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Ren Kotko

"The best thing you can be in a war is a killer"

0 · 710 views · located in Beyond the Transcendence Rift

a character in “Re-Union: The Expanding World”, originally authored by Bravo_Zver, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Renata "Ren" Kotko

Age: 32

Gender: Female

Faction: World Beneath

Role: Ace Pilot

Synchronization Level: 59%

Personality: Ren has very obvious issues when it comes to her aggression. When in the cockpit the problem acts as more of an asset, true enough, and is probably the only thing preventing her court martial. Her tendency in battle tends more towards flanking and ambushes when faced with a level playing field, but has been known to rush the front lines when her unit has the drop on her foes. She is no stranger to combat strategy, and no matter the angry swearing one might hear over her comms she has never been one to break formation due to frustration or enemy taunting.

Outside of the cockpit, Ren has been locked in the brig several times for fighting, her longest stint being after an incident in the mess hall where she smashed her lunch tray into the back of the head of one of the support staff. Ren insisted that the altercation was a direct result of the support staff calling her a savage, but there was a lack of evidence of this... not that it would have warranted the attack in the first place. Her kill counts still remain one of, if not the highest on the ship and she knows that this keeps her "bulletproof" so to speak. To say she has a chip on her shoulder is an understatement but she seems capable of holding in her temper when it matters.

Appearance: Ren has shoulder length black hair, swept back to keep it out of her piercing blue eyes. She stands about 5' 6" with a strong build suitable to that of a soldier. Her skin is quite tan from all the time she spent outdoors prior to prison, but one of the more distinguishing features she has are the star shaped tattoos she has on her shoulders. According to her, it means that she will never kneel before anyone, lest the stars fall out of the sky.

Ren typically wears the above outfit when not on duty, a beat up old tank top that allows her to show off her tattoos and some cargo shorts, but keeps her standard issue boots on most of the time. When on duty, she wears her flight suit which she keeps clean and pressed as per regulation, seeming to almost take pride in it.

Machine Spec and Detail: T-100 class Harbinger, an older model for sure but it is quick and versatile, meant for infantry but not to specialized as to pen her in on the battlefield. It's only means of added defense is the thick armor plating on the left shoulder, though that is to keep the machine maneuverable. It is equally effective on land and in space, making it a must have for any unit.


Bull-pup Rifle: A massive machine gun modeled after the Thompson machine gun. Capable of full automatic fire and an easy to replace clip. Several are stored on her Harbingers legs.


Bazooka: While not her standard armament, it is one in her arsenal and one she can deploy with in the event of requiring artillery. If this need is spontaneous, she would need to return to the ship and redeploy.


Heated Axe: Just as the name implies, it is a one handed battle axe, the blade of which can produce an intense heat capable melting most metals. The charge is only capable of maintaining the heat for only half an hour, so it is best used when fighting enemies with particularly resilient frames.

Abilities outside the cockpit: Ren is a competent mechanic, claiming to have worked in a "Chop Shop" before and can dismantle nearly anything faster than most mechanics, though is incapable of piecing the damn thing together again. She received excellent marks in hand to hand combat and as such would be useful as a security officer were she not one of the main problems of that particular unit.

While not directly applicable, Ren's former background in the more unsavory circles back on the World Beneath might come in handy. She is a skilled smuggler and negotiator and has many connections still with former comrades. It is entirely possible she could arrange trade of found resources in exchange for less "standard" equipment from former buyers. While not ideal, sometimes survival may demand such things.

History: Renata Kotko was born the daughter of Viktor Kotko, a wealthy businessman and owner of several companies back on the World Beneath. His most notable ventures have been as a weapon supplier for the war effort, "Kotko Steel" being branded on several Harbingers and ships. Several technological advancements in the field of Harbinger combat have come as a direct result of Viktor's wise investments, and that legacy is now carried on by Nikita Kotko, Ren's brother and apparent heir to the Kotko dynasty.

This is not so say, however, that Ren was never involved in the family business. While Viktor had the veneer of a savvy businessman, the war effort was far from the only pot he had his fingers in. His fortune actually stemmed from the illicit activities he was involved in, ranging from illegal backroom deals and hostile takeovers of other companies, to a lucrative drug trade and even things as abhorrent as human trafficking. While Ren would never have the demeanor to be the face of the company, she had the temperament to be its backbone. She's lied, cheated, stolen, and killed in the name of money and power, keeping her father's company afloat despite bad investments and the cost of "donating" so generously to the war effort.

A deal gone wrong, however, left Ren holding the bag when authorities showed up, and her father left her to rot in prison for a year or two before making an arrangement. Ren would be drafted, the military being in need of skilled pilots and Ren having practically grown up with them, with her serving the rest of her sentence in the service. The deal suited Ren just fine, and she proceeded to excel at training, though her rough nature and crude ways were never broken from her. Her father pulls strings to keep her from going back to prison, preferring the press of a war hero daughter to that of a convict. "Killed in Action" however, would be an acceptable fate in so far as he is concerned.

Others (Optional): While a ruffian, Ren did go to school and actually has a degree in economics and psychology, while minoring in philosophy.

So begins...

Ren Kotko's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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In just a few, the Forneus Mk.II had reached the Organum. The white machine slugged through the hangar, smoking from a wounded shoulder and almost lifelessly dragging its rifles. "Come on, big guy, don't fall asleep on me yet," Alexander murmured to his Harbinger, and it almost seemed to be groaning in protest with how it had been walking. Nevertheless he had gotten the Forneus to its dock. As the blue glint of the Harbinger's optics faded and the cockpit was thrust into darkness, the fizz of the cockpit door opening snapped Alexander out of his battle-induced haze. He took off his helmet, sliding down a pole extended to help pilots get out of their Harbingers.

Stretching his worn limbs, he let his helmet drop and looked around. “Fucking shit I need a cushion in there. Feels like I got a knot in my back the size of my fist from all that shit. Now… someone point me to where the drinks are. I just got out of prison and I‘ve got a list of stuff I’ve been meaning to catch up on for the past year. And where the fuck is this Alexander no one can fucking shut up about?” Alexander heard a voice he had first heard through his comms just earlier, apparently looking for him. "I encounter that right hand lackey and the commander of the unit and everyone's talking about me? Man, I'm good." He joked to himself, finding the source of the voice. Once he found it, he raised a hand in a lazy greeting. "The Alexander Hunter that the folks have been babbling about would be me." He chuckled a bit.

"How much do you know about shipbuilding?"

"Hm, just the bare essentials. If it were up to me, I can pretty much supervise and ensure that the vessel will be in perfect working order after the overhaul. As for making it look good though..." His eyebrows furrowed a bit in thought. While he did aid a bit in customizing Rivaile's Zweireiter- mostly with the creation of its beam axe- making a battleship look good was a different thing, to him at least. To the Transcendent team that would be aiding him, it was probably going to turn out alright. It was just making the Trials of Winter not look like the Trials of Winter, they had designers for that reason.

"I'm confident that the team will be able to handle disguising the ship enough." He said after a small moment's thought, and fell silent afterwards. There were many things to be discussed. What exactly went wrong in the almost foolproof plan, strategies, and there was the whole thing with Albion being an outlaw colony and how humans would be there. He didn't quite trust interaction with humans. There was no telling if they could affect the idealogies of their men, and then Graham would have to hunt down not only one, but more rogues on the ship.

And he'd get chewed out by the Infiltrator. And Central Command would have his head. He had to be careful.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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The sounds of machinery and chatter filled the hangar bay, yet somehow Ren could still make out the voice of another pilot as he approached her. Apparently the pure force of her confusion as to his identity had summoned the illusive Alexander himself right to her. Maybe if she talked more about the break room or wherever off duty area was around here she'd stumble into it as well.

"The Alexander Hunter that the folks have been babbling about would be me."

"THE Alexander? I thought people made you up to fuck with me! Get in here ya anonymous bastard, you," Ren said, slapping him on the back one before leaning her elbow onto his shoulder.

"So a guy as infamous as you has got to know what's what around here, right? Be willing to show a new face around so she's not wandering around at 0200 hours trying to figure out where the barracks are? Because lemme tell you something about being a last minute recruit, they do not hand out maps," she said, smiling as she enjoyed potentially making her newfound compatriot uncomfortable.

Ren didn't notice the other pilot approach until she shouldered closer, but couldn't resist her smile widening as she spoke up as well.

"Wait, you're a convict? What did you do to get conscripted as a punishment?"

If nothing else, Ren considered herself to be a showman, and decided now would be a good time to let that part of herself shine through.

"Why, for nothing short of patriotism! Taking the fight to the damned Transcendent and doing my part for humanity, just... not as a formal part of the military. Officially, I was classified as a pirate and committed 'war crimes' or whatever, but actually I would ambush Transcendent scouting parties and supply ships and haul any useful tech I could find back to humanity's best and brightest to keep up with the Tranny bastards. I'm half the reason our Harbingers are even capable of engaging the enemy," Ren proclaimed, striking a heroic pose as she talked.

For the most part, her words were true. Her father being a weapons manufacturer, Ren was technically the head of a sub-division of Kotko Steel's R&D division called 'Acquisitions', but as she was also operating outside of the law and in violation of the cease-fire for the entirety of its existence, she did not receive funds from her father to keep up her efforts. Despite playing a big hand in making sure humanity kept up with the Transcendent's technology, she also had to engage in a lot of unsavory activities to fund both her operations as well as make sure the R&D division continued to turn a profit to keep the doors open. She'd keep that part to herself, in the interest of needing to work with these people for the foreseeable future.

"What about you guys? They get you with that whole, 'we'll pay for your continued education' thing or do you just hate the Transcendent? Or are you one of those nerds who just felt it was your civic duty to enlist?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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As Ophelia surveyed the bustling repair bays, she could see that the pilots under her command have started making a rapport with each other. Seeing them reminded her of her front line days though of course, most of her old allies have been promoted or died already.

Though concerning the machines they took, it was kind of a miracle that they were able to remodel and reverse-engineer some of these at all. Although what surprises her more other than the quality of parts they were able to salvage was the quantity of it. This clearly showed them that their neighbors have this much capability to waste precious resources on intimidation tactics. In the meantime, Ren had inquired about using some of the things they were able to salvage.

"We'll take the functional weapons,see if we can get them to meet our machine's standards. Units still in good condition will be refurbished here at Proud where we can come back for them after they're done as we'll need to head out soon. For those that are badly damaged--" Ophelia paused for a moment to inspect some of the more damaged units being brought in. "Can we try to salvage their reactors and fuel systems? I reckon these will fetch a high price at the market we'll be going to. Maybe we can trade this in instead of blowing our allotted budget for the parts we need. That ought to keep those folks back home happy."

Confirming rogues on a ship is rather difficult as she would have to move undetected. So far, Ellis thinks she's played it low as to not give off the fact that she's been sent there as an assassin. If only there had been a simpler method that she can use to identify, things would've been easier. But, seeing that there is none, observing their actions and dialogues are all that she could do.

She was about to make her way to the surveillance systems which lay past the barracks when she espied a soldier, hanging his head so pensively as if struck with a deep trauma, walking towards his room. "Might be a rookie..." Ellis thought as she decided to pay him no further attention. However, a thought suddenly struck her as she was about to walk away. "If I talk to some of the soldiers here, I may be able to gain some insight as to who might be the target. Unless they be rogues themselves in which case, I'll have the license to rid this fleet of them."

Turning back, she walked over to the soldier's room and summoned him via the intercom. "Soldier, mind if I have a word? Nothing personal; just need to gloss over the details of that last mission and details regarding the next one."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Alligot

Amelia could imagine her wearing a pirate's outfit. She definitely had the temperament for it, as well as the language. The story made enough sense, someone scavenging and selling supplies to the army - especially during such a one-sided war - could ruffle more than a few judge's feathers. Even in conventional wars amongst humans, freelancers were treated with disdain and imprisoned or even killed.

Though at the second comment, Amelia frowned, replying, "What do you mean 'they get you'? It's not like they'll refuse to pay once I'm out." For someone who was supposedly so patriotic, Ren didn't seem to like the Navy too much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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0.00 INK

"THE Alexander? I thought people made you up to fuck with me! Get in here ya anonymous bastard, you,"

Alexander chuckled at the other pilot, feeling the weight of an elbow on his shoulder. "So a guy as infamous as you has got to know what's what around here, right? Be willing to show a new face around so she's not wandering around at 0200 hours trying to figure out where the barracks are? Because lemme tell you something about being a last minute recruit, they do not hand out maps," the pilot asked, grinning. "No problem, I've been on this place for so long that I've practically memorized it like the back of my hand. Well, mostly." He laughed heartily before noticing the other recruit coming close to them.

"Wait, you're a convict? What did you do to get conscripted as a punishment?" Alexander raised an eyebrow at the recruit's question- truthfully he had also been pretty curious about that part. Thankfully enough, it seemed that the woman was proud enough of her...history. "Why, for nothing short of patriotism! Taking the fight to the damned Transcendent and doing my part for humanity, just... not as a formal part of the military. Officially, I was classified as a pirate and committed 'war crimes' or whatever, but actually I would ambush Transcendent scouting parties and supply ships and haul any useful tech I could find back to humanity's best and brightest to keep up with the Tranny bastards. I'm half the reason our Harbingers are even capable of engaging the enemy," he watched as the woman struck a heroic pose.

His mind floated back to the Forneus, remembering the numerous times he had thrown away weapons when he was just a new pilot. Due to that reason he was forced to use weapon binders to carry numerous ones at one time. He should have felt bad for the engineers working on the Harbinger's weapons.

"What about you guys? They get you with that whole, 'we'll pay for your continued education' thing or do you just hate the Transcendent? Or are you one of those nerds who just felt it was your civic duty to enlist?" The veteran thought the other's question over- truly, the only reason he had shown up as a pilot for the human side was a little mixture of hate for the Transcendents and the former. Growing up with having to believe that the Transcendents were nothing more than a race who believed themselves superior, he had initially enlisted for that reason. Now that he had seen many Transcendents on the battlefield- who wouldn't recognize those gleaming, shiny colors of their machines and the weird way of speaking, at least to him-, as of now he just fought for the pay. And maybe the thrill of battle. And his life. But that last part he'd keep to himself- gotta show that he wasn't that selfish. Right?

Still, the recruit seemed to have a question. Alexander relaxed his shoulders a bit and waited for the other woman's reaction. Common courtesy to let ladies go first, of course.

Not that the woman he was referring to was a dainty lady, of course, they all had been in humongous metal machines earlier after all.

"I just want for her to be returned to normal at the end of all this."

Of course- the Captain seemed to be fond of the Trials of Winter after all. Graham had nothing to complain about, considering that he himself was getting attached to the Eisenritter. "This ceasefire is... I don't have a word for how much I despise it. It's changed our war - if a war it could be called. We were ridding our worlds of a pest. An intelligent, adaptive pest - but a pest none the less. We struck fear into their hearts, painted our machines so they would know what their reaper personified. Now, we have to hide our vessels instead of decorating them."

The commander listened to the other man's speech- it wasn't like the captain didn't have a point. The Transcendents had long seen the humans as pests that would disrupt the flawless mindset that all of them had. Their free will would surely taint the union of the race, causing chaos to spread, and if that happened, then Graham wasn't sure if Central Command would be as powerful as it was now. Still, a nagging thought tugged at the back of his mind- was free will really that bad? Or was Central Command's speeches against humans and their open-minded outlook just starting to grow tiresome to hear?

"We shouldn't have to abide their laws, by their judgement! It is not just to lower ourselves so, as if they were our equals and could even hope to force high command to punish us!" The angered voice of the Captain snapped Graham out of his thoughts. Though the entire Transcendent race was dismayed by the ceasefire- after all, it was due to their loss that the ceasefire was called in the first place, and the pride of each citizen of the race would not have that-, they had to bow their heads to the rules of the ceasefire to keep their lives. They've gone so far now. They couldn't fail.

"I'm rambling. Go and check on your squad, Commander, make your necessary preparations. We will be making the jump to Albion shortly. I need to go prepare for this silly tribunal. Oh - and, as a precaution, keep a minimum of our crew interacting with those human traders. At best, I'd prefer it if you were the only one with face to face contact. Don't let any human engineers interact directly with the ship, and make sure the parts are inspected before they're thrown on." Feeling the tension in the meeting room break, Graham grimly nodded. "Understood, Captain." With another nod, he made his way out of the room.

Despite only having to cover up the Trials, the Commander didn't feel the tension leave his muscles and brain. Despite not being there physically at the tribunal, he was every bit as nervous as the ones that would be there. He took a deep breath, let it go, and forced himself to recall the glorious moments of the Unit, every expansion team of the humans driven away from territory that could be theirs. In his mind, the blue glint of his proud machine's optics gleamed.

Relaxing his shoulders, he continued the trek to make the preparations for going to Albion. They would not fail.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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It was nice to talk to people without having to watch their hands again, Ren thought. The girl was coming off as a little bit antagonistic but Ren chalked it up to post battle jitters for the sake of getting along.

"What do you mean 'they get you'? It's not like they'll refuse to pay once I'm out."

"I mean you show me an honest recruiter and I'll lick the scum off of your boots. The Navy is filled with honest folks who see enlistment as an opportunity but only an idiot would think that's how top brass see us piss ants. They'll say anything to get you into a uniform, but after that it's a dice roll you live long enough to cash that promise in, isn't it? You should've seen the benefits packages they had before this fun little ceasefire," Ren said, still smiling. She turned to look back over at Alexander.

"Screw anyone who makes more than you, am I right?" Ren joked, but her good humor faded as her comm unit went off, the Captain responding to her haul.

"One sec, got an important business call," Ren said as she excused herself, and took a few steps away before picking up to respond.

"We'll take the functional weapons, see if we can get them to meet our machine's standards. Units still in good condition will be refurbished here at Proud where we can come back for them after they're done as we'll need to head out soon. For those that are badly damaged-- Can we try to salvage their reactors and fuel systems? I reckon these will fetch a high price at the market we'll be going to. Maybe we can trade this in instead of blowing our allotted budget for the parts we need. That ought to keep those folks back home happy."

Ren thought for a moment, enjoying being able to talk business again. Maybe she wouldn't hate the navy as much if she got to do what she'd done so far fairly often.

"Shouldn't be too hard to integrate the weapons. I didn't see anything too much more advanced than before I got locked up, but I didn't look at the software so maybe that's more sophisticated. Reactors should be easy to rip out but fuel systems might be a bit tricky. I'd feel better overseeing that myself because those things are hard as hell to fix if they get damaged during removal. One patch on a fuel line and you lose fifty grand on that system on the spot and I guarantee you the buyer will go over the rest of it with an electron microscope to knock more off," Ren said then pulled the comm close so she could whisper-

"I'd also think really long and hard about selling one of those intact suits too. Doesn't have to be the best one, or the best looking, but unless you're buying a new ship altogether that would put a major dent in, if not pay for, damn near any repair you needed to make. Then you sell the scrap and actually make a profit, to report as you see fit."

Ren smirked, "Unless you already reported it, in which case we'll be fine either way, Captain. So, we selling this at Proud, the dreaded Albion, or we going out of our way to Novac to rub elbows with with more rogue Transcendent?"


Just as fatigue began to catch up with Petya's body, he could hear a voice coming over his intercom. No one else had made it back to the barracks yet, it had seemed, too busy helping take in wounded or assisting in repairs for rest. Petya had thought about joining them on his way here, but he didn't feel it would be appropriate for himself to taint the work of proper soldiers.

"Soldier, mind if I have a word? Nothing personal; just need to gloss over the details of that last mission and details regarding the next one."

The voice was that of a woman, and one that wanted details pertaining that last mission.

She knew.

Petya rose, albeit slowly, and turned to face the woman who stood just outside of his room. He did not recognize her, but she looked pretty, so his getting escorted before a firing squad wouldn't be without one small comfort. He lazily crossed the room, the heaviness of his heart weighing him down, and upon not noticing any command insignia on her person he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Petya Burundukov reporting, Mam," He said, voice lacking it's original zealousness, "Though I am not sure the perspective I can offer. All I managed to do was cripple one of the Fleet's proud infantry units and watch as the enemy crushed our forces."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko
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"Shouldn't be too hard to integrate the weapons. I didn't see anything too much more advanced than before I got locked up, but I didn't look at the software so maybe that's more sophisticated. Reactors should be easy to rip out but fuel systems might be a bit tricky. I'd feel better overseeing that myself because those things are hard as hell to fix if they get damaged during removal. One patch on a fuel line and you lose fifty grand on that system on the spot and I guarantee you the buyer will go over the rest of it with an electron microscope to knock more off,"

Ophelia listened in attentively, taking note of Ren's engineering perspective into account. Somehow, she's already starting to feel at ease despite Ren's...well, history. The girl can be trusted. This battle at Proud had proven it for her. "Well, everyone need to start somewhere and I'm sure we all have our fair share of skeletons in the closet.

Before Ophelia could properly respond however, Ren's tone has changed into that of a whisper, possibly wanting some information to remain between the two of them only.

"I'd also think really long and hard about selling one of those intact suits too. Doesn't have to be the best one, or the best looking, but unless you're buying a new ship altogether that would put a major dent in, if not pay for, damn near any repair you needed to make. Then you sell the scrap and actually make a profit, to report as you see fit."

"Makes sense..." Ophelia answers in a low tone likewise. "We could take a couple of intact suits for ourselves, might come in handy later on. Alright."

After the hushed conversation, the two continued talking normally. "Unless you already reported it, in which case we'll be fine either way, Captain. So, we selling this at Proud, the dreaded Albion, or we going out of our way to Novac to rub elbows with with more rogue Transcendent?"

"We'll sell it off at Albion, see if we can cut a good deal. But I hope we won't get any more encounters along the way. Not when our Big Stick's compromised. As per your request, alright. I'll let you oversee the specifics. We'll have to work around the clock it possible to finish everything within two hours? Our repairs are almost done and the crew's starting to head back as well."

Ophelia delegates her last commands before walking back to the bridge. Her communications officer was already there, calling all other crew members back home. Seeing that this part of the job is done, she sat back at her chair, wanting no more than to taste some of that cool liquor Fang was bringing back.

"Petya Burundukov reporting, Mam. Though I am not sure the perspective I can offer. All I managed to do was cripple one of the Fleet's proud infantry units and watch as the enemy crushed our forces."

"And indeed, that was a regrettable loss." Ellis responded as soon as he finished. She can tell that he seemed a little intimidated by her. On one hand, it is reassuring that even just a little, she does hold some sway over the other soldiers. But on the other hand, the uneasiness he's feeling could be an indicator that the true nature of her being on that ship was already found out. But going back, she could sense that this particular soldier was no rogue. He seemed to lack a certain something she can't quite describe though she has already grown accustomed to it after speaking to several of them during her assassination missions.

"But--consider this: Our main objective is to eliminate any trace of our involvement with the recent ambushes within the close proximity of the human area which we have done successfully. In that essence, the mission is a success, no matter the cost--unless the humans managed to remember one tiny detail during that fight. Care to take a guess?" Ellis continued on though without any underlying emotional tone to her voice.

"The image of this ship, the Trials of Winter. Which is why we now have to disguise it. Following me? Good. However, as I'm sure you feel along with all the others, we can't possibly go back to the main base in this sorry state. To repair this ship, we'll be slipping in Albion, a neutral colony. I'm sure you've heard of it. Some of our kind live there after all. Exiled. Exiled for harboring rebellious intent. Rogues lacking our loyalty to our cause." She leaned a little closer, while taking a closer look at his eyes.

"Have you ever interacted with a Rogue Mr. Burundukov? Their words will come out like sweet poison; a great temptation that is difficult to overcome. Before you may be aware of it, you will suddenly find your allegiance questioned, shrouded in doubt that you'll find difficult to explain. They can catch you and ensnare you without you even realizing it." With that, Ellis stepped back and leaned back on the opposing wall, still maintaining eye contact.

"If you had to choose who to follow to the end, who will you choose? The Captain or the Commander? I'm just curious. Nothing more, nothing less."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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#, as written by Alligot

"I mean you show me an honest recruiter and I'll lick the scum off of your boots. The Navy is filled with honest folks who see enlistment as an opportunity but only an idiot would think that's how top brass see us piss ants. They'll say anything to get you into a uniform, but after that it's a dice roll you live long enough to cash that promise in, isn't it? You should've seen the benefits packages they had before this fun little ceasefire."

With how the war seemed before the ceasefire, joining the Navy must have promised massive benefits. But, with all great gain, there was always a greater risk. A bit like playing the lottery with your own life - if you survived the war, you'd live comfortably for the rest of your days. Yet, even with how many lives it claimed, she still heard about veterans - disabled or not - getting nowhere near what they were supposedly promised. But, for many of their cases, they had been promised homes, monetary security. All Amelia wanted was an education. Besides, the skirmish that had just occurred was a freak occurrence - she doubted she'd see many more before her tour was up.

"Screw anyone who makes more than you, am I right?" Ren had said, addressing the older pilot, before sauntering off to deal with some business or another.

"So - she, er, was forced to join, right? And I'm here for my own personal gain, I won't lie - never really wanted to fight." Amelia said, each word carefully uttered, "Why did you join, if - if you don't mind me asking?" She finished, looking up towards Alexander, who had so far, remained quiet.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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0.00 INK

Alexander listened to the conversation for a bit more. "I mean you show me an honest recruiter and I'll lick the scum off of your boots. The Navy is filled with honest folks who see enlistment as an opportunity but only an idiot would think that's how top brass see us piss ants. They'll say anything to get you into a uniform, but after that it's a dice roll you live long enough to cash that promise in, isn't it? You should've seen the benefits packages they had before this fun little ceasefire," The woman talked on. True enough, before the entire ceasefire came into being, they had been promised great benefits. He shrugged a bit- he was a veteran at this point though he had no ideas of leaving the battlefield and his great machine behind. No matter how much of a weathered iron bucket it was.

"Screw anyone who makes more than you, am I right?" Ren had turned to face him before she had to take a business call of sorts- regarding the machines they had been bringing in, perhaps? Alexander looked on for a while before he heard the recruit who was now stuck with him speak up. "So - she, er, was forced to join, right? And I'm here for my own personal gain, I won't lie - never really wanted to fight." "Ain't that bad to be honest," He chuckled a bit. "Why did you join, if - if you don't mind me asking?"

Alexander shrugged a bit. "Mostly out of my dad wanting me to join. He wasn't very happy with the actions of the Transcendents, see. Screw that, my entire family was basically born to fight against the Transcendents. Same goes for me- growing up being told stories of the valiant forces of the human race fighting against the 'pompous' and 'arrogant' Transcendents really morphs you into hating them at first. So I guess I joined for that reason. Initially." He glanced upwards. "Though, fighting against said Transcendents on the battlefield kind of makes you change your perspective on things. While I initially fought because of hating them, I soon learned that it's not always the supposedly good guys that win. I guess when I experienced my first defeat against a Transcendent. Soon I pretty much learned that you join and fight for yourself, not for other...things." He laughed a bit. "Hope that made sense, I get pretty spaced out when I get out of the Forneus after fighting for so long."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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0.00 INK

"We'll sell it off at Albion, see if we can cut a good deal. But I hope we won't get any more encounters along the way. Not when our Big Stick's compromised. As per your request, alright. I'll let you oversee the specifics. We'll have to work around the clock it possible to finish everything within two hours? Our repairs are almost done and the crew's starting to head back as well."

Ren practically giggled when the Captain mentioned Albion. Anything not worth scientific value she found had gone straight to Albion to sell. She'd bought her own private dock and was running a chop shop on the colony to streamline her efforts, and it was where most of her contacts resided. It would be the ultimate chance for her to prove her worth to these military groupies... or to make a run for it.

She ended the call, not responding to the question about the two hours to get things done that the Captain had asked. If the Captain called her on it she'd claim it as an equipment malfunction, but she wasn't going to commit to a time until she actually saw the units up close and out of a mech. She walked back up to the two pilots she'd been talking to, Alexander and the college kid whose name she couldn't remember, all smiles.

"No rest for the wicked it seems. Captain wants me down in the hangars to rip the meaty bits out of the broken enemy suits I dragged in. Guess we'll have to rain check for that tour, stud," She said, punching Alexander playfully in the arm before looking at Amelia, "Good talking to you guys though. Isn't it nice knowing that we're all in this giant bowl of shit together? See you guys when we dock at Albion. Shore leave is coming early, boys."

With that said, she gave a half-hearted wave as she headed for the stairwell leading down, able to see the units she'd dragged in from the catwalk they were on.

To really escape, what would I need? Harkin can erase me from damn near any system, except the personnel files on this ship's computers. Not that they have much information to track me with in the first place. I'd need a ship to get me to Novac so I can at least try to get some money together before they sic the dogs on me. Going to need a ship too, and not some shit freighter. Wonder where they impounded my old one? Ren thought, clenching her fists in frustration. A lot of what she needed was just out of her reach. A lot of it hinged on contacts she might not have access to anymore after being gone for so long. She also couldn't go back to her old life of freedom. Best case scenario would be joining a mercenary squad on the ass end of nowhere and hope they never caught wind of the bounty they'd put on her head.

"FUCK!" She screamed, slamming a hand down on the railing beside her. She really was trapped here, wasn't she? Her Dad would send people on top of the Human military, and the Transcendents would kill her on sight after all the raids she'd done. She couldn't run from all of that. Two of them, maybe, but not all three, but it wasn't like she'd get the chance to kill her old man all the way out here. No orders from him, no bounty, no leash to keep her in the military... and Albion was the land of opportunity if you lacked a moral compass and had a brain in your skull.

She'd play soldier for now, she decided, and smiled as she walked up to the broken enemy units the engineering teams were starting to examine.

"Drop the wrenches, boys, Cap'n said I'm to make sure we got the most bang for our buck out of these heaps of garbage so nobody scratches their ass till I've given them the all clear. Where's the guy in charge of this geek squad?" Ren barked, enjoying herself as she picked up a nearby wrench.


It seemed improbable, but this woman didn't seem ordered to reprimand him, and if anything this woman seemed only interested in briefing him of the next operation, which would involve dealing with the traitorous ailment that the humans had inflicted on the proud Transcendent race.

"Have you ever interacted with a Rogue Mr. Burundukov? Their words will come out like sweet poison; a great temptation that is difficult to overcome. Before you may be aware of it, you will suddenly find your allegiance questioned, shrouded in doubt that you'll find difficult to explain. They can catch you and ensnare you without you even realizing it."

Just the thought of speaking to a traitor made Petya's face contort in disgust, shaking his head in both response and to shake the idea from his head, but the next thing this woman said, who appeared to have some measure of authority given how much she knew of their mission, intrigued him the most.

"If you had to choose who to follow to the end, who will you choose? The Captain or the Commander? I'm just curious. Nothing more, nothing less."

"You say that as if one of them may be a traitor," Petya started, but paused before speaking further. It did make him think about the last mission and the objectives they'd had. If they were to destroy evidence of the Trials of Winter being present, why use it in that battle? Did the Commander know?

"...and now that I think on it you may be onto something, Infiltrator. I would trust the Commander more, given his orders to me personally never deviated from our objectives. My family also spoke highly of him, so I do not believe he has anything but our people in mind in his actions. The decision to involve this ship in that battle would only have been wise if conquering Proud were our goal, which is very much wasn't," He replied before saluting the woman, "I would be remiss in my duties as a Transcendent soldier and a Burundukov if I did not offer my help in your endeavors to maintain the purity and effectiveness of this fleet. Do you have orders for me, mam?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid
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0.00 INK

Of the things Ren expected to find in the hangar bay, another pilot was not one of them. He slid down from the catwalks a moment or so after Ren called for the guy in charge of this hangar, but something about the way this guy moved put a knot in her stomach. He was wiry but athletic, Ren supposed, a messy head of hair but the thing that stood out to her most about this man was the way he moved. He wasn't a mercenary but she could see this guy trying out for a crew if the whole military thing went south, an almost arrogance in how he carried himself, as though he believed himself to be the baddest thing in the room. The thought made Ren roll her eyes, but resisted the urge to shoulder past him and figure out who was actually in charge. She had to place nice, after all.

That was her train of thought up until the guy eye fucked the weapon he'd hauled in, looked to be either a rail-gun or an advanced beam rifle, neither of which was particularly panty soaking. The only thing that struck Ren as odd about it was the casing, as Transcendents didn't usually care about flashiness when they designed their weapons, preferring efficiency and ease of production. Either a rogue had that special made, or someone on that fleet bought it from a third party. Either situation was interesting, and she'd most definitely look into that gun later, but she doubted those questions were why the Lieutenant brought it in.

Ren looked bemused as she regarded the man's hand, making no attempt to touch it. She had an idea of where it had been, and she wanted no part of it.

"It's Ren. Ms. Kotko is my father's name," Ren said, grinning at her own joke. She swore on the spot that if he called her M'lady even once it would be worth the time in the brig to shove that gun up his ass.

"So are you part of the engineering crew or are you wasting my time? Cap wants me to rip the meaty bits out of those busted suits and I've got two hours to do it, so either pick up a wrench or track down someone who does," Ren added, walking past the man now towards the crews beginning to swarm the busted infantry units she'd helped drag in.


The Infiltrator's words echoed in his head several times before they registered fully.

Accompany the commander? He thought, a certain giddiness rising in his chest at the thought of a second chance. Petya kept his cool, though, nodding before a final salute to signify his acceptance of these orders. He might be of use to the fleet yet.

"I won't let you down, mam! I will report at once!" He declared, trying to not let his excitement seep into his gait as he marched away towards the command deck. He he had seen several such decks before, having taken tours with his father and seen photos and video of the ships his grandfather had commanded. There was an air of duty here that the barracks lacked, and the sound of quiet dedication as dozens of hands went about their work filled Petya with both pride and nostalgia. He stopped for a moment to watch as three different people passed about a clipboard, each needing it for different reasons, and each seamlessly knowing who was next to need it when they finished.

That sight, Petya concluded, was what it meant to him to be Transcendent. No one thought their job so important that they needed that clipboard, it was simply there, and it's function maximized due to the unity of the people using it. Humans would squabble and argue over which task most needed materials, placing importance on everything but the common goals they all shared. It was disgraceful.

It took time, but Petya finally tracked down the Commander as he oversaw preparations for their next objective at Albion. He waited patiently until Commander Ashworth had a lull in his duties so as not to disrupt his concentration, before respectfully stepping forward and saluting.

"Sir! The Representative from Command has ordered me to accompany you and to assist in any way necessary with the remodeling efforts. She has also ordered that you keep a documentation of whatever activities you may engage in from here on out including any excursions to Albion and the parts you are to procure," Petya declared, keeping the salute stance until he was ordered otherwise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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0.00 INK

"Your presence seems to be required at the office." A subordinate informed Ellis just as they had reached the Shoals.

"About time." She passed the messenger without much word and headed off. They'll have to prepare for this treacherous political game. Entering the office, she found no need to salute as she's sure they're both as tense regarding the situation.

"I'll be blunt: The rash actions you had taken places us at a disadvantage. But, past is past so let's just focus on our approach shall we?" Ellis booted up the monitor, in order to show how the remodeling is progressing. "It's not an exaggeration to say that our case will rely on the illusion we'll have to play. With this, the best course of action is to deny our involvement in the attack. We start by erasing records of the ships that participated in the attack from the archives. That way, even if they ask to open up the information, they'll have nothing to match data with. Next, we all need to disappear." Ellis glanced at the Captain to make sure he was still following her before continuing.

"By disappear, I mean we have to inform the Tribunal that we were at a different place at a different time. That has already been taken care of. Command has prepared a mission history that places us at a distant system overseeing mining operations. So that's out of the way as well. Now comes the difficult part. I already know what that is." Ellis pointed at their ship as shown in the monitor.

"The physical evidence. This is the one decisive piece they can use against us. No point with the fabrications if we have nothing to counter this. Command will write us off as rogues and eliminate us. And to be completely honest, this is one piece of the puzzle that Command wants us to solve on our own." Again, Ellis paused for a moment, this time to catch her breath.

"Of course, I won't approach you without a solution in mind. With that, I have a proposal." Ellis shifted the monitor display from the Trials to Albion. "We use what Command is planning to use in order to get rid of us: The pretense of ridding the force from rogues that threaten stability. Albion is already a sanctuary for rogue Transcendents. All we have to do is plant the evidence there and pin the blame unto Albion. Then Command can use this pretense to eliminate the rogues at Albion which they cannot initially do because of the laws in place. Logically, it's a win-win situation for Command and this unit." Ellis stopped and stared at Lilas sternly in the eyes. "It would not be appropriate for me, a representative of Command to issue this order to this unit as Command needs to deny any accountability. Only you or the Commander can give this order. So...what is your decision Captain?"

The trap's been set. Now, all Ellis has to do is check to see who takes the bait and slips up.

"Again?" Ophelia woke up from a disturbed sleep. She couldn't recall whether she had been dreaming. Without her maintenance, things could get a little distorted. Immediately, she prepared herself to head back to the bridge to resume command. As she had just finished putting on uniform, she heard Fang over the intercom.

"We're approaching Albion soon. Wait, did you still dress up in uniform?" She asked.

"Ah, right. Sorry, my sense of time is a little distorted." Ophelia grunted, rubbing her temples. "That was strong liquor..."

"You just have weak alcohol tolerance. Want me to inform the crew?"

"No, I'll do it myself. I'll just need to get changed. Again." Taking off her uniform, Ophelia changed into a more, casual manner consisting of a black shirt and grey trousers. Checking herself, she recalled how the residents of Albion view women. With it in mind, it's best not to stick out. So she also wore a crimson jacket and a hat. Not much of a disguise but, it's much better than her uniform. She had just finished putting on her new outfit when Fang called again.

"By the way, who do you plan on taking to Albion with you?"

"I'll take Hunter--and maybe Cincaid. I'll need Kotko as well since she'll know how to strike a good deal. Renard could also use the experience. That's about it, I guess."

"Alright. So--?"

"Call them over to the briefing room. I'll orient them myself."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid
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0.00 INK

"No, no, it makes sense, don't worry."

"Ah, that's a relief." Alexander chuckled, then looked on curiously as Amelia explained her own background and reason. "It's funny though - I'm the opposite of you on that one front - my folks never wanted me to join, and even during the ceasefire, we didn't talk for a few weeks after I told them I wanted to join, even through a non-combat role. I don't even know how I'm going to write home at this point - first official day in the Navy and I already got shot at!" "Better get used to it, those Transcendents are pretty hostile when they see ya!" He managed a small, hearty laugh at her last comment. "Still, looks like not everyone wants their kids going off into a mech and doing battle with a bunch of weird...races."

After their little exchange, Ren came back only to announce that she had more orders. "Captain's a bit of a driver, eh?" "Go on- gotta do what you gotta do." He grinned a bit. Still, as Ren walked away, the trainee spoke a few more words. "She seems to have taken to all of this rather quickly." "Some people adapt pretty easily." He chuckled. Still, though being around the new recruits gave him a feeling of nostalgia, and a bit of warmth- always makes an old man feel great whenever he had young ones to talk to and guide, though this wasn't really guiding he was doing, just striking up a conversation-, he had to be wary. Not everyone could be trusted after all.

With that thought in mind, Alexander decided to turn his mind to knocking back a cold drink before-- "Alex!" "Oh dude, finally." Plastering a triumphant grin, he glanced over at the approaching pilot. "So you win this round, my friend, but I don't think it was a very fair match from the outset. The cradle in the hangar malfunctioned and left me sitting there like a fucking rookie on his first op... However, I am a man of my word, congratulations on outperforming." Alexander watched, amused as the man lit up another cigarette. This was Lieutenant Klaus Cincaid, another ace pilot on board the Organum. Ah yes- he remembered the bet they had made. Hey, if they were going to be going out in huge machines and killing other huge machines, better make it fun.

Alexander took the cred-stick, chuckling. "I did have the good fortune of finding a new weapon for the wrench boys, so we'll see if anything good comes of that I suppose." "Brought back a new weapon too? Funny, I brought back a shiny gun from one of those new Transcendent mechs. Next bet's going to be which weapon was better." He joked, before the other man asked about the new recruit at his side. "Ah, yeah. Heard of the new recruits we just got? She's one," He glanced at Amelia from the corner of his eye. She was the one being addressed, so he'd let her be the one to introduce, at least. Ladies first, once more.

While waiting for the two to speak, Alexander heard a thudding of footsteps before another pilot walked up. "Alex, big news, man." "What is it?" This guy was the other pilot they had made a bet with- too bad he saw the guy's machine's arm go flying off into the darkest depths of space. "Captain wants to see you guys. Better head to the briefing room." "There goes all thoughts of me ever going drinking. Alright, just gotta wait up for a bit. Go tend to your machine, dude." He glanced over at the two again as the other pilot went away.

Graham glanced over the pilots that had volunteered to accompany him- of course, there was the ever-loyal Rivaile, though she still seemed a bit worried if he was still angry. Nilson would be showing up as well- out of everyone, he knew the most about ships. He'd even be helping out with the remodeling, really. Still, he'd just have to brief them, then he was sure Captain Setoen would be wanting to head to Albion as soon as possible. He rubbed his neck, thinking of who else to bring before:

"Sir! The Representative from Command has ordered me to accompany you and to assist in any way necessary with the remodeling efforts." Burundukov showed up, saluting respectfully. Graham gestured for him to relax. Still, Arjuna ordered Petya to join him? What for? Was it to help or to keep an eye on him? Still, their new recruit had come from a long line of generals. Though they had failed their last mission, the Commander held no grudge. Besides, he was just new. Not like he had slipped up and done anything too bad. Still, Petya had more words for him- She has also ordered that you keep a documentation of whatever activities you may engage in from here on out including any excursions to Albion and the parts you are to procure," he continued, and Graham managed to keep his face stoic. He felt his blood boil a bit again. "God damn it, Arjuna- that woman is definitely on my tail." He nodded stiffly. "I see...alright."

And now to begin the briefing. He cleared his throat as he faced the accompanying pilots and the crew. "Alright- our mission here is to remodel the Trials of Winter. For a simple reason, really- we have to erase the evidence that we were there. However, we'll need to dock at a rogue colony called Albion to get parts to disguise the ship." He put on a scowl, just to be more effective as he said his next warning. "Now, Albion is a known brooding place of rogue Transcendents. To lessen the chances of our strong unit being broken up by rogues, I shall be the only one to contact the people we will be getting the parts from. Rest assured that my resolve will not fade." He looked around. "Anyone--?" "Lead." Rivaile raised her hand. "Scouts brought me something that might catch your eye." She picked up a small device and showed everyone the hologram image that caused Graham's blood to freeze in his veins.

It was the Organum.

And it was heading for Albion as well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid
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0.00 INK

"Well, if those are my only two options, then I suppose I am just wasting your time. And since you're under orders from the captain, I'll get out of your hair, but if you ever feel like losing some credits, or getting into a fight that won't end with you being thrown into the brig, come find me."

Well, at least if they're honest, Ren thought, though the bit about losing credits managed to actually interest her. Not necessarily the prospect of gambling, but the knowledge that, every now and again, there was a gathering of money in one place. She turned to ask where this poker night might take place, but instead only watched as Klaus pointed out who the actual boss was before stealthily putting a cigarette into the poor bastard's coffee cup. Ren let out a huff of annoyance before closing the gap between herself and the head engineer, grabbing the cup before he could bring up to his lips.

"Yeah, don't. Lieutenant Chinchilla or whatever left you a present," Ren said, the man frowning as he looked into the cup.

"Lil' shit," the man grunted, snapping his fingers to summon one of the younger lads frantically scurrying about. He shoved the cup in the kid's hands as soon as he showed up, muttered something about a new cup, and the kid hurried off as quickly as he'd come.

"Yeah, you also might want to clean that gun Lil' Shit brought in, he was looking at it like it was spread eagle and junk earlier," Ren said, getting a laugh out of the man.

"Klaus is eccentric, true enough, but he's not so bad once you get to know him. That stunt with the coffee was just his way of reminding me I owe him money," the man replied, with Ren shrugging in indifference as a response.

"C'mon... Captain wants me to oversee the removal of some delicate parts on those enemy mechs we brought in. We've only got two hours so I'd kind of like to hurry this shit up,"

Once she settled into the actual work down in the hangar, time flew by. The fuel lines were removed without a hitch and sat in carefully laid coils off to the side, a team setting them onto metal skids for future transport. With the hardest part over with, Ren was ready to start yanking out reactors when she got the call about the briefing room. She turned to the head engineer, Ricky she'd believed was his name, and gave him a hearty slap to the back before excusing herself. He knew his shit and reactors were armored, so she believed her babysitting was over with anyhow.

"Just make sure these things are showroom ready. Cleaned and polished, whole nine yards. Maybe pass word on to the team handling the in tact units we brought in as well?" Ren asked, getting a nod from Ricky as he took a long sip from his coffee. He wasn't much for conversation, she'd found, but he'd still managed to teach her a few things while they worked. He was alright in her book.

"And maybe invest in a thermos? Less foreign debris in your drink that way," Ren joked before heading off, wiping the sweat from her brow

It only took asking for directions about twenty times before she managed to find the briefing room, surprised to see she was the only one who had shown up so far, aside from the Captain. She hoped that didn't mean she'd managed to get in trouble somehow.

"You wanted to see me, Cap?" Ren asked, hesitating for a moment as she remembered to salute, but immediately dropped back into a casual stance.

"Fuel lines are removed, cleaned, and ready to transport, Reactors were going smoothly too until you rang," Ren offered, but grinned as she got a better look at the Captain. She'd either gotten a shitty night's sleep or she was hungover, maybe both. Ren didn't say anything, but with the shit eating grin on her face she didn't really have to.


The Commander may not have regarded Petya warmly, but he didn't seem entirely enraged by his presence either which was a step up from how he'd imagined the meeting going. News from Arjuna seemingly didn't faze him, as Petya had been confident that it wouldn't because only rogues feared having their actions under scrutiny, and before Petya knew it it was time for their mission briefing.

Arjuna had already given him these details before, but still he listened intently. While he disliked the idea of even being close to a rogue, much less a colony, he had confidence in the Commander to keep a cool head and get the job done. If anyone could keep their resolve while dealing with filthy traitors it would be the Commander. The briefing had only just reached it's end when one of the senior officers brought the Commander additional news, bringing up the image for everyone to see.

It was the Human ship they the fleet had just fought, apparently also heading to Albion.

Petya regarded the image for a moment before speaking up, "Sir! Perhaps we should simply delay our approach and see where the humans are docking? It will severely reduce our chances of another run in and as long as we dock far away from them, the mission should not be hindered even by face to face confrontation."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Petya's body tensed up as he realized he might have just spoken out of turn. He wasn't here by any choice of the Commander's after all, so his opinions shouldn't be shared so casually.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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0.00 INK

Ellis listened attentively to the Captain speak. Everything he did say made a lot of sense. Even though he disagreed with some parts of the plan, he didn't seem to be doing so out of concern for their opponents. Nor is it out of some misplaced "sense of honor". Then again, this captain was the one who charged in, eager to eliminate the humans on a whim. "I suppose he isn't the rogue I'm looking for..."

Before she could interject though, a warning has been issued. Apparently, the Organum had also arrived at Albion. Were they able to predict that the unit would go there? Probably not. Whatever the reason, it wouldn't be good if their forces were discovered.

"There's no such thing as a foolproof plan."

Ellis simply smiled when the captain mentioned it. "No there isn't. I'll consider your misgivings about this mission." Now that she's somehow come to the terms that the captain isn't their rogue, she thought it best to turn on her next suspect. "Perhaps we consult with the head inspector or the other soldiers then? Maybe they see something we don't. As their captain, you'll be able to approach them much better than I can. Of course--" Finished with her business for the day, Ellis turned to leave but not without providing an alternative.

"From the standpoint of a regular force, infiltrating a rogue haven like Albion may be too much work. If ever you change your mind and choose to go with my suggestion, I can provide you with the means of accomplishing this task. If you don't mind being more indebted to me, that is."

"Ren huh? Let's wait for the others to arrive. And yes, I did not get that much rest. Not on this ship anyway." Ophelia reminded herself to take note of Ren's punctuality. For an irregular, she's got a handful of other soldiers beat in that regard. The other people she's called over arrived shortly after.

"We'll be alighting and heading into the Albion after a short while. As you can tell from what I'm wearing, we'll need some sort of disguise if we are to enter without drawing too much attention. They don't take kindly to military people like us over there." Ophelia sighed and paused for a moment before carrying on. "Lt. Alexander and Kincaid will act as our escorts and mouthpieces. Women like us are--well, disliked in that place. Amelia, you are to stand guard nearby the colony maintenance passage in your Harbinger. I don't personally feel too good about this place. Albion is a haven for rogues and exiles and some of them within may feel threatened by our presence. You are to secure our escape route in the event things go south."

Having given the instructions, Ophelia felt the headache kick in a little more. So she decided to let them off early for now; they'll need time to prepare after all. "We meet in the landing vessel on hangar 3 in thirty minutes. Bring disguises and--firearms. We don't know what will happen. It's best to be prepared for anything. But--" She turned to face Ren. "I was instructed not to allow you to wield a gun."

She wasn't sure how she'll take to this news but she reassured her. "You did well back there. If we get through this mission successfully then you would've earned the respect of the top brass. So just be patient."

"Alright. You can all go now. And I expect to see you in half an hour."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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Ren stood patiently as the Captain briefed the group, not bothering to hide the roll of her eyes when the Captain brought up the warning about Albion's views on women. While it was true that many establishments viewed women as second class citizens, as well as a good portion of the population, one truth always prevailed on Albion in Ren's experience: Money talks. No one wanted to deal with her when she first showed up to do business, needing her father or brother to establish ties, but once the money started coming in, she made contacts of her own. Money bought you a lot of things, and on Albion it could damn well buy gender equality.

The thought was immediately followed by another one, however, and it made Ren's eyes shift down to the floor.

I'm broke. I've been out of the game for a long ass time, and I got nowhere near the money to be taken seriously nor the reputation.

This was another tremendous monkey wrench in her escape plans, one she wouldn't be able to surmount without selling every mech they'd hauled in. She might very well have to let Alexander vouch for her while on the station, at least until she looked up some old contacts. Anton would still be reliable after all that shit that happened right after the Ceasefire went into affect, and Felix didn't give a shit who you were so long as you paid him... Those two might be able to help her re-establish herself on the station. She'd need it if she ever wanted to hide here again.

The mention of firearms, or rather Ren's instructed lack of any, snapped Ren back into reality.

"The hell? You're gonna give me the doom and gloom speech and then tell me you're shoving me into the lion's den naked? You really think if I was a security risk that NOW is when I'd strike? Not when I'm in the fucking Harbinger? You know what? Fine. No gun, but I get a knife, or one of these chucklefucks carries an extra pistol I can use if we come under fire. I'm not stepping one toe out onto Albion without some way to defend myself. You wouldn't either," Ren barked, but shook her head and straightened her posture, saluting and gritting her teeth as she added, "Request to carry a combat knife for personal defense, Mam!"

Her tone was that of barely held in anger, all the people she'd pissed off on Albion flashing through her mind. She was bluffing about not going, needing to talk to some people as badly as the captain needed to get the ship parts, but Ren would be an asset on that station and she hoped the Captain knew it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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#, as written by Alligot

"From the standpoint of a regular force, infiltrating a rogue haven like Albion may be too much work. If ever you change your mind and choose to go with my suggestion, I can provide you with the means of accomplishing this task. If you don't mind being more indebted to me, that is."

Lilas' temper flared at the comment. A slow ember of anger and irritation towards the woman, that she assumed he would ever owe her a debt for her duties, and that he felt irritated that she implied he'd need assistance anyway. More debts, more regulations. He could almost feel the leash upon his neck tightening.

Yet, he considered it. "I will speak with the Commander, see what he and his little renovation group make of this." He said, his voice carefully measured, "Though, I am curious as to how you'd suggest I need anything other than the Trials and all the equipment she offers to follow this plan of yours. Do you have some sort of trump card I'm not aware of?" He asked, just as Ellis was about to leave.

Whatever her response, after she does depart, he would spend a few minutes examining the schematics of the Trials of Winter, evaluating it's capabilities. It was a ship intended for subterfuge and trickery. His grave mistake previously had been assuming he held command of an armored, indomitable warship. He sought a open confrontation.

Of course, with the tribunal so near, he wouldn't dare make further attempt against the Organum. At least, not overtly. Even with the Human ship's presence, there must be a way to turn the situation to their advantage. They needed to deny accountability, and - if opportunity presents itself, command would very much like to deal with Albion.

He stood up, departing from the room. The Commander might still be briefing his group. He wouldn't usually enjoy the idea of heeding Ellis' advice, but - seeing as how they will all be dealing with closest contact to Albion, it might do to see what he and those under him might be suggesting right now.


"Pleasure to meet you, and please Amelia, this is not an official, or combat setting, no need to salute."
Klaus said, and Amelia dropped her hand as indicated. "Oh - my bad, Lieutenant. I thought you were doing one of those tricks the instructors liked to pull on us - make us shake when we should've saluted." Along with all the joys that come with such a mistake in training. The two mile runs, pushups, and pullups - if they were lucky.

Of course, it was really mere minutes - if not seconds - that Amelia established that Klaus was unlike most Lieutenants she knew. And the proof presented itself with the real, earthly-smelling cigar she held, shrouded in unyielding metal. As they walked towards their destination, she could feel it, hidden within one of her suit's exterior pouches (as the stupid thing didn't have any actual pockets, which Amelia could never understand why,) and wondering if she were caught, whether or not they would actually flog her. She didn't think they still did floggings... right?

Her thoughts were put aside after arriving - where she offered a silent salute, as did her fellow crew - and the Captain briefed them. She was to stay behind inside of her Harbinger. A task that someone else might detest, but with how the Captain described Albion's archaic views, she liked the idea of having several inches of glass, and steel between her and whatever might go wrong. Still, what was with Albion being stuck in the twentieth century?

It was that same thought that made her feel sympathetic towards Ren. Though, after the woman's bold (and possibly foolish) choice of words, she kept her lips tightly sealed. She was not about to get caught up in what she saw as inevitable and sudden godly wrath.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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"Though, I am curious as to how you'd suggest I need anything other than the Trials and all the equipment she offers to follow this plan of yours. Do you have some sort of trump card I'm not aware of?"

"Time, Captain. Everything will be revealed in due time. And sometimes, it helps looking back into the past for answers." Ellis replied before she left.

Now that she was out of the room, Ellis found herself drifting back to the hangar where the Victoria stood waiting. If only it hadn't been decked in such a vulgar color, all of her tasks should've been over a long time ago. This fact alone is proof enough that even the likes of her was being monitored. Command isn't too trusting of even their own subordinates after all.

"This is Arjuna. I'm going inside Albion to gather intel. If this machine's as discreet as they say it is, then this should go on without a hitch. Also, I'll be disabling all communications systems once inside. Can't be too careful. These humans have the ability to bug specific lines if they so please."

Strapping herself inside her machine, Ellis deployed, covering the Victoria in an ordinary dust cloak to mask its gold color, taking advantage of the darkness of space as she makes her way towards the rogue colony. The visage of the Organum is pretty intimidating and so Ellis entered through a different route, making her way towards the maintenance chambers to avoid getting spotted prematurely.

As soon as she was docked in, Ellis alighted and headed over to the control panels, with the Victoria still docked a few meters away. She has brought her weapons with her, in the event things get nasty.

"Now then...let's see if I can get a closer look at our dreadnought."

"I'll pretend that earlier outburst didn't happen." Ophelia spoke a little more sternly this time, referring to Ren's earlier outburst. Sometimes, her leniency does get taken advantage of. Stern displays like these are necessary if she wants the people to know who's still in charge of the place. "You may carry a knife if you want but you'll be under my complete surveillance at all times. You seem to have gotten anxious once we got here...Mind enlightening us what set you off?"

Ophelia checked her out once more. She will be a good asset in this mission truly, having been inside once but then again, so had Ophelia. Will they really need two navigators? Still, it wouldn't be good for her own reputation if she was to remove someone from a mission just for talking back. Besides, once they're in a firefight, ranks and honor wouldn't matter anyway. Especially in Albion.

As she waited for the others to meet her back in the hangar, Fang passed by to see them off. "You seem to be in a sour mood. Again."

"Hey Fang? Do we have enough to negotiate for a Harbinger? Even an old model would do." Ophelia asked, preparing a backup plan in the event things go wrong.

"Probably. Nothing too fancy but, maybe we can buy a used LA-03 somewhere. I'm not exactly following though."

"The same one I used in the Pacific huh? No, never mind. But send the money over to my account nevertheless."

"Are you sure? HQ may not allow it and even punish us for insubordination."

"HQ doesn't exist out here. Besides, we can always write it off as "miscellaneous expenses"." Ophelia laughed as she boarded the shuttle that will take them inside the colony. Amelia's Harbinger had already been transported to the hangar earlier as well.

"I'm leaving this ship in your hands Fang. Make sure you don't scratch it or anything."

"Sure thing. Good hunting then."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Graham Ashworth Character Portrait: Petya Burundukov Character Portrait: Ellis Arjuna Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Lilas Setoen
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"I'll pretend that earlier outburst didn't happen." The Captain shot back, "You may carry a knife if you want but you'll be under my complete surveillance at all times. You seem to have gotten anxious once we got here...Mind enlightening us what set you off?"

Ren dropped her salute and curled her hands into tightly balled fists. Her gamble was a bust and the sympathy card wouldn't get her anywhere here. The captain seemed relaxed and respected hard-work, but it was good to know where the lines were being drawn with her leniency. That knowledge would come in handy later Ren was sure.

"Hopefully it won't come up," Ren replied, taking a deep breath to calm herself back down, "But I apologize, mam. I've tried to settle in by keeping my hands busy but news like that would piss anyone off, wouldn't it? I'll do better to keep my temper under control, mam," she added, her voice calm and saluting once again, but the hand at her side was still balled up so tight the veins on the back of her hand looked liable to pop.

Ren was just going to have to cross her fingers and hope that Monty wasn't on the station while she was there.

After the briefing, Ren had to track down her belongings that had been transferred in from the PMC ship that had dropped her off on Proud, which included an outfit that wasn't a military uniform or spacesuit. Her usual white tank-top, of course, along with a pair of loose-fitting jeans and sneakers, but the crowning jewel of her old outfit was her jacket. It was a military jacket based on an old design, more military chic than anything, a dark green bomber jacket with a two headed eagle emblazoned on the back in gold. It had been a gift from her brother Nikita way back when, having bought it at a collector's auction. Ren had no idea why the thing was valuable, but she'd always taken care of it and worn it with the utmost pride.

Once she was dressed, she headed back towards the shuttle, having to ask for directions only twice before finding the shuttle bay. A security officer handed her a standard issue combat knife and sheath, as granted by the Captain, as she stepped inside and took her seat.


There was more than a little bit of pride in Petya's smile as the Commander voiced approval of his idea over that of the other pilot he had not noticed when he'd arrived. He had little time to revel in the feeling of victory before the Captain arrived to issue his own briefing, though Petya had to admit this one was a lot harder to swallow.

Since when had they been ordered to sabotage and undermine this colony? To what end would their limited forces and resources be used in such an endeavor when their lives were already on the line due to the human's having proof of their breaking the ceasefire? Petya was not sure, but unlike with the Commander, whom he had known to be a skilled commander willing to listen to his men, he knew little of the Captain or what he might do in the face of insubordination from his foot soldiers.

Petya looked to the Commander with wide eyes, trying to convey his concern with the completely different objective the Captain wished to assign them in regards to their mission in the hopes he might speak up against them, but the action was all the defiance he dared suggest towards the chain of command. He would do as ordered regardless, though he wouldn't mind speaking with Ellis again concerning her suspicions of a rogue. This was the second time to Petya's knowledge of impromptu changing of mission objectives without due cause or orders from command.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ophelia C. Rossweisse Character Portrait: Alexander Hunter Character Portrait: Ren Kotko Character Portrait: Klaus Cincaid Character Portrait: Amelia Renard
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With all of the pilots gathered in the shuttle, Ophelia gave the signal for them to take off and head inside. "Renard, be sure to follow immediately. Upon arriving, I'll need you to map out the entire colony structure. See if anything's changed compared to our most recent data which was taken ten years ago. Also, be careful of some areas along the way. Some of the residents like setting jamming devices to avoid being intercepted in their deals. You won't be able to contact us when in those zones so--well, you get the point."

After finishing her instructions, she turns to the people who will be coming inside with her. Ren was given her knife, as what was discussed but Ophelia will have to keep a close watch on her. She didn't understand why she would suddenly lash out--not after receiving acclaim from almost everyone else. Such small details tend to bother her and she didn't like it. Taking her mind off Ren for a moment, she turned to the two men instead.

"Alright. Upon entering those gates, you'll have to forget that I'm your captain in the meantime. There won't be a warm welcome for women like me and Ren and I doubt if our words will be honored either. So don't talk to us unless we talk to you first. Oh, and finish your sandwich first Lt." Ophelia glanced at the monitor. They had now passed the gates. The artificial gravity started to kick in as well.

"Klaus will act as our negotiator while Alexander will be our bodyguard. Me and Ren will be the navigators. I assume everyone still recalls their speech lessons?"

The shuttle soon landed and Ophelia led the group inside, managing to bypass the security with their identification. "Security here is still regulated by the two worlds but their presence is near to non-existent inside. The deal's already been made. All we need to do is wire the payment, retrieve the parts and head back. We are given a time limit of three days to complete this mission. You'll see why."

Taking a step inside Albion always felt like entering a time machine. The houses were dressed in an old, wild western style and the grounds felt like the coarse desert terrain back at Earth. Being one of the earliest colonies, it was obvious that whoever built it was not intending it to be a residential area. Once inside, Ophelia kept silent, speaking only in small whispers as she kept her face hidden beneath her cap.

"We turn right around this corner--" She whispered as she pointed to one of the intersections, relying solely on her memory of the place. A few people glanced at them which made her a bit nervous. Someone might recognize her. After another hour, they reached a 20th century styled warehouse. The sign said it was closed but the gate leading to the back was left open.

"It's up to you from here on out. Alexander, you take Ren and watch over this small entrance. I'll accompany Klaus inside." Upon entering inside, they were greeted by a rather large man who ushered them in. His shop was filled with farming and mining tools along with parts for mobile workers but, Ophelia was sure there are weapons stocked somewhere.

"I suppose you are the Captain Oliver written in the report?" The man asked Klaus. Ophelia had changed the details of their identity prior to entering Albion. "Okay, the items you asked for are all sorted out: Five blast panels for a large-caliber charged particle cannon, three mobile workers and a cockpit salvaged from a First Generation Transcendent war machine. Oh, and there's another parcel listed under classified. In exchange, you'll provide us with salvaged weapons and parts plus cash. Is that correct?"

Ophelia nudged Klaus lightly to inform him that he was the one being asked. Despite not knocking out a script for the two beforehand, she expects things to go over well enough without much incident. Assuming the boys know what they're doing. Hopefully no one notices anything amiss.