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Charlotte Raelonne Johnes

A very straight forward and independent girl. She can be a great friend or a horrible enemy. She is stubborn to no ends, and is most likely never going to listen to anything you tell her to do.

0 · 188 views · located in Millenia

a character in “Rainy Days”, as played by Fallen


Charlotte Raelonne Johnes
Nickname;; Charlie
Age;; 17
Orientation;; Bisexual
Species;; Human
Personality;; Charlie is someone who will be very forward with you. Whatever she thinks about something, she will tell you. Whether it is good or bad, though most of the time she will try and spare your feelings, though wont sugar coat it. She is not someone who would suck up to anyone if she didn't like them, nor pretend to be someone she isn't because she is quite content with the person she is. She is friendly for the most part, but a bit reserved and someone who has major trust issues. The friendliness she shows people when first meeting them is mostly out of politeness, when really she is unsure of the person. She is painfully stubborn, and doesn't like being told what to do or how to do it. It really doesn't matter anyways because she wont listen to you. In fact, if you tell her not to do something, she will probably want to do it more. Charlie is however someone who will stand up for you, and definately the little guy, the weaker person. She is not afraid to get in your face and put you in your place, nor is she afraid to punch you and knock you out. She is someone who is not afraid of consequences, even though she should be. Should you ever gain her trust, she is a very caring individual, who will treat you well and take care of you. She might become a little protective but that is just how she is. She will listen to your problems, and she will dry your tears when you cry - but she hates seeing people cry, it makes her feel a bit useless. Should someone make her friends or loved ones cry, they should expect a beating. Charlie hates when people try to be fake, or try too hard. She is someone who believes you should be yourself, that it will make you happy, because trying to be someone else will not pay off in the end. She is a loyal friend but a horrible enemy. Physically she is rugged and almost tomboy ish, emotionally she seems rugged as well, but she has issues that she has just bottled up inside and refuses to remember. One day she might crack. She is someone who is happy when you are happy and secretly sad when you are sad. She tends to worry about people way more than she should, but she doesn't tell them that.
Crush;; TBD

Likes;; Taking pictures of people, sketching; especially of posed people or candid moments, writing; particularly realistic stories or poems which tend to be tragic or dark or have a love element to them, reading; fiction/non - fiction/fantasy/and manga, watching anime; action, comedy, fantasy, or romantic comedys but no flat out romance, listening to music; pop/jpop/kpop/alternative/rap/country/r&b/hardstyle/dance/techno, singing; when no one else is around, dancing; when no one is around because she is quite bad at it and just dances goofily, texting; because what is life without cell phones, video games; fighting games, rpgs, and shooting games, online gaming, animals; especially cats, soft things, cute things, piercings, tattoos, any type of art in general, raquetball, tennis, swimming, the water, fashion which is different from the basic, rollercoasters, going fast, motor cycles, the wind in her hair.

Dislikes;; Vegetables, most healthy foods, homework, being told what to do, being told she is wrong, people who drink/smoke/do drugs, creepy crawly things, spiders, being judged, concieted people, overused sarcasm, bullies, when people are rude, girls who abuse the word like, seeing people cry, having to tell other people what to do, when she embarresses herself, people who see her piercings and stereotype her.

Other Notes;; Charlie dresses like a tomboy really. Shes wears a lot of hoodies, plain or graphic tees, baggy pants. Or sometimes she wears skinny jeans. At times she'll whip out a tub top or shorts but the hell you will ever get her in a dress.
Looks;; Charlie stands about five foot four, but with a curvey figure. She is thin still, about one hundred five pounds. She is pale beyond pale, with burgundy layered hair and dark brown eyes. She has a piercing under her lip, as well as on the side of her nose, and on her belly button. On her back she has a large tattoo of black wings.
Items;; Her iphone, ipod touch, pocket knife, and wallet.
History;; Editing...
Theme Song;; Katt Deluna - Unstoppable
Secret;; Charlie has many a secrets, some about herself, some not. Firstly because of the fact that her mother is an alcoholic and her father bailed on them, Charlie has had to take drastic measures to get a quick fix of money into the household. She has worked as a stripper in a popular strip joint once upon a time, while also getting a fake ID and working as a bartender. Her bisexuality is a secret, she has nothing against telling anyone she just rather not have a relationship with a female, the are just pure fun to her. She was kicked out of high school at the age of sixteen, and no longer has schooling of anykind, she was also arrested once for what was claimed to be assualt, but the charges were dropped and she was let go. Lastly, she has never been a relationship before, and no one has claimed to ever have loved her.

So begins...

Charlotte Raelonne Johnes's Story