel something. Like the rest of the kids did.
For the third time in less than a day Nina once again gained his attention. This time because of the mention of her lack of party going expertise. Henry was even able to drag Haven to parties occasionally, well not drag, his best friend definitely didn't do anything she didn't want to. Something that he admired her for and kind of hoped would rub off on him.

"Well, Nina that's something that is definitely going to have to change and I couldn't think of a better place to start than here." He proclaimed cheerfully, his trademark grin flashing across his face as he looked up at the new girl.



Elle smiled and nodded approvingly at Rhine. They might not be happy right now or have exactly what they wanted but they were clever. They had all the tools and now all they had to do was use them, for what? Who knew, but for now? Definitely for fun, and if they weren't having fun they'd just fake it til they made it. After all appearances seemed to be everything around here. Laughing softly along with her friend she trailed behind the elfin, blonde girl. Elle never felt as comfortable or as free with her emotions or actions like other people. The stubborn ginger only operated on two levels. One that was full of surface emotions like anger, lust or contentment that flitted by rapidly and never stayed long and one that was full of a deep, quiet wrath with a dark sense of entitlement. She knew no other way and only understood that most people were different once she was able to actually be them.

"Mess with a new kid? That's probably the way it'd have to be, everyone else can see us coming a mile away." Elle replied with a quick grin as she kept pace with Rhine. That wasn't exactly true but it was true that their fellow schoolmates knew what they could do and in some cases even what they were capable of. A quick image of Henry's face flashing through her brain before she shook her head as if to erase his very existence. "Any ideas? I could do the whole jump into an animal freak people out thing with how clever the squirrel is...but that's getting pretty old. If only I could take over a flock of birds, pull a Hitchcock. That'd be fun." She mused, finding herself curious about the idea of dominating a hive mind, not birds perhaps but there were definite possibilites. Something she would have to bring up with Jason when she saw him next perhaps.

The precocious teenager had long since stopped asking her teachers about her ability and most definitely not about the advancement of it. She didn't often show it but Elle was perfectly aware that she creeped people out. The thought of her possessing someone was too much for some, even for some teachers she thought. It was as if she were an actual walking,talking demon going to class beside them, didn't hurt that she was officially evil now either. That was why she cultivated a relationship with Jason. He was brilliant and calculating and surprisingly good at mentoring though she'd never tell him so. He'd actually taught her a bit about restraint, something the actual professors had yet to do.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Rhine." Maybe we'll get lucky and won't have to search far for some fun." Elle finished as she continued on in the general direction of their classes.



"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Sally as she pressed the palm of her hand to her chest as if to steady her heart. "Doubt I'll ever get use to that." She said with a grin and a small laugh at Vaughan Bennett who'd just teleported himself directly into her classroom as other fourth years began to file in through the door. Sally had been expecting a lot of things but teleportation wasn't one of them. How utterly fascinating she thought, to be here and then there at the snap of your fingers...or however it worked.

"You must be..." Sally began as she read over the small dossier she'd received on her students and hadn't cracked open once until now. Considering that they all had their own unique powers with their own unique quirks and needs it was quite helpful to know what the students could do and what they were capable of. "Vaughan Bennett." She finished brightly, her dimples flashing as she smiled at the boy and turned her attention to the rest of the class now finding their seats.

"Yes, Good morning, hello everyone. Sit where you'd like, no seating charts. I don't have the patience for that." She called out, her english accent soft yet quite pronounced, as she moved to lean back against the front of her desk. Silently smoothing out the skirt of her blue dress she clasped her hands in front of her and stared out at the classroom that was quickly beginning to fill up. Taking a deep breath she tried to calm the nerves that were once again beginning to settle in the pit of her stomach.

"Welcome to Health Class. I am Miss Winters and as most of you know by now. I am new here, so please be kind and patient and we'll probably all make it out of here alive."