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Rebellion of the Marked

Rebellion of the Marked


They have fought their last battle, now the war begins.

1,079 readers have visited Rebellion of the Marked since MissNessa created it.



To whom it may concern:

Once upon a time, in the beginning, a long, long time ago. Perhaps, it was not that long ago. How long have we been trapped in emptiness, how long have we been pawns of war? Time, that’s all we have in our world of despair. Time to think, time to mourn; time to wish we were the lucky ones who escape our curse by death. Some can almost remember, in their fleeting moments of freedom, what rain smelt like before the stench of blood filled the air. They can almost remember the feeling of exhilaration when the wind danced for them, now they shiver in despair. There were tales of laughter, joy, peace, and love in the old times. We would gather around, naively, listening and wishing for their past to be our future. It is ancient history now, who has time for such fairytales anymore? They have forgotten. We have forgotten, but then again the stories were only tales to keep us youth from crying throughout the night. It was some method of hope to grasp in a world without hope. It is our curse, from conception in our mother’s womb. Death is the only freedom from it. Is it our faults who we are? We did not choose to be created. Why punish us. We live only to die. We fight only for survival, but most of us hope that just one slip up, by our hands, would end us, our curse, and our life. Freedom, it there yet we can never grasp it, it sits mocking us. Time is fading, although we are frozen. We wish we had time or rather purpose. Now we fight for our lives hoping time does not run out, because when our time runs out we would have lived for nothing. We will find our purpose or die trying. We are tired of fighting for nothing; it is time to fight for our freedom.

Sector 5’s Hopeful


In the world of Aris there are five countries, Serida, Knos, Talitha, Kuma and Sarin, long ago an infection went on a murderous rampage against the population of the Aris leaving no country untouched. It started out innocently enough, a cough, a sneeze. No one was concerned about it. It lasted days and they thought they were in the clear. No lasting symptoms, unless you include death that followed exactly a month after the infection. The people were baffled, but the disease’s rule only lasted a 3 months. Millions died, but the dead weren’t the concern, it was the ones born from the infected before they died. A few years later people were starting to show concern for the children who were born during that time. The children had strength that was not normal for their age. Their senses heightened, their abilities quickened, strange birth markings identified them. They were labeled a danger to society. Just like every dangerous thing, it must be contained or eliminated. It was soon discovered that these things, the marked ones, did not die normally like humans. They healed quicker, they lived longer. They were immortal, but not invincible. Naturally, panic set in among the human race. The thought was if the marked ones were contained then they could be used to their own advantage. It worked for a time. They were traded as slaves of the war, countries paid good money for their marked armies. There were five countries, five sectors or island for each, categorized by abilities. Just because they were contained did not mean that they could not be used by the humans for their own selfish, criminal needs. They were used as pawns to fight in their wars, why lose their own when they could use Marks as they pleased.

There was a story told to the children of the Marks about a man who lived three hundred years ago. Sector One’s Lucia. He started a rebellion among the marks. He was powerful and intellectual and convinced hundreds that if they were ever going to be free they had to fight against the humans not for them. They called it the War of Tears. They were tired of being slaves and they were going to show the humans who they were up against. One day they were being released from the sector to fight for their master’s country when they turned. They fought for their freedoms, but it was futile, they might have been stronger, but they were outnumbered. They were slaughtered by the humans. To prevent any further rebellion, the human equipped the Marks with arm bands that controlled when they were to use their power. They lost control, they lost their war, and they lost hope. This story was told to the children so that they always would remember one thing: They were prisoners of time, and hoping for something more is senseless and will only end in defeat.

Chapter One: Sector Five's Hopeful


Adley Mae/Optimistic/Taken by MissNessa

Aboa/Cynical/Taken by Heolstor

Kirino/Realistic/Taken by Damioa

Damon "Aaron" Xander/Apathetic/Taken by Dementedness

You are part of the new generation from Sector 5. These young adults are planning their own rebellion. They are tired of fighting for nothing. These Marks have decided to finish what the Tear’s Rebellion could not accomplish. They are few and their kind thinks them foolish. They have heard that there is a group outside the sector that hides away on the mainland. Remnants of Lucia’s battles, people who have hidden themselves away after the war. It is only a rumor, but it is something for them to grasp. They are looking for alliance with them if they can find them, and escape the Sector, both harder than it sounds.

The Countries

*Obviously the actual sectors do not look like this, but this represents the countries. The sectors are either rundown versions, or prison type versions.





[It is not very detailed, but why stunt the imagination. Also, it is the best I can do, ha. At least you know where things are in relations to each other even if Aris looks pretty lame, ha.

Toggle Rules

I have decided, in order to keep this role-play alive, to do something different. The role-play will be divided into chapters. This is chapter one, and with each new chapter I will allow a character or two and maybe even kill off a character. It probably won't be for awhile, while we get to know the current main characters, but I thought maybe with each chapter there could be a new enemies, new allies, a new country to explore etc. It should be interesting, so I am looking for specific types of people to join this role-play.

1. Literate: I am not a grammar nazi, and I misuse punctuation marks like they are going out of style, but I want juicy paragraphs. We all have writer's block, but if I see one or two sentences a post I will kill off your character. I would like to see a couple paragraphs per post. Less is not more. Hopefully, by carefully screening the profiles, we will not have such a problem.

2. Be active: I have a job, you, hopefully, have a job or school, but I would like you to be active. If there is only two of us role-playing, and no one else is participating, deaths will happen. If you have decided to take a spur of the moment trip to Alaska let me know so I do not have to conjure up a freak lightning storm that murders your character. Post every couple of days.

3. Input: I would like to hear your suggestions. Whether it is a new character idea or new chapter focus, tell me about it! I may be the GM, but every character is important. If you have ideas for a back story for your character that you don't want anyone else to know yet, pm me. If you have an idea that you do want people to know, pm me as well. I am an open-minded person.

4. God-modding: Your character is not perfect, for goodness sake they live in a world of imperfection so act like it. Do not try to read the mind of other characters (including NPCS) because that is just silly, and freaking annoying. Also do not try and take over another person's character without permission.

5. Keep it Clean: I understand that there will be violence, but do not go serial axe murderer on me. Cursing is fine, but do not overuse it, be a little more creative than that. I understand romance may take place, but this role-play is not a place for your lust bucket of porn. Thank you.

Character Sketch
[As long what I require is filled out it does not matter how it is designed on your profile.]

The traits are for you to build your character. Do not limit yourself, but do not ignore the traits. They are there for a purpose. In the future, as we develop more chapters, new entries will be allowed, but currently I am only having four characters. The best sketch will participate in the role-play. Be as detailed as possible. This is who you are portraying make it beautiful or tragic as long as it is detailed.

Nickname: [optional]
Age: [18-25/they live forever unless killed. In reality their life span is quite short because of they are dying off in the war]
Marking: Location & Appearance[This is not a tattoo so don't say it is a flower or infinity symbol, we are above that.]
Sector/Country: [If Marked, what sector? If human what country?]
Allies: [Update as RP progresses]
Enemies: [Update as RP progresses]

Physical Appearance: [Picture [Anime] & Description]
Personality: [detailed]

Signature Power: [What is a move often used by your character]
Weapon of choice: [optional]


Song: [This is purely for enjoyment purposes. It is also optional.]

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley"
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The sun beamed down on the red-headed girl’s face as she rolled over to get away from its intense greeting. She turned over on her mat, and fell onto the floor; there really wasn’t a difference in the texture. They were both uncomfortable, but she did not mind, however now the sun was now directly in her face, she could almost feel the freckles multiplying on her face. She opened her eyes slowly as she stretched out on the floor staring up at the rundown ceiling. “I have to fix hole before it rains,” she muttered, but made no effort to move as she stared at the light that was shining down on her freckle covered face. Finally, she lifted herself off the ground; her momentary lapse in laziness probably gave her a handful of freckles, at least. “I need food!” she said to no one in particular as her stomach grumbled in agreement. The “house” was a one room building, that she slept in at night and ate her meals on occasions. The place was not suitable for living; it would get too cold in the winter and sweltering in the summer, the dust alone was enough to cause potential death and nothing she could do could eliminate the army of dirt particles that had declared war on her home, luckily she did not staying cope up inside anyway. There were no locks on the doors, privacy was not an option for a Marked, and more than once she has come home to a lack of food because of hungry thieves. She could not blame them, some days she was tempted to rob some people for a crumb of food, but she had been careful to ration her food—this time. She pulled her out her box of food she had managed to hide underneath the floorboards, and pulled out a bar of—something. The food the guards provided them had a lot of plain wrapping so she wasn’t sure exactly was she was eating it kind of tasted like a rotten apple, but who knows. She’d go fishing later and catch a ton of fish! Adley quickly devoured her breakfast, grabbed her sword, Polan, and pushed opened her creaky door. It was a new day, and she couldn’t spend another minute indoors.

She glanced at the people around her, they were all going about their business and avoiding eye contact seemed to be the top priority today because not a single smile was returned to her. Picking up her pace she hoped they would get to the mainland today. It wasn’t that she enjoyed fighting because that was far from the case, it was just she wanted to try Operation Escape again, but she hadn’t had the right opportunity yet, and with some new information she had acquired, she was eager to try again. 'I have to make up a new name later, it is failing for a reason, and probably a name change will make it better!' She made a mental note. Adley had tried on more than one occasion to escape, however she was always caught, she blamed it on absentmindedness, but she knew what she was doing, she just didn’t know how to accomplish the second part of escaping, not getting caught. ‘If I was from sector one, I could just turn into a mouse and scurry away forever,’ she thought about it for a moment, ‘Eh, what if their controller broke or Serida made it so that I would be a mouse forever! Could I do it, I wouldn’t need to eat much, but then I’d have to worry about something eating me, right?’

Adley, lost in her stimulating thoughts, did not see the guard that was standing in front of her until she was on the floor. “Ow,” she looked up at the angry guard, “don’t worry about it, I won’t report you today, but next time, I would beware!” He glared at her as she brushed some dirt off her clothes and stood up. She grinned nervously, “So, I take it you’re not a funny one? No? Um, Okay.” She widened her eyes and stood at attention staring at something behind the guard, “Captain, Sir!” The guard straightened up and turned around ready to greet the captain, but saw no one, “Why you little—“he looked around, the girl was gone.

Adley laughed as she strolled down to the waterline, “Oldest trick in the book,” she ignored the putrid stench of the seawater, “I hope I can catch some fish!”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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Damon was shifting around in his bed; another of those nightmares. He had been making this same dream recently; a memoir to his past. But nightmare of not, it was still in his mind for a very long time. He tried to forget about it, but there is just something so melancholic about it he still wishes that he could change it. Not matter how, he couldn’t. It was sad for him. He wasn’t a time traveller, and even so, he couldn’t try to. He didn’t regret for the day he came to the world, but he regretted that the world came to this. If anything, the young lad woke up by the beam of lights entering in what many would call a home. Of course, it is a very broad definition nowadays, and so for many things that Marked could have. It was maybe not enough cruelty for the humans, who he learned to have once a great respect for everything. In some way, he thought about how humans and Marked aren’t that different, but are in the same time. He silently made his out of his place into the light of the morning, looking at the absentminded people. It was normal for him; of course, anything that the Marked have done or will do could be held against them. It was the Law, a law made for tyranny. Although, like everyone else, Damon learned to shut himself up and live his life like destiny has written it. Even if he could have the choice, he felt it wasn’t one but just an illusion of choice.

Recently, he had been lost in his thoughts. Fighting wasn’t his thing, and so many things. He prefers to think, to develop on his own. He often wondered what would be his life if Marked could have lived amongst the humans… He would often try to formulate things differently, but the words were missing him. It seems every day brought a new definition of a word he never knew before. Somehow, he was eager to learn the new word today.

Damon was walking down the waterline, his hands tucked into his coat, still thinking. What if instead of being a Marked, he would have been a human? Things would probably be much easier. He vaguely knew about his past. Well, his past-past, the one before he got throw in this jail for criminals at birth. He wondered if there was a term for that too. He pondered on subject that most people would often find boring. Maybe he was born with the will of intellect of a human, but the force of a Marked? He would doubt it. If anything, it was only a short way before they call on his name today, getting caged to fight against one of his pairs. Rude was it, but he couldn’t do anything. He was forced to slaughter, but he guessed it was some kind of Law; something that he could only define by a word.

Then, he would look at his own reflection. The only thing he saw wrong in him is how clean his face was. It was maybe something he ignored that gave this benefaction. What about humans? The only faces he saw of them is rude ones with battle scars. It was… interesting, in some way. What was really separating them from him – Marked? Maybe he wouldn’t know. He could have spent quite a while just thinking about that, but without proper contact with a human that doesn’t think with his muscle but with his brain, it was impossible. He slightly smirked at his own remark.

He then saw a thing float by him. He picked up. It was… strange. He never saw something like it. It was, it its own way, beautiful. He wondered how to call it. What was the definition that humans got for it? Why did it grow like this? He was sure somewhere, over all this desert of earth and water, somewhere away from this cell, there was someone with the answer. Somewhere…

“I hope to catch some fish!” Damon heard; a girl, but not any girl. He turned around to have a good look of her. She was… Well, he never knew her name. He wondered if she knew his. He still held the thing in his hands, thinking where he could have seen her. He knew people by faces, but never knows who they are. He doesn’t speak very often, as you might guess. The only reason is that he felt that he could only get executed by just saying something wrong. Law can be broken, and severe consequences could be made. He wondered if it was so for different species with humans. He saw some other creatures, but never learned who they are and what they think about. However, that girl was different. He wondered if she knew what this thing is.

He held it up to her, saying in a small voice, hoping none of those guards were around: “Do you know… how they call these?” He tilted his head a bit like a child with when the latter was confused.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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As a habit, Adley looked at the ground as she headed down to the waterline. She wasn't avoiding eye contact or shying away from the world, but looking for something. She never knew what it was she was looking for, but it didn't keep her from looking. She would always find interesting things, but it was never what she was seeking. It was a game she played with herself. If she ever found what she was looking for the game would be over, and she didn't want it to end. She glanced up, pausing the game, and saw the water through the trees, if you could call them trees. They were bare, and scraggly, pathetic trees. She wanted to see trees covered in green leaves, swaying as the breezed danced around them. She stared straight ahead at the water and squinted. She could make out Sarin from the distance, but longed to venture past it. Adley played the part so well, the cheerful girl who gets in trouble. People called her naive, a dreamer, some questioned her sanity, but she wasn't ignorant. She knew her situation, but she didn't want to stop dreaming. She was stuck here. Trapped in the present without moving, all while seeing her future. Being able to see her future gave her hope, it made her happy, but she just because she could see it didn't mean she could touch it, and until she could touch it she would never be truly happy. She picked up a rock and threw it at the water. She watched it soar, but didn't see where it landed, "Glad you could escape rocky, and I’ll be following soon!" She smiled and thought back to yesterday, she would be following soon.

"Hey, Old Man! You in here?" Adley pushed open the door, and bounced into the small house where Old Red lived. The man was one of the oldest Marked living in Sarin, was named after, his long since grayed, hair, but the old man hadn't lost his vigor yet. She loved visiting because he always had incredible stories from before Sarin, he actually truly lived before being controlled, and she wanted to experience life through his stories. "Girl, I am old not deaf," his angry voice did nothing to her as she saw the humorous spark in his eyes. "Got any stories?" Adley asked excitedly as she took her place at the table. He sighed at the young girl and shook his head, "Aren't you tired of these stories by now? I've told you everything at least three times." Adley laughed "Never! I need to be prepared for when I leave this place, and because you have been so generous, you can come with me even if you are old." The man tried to looking offended, but failed. He closed his eyes, and sighed, the girl reminded him so much of his young daughter, the red hair (his namesake), the bright eyes; he wished they had the chance to meet. He sat down at the table, and looked straight into the girl's eyes. They were filled with eagerness, hope, and yet a hint of sadness. He saw passion that was long ago lost in him, but this girl gave him strength, and he truly believed that she would be free one day, ‘but at what price,’ he wondered.

“Adley Mae, I am going to tell you something about the War of Tears." She leaned forward, hanging on every word. "I didn't fight in it, I had a family to look out for—back then," Adley saw the sadness in his eyes as he remembered his, now deceased, family. He continued, "but it was what I heard after the war that I think you should know," He looked around the room, unsure if he should divulge what he was about to tell her, The pause was so long, that Adley couldn’t stand the silence, “What is it? Tell me, please!” She could see he looked worried, “Red?” she questioned hesitantly. “Listen,” he spoke up, “ after the war there was whispering about the Marked who fled from capture. It was told that they hid in the forest of Serida, which is quite large. Guards caught wind of it, and searched the forest, but could never find them. This was back before the controllers, and they were shifters so it was easy for them to blend in. I didn’t believe it, but I was fighting in Serida last month, and I thought I saw someone in the woods, a young boy without a controller. He was gone so fast I thought I was seeing things, I didn’t report it thinking it was a youngling from Sector one sent out to test his power, but now,” he took a breather. Adley was speechless for once waiting for him to continue, “Adley, I think there is a chance that the old rumor is true, and I thought I should tell you, but whatever you do, you need to be careful. The girl jumped from her seat and started pacing excitedly, “But, that is the best news ever! We could finally leave! We could find them and—“Adela MAE!” she stopped in her tracks, staring at the old red headed man who called her by her full name, “You need to lower your voice, if the information fell into the wrong hands your life could be in danger!” he lowered his voice, “I can’t tell you what to do, and I know you will follow your heart first, but I want you to be safe and use your head, okay?” Adley walked over and hugged the older man, “Don’t worry old man, I’ll use my head,” He sighed and hugged the child tightly; ‘I just wished her heart wasn’t stronger than her head.’

“Do you know… how they call these?” she heard a small voice call out. She glanced around, a little disoriented from being brought out of her thoughts. She looked over and saw a boy around her age standing a little ways away by the water. She smiled, and bounced over towards him. “Aaron, right?” She had seen the boy around, seemingly ignoring the world. He usually would be talking to himself, and she actually thought he was talking to her once, but the indifferent boy walked right past her without a passing glance. She would have chased him down told him that it was confusing to mutter to himself when he is around people, but who was she to judge, and she had training to do. She looked down, and her eyes widened. She grabbed the item out of his hands, not respecting any boundaries, and she beamed, “Wow, the colors, the petals, it’s beautiful!” she examined the item brought it to her nose and smelt it, “it’s a flower, I have only seen them in pictures” she whispered quietly, “they don’t have them in Sarin, it must have floated over from any country!” she paused, “It is definitely a sign!” she exclaimed a bit loudly and handed the boy his flower. She looked at the ocean with renewed hope, ‘It is definitely a sign, and freedom is coming; now I just need a plan!'


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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It was indeed uncomfortable high above a tree, where bugs and their families (or whatever their kind may be, Aboa simply does not care right now) made their main streets out of its bark. Every night he scratched, scratched and scratched with the result of red swollen marks all over his body. Luckily, they did not bothered his face or hair that he treasured so much, or he will probably go freaking insane and kill off every single creature, how small it may be, and lead them to certain death for the sake of a long and nice sleep. And 'long' is meant for like almost twelve hours. Therefore it was no surprise to find his stomach making such unbearable noises that won't be satisfied until he'll get it what it needed which is obviously food. Nearly awoken from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes so forceful as if trying to disturb his ache in the stomache likewise, then let out a long, long sigh. Lazily, he grabbed his little bag which was his only belonging and shook it ruthlessly. Too easy, nothing seems to be inside. Apparently, his food stock went out – which is honestly not to be wondered about, having seen his portion every time he ate. Well, perhaps, it’s just appropriate for someone who only ate two meals a day or even only once. For the other times, he just had overslept, as simply as that.

A yawn escaped his lips as he jumped down. He truly regretted his decision to sleep on the tree, he felt just like that lowly creature, the monkey, but he only commented that he hated bananas. And that’s all he had and wanted to say about that subject.

Back to his poor, poor stomach – it was still rumbling like thunders, loudly and frightening. In that condition he could just eat everything he could get but for fishing was his patience just not enough. He didn't possessed any nerve for that kind of 'skill'. Hunting down food seems to be more promising than waiting like an idiot for the food to come by itself, so he always said. Well, that by side, wild animals are rare in the sector 5, even that had been counted into the cruelties of Sarin, that corrupted war loving country, which Aboa hated so much.

Within the Marked ‘Territory’, if one could say that with all those armed guards around, are aside from that also some wild plants and herbs which had turn to be fairly useful. Aboa was not stupid by randomly eat anything that crossed his way, he knew there is a certain risk that it may contain poison, so he had some plants tested. How, was still a mystery; probably some guards had to say goodbye to their life, or some animals, whatever. His own survival was the most important thing after all. Hence, he easily found supplies to keep him living through the years, though he still is indifferent about the future.

Anyhow, little mushrooms and plants were not satisfying enough after all.

His legs began to move fast. Not his best pace but enough speed to convince his hunger to wait a little longer, just a little longer. The scenery which didn’t changed much since the place where he had rested, now opened a view to a river, which has a beautiful blue colour. Almost looked like its glowing and sparkling, Aboa always had that disturbing feeling that it secretely gave the Marked ones hope, expecting them to not give up on living.It was just so silly.

Before he could prepare himself for a dive into the water and the search for a nice fish, he heard voices not far away from his place where he had stopped in front of the one waterline which already helped many Marked to survive, a simple fortune for those 'poor' Marked, so he once heard a guard mumble. Yeah right, poor, to be pitied but also to be feared and to get rid off; simply an eyesore and a weapon for the human kind. A throbbing pain went through his heart, so bothersome. To forget his worries he cleansed his face quickly with the water and then wiped his face with his shirt afterwards. It took some second for him to calm down, but before one could guess, he already stood on his two feets and went to the direction where he heard the sound from, spotted those two Marked Ones gazing upon something… a flower?

“Well, if that isn’t surprising. The utterly happy smiling unfeminine woman and the always to himself muttering outsider are talking with each other. What will this rare occasion lead to? Would there be a successful ambush from the side of the Marked towards the human kind perhaps, to honour this moment?,” His playful grin was also there which couldn’t be forgotten while he remarked negatively about others without even knowing them well – just like him, uncaring and always exaggerating. A light laugh escaped his lips. “Heh. Not like that is ever going to happen, though.,” There was something about his statement which let it seem to have more meaning behind it than his usual sentences; it had a strange after taste, something that could have to do with the feeling of irritation, or a fact that he couldn’t really accept as easily as he blurted it out. Obviously, he didn’t show it directly to them; he was not that blunt and honest.

Indifferently he glanced at them, starting to search for something he apparently didn’t find. “Any food for me?,” Yes, he honestly dared to ask that after such a very nice greeting (which truly wasn't one) of his. Well, it’s not like he put his hope high anyway.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirino Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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#, as written by Damioa
Kirino awoke this morning as early as she would any other morning. Walking around her house to make sure non of the orphaned kids she let in the night before had left or even worse, killed over. It was pretty cold at night, which most open area's are after the sun goes out and it was even worse for the young ones. Still, she always opened her old home to them even though she had forgotten to get fire wood. Giving the last of her blankets to them she was left to sleep uncomfortably without any form of warmth although she was hardly affected. She was use to having to survive harsh conditions.

As one of the children seemed to roll out of their blankets, she gave a slight sigh and nudged him back to his sleeping partner. In all honesty she didn't know whether she like or hated kids. The only thing that caused her help them was not really compassion but the relative feeling she got from them. Having also lost her parents at a young age she could sympathize with what they were going through. However, this did not mean she liked them. After all, how could she like someone who she might have to kill one day? This was the truth behind all things she faced in life. She couldn't get attached to something knowing that one day at a persons whim, it could be taken away from her just like that. She had nothing in this world and was entitled to nothing. No, that wasn't true. She still had herself and memories. Though they only get you but so far, she was happy to have them.

About a hour after waking herself, she woke each child and gave them some of their rations. That was the price for staying at her place. She would make the person give her their rations and hide them until morning. She wouldn't take non for herself. At least not if you didn't try anything funny. It was a good way to keep the house a safe place with multiple people and earn herself some extra rations if things got out of hand. Even with the extras, she wouldn't indulge herself in the food. Instead she would give food to the hungry, which she proceeded to do after feeding herself a piece of stale bread. Even she forgot how long she had it for and the thought crossed her mind that it could have been stale before she received it. Food was food though, as she learned a long time ago and she didn't give much thought into complaining.

Heading out the door she gave one more look at the children who were once again asleep and closed the door. She walked through the ever familiar scenery of the depressing sector which she lived. This would usually be the point where someone says, "It wasn't all bad...", but the truth of the matter was that compared to how humans get treated, marked were the lowest things, with rodents about two steps above them. Having a house close to the lake was a good thing though for her. It meant that if she did run out of food she wouldn't have to go far in order to get some more. Fish swam in the waters near her house for some unknown reason.

Upon walking over the walkway she caught a glimpse of people talking and a couple other people surrounding them. She didn't care much for the old half dead people around the talkers but she felt different things for the people who were engaged in conversation. There was Adley, a girl about a year younger than her. She gave her the most trouble out of everyone in the sector mainly because she always tries these quote on quote "Fail Proof" attempts at escaping and even though they never seem to work, she keeps trying. Kirino imagined that she must've hit her head when she was younger. Either that, or she's just optimistic to deadly level. Next was Aaron, as everyone called him. He was quiet and memorable because out of everyone in the sector he didn't give anyone trouble at all. Sometimes she would give him food just because he was so well behaved. Lastly, her brow twitched just thinking about him, was Aboa. He was a trouble maker but was smart about what he did. She liked his intelligence but his attitude was something she could barely stand. Still, she enjoyed him more than Adley, though she wouldn't choose one over the other. To her, even with all their highs and lows, they were all equal. Some just needed a talking to was.

Not being the one for disrespect she walked up to them and caught a glimpse of their conversation. The last words being about Aboa hunger, she reached and grabbed a piece of stale bread and tossed it in the air saying, "Eat this." If he caught it or not didn't matter. She wasn't going to spare another piece. "You really have to try to ration out your food. Either do that or steal from some old man who has no business eating allot to begin with." She said in a flat tone. She only raised her voice a little to talk to Adley. "So. Are you planning another one again?" She didn't like her plans but she also didn't want harm to come to the girl. It was weird but she reminded her of herself when she was younger. So many years ago.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirino Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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Now, Adley didn’t too many friends, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t friendly to everyone. However, there was one exception--Aboa. It wasn’t that she hated him; it was just that no matter what she did he was rude, she shouldn't take it personally seeing as he was rude to everyone. How can one person have so much disgust in his body? It was almost as if he got off on upsetting people and causing problems, his demeaning grins proved her right theory right. He was the exact opposite of Adley and for that she couldn’t get around to liking him. So needless to say, when he showed up, and used the word ‘unfeminine’ to describe the petite young girl, she tried to hide her irritation through a cheeky grin, and ignored his request for food. “Well, if it isn’t Aboa,” she smiled, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes, “I’m guessing you haven’t filled your quota of irritating the world today?” She was staring at him, but she thought back to his other question, having, just now, picked up on it.

“Would there be a successful ambush from the side of the Marked towards the human kind perhaps, to honour this moment?”
She dismissed the fact that he had used his signature mocking tone, but it made her think. Maybe—just maybe, what she needed was partners, she glanced Aaron, and back at Aboa with a scheming glint in her eyes. ‘Lucia didn’t start the War alone! Maybe they can help,’ she had seen the look in Aaron’s eyes as he eyed the flower and Aboa—perhaps she could make it seem like a challenge? They were going to get out of here! They were going to be free! The girl was already planning what she would do after they were all freed.

As her thoughts ran wild, Kirino walked up. Kirino was older than her by a year, but she acted like she was a hundred years older. She was mature and sensible, but nevertheless Adley liked the girl. She would ramble to Kirino about everything, her plans to escape, new things she learned, or utter nonsense, it didn’t matter, and while Kirino would mostly ignore her, it was still nice to have someone near her when she chattered away, and the girl never sent her away. When Kirino asked if she was going to plan another attempt to escape she knew the signs were all pointing to freedom, was unconventional to say the least, but she was Adley Mae. With the addition of Kirino, she knew that this was it, her future team, they were going to single-handedly stop the war, free the Marked, and live the lives they wanted. It was more difficult than she made it sound in her head, however that wasn’t going to stop her. She was determined, but she wondered how she was going to convince the others. They were all so different. The emotionless Aaron, the condescending Aboa, and the level headed Kirino, it was not going to be easy, but she was up for the challenge.

“What if I was?” she responded to Kirino’s question, “How would you guys feel about joining my team! It’s hard to escape with just one person, but with all of us, we could do it!” she exclaimed hopefully, yet quietly in case someone was listening. She wondered if she should mention what Old Red told her, ‘I probably should save that for the last resort,’ she saw the look in each of their eyes at her declaration and knew she was going to need it.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirino Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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'Flowers...' Damon thought to himself, so he would remember the words. 'Flowers... flowers... flowers...' he keep repeating as he looked at her and the flower. 'Beautiful... fragile... flower... petals.' When he got back the flower, he looked at it for a moment, then up at the horizon. He was once told by Tom that there was something more, over all of this water. He said that they will see it once day. Damon smiled slightly, thinking that he should maybe try to cross all of this water. Maybe there was more of those beautiful this. He thought how beautiful a field of them would be if he could see one.

But then, his thinking was stopped with Aboa's voice. He hated that guy the most. Damon was still quite surprised that Aboa was able to live so long, mainly due to his reckless. At the words outside, he frowned a bit. Of course, he had been told that he wasn't born in the land that most people would call their home, but that doesn't mean that he isn't one of them. However, coming from Aboa, he only excused himself for his actions and shrug it off. Even if he had food for him, he would give none of it. It was his trouble after all. Damon does share his food sometimes, but something made him felt that getting on Aboa's good side was like getting on everyone else's bad side. Besides, he doesn't figure that it would be possible; that kid had only a mind of his own.

For some reasons, everyone seems to suggest that Adley had a new plan of some sorts. Even Kikiro, which Damon considered the most sane in here, thought so. He wouldn't dare to say, but he would like to go beyond that mass of water, exploring what his eyes couldn't see. That kind of thought seems to be against what the Marked ones would like to have, even though it would be better to be independent than being caged and limited like... Damon wondered if there was any being like them. But again, he was lacking words. He would like to be with Adley on her plan, but he couldn't just say it. Besides that point, there was already a public gathering around them, which stressed him a bit, because it might be the sign that there is a guard nearby.

“Thanks you...” He only said to Adley, ignoring the others as he walked away. Of course, he was known to not talk a lot, but his words were carefully chosen. He looked down at the flower. 'petals...flower...fragile...beautiful...' he repeated in his head as he walked down lonely. His mind was somewhere else, seeming to remember of his pass. He almost broke in tears, but he didn't dare to show most of his emotions when he is outside. “Is this... what you wanted from me...?” he muttered to himself, still thinking about his mentor. He remember that day, but something felt wrong. It was all there as vivid as it could get, but it seems to be missing something. He would only walk down the path, thinking about what could have been missing.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirino Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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“Well, if it isn’t Aboa, I’m guessing you haven’t filled your quota of irritating the world today?”

One vicious smile was seen then, in the glimpse of that one second, as Aboa shrugged disrespectly with a bit of a dramatic sigh. "Please, the day has just started. I am not planning to pick a fight that soon, I am sane after all, not like someone particular," With a clear underestimating voice and a light chuckle, he glanced over to Adley. However, exactly that was what he was doing: Picking a fight, arguing, whatever - just don't come closer to me, that is probably what he is thinking. Eying Adley, he thought of the guts of that petite girl; truth to be told, he was aware of the strength and stubborness of her as he also knew about Adley's escape failures in the past, or more of a attempt. Hidden admiration faintly existed eben though his amusement was winning over his heart, when seeing her efforts gone to waste. Aboa was never someone who gave up without even trying, but in this case, any struggle would be useless. That is directly reflected on his dream to die while fighting fair and square, without some humans meddling in it. With other words. He gave up to hope for things that won't come true; as easy as that. It was not pessimistic, it was only the truth. A truth he started to get used to, somehow. Furthermore, what he will do anyway after he saw freedom? In the end, he only had the choice to go back to another cage of the Marked, being blamed upon a random act of violent the rules like always and then had to stay and wait for the next war like an obedient puppy.

He throwed away that unpleasant thought as he heard footfalls. Yeah, that's not special in the one way, that's true. He already heard many steps apart from this one that morning, rustles in the bushes, even the faint wind blow; he heard almost. However, those footfalls specially belong to someone he gave a rare respect. A woman who cared for children like they were her flesh and blood. An admirable person who is treating everyone equal. No normal people could ever dislike her - only those who didn't know the better. Such footfalls he remembered the most. Tap Tap Tap... "Eat this," That was the first thing she said as she surprised him by coming here. Though that time, he didn't give a damn. He only had eyes for the brown, crispy bread in front of his eyes, which he quickly took and with one go, swallowed it. "Thanks man - euh, woman, my angel, Kiri- Kiri, whatever. I hate stealing, what is with that advice? Like telling old people just to go die already... though you have a point," He then added, the last more to himself and continued in his thoughts: Where he could probably end up in our dreamy heaven. Hope it exists or god is going to have it, making a fun out of our misery. And yes, his cogitations were dead serious. "On the other hand - why don't just starve the kids? They won't have to go through this then - or, nevermind, I am thinking out loud," A sigh escaped his lips, trying to cover for his bad jokes - or thoughts out of the whim. Kind of hated himself saying that whether it was guilt pangs or only indifferentism. "Just forget it," He added, avoiding any eye contact as he listened to Adley's talk.

And yeah, he couldn't help but laugh. "Joining your team? Consist of who else, that team of yours? Your small brain and your stubborn self? Haha, don't make me laugh," As he kind of calmed himself down, he continued with a quite different face he always showed. It was a slight annoyed face, where his voice sounded strangely unfamiliar and foreign. "I am definitely not doing your childs play, wasting energy on that is simply a crime. And it's better for you to not get your hopes high up - it ain't all that easy. Shouldn't you be the one who knows the best? It's nearly impossible," Nearly. That word. It ruined everything and revealed too much. What was he for an idiot? "Anyway, I am not doing it. And Kiri is probably also sane enough," He added slightly flustered without considering Kirino's share of thoughts at all. Afterwards, he glanced at Damon, his gaze completely showed the question mark. He never liked those kinds of people who never knew how to raise their voices. His sudden leaving was so abrupt and unexpected, that he almost thought it was his fault. "... Seems like Damon neither," He gazed after that strange boy until he was completely gone and only felt wonder. Though that moment was interrupted with the clear statement of his hunger.

He knew he could not expect any food coming from Kirino again, so he gave it a try with other methods. His methods.

Petting Adley's shoulder showing unhonest pity, he proclaimed: "Now, that being said, aren't you hungry?," A smile, leaving Adley time to answer. Obvioulsly, that was intended knowing Aboa; and that became the truth with his last sentence: "So, go fishing and let me have some bites,"

He was running away, he was aware of it. It couldn't be helped - that was always the conclusion of thinking in that direction. It can't be helped.

Somehow, he felt pathetic with his grin on his face.

Was it really possible?


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kirino Character Portrait: Aboa Character Portrait: Adela "Adley" Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
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#, as written by Damioa
“What if I was?” Adley asked. “How would you guys feel about joining my team! It’s hard to escape with just one person, but with all of us, we could do it!”

That was all Kirino needed to hear. She was a foot away from Leaving before She heard a mumble from Damon and witnessed him walking away. She never did get the man, even though she knew him longer than Adley and Aboa. They were pretty close in age but couldn't have been further apart in mindsets. Still, she had to agree with his abrupt leaving. She gave a slight sigh and squinted her eyes upon Aboa talking. She didn't like his comment about the kids earlier but forgot to address it because of Adley's bubbly attitude about escaping. Now that she had to listen to the boys harsh words which she had to admit she agreed with on some points, a very small percentage of points, she decided to say all she had to say about all matters discussed so far.

"In the sense of children, without them we are nothing. Asking them to die in stead of the old would be like asking us to give up our existence. Also, Adley may not be smart in the sense common sense. She may even be a bit to ignorant of the way the world works, but most of her escape Ideas in the past would've been a seventy-five percent more of a success if she had some help. Not only that but, at least she hasn't given up on something she cares about. At least she could say that she has goals in life, no matter how optimistic they may be, unlike some people. Do not group me together with you. I would join Adley on her little exposition. I would definitely do it." Her words were low in tone as if she was talking to a child but with each word spoken from her tongue you could feel the knife at the end of them trying to chastise Abao for making fun of the girl. All the words Kirino said was true. She didn't like the thought of it, but if needed she would kill all the elderly in the sector to save even one child. Her words about Adley and her plan weren't lies either, for it had crossed her mind in the past to join the girl.

If her words made the girls hopes go up for a companion it wasn't her intention. She turned to Adley and followed her previous statement with, "I would join you Adley, if I was as hopeful as you. Seriously. Have you thought about what might happen if you do escape? Have you thought about how you will survive out there? Do you even know where you're going to go? Sure, even I want to get out of this place, but look." Kirino pulled her shirt down to show her shoulder and her marking. It was a mix of random swirls with no real design to them what so ever. "We are not normal. Wherever we go, we will always be know. Out there, everyone is our enemy, everyone will know what we've done, and everyone will try to kill us. In here my life may be hell, but at least I'm able to do something with it in here instead of throwing it away out there." She said as she started to walk away. Given two steps she stopped and only turned her head towards the girl, her eyes still with their natural tired expression. "Unless you can say something that will change my mind." She said, wanting to give Adley a chance to say something, something that made sense her and not something that sounded far fetched.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley"
Character Portrait: Aboa
Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
Character Portrait: Kirino


Character Portrait: Kirino

Probably the most realistic thinker in Sector 5

Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
Damon "Aaron" Xander

"We are born to die by our own hands, and so we will live to archieve this miracle."

Character Portrait: Aboa

Sector 5 | Marked Male One

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley"
Adela "Adley"

Sector Five's Optimistic


Character Portrait: Kirino

Probably the most realistic thinker in Sector 5

Character Portrait: Aboa

Sector 5 | Marked Male One

Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
Damon "Aaron" Xander

"We are born to die by our own hands, and so we will live to archieve this miracle."

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley"
Adela "Adley"

Sector Five's Optimistic

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aboa

Sector 5 | Marked Male One

Character Portrait: Damon "Aaron" Xander
Damon "Aaron" Xander

"We are born to die by our own hands, and so we will live to archieve this miracle."

Character Portrait: Adela "Adley"
Adela "Adley"

Sector Five's Optimistic

Character Portrait: Kirino

Probably the most realistic thinker in Sector 5

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