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Michael Bonnefoy

Air Reaper

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a character in “Reapers: The Awakening”, as played by poeticjustice8012


-Gender: Male
ā€Je suis un garƧon.ā€

-Height: 5ā€™ 5ā€
ā€Not too tallā€¦ā€

-Weight: 120
ā€Just the perfect weight!ā€

-Hair Color: Platinum Blond
ā€And quite soft, too.ā€

-Eye Color: Light Gray/Silver
ā€Unique is good.ā€

-Description: Michael is model thin, and usually has a small, confident smile on his face. His eyes gleam with a bright light that only grows dim when heā€™s unhappy, though that rarely occurs. He usually has his hair pulled back in a ponytail, but when heā€™s on a job his hair is styled in all kinds of ways (the most popular being similar to the photo). He never has anything thatā€™s not designer; for him, appearance is everything.
ā€Cā€™est beau, non?ā€

-Reaper Color: Orange (#FF6103)
ā€Itā€™s really not my colorā€¦ā€

-Reaper Element: Air
ā€Iā€™ve always wanted to fly.ā€

-Weapon: A long and narrow rapier, much better for quick attacks. The blade is a silver, and the hilt is an ice-blue.
ā€Just like my French ancestorsā€¦ā€

-Skill(s)/Ability(s): Able to manipulate air in all of its forms.
ā€Itā€™s quite a power.ā€

-Symbol: Image
ā€Itā€™s all rightā€¦ā€

-Time of Day: Sunrise
ā€I do love the sun.ā€

-Personality: Michael is very confident, carrying himself like heā€™s amazing and everyone should look up to him. The thing is, thatā€™s how he feels half of the time. He realizes that heā€™s quite attractive and that heā€™s also rich and famous (somewhat), so his mind automatically thinks that the others should idolize him. Needless to say, this gets him in a lot of trouble, but heā€™s so used to getting out of sticky situations with his self-defense skills that heā€™s cocky, too. Not to say that his whole personality is just confidence and cocky attitude, though.

Michael is, deep down, very dependent on what others think of him. If they love him, then he loves him too. If they hate him, then heā€™s wallowing in a pit of self-pity, unable to get out of it until someone else helps him. In all honesty, heā€™s not that special and he knows it. He has to spend hours on his appearance, his clothes, and his whole faƧade. Itā€™s maddening; Michael is on several pills for stress and health reasons, and anything too major might just push him over the edge. He wonā€™t come at you with a knife. Rather, heā€™ll lock himself in a room and try over-dosing on pills. If youā€™re going to insult him, though, donā€™t mention his height. He is very touchy about his height.

On the other hand, Michael is also very critical of others (see quirks). Heā€™ll say his honest opinion, but more often than not he goes overboard and ends up deeply insulting other people. Heā€™s been working on keeping his mouth shut, but it doesnā€™t always work. Heā€™s very critical on himself, too. If he does something even a little bit wrong, heā€™ll become upset and work on it even harder to get it right ā€˜the next timeā€™. Making a mistake is not an option, and the only way to prevent mistakes is to work harder. While you might think heā€™s lazy and just lives off what others give him, he actually works incredibly hard to keep everything going for him.

Once you get past the whole confident and critical thing, Michael is very nice. He actually tries very hard for other people to like him, since belonging means a lot to him, and doesnā€™t mind changing a little to fit other peopleā€™s expectations. He always seems to know the right things to say to make you feel better, and isnā€™t afraid of showing how he feels. He tries to please everyone at once, even if that means making his life into an absolutely insane juggling act.

-Quirks: To put it bluntly, Michael is the ultimate perfectionist. Itā€™s like a form of OCD, but to the point where he points out other peopleā€™s faults too. Mostly physical, the first thing heā€™ll do as heā€™s meeting you is introducing himā€¦ And pointing out exactly what you get on his sliding scale of physical looks. Itā€™s to the point where he has to force himself not to say anything. (See other)

He also spends about four hours everyday just getting ready; his obsession over physical attributes practically controls his life. He hates how short he is, and is often seen drinking milk/taking vitamins to grow taller. Lastly, his has minor paranoia, but not your typical kind. Instead of thinking everyone is going to stab him, heā€™s worried that others donā€™t like him or secretly think heā€™s ugly.
ā€Oh my, youā€™re a thirty on my scale. I mean, look at you!ā€

ā€¢People disliking him
ā€¢Being ugly
ā€¢Being unwanted
ā€I meanā€¦ I like my friends, ok?ā€

ā€¢Being with friends
ā€¢Being looked-up to/adored (being famous)
ā€¢(Pop) music
ā€Jā€™adore mes amis, musique, et moi.ā€

ā€¢Loud noises
ā€¢Being insulted
ā€¢Others hating him
ā€¢Being short
ā€Je nā€™aime pas ĆŖtre Ć  court!ā€

-Bio: Michaelā€™s mother (Erin) was a famous model going to France for a job when she met Michaelā€™s father (Francis). It wasnā€™t exactly love at first sight, but Francis was an up and coming fashion designer who fell in love with the hot American model he had hired. They dated briefly, when she decided to come and live in France for a few years. They married quickly after that, though they didnā€™t actually have Michael until she was twenty-eight and past the peak of her years. They loved their son, though, and were rich enough to give him everything. He also inherited his mother and fatherā€™s looks.

Their son was clearly beautiful, and ā€˜blessedā€™ with it, but Michael was never the most normal of children. From an early age his parents had him modeling, showing him off, and generally raising him like a human mannequin. Michael always figured that looks were one of the most important parts of life, because thatā€™s all his parents seemed to care about: what they could put on Michael that day. It really should have been expected that his OCD and paranoia showed up, but he also had strange feelingsā€¦

It started when he was five. He would get these sudden urges to just run, get away from his life, and escape. From what, he wasnā€™t really sure, but after the fifth time he was found on the streets of Paris alone, his parents decided to take him to a doctor, who just said that Michael needed a change in his life. Hence the move to America, where things continued pretty ā€˜normallyā€™, with him still being a model and the pressure growing daily to keep up with things.

The only really important thing is that Michael once found himself falling in love with someone. Now, he was seventeen and kind of used to random girls coming up to him and saying how cute/hot he was, but this person was a guy. In fact, it was actually one of the maidā€™s sons, to really add to the strangeness of it all. Deciding that it couldnā€™t be that bad, Michael asked the other out, and they started dating from behind the scenes for three months before the big question came up: how far are we going to take this?

That night Michael felt like the whole world was his, but things werenā€™t as good as they seemed. The boy revealed how he really just was playing with Michael, and wanted to see how good it was. ā€˜That was the worst sex Iā€™ve ever hadā€™ was the last thing he ever said to Michael, sending the model into a total state of depression, where he tried to kill himself by eating too many of his anti-stress and paranoia pills. He was only kept alive because his mother saw the boy leaving, and when Michael didn't appear she became worried.

Recently he's become a little more reckless, disappearing for days and showing up randomly like nothing has happened. His powers (which appeared when he was twelve, but since he never really used them didn't cause much disturbance) became a means of freedom; fluttering papers, blowing under girl's skirts, blowing through his hair, it's all for his own amusement and the feeling of being in control. He also has been taking more 'adult' jobs, and recently has been on the cover of a magazine in a soaking wet white shirt and boxers. His self-confidence is at an all-time low, mostly from nothing new happening... He seems to have nothing more to do, nothing to get better at. And his stress is at an all-time high.
ā€My historyā€¦ Ce nā€™est pas beau.ā€

-Other: I read everything.
Michael really wants to find someone he can trust, someone he can fall in love with without being scared of being hurt. He really wants a calm, somewhat quiet, guy who can protect him. He also hates his height; as Iā€™ve said before, mentioning it is the easiest way to upset him. On a random note, Michaelā€™s sliding scale is as follows (mostly for me):
Hair, face, overall, body, clothes, style, colors, proportions, uniqueness, and other. Each is worth ten points, for an overall 100 points possible. The highest anyone has gotten is a 71 (and it wasnā€™t him; Michael usually averages a 68-69). He has also raised the bar; anyone he even looks at has to get a 70 or higher...
If you havenā€™t noticed by now, heā€™s also fluent in French, and gay. He doesnā€™t even try to hide it.
ā€And this is strange how?ā€


Luna Alleren: She's fine. She's a little more forceful than SinƩad, but Michael doesn't really mind. She's also very loyal and blunt, which he appreciates (not having to guess at her thoughts). Score: Forty-ish. Looses points for clothes, gains for eyes.

Yoshiya Dayze: He can scare Michael, especially when angry, but Michael likes him the rest of the time. The biggest thing about Yoshiya is that he tries to get along with others, unless angered. Score: Fifties. Looses points for messy clothes and hair, but overall and body brings it up.

SinƩad Knight: Again, she's fine. Michael likes that she's quiet and thus listens to pretty much everything he says, but she's also a little too quiet, occasionally unnerving him. Score: Usually around fifty. It is high-ish because of her soft hair and clothes.

Tezuka Walker: His lack of emotion is also unnerving, but more than SinƩad's. Michael likes the fact that Tezuka is giving him a way out of his normal, boring life. Score: About a thirty, forty. Really depends on how well Tezuka did with his make-up that day.

-Sample Post:
Michael sighed as he looked around his room, letting the light filter through his thin blinds and make its way towards him, making him look even paler than usual. He didnā€™t really want to get up, only to spend four hours trying to make him look even slightly presentable, but what kind of choice did he have? He had to go out and do a few jobs, and just not showing up wasnā€™t an option. He was nineteen, at the height of his career, and completely miserable.

ā€œThisā€¦ Is ridiculous,ā€ he muttered as he forced himself to sit up, looking at his pale hands. Heā€™d need to get some more time outdoors, but he didnā€™t have much time to just relax and sunbathe. Hopefully heā€™d be able to pick up more of that tanning creamā€¦ That is, one of the maids or his mother would pick it up. He didnā€™t have time to just go shopping, either. ā€œI really want to go shopping.ā€ He yawned as he looked at his clock, mentally groaning. Only four in the morning? He really needed to get more sleep; maybe, then, he wouldnā€™t have to spend so much time on his appearanceā€¦ Oh, who was he kidding. Without all of his preparation, he was nothing. His whole life was centered around appearances, after all.

ā€œIā€¦ Hate it.ā€ He sighed again, knowing that nothing would change, no matter how much he wished for it. All he could do was move on and hope for the best... Maybe when he was older he could relax more, but until then he didn't have much of a choice. He was only slightly startled when someone knocked on his door. "Go away, I'm not ready," he told them. There was a pause, and then it creaked open anyway. His mother put her head into the room, only to see Michael having dived under the covers, trying to hide himself. She was used to his behavior, though, and only hummed the tune to some song under her breath while walking over to him.

"Are you ready for today? You need to get ready soon, or else your job will come and you won't be prepared," she reminded him. I know that, he thought, but what if I don't want to work today? "You need to go. Reliability is the best thing a model can offer, besides their body." Not wanting to point out how strange that sounded, Michael nodded and carefully poked his head above the covers. Erin reached out a hand, gently running her soft hands through his silky hair. Despite not being washed, and quite honestly being a mess, it still retained its feel. "I'm so proud of you, Michael. Your father and I couldn't have wished for a better son." Then why don't you let me relax? Michael just nodded and gave his mother a smile; it came easily from years of modeling.

"I know. Now, can you leave so I can get ready?"

So begins...

Michael Bonnefoy's Story