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Oryx Lachus

"Yes, I'm a female bandit. Why are you so surprised?"

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a character in “Remnants of a War”, as played by Puppette


Name: Oryx Lachus


Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Oryx stands at 5'3 and weighs about 107 pounds. She's known for her slight frame and quick agile movements. Her limbs are thin but the muscles are toned, so she's no weakling. When she moves, she can look graceful, even in the midst of battle, ruthlessly slashing through the enemy defences. She has black messy hair, that has a tendency to flop over one eye, although she dislikes it. Her eyes are bright and silver, and is probably her main giveaway when fighting in the dark, as they act sort of like a low-power flashlight. She has her own share of scars, however, mostly on her extremities. While the majority are light and hardly noticeable, she does have a few that are large red marks on her skin, from the more serious wounds she's suffered.

She usually dresses in black or grey robe, taped up with duct tape at the end of the limbs to reduce air drag and maximize the speed of her movement. She also wears ankle-high boots with natural shock absorbers for when she goes parkouring in the ruins of old large cities, to protect her feet from the strong impacts. She also sometimes wears a beanie over her head, black, with a purple music note. On the other hand, for casual clothing, Oryx enjoys wearing almost whatever she can get her hands on, as long as it's not a bright color. She lacks fashion sense, so one day she might wear a pair of shorts and a bulky biker's vest, or another day, a frilly skirt, combat boots, and a tank top. At least she knows enough to not wear clashing colors.
Augmentations: Behind the retinas of her eyes are faint bioluminescent cells artificially made, so she can easily see enemies in dark or foggy areas, and see through thin blindfolds. It also allows her to scan for weak points in enemy armor. She also has H-Wave emitters underneath her skin, allowing her to do short range bursts of speed, almost appearing to be teleporting. This is good for surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies. She has a mostly experimental technology embedded into the palms of her hands, as well, allowing her to shoot bolts of pure energy at her enemies.

Skills: Deadly Striker Due to her great speed and her ability to scan for enemies weak points, Oryx knows how to make her attacks efficient and hopefully lethal. Devious Bandit Oryx is quite proficient at lying, and keeping her lies consistent, making it hard for anyone to notice if she's being truthful or not. Play Cute Since she's small and looks younger than she is, she can appear endearing to people when she's not in battle, and grabs her sympathy from some people.

Weaknesses: Due to her slight frame, Oryx can't take a hit very well at all. If an enemy manages to strike her, most likely Oryx is out for the count, and will try to retreat. She has a low pain tolerance and she's easy to break. Her luminescent eyes makes it easy for enemies to spot her in dark or foggy areas, making it so that they can incapacitate her or capture her without much effort at all. If she uses her speed burst too often from the H-Wave emitters, she'll completely burn up from the air resistance being too great. And shooting energy bolts from her hands drains her life energy, so that's limited as well.

Weapons: Oryx wields two serrated daggers that she wears holstered around her hips. They're sharp and are made from a synthetic material so that it always remains sharp. However, they don't have very long reach, so Oryx has to get close up and personal to her target when she strikes. And, of course, the implants in her hands, allowing her to use her own energy as a projectile weapon.

Personality: Oryx, simply said, is a rebel. She dislikes doing what people tell her to do, especially her father, once known as Kyle Waverly. She almost always thinks of herself first and foremost, and she's not willing to admit that she needs people around her in order to feel safe. She's prideful and often ruthless. But at the crux of her very being is to search for excitement, and to make a name for herself. To feel like she's important and doing the 'right' thing. Oryx isn't loyal in the least and she's often doing something simply for herself. But her vanity doesn't let herself be aware of the fact that she truly does, on a subconscious level, care about those around her, leading to conflicting emotions, making her hesitate at times in the middle of conversations. But she's manipulative, too, knowing how to prey on people's emotions. But for whose gain? Her own selfishness, or the people of the land?

Alignment: Oryx is, actually, undecided between neutral and good. While she likes to think that she's doing everything for herself, it doesn't change that she's secretly optimistic and wanting to do good for the world, although she may go to lengths in order to do that that others might find unacceptable, making her some sort of anti-hero, to some.

Background: Oryx was born as Lace Dux, a once powerful warlord who's currently in the palm of Lenassia's hand. Even at a young age, she was trained to fight, by the other people around her, for being the child of the war master, despite being female. She eventually settled o the style of two daggers, enjoying the versatility and speed that they give. Her whole life, until the age of fifteen, was one large attempt to please her father; to gain his approval. But when she was thirteen, she met a strange boy. A boy with 'technics', as her fellow tribesmen call it. That intrigued her, and he said that he came from the lands to the north, where cybernetics are used more often by the wealthy or the criminals. They became fast friends until the day he was killed by the technophobic tribesmen, two years later. That sparked Lace's resolve, and she fled from her father's land, moving northwards to see the land that she heard so much about.

Along the way, she was kidnapped by the Moirae Bandits. These bandits saw themselves as some kind of vigilante group, taking from the weak and giving half to the poor. And the daughter of a war lord definitely counted as the 'strong', even if he had lost to Lenassia. So they kept her and used her for a few weeks until she convinced them to let her join their ranks, by showing off her skill in battle. So she officially joined the Moirae Bandits, and convinced them to head north, saying that she had a connection there that could grant them with cybernetics in return for protection. And so, the Moirae Bandits became a techno group, powerful for their small numbers.

Lace then changed her name to Oryx Lachus, to mask her identity from her father and her people, as the bandit group started moving southwards, again. Unfortunately, they have no idea about the bounty placed on their heads in Keldos.

So begins...

Oryx Lachus's Story


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"Welcome to the Central Plains." Oryx read on the sight. She and a few others of the Moirae bandits are currently scouting out, ahead of the main group. They just came from the cold lands up at the north, Felderas, where a lot of technology was taken and refined after the war of Aless and Kurintas. Oryx, having been part of the Moirae Bandits for years now, has risen to be second in command, after the sly intelligent man known only as Atropos. A well of unease has been growing steadily in Oryx's stomach with every step her party took to the central plains. Particularly that their next stop is the small town of Pewat, the northernmost extremity of her father's influence, back before he lost to the Queen of Keldos. He lost in such an idiotic way as well.

If he had invaded from the weaker south border, they'd have broken through, attacking from the east as a diversion force and to hold their army at bay. We could have been victorious!

While she was deep in thought, Oryx had stepped too far away from her group, as they tried to secure a passageway past the walls and the sentries. Still, Oryx kept her cool, being mostly hidden in the cover of the night darkness, creeping almost silently past a watchtower. She grinned to herself, and with a small burst of energy, she was instantly up the wall and behind a guard. A few moments later and the guard was dead; a dagger wound to the throat. Oryx climbed down, feeling proud of herself for the kill, after looting the corpse for some gold and a silver locket. When she turned away from the ladder, however, she was struck with a blunt object, collapsing onto the ground.

"Hey, who're you?" A voice asked. Another guard, holding a large club in his hand, looking down at the young woman on the ground, reeling from the pain. He roughly grabbed at her arm, lifting her up easily. realization shone on his face when he saw her eyes- Oryx Lachus, feared high-ranking member of the Moirae Bandits. The guard from Keldos quickly made plans to return to his Queen and earn the bounty for this capture.


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Character Portrait: Oryx Lachus Character Portrait: Lenassia Eredon
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Beaten and bruised by the guard during the trip to Keldos, Oryx's anger continuously rose with every strike. The humilation of being caught! And well known for being one of the most vicious bandits out there, quick and deadly enough to kill a party of foes with minimal strikes. Caught by a simple guardsman. Seriously, that's pretty pathetic in so many ways. He berated her the entire time, which was pointless, seeing as Oryx was utterly at his mercy; helpless. Although she thought the Moirae Bandits would come to her aid, she knew that they wouldn't have dared. Oryx knew that she was on her own until she meets them again.

Of course, as she was lead into the Keldos Palace, to see one of her sworn enemies once again; Lenassia. The self appointed Queen who had subjugated and brought shame to her father. Like father, like daughter, and sure enough, she's at the mercy of the Dread Queen. She gave her adversary a burning glare while the guard held her tightly; red marks on her upper arms.

"Why do you kill and rob honest people?" The Queen asked, an earnest yet stern look on her face.

"Have you become an outcast and wanted to get revenge or have you just become so rotten that you do not care about the lives of people just for your own benefit?"

Not even missing a beat, Oryx replied in a dry, deadpan voice, filled with fury and distaste at the Queen's assumptions.

"We rob and kill from the rich, and we give half of what we get to the poor." Oryx growls. "Why should some people have everything and others have nothing? The poor need to survive as well, Lenassia."


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Character Portrait: Oryx Lachus Character Portrait: Lenassia Eredon Character Portrait: Villius Dux
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Oryx simply blanked out during the Queen's long speech about hypocrisy and innocence and fairness. Oryx didn't really care- while the people in Keldos might be fortunate; there are countless others that are still suffering. Honestly? Oryx could hardly stand to listen to the Queen on her high horse, priding about her own people. But what about the others? What about the slaves from Terinthia, or the workers in Lazepus? There's so much strife everywhere, and yet this Queen only thinks of her own people. How narrow-minded. It's not fair that only Keldos got to be a happy place. They aren't the only people in the world. Oryx and Atropos both shared the same ideal. Take for themselves, but help make the world a better place overall. And, truly, her heart yearned for him right now. Atropos...

However, Oryx snapped back to attention after her lecture was over, but she decided this time to keep her tongue shut. No point in incriminating ehrself further; she'd rather not give the Queen more ammunition to use against her. The sooner she's out; the sooner she can reunite with Atropos and the Moirae Bandits and continue with their job- robbing from the treasuries of the Keldos Palace. Oryx hid a little smirk as she surveyed the area- useful information, as long as she can remember every detail.

There's a good side to everything... I swear there was a locked door that could be the way to the treasury...

But then the worst possible thing happened. Her father, Villius Dux, once Waverly, glanced up at the scene and charged up to meet them, almost bashing her in with his large shield. But he stopped at the last second, and Oryx saw what he felt. Recognition. Her heart sank deeper, knowing that her disguise had ultimately failed, so she glared daggers at her estranged father.

"You're gonna let this one go," Villius said in his deep and raspy voice, staring hard at the Queen with a passion Oryx only recognized on his face from the battlefield. "And I'll tell you why. You kill her and her people come after you, and one thing you do not want to have to deal with are the Moirae Bandits. And that would be a very, very dumb move."

A strange unpleasant feeling tore through Oryx's body as she heard those words. Her father defending her like a father should. She knew that he knew, but now Oryx hoped that he wouldn't tell the Queen; that he'd leave this between them. This is when Oryx started thrashing, refusing to see her father's face anymore, fighting vainly to wrest control back into her own hands and escape this wretched palace. But no can do, however, and the next words her father spoke were like ice in her heart.

"Secondly, You're looking at someone that may be my daughter."

Rage burned through her body as she scowled hard at her father and the Queen, struggling as hard as she could to break free from the guard's grasp. Afraid to face her past. Her embarrassment of a father, losing to Lenassia in a fight, and becoming little more than a slave.

"Shut up!" Oryx shrieked; out of control. "I'm not her! Shut up! Villius Dux, lapdog of the Queen, you don't know anything!"