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Ride Of Our Lives



a part of Ride Of Our Lives, by ɐʇɹos ʎqlǝɥs!.


ɐʇɹos ʎqlǝɥs! holds sovereignty over US, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Skyler May Gray [0] Everything will be alright in the end. If it isn't alright, then it isn't the end.
Scarlett May Gray [0] Skyler: Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, then it's not the end.
Hayley Diana Ames [0] \\\you break my heart, I break your JAw///
Ana Lei Jameson [0] "Grin and bear it, that's my motto."

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Branches snapped under her feet as Skyler made her way silently through the narrow path. Large oak toward above allowing tiny streaks of sunlight to escape through their leaves. Pushing her bangs from her face, Skyler groaned. The one thing she didn't miss about this place was the heat. If the heat didn't kill you, the humidity would. The only relief from the scorching heat was a cool breeze that would sometime blow from the cracks in the trees. Pulling her hair into a loose pony tail, Skyler began scolding herself for even wanting to come out here in the first place.

After what seemed forever, but was actually a few minutes,a large oak towering above the rest came into view. It's limbs twisted and molded together giving it an almost angelic look. At it's center, just out of sight, sat an worn down tree house with a toy story sheet coving it's door, not that you could tell it was. It's pictures of Woody, Buzz, Slinky, and the rest of the gang had long ago faded. Skyler could still remember the argument they had all had about that sheet. Logan and the other boys were set on something "manly" like power rangers while the her and the others wanted princesses. After a day of not speaking to each other they finally et in the middle, Toy Story (hey bow pep was a girl!). The braided rope that they had used a children to climb up into the tree house still hung gracefully in it's place, but wooden planks had been recently nailed to the oak to act as a ladder. Walking over to it's base, Skyler traced the scribbled names that were carved in it's trunk. Shawn has been so proud of the new pocket knife his dad had given him that day. She could still remember Logan yelling at her for carving her name with the knife. He had said kids' shouldn't touch sharp things...of course he was only two year older then her, but there was no arguing with him.

Shoving herself away from the tree, Skyler shook her head. She has come to far to ponder on the past. It was long gone. Hear thoughts were cut short by the sound of little foot steps. Looking back Skyler watched as a few kids pushed each other in attempts to be the first in the tree house. Smiling, she began making her way back down the path. This wasn't her place anymore.


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Shawn arrived in town a little earlier then expected. He made his way to his parents house and said his hellos and all as he put his stuff in his old bedroom. Shawn made his way out of the house saying goodbye, he was going to see if anyone from his childhood was back in town also. The first place he thought of was the tree house that him and his best friends built as little kids.

"boy where those the days not a care in the world except for getting cooties." he said to him.

Shawn made his way through the woods to the old tree house and saw a couple of little kids that had taken it over, not to bother them he walked by unnoticed maybe he would come back to it later. In the distance he saw someone looked like a female but to tall to be a child, he wondered who it could be so who started to follow them at a distance. Shawn had gotten close enough now to recognize who it was and what better way to say hi to a old friend by surprising them. Shawn picked up the pace a little and climbed a tree and jumped to catch a branch and pull him self up on to sit and wait for his old friend Skylar to pass. As she was almost to the tree he grabbed onto it with his arms and dropped off of the brach

"Hey Sky!." He said hanging from the branch

"Long time no talk." Shawn said as he dropped to the ground with a clean landing.

"I didn't scare you did I?" He said with a grin on his face


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Ana rode back into town, passing all the familiar places. She wondered if Hayley had made into town yet, even though they went to the same college and basically were sisters, they didn't car pool. Ana sighed, if only she didn't have that exam. She drove past the old store, across from the burger shop everyone went to in high school.

Speaking of the high school, she passed that next. The football field, her closets friends, her funniest moments, and her worst. She bit her lip, trying not to make herself think of Shawn. Well, maybe a little. Was he here too? She shrugged, turning down California Avenue and then to her and Hayley's old house.

She walked inside, grabbing one bag full of everything she needed. She walked inside, "Hello?" She called, but no one answered. They must be out with Hayley, that was their daughter after all. She made her way to the guest room, across from Hayley's room and threw her bags down.

She sat on the bed and ran her hands over the silky comforter. A small smile graced her lips as memories flooded her. Her stomach grumbled and she remembered that burger shop once again.. Glancing at a clock, she saw that it was lunch time. Maybe if anyone else was in town, they'd also go get some food there too.

She made her way down town and sat down at the bar counter. She ordered a coke and a hamburger and then let herself slip away into a memory:

She was here with another guy, Josh, the summer before she left and they were laughing and having a good time. Shawn walked in and played it cool, but she could tell he was angry. Josh was, after all, the guy he had beaten up for her. She turned to Josh again, seeing as Shawn wouldn't look her in the eye. That was one of the last times she was in town.

She heaved a sigh and decided to think on brighter thoughts as she waited for someone else to come, hopefully.


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Shawn grabbed his phone from his pocket and checked the time and saw that it was lunch time.

"Hey it's about lunch time wanna go to the burger shop for something to eat and see if anyone else is there?" he said as he turned to walk towards the entrance of the woods.

Shawn got within the sight of the road and his car and looked back. "Why don't you just ride with me k?" He said as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked his 2011 Mustang GT. As they pulled up to the burger joint he thought he saw someone he knew inside the restaurant so he parked the car. "Hey do you think that's Ana?" Shawn said with a confused look on his lets go see besides I'll pay for lunch." Shawn said as he took off his seatbelt and got out of the car, as they walked into the store and sure enough it was exactly who he thought it was. He looked in her direction and made eye contact for just a sec before he looked away and walked into the mens bathroom.

"Come on Shawn pull it together. Whats wrong with you?" He said to himself, Shawn walked out of the bathroom and gave Sky some money. "Go ahead and get some food I'm not hungry anymore I'll be out in the car." SHawn said as he glanced back over at her before walking out to his car.


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Hayley yawned as she drove into town. Passing familiar places, filled with familiar faces. Hang outs everyone went to, places where she got her first kiss, was embarassed, so on and so forth. Finally she pulled into the drive of her house. Her mom was sitting on the steps, just waiting for Hayley and Logan. As soon as her vehicle turned to come in, their mother jumped up wildly. Before Hayley could even turn off her jeep her mother was tearing the door off and throwing her arms around her daughter, screaming about how much she missed her in her ear. She almost had to wedge a crow bar between them so she could get her luggage into the house.

After she got over seeing her daughter for the first time since march break, she told her about the old tree house in the forest and how she heard the neighbors talking about her old friends being there. Hayley raced up stairs and changed out of her sweat pants. She put on a pair of jeans, sneaker and button up. She let her hair out of her ponytail and tamed the waves before racing off to the tree house. Once she got closer she heard voices.

"Sky?" she yelled happily.


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Walking at a steady pace, Skyler began rethinking her decision to come here. Looking down at her feet, she failed to notice a figure hovering above her in the tree's. A soft thump sounded in front of her and she let out a slight gasp. There stood Shawn Miessner. "No, I'm alright." Watching as he pulled out his phone, Skyler wanted to ask him why he was even back in town, but her words where cut short as he began walking away. Typically Shawn, always expecting others to follow. Shaking her her head in frustration, Skyler thought seriously of booking it in the other direction....but as usually she just sighed and ran to his side.

"Hey do you think that's Ana?" Snapping her head in the direction Shawn was looking to Skyler tried to hold back a groan. Don't get her wrong, she loved Ana, but what was with everyone showing up in town? Watching as Shawn walked over to her, Skyler raised a brow. Taking the money he handed to her, she could say nothing as he walked out the doors. "Yeah Shawn, cause I'm really gonna spend your money." Rolling her eyes she stuck the dollar bills in her back pocket and walked over to Ana. If Shawn was going to act like a child so be it. Anna did nothing to make him act like such an ass.

"Hey beautiful, why not giving me those digits." Placing her arm around Ana's shoulders, Skyler tried her best at her masculine voice.


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Shawn sat in his car with the music on waiting for Sky to come out, he turned around to look into the store and saw Sky and Anna chatting it up. Shawn pulled out his phone and went threw the contacts, he scrolled across Hayley and thought maybe she was in town also.

"Hey cutie if your in tow Sky,Ana and I are up at the burger joint if you wanna meet up with us." He texted, before turning off the car and getting out. Shawn walked back into the burger joint and over to the girls. "What's cookin good lookin? How longs it been now?" He said with a silly grin on his face as he sat down.

"Well I texted Hayley to see if she was in town also and told her that you,Ana and I were up here so we should probably chill her for a little. By the way spend all my money yet Sky?" Shawn said with a chuckle.


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Shawn sat in his car with the music on waiting for Sky to come out, he turned around to look into the store and saw Sky and Anna chatting it up. Shawn pulled out his phone and went threw the contacts, he scrolled across Hayley and thought maybe she was in town also.

"Hey cutie if your in tow Sky,Ana and I are up at the burger joint if you wanna meet up with us." He texted, before turning off the car and getting out. Shawn walked back into the burger joint and over to the girls. "What's cookin good lookin? How longs it been now?" He said with a silly grin on his face as he sat down.

"Well I texted Hayley to see if she was in town also and told her that you,Ana and I were up here so we should probably chill her for a little. By the way spend all my money yet Sky?" Shawn said with a chuckle.


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#, as written by tjb4436
Logan had his hands jammed in his pockets as he walked towards the tree house. He remembered this place well. Finally he reached the old, small house that they used to be so proud of. He chuckled as the memories came back. How they argued over what should be on the door. And how mad he got when Sky messed with that pocket knife. He smiled when he thought of her. But he screwed that up already, bad.

Heclocked up seeing little kids playin in the tree. He felt angry, that someone else was in their spot but he quickly realized it wasnt theirs anymore.A loud sigh escaped his lips as he slowly walked away from the tree. The memories were coming to fast. He wasn't ready to think about how dumb he was, for letting her go. He shook his head and continued walking towards his beat down truck.


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Ana jumped when someone reached her arm around. She turned, "SKY!" She jumped from her seat and hugged her. "Oh my gosh!" She covered her mouth, she was in such utter shock. She was well aware that her and Hayley were in town, but to see Sky, that was a surprise. "I'm so happy to see you!" Before Sky and Ana began talking intensely, someone else walked up.

Someone else, who's face made Ana blush a little. "It must be, what? Two years?" She look between Shawn and Sky. She was so surprised to see them. "I know Hayley is coming down, but she should be here already. I had an exam so we didn't car pool."

"We have so much to catch up on! What are you guys doing? College and stuff?" Ana ruffled her blonde hair and smiled. She felt happier with Shawn around, but she quickly chased the thought away from her. What about Jeremy? She snapped out of her thought, trying to listen.


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Shawn grinned when she blushed as he walked up it was a good sign she missed him and more then just missing a friend. "Well I just texted her so i don't know." He said as he looked at Anna,

"You know you could take a picture it would last longer I know i'm sexy but your kind of starring a lot...." he said with a laugh, "shit two years maybe more pretty much since after the football game that night is last I remember seeing you. Your all grown up now how cute." Shawn laughed again. "Well you know living the college life star football player at the school girls crushin on me all the time, partying all the time theres barely time to study. O and Anna you know theres this thing called facebook maybe you've heard of it you could of always looked me up and sent a message. But you probably have a boy toy of your own now so I'm in the back of your mind but it's whatever I got others." Shawn said with a little frustration as he thought of the fact of her with another guy.

"Wait do you have a boy friend???" he said puzzled


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#, as written by tjb4436
Logan drove tirades the burger joint where he was supposed to meet his sister. She insisted he came. He got there without any trouble and parked his truck close. He yanked the Keyes out and shoved them in his pockets and walked towards the place. He walked inside looking for his sister.

"shit," He mumbled not seeing her inside. Just then he turned seeing Shawn.
"hey man!" he exclaimed "what are you doing here?"


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Matt walked silently along the narrow green-way, hands in his pockets, branches and leaves that hung down in the path brushed his bare forearms. His mother had told him about some of the local kids taking over their old tree house, but he was happy to hear it. Maybe it would make the kids as happy as it made him and his friends so many years ago. After what seemed like a few minutes, he finally saw the huge old oak tree and a wave of nostalgia hit him. Matt had so many memories here, like the time they had argued with the girls over what sheet they would use for the door or when Shawn got his new pocket knife and young Skyler carved her name in the base of the tree, then the rest of them did the same, except for Logan.

Looking up at the tree, Matt realized it was a lot smaller then he remembered, as a kid it always seemed so huge. He soon realized that there were kids playing in it, girls and boys chasing each other around the tree, hanging off the lowest branches and just being kids. This made him smile, it was all so innocent, a tree house, a toy story sheet, carving names in a tree trunk. He hoped the kids playing there now would be like that for as long as they could. Carefree and innocent, because when you got older, things got dirty and complicated whether you liked it or not.

Matt sighed and took one last look at the tree, giving a small wave and a smile in return to a little girl who had spotted him and began waving her arm like crazy. He turned around and began walking back down the path and towards where he parked his car, a black '07 Honda Civic he had gotten as a graduation present from his parents a few years ago. He finally reached his car and unlocked it, slipped into the drivers seat. As he was starting the ignition, his stomach began to grumble. Matt ran his fingers through his brown hair and sighed again. As much as he loved his mothers cooking, he really didn't want to go home for lunch. He settled on a local burger joint he remembered was somewhere in the middle of town, backed out of his parking spot and started driving there.

After about five minutes, Matt finally saw the place, along with several other cars parked there. He pulled pulled into one of the last available spaces and turned his car off. Sliding out of the car, he closed the door and locked it, then pocketed it his keys as he passed through the doors and noticed a few, very familiar faces, faces that had surprisingly not changed much since High School. It was Shawn and Logan, who were off to the side a little, and Skyler and Ana sitting at a table. Matt had known Shawn was in town, since they talk daily and go to the same college, but for some reason he hadn't expected anyone else to be in town. He walked over to their table, unsure if any of them had noticed him yet.

"Well would you look at that," he said, giving the girls a warm smile, "Ana and Sky. Been a while, hasn't it?"


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Shawn looked up as he heard Logans voice and looked his way "not much man not much what are you doing back in town?" He said surprised he showed not to be shallow but Logan was his least favorite of the bunch but he was still cool enough to hang with. A few minutes later he herd the loud ass truck Matt drove pull up to the restaurant. After he Matt made his way to the table Shawn grinned and said.

"Dam you mean I have to see your ugly self here to it's like were a couple I can never get away from you." Shawn said with a laugh as he got up and greeted his best friend and college roommate.

"Well doesn't this bring back memories the whole gangs here...I think?" He said with a puzzled smile.


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#, as written by tjb4436
"My sister wanted me too. She practically begged me." Logan replied checking out the hot waitress as she walked by. He looked over to the table,and saw Ana and Sky. His heart stopped. "She looks great" He thought to himself. He quickly shook his head. He slid in to the booth, sitting across from the girls. "Ana, Sky long time no see." He said, flashing them his most charming smile. Just then his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and groaned. He mouthed the word sorry to the girls as he walked out of their earshot.

"Why are you calling?" He asked
"I wanted to see if you made it" His girlfriend said on the other end.
"Why did you really call?" He asked seeing through her lie.
"I borrowed $300, for a new outfit."

The rest of the conversation was yelling, arguing, and insulting. And it ended with Logan hanging up angrily and storming back over to the booth.


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Ana got lost in all the actions. First Shawn said she was staring, which made her blush even more. Then he mentioned facebook, which she had. She just never had the courage to message him, and she wouldn't. Especially since he kept talking about how the girls love him. Then, both Matt and Logan showed up and Ana couldn't help but smile. The only person missing was Hayley. She was always late.

Ana puzzled over the question about her boyfriend. She didn't have an actual boyfriend, but she had Jeremy. Does he even count? A small smirk replaced her smile. "What's it to ya, Shawn?" She asked, cocking a brow. "With all those girls, why would lil ole me matter?"

Then, she looked away from him. "It's been an insanely long time and no, Hayley is still missing." She rolled her eyes at her roommate and best friend since her parents had died. Ana was always rushing her, so when they were apart, Hayley got distracted. "She always late," Ana said laughing a little.

Ana watched Logan as he walked away, but she soon removed her eyes from him. It wasn't her business. She only heard shouting and then Logan came over with a pissed expression. She wanted to ask what had happened, and she almost did, but then she stopped. Once again, it wasn't her business.

She was just happy everyone was together.


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Hayley got Shawn's text and replied, be there in a few. Hayley did a quick jog to the burger place. Before entering she saw Matthew through the window. She stopped to breath for a second, telling herself You're over him. Hayley opened the door and gave Sky a huge smile. "Hey you!" she said very cheerfully as she ran over and gave her a huge hug, trying not to look back at the gorgeous older Matthew.


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#, as written by tjb4436
Logan looked at his sister.
"Hayley what the hell took so long?" He asked still very frustrated from his earlier phone call. As he waited for her answer he flagged down the hot waitress he checked out earlier. "Can i get a burger and a chocolate shake." He asked, looking her over. Quickly he stopped himself. He had a girlfriend, and even if she was a slut, he didn't cheat. "You guys hungry?" He asked waiting for other people to order. And ignoring the waitresses stare.


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Skyler satin complete shock as one by one people from her past seemed to show up. Settling back in her seat, she began playing with a napkin trying hard tot to let the presence of Logan bother her and ignoring the fact he just spent almost thirty minutes fighting with his apparent girlfriend. As conversations went on Skyler began to grow annoyed. They were all acting like they never left! Like they hadn't all gone to collage and forgotten about her! Feeling her cell vibrate she looked down and saw a name that brought a smile to her face
Guess who is parked outside your driveway?

Letting out a small laugh, Skyler pushed herself from the table and placed her cell in her back pocket "Look guys, this is fun and all, you being back, but I got to run. My is home. He kinda wanted to spends some time together." Before getting a reply, she hurried out the doors and started home. Once out of sight she pulled her cell back out and called Ryan. He answered on the third ring. "Hello beautiful. Where are you?"
"Hey. Sorry I ran into some old friends. I'll be there really soon okay?"
"Ugh. Alright. Just hurry up! I miss you..."
Laughing, Sky rolled her eyes "I love you Ryan. Bye!"


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#, as written by tjb4436
Logan watched sadly as Skyler left. She didn't even talk to him. Not that he deserved it after what he did, but he always thought time healed everything. Logan looked at the waitress,
"You know what, I just remembered i'm full sorry!" He said running out the door. He smiled and waved as he passed Skyler. He hopped into his dirty old truck and started the engine. He stepped out letting the car warm up. "Hey Skyler, do you need a ride. I'm going to visit my mom and we live close so it's no big deal." He asked as he smiled sweetly, something very rare for him. "It may not be a limo, but it works." He added about his truck, really hoping she would take the offer.


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Shawn grinned as Ana blushed more. More people just kept showing up and Logan was having a fight with someone over the phone and then Ana asked a question which made him laugh.

"It doesn't matter like you said I have other girls. It's not like you still have feelings for me so whats the problem." Shawn said with little harsh tone in his voice before he got up and walked out after Sky. "Hey.." He said as he walked after her. "What's wrong with you cutie? And just so you know I know when your lieing, Ryans in town isn't he and thats why your ditching us." Shawn said kind of pissed off the whole group was back together and she just wanted to blow them off for Ryan. "Get in the car I will take you home." He said angerly.

"O my bad Logan did I steal your move? Your gonna have to do better then that besides why would she want to do anything with you after what you did to her? Your glad I don't hate you. Go snuggle up and be all nice to your girlfriend!" Shawn said as he got in the car and opened the passenger side door waiting for Sky to get in.


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#, as written by tjb4436
Logan watched as Shawn talked to Skyler. He glared angrily when he offered her a ride.

"O my bad Logan did I steal your move? Your gonna have to do better then that besides why would she want to do anything with you after what you did to her? Your glad I don't hate you. Go snuggle up and be all nice to your girlfriend!" Shawn had said as he got into the car. Logan thought for a second. "What makes him so sure she will pick him," He thought to himself.

"Actually I got this covered Miessner, her house is on the way to my moms it would be more convenient." He said in a threatening tone. He waited for Skyler to chose, begging she would pick him. "Oh and Shawn, you really should mind your own business, that night didn't involve you." He added keeping his angry glare focused on him.


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"I never said there was a problem," Ana said, laughing lightly in a attempt to lighten the mood. Shawn soon got up and moved over to Sky. Ana cocked her brow, but decided to keep her mouth shut. In fact, she went back to popping some fries into her mouth.

It was obvious to Ana that Logan wanted to talk to Sky, alone. Shawn, however, didn't seem to notice or care. Concern suddenly settled inside Ana. Was this her Shawn? He seemed different now. Almost a little mean and pigheaded. He wasn't like that way back when. She was surprised at how angry he had gotten about..Ryan? Ana didn't even know who Ryan was.

Even though Logan, Shawn, and Sky had moved outside, the tension still hung in the air. "Um, so. What would you rather do, only have sex with someone of the same gender or never have sex again?" Ana said, embracing a bit of her childhood perverted manner. She smiled and laughed a little.