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"Ten bucks we'll murder each other in the hour."

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a character in “Random Bits of Thoughts”, as played by Wheatley




Personality- Alright, I'm normal....I guess? (Yeah that won't cut it, will it?) Fine, fine, let me just dig around my brain for a second...Ah! Here it is! (Opens folder) Right, I've been called weird...odd... and strange but that's not saying much considering how normal is slowly switching to being boring and weird is slowly becoming the new norm.

WELL NOW, I'm lazy, introverted, though not anti-social, and posses a small passion for provoking thought whenever someone says things haphazerdly for the sake of proving they are wrong! >:O Incidently, I'm the guy who sticks to his guns in an argument, or "debates" as outsiders like to call them as they flee for cover. I can be open-minded but that's keeping in mind the fact that I'm normally lazy and lax outside controversial "debates". I got enough self-respect to step up and enough reason to know when to back down; passively aggressive because I like to punch/kick/beatheshit/out of a 100lb punching bag.

Background Information- I was born in 1995, wah, wah, started wearing clothes, and essentilly became a giggling mute until the age of three. Apparently I'm some hybrid mix of Spanish and Middle Eastern, and with three languages thrown around the house I was pretty fricking confused. So I chose the easiest, English, because the rest of Canada speaks english, simultaneously dissapointing both my parents.

I was pretty messed up as kid. Got bullied during middle school, got violent, got depressed, etc, etc. High school was MUCH, much better and most of my problems dissapeared when my parents decided to get a divorce. I got smarter, better, faster, stronger, (You get a cookie for knowing where that's from) and eventually morphed as the man behind the monitor. Still in High school though, got some friends I can call my own, and two mortal enemies.

Come on...ya'll got some.......right?

Theme Song: Yeah. I'm so getting a theme song. So this is Some Japanese Song That I Can't Spell

So begins...

Ramin's Story


AH! Looks like everyone had beat me to the punch. Such awesome explanations...and it's time for me to ask: Why is life worth living?

It took me a while to come up with an answer that made sense (to me anywho) but I think i got it After digesting everyone's two cents. I've even come up with a little formula:

Life > Death

It's so simple; it's stupid. Life is worth living because it's a lot better then death. Practically, everything that people know revolves around life, alongside with theories about what happens after death (Reincaration, Heaven & Hell, etc, etc) because it involves the absence of life.

Stupid quote #1 by moi:

Life is worth living for the sake of living.

Then that's when it starts to get a little subjective for people because "living" can be a subjective term. Living can then therfore be, money, love, adventure, excitement, family, etc, etc. I like to think of living as anything and everything that can invoke anything within us; hence why I believe music is a popular concept because it has the possibility to invoke all sorts of emotions. I also like to think of living as the totality of life, all the events, seconds, relationships, etc. By my definition, living could then involve all the negative aspects of life, or as Cazuki's example is: Depression (What the scenario sounds like to me).

That brings me to something rather important: Suicide. If anyone has tried it; it's nice to know you backed out. I'll get back to this in a few seconds but let's say there's a hot burner in front of you. Putting your hand right on it will give you no benefit whatsoever and will most likely give you burn marks; which could restrict a majority of activities that involve a hand. Don't do it. I mean, all of you are bright enough not to even let the thought wander around. Let's replace the burner with a cliff. You're not going to stand over the cliff like an idiot unless you have some important reason like wanting to have a grand view of the ocean or perhaps you're some sort of thrill seeker that likes to get the blood pumping. Why would you be a thrill seeker? Because it's a huge cliff with spiky rocks protruding from the bottom. (Yes, I added spiky rocks).

On the edge of the cliff one's obviously going to feel fear. If you think of falling and dying; you're going to have have fear because the thought of being denied life puts you there. Being denied life is being denied EVERYTHING one knows from waking up in the morning to breathing and everything in between. Now let's say you're chronically depressed and you're on the same edge of the cliff. You have decided to commit suicide. Then there's that same fear creeping up again.

That reflex tells us something. It tells us that the value of life is hardwired into our brains even if we try to reject it. Sadly, fear is the only thing from within that can pull someone from suicide once they're on the course. Some people sadly overcome fear while some luckily follow it and preserve their lives. Primal fear for one thing; leads us back to the preservation of life. One needs food, one has the fear that the lack of food will result to death, death will be a denial of life, and life becomes the most important thing in the world.

Let's actually think about the amazing feats some people have done like...saving a life. A person reilizes that someone is in danger, reilizes the predicament he is in, and rushes to save the person's life. This person is hailed as a hero by society because he manages to preserve the life of another human being.

To say this merely makes a loop brings me back to my quote:

Life is worth living for the sake of living.