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In your shadow I can shine.

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a character in “Random Bits of Thoughts”, as played by th4everlove




I would classify myself as a semi-loner. You may ask what the hell a semi-loner is. Well, my made up persona group means people who only socialize in spurts. Ok, now what does that mean? It simply means that I will only convers with people if I have enough courage to actual talk to them. So one day I could feel too scared to even look at someone, and then the next day I will attempt to get to know a new person better. The latter, however, happens very rarely, since I am the biggest scaredy-cat in the world. I am frightened of what others thing about me, even though I tell myself otherwise. Because of my fears, I am reluctant to talk to anyone, be in the spotlight, or try to attract attention to myself (by either wearing something or doing something that would be considered ā€œweirdā€). This has created an invisible force field between me and the outside world. I have lots of time to think when I donā€™t talk to others, giving me time to mull different topics over and over in my mind. Sometimes I enjoy being able to think by myself and not be bothered by other peopleā€™s problems, but at the same time it makes me feel very alone. I only have a handful of friends who I love dearly. However, since I have only a few friends, I am not always able to be near them every day. Thus increasing the emotional turmoil I feel inside. Wow, now I sound really depressing. Well, I guess I am in some ways, but I can assure you that thatā€™s not always the case.

If you get to know me well enough, I am a majorly clueless spaz who cannot have too much sugar or else the world will explode from my craziness. Yup, I am uncontrollable insane. My friends bring me out of my shell of loneliness and let loose the person I truly am. First off, my true self cannot stop talking to save their life. Once I start off on something, it will never end until someone shoves a sock down my throat, or gives me chocolate (the greatest and most delicious food ever created in the history of mankind). Actually, do not give me chocolate; that would just make it worse. Much, much worse. Sugar will be the death of me one day, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I died eating chocolateā€¦ Anyway, so I talk to much when I am around my friends, you will never get me to shut up. Also, I never think before I speak, so usually I just make a fool of myself and say too much. Secondly, I love to mess with people. If you hang with me, prepare to go insane. Annoyance, how I love thee~. I also am a major blonde. I say and do things that make people believe I am truly as dumb as a doorknob. For example, sometimes I look for my phone when I am talking to someone with it. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I did ask my friend on the other end if they had seen my phone. I understood where it was after my friend broke their laugh box. It was a very humiliating 20 minutes (the amount of time it took before my friend could breathe normally again). If only I paid a little more attention to what was needed in order to talk to someone who wasnā€™t physically standing next to me.

Even though I am a spaz at heart, I am also a hypocrite. No one wants to be a hypocrite, yet we are in various ways (or at least I feel like I am). I disapprove of people who lie to others, but I do the same
thing once in a while. During a ā€œseriousā€ social issue like drama, which I hate with every fiber of my being, I tell lies to people in a way to where it will hopefully not escalate the problem further, for that would just make it all the more horrid of a situation. Personally, I think I am a good liar to some extent. It is a very useful skill that can help you stay on peopleā€™s good sides. I also hate it when people donā€™t take the time to actually listen to a band before they think badly of them; however, I greatly dislike some artists even though I have not really listened to them (example Justin Beiber). There are more things I can add to the list of my hypocritical issues, but I feel too lazy to put type them up (itā€™s a pretty long list).

That is another thing I am: lazy. Lazy with a capital L. This character sheet is an example of that laziness because I it was supposed to be finished a few days ago. I am hopping cass-isnt-here wonā€™t kill me for being so terribly late (which I think they wonā€™t be because they loves me so very much~).I am not completely lazy, rather I am semi-lazy. When it comes to work, I always finish what needs to be done when it needs to be due. But when it comes to me and my own goals, I am lazy. I sometimes wish to become a writer (of either novels or songs), a performer (piano or singing), and/or a photographer. I would love to become any of those things, but whenever I have an idea to do something, I either never start it or I never finish it. I have never finished a single story or song in my life. There are tons of unfinished writings stored deep in the depths of my computer that have collected dust over the past years. Sometimes I wonder if I will be able to become what I want to be when I never try to make my dreams a reality. Itā€™s so frustrating to have no inspiration whatsoever.


Background Information
I was born in the USA and have lived here ever since and I have never been to another country. I am in high school, but I feel as though I could have skipped a few grades (would have gotten me out of school a lot quicker). My elementary years were spent with excessive bullying, which I was too clueless enough to notice until the 6th grade. I was able to make friends with people who were considered ā€œoutcastsā€ like me. One such friend has been there for me since the 2nd grade, and hopefully will still be there when I need a wheelchair. My once carefree personality had changed dramatically once I finally figured out why everyone treated me so badly and laughed at me. I became the turtle I am today, scared to come out of my safe shell for the fear of being ridiculed so hideously once again.
When I started junior high, I was extremely quiet and alone without anyone to talk to (none of my elementary friends went to the same junior high). I became utterly depressed out of loneliness and shut myself from the world. My life changed when an amazing person actually started talking to me. We became the best of friends and they introduced me to lots of new people who I instantly became friends with. The deep emptiness I had been feeling since I started junior high disappeared completely and life became a wonderful gift.

Then a year later, that all changed when one of the new friends I had made turned out to be my worst enemy. Drama escalated and the group of friends I had for the first year of junior high split apart, and subtracted a large number of people who I loved from my life. My group of friends shrunk, but the ones that have stayed have become even closer to me than ever before. We will never be separated no matter what happens.

When I started high school, the feeling of loneliness that had plagued me years before returned, but not as severe as it had been before. Slowly, the loneliness has been diminishing as I made new friends. Now I am still in high school and I look forward to the future ahead of me.

One of my goals in life is to get into a good college and make something of my life. I would like either to become a writer, become a translator for the government (in either Spanish, German, Japanese, or Korean [so far I only know a bit of Spanish... I will be working on the others though!]), become a fashion designer, and/or become a photographer. I would also like to travel the world on day and learn all about different cultures. My most important goal though, is to find that special someone who will fill in the missing piece of my heart and vanquish that pesky loneliness forever. I donā€™t even know why that is my main goal. It seems so silly for someone as young as I am to be worrying about love. But my heart keeps telling me otherwise.


So begins...

Autumn's Story