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Scarlet Blue

"Honesty is truth, and truth is where you find your answers under all the lies. Even if it means ruining ones self in the seeking.

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a character in “Random Bits of Thoughts”, as played by Scarlet Bullets


Scarlet Blue


Personality- Not sure what to call itā€¦ Umā€¦ I guess Iā€™m more of a man of what if scenario and how to overcome it. How would people react, what would be the best/worst answer to the problem? To talk to me in life is more on how I see you in first person. You come off as a badass dick, Iā€™m not gonna talk to you. Avoiding confrontation, stay living right? If you come off friendly, I give off small talk. If you are uninterested, I leave you alone. If you are interested I might spark a more in depth conversation that may require you to have a brain working.

Simpleā€¦ I will rant on and on to my closes friends about anything in my head. I talk most when Iā€™m in a dark yet relaxing room. Umā€¦ What elseā€¦ I in general, my idea of the world and how to socialize with others can vary everyday. I may talk, but itā€™s what I do in the said situation that may have me saying, ā€œMan, Iā€™m a hypocrite.ā€

I take that, learn from it, and use what I learn from others, and use it. Though one thing I canā€™t get over is when to say something, when to stop, and when to speak my mind. Timing ya know? Anyways, need to get to the rest of the character template or Iā€™ll be on this all night. Ha, haā€¦

Last thing, a bit more of my darker reasoning. Is that I have a complexity of irony and ego, selfishness. A little sickening shadow, that I store my suppressed negative thoughts, manifests into something worse at times, an insanity complex. Lovely right? I love to tell you how he feels about things but that would indeed takeā€¦ All night. So, I throw two perspectives time to time eh?

Background Information - I grew up living with my mother. I would go and see my father every other weekend. My parents never married, and they had me at the age of 19. The both of them, they raised me well, but I have large flaws because of my predicament. See, for a while, I had no father figure. When I was four, my first brother came, and his father left my mother, like mine. Unlike Blakeā€™s father, mine paid child support and wished to see me cuz he cared. Blakeā€™s father wanted an abortion. As you can see Blake does not see his father, he just now started paying child support when Blake is 13.

When I was 9, my second and last brother came to me and Blake. His name was Mason. His father, unlike mine or Blakeā€™s, wanted to see Mason after he left my mom, but had daughters and till this day been though four other women sense my mother, adding a daughter with each woman. I feel bad for them, but I can relate to them, cuz, we all suffered without a father figure and all had became soft and gave are mother crap for it.

My mother met my step-father, about four years ago. He stayed, he still around, and as the father figure has change us three from are wimpy useless lives and gave us a chance to be who we wanted to be. Though the damage of eleven years of no father still leaves me with my motherā€™s thought processes and lesser skills. I am now becoming more of an army brat now.

As for events in life, at birth I choked and nearly died. Then at the age of five me and Blake, my mother too, were in a car crash with a semi truck. I hit my side and I suffered no damage other than the bruise from my seat belt. My mother got a broken nose, and my Brother had glass in his face.

My mom came from a broken home, so she is not like other mothers. You canā€™t live with her, for, she, thinks that I am an abuser to women (which is not true) making trust and loyalty hard in the house. My father, I still see, gives me advice every time I see him, and that was the best knowledge I ever got from a man. Finally, my friends, all but one has messed up homes. My best friend is rich, great family, and no social problems like bulling in school due to his size. I am small, and a bit of a pushover, so I always look up to him, and try out do him.

Thatā€™s pretty much it; I most likely gave toooooo much bio. But hey, I trust Iā€™m not wasting my time and effort right?

Goals ā€“ I want to have a home, a wife, a job, and at least one child.

To live to Iā€™m at least seventy.

To have no regrets in life.

To unlock lifeā€™s secrets.

To save someoneā€™s life.

To kill someone for any reason, and be forgiven for it.

To claim insanity and make it my bitch! XD

So begins...

Scarlet Blue's Story

Scarlet Blue

Wow... How on earth do I top the girl above me? Quite an amazing perspective on life. Now... The topic... What, is, worth, living, for? It's almost asking someone everyday why did you get out of bed and giving them the answer everyday. We live (or at least I do) for the reasoning of living. Life is what humans do. We live, good, bad, we still attempt to move on. Some of us give up, but that's fine. In some ways.

To be honest, this is not my best topic. It's too large for me to pinpoint my ideal on it. I'll do the best I can. Life, is lived for so many reasons. We live it because it's simply natural to love it. We can make an excuse saying it's for love, or it's for greed, or whatever. Point is, humans will always try to live just because. Unless put under conditions of negativity a human simply works to work, to eat because he is hungry. To drink, because he is thirsty. To learn to read and write to describe his ideas with random others on a website. We so for the simplicity of what we want. It always what we want and sometimes what we can't have. Some would argue that love is the overall reason. My idea is that closest reasons is either love or wants. We just can't say.

Love- Speaks of the reason to look out in the world is to feel a positive feeling from anything and everything. People use love as a more pure term.

Want- Speaks of the reason to look out in the world is to feel a positive feeling from anything and everything. People use want as a more selfish term.

They are nearly the same. I love this woman. I want this woman. Both lead to contact, both lead to acceptance or rejection. I love this this coin. I want this coin. Both say that they wish to posses the object and feel a positive emotion from it. Humans feed off of this. We feed, and drain till we are tired and move to the next thing. Some can suppress and live with the same woman/or man their life. Some people are fine with this much money... Though, they still have that thought in the back of their head of wanting more. So, we live, to live, and to thrive more and more till there is nothing left. That's why people take their own lives. They either are not fed the positiveness, the object(s), or can't thrive. So when a human sees that they were force to the point there is nothing left for them. They give up.

If you have no car, no house, no money, no one. You are lacking. No food, no water, you are lacking. Hey, you can still go on, you have memories, you have the little things right? That is still a want, and still a love, that is still thriving and surviving. Don't get me wrong, the fact that we live just to do so is a meaningless ideal but it's not wrong. It' not right either, it's simply there and we all have accepted it. However, the fact we fight, is we thrive out of it somehow. Pain, suffering, is sometimes a way people thrive. To argue with me on my 'robotic' reasoning on life, you thrive off your opinion. You do simply because you can, and you want to.

Well, I feel I got repetitive and bland. So, now, I end this. I don't feel that we have a better life than others, being that all lives are unstable and can switch at any moment. But, I bet you money that if my life turned to a life of poor, I still want things and I still love things, and I will thrive, the emptiness of that fact is still there and will never go away. We are dark holes, that implode, and nothing more.

Scarlet Blue

First, I would like to say that I highly agree with dear Ramin. I was trying to say something similar to what he has posted but it kinda got out of hand. So, second, my last post I was looking at the question as the overall feel of humanity. I was not trying to come off as telling you how your life works. So now, I would like to show life on how I as a person feel about it instead of how everyone works without them knowing.

So, for me, life, is worth living for the goals you put up. Like I said before, humans live just because. Or as the dear boy a post above me said, "Life is worth living for the sake of living."

I agree with that. Though, the details is what I enjoy. We live to live but in order to keep on living we must fine outlets and goals to keep us moving on. I mean, if you don't have a home, then your goal is to get one right? Well, that's how I feel on life. If I have no goals, if I lose everything, then I lost. Well, no, um... Crap... Brain fart... This is not how I want to describe it... Okay, give me a moment...

Okay, a long time ago, life to me was like a test from god. You go threw life trying to get the right answers. Doing good deeds, and respecting the teacher. If you fail the test you are sent to hell as punishment. If you pass the test you go to heaven. Everyone's test is different because everyone dies at different times. If you choose to not finish the test or give up on the test. (As in suicide) Then, hell is your punishment. Like Ramin said, because we fear death, hell, heaven, and all the others that is not death. We attempt to finish the test to see what we learn and earn.

Now, for a long time that would be my answer, and I still believe in the fact that we live to learn and earn kinda deal. Though, I feel hypocritical a lot when I talk of this in my view instead me guessing the reason for all of humanity. Now, I see life as, I live to complete my goals and enjoy the prize I get out of them. If my goal is to score a girl, and I reach it, my prize is the time spent with that girl. Sometimes the prize is not always how it's cracked up to be. Though, the fun part of it is to see if I can get there and prove others wrong. That gives me happiness and happiness is what keeps me from giving up on the test. I move on in life to be loved, to love, to get to what I want, and be wanted. It's the positives, no matter how small they are is what keeps me from be miserable and question the existence of life. Life is here, and we choose to live in it, because, it's how we are. It's what you do in your life that make it that much more better than what you don't do or what you fail to do.

And if you can overcome the hardships, then you are stronger. If you are stronger, goals become easier. When they are easier, then I can smile and say...

"Even though, we will never know the true meaning of living and life. I'm glad I can experience it, love it, and want it."