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Tezuka Walker

Null Reaper

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a character in “Reapers: The Awakening”, originally authored by CNAGamer, as played by RolePlayGateway


-Gender: "I've been the same for one-hundred and fifty years."

-Height: "I do not see what is so important."

-Weight: "Such trivial questions..."
134 lbs.

-Hair Color: "And what if I refuse to answer?"

-Eye Color: "I suppose this might be important..."

-Description: "Why do you care?"
Due to being alive for a century and a half, Tezuka has a look about him that simply speaks wisdom. He also his covered in scars from numerous battles with Demons. He seems to have found a style in the "goth" look, and dresses that way for the most part. He paints his nails black, wears eyeliner, all that jazz. One odd thing about Tezuka: He has a cross burned onto his back, the work of the Fire Reaper.

-Reaper Color: "The same that it has always been."
Grey (#6B6B6B)

-Reaper Element: "So I am nothing...and so nothing is me."

-Weapon: "I suppose out of all seven...I fit the term 'Reaper' the most."

-Skill(s)/Ability(s): "Again...nothing has changed...and nothing will."
To control the void is to control the mind. Your lack of emotion is unnerving, but understandable. You can control the mind of anything, and drive it insane. You can also replicate yourself, up to ten times at once. Unstable, yet powerful, caution is needed for this power.

-Symbol: "It's the most decorative..."

-Time of Day: "Just as the sun sets...when the lines between reality and dream blur."

-Personality: "Must you ask?"
Tezuka is almost void of all emotion. Her rarely shows anything, as it fits with his element and powers. However, when among his fellow Reapers, he is known to sometimes smile and even laugh or get angry. His biggest trait is perhaps his loyalty to the other Reapers. Tezuka will gladly lay down his life for a fellow Reaper, without question.

Tezuka, as per his emotion void, prefers books to people, and tries his best to stay away from humans. He usually accomplishes this by staying barricaded within his room in the loft with a book. Honor bound, Tezuka will not enter one's mind without permission, unless he feels it vital to someone's survival.

Tezuka takes great pride in his ability to fight, and as such, feels the need to correct everyone, even his own foe in the middle of a battle. No one truly knows why this is, but as it recourrs with every new life, it appears that it is apart of the Reaper, not the body the Spirit inhabits.
-Quirks: "Yes, I have them..."
Tezuka cracks his knuckles, neck, and other joints, a lot. He also has the odd habit of staring off into space for hours at a time, not moving.

-Fears: "Even Reapers fear things..."
*Agateophobia - Fear of insanity
*Thanatophobia - Fear of death

-Likes: "I suppose there are some things..."

-Dislikes: "Plenty..."
*Public restrooms

-Bio: "It's nothing but a repetitive tale."
The human known as Tezuka Walker was born one-hundred and fifty years prior to the start of this story. He grew up a bright young lad, farming, and taking care of animals. He was even engaged to the love of his life. Until the fateful night of his 20th birthday. It had been a grand celebration, and all were merry in the small town where he had grown up. He and his fiance were to be married the following day. This was not to be.

He was walking to his home in the dead of night, as he had always been a night person, when he felt an ominous presence following him. He turned around, only to see nothing. When he returned to the direction he had originaly been traveling, he nearly plowed into a man standing in the middle of the path.

"The Demons will find you. You must come with me, Null Reaper."

He had no idea what the man was talking about. He truly thought he was crazy. Until of course a monster appeared. The stranger defeated it with ease. For a while, about two months, Tezuka went with the stranger, listening to what he had to say. During that time, he slowly began to uncover his memories of all his past lives, piecing the history together.

Still, he didn't believe. He had no want to, he just wanted to be normal. But the fact remained that he wasn't. But it took the Fire Reaper burning the symbol of a cross onto his back to finally convince him. He can still recite the conversation in his head.

"I just want to be normal! I don't want to be crazy..."

He had said that, and after Fire had done what he had done, he said to Tezuka, "Now you're not normal. Ready to be crazy?"

-Other: "Enough questions."
Tezuka loves chocolate. It's a good and easy way to get, and stay, on his good side.

"I really don't know how to handle him...even after all these years."
*Air/Michael Bonnefoy -
Michael is a little too wound up and excitable for Tezuka to handle most of the time. He likes Michael enough, it's just that their personalities clash too much. Other than killing Demons together, Tezu tries to stay away from him for the most part, to ensure he keeps his sanity.

*Earth/ -

"Well...she' do I say it? Slippery?"
*Water/Luna Alleren -
Tezuka isn't quite sure what to make of her this life. She's a little too much for him to handle at times, to which he has one of the others deal with her. He's not good with emotional people, due to his lack of them. Still, he tries, and can call her a friend with confidence.

"Yoshiya? Different name, different face...but he's still the same."
*Fire/Yoshiya Dayze -
As to be expected, Tezuka likes the Fire Reaper the most, just as it has always been. Yoshiya's outgoing personality offsets Tezuka's nonexistent one nicely. The two work best as partners, and Tezuka will gladly spend time with him more than any of the others.

"She's fine...if she would just come out of her shell."
*Light/Sinead Knight -
He gets along with Sinead quite well. He tries his best to encourage her to branch out, due to her life being obedient. His favorite thing to tell her is, "Reapers aren't human...we don't follow their rules."

"Must I say anything?"
*Darkness/Britany Avens -
Tezuka feels nothing for Darkness, and for the most part, unless he must talk or interact with her, he ignores her entirely. He doesn't care if she's jealous of him, nor does he care why.

-Sample Post: Tezuka dreamed of her that night. It had been so long since he had thought of Kari. He supposed it was because it was the day after his birthday, the day they were supposed to get married all those years ago. She had never married. He had watched her live out her life in pain and sorrow, waiting for him, he who would never age and never return.

It pained him to think of it, so he shook his head, and washed in the bathroom. The Loft was quiet. This was the way it had been for almost twenty years now. He sighed. The others should be awakening, which in turn meant he had to find them. But where would he start?

He knew he would Replicate. It would make the search easier. And the Demons would be on the hunt as well. There was nothing more advantageous than eating a Reaper’s soul who has just awakened, when they are still unable to piece everything together and fight back.

He sighed again, rubbing his eyes. With only him left, he had his work cut out for home finding the other six. Returning to his room, he got dressed, and then stood on the balcony, looking out over the city. It was bustling with activity, even this early in the morning.

Closing his eyes, he began searching through the minds of the people below him. Sometimes, even before they had awakened, the Reapers’ souls would lead the new host to a familiar place. Tezuka had no such luck. So, with that said, he grabbed his jacket, and left the Loft, locking the door behind him.

He was going Reaper hunting.

So begins...

Tezuka Walker's Story